purple-saladleaves · 5 months
forgal for the npc ask game!
Ok so I don't think any of my characters actually had Forgal as a mentor. In my canon all three died at Claw Island, so he wasn't spared just because Efalynn was Order of Whispers. But I don't really think about Forgal much ngl.
Efalynn definitely respected the guy, but only like she respected anyone who was willing to give their life for the fight. She only really thinks about him when she goes down a spiral of "All these people I couldn't save, who gave their life because I wasn't good enough" thoughts, and those have been getting much less common for her.
Ffoirre and Kallisto are my two Vigil characters in-game, but neither of them were around for Claw Island.
Kallisto is a bit younger, and I don't think she really pops up in the story until LWS4-IBS (my gut is saying Thunderhead Peaks, but I'm not sure).
Meanwhile, I don't think Ffoirre had joined the Pact at that time. He was still fairly fresh out of the Nightmare Court, and a significant part of his story is his reaction to the lack of trust shown when he does join the Pact. If he was around for Claw Island, those Pact members would've had to respect him at least a bit, and I think that's too early for what I want.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
ooh and also Deiliús' thoughts on Ffoirre?
"Ex-Nightmare? Ex? (they give a slow pointed blink) I'll believe it when I see it. He's not in the Court I belong to, so I can't say I know all that much about him. From what I gather he's had some curiosity in Mesmer magic, which is about the only shared ground we have. It's complicated and frustrating, but it does have its uses. Joining Nightmare early seems like it would make things easier to get used to. (a change occurs in their expression, it softens a barely noticeably degree) If... he has found a way out of this. I envy him."
Dei has complicated opinions about him. On one hand, they're still full of distrust and loathing for any and all members of the Nightmare Court (self included). They're not really convinced that it's possible to ever fully separate oneself from Nightmare once you've joined. Yet on the other hand, at least he's attempting to do better and change. The attempt has been made even if Dei isn't convinced it's going to do any good. I think they probably wouldn't get along super well, but they could be in the same room without getting into a fight.
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purple-saladleaves · 6 months
At some point I gotta make a guy who is just Terrible and remains that way
Ffoirre and Eichlladd both started out Terrible, but they quickly became victims of my "Oh Fuck Wait I Love Him" tendencies in different ways
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purple-saladleaves · 1 year
cynicism because the world has been awful to you and you have been awful to it, vs experiencing the worst the world has to offer in multiple lives and still living life with joy anyway.
Now what if they kissed about it
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purple-saladleaves · 2 years
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
hmm, for notebook asks, ffiore’s thoughts on the pale tree? @kerra-and-company
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(no worries, I accidentally spelled his tag wrong for so long agskshsj)
Ffoirre's thoughts on the Pale Tree (set near the end of LWS2, but before the Pact flew into the Maguuma Jungle)
I heard the Pale Tree was injured. It's... difficult to work out how I feel about it. A part of me misses the Nightmare, and that part is full of relief for all the new saplings that might be able to avoid the pressure that she puts on us all. But I don't like to agree with that part of myself if I can help it. And I think a lot more of us would have gone down a dark path if we hadn't had her guidance, even if sometimes it suffocated us. I wonder if they'd let me visit her.
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
Ffoirre + 😭, 🍓, 🌙, 🌋, 🎭, 🌈!
thank you for the ask :)
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Ffoirre was never the kind of person to cry easily/often before he joined the Nightmare Court, so now it's incredibly rare to see him cry. normally he just gets angry or shuts down instead of crying. but sometimes the tears just slip out when he feels intense emotion; most recently, when he saw Efalynn for the first time after she got back from the Crystal Desert and he was able to give her a hug and confirm that she was still alive
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
he eats them when he can, but Pact travel rations aren't the healthiest things in the world. but Ffoirre wants to stay healthy, so he'll never say no to something fresh. and his favourite is cherries
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
this is a. difficult question. I guess Ffoirre's greatest wish is to improve his reputation enough that he stops being recognised as the Knight of Poisons? he thinks that's pretty unrealistic though, so while he's joined the Pact and is actively trying to improve the way people view him, he refuses to change himself for that goal or lie about the kind of person he is
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
I've talked about Ffoirre's temper a couple times before, it's a pretty common question in these ask games I think. he's often irritated, but it takes a lot to pass that and make him properly Pissed Off. when that happens he does lash out, so to strangers it looks like an instant explosion, but really there's a lot more build up than they think
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different about the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc?
well the categories are more like strangers, Pact superiors, and friends/dogs. for the people he works for, Ffoirre is professional, and decently respectful, since he knows they're taking a chance on him (and it would look bad for Efalynn since she's vouched for him multiple times), although he will remind them occasionally of his skills when he feels like they're not being utilised. for strangers, Ffoirre is much more curt and grumpy, although he makes an active effort to rein in his worst mannerisms since he's trying to improve his reputation (unless he's particularly pissed off that day, in which case he enjoys reminding people how ruthless he used to be and watching them squirm).
its only with friends that Ffoirre acts his true self; cynical and sarcastic and yeah a bit of a dick, but ultimately a decent guy who means well deep down and regrets his past
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
"don't join the Court. it's nothing like Gavin promised."
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
for whatever wednesday, for whoever you'd like :D -- if you could pick a song to describe your OC(s), what would it be and why? @kerra-and-company (by the way i think it's been a bit since i dropped by, sorry about that!)
that's for the ask! (and don't worry about not dropping by for a bit, it's all good)
this one is really difficult actually, since I feel like a lot of the music I listen to doesn't really fit my OCs. I've got the starts of character playlists for Efalynn and Ffoirre, but they're both only four songs so far. The ones on Efy's playlist all have pretty different vibes so I don't think I could actually pick one over the other to describe her.
For Ffoirre, I think I'll go with Despite What You've Been Told, by Two Gallants. if I had a nickel for every time I put this song on a playlist for a character that used to be pretty evil but is going through a redemption arc and is kinda mad about it (but not really), I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but its weird that it's happened twice. it's mostly about the line in the chorus: despite what you've been told, I still have a soul. Ffoirre wants to prove to people he's on the right side, but he was a well-known member of the Court, so he has to fight against that reputation. he might be grumpy and cynical but he's not totally heartless. he's also Soundless, so it's a reminder to the sylvari who wonder if he can even feel emotions or why he would ever abandon the Dream, without bothering to check if he can hear them
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
OC Masterlist
The version with my nice desktop theme is here, but for the mobile gang, this is a list of all my OCs! I put them in alphabetical order, mostly so I could find them a bit easier. Under a cut, because this is long.
Ashildr Skolldottir
Pronouns: she/her
Race/class: norn ranger
Age: 24
Date of creation: 3/4/21
Personality: Adventurous, makes friends easily and cares about them a lot, a little overprotective, hates giving up on anything or anyone
Best friend is a bear she's had for as long as she can remember, named Constance
Also has a pet raven called Larceny, who she befriended when she was twelve
Suffers from severe chronic pain after falling out of a tree when she was young, and uses Constance as a mobility aid
Currently lives in Divinity's Reach, as the cold of the Shiverpeaks worsens her pain
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Pronouns: she/her
Race/class: sylvari reaper
Age: 18 months
Date of creation: 28/6/20
Personality: Inquisitive, booksmart and very hardworking. Lawful good. Serious and awkward at first, but opens up around her friends. Slightly paranoid and totally exhausted from all the fighting
(big spoilers up to the end of PoF. this is long, she's my favourite OC and I have a lot to say, plus I'm not good at condensing things (which is obvious if you've ever seen me answer an ask game. sorry!)
My Commander, so she mostly follows the main story
Her twin sister Rhiannwen was seemingly killed during an early Pact mission when Efalynn was forced to leave her behind -- see Rhiannwen's notes for more info
[Note: my timeline is condensed for angst reasons >:) so HoT is just a few months after the personal story]
Fought an illusory version of Rhi in Mordremoth's mind -- this plus Trahearne's death left her terrified that she'll cause the death of another person she cares about
Refuses to go back to the jungle unless it's really necessary. Prefers to avoid the whole Maguuma region if possible
Cut contact with her friends after HoT due to her fears, only meeting up with them accidentally in Amnoon. Things stayed tense between them, leading to her facing Balthazar alone
Since returning from the Domain of the Lost, Efalynn struggles with temporary memory loss and vivid nightmares, though she powers through
Dying also left her Soundless, which she hates
When not on a Pact mission, Efalynn travels Tyria, researching necromancy and its effect on sylvari to try and find a cure for her sister
Ex-Whispers Lightbringer, though she quit after the death of her close friend Tybalt
Also has Priory ties due to her research, but rejected offers to join numerous times
Asexual greyromantic lesbian, but has very little time for romance so she doesn't really think about it
Has names for each of her minions, and sometimes gives them hats to wear
She can't stand the heat, it reminds her too much of the jungle and of Balthazar
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Pronouns: he/him
Race/class: sylvari harbinger
Age: 6 years
Date of creation: 17/8/21
Personality: Smug bastard. Very talkative, loves unnerving people (but means no harm by it). Super generous, just loves a good time. Very proud of his necromancy skills
Has a pet snake called Myrtle, which he keeps wrapped around his arm, and uses her venom for his elixirs
Possibly from another Pale Tree? (see below)
[Note: he was my character for the EoD beta event on the 17th-21st August. I got super attached to him after doing a beta character RP event with my guildmates, so I decided to write him down as one of my official OCs, but since he's an EoD character, I haven't really given him any lore yet. But watch this space!]
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Pronouns: he/him
Race/class: sylvari warrior
Age: 11 years
Date of creation: 17/2/21
Personality: Grumpy, cynical, very stoic and hates opening up to people, though he's ride or die for those who take the time to befriend him. Very disillusioned with the world
Joined the Nightmare Court when he was very young, swayed by the promise of power (and a crush on Gavin)
Was known as the "Knight of Poison" for using it on his weapons
Left the Court after a few years, bored of the constant infighting and betrayal
You know that post that's like "accidentally developed morals, felt regret for first time in life, proceeded to have a breakdown"? yeah
But he's still not sure if he'd refuse Gavin if he got a second chance
Voluntarily became Soundless, but sometimes misses the Dream
Thinks he would have been a mesmer if he had any magical talent
Became very good friends with Efalynn over several coincidental meetings
Arospec gay
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Kallisto Dawnheart
Pronouns: she/her
Race/class: sylvari guardian
Age: 3 years
Date of creation: 27/7/21
Personality: Very confident, headstrong (maybe reckless), honest to a fault. Super reliable except when it comes to keeping track of time. Acts flirty and suave but is really a disaster gay
Vigil warmaster, later promoted to Commander alongside Efalynn (not entirely decided when/how/why yet, since I haven't played Icebrood Saga but sshhh)
A great healer, but sometimes forgets the best defence isn't always a good offence
Trans lesbian
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Maja Spirittale
Pronouns: she/her
Race/class: charr ranger
Age: 29
Date of creation: 10/10/20
Personality: Curious and excited to learn, but gets distracted easily when bored. Better with pets than people, often causes problems on accident. Is a big cat person
Ash Legionnaire
Wants to join the Priory to study zoology
[Note: currently not in game, so she's not very developed]
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Recruiter Fjanni
Pronouns: she/fae
Race/class: asura elementalist
Age: 22
Date of creation: 18/8/21
Personality: Very chill and polite, absolutely not the kind of person you'd expect to set something on fire or blow it up just to see what happens. Fantastic liar. Faer interests come above all else
Kicked out of the College of Dynamics after starting too many fires (by accident! Mostly)
Joined the Inquest, became a recruiter to present a more ethical side. Fae knows it's not entirely true, but as long as she can keep doing what she wants, she doesn't really care
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Pronouns: she/her
Race/class: sylvari thief
Age: 18 months
Date of creation: 21/9/20
Personality: Blunt, asocial and wary, but very loyal. Can't stand being the centre of attention. Represses most of her emotions, so outwardly very stoic
Became a scion of Zhaitan after getting captured on a Pact mission and enduring a risky procedure where her soul was placed into a body created by the dragon
Lost most of her memories during this, but instinctively recognised Efalynn as her sister the next time they met (and fought)
Was almost totally under Zhaitan's control while it was still alive
When Zhaitan was killed, she regained a few of her earlier memories in exchange for those she'd made after the procedure
Remembers her sister only as a purple sylvari and travels Tyria to find her, but avoids the Pact due to being visibly undeadish
Became Soundless when her soul was transplanted into her new body, doesn't remember enough of the Dream to be upset by this
Glows constantly, but it's dimmer than most sylvari
Her skin feels like dead leaves, and she's unable to feel physical sensations
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Sasha Bellante
Pronouns: she/they
Race/class: human scrapper
Age: 19
Date of creation: 20/9/20
Personality: Super bubbly, energetic and extroverted. Very creative, has mad scientist vibes, really confident (often to a fault). Ridiculously stubborn and will do practically anything on a dare. Would kill and die for their friends without hesitation
Priory explorer, best friends with Magister Sieran and Krett
Lost her left arm to icebrood corruption, but was able to make a prosthesis with her engineering skills
Can't stand the cold (which is why they use a lot of fire-based skills)
Named their main gyro Sparks, and has nicknames for all the others too
Fantastic shot with a pistol
Wanted to be an elementalist but didn't have much talent for magic, and found she enjoyed building things more
Disaster bi, demigirl
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Seeker Krett
Pronouns: xe/xem
Race/class: asura mesmer
Age: 18 (and a half!!!!)
Date of creation: 17/2/21
Personality: Easygoing, enjoys playing pranks with xyr illusions, hates being bored. Terrible at making decisions, but determined not to let that get in the way of anything
Joined all orders to see which xe preferred but hasn't picked one yet
Met Sasha on a Priory mission and became friends almost immediately
Dreams of owning a huge library/lab with them and becoming Tyria's leading expert on... something. Xe hasn't decided on that either
Ridiculous sweet tooth
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
Thora Bonebreaker
Pronouns: they/them
Race/class: norn revenant
Age: uncertain, but physically 40ish
Date of creation: 7/10/20
Personality: Appears intimidating and grumpy, but actually super sweet. Has always had difficulty expressing emotions. So Goddamn Tired. Has a very strong sense of what's right. Rarely backs down from a challenge
Was born before the Norn exodus in ~1170AE, and trained as a Dolyak havroun
Was killed in the Mists when fighting one of the first Sons of Svanir, spent who knows how long as a ghost
Eventually met the Spirits of the Wild killed by Jormag, and traded their voice for resurrection
(Jalis -> Dolyak, Ventari -> Owl, Shiro -> Eagle, Malyx -> Wolverine)
Doesn't age, and doesn't need food, water or as much sleep as normal
Ice cold to the touch, regardless of their surroundings
After returning from the Mists, their eyes and hair turned pure white, and they became incredibly pale
Their tattoos glow very subtly with a different colour for each Spirit
Refuses to let things go when they know they have the power to help, became a Vigil soldier to aid with this
Nonbinary demisexual, nblm
Tags: Main tag, art, fic
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
Ffoirre + 🤢 (@astralarias)
thanks for the ask! :)
my dude. my guy. have you ever considered that maybe people will trust you a little bit more if you stop acting like a grumpy little shit? yes intrusive questions are really annoying but sometimes you just gotta ignore it, and complain about them to friends later. like customer service. and maybe you should. i dont know. stop threatening violence at every inconvenience? yes you're joking but not everyone knows that, and you're on thin ice already
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
14, 20, 30, and 48 for whoever you most want to talk about!
I'll answer for Ffoirre, to celebrate him finally getting to lv80
14) Are they a simple person to please or difficult?
definitely difficult. Ffoirre is a grumpy little twig, and he likes the finer things in life (which was one of the reasons Gavin was able to convince him to join the Nightmare Court). he's not unappreciative of gifts and things, but it's very difficult to find something he really likes, and even harder to find something that he'll actually tell you he likes
20) Does your character have a comfort item?
not really, I don't think he actually has many possessions that he really cares about. but he does find dogs (especially fernhounds) very comforting
30) Do they dwell better in chaotic situations or more linear situations?
I think Ffoirre prefers a more straightforward situation, but he's alright with making decisions on the spot and circumstances changing. I think he's the most middle ground of my characters for this question, the rest definitely tend to lean one way or the other.
48) Is your character easy to make cry? Or angry? Or annoyed?
Ffoirre almost Never cries. "shows of weakness" were punished in the Court. when he's sad, he either pushes it down, or lashes out
he's pretty easy to annoy though. there's not much that can break through the constant state of mild irritation he feels when he's around a lot of other people, especially those who know about his reputation. the times when he has to report to Fort Trinity are a nightmare
even so, it tales a lot to make him genuinely angry. I talked about it quite a lot here (second question)
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
All of F, O, I, R, and E for Ffoirre :3 @mystery-salad
hey, thanks for the ask! :)
1) what do they do for fun?
he spends time with the fern hounds or goes out for a drink with Efalynn when they can. I also think Ffoirre would really enjoy cross stitch or crochet (some kind of fibre art) if he ever tried it. not that he would though; he wants to improve his reputation but he still wants to be at least a bit intimidating
2) what is their ideal party?
one that he doesn't need to go to? or something small with just his close friends
3) who would they have the most fun with?
obviously he has the best time with Efalynn because she's the only one of my OCs that Ffoirre knows, and they do get on really well. but I also think he'd enjoy fighting things with Thora, and Sasha and Krett would get him to lighten up just a little
4) can they have fun while conforming to rules?
he can, but sometimes it can get a bit boring. he was a Courtier after all, even if he's trying to put that behind him
5) do they go out a lot?
not really. usually either Ffoirre or Efalynn is busy, and he dislikes getting recognised as one of the Nightmare Court, which happens pretty often whenever he goes out
1) are they optimistic or pessimistic?
definitely pessimistic
2) are they openly optimistic pessimistic, throwing it on others?
yep. he has a pretty cynical view of the world and rarely sees the point in keeping it to himself
3) are they good at giving advice?
occasionally. if he lets himself be a little less cynical for a bit, Ffoirre gives surprisingly good romantic advice for someone whose most romantic relationship was a one sided crush on Gavin
4) is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
Efalynn -- it's one of the main reasons why they're friends
5) were they always optimistic pessimistic?
yes, but not nearly as much as he is now
1) what is their sexuality?
Ffoirre is arospec gay
2) have they ever questioned their sexuality?
not really, sexuality isn't really important to sylvari and honestly he had bigger things to worry about. he's secure in his attraction to men and doesn't feel like he needs to think about things further
3) have they ever questioned their gender?
same as above honestly
4) would/was their family be ok with them being LGBT?
yeah, since sylvari have such a chill view on it (although he doesn't really consider them family. also fwiw none of my OCs will ever face discrimination/hate for being LGBT, it's not something I want in my version of Tyria)
5) how long would/did it take for them to come out?
it would take Ffoirre a while to come out to anyone new, since he needs to build up a good relationship with them first which is uh. Difficult for him. but he doesn't make a big deal out of it at all, it's probably just dropped into conversation casually when he's comfortable enough to talk about romance
1) do they follow rules?
he works for the Pact as part of his "rehabilitation" so yes, he has to. but like in F4, he's not always happy about it, especially if he thinks the rules or orders he's been given are stupid
2) would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
Ffoirre does not want kids, but if he had them he'd be pretty laid-back. he felt like the Pale Tree put a lot of pressure on all the young saplings, including himself, which is what pushed him to join the Nightmare, so he would be very worried about making his kids feel the same way
3) have they ever faced consequences for breaking a rule?
Efalynn actually helped the Wardens in Caledon Forest arrest him once when he was still an active Courtier. it didn't last long
4) have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
he regrets joining the Court, if that counts. (but not entirely)
5) do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
some of the conditions Ffoirre has to follow to work with the Pact are very frustrating for him. for example, he's not allowed to take night watch, and he gets very little privacy to stop him "planning things". he's not going to plan anything, he genuinely wants to make reparations, but it's incredibly irritating when they treat him more like a prisoner
1) does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
sort of? like I say below (see E5) Ffoirre sometimes acts like more of a dick than he really is, and he also makes an effort to Do The Right Thing (occasionally). but typically he doesn't like playing nice. (rarely though he is genuinely kind, especially to dogs, but You Did Not See That)
2) do they do things that conform to the norm?
from the standpoint of a Pact Soldier, mostly? he does the same work as everyone else, minus a few smll differences (see R5). but a lot of the time he'd rather do what he wants than follow the crowd
3) do they follow trends or do their own thing?
he absolutely does his own thing. his reputation is important to him, but not nearly so important that he'd change the way he dresses or the things he does in his free time, for example
4) are they up to date on internet fads?
obviously the internet isn't a thing in Tyria, but there's still trends and celebrity culture. Ffoirre doesn't bother keeping up with most of them, he thinks it's all a waste of time, but he does like to keep up with the ridiculous rumours people will spread about The Commander, just to tease Efalynn about them
5) do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it our own their own?
I think Ffoirre slightly exaggerates the less pleasant parts of his personality, especially when he's in a bad mood. he doesn't like a lot of people, and sometimes when they're so sure he's an asshole, it feels easier to play to their expectations than change their minds. but mostly he lets people figure it own on their own, they can come to their own conclusions.
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
☀️🌊 for Ffoirre?
thanks for the ask! :D I'm definitely not using this to procrastinate my last minute chemistry revision haha no wayyyy
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
I think Ffoirre takes care of himself pretty well. he's not hesitant about getting in a fight, and he's not really fussy about his appearance, but he makes sure he doesn't put himself in too much danger and that he's healthy. it's mostly pragmatic, but part of it is out of spite -- there's a lot of people who'd be pretty happy if Ffoirre wasn't around (either because he got killed or badly injured/sick). why should he give them that satisfaction?
he definitely tries to put others before himself, but it does not come naturally to him at all. Ffoirre joined the Court when he was really young, so he grew up in this environment where caring was a liability, where people would be just as likely to accept help as they would to stab you in the back. he's very aware of how people view him too, so he tries to be less self-centred if he can when he's around others.
I'm not sure if it would be considered pampering himself exactly, but when he gets sick of being around other people Ffoirre likes to go off somewhere quiet and play with fern hounds. he's always been a big dog lover (the way the nightmare hounds were treated really upset him when he was still with the Court), and those adorable leafy babies really help take his mind off things.
🌊 What does your OC do on their days off from working, school or whatever else it is they may do? Do they enjoy relaxing, shopping, hanging out with friends? What is a normal day like for them?
a while after leaving the Court, Ffoirre decided to join the Pact to try and make up for all the harm he caused. so a normal day for him is out on a Pact mission, although he's never given anything even vaguely like a leadership role. (he gets why they don't trust him, but being basically a hired sword gets boring fast.)
sometimes though, he gets assigned a mission with Efalynn, which he basically considers a day off. the two of them are probably each other's best friend, even if they don't get to meet very often. for Ffoirre, it's a relief to be around someone who trusts him. for Efalynn, she appreciates the chance to stop acting the Perfect Tough Commander persona because he Gets It, yknow? how difficult it is to be constantly fighting? they clash every now and then, since his cynicism and her idealism don't mix too well, but usually they like having the alternate viewpoint to inspire them or ground them.
very rarely, they get to meet up off the job, and usually the two of them go for a drink somewhere. they're both very well traveled, but Efalynn has a knack for finding good inns and rest stops (although Ffoirre doesn't trust her food recommendations. we all know what kind of stuff our Commanders are willing to eat cough toxic meat cough.) they tend to stay away from places with a lot of sylvari; Efy doesn't like being reminded that she's Soundless and Ffoirre was a fairly well known Courtier, so it's a Bad Time for both of them. Ffoirre never says it, he's not the type to speak plainly, but he lives for the days where he can visit somewhere new with the person he cares for most.
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
for the oc list: one thru 12 :p
hey, thanks for the ask :) sorry my answer is a little late, i only just saw this
1) Wears lots of jewelry
Probably Eichlladd. There's a bit of a 'skulls and snakes' theme, and on anyone else they would look like a massive edgelord, but on him it really works
2) Likes nature
Ashildr is a ranger, of course she likes nature. Same for Maja (look at that I'm talking about Maja. That hasn't happened in a loooong time)
3) Hair game strong
Even though Thora doesn't pay much attention to how they look, somehow their hair is always Fantastic
4) Slays everyone’s existence with their looks
I'm not saying Kallisto is canonically my hottest OC, but I'm also not not saying that
5) Will kill you and laugh
Fjanni has that perfect mad scientist cackle when fae sets something on fire. If you get caught in the way that's hardly her fault
6) Loves dragons
Efalynn literally has a dragon daughter (Aurene my beloved). The rest of them are bastards though
7) Has a sad backstory
I'd say Efalynn, but her sad backstory is mostly just... the canon story. It still counts though. I am Very mean to her. Also Rhiannwen, for someone with a much less canon-compliant story
8) Will laugh uncontrollably at a stupid pun they made
Krett. Absolutely Krett. Xe is a menace to Sasha and Sieran. (They love it though)
9) Will watch hours upon hours of the nature channel
One of Ashildr's favourite pastimes is cuddling up to her bear, Constance, and burning through a knee-high stack of zoology books like I did in primary school before the gifted kid burnout hit. Somehow Constance knows when Ashildr is reading about bears, and gets very excited. When her raven (Larceny) joins them, Ashildr swears he's reading along, and he'll peck at the book if he wants Ashildr to turn the page
10) Fascinated by serial killers
Hmm... I'll tentatively say Ffoirre for the Nightmare Court association, or Fjanni since fae's part of the Inquest, but I don't think any of them would be, really? Mostly because I think the whole "serial killer fandom" is really really weird and disrespectful to the victims, and I don't particularly want to put that on any of my OCs. Rhiannwen would enjoy crime novels though, if that counts?
11) Will deck you in the face for the last slice of pizza
Replace pizza with anything sweet, and this is Krett all over. If xe shares cake with you, that's practically a declaration of undying love
12) Loves to skate
Sasha can't deal with the cold since they lost their arm to icebrood, so ice skating is a big no, but I think she'd really enjoy rollerskating. Would she be good at it? ...Unsure. But she'd have a great time regardless
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
OC Question, if you would like one! For whoever you'd like to talk about.
Given their current abilities and if they were able to - would they rather be a combination of professions or master just one? For instance, be a jack of all trades and be able to use necromancy magic as well as nature magic, elementalist abilities and warrior ones, etc.
:D thank you for this ask!!!! and the question is super interesting too. I think I'll answer for a few of my OCs though, because I can't quite decide who to answer for
Efalynn is my main OC, my Commander, and a necromancer (reaper at the moment). Trahearne was her mentor, and she really feels connected to necromancy, so she's definitely committed to becoming a master at it. but since becoming friends with Ffoirre and training with him over the past couple of months, she's picked up a few techniques from him for both daggers and greatswords, even though her dagger is mostly a magical focus and he prefers not to use greatswords, though he's good at using them. she loves using that to her advantage though, because people don't expect her to use these kinds of moves so no one defends against them and they strike true almost every time.
Ffoirre and Sasha are similar in that they would be different classes if they had any magical ability. Ffoirre would either be a mesmer or a thief depending on his affinity with magic, and he still prefers stealth, daggers, distractions and poison when fighting over brute force. (fun fact! it was very difficult for Efy to spar with him at first, because he fights in a similar way to her sister Rhiannwen, who got Zhaitan'ed. it brought back a lot of memories.) he isn't able to use magic at all though, so he sticks with being a warrior, but he really enjoyed spellbreaker training in Elona.
Sasha is an engineer with a particular affinity for fire. whether it's a flamethrower, a ball of napalm or incendiary ammo, they love burning stuff. and they especially love melting icebrood. she really wishes she could be an elementalist and channel the fire directly, but at the same time, they love their inventions and tinkering in her workshop to make the fires burn hotter and longer.
Rhiannwen is a thief, who I'm planning on training as a deadeye after she gets to lv80 because she's visibly undeadish and getting close to people can be... dangerous. but as a scion of Zhaitan, she finds channelling life force for necromancy much easier than she would otherwise. Efalynn would be overjoyed and happy to train her if she knew, but Rhi doesn't really enjoy using it unless she really has to. she doesn't like being reminded that she was basically Zhaitan's newest possession until it got taken down.
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
I saw you were new? Hello and welcome *\(^v^)/*
2, 4, 8 and 15 from the Sylvari asks?
yes, I'm new! well, mostly. I've been playing for nearly a year now, but I only made my gw2 blog pretty recently. anyways, hi! and thanks for the ask :)
2) Were they modeled after a specific plant? If not, what was your inspiration?
okay so Ffoirre is my ex-Nightmare Court boy, and when I was making him I decided to base him off a specific plant instead of just picking colours I liked. I also wanted a character that subverted class stereotypes a bit more than my others, so I wanted to make him a sneakier type of warrior that used poison. so I picked deadly nightshade as my inspiration for his design! he's still pretty new so unfortunately I don't have a good screenshot of him yet (i keep meaning to take one but oops), otherwise I'd post a picture of the flower and him to compare
4) What kind of climate are they least comfortable in?
he doesn't particularly like dry climates, but Ffoirre absolutely can't stand the snowy parts of Tyria. one time Efalynn took him to Hoelbrak for Dragon's Bash and he complained pretty much the entire time. (mostly as a joke, but he wasn't about to complain when Efy got him a hot drink to shut him up haha)
8) During what cycle were they born?
...I want to say dawn? (yes I was unsure on this question all three times it was asked. i logged on so i could check and immediately got distracted whoops)
15) Favourite thing about playing your salad?
I really love when Ffoirre starts glowing. his colours are normally fairly muted but at night he glows bright red and I think it looks super cool. I also really enjoy playing through the personal story and thinking about what decisions he might have made if he hadn't joined the Nightmare Court
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