#ff: the last prince of starkhaven
viiisenyas · 5 months
updating a fic from like two years ago is definitely an experience. I've no idea what's going to happen, but I'm excited nonetheless
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viiisenyas · 2 years
The Last Prince of Starkhaven - Prologue
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Justinian, 9:16 Dragon
Sebastian stirred awake to the subtle sound of water flowing, and the stench of his vomit permeated as Sebastian opened his eyes. The light of dawn nearly blinded the young prince, and with difficulty, he willed his heavy limbs to move. He could hardly remember most of the previous night, save for the warmth of mead in his belly and inexplicable happiness.
Sebastian hummed softly as he slipped his fingers through the lush grass and gathered his surroundings. He wondered how he wound up beside the fountain in the palace gardens, and flashes of the previous night pressed to the forefront of his mind in an incoherent mess. He could remember the game of Wicked Grace he played with the commoners escalating to a brawl, and he didn’t care when the dealer threatened him with a blade after he was caught cheating. It was all part of the fun, and he knew the dealer wouldn’t actually kill him.
He chuckled to himself and shook his head as the memories blurred together after the fight, though the last thing he could recall was the elven woman at the brothel. Despite paying for her services each time he visited, he never bedded her. Instead, she offered him the comfort that he desperately sought after. She listened to him as he drunkenly poured out his heart, and never judged him for it. It was ironic that he found better counsel with commoners rather than his own family.
Read more on AO3!
Huge thank you to @oxygenforthewicked for being my beta partner!
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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So here's a small clipping of my first chapter for my new fic The Last Prince of Starkhaven.
I will tag (with no pressure) @psalacanthea, @oxygenforthewicked, @n7viper, @inquisimer, @sulky-valkyrie, @gloriousonemahanon, and YOU !! Yes, you scrolling :D
Guardian, 9:31 Dragon
Goran never favoured the parties hosted by the royal family. It was nothing more than an elaborate way of flaunting what he coveted the most. The throne was rightfully his, and it was plucked from his grasp when his uncle Corbin assumed control of Starkhaven despite his father’s dying wish. He despised him ever since.
The cool breeze kissed Goran’s face as he stood on the balcony. He listened to the idle chatter of the elites, and his grip tightened on the silver chalice when his cerulean eyes landed on his relatives. Corbin was seated at the head of the royal table.
For forty long years, Goran has lived his life under his shadow. He was ridiculed in the council meetings, humiliated at political gatherings, and Corbin relished in it. But he wouldn’t any longer. Not after tonight.
His eyes flitted to the mercenaries hidden among the servants. He made a point to memorise their names and their features. He wanted to thank them properly when this was over. The Flint Company may not have had the reputation of the Antivan Crows, but they were skilled enough.
“Lord Vael,” a feminine voice sounded from his left.
Goran turned his head and his expression softened when he saw Johane approaching from the shadowed corridor.
“Lady Harimann,” he greeted formally, offering a curt nod as she stood beside him. “I suspect you have news?”
Johane nodded, lowering her voice, “The doors have been sealed, and your men await your signal.”
“And what of the guards?”
“They have been diverted to patrol outside the palace.”
Goran took a slow sip of his wine, savouring the taste of the rare vintage. “You have my eternal thanks.”
“So long as your gratitude doesn’t end here. Do not forget who arranged your ascent, Goran.” Johane clasped her hands together, “I would hate to see your reign end faster than the Ferelden Blight.”
He gave her a contemptuous look in response to her thinly veiled threat. “Unlike my uncle, I do not forget who my allies are.”
Goran began to move into the hall towards the royal table, leaving Johane behind. He wore a tight-lipped smile when he passed the feasting nobles, ignoring their sneers. They would never turn their noses up at him again.
“Your highness,” he bowed.
“Nephew,” Corbin greeted in a flat tone. “I take it you’re enjoying the celebrations? I must say, I am surprised you haven’t already indulged in the feast.”
Goran willed himself not to scowl.
“Aye, and now that you mention it, Father… His belt has certainly loosened since last we met,” Carsten jeered, and Adain chortled.
He forced a chuckle and ran his fingers through his brown curls. Imbeciles, he thought. He loathed them just as much.
“Where is Meghan?” Goran asked, looking at the empty seat beside Corbin.
“My wife has been feeling ill as of late,” Corbin reached for a roll of buttered bread. “She is abed.”
“Pity. I would have liked to have seen her tonight, but no matter.” Goran waved his hand dismissively, “I pray that she recovers soon.”
“She doesn’t need your prayers.” Corbin tore the bread into pieces before stuffing one into his mouth. “And I doubt anything coming from your mouth will ascend higher than the ceiling.”
His cousins erupted in boisterous laughter again, and Goran pressed his lips together.
“Your highness,” Goran bowed and turned to move to the centre of the hall.
“If I may have your attention,” he called as he moved his eyes around the room. The hall quieted to a whisper and curious gazes followed him. He watched the assassins move into position. “Tonight, we’ve come together to celebrate Wintersend and give our gratitude to the Maker.” Goran said, “But this blessed day also marks the fortieth year of our Prince’s rule of Starkhaven.”
Goran looked at the mercenaries who were moving behind his relatives as the room was filled with applause.
He shifted his gaze to Corbin, and his expression hardened as he saw the smug grin on his face.
“Long may he reign,” Goran raised his goblet.
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viiisenyas · 2 years
I cannot wait to publish the first act of this new fic tbh
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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simply fantastic
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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help they're so cute ;n;
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viiisenyas · 2 years
minor spoiler but (primarily because for the life of me, I can't hold it in any longer) Val isn't a circle mage in my new au. She was born and raised in Tevinter so... you might see where this is going.
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viiisenyas · 2 years
On to the first chapter of this thing and I'm already crying
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viiisenyas · 2 years
you have to spill the beans on your new fic! I'm dying here >:
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can't spoil it! Only one person knows, and I want it to stay a surprise for everyone else! :D
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viiisenyas · 2 years
finally giving my Seb fic some more attention and tbh I don't care if it isn't canon. There's going to be dragon riding.
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viiisenyas · 2 years
you'd think Johane Harimann would have hired the bloody Crows rather than a rag-tag band of mercenaries, but I suppose canon's canon.
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