davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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Nayong Philipino transferred from a now mothballed building near NAIA Terminal 2 to Clark Field, Pampanga since November 2007. It now occupies the south to the southeastern portion of the Clark Expo (formerly Expo Filipino), the Philippine National Centennial Exposition and centerpiece for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Philippine Independence, featuring an amphitheater-type mega tent that can seat 35,000 people.
Characters of the Popular Filipino legend (Malakas at Maganda)
An Ifugao Village Inside Nayong Pilipino
A traditonal exhibit inside an Ifugao house
Exhibited in Nayong Pilipino are traditional Aeta, Ifugao, and Kalinga villages featuring their crafts, traditional houses, and strategic counters against some natural competitions.
Kalinga Village
There is also an orchidarium on the other side of this section.
Nayong Pilipino bridge
When you cross the bridge, Nayong Pilipino will take you back the colonial times. Featured here are ancestral houses of famous Filipino heroes. Of course, the house of Dr. Jose Rizal and his family has its own replica here.
Heritage houses of Filipino heroes
The wishing well
The model of Barasoain Church, also known as the birthplace of the First Philippine Republic also stands here. Fronting the church is a well-landscaped garden and park. Beside it were souvenir shops.
Nayong Pilipino garden with the replica of Barasoain Church in the background
Also located within the vicinity is the Museo ng Nayon that showcases Filipino textiles made by the creative hands of our Muslim brothers.
Museo ng Nayon exhibits Filipino textiles from Mindanao
var stg = new Object(); stg.crt="87290020756034";stg.version="1.04"; stg.id=stg.name="adgshp1956288150"; stg.width="400px"; stg.height="524px";stg.ReferenceKey="QofLlokImqrvtnXWQXm72A=="; stg.Layout="SquareCalendar"; stg.Language="en-us";stg.Cid="1642239"; stg.City="18875"; stg.DestinationName="Angeles / Clark, Philippines";stg.OverideConf=false; new AgdSherpa(stg).initialize();
Photo ops at Nayong Pilipino’s riverside platform
The post The Nayong Pilipino at Clark Expo appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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sa311 · 6 years
Making custom growth charts
Here I will try to explain how custom growth charts would work!
Feel free to ask anything!
There are various things that we must place in the folder “CCharacter” before we can raise a custom growth egg.
First, the sprites of the egg, we need 2 images per egg:
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A big one, called “egg_xb.png” (48x48 px, 4 24x24 sprites) and
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a small one,  “egg_xs.png” (32). You must replace the x with a number between 9 and 15!
Then, if you want to add custom characters, you have to add 2 sprite charts for each too!
Depending on the stage, the big one will have to be a different size:
Babies: 64x64 px, 16 16x16 sprites
Child/Teen: 96x96 px, 16 24x24 sprites 
Adult: 128x128 px, 16 32x32 sprites
Examples for each: 
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Regardless of stage, it should be named “chara_xb.png”
Then there’s the small one:
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Must be called  “chara_xs.png”, (32x32, 3 16x16 sprites + pallete) here you must also include the pallete for the rarest colouration, having the colours that appear on the sprite on the left and the alternate ones on the right. You must only put the colours that you want to change, which cannot be cyan or any of the outline colours.
The x must be replaced w/ a number between 385 and 65535.
For all sprites, the background must be transparent cyan (#00FFFF), and the outline must be one of these: #000064 (normal), #0099EE (ura), #FF6600 (aka). You cannot use any of these colours for any other reason.
The sprites must be indexed to 256 colours and w/ the cyan background being transparent.
You must then add the names of the custom characters (if there are any), to the Names.txt file, like this: “index#:Name”
For example, to add Kakutchi, I would have to write: “386:Kakutchi”
Each character must be on a different line.
Then you must make the text file of the growth chart itself, give it a short name and make sure it follows the following structure:
1 egg/2 babies/4 toddlers/12 teens/36 adults/2 seniors Write the index number for each character separating each with a '-' and each stage with a '/'! The egg must be one of the custom ones you added, so pick a number higher than 8! The numbers will be written alternating between male and female, then considering the required skill(s) and then care level.
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This is a template that will apply to all custom growth charts. You can find the index numbers for non-custom characters by checking the dex!
Here’s a finished example:
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It’s text file (multi.txt) would look like this:
In order to clear up any confusion, I will show it w/ the names instead of the numbers (bear in mind that the babies are custom and have a number beyond 384, so they are not in the TamaDex and have to be inserted manually as explained previously), but the final text file must only have the numbers :
Egg/Kakutchi-Tsubutchi/Harutchi-Puchitchi-Mizutamatchi-Mohitamatchi/Y. Mametchi-Y. Mimitchi-Gourmetchi-Y. Memetchi-Y. Kuchipatchi-Y. Dorotchi-Y. Androtchi-Ringotchi-Hinotamatchi-Ichigotchi-Oniontchi-Nikatchi/Mametchi-Mimitchi-Togetchi-Memetchi-Kuchipatchi-Yattatchi-Ura Mametchi-Horoyotchi-Yasaguretchi-Ura Memetchi-Ura Kuchipatchi-Shitekitchi-Minotchi-Pukatchi-Zukyutchi-Maidtchi-Shimashimatchi-Violetchi-Tenpatchi-Ura Debatchi-Samuraitchi-Tsukkomitchi-Ura Togetchi-Ura Violetchi-Tosakatchi-Ponytchi-Tarakotchi-Sebiretchi-Androtchi-Marotchi-Celebtchi-Primatchi-Tougyutchi-Ura Yattatchi-Matsuritchi-Ura Zukyutchi/Ojitchi-Otokitchi
Use this to help you place the numbers correctly, but never actually leave any names on it, just numbers like the example!
Once you’ve got everything in order, open the sim, go te the options/settings menu and click on import characters, if there’s a beep and you are not immediately sent back, everything turned out fine, you will be able to hatch this custom egg at the egg adoption menu once your current Tamagotchi has graduated!
If when trying to go to the egg adoption menu you are sent back, it means something probably went wrong.
If trying ta raise a custom character you get Nazotchi, it means the images are not formatted correctly.
Please do ask if you have any questions! I hope this was helpful!
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
In the world of software development, the design system is not new. Frequently, Topcoder contests involve system design and some even require us to create a design system for a particular company. Therefore it helps us learn how to apply it to our work. Through this blog post we will learn what a design system is, remind you of its benefits and see the best examples available. What is the Design System? A design system is a set of components that can be reused in different combinations. The design system allows you to manage designs on a large scale. Design systems contain a comprehensive guide to project design – a collection of rules, principles, constraints, and best practices. The core element of the design system is often the UI Component Library. These UI elements are also their representations implemented in code. Benefits of Design Systems? In the initial phase before designing, a design system does look complicated and like you will expend a lot of effort to create it. However, after it is built, the design of the system can save you a lot of time in future product development. The following are some of the main benefits of creating a system design. Consistency With a design system and front end designer, the developer will be able to implement a consistent UI much more easily. They can think of certain pages as sets of components. Example: Developers don’t have to think that this is a button with a # ff6600 background, a Proxima Nova Bold 12pt font, and 4px padding. The engineer knows that this is just the Main Button, and he uses this component in a few pages. Consistency gives the impression of higher quality. QA specialists can easily monitor designs that are implemented with the design system documentation. Inconsistencies should rarely occur. Better Communication The creation of a design system fosters better communication with the development team. Since the design system is the only source of truth, this means it contains vocabulary that can be used in the project. When developers and designers discuss the page, they will use the same component name. Thanks to this you will not talk about “this little purple button,” but “the secondary button.” Many errors occur due to misunderstanding, but a design system allows you to speak with the same naming conventions throughout the project. Faster Process You have built or purchased a UI control library that is needed to implement the UI. Now you only use it when new features require the creation of new pages or modification of existing ones. Even if you decide to build a UI library from scratch, a lot of time spent on this task will allow you to quickly create UI for new features. Focus More on UX Using the UI library means you don’t need to re-learn each time what the input field should look like on this page – it’s already been determined. Visuals were previously explained in the system – now you can put together new pages with them and focus more on better usability and creating a pleasant experience. What is in the Design System? The fundamental purpose of the design system is to facilitate teamwork and to match the values and images that are being shared by organizations or companies. Therefore, the following things must exist in the design system that you are building. Values, Vision, and Mission of the Company Every organization and company must have a value and purpose in the formation of the company. Therefore, before a design system is created, it is important to align the team around a set of shared goals that are clearly in line with company objectives. This will help build the vision and make sure everyone looks toward the same direction. These goals will develop over time and that is normal. The capabilities of the design system must ensure that change is widely communicated. As for values, they are the big ideas that will guide your choices, in accordance with brand goals. We need to ensure that the design system that we create is no different from these key values. Design Principle Design principles must guide design choices. Design principles are far more than just the visual aspects of a product. Design principles are guiding sentences that help teams to achieve product goals because of the design. They will help the team to make meaningful design decisions. As an example, on the Medium site, one of their design principles is “Direction of choice”. Thanks to that principle, instead of designing a plain text editor with unlimited color and font choices, they chose a simpler one. That allows the writer to focus on the content of the article rather than the visual aspect. Brand Identity & Language Identity must be defined in line with brand strategy and objectives. There are several elements that can shape the identity and language of your brand including: ColorFontsSpaceShapeIconIllustrationTaking picturesAnimationSound and toneSounds These brand elements will require several rules that will form the system. In the design system, this is realized by guidelines: do’s and don’ts and good examples of use. This will ensure the design team uses the right combination of language. If this is done correctly the brand will be very unique and easily recognizable. Components & Patterns Components and patterns are at the heart of the system. All the elements mentioned earlier will help us to make the system and provide a consistent experience. Components are used in Sketch by the designer, and directly in the code by the developer. Their functional behavior must be determined. As for patterns, they are building instructions that will allow us to use the components logically and consistently, across all products. Best Practice In addition to documentation, which is often directly linked to the system, best practices will accompany the team in a larger and more transverse manner. The idea is to explore general best practices and extract only those that make sense, based on the product and the level of maturity of the team. Best practices will help teams to form and develop their technical skills. What Design System Characteristics Does Your Organization or Company Need? Many of the design system characteristics that we see are scattered throughout the internet. All the characteristics of a design system are built according to the needs of the organization. The following are some examples of character design systems that you can apply to your organization. Tight or Loose System The strict system will have comprehensive and detailed documentation and will be fully synchronized between design and development. There will be a rigorous process for introducing new patterns in the system. A strict system must be very broad to cover most cases that the team might face. A loose system will leave more room for experimentation. The system is here to provide a framework for the team while maintaining freedom. Designers and developers are free to use it or not, regarding their specific needs for the product being built. You have to find the right balance between rigorous and flexible: a very strict system might be opposed by designers and developers who don’t want to use it. On the other hand, if the design system is too loose, the character of your organization or company will look uneven in the products being built. Modular or Integrated Modular systems are made of interchangeable and reusable parts. This is suitable for projects that have to scale quickly and which have to adapt to various user needs. The negative part of a modular system is that it is often more expensive to realize (because it can be difficult to make modules that can be independent while working well together). This kind of system will be especially suitable for large-scale products such as e-commerce, financial and government websites. For modular systems, it would be very interesting to work with the atomic design in mind. Integrated systems focus on one unique context. Integrated systems also consists of parts, but these parts will not be interchangeable. This type of system is compatible with products that have very few repeatable components and which require strong and frequently changing art direction. Centralized or Distributed Model The organization around the design system is very important for its evolution and scalability. In a centralized model, one team is responsible for the system and makes it grow. This team is in place to facilitate the work of other teams and must work closely with them to ensure that the system covers most of their needs. In the distributed model, several people from several teams are responsible for the system. The adoption of the system is faster because everyone feels involved but it also requires a team leader who will maintain overall vision. In each case, it’s best if everyone participates and makes suggestions to improve the system, to create a sense of ownership. Whatever system design you are going to build, first make sure to answer the questions listed below. How big is your organization or company? How many people will use your design system?How familiar are the teams in your organization or company with the design system?What variety of products or methods of development will be aligned with the design system to be created? What level of consistency does our product require? Examples of Existing Design Systems Take a look at these design systems that have been created by some of the world’s top companies. Although we realize that some of these companies created their systems through many hours of work, this is provided publicly. Please learn and create a new design system that suits the style of your organization or company. Material Design This is one of the most popular systems. It was formed over the years but is now used not only by the Google Team but also by many makers of Android and Web Applications. Atlassian Design System One of the most complete on the market used in real products made by Atlassian. Polaris Design system created by Shopify Carbon System design made by IBM Human Interface Guide Apple prepared the design system for all of its platforms Grommets The design system by Hewlett-Packard is presented in a very friendly way. Conclusion Knowledge of system design is one of the important elements that you must have in this era. The design system is a complete product, which will help project actors to build other products. With the design system, the product development process will be more effective, have good quality, and will have a DNA that is suitable for the company. The post Design Systems 101 appeared first on Topcoder.
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About the Author
Tracy Millosovich lives and writes in Wisconsin with the love of her life, three cats, and a pile of signed books by her favorite authors. With her witty words, gentle hands, and wisdom, she weaves together a world of colorful hope bringing love into the darkest places. An advocate against domestic violence and online abuse, Tracy paves the way for everyone to live their lives free of violence.
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BLURB: Crystal Dreams, a vivid world of dreams come true!!
King (Mita) Thomas of the magical planet Tartan has ruled the world, and his kingdom, Crysalis, with his beloved Queen (Mifa) Tara Rosa for four peaceful centuries. When the cruel, greedy humans of the nearby Earth planet come ascending on Tartan, his Queen sacrifices her life to protect the planet. With the Queen’s powers gone and their planet on a collision course towards a bloody war with Earth, Mita Thomas sends his trusted general through time to bring Mifa’s reincarnation back to his kingdom where she can hopefully rule at his side as his queen…or be sacrificed to bring his beloved queen back from the dead. With little time and an incoming hell, no one has time to pick sides.
Crystal Rose, a human raised on Earth in the early 21st century, is currently finishing up college until she’s unwillingly thrust into a war between a planet full of magical creatures who hate the human race, and the human race, now full of hellish hate.
Between learning what’s truly going on and who to trust, Crystal must also take the reigns to be a queen in a world that hates her. Will Crystal side with her fellow humans or fight against her own kind, on the team that might just kill her before she gets the Queen’s crown? In a planetary war between humans and magic, whose side are you on?
In this original young adult fantasy romance, Crystal Dreams is book one of the action packed Dreams Series that will test your faith in humanity.
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After surviving a war between Earth and Tartan, the royal family tries to start over on a new planet. But the terrain is treacherous and the kingdom is in unrest with the threat of revolt high in the air, but adding to the misery, the royal princess of the new world has been kidnapped!
In a time of civil discord with the threat of upheaval high, Crystal must either find a way to unite her kingdom, or abdicate the throne, while she is in hot pursuit of the lost princess.
Where do you turn when your own race rejects you, and the world you’ve sworn to protect is now trying to kill you?
Continue the adventure with Crystal, King Thomas, and Jason as they begin a new battle in an unfamiliar world.
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skqq-net · 5 years
How to Easily Add Icon Fonts in Your WordPress Theme
Discontinuance you to decide to want to have the ability to add icon fonts in your wordpress plot? Presently considered one of our readers requested what’s absolutely the top system to have the ability to add icon fonts of their wordpress theme?
Icon fonts will allow you to add vector (resizable) icons with out slowing down your internet snarl materials. They’re loaded like internet fonts and may per probability properly moreover be styled utilizing CSS.
On this article, we’ll abet you to with out exclaim add icon fonts in your wordpress theme, little by little.
What are Icon Fonts and Why You Must unruffled Use Them?
Icon fonts admire symbols or pictograms as an totally different of letters and numbers. These pictograms may per probability properly moreover be with out exclaim added to internet snarl materials snarl materials and resized utilizing CSS. When in distinction to picture primarily based mostly icons, font icons are highly effective quicker which helps together with your general wordpress internet snarl materials scAMPer.
Icon fonts may per probability properly moreover be extinct to command usually extinct icons. As an exAMPle, you may properly properly presumably moreover use them together with your shopping cart, salvage buttons, function packing containers, giveaway contest, and even in wordpress navigation menus.
There are a number of free and originate-source icon fonts readily available that has a total lot of beautiful icons.
Really, each wordpress arrange comes with the free dashicons icon font place. These icons are extinct within the wordpress admin menu and different areas inside wordpress admin area.
Another customary icon fonts are:
Font Apt
Self-discipline cloth Icons by google
The Noun Mission
For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll be utilizing Font Apt. It is a long way essentially the most conventional free and originate-source icon font readily available. We use FontAwesome on WPBeginner internet snarl materials as correctly as our wordpress plugins like OptinMonster, WPForms, RafflePress, and so forth.
On this information, we’re going to cover Three methods of including icon fonts in wordpress. You may properly moreover select the reply that works absolute top for you.
Including Icon Fonts in wordpress Utilizing Plugins
Similtaneously you may properly properly presumably correctly be a newbie stage person actual making an attempt to have the ability to add some icons to your posts or pages, then this diagram is suitable for you. You wouldn’t want to change theme recordsdata, and likewise that you simply simply might be in a construct to make the most of icon fonts throughout the set up in your internet snarl materials.
Very first thing or not it’s very important to realize is ready up and activate the Font Apt plugin for wordpress. For extra miniature print, look our little by little information on find out how to arrange a wordpress plugin.
Upon activation, the plugin permits Font Apt improve in your theme. You may properly moreover now edit any wordpress put up or internet snarl and use icon shortcode like this:
[icon name=”rocket”]
You may properly moreover use this shortcode together with different textual content or by itself in a devoted shortcode block.
As soon as added, you may properly properly presumably moreover preview your put up or internet snarl to look how the icon will choose on a dwell plot. Right here is the diagram through which it appeared on our check out plot.
You may properly moreover moreover add the font icon shortcode inside a paragraph block by itself the set up you may properly properly presumably moreover use the block settings to increase icon measurement.
As you prolong the textual content measurement, this may per probability properly choose unfamiliar contained in the textual content editor. That’s as a result of the shortcode wouldn’t mechanically alternate into an icon font contained in the block editor.
You may properly should click on the preview button in your put up or internet snarl to look how the true icon measurement would choose.
You may properly moreover moreover use the icon shortcode inside columns and manufacture function packing containers like this:
2. Utilizing Icon Fonts with a wordpress Internet web page Builder
Most well-liked wordpress internet snarl builder plugins comprise built-in improve for icon fonts. This allows you to with out exclaim use icon fonts in your landing pages as correctly as different areas in your internet snarl materials.
Beaver Builder
Beaver Builder is essentially the most simple wordpress internet snarl builder plugin within the market. It enables you to with out exclaim manufacture customized internet snarl layouts in wordpress with out writing any code.
Beaver Builder comes with beautiful icons and keen to make the most of modules that you simply simply may properly properly presumably moreover actual scramble and plunge into your put up and pages.
You may properly moreover manufacture icon teams, add a single icon, and switch them into properly-positioned rows and columns. You may properly moreover moreover take dangle of your admire colours, background, spacing, and margin with out writing CSS.
You may properly moreover even manufacture solely customized wordpress themes with out writing any code utilizing Beaver Builder’s Themer product.
Elementor Professional
Elementor is one different customary wordpress internet snarl builder plugin. It moreover comes with a number of components that may allow you to use icon fonts, together with an Icon element.
You may properly moreover actual scramble and plunge an icon anyplace and use it with rows, columns, and tables to manufacture beautiful pages.
Different customary internet snarl builders like Divi and Visible Composer moreover bear stout improve for icon fonts.
3. Including Icon Fonts in wordpress Manually with Code
As we talked about earlier that icon fonts are actual fonts and may per probability properly moreover be added to your plot equal to that you simply simply may add any customized fonts.
Some icon fonts like Font Apt, are readily available from CDN servers throughout the rep and may per probability properly moreover be linked out of your wordpress theme straight.
You may properly moreover moreover add the complete font itemizing to a folder in your wordpress theme after which use these fonts in your stylesheet.
Since we’re utilizing Font Apt for this tutorial, we’ll expose you the system you may properly properly presumably moreover add it utilizing each methods.
Methodology 1:
This handbook diagram is very simple.
First, or not it’s very important to hunt the recommendation of with the Font Apt internet snarl materials and enter your electronic message sort out to safe the embed code.
Now study your inbox for an electronic message from Font Apt together with your embed code. Copy and paste this embed code in your wordpress theme’s header.php file actual prior to the ticket.
Your embed code will probably be a single line that may obtain the Font Apt library straight from their CDN servers. This may per probability properly choose one factor like this:
This mannequin is easiest, nonetheless it will set off conflicts with different plugins.
A loads greater system may per probability properly properly be to correctly load JavaScript in wordpress utilizing the built-in enqueueing mechanism.
As a exchange of linking to the stylesheet out of your theme’s header template, you may properly properly presumably moreover add the next code in your theme’s capabilities.php file or in a plot-explicit plugin.
function wpb_load_fa() { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpb-fa', 'https://use.fontawesome.com/123456abc.js', array(), '1.0.0', factual ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_load_fa' );
Methodology 2:
The second diagram simply is not absolutely the top, nonetheless it might will allow you to host the Font Apt icon fonts in your admire internet snarl materials.
First, or not it’s very important to hunt the recommendation of with the Font Apt internet snarl materials to salvage the font bundle to your pc.
Merely salvage the icon fonts and unzip the bundle.
Now, you may properly should be a part of to your wordpress website hosting utilizing a FTP shopper and lag to your wordpress theme’s itemizing.
Or not it is a long way vital to manufacture a latest folder there and title it fonts. Subsequent, or not it’s very important to add the contents of the icon fonts folder to the fonts itemizing in your website hosting server.
Now you may properly properly presumably correctly be keen to load icon fonts into your wordpress theme. Merely add this code to your theme’s capabilities.php file or in a plot-explicit plugin.
function wpb_load_fa() { wp_enqueue_style( 'wpb-fa', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/fonts/css/font-gracious.min.css' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_load_fa' );
You may properly need efficiently loaded Font Apt into your wordpress theme.
Now comes the phase the set up you may properly be including precise icons into your wordpress theme, posts, or pages.
Manually Displaying Icon Fonts in wordpress
Budge to the Font Apt’s internet snarl materials to look the stout listing of icons readily available. Click on on any icon you to decide to want to make the most of, and likewise it is a long way probably so that you can to look the icon title.
Copy the icon title and use it like this in wordpress.
You may properly moreover mannequin this icon in your theme’s stylesheet like this:
.fa-arrow-alt-circle-up { font-size: 50px; shade:#FF6600; }
You may properly moreover moreover mix fairly just a few icons collectively and magnificence them immediately. As an exAMPle, let’s command you to decide to want to command an inventory of hyperlinks with icons subsequent to them. You may properly moreover wrap them under a
element with a selected class.
Residence Library Functions Settings
Now you may properly properly presumably moreover mannequin them in your theme’s stylesheet like this:
.icons-group-item i { shade: #333; font-size: 50px; } .icons-group-item i:fly { shade: #FF6600 }
We hope this text helped you be taught to with out exclaim add icon fonts in your wordpress theme. You may properly properly moreover are trying to look at out our tutorial on how to have the ability to add picture icons with navigation menus in wordpress.
Similtaneously you cherished this text, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for wordpress video tutorials. You may properly moreover moreover procure us on Twitter and Fb.
The put up Absolutely the top approach to With out issues Add Icon Fonts in Your wordpress Theme appeared first on WPBeginner.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2ICpz7w via IFTTT
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tm360blog-blog · 6 years
Facebook started rolling out Messenger 4 with simplified navigation, customizable chat bubbles, dark mode and more
Facebook has now started rolling out a new, simplified version of their popular messaging app known as Messenger: Messenger 4. the latest update marks app version as 4.0 and will gradually roll out globally over the coming weeks. the company in a survey found that 7 out of 10 people says simplicity is the top priority for them in a messaging app.
Facebooksays, “We believe Messenger 4 delivers the…
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healthyorbitblog · 7 years
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No crashing and no side effects
          Our Other Recommendations
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Brain Pill
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Brain Sense
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What Are Brain Supplements?
Brain pills, otherwise known as nootropics are mixtures of various ingredients that are used to improve your mental function. This includes helping your motivation, memory, ability to focus, improve your cognitive skills, improve your problem solving skills and help eliminate brain fog.
It is very similar to how an athlete would take supplements to help improve various parts of the body. These however, are for your brain! Anyone from college students to high level CEO’s have taken advantage of these powerful supplements to help give them an edge.
Customer Questions
Q: Are Brain Supplements Safe?
A: Yes! However, when it comes to supplements, you always want to check the ingredients. I prefer to choose ones that are made from natural FDA approved ingredients like different herbs that are known to have specific brain improving properties.
Q: How Long Before I See Results?
A: Most brain supplements recommend to take them for 1 to 3 months to start seeing noticiable results.
Q: Who Should Take Brain Supplements?
A: People in any age group, men or women should be able to benefit from these.
Q: Are Brain Supplements Effective?
A: To be completely open and honest, I believe that it all depends on the person taking the pill. Some people notice a huge difference in brain power when taking these on a regular basis. Others report that they have not felt much difference at all. With that said, I believe that even if someone does not actually “feel” any difference, they are still getting beneficial properties and may be just not “feeling” the difference.
Q: Are There Any Side Effects Of Taking Brain Supplements?
A: This is actually going to depend on the specific supplement that you decide to take. I would suggest doing research on your chosen pill and looking to see if that specific product has any known side effects.
In general though, the type that are made from natural herbal ingredients should not have side effects.
Q: How Do Brain Supplements Make You Feel?
A: This depends. If you experience “brain fog” or times that you feel forgetful, confused or just have a lack of focus and mental clarity, it should help clear that up. However, it should be mentioned that you may also want to look at things like your diet in order to help your brain fog symptoms as well.
Q: Are Brain Supplements Legal?
A: Yes. Most are completely legal however there are some that would require a doctor’s perscription.
Q: Where Can I Buy Brain Supplements?
A: Just look at the top of this page and click the links! You’ll get the best deals right from the suppliers.
Q: Will These Brain Supplements Improve My Memory?
A: Absolutely. This is actually one of the main reasons why you would choose to use these. If you take a look at my top choice of Brain Pill, you will see that it contains synapsa which is known to help improve your mental performance with memory and recall. It also has Huperzia Serrata for alertness and Phosphatidylserine that helps your short term memory.
Q: If I Stop Taking Brain Supplements, Will My Improvements Go Away?
A: While it would not go away overnight, you may find that your brain function eventually returns to how it originally was before you started taking the supplement.
Q: Can I Take Brain Supplements If I Am Sick?
A: If you are taking supplements that are made from all natural ingredients, you should not have to worry about whether or not to take it while you are sick.
Other Brain Related Information
Looking for brain treatments for conditions relating to concussions, TBI, memory loss, etc?  Take a look below:
Cerebrum Health Centers
Cerebrum Health Centers Expands Practice For Veterans
Cerebrum Health Centers – another news article on the expansion.
The post Best Brain Supplements And Pills appeared first on Healthy Orbit.
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max34ron · 7 years
Four State Street Buildings To Become Housing
There’s finally some clarity for a group of last-century office buildings that have been languishing under the weight of leaky roofs and pigeon poop for close to a decade.
The half-block to be redeveloped, as seen in 2011.
The area around the 200 block of South State Street has been the home to an assortment of buildings that were once the workplaces of thousands of productive citizens, before they were scooped up by the feds as a planned expansion of the nearby Federal Center.  While some of the buildings did get used for organizations like the Department of Labor, and as a temporary home for Homeland Security, for the most part they’ve been vacant.
We’ve been following the fate of the buildings since at least 2009. In 2013 we reported on the renovation of 16 West Jackson, 230 South State, and 10 West Jackson:
Renovating all three buildings cost $25 million, and involved a lot of different challenges because each is from a different era. 16 West Jackson needed extra fire protection love because it’s a hundred years old and made from wood. 230 was originally a fantastic art deco department store called Benson & Rickson Company, built in 1937; and 10 West Jackson was The Bond Store, which went up in 1949.
16 West Jackson was once named the city’s ugliest building by the readers of the Chicago Tribune.
Now four neighboring federal buildings are being redeveloped thanks to a deal between the city and CA Ventures.
202 South State: The 1915 Century Building by Holabird & Roche — To become 159 studio and one-bedroom apartments
212 South State: To be demolished and replaced with a 15-story annex to 202 South State
214 South State: To get a facade-ectomy and be replaced by a new two-story building
220 South State: The 1913 Consumers Building by Jenny, Mundie & Jensen — To become 270 micro apartments
The architecture firm behind the half-block redesign is River North’s Antunovich Associates.
Mayor Emanuel Announces Selection of Team to Redevelop Venerable State Street High-Rises
$141 Million Project Will Revitalize Stretch of Marquee Downtown Street and Create Hundreds of Jobs
Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced two venerable State Street office buildings will be redeveloped as part of a $141 million residential and retail project by CA Ventures. Located at 202 and 220 S. State St. and owned by the federal government, the vacant, century-old structures were made available through a Request for Proposals process initiated by the Chicago Department of Planning and Development and the General Services Administration (GSA) this spring. CA Ventures’ plan for their adaptive re-use will enhance the ongoing renaissance of the Loop’s historic shopping corridor.
“The redevelopment of this section of State Street will ensure its future will be even brighter than its storied past,” Mayor Emanuel said. “This project represents a significant investment in Chicago that will generate economic opportunities, revitalize an underused asset and contribute millions of dollars to expand affordable housing in our neighborhoods.”
The approximately 350,000-square-foot project includes a mix of exterior and interior restoration and new construction.
The 22-story Consumers Building, designed by Jenny, Mundie & Jensen and completed in 1913 at 220 S. State, will be rehabilitated as approximately 270 “micro” apartments. The 16-story Century Building, designed by Holabird & Roche and completed in 1915 at 202 S. State, will be rehabilitated and expanded as 159 furnished studio and one-bedroom apartments. The current building at 212 S. State property will be demolished, and a 15-story structure will be built in its place as a connected addition to 202 S. State. The historic features of 214 S. State St. will be also be retained in a newly constructed two-story building on that parcel. Pending zoning approval by City Council, the project is planned to include a Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus payment of $4.38 million and a $5.65 million payment into the city’s Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund. The project will create at least 100 permanent jobs, in addition to 200 temporary construction jobs.
“This transaction provides an important opportunity for GSA to find new uses for properties that are no longer critical to the federal government’s needs. It will make better use of these real estate assets and help the City of Chicago continue to revitalize the State Street corridor,” said John Cooke, acting regional administrator for GSA’s Great Lakes Region.
“Today we are taking an important step toward the transformation of this historic stretch of State Street,” Alderman Brendan Reilly said. “For the past 10 years, I’ve been a strong supporter of the adaptive re-use of historic buildings and I look forward to working with the new owners and local stakeholders to make this re-use project a success.”
CA Ventures’ proposal to acquire the buildings for $10.38 million would involve a simultaneous, three-way transaction involving the GSA and the City of Chicago. The offer price and sale terms, expected to be finalized this summer, require review and approval by the GSA and Chicago City Council.
CA Ventures includes developers J.J. Smith, Keith Giles and Joe Slezak., whose previous historic re-use projects include Chicago’s Old Colony, Gibbons-Steger, Crane and Roosevelt Hotel buildings. Architect for the project is Antunovich Associates.
“The historical significance of the properties at 202-220 South State Street is just one reason we are so excited to be selected to bring new residential options to this vibrant part of Chicago’s South Loop,” said JJ Smith, principal of CA Ventures. “Our firm is uniquely qualified to maintain the character of the neighborhood via this redevelopment. We successfully converted the Old Colony Building into modern apartments and transformed the Gibbons and Steger buildings into the Infinite Apartments just blocks away from the State Street site, both of which have ground floor retail as well. With this latest historic preservation project, we plan to remove and catalogue the storefront and upper-level façade elements of 214 South State Street in hopes of restoring the Art Deco accents for future reinstallation.”
CA Ventures has committed to a diverse hiring plan with a goal of exceeding the City’s participation requirements of 26 percent MBE and 6 percent WBE.
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and located adjacent to the Dirksen United States Courthouse, the buildings were acquired by the federal government in 2007 as part of a planned federal center expansion that never materialized.
from Chicago Architecture https://www.chicagoarchitecture.org/2017/06/05/four-abandoned-south-state-street-buildings-to-become-housing/
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halfwayanywhere · 8 years
We’ve already broken down the Pacific Crest Trail Class of 2016’s gear and resupply, so now it’s time to take a closer look at the demographics (and miscellaneous datapoints) from this last year’s PCT class.
A lot of the data here is more along the lines of, “Hmmm…I think this would be an interesting thing to look at,” as opposed to something that might actually assist you in completing the Pacific Crest Trail.
The data points we examine are: sex, age, average start date, days on trail, fitness level, longest day, zero days, near-o days, resupply stops, resupply boxes sent, pairs of shoes used, starting base weight, ending base weight, amount spent on gear, and amount spent on entire hike.
Not sure what one or more of the terms listed above means? Check out the thru-hiker glossary.
The comparisons below are:
Male vs. Female Hikers
Young vs. Old Hikers
Domestic vs. International Hikers
First Timers vs. Experienced Hikers
Fast vs. Slow Hikes
Cheap vs. Expensive Hikes
Light vs. Heavy Packs
Overall Best And Worst
If at any point you find yourself wondering, “It would be interesting to see how X compares to Y,” then let me know in a comment or via message and I may be able to add it to the collection.
NOTE: if some of the “overall” numbers look strange in relation to the categories it’s because the overall stat includes all hikers in the group while the other numbers may only include the finishers (e.g. the ages of hikers in the “Fast vs. Slow Hikes”).
First let’s break the data down in a simple and relatable fashion: male vs. female hikers.
Of the hikers surveyed, 33% of respondents identified as female, while the remaining 67% all identified as male.
Here’s what I came up with:
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FINISHERS FEMALE MALE OVERALL COMPLETION % 72% 78% 76% AGE 32 34 34 AVERAGE START DATE April 20 April 25 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 146 146.38 143.84 FITNESS LEVEL 6.7 6.6 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 35.63 37.75 37.17 ZERO DAYS 16.93 17.24 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 16.15 12.70 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 27.26 26.29 26.61 BOXES SENT 13.82 11.57 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.6 4.1 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 17.74 lbs 8.06 kg 20.43 lbs 9.29 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 15.67 lbs 7.12 kg 16.89 lbs 7.68 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,563.43 $1,685.41 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $5,803.79 $6,155.59 $6,087.41
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, female hikers made the most resupply stops (27.26) and used the highest number of shoes on their hikes (4.6).
Male hikers had the heaviest starting base weight (20.43 lbs / 9.29 kg) and the heaviest ending base weight (16.89 lbs / 7.68 kg).
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PCT Oregon Mount Jefferson
PCT Oregon Crater Lake Wizard Island
The average age of survey respondents was 34. Here, I split the data into two groups: those thirty-four and older, and those thirty-three and younger.
Will this help you plan your hike? Probably not. Is it interesting to look at? Yes. Funny to see the two groups spent (nearly) the exact same amount on gear before their hikes.
FINISHERS UNDER 34 34 AND OVER OVERALL COMPLETION % 81% 67% 76% MALE/FEMALE % 66/34 73/27 67/33 AVERAGE START DATE April 25 April 19 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 142.96 147 144 FITNESS LEVEL 6.62 6.65 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 38.2 34.81 37.17 ZERO DAYS 17.69 16.11 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 14.33 12.32 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.73 26.28 26.61 BOXES SENT 11.42 13.65 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.13 4.48 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 18.25 lbs 8.3 kg 18.14 lbs 8.25 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 15.39 lbs 7 kg 15.83 lbs 7.2 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,600.10 $1,600 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $6,005.16 $6,289.13 $6,087.41
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, older hikers had the lowest completion percentage (67%) and the shortest average longest day (34.81 mi / 56.02 km).
Younger hikers had the highest percentage of female hikers (34%).
This year I received responses from hikers coming from twenty-four countries (including the US).
COUNTRIES: Australia, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA
USA 69.84%
Canada 7.41%
Australia 4.50%
UK 3.70%
France 3.17%
Germany 2.91%
Netherlands 1.32%
California 22.34%
Washington 14.65%
Oregon 9.16%
Colorado 4.03%
New Hampshire 3.66% (T)
New York 3.66% (T)
Texas 3.66% (T)
FINISHERS USA INTERNATIONAL OVERALL COMPLETION % 74% 81% 76% MALE/FEMALE % 67/33 72/28 67/33 AGE 34 33 34 START DATE April 24 April 22 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 143.41 145.35 144 FITNESS LEVEL 6.79 6.3 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 36.81 37.73 37.17 ZERO DAYS 16.04 19.33 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 13.56 14.06 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.98 25.82 26.61 BOXES SENT 13.96 8.87 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.4 3.95 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 17.51 lbs 7.96 kg 19.56 lbs 8.89 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 15.03 lbs 6.83 kg 16.49 lbs 7.5 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,564.66 $1,802.16 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $5,677.70 $6,749.44 $6,087.41
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, domestic hikers were pretty average.
However, international hikers had the lowest average starting fitness level (6.3), the lowest number of resupply stops (25.82), sent the fewest number of resupply boxes (8.87), used the fewest number of shoes (3.95), and spent the most on their thru-hikes ($6,749.44).
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PCT Desert Trail
PCT Washington Mac
Southern Terminus PCT Monument
PCT Sierras Selfie Hiking
Of the hikers on the trail this year, 73% were taking on their first long-distance trail and 27% had experience on one or more previous long-distance hikes.
The trails most commonly hiked by those with experience were:
32% Appalachian Trail
24% John Muir Trail
12% Pacific Crest Trail
5% Colorado Trail
3% Camino de Santiago
3% Arizona Trail
3% Long Trail
2% Continental Divide Trail
2% PCT Section Hike
14% Other Long-distance Trail
  FINISHERS FIRST LONG-DISTANCE THRU-HIKE PREVIOUS THRU-HIKE OVERALL COMPLETION % 74% 82% 76% MALE/FEMALE % 68/32 72/28 67/33 AGE 32 37 34 START DATE April 24 April 22 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 145.71 140.22 144 FITNESS LEVEL 6.64 6.59 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 37.22 36.88 37.17 ZERO DAYS 17.51 16.30 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 14.04 12.99 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.33 27.18 26.61 BOXES SENT 12.18 12.38 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.28 4.16 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 19.20 lbs 8.73 kg 15.91 lbs 7.23 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 15.93 lbs 7.24 kg 14.58 lbs 6.63 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,683.22 $1,557.38 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $6,261.92 $5,520.31 $6,087.41
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, first-time hikers were fairly average.
Experienced hikers had highest completion percentage (82%), were the oldest (average age of 37), and had the lowest average starting base weight (15.91 lbs / 7.23 kg).
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How about people who hiked the trail quickly vs. those who took a bit more time to complete their thru-hikes?
Here we split and compare hikers based on the length of time it took them to finish the trail. The average number of days thru-hikers spent completing a thru-hike was 144 days (that’s just under five months).
I’ve divided hikes into “Fast Hikes” (quicker than 144 days) and “Slow Hikes” (those that took 144 days or longer).
FINISHERS FASTER HIKES SLOWER HIKES OVERALL MALE/FEMALE % 74/26 67/33 67/33 AGE 31 33 34 START DATE May 1 April 17 April 23 FITNESS LEVEL 7 6.32 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 39.80 35.04 37.17 ZERO DAYS 12.03 20.99 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 11.66 15.58 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.38 26.67 26.61 BOXES SENT 11.45 12.77 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.19 4.31 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 16.92 lbs 7.69 kg 18.99 lbs 8.63 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 14.23 lbs 6.47 kg 16.54 lbs 7.52 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,522 $1,751.73 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $5,371.21 $6,580.04 $6,087.41
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, faster hikes had the latest average start date (May 1), the highest average level of fitness (7), the longest average day (39.80 mi / 64.05 km), took the fewest zero days (12.03), took the fewest near-o days (11.66), the lowest average ending base weight (14.23 lbs / 6.47 kg), and were the cheapest overall ($5,371.21).
Slower hikes had the earliest average start date (April 17), took the most zero days (20.99), and took the most near-o days (15.58).
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PCT Oregon Tunnel Falls Trail
Now to an issue that many future thru-hikers concern themselves with: how much will it cost to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (and how much should they spend)?
Will spending a lot of money on a thru-hike make it more successful? Enjoyable? Sexy? Probably not. But if you’re looking to spend less on a thru-hike, then it would appear that completing your hike as quick as possible (and not taking many days off) would be in your best interest.
The average cost of a completed thru-hike this year was $6,087.41, and that’s where I divided the survey respondends into the categories of “Cheaper Hikes” and “Expensive Hikes.”
FINISHERS CHEAPER HIKES EXPENSIVE HIKES OVERALL MALE/FEMALE % 66/34 75/25 67/33 AGE 32 35 34 START DATE April 25 April 19 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 139.6 151.82 144 FITNESS LEVEL 6.70 6.41 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 37.45 37.34 37.17 ZERO DAYS 16.03 20.47 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 13.16 15.40 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.03 26.87 26.61 BOXES SENT 12.03 11.34 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.15 4.39 4.25 BASE WEIGHT (START) 18.28 lbs 8.31 kg 18.42 lbs 8.37 kg 18.21 lbs 8.28 kg BASE WEIGHT (END) 15.34 lbs 6.97 kg 16.08 lbs 7.3 kg 15.53 lbs 7.06 kg $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,440.78 $2,095.13 $1,659.18
  Of all the comparisons made in this post, cheap hikes were the shortest (139.6 days) and spent the least on gear ($1,440.78).
Expensive hikes had the fewest number of female hikers (25%), were the longest (151.82 days) and spent the most on gear ($2,095.13).
More on how much it costs to hike the Pacific Crest Trail here.
And now to the proverbial thru-hiker dick-measuring competition: pack weight.
The average starting base weight for this year’s PCT thru-hiking class was 18.21 lbs / 8.28 kg and the average ending base weight was 15.53 lbs / 7.06 kg.
I split this section based on starting base weight. What did we find out here? Well, nothing really. I suggest taking a look at this year’s gear guide instead of trying to glean any information from this chart.
FINISHERS LIGHTER PACKS HEAVIER PACKS OVERALL COMPLETION % 81% 68% 76% MALE/FEMALE % 67/33 73/27 67/33 AGE 31 34 34 START DATE April 22 April 22 April 23 DAYS ON TRAIL 142.07 149.32 144 FITNESS LEVEL 6.67 6.46 6.63 LONGEST DAY (MI) 37.49 36.72 37.17 ZERO DAYS 16.46 19.63 17.24 NEAR-O DAYS 13.94 14.21 13.78 RESUPPLY STOPS 26.95 26.25 26.61 BOXES SENT 13.03 11.26 12.20 PAIRS OF SHOES USED 4.33 4.11 4.25 $ SPENT ON GEAR $1,671.05 $1,720.97 $1,659.18 $ SPENT ON HIKE $6,172.34 $6,154.29 $6,087.41
  Interestingly enough, there’s nothing really of note about the light vs. heavy packs comparison.
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Lastly, we take a look at which of the above groups had the lowest and highest averages from the overall pool of data.
To be honest, most of the data below makes a lot of sense (or I am just incredibly illogical). For example, international hikers spent the most on their hikes (an average of $800) – could this be the cost of airfare? Faster hikes had the fewest zero and near-o days – yup, checks out. Cheaper hikes had the least amount spent on gear; expensive hikes had the most.
Leave a comment below and let me know if you find anything fitting and accurate or perhaps out of place and mysterious.
To find out more from this year’s Pacific Crest Trail Thru-hiker Survey, check out the gear guide, resupply guide, or the original results.
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PCT Class of 2016 Survey: The Demographics We've already broken down the Pacific Crest Trail Class of 2016's gear and resupply, so now it's time to take a closer look at the demographics (and miscellaneous datapoints) from this last year's PCT class.
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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The sky was perfect. It wasn’t all blue. The blinding-white clouds formed interesting figures and were moving at slow pace. It provided a minute shade every time it hovered above our smoothly-moving fast craft. The sea, on the other hand, was completely placid, reflecting the exact copies of the figures above it. The minor distortions created by the surface swimmers are very evident – I could see the finest ripple.
It was our fast craft’s horn that woke me from that real daydream. We were approaching Liloan Pier in Santander, so I had to get myself ready. In a moment, we were all allowed to disembark. I alighted last to avoid troublesome passengers rushing their way out of the boat.
When I stepped on the port, the squeaky-clean water below reminded me of my fantasies. I was thinking for an adventure. Since it was too early to return to the city, I decided to spend a good time nearby.
Way to Dao Falls
I reached Samboan town proper in less than 30 minutes. I was walking under the scorch when Kuya Arnold approached me, and then offered a ride to 4 waterfalls including Ponong Lake for ₱500. I asked other drivers too, and it seemed that they had standardized the rate. That wasn’t a bad price. The downside, however, is that I was alone. It would be perfect if I had someone with me to share the expenses with, as well as the experience.
Before reaching Dao Falls, this blue pool graces every traveller
Since I got no other option, I accepted the guide who was assigned to me. I did not let him carry my backpack because I knew I could not give him a decent amount. I just followed him in a very obvious pathway. Kuya Arnold, by the way, was left in the drop off area.
We crossed a river, trekked along a muddy slope, and shook our way across a bamboo-made hanging bridge.
I was completely awed when I finally had the glimpse of the waterfalls. The water slides peacefully through the slanting ravine, thus the plunge pool is shallow and calm. There wasn’t enough flat space for picnickers though. However, with just a little tactic, you can find a good place under any shade.
The main Cascade of Dao Falls
After taking some photos, getting a quick dip, and munching for a snack, I headed to my next stop
Trekking against the waterfall current at Aguinid Falls number 3
You need a little work out at falls number 3. You have to climbed against the rolling waters to get to falls number 4. Since this is a one-way climbed, you have to wait until a batch of those going down is done with their descent.
Entrance at Aguinid Falls for locals is also ₱20. The guide fee depends on how much you can shell out.
Getting a waterfall massage at Aguinid Falls no. 4
A small falls greets you before seeing the hidden falls of Binalayan
Before reaching the main cascade of Binalayan, a not-so-high falls greeted us.
The was water was cold as expected. The breezy surrounding complimented well, and gave me gooseflesh.
Similar to that of Dao Falls, the plunge pool of Binalayan Hidden Falls is also not that deep, so be extra careful when doing an undaunting stunt. I almost broke my heel bone here when I jumped.
Binalayan Hidden Falls
Ponong Lake
There are no ATMs in the town, so make sure that you bring enough cash for the entire trip.
Bring swimming attires to experience the cold and pampering pool below the cascades.
Mobile signal reception is decent in the town proper but is poor in remote areas like the waterfall vicinity.
To fully explore Aguinid Falls, you need to climb against some steep rocks with running water. Make sure that you always follow your guide’s direction.
You can do picnic at the floating raft in Ponong Lake. Bring food to share.
Waterproof your gadgets.
Travel in group to save on transport and guide fees.
Closest accommodations are available in Badian and Oslob.
You may also consider spending a beach camp in Moalboal or getting enough adrenaline rush by joining the Canyoneering in Badian.
Waterfalls hopping in Samboan: Dao, Aguinid, and Binalayan Hidden Falls appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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tm360blog-blog · 6 years
Samsung Galaxy Note9 with 6.4" display, 8GB RAM, 4000mAh battery, Bluetooth S Pen Officially Announced
Samsung Galaxy Note9 with 6.4″ display, 8GB RAM, 4000mAh battery, Bluetooth S Pen Officially Announced
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tm360blog-blog · 6 years
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