chelseapetrakis · 5 years
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On this Solstice, especially, when the sun has lived its fullest, when the earth (at least the northern hemisphere) is at the top of its breath, and as it starts the long breath out, I pray that what I have learned in the expansion I can use in the contraction, I pray that what I have taken in, gathered, percolated, I can now use as knowledge, as ground for stability and strength. I pray that we can gather all our resources to help ourselves and those in need around us. . This is Apollo the god of sun, music, poetry, and civilization, greeting the morning sun (here the afternoon sun is behind). At his feet on the base are the nine muses “Euterpe, the muse of music and lyric poetry; Polyhymnia, oratory and sacred poetry; Urania, astronomy; Clio, history; Thalia, comedy; Melpomene, tragedy; Terpsichore, dance and choral song; Erato, love poetry; and Calliope, epic poetry.” All the muses are there to witness the sun, to bless the earth with their art. I’m reminded of the cycles of things, of us, and how fleeting all this life is. That we must do what we can now. According to the Allerton Park website Carl Milles the sculptor wrote about the fitness of placing this statue alone in a large meadow, “I hope this bronze will stay there in that way till the last man has gone-when the earth is as dead as the moon-and still this is there. Such a dream!” . . The Sun Singer (1926), Carl Milles Allerton Park, Monticello, Ill. May 2006 Zero 2000 Pinhole, Fuji Acros 100 . . . #allertonpark #centralillinois #zeroimage #zeroimage2000 #pinholecamera #mediumformatfilm #mediumformatphotography #120film #blancetnoir #blackandwhitefilm #fujiacros #onfilm #sheshootsfilm #shootitwithfilm #onfilmdiary #photofilmy #analogclub #analogueforever #analoguepeople #filmphotomag #photo_collective #dreamermagazine #beginmag #explorerdiary #forevermagazine #portlandphotography #femalephotographers #thefemaleframe #ffsubmissions (at Allerton Park and Retreat Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFYftCh8j3/?igshid=14zf0ymmajwoq
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