#ffixiv azem
mih4nn · 4 months
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Rathos (i want to end myself)
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captainbasch · 6 months
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Harpalos, the seat of Azem, the Shepherd to the Stars.
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jonesylium · 11 months
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- The Sunfaring - one half of XIV
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graha-stan-account · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 Day 10: Channel
Channel: noun. 1. a medium for communication or the passage of information.
Astrea knows whom she can call on for help with the kind of urgency she requires.
Astrea waited patiently in line. Well, patiently by her standards. She bit at her thumb, crossed and uncrossed her arms, huffed several times, and peeked around the stark still figures ahead of her. A few moments later, when the line did not move another ilm, she marched up alongside the line and slid between its head and the clerk.
"Excuse me, I need to request a concept for immediate manifestation."
"Madam," replied a clerk whose voice she had not heard before, "kindly rejoin your place in the line. Might I note the wait time between a request and its fulfillment is five to seven suns."
Astrea pushed her mask farther up her nose bridge. "Pardon," she said, forcing a kindly smile, "I am pressed for time. Might I speak with the chief?'
"The Chief is indisposed. I regret to say he simply cannot be interrupted," the clerk drolled.
"Hah." Astrea looked around, her smile now turning to one of plain irritation. She knew well what Hythlodaeus was doing at this hour. He had engineered his robes to bear many pockets, and each day at about this hour he was perusing new concept submissions for suitable pets for those pockets. "I believe he should like to see me." She tapped her fingers on the counter. When the clerk made no move, she sighed heavily. "I shan't like to do this..." she said to herself before flashing a grin up at the clerk and displaying the glowing sigil of the Seat of Azem.
A groan issued from under the clerk's hood. He pushed away from the desk. "Just a moment," he said, before disappearing into the dark corridor behind.
"Azem!" Hythlodaeus called as he hurried to the counter but moments later. "To think you should return to the Capitol so soon." His voice stopped short. "I see you've realized you left your mask at home again."
"I am not so self-important as..." she looked around at the citizenry she had cut in the line, then leaned forward on the counter. "Might you find me a concept? Something like hemp, but hardy to arid climates. Resistant to aphids..."
"A plant?" Hythlodaeus put his fists on his hips. "Perhaps you should speak with the Words of Halmarut."
Astrea removed her mask, cleared her throat and rested the back of her hand against her mouth. "I need it now, dear."
"Yes, I do suppose that would not go well..." He sighed. "So what is afoot in the Highlands, then?" He pushed the request document toward her.
"Famine, which can well be addressed, but the people will want for warm clothes as frost draws nearer."
"No Petaludae in the Highlands? Should be suitable enough."
"Believe it or not, my love, there are those upon this star who cannot manipulate aether." She checked items with a quill as she moved down the sheaf. "Perhaps you could run that up the ladder and find a bit of compassion in the budget to mete out."
"My dear, last I checked, you are the ladder."
"You know well whom I mean. Good of heart; stubborn of will."
"Ah, yes. I will have a word with him."
"See, I knew you were the appropriate channel. Ah- and before tonight's meeting, if you would."
"Oh, are you making a motion?"
"Nae, I won't be there." Astrea scribbled her signature at the bottom of the requisition document. "Duty calls!" she said with a flourish, crossing the final item on the sheaf.
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My version of Azem in FFXIV! Would have put this up earlier but decided last minute to change his hair lol. Took longer than I expected.
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