garlean-empire · 8 months
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What sky are you? [ Quiz Here ]
Sunrise No matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up. You defy expectations and stay true to yourself. You are a leader - maybe not in a traditional sense in that others follow you, but you've carved out your own path in life. You are kind but unyielding. You have strong opinions and values. There's a part of you that just wants to make everyone else around you happy, but you know your limits - that you can only share what you have to give. You may seem unassuming to others at first but in time they will watch as you grow into something incredible.
This is very fitting for Leila, actually.
Tagged by: @sileniadream;
Tagging: @sevequiem || @loafingway || @ffamuran || @gatheredfates || @aethergazing
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biff-adventurer · 1 year
Last line
With a tongue betraying a noble upbringing, he whispered to Severian. “It’s quite cozy here, my love.”
written for an rp that will happen tonight! it's the last thing i sat down and thoughtfully wrote lol
Tagged by @sundered-souls thank you so much!! Tagging: @safert0fu @escherstrange-ffxiv @ffamuran @spotofmummery & anyone who hasn't gotten to do it yet!
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
20, 22, 33!
ask meme - accepting!
20. Have/Would you ever rewrite a fic? If yes, would you take the original down?
I have actually deleted an entire fic that was my most popular fic at the time because I hated it, rewrote the first chapter, and then never updated it again! i was 12 and it was how i discovered that not only do i dislike reading romance, i dislike writing it too! jskdhfdksh it was a social experiment and i got really sad no one wanted to read my platonic legolas fanfiction instead
in a more recent vein, i have actually gone and edited the first few handful of ikael stories! i wouldn’t ever rewrite one of them, because i quite like gist of them (even if i oof at my writing) and i dont think i could successfully rewrite them while capturing the same fic, but i’m down for editing them to be better when I have time!
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favourited/reviewed?
when i was new to the fandom i used to have someone who didn’t follow me occasionally leave a like on my stuff, and i used to lowkey freak out about it. but that reaction flattened because it was based off of nothing, and now i dont really have anyone i’m a “fan” of. it’s not something i really do, because as a content creator myself im used to working with/critiquing/commenting on other people’s work like they’re coworkers or classmates, if that makes sense? like i’ve reached a point both in writing and art where i can see how someone did something, see their mistakes, and try to learn from them if i can, so nothing is at that level of unreachable for me. if anything it’s at a “one day i’ll be able to do that!” sorry if that sounds like im full of it ! fhsdkjfhs honestly it’s just how i learn and take things in ;w; . seeing how horribly some industry professionals draw people certainly helped
oh i like seeing you in my notes tho bab!! honestly one of my longest-time followers i think. oo i had a couple friends who used to leave nice long juicy comments and i would be psyched to read them, but that stopped, unfortunately :/ . honestly im always the happiest now when someone comments or leaves words in reblogs ;w;;
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
edit: oh gosh ! yes ok i remember this one got one of the strongest reactions from me, and this one was the one honestly that was the catalyst to me continuing past ikael story #1
i have no idea! i have a terrible memory. i will say the really long, in-depth paragraph comments are my absolute favourite, though! i read them really slowly so i can cherish every line ;u; . i do like going back to the candle fic from time to time just to read the comments on it from happy autistics, because i know that fic touched a special place in my heart and i love reading people responding to it the way they did :>
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aesirfalling · 6 years
41, 43, 44!
What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
Snow in Hope and Legacy and From What We Cannot Hold (not that anyone’s seen any of it, although you can get a good idea of how I see them from With Silver Colored Tears), and Alyssa in And the Sky Tonight is Luminous. I guess the AtSTiL is written from Alyssa’s POV so that would… disqualify her? In which case I’d go with Snow. Let me tell you about how much I love Snow and the hurt/comfort™ Snow/Hope broship (seriously, it’s my one true broship)
Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
I tend to write far more character study fics and one shots so I want to say no? Unless we’re talking about everyone expecting From What We Cannot Hold and In Spring, With You to turn real dark at some point but like, it’s me. Me writing a pure fluff narrative fic would be more plot twist at this point.
What is the last line you wrote?
Specifically, from the ending of the 4th chapter of Hope and Legacy:
“And where are yougoing?”
He knows how toanswer. And this isn’t even a lie.“Home.”
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rhystheceo · 8 years
27, 35, 44, 74!
/rubs her lil’ haNDS
27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
Hmmm, I guess I can count a cousin. She didn’t care much about it and now she’s all over rpgs /pats self in the back
35. Best protagonist?
I am the most biased choco mama but know what, I don’t even care /kisses cloud strife’s feathery little head
44. Do graphics matter?
Hmm, depends. If the story & gameplay is lacking, yes (ex: remember me). If not, then it’s really not that important /jazz hands at dragon age: origins
74. Which game has the best lore?
WHY, TANGO.Hmm... I’ll go with FFXII for this one. I love it, I love Ivalice ;u;
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shamera · 7 years
Tagged by: @ffamuran
1. What kind of genre do you like to write? Why? Science Fiction, I'd say. I love the concept of 'what if' on a global or even universal scale without having to explain everything by 'it's magic'. I love what science fiction can tell about society or era, and about what we hope and what we fear for the future.
2. Which do you like writing better, heroes or villains? ..Heroes, I guess? I don't... sympathise that much with villains. On the other hand, I think that sympathetic villains are the only way to go! But it's a case of 'cool story, still murder'.
3. Do your characters have a favorite type of weather? I have so many characters... which one? XD I'd say I have characters who care for more pleasent weather, and characters who love the rain and snow.
4. Romantic or platonic relationships? Platonic. XD;; Personal bias. Unless they're already canon! Downplaying canon romantic relationships as platonic is... weird, to me.
5. Which OC of yours would you get along with best? HOW CAN I CHOOSE?
6. Would you survive your OCs’ world? Why or why not? ...Again, so many worlds. Probably not. My last NaNo featured post-zombie apocalypse, and my latest idea has a mermaid gunning for global domination.
7. What would you say is one of your “quirks” as a writer? Too Much Introspection. XD I'm learning my own characters as I go along, so yes, there's a lot about them and their thoughts.
8. Are there any writing “rules” that you break constantly? I.E. commonly said rules that you just don’t follow? Uhh. So many. Passive voice is a big issue for me. Keep character verbal ticks consistant is a thing for me (and I need to work on). Not knowing what I'm writing. Too much description. On the upside, I ALWAYS know which character knows what, so there's no information mix-up.
9. What does “show not tell” mean to you? Something I really need to work on, LOL.
10. Post a snippet of your writing. Do you like it? "The young woman she met in the cheap cafe one spring day was a tiny thing, barely the height of Lynn’s chin despite her not being a very tall person herself. Nina had dark brown hair in pigtails, and wide glasses with a dark frame that made her large eyes look even larger, and the freckles stand out across her cheeks despite her dark skin. She wore an over large sweater and skirt paired with boots and a worn book-bag, all of it just as carefully chosen as Lynn’s own outfit and appearance. It would be their only shield against the world, to be as kind and sweet and pure as anything could possibly be. She had flowers braided into her hair, and she was beautiful. " It's just a normal character description, but... unexpected? Because I didn't even have this character down in my notes and suddenly she was important as I wrote her?
Tagginggggg: @teekettle, @mygeekycorner, @solowinged, @promptae
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ffamuran · 7 years
“i should write a bal/snow dissidia AU,” says tumblr user ffamuran, who has never played a dissidia game in her life
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willows-horde · 6 years
I’m not done posting my less elaborate (old) stories yet, but I really wanted to post this one. This one even has a title! I mentioned it to @ffamuran quite some time ago (don’t know if she remembers). Years I’m sure (and probably haven’t touched it in just as long). I have more after this but I’ll post it at a different time.
The World of Enix word count: 2339
He'd been traveling for about five days now with no sign of civilization of any kind. Ever since he arrived in this strange land, his only companion is the dog that belonged to his beloved. He had no idea of her whereabouts and could not seem to recall her name. Though on the occasions when he felt he was being watched, something in him, though it seemed strange, told him it was her.
Night fall found them camping a distance from a stream. He was sitting with his back against a tree with his arm resting on the knee that was propped up. His dog lay a few feet away from him. In the ensuing silence, he thought on his travels. He hadn't the slightest idea where he was. He'd been woken up by his companion and after that started traveling. There was no memory of how he got here stranded in the forest.
He got obliged to turn his attention elsewhere when his dog lifted its head. 'What do you hear..?' he wondered as he too listened carefully. The sound of footsteps. It was light; a distance away. By the stream? It was a group; not human. Animals traveling in a pack no doubt. Probably a type of wolf stopping to drink from the stream. Best to leave them be. Unless of course they become a threat. He laid his right hand down on the hilt of his blade. Getting rest would be out of the question with them this close. Despite being a light sleeper, he wasn't willing to take that big of a risk.
Other than the sounds of the animals, it remained quiet for awhile. Every so often he would glance toward his companion. When finally, it sounded like they were going to move on. Just then he saw them trotting through the trees. One caught sight of him but kept moving with the rest of its pack. He let out a sigh after the last of them disappeared out of view. He was quiet for only a few more minutes before he got to his feet. He looked at his companion who had also stood. Without any verbal arrangements he started walking and the dog trotted along side him.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~
She jolted awake when someone knelt beside her and draped a cloak over her. Quickly, she sat up, only to get light-headed due to the quick movement. The cloak slid down and lay on her legs. She brought her hand to her head for a moment before she turned to the young woman who was sitting on her heels next to her. “Where am I?”
The young woman smiled. “We're in Zanar Forest. My husband named it after our hometown.” She could see the confusion etched within the other woman's features, so she spoke again. “My name is Lenne. I can offer you a change of clothes if you willing to join me on my walk home.”
The young woman looked down at what she was wearing. Seeing as how she was only wearing a zip-up sleeveless belly shirt and short-shorts that are laced in the front, she was more than willing to accept. “I think I'll take you up on that,” she told her as she got to her feet. Lenne, upon seeing her get up, stood as well and smoothed out the skirt she was wearing.
Lenne watched her as they walked in silence. The young woman brought a hand to her head for a moment before she lowered it again and shook her head. “Can you tell me your name?” Lenne asked.
“Hm?” She looked over at Lenne. “My name.. is Claire.” Claire was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. “It's strange. I can't remember much more than that.”
“Nothing else?” Lenne asked with concern.
“Wish I could say 'yes',” Claire stated. “Ugh. Getting a headache thinking about it...”
“You shouldn't worry. I'm sure it will come back to you.” Though Claire didn't respond to this. Instead she looked around at her surroundings and watched where she was stepping, since she was inconveniently walking barefoot. The sound of water caught her attention before she saw the stream. Lenne led them away from the stream for a few minutes before Claire saw, between the trees, a cottage a distance away. From the cottage the stream could barely be heard.
It was a rather small cottage with only three rooms. To the right as you walk in stood a half wall with the kitchen on its other side. On the left were the bathroom and the bedroom. “You may stay as long as you like,” Lenne told her as she led her towards the bedroom.
“Where's your husband?”
Lenne was silent for a moment as she stood with her back to Claire. She turned and sat on the edge of the bed. “He told me he was just going to pick up some more fabric for me; but that was a week ago. I'm worried something happened but Shuyin wants me to stay here due to the fighting.”
Claire was silent for a moment before she said, “I want to thank you for helping me. Tomorrow morning I will look into it for you.” She glanced down at herself. “Though I would need something better to travel in.”
“You would truly do that for me?”
“You found me and brought me into your home. It wasn't something you had to do. And to repay you I want to search for information about your husband.”
Lenne stood up. “Thank you,” she told her as she stepped over and gave Claire a hug. Though she pulled away with concern. “I'm sorry. Do you not like getting hugged?”
Claire shook her head. “That's not it. It actually felt comforting; familiar.”
“Comforting and familiar. Like family?”
“Family...” Claire trailed off. “Maybe... it was like family.”
Lenne remained quiet as she stepped over to the closet. “I'm sure it will come back to you,” she told her with a smile as reassurance. She turned her attention back to the clothing in the closest. “What do you think about this one?” she asked as she removed a long off the shoulder dress. Claire looked skeptical. Lenne looked from the dress to Claire. ��No long dresses?”
“No,” she told her. “They would only get in the way.” Replacing the dress, she began looking for another option. “Do you only have dresses?”
“I do have a few pants.” She looked at Claire. “I also have tights.” Looking back to her clothes, she thought for a moment before she removed a handful of selections and handed them to Claire. “Try these on. Let me know what you think and how they fit.”
Claire nodded and accepted the clothes. “Thank you.”
~ - ~ - ~ - ~
That sound. What was that sound? Was it... Was someone playing a flute? He remained laying on the ground as he started getting the feeling back in his body. He felt heat on his face from... a fire. Slowly, he opened his eyes. He stared into the fire, listening to the flute for a moment before the player suddenly stopped. “Oh, you are awake. I was beginning to wonder.”
He sat up and looked over to the young man. He felt stiff and like his body was still asleep. “Who are you?” he asked as he flexed his wrist trying to wake up his hand.
“I am Volsung. And you...”
“Where's Lenne?”
“Where am I? How far away from town am I?!”
“Calm down.” Volsung told him as he set his flute aside. “You are on the island called Casandra, so the only town here is where I am from.”
“Island?” He looked at him with a disbelieving expression. “That's impossible. I was just on the main land!”
Volsung gave a slight shake of the head. “The main land is directly east of here.” As he said this he motioned towards the east. He watched as the young man get up and start walking in the direction he pointed out. “You will need a boat,” he told him but was ignored. As he picked up his flute, he said, “Our boats are being repaired in town. You will need to find me for permission to use one once they are finished.” When no response answered him, Volsung brought the flute to his lips, closed his eyes, and proceeded to play.
Standing on the cliff side Shuyin stared out to the ocean. The sun just started to rise in front of him. He had walked all night always heading east. This was impossible. How could he... what was he missing? The sounds of guns being fired echoed in his head. He shook his head and turned away. So that's what happened. It's unbelievable. And impossible. Even so, he had to get back to Lenne. Shuyin began walking back the way he came. He wasn't going to lose her again. Not now that he had a second chance with her.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~
This would be Claire's fifth day here. Unfortunately, she hadn't found out anything about Lenne's missing husband. Though on the other hand, Lenne seemed happy to have company. They had walked to town the morning after Claire had arrived. During their trip, Lenne showed her around, introduced her to some of her friends and did some shopping. She bought Claire a pair of black and gray lace up boats, a pair of tights, which she said she would modify to her liking later, and some essentials like socks. Though Claire told her she didn't need to buy her anything, she did thank her and was grateful.
Though Claire walked to town everyday, Lenne only joined her on two of her trips. Today she was by herself. She wore the tights that Lenne had shortened, they reached just above her knees now, and a vest that she had borrowed from her. She had just finished running an errand, and was about to head back to Lenne's home when she noticed a young girl run over to her. “Are you the lady who's helping people?” the girl asked her once she reached her.
It was something that Claire started doing after Lenne asked her to pick her up something from the market a couple days ago. “Is something wrong?” Claire asked her.
“You're... one of Lenne's friends, right?”
“We know each other. Not sure if it's well enough to be considered friends.” The girl was hesitant. She glanced around. “What's wrong?”
“Um...” She looked away. “Can you.. tell her something for me?”
Claire stopped walking when she noticed the cottage in the distance. She sighed. How was she supposed to tell Lenne what she heard? With a shake of her head she concluded that it didn't really matter. She needed to know. As she stepped inside, Lenne exited the kitchen with dinner. “You're back. I just finished dinner.”
Claire glanced over. Great, this was a great conversation for dinner. Walking over she lightly rested a hand on the table though didn't sit down. Lenne on the other hand took her seat. “There's something I have to tell you.”
“Is something wrong?” Lenne asked concerned.
She hesitated. “...He's dead.”
Lenne knew instantly who she was talking about. “No... “
Looking Lenne in the eyes she continued. “He saved a girl from a group of men but died in the process. I'm sorry.”
Shaking her head, she mumbled, “That can't be.” She looked back up. “Who told you?”
“A young girl. The daughter of one of your friends.” Lenne turned away.
She was quiet for a moment before she suddenly looked up again. “Did he... did he disappear in a cloud of fireflies?”
Claire looked confused and a bit startled. “The girl did mention that, but, how did you know?”
A look of hope appeared on her face. “Then, he could be alive.” She stood up. “I have to find him.”
Quickly, Claire grabbed her wrist as she went to walk past her. “He's gone. Don't put yourself through that.”
Turning to face her, Lenne said, “He might not be. I have to be sure.”
She grabbed her shoulders. “Lenne! People don't just come back after they've died! It's impossi...” she trailed off mid-word. Claire let her go and stepped back, almost staggered. She looked down at her hands, which she could have sworn were shaking a little.
“Sh-she's gone.” She slumped down to the floor. “I... couldn't save her...”
Lenne crouched down and hugged her. She remained quiet for a minute before she told her, “You'll be okay,” as she rubbed her back. Tears slipped from Claire's eyes and she choked back a sob, but that was all. She didn't cry out loud.
They sat quietly for awhile before Lenne suggested they eat dinner. Claire simply nodded. Dinner was mostly eaten in silence. Afterword Claire ended up falling asleep on the couch. Lenne, shortly thereafter, carefully draped a blanket over her and headed to her bedroom so she wouldn't accidentally wake her. It was around midnight when Claire suddenly jerked awake with a cry. “No...” That dream. No, nightmare might be a better word. She watched a girl die. Someone close to her. “Serah,” she murmured as she a lifted a hand to her head. Did she really... die? Something deep down told Claire that she did. Was she dreaming her memories? Could that be possible? She didn't know; didn't know if she wanted to know.
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aequusinlustris · 8 years
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@ffamuran, @xsidereus
Leila’s First Sastasha Run, 2/23/2017
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biff-adventurer · 1 year
Pokemon Gym Leader: Biff Guy!
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"This is the tryhard type, I’m sorry. But you’re a gym leader, and no one’s getting your badge unless they earn it. Most dragon-type specialists have a shared memory of getting crushed by a strong dragon type as a young trainer. In that moment, you were drawn to the raw power of dragon types, and you’ve loved your scaly sidekicks ever since. You might have a soft spot off the battlefield–perhaps for a Goomy or Appletun somewhere in the PC–but only your closest friends know that about you. Most trainers will only ever see you as a dominant force on the battlefield, and you like it that way."
i honestly expected fire or earth, but it's actually more fitting...
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i just picked what goes with the type but also, heracross is very Him
-Take Quiz Here-
-Make your team here-
Tagged by: @spotofmummery thank you so much!
Tagging: @safert0fu @ffamuran @yvesoix-sellemontiere @furys-mercy @escherstrange-ffxiv @sundered-souls @ffxivtribehydrae
feel free to do it and tag me!!
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
Fanfic ask: N, P, and R!
fanfic ask game - accepting!
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else wouldwrite (or finish) for you?
All of them! fhdsjkfh honestly, i sometimes just wish that i were able to experience some of the juicier ikael/thancred interactions with fresh eyes. i want to get that feeling of “omg omg” for the first time when reading a particularly hard-hitting (happy or sad but leaning towards happy) dialogue or scene. because i dont get that when it’s something that i planned ahead and wrote myself, even if it’s on a reread months later and i forgot most of the fic. it’s something i’m never able to experience as the author of my own writing, and sometimes i wonder at which parts my readers get those moments, and what it feels like. i haven’t had a good kick while reading or experiencing a story in... a long time.
honestly, i dont read a whole hell of a lot of fanfiction. the last fanmade work that sparked that feeling was probably the (super long) series that inspired me to make this ikael+thancred odyssey in the first place.
actually wait no it was dragon age fanfiction
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would callan “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan inadvance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
bit of both, in different amounts, as I’m sure most people will find they are as well. i found out that the way for me to not leave everything as a wip was to have a specific goal in mind, and then wrap up the fic when that goal is accomplished. trim the fat, dump the excess.
so the story is fairly planned out, but the characters... i let them do what feels right, and that influences character development. which in turn influences story, because the characters and their interactions are... what my writing is about. in the same vein, if i have a dialogue or an interaction that i really want to do but it doesnt fit in the write i’m doing, i copy and paste it into my notes or a new doc, and recycle it.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise)you consider an influence?
oh definitely! the series i was referring to earlier is called the mellon chronicles, and it’s about, for those of you who are/were into lotr, aragorn and legolas’s friendship over the decades. it’s a bit uhhh graphic and i probably shouldnt have read it at age 12, but there you go!
other than that, i will say that both old-fashioned and modern-style fantasy storytelling intrigues me, and i definitely feel compelled to do a mish-mash of both, which is kind of the setting of aeolian dust. it’s comparing, say, enid blyton’s work to skulduggery pleasant? ranger’s apprentice to keys to the kingdom. tolkien to taz. haha he’d hate that ok tolkien to the bartimaeus trilogy
so yeah i don’t really remember writers unless i have to do a book report! but i remember the stories.
thanks for sending stuff in bab this was super interesting! 
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aesirfalling · 7 years
ffamuran said: oh mannn, definitely like… how they slowly drifted apart (especially Sazh! :c). I’d imagine Hope’s disappearance played a huge role in that; he likely held them all together.
I tend to think that everyone pretty much drowned themselves in their own bucket of guilt and loss issues after the shitstorm that was the ending of XIII-2 and just went into, well, coping mechanism caves.
Noel took the loss of Serah and the world hard - I’m surprised he didn’t break further because those two things basically parallel the two things he wanted the most in his life before he fell into Valhalla (Yeul, the other seeress, and a happy world filled with people and hope). Again everyone (that he’s grown attached to) was dead and again the world had gone to shit and unlike the first time he could pretty much see this time as entirely his fault. So he obviously drifted away from Snow because of Serah and Hope because of the loss of the world Hope has spent so much time and resources to protect. He’s never met Sazh until the final battle and won’t meet Vanille and Fang until LR so he was... basically fucked as far as human interactions went. I imagine he ended up hanging around in the Warren alone because that was the only place and community where he could mildly feel at home: living in the shadows of moral ambiguity and anonymity and surrounded by outcasts and “degenerates” abandoned by the rest of respectable society :(
Sazh... well, since Sazh still hadn’t gotten that much quality time with Dajh, he probably felt like he seriously owed it to his son, and I imagine he probably also felt a bit alienated from both Hope (drastic age, personality and role in society change) and Noel (where did the guy even come from and what was he even doing). I don’t think Sazh meant to drift apart from everyone else - he just never saw himself as a major player or social butterfly per se, trusting the other characters’ abilities to protect the world, and he just picked (and fought) the only battle he thought himself obligated to and equipped for fighting - the battle for his son. I don’t know if Sazh ever sought help from people like Snow and Hope RE: Dajh. I’m sure that Hope and Snow would have tried to help him if he asked but probably just didn’t get very far either because they had other obligations or because the condition was an enigma. In any case, Sazh probably reasoned that the life of one child was not worth distracting Hope and Snow from their duties in the cities and just devoted himself wholeheartedly (and pathologically) to Dajh because he knew he was the only one Dajh really had. After a set amount of time living away from everyone else, the cast probably just assumed him dead (thousands of people were dying daily anyway, and Sazh has a track record for disappearing off the face of the Earth for no reason).
Snow... well, Snow’s personal philosophy took critical hits due to the loss of Serah and the slow, inevitable degeneration of the world, and he probably had periods of identity crises where he didn’t really know what he was living for or fighting for. I think Snow wanted and sought companionship but some of the other characters had their own reasons for avoiding him (Noel, arguably Sazh) and Hope... well, Hope just went missing eventually. You probably know from following me that I headcanon Snow and Hope to have grown really close in this period because they worked under similar structures (the cities and Hope’s government) and likely bonded over their similar “kicked idealist” issues, not to mention possible shared angst over the Farron sisters :c
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shamera · 8 years
tagged by @solowinged!
rules: copy this into a new text post, replace my answers with yours and tag 10 people
A - age: bacK IN MY DAY--
B - biggest fear: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
C - current time: 10:20pm
D - drink you last had: uhh... Sprite/Iced Tea mix. 
E - every day starts with: reading. I roll over, pick up my phone, and continue whatever fic I nearly fell asleep reading the night before.
F - favourite song: oh wow, this really depends on my mood. My phone’s saying I played Fight Song a lot recently, though?
G - ghosts, are they real? Sure, I’ll believe something’s left behind. I think ghosts are memories, though, rather than souls.
H - hometown: Alhambra, California.
I - in love with: music? Stories? Hubby? Fandoms?
J - jealous of: jelly donuts. They really don’t have to worry about life.
K - killed someone: Um. That Sim was an accident, I swear! (And the hilarious thing is, it actually was. I didn’t think death by bees was a real thing until it happened.)
L - last time you cried: Probably two days ago reading stories.
M - middle name: Daphne (first name is my Chinese name. For legal purposes, I also have variants of my Chinese name as middle names, because my schools actually got it wrong so long that I thought that was how my Chinese name was spelled out in English...).
N - number of siblings: didn’t grow up with any, but at least 4 step sisters and 2 half-brothers? I don’t know any of them well.
O - one wish: Power over life and death.
P - person you last texted: Group chat; reviewed Rings (just came back from seeing it).
Q - questions you’re always asked: What’s up? 
R - reasons to smile: Yuri on Ice (hahaha, oh god, I need more happy shows I stg...)
S - song last sang: Quiet by MILCK
T - time you woke up: 7:43am this morning (I got a text). 
U - underwear color: Nude. I mean the colour.
V - vacation destination: Anywhere without social obligations is good.
W - worst habit: I overthink things, especially responses, until in my mind it’s probably better to not respond? (I suppose the upside to that is I rarely have foot-in-mouth syndrome.)
X - x-rays you’ve ever had: Dunno? The last one I had was in Taiwan for some full body examination. Never broke a bone or anything, though.
Z - zodiac sign: I’m a Tiger and Scorpio, which are both very temperamental and aggressive signs, haha. Accurate. I’m low-key angry at all times like Bruce Banner, ‘cause I live by Susan Sto Helit’s advice: Don’t get scared. Get angry.  ....Other than that, I like to think I’m pretty chill? 
I tag @sarenely, @warpstrikes, @luxurioushope, @mygeekycorner, @ffamuran, @inarex, @promptae, @azoths, @tamanegisensei, @everyfandomever (no one’s obligated, though!)
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farfromdaylight · 9 years
Favorite character ashe. ashe is the greatest. ashe is my queen. ashe is the absolute best. i can go on. 
Second favorite character balthier! no surprise there.
Least favorite character vaan. i used to outright dislike him, but these days i can somewhat tolerate him. i do think the game would be better served with less of him though.
The character I’m most like …good question. i’m not sure! out of the main cast, probably ashe or fran… i’m either a very determined person with a softer side or a fabulous sky pirate, take your pick.
Favorite pairing i really don’t ship it as much as i used to, but i still like ashe/balthier a lot. they have all this subtext that doesn’t really go anywhere but opens up a lot of questions.
Least favorite pairing i’m not too fussy about ff12 pairings, but i really can’t see ashe/basch. i honestly don’t see anything there.
Favorite moment NOPE. i am vetoing this question. i can’t answer it.  there are too many parts that i love.
Rating out of 10 i mean it’s my favorite game of all time it’s gonna be 10/10
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biff-adventurer · 1 year
OC tag game
Tagged by: @sundered-souls
Favorite OC: dude this is like asking me to pick my favorite cat child. i love biff, ever, dennmo, alun, arslang and dolyn the most-most. but i do like them all a lot! i'm mostly going by which characters i prefer to play the most, so they're all tied TuT
Oldest OC: biff was created first for XIV. while not being wholly original, he was the closest i had gotten before i created ever, who was pretty much entirely original. they were created within hours of each other, so it's kind of a tie.
Newest OC: ... Millicent Mason and Blood Angelbane. they were created to introduce some specific conflicts for me and wife's other characters. so far the cast does not know millicent's name yet.
Meanest OC: Probably Ana de Pelderain. Of the protags, I'd say Sylveret Jantellot, even though he has a mostly clean heart.
Softest OC: tied between biff and pudada
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: sophie rysto
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: sylveret
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: havoc cleaver. he's a big meanie.
Smartest OC: i think it's ever??? i don't have any intellectual genius characters, ever is the closest to that sort.
Horniest OC: BIFF
OC You'd Bang: gross lmao (i'm ace)
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: biff, dennmo, pudada, atheleys, and alys are all tied...
Tagging: @safert0fu @escherstrange-ffxiv @yvesoix-sellemontiere @furys-mercy @ffamuran and anyone who hasn't been tagged! i know a lot of people have been so sorry if you got re-tagged LOL
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
For the ffxiv ask meme: 8!
ffxiv ask meme - accepting
8. Favorite BGM/vocal track? 
ooh! this is a tough one because i have the memory of a goldfish and i play the game maybe twice a year! ffxiv isn’t really my style of music BUT i will say i kinda loved the shadowbringers theme? most particularly when it kicked in in that last [set of] cutscenes, at that Pivotal Plot Moment. in general i love vocalizing-type music! i’m less fond of the Final Fantasy Electric Guitar, unfortunately .
i also actually quite liked the rak’tika theme although it got really annoying on repeat! i thought i recognized some hindi words in it so i got excited about that before i realized that they were just mashing up a bunch of random syllables to sound Exotic™ but oh well!!!
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