#ffxiv Scherìs
qarukhel · 4 years
I Don’t Karen.
Scherìs sat at her desk at work.  Today she was dressed in a powder blue mini-skirt and corset, matched with white hose.  In her hair was a gold butterfly hair clip.  She liked this outfit because it made her feel like the girl from one of her favorite stories, “Alice in Wonderland”.
She was trimming her nails with a tiny pair of clippers, her tongue held between her lips as she was lost in thought.  Her nail file was tucked in behind her ear and all of her nail polishes were arranged by spectrum in a tackle box she bought to carry them in.  She was humming a bright little tune as she contemplated what color she was going to use when the front door slapped open and then was unceremoniously slammed closed.
Scherìs hopped in her chair and nearly peed herself from the sudden explosion.  Looking up, she didn’t see anything.  She stood up and looked around.  Frowning, she didn’t quite understand what happened.
“Honey, I’m down here!”
Blinking, she looked down into the eyes of a Lalafell.  She had dyed blonde hair in a pixie cut and blue eyes.  She was dressed in a pant suit and wore red framed glasses with massive lenses.  Tossed over one shoulder was a bag done up in flowers and swirly patterns with “Live, Laugh, Love” embroidered in various places.  She had a determined, gritty look on her face like she was dealing with the end of the world.
“I want to speak to the doctor.  Now.”
“Sure!  Have you been here before?”
The Lalafell took a large sigh and shook her head, “Honey... You must not have heard me.  I want to speak to the doctor.  Now.  As in, right this second.”
Scherìs didn’t quite understand why this Lala was so hostile, but she rolled with it.  “Yes ma’am, I did hear you.  However, the doctor wants me to...”  Scherìs didn’t even get to finish what she was about to say when the Lalafell started banging her tiny fist on the desk and screaming, “NOW!”
“She’s not here.”
“Why. Are. You. Wasting. My. Time.  Let me speak to your manager!  Now!”
“Uh... She’s not here, either?”
“What is the doctor’s name?”
“Giah Onahah.”
What is your manager’s name?
“Giah Onahah.”
“Do you think you’re funny?”
Scherìs blinked, “Um, some times?”
“Well, little miss comedienne, if I don’t speak to your doctor or manager right flippin’ now, you’re going to see me get truly unpleasant.”
Scherìs went to the back of the house, away from the horrid Lala and punched her link pearl.  When Giah answered, she was crying so hard she started hiccuping.
It took a few moments, but Giah got Scherìs calmed down.  As she explained what had caused her to start crying, Giah’s face went from concern to a completely stony expression, the index knuckle of her right fist pressed against her mouth.  Giah was quiet and let Scherìs babble for a moment before she put on her best motherly tone and told her that she would be home shortly to deal with this person.  In the meantime, she told Scherìs to go to the kitchen and help herself to a piece of cake.  Under no circumstances was she to talk to that... woman.   Scherìs said she understood, thanked Giah and hung up.
“We need to go home.  Something unpleasant has turned up on our doorstep and needs to be evicted.”
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qarukhel · 5 years
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Scherìs had been tired before, but this was a new level of tired.  She was bone-weary.
She didn’t remember much after the battle.  She did remember Giah picking things out of her hair and mumbling about how she didn’t think science had identified half the things stuck in Scherìs’ hair.
As she approached the door to their shared apartment, she nearly started crying from being so tired and achey.  She had hoped for dinner, then her hopes were dashed when she remembered she told River not to wait up for her.  She sighed and opened the door to their apartment.
She smelled things being cooked and there were candles lit all over the place.  A moment later, River popped around the corner, “Oh wow... You really did go through hell...”
Scherìs blinked, “Wh-wh-what?”
River gently pulled her through the door and closed it behind her, then led her to the bathroom.  She added, “Isrun and Giah called me when you left them.  They said you were dead on your feet and weren’t sure you’d make it home on your own.  I was just about to go out and see if you had made it to the entrance of the district.”
She sat Scherìs on the edge of the bathtub and began undressing her, throwing the clothes on the floor unceremoniously.  She glanced at them briefly before tossing and commented “I’m not sure if I should wash them or burn them...”
Scherìs snapped out of her fog for a moment, “What are you doing?”
“Well, I’m going to bathe you.  Then I’m going to feed you and send you straight to bed.  Once in bed, I’m going to help you forget what a shit day you’ve had and help you relax so you can sleep for the next three or four days.”
“But... The First...”
“Fuck the First.  It can take care of itself for a few days.”
The tiny, really tired Au ra rested her head on River’s arm and sighed happily.
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qarukhel · 6 years
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It’s early morning and the sun sends a single beam to peek through the window.  It comes through and taps an upturned, sleeping face gently.
Another beam joins its friend, attempting to get the sleeping person’s attention.
Moments later, the sun comes into full view and decides to slap the face with all its glory.  Scherìs groaned and burrowed under the covers.
It was enough.  She’d slept plenty and couldn’t go back to sleep.  She opened her eyes and realized two things.  The first is that she was nude.  The second was that she was in bed with someone else, who was also nude.
Now, nudity doesn’t bother Scherìs.  Frankly, if she had her way, she go everywhere buck ass naked.  However, society (and Qara... and Giah...) demanded that she at least wear SOME clothes.
But, she’d never shared a bed with another person (gender regardless), let alone naked.  She wasn’t concerned, per se, because she was fairly sure nothing happened.  It was just a new experience.  Novel, in fact.
Looking at what she could see, she felt pretty sure she knew who it was.  She peeked out from under the covers and confirmed her suspicion: River.  Another thing she confirmed, to her disappointment, is that Miqo’tes don’t have fur anywhere other than their ears.
“River should go naked more often”, thought Scherìs.  River, for all of her juvenile joking about Scherìs sex life, always dressed very conservatively, even in her choice of swimsuits.  What she saw confused her, because she felt River was very pretty.  Then she saw the scar.
River woke up and was briefly alarmed when she didn’t see Scherìs.  Looking down, she saw the lump under the covers moving around.  She smiled until she felt something touch her stomach, followed by aether entering her scar.
It was an incredibly nasty scar, jagged and angry looking.  It extended from River’s belly button to just scant millimeters below her breasts.  Lightly touching the scar, Scherìs began probing it with magic, the healer in her drawn to the rent in her friend’s skin.
She didn’t know what caused it, but it did a lot of damage.  There wasn’t much in River’s torso that hadn’t been touched by healing magic at some point.  The healing was poorly done.  One person had tried but it felt like they ran out of stamina, fading out as their energy was exhausted.  The healer who took over just didn’t give a damn and was sloppy.
Frowning, Scherìs decided she was going to make this right.  She popped out from under the covers, her hands reaching for River’s face so she could make sure she was in a deep sleep.
River felt the energy retreat and felt Scherìs uncoil under the covers.  Two hands came out from under, going for her face.  She grabbed both of Scherìs’ wrists and looking into her eyes said one word.
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qarukhel · 5 years
Birbs and Bumbles
Scherìs was laying on her stomach, enjoying a backrub from River.  When River learned that the evening had been spent in the company of two Ishgardian men, River wanted to hear it all.  A deal was struck and a backrub was the payment.
“So….?!”, inquired River.
Scherìs laid her head on her pillow and enjoyed River’s ministrations. “So?”
River made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes, but continued to massage the Au ra’s back.  “Are you kidding me?  Tell me about the two guys you hung out with!”
“Oh!  Well, they were really nice.  One bought me coffee!”
River blinked and realized this wasn’t going the way she expected.  “You’re killin’ me, short stuff!  Were they tall?  Were they dark?  Were they handsome?  Did you want to bring them home so we could do things to them?”
Closing her eyes, she considered River’s questions.  After a moment, she responded, “Umm… Yes.  One was.  Yes.  And… uh… I dunno?  Maybe dinner?  Triple Triad?”
“Triple Triad?” River was perplexed.  Was she not being clear? “No… I mean… did you want to bring them home so we could make them scream our names passionately?”
Scherìs scrunched up her face as she tried to wrap her head around that statement.  “So you want me to bring them home so you can torture them?  What are you going to do?  Use the bathroom and lock them in there when you’re done?”
It took her a moment to realize what was happening.  Scherìs wasn’t a pervert like she was.  If anything, she was fairly innocent.  So, she did the only thing she could think to do.  Leaning over, she began to whisper in Scherìs’ ear.  As River whispered in her ear, the tiny Au ra’s eyes got really wide, her mouth dropped open and she gasped.  “River!  You’re horrible!”  She paused, then said, “Although… the one man… Brendan?  No, that’s not right… Breandan?  Yeah, I think that’s it… He would probably be all for it.  I don’t think the other one would be for it.”  
Tilting her head, the Miqo’te’s expression became puzzled, “What?  Do you think they’re more than friends?”
“You mean like us?”
Scherìs closed her eyes again and thought about it.  “I don’t think so.  I think they’re just friends, but I could be wrong.”  She smiled and murmured under her breath, “Silvestre Vigneaux…”  A moment later, she felt something blowing on her.  Opening her eyes, River’s face was incredibly close to hers and she had a big grin on her face.
“So… His name is Silvestre?”
Scherìs nods, “Yep!”
“You have a crush on him, don’cha?”
“What?!? No…”
Scherìs blushed furiously and her tail twitched.  “You’re being mean.”
Kissing the Au ra’s forehead, she replied “Aww, I’m sorry sweetheart.  I just think it’s cute.”  Scherìs closed her eyes again and made an offended noise, “meanie.”
As the night wore on, they continued to talk and laugh.  River rubbed Scherìs back until she fell asleep, with visions of Dragoons leaning against bar tables in her head.
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qarukhel · 5 years
The Second Cup
Scherìs appeared next to the main aetheryte in Gridania.  She gasped as her body reformed, then giggled as she skipped to the Carline Canopy.  She was looking forward to breakfast.
The Canopy was lightly attended today, so finding a table wasn’t an issue.  She sat down and waited.  The server who introduced her to coffee the last time she was there arrived at the table, “Hi Scherìs!  How are you?  What can I get for you today?”
“I want coffee! And, um... waffles!”
The server smiled and started writing on her pad, then stopped.  She looked up and said, “Do you want coffee like the last time or would like... something a little different?”
Scherìs blinked, “Different?  Will it be good?”
Turning slightly, the server pointed to a large machine that had steam wafting from it.  “Garlond Ironworks brought us a new coffee making machine.  It makes a concentrated kind of coffee that Wedge calls ‘espresso’.”  Scherìs eyes go wide, “Ess-press-oh?”
Nodding, the server added, “Yes!  We add flavorings to it too, such as chocolate and toppings such as whipped cream.”  After a moments pause, the server inquired “What do you think?”
Scherìs nodded emphatically, “I’ll try it!  With the chocolate and whipped cream, too?”  Smiling, the server nodded and wrote the order on her pad.  She stopped again and said, “Oh!  I forgot to ask.  How many shots of coffee do you want in the drink?”
Scherìs scrunched her face up, not quite understanding the question, “Shots?”  The server nodded, “I don’t really understand it either.  The best explanation I’ve been given is each shot is like it’s own cup of coffee.”
“Oh! Okay...” She remembered how... concerned Giah and Isrun were when she had six cups of coffee.  She also remembers how amused River was, considering that Scherìs had kept her up til 4am the next morning.  For once, it had been River that was exhausted rather than Scherìs.
“Umm... How about three?”
“Sounds good!  Be back in a few.  It takes a little time to make the drink.”
*** *** ***
After breakfast, Scherìs went to the mansion to help with setting it up as an office for Giah.  After two of those drinks and some waffles, Scherìs was ready to go!
She slammed the doors open and yelled, “GIAH! ISRUN! I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!”  She ran around the house until she encountered Isrun and essentially combined a hug and a tackle into a show of affection.  As well-built as Isrun is, she wasn’t ready for the Au ra missile, “ISRUN!  HI!  I’M READY TO HELP!”
Giah rose up from behind a counter where she had been arranging bottles, “ Scherìs?  Did you have six cups of coffee again?”
Giah took a deep breath and looked at Isrun, who shrugged. “Okay, take a deep breath and lower your voice just a little.”  She observed the Au ra, who was vibrating just as hard as last time, if maybe just a little more. “Was there anything... different about these cups of coffee?”
Scherìs nodded, “Yes! They had chocolate and whipped cream and something called “es-press-oh”!  It was soooo good!”
Giah’s brow creased in thought.  She had heard of that word before.  Going to a bookshelf, she pulled down one of the books and opening it, she read for a moment.  She closed her eyes and shook her head as she closed the book.
“I see.”
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qarukhel · 5 years
It was very, very early in the morning.  In fact, it was still dark out.
Yet, Scherìs was out, although not quite about.  She was at the Carline Canopy, her head face down on one of the tables.  Her eyes were closed and she was snoring lightly.
The server for  Scherìs table gave Mother Miounne a side glance while approaching  Scherìs’ table.  The server had waited on Scherìs many, many times, so she felt comfortable touching the tiny Au’ra.
She touched Scherìs shoulder gently, “Scherìs, are you well?”  The only motion out of the snoozing Au’ra was a twitch of the tail and a turn of the head.  She didn’t open her eyes, but she nodded slowly and said very soft, “Mmhmm... S’eepy tired.”
“Aww, sweetheart, it is really early for you, isn’t it.  Tell you what, I know just the thing.  Have you ever had... coffee?”  There’s a delay, then a soft “Wass coffee?” The server laughed and said, “Let me bring you some.  I’ll make sure it has plenty of sugar and cream for you.”
A few moments later, the server is back with a cup and a plate of cake.  she sits them down above Scherìs head, just out of the way in case she started.  “Scherìs, why don’t you take a couple of sips of that coffee?  It’ll help!”  The Au’ra slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes.  After several blinks, she was able to focus on the cup.  Picking it up, she took a couple of sips and enjoyed the caramel flavor.  She smiled at the server and nodded, “It’s very good.  Thank you!”  Smiling in return, the server returned back to her station.
Scherìs put her had back down on the table and closed her eyes.  She was still sleepy.
A heartbeat.
Another heartbeat.
Yet another heartbeat.
Suddenly, Scherìs’ eyes slammed open.
*** *** ***
Six empty coffee cups sat on the table.  The cake plate was empty, save crumbs.
Scherìs practically buzzed.  She was squirming in place, practically vibrating with energy as Isrun and Giah approached.
Giah looked at the table and took a deep breath.
“Oh no...” 
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qarukhel · 5 years
The Hidden Cup
Scherìs was laying on the bed on her stomach, reading a book.  Her legs were swinging back and forth in counterpoint to her tail’s movements.  Meanwhile, River was in the bathroom getting ready for work.  Once she was dressed, she came out and sat on the bed next to Scherìs.
River reached out and began stroking the Au ra’s back, which caused Scherìs to shiver and purr softly.  She looked up from her book and over her shoulder, “Aww... You’re leaving for work...”
Nodding, River replied “I am... I won’t be gone too long today.  It’s a short day.  We can do a late lunch when I get back?”  Scherìs smiled and nodded, “Yup!”  They kissed and River stood to leave, but not before stroking her girlfriend’s back one last time.
Scherìs went back to looking at her book, but not reading it.  Instead, she was more interested in listening for the door.  When she heard the door close, she counted to 100.  She stood up, picked up her robe off a chair near the bed and put it on as she headed to the kitchen.
Looking out the window over the sink, she could see River heading away from the apartment building.  Giggling, she went into one of the lower cabinets and began fishing around inside.
Pulling out a box, she sat it on the counter.  She squatted back down and pulled out an unmarked bag.  Opening the box, there was a piece of paper folded up on top.  She pulled it out and looked into the box.  Inside was a device made of glass and steel.  She “oooohed” as she unfolded the piece of paper and began to read.
Congratulations on your purchase of the finest Ishgardian Press in all of Eorzea!  This device makes the best cup of coffee and is enjoyed by coffee connoisseurs the world over!
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qarukhel · 5 years
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► Name ➔  “Scherìs Adjani! It’s pronounced the same as Cherise!”
► Are you single ➔ “Nope!”
► Are you happy ➔  “Yup! I had cake!”
► Are you angry? ➔   “No, why?  Do I look angry?!?”  
► Are your parents still married ➔  “I... I don’t know...” She sniffles as she says this.
► Birth Place ➔ “I... don’t... know...” A tear escapes her eye.
► Hair Color ➔  “Right now it’s a blueish-black with pink highlights!  River helped me dye it!”  She points to a Miqo’te, who grins and waves.
► Eye Color ➔ “Blue!“
► Birthday ➔  “31st Sun of the First Umbral Moon.  Why?  Are you bringing me a present?”  Maybe a cake?
► Mood ➔   "Happy!”
► Gender ➔  “I’m a girl!”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer, because I can go sunbathing.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon, ‘cause it’s warm outside.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Yup!  She’s my girlfriend!” She points at River, who grins and waves again.
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I don’t know...  River is my first girlfriend and she practically had to whack me over the head to make me understand she loved me.”  River laughs and yells, “Silly Leeeeezard!”  Scherìs giggles and yells, “Silly kitty!” in return.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Uh... This is my first one.  They end?”  She looks at River with a concerned look on her face.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “I... kind of broke River’s heart, but I fixed it!”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Nope!  I am afraid of spiders, tho.  Luckily my friend Giah protects me from them.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ ”Yes! Lots!  Can I hug you?”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I dunno.  River, have I had a secret admirer?”  The miqo’te nods, “Yup!  Me!”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t think so?”
► Love or lust ➔ “River?”  The miqo’te comes over and whispers in Scherìs ear.  “Oh!  Can I choose both?  I choose both.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade!  Isrun and GIah like tea, tho.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Both!”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I like almost everybody!”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “I’ve had wild nights in and romantic nights out.  Does it matter?”
► Day or night ➔ “Day! Because sunshine!”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yup!  Giah used to catch me all the time.  I’m kind of a klutz.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Yup!”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Cake!”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Yes, when River wakes up in the morning and stinks up the bathroom.”  River gasps and yells,  “Scherìs!”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smiles!”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller!”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Yes!“
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “I’m not sure.  I think relationship.  I’m really enjoying being with River.  She’s fun!”  
► Do you and your family get along ➔  “I don’t know if I have a family... River, Giah and Isrun are kind of my family now.  We really get along, too!  They’re all so sweet to me!”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ "Nope!”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Everyday!  I’m usually late for work.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Nope!”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Why would I do that?  I mean, I hate it when River farts and covers my head with the blankets, but I don’t hate her”  River yells again, mortified.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yup!”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “I have to choose?  Oh no... I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “River!  She even knows where I’m ticklish!”
Tagged by: @ainarosewood  and @eorzean-capitalist​
Tagging: @cahli-tia​, @diskwrite-ffxiv​, @e-x-i-t-3​, @fair-fae​, @garlean-nonsense​, @ahlis-xiv​, @sporebat​, @entropytea​, @thanidiel​, @herd-of-halla​, @isuke-ejinn​, @jancisstuff​, @luckiselki​, @nineprotons​, @qarukhel​, @varae-ver-you-are​, @voidsentprinces​, @poe-lhyzeal​, @cosmicdwarf​, @qesh-rae​, @roxinova​, @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​, @tiergan-vashir​, @una-xiv​, @wandering-heart-ffxiv​
And everyone!
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qarukhel · 6 years
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The breeze blew off the Rhotano Sea and across the sands of Costa del Sol.  Scherìs was laying on a blanket, soaking up sunshine and happily humming to herself.  River, a Miqo’te and her partner in crime, sat next to her on the blanket, going through the bag that they had brought with them to the beach.
“Oh!  I found that lotion Giah said to put on if we were going to be in the sun today.  She said it would keep us from burning.”  Scherìs turned her head towards River, taking in the bottle she was holding.
She sighed, “Giah worries too much.  We’ll be okay.”  River opened the bottle and sniffed, “Uh, you should put some on.”  A puzzled expression crossed Scherìs face, “Why?”
River held the bottle so Scherìs could smell it.  It was a very pretty, flowery smell.  Fairly potent too.  “Okay, it smells nice...?”  River nods, “It does. If you walk in to the mansion and you don’t smell like a flower garden, she’s going to know you didn’t use it.  Then she’ll be very sad and disappointed.”
Scherìs winced.  She’d rather be flayed by Qara with a steel barbed whip then disappoint Giah.  She started to stir, sighing again as she did so, “Okay, hand me the bottle.”  River looked over at Scherìs and said, “I could put it on you?”
“Oh! Okay!”  She laid back the way she was on the blanket.  “It’s really sweet of you, River.”  River climbed over Scherìs, then straddled her.  Next thing  Scherìs knew, she felt her swimsuit top being undone and pushed out of the way followed by something cold landing on her back.
River began pushing the blob of lotion around on Scherìs’ back, grinning, “It’s okay.  It gives me an opportunity to stare shamelessly at you.” Scherìs laughed and rolled her eyes, “Silly kitty.”
“If I’m a silly kitty, you’re a silly leeeeezard.”  She grinned and worked the lotion in, turning it into more of a backrub than an application of lotion.  Scherìs didn’t mind and enjoyed it.  “Do you want to come over to my apartment tonight?  You haven’t seen it since I moved in.  I could make you dinner and I have... cake!”
“Mmmm... cake...”  Jokingly, she followed with, “You must be trying to lure me to your lair to do evil things to me.”  After she said that, the hands on her back stopped moving.  “River?”  She tried to turn her head so she could see what was wrong.  When she couldn’t see, Scherìs tried to get up, “What’s wrong?”
River pushed her back down, replying in a slightly sullen voice, “Don’t get up or you’ll flash the entire beach.  And... I’d never do anything evil to you.”  Silence, followed by a very quiet voice, “I’ve always had a crush on you.  I couldn’t hurt you.”
Scherìs blinked.  She hadn’t meant to hurt the Miqo’te’s feelings.  “Oh no, River, I’m so sorry!  I was only joking!  I mean, you’re always asking me if I were dating this guy or that girl so I... I...”  She buried her face in the blanket and closed her eyes.  “I didn’t know...”
River started rubbing her back again, “I know.  It’s taken me a while to figure out that you just... don’t think that way?”
Scherìs remained silent as River talked, then said “Hey, River?”
“I’d love to come over for dinner.”
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qarukhel · 6 years
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River was sitting on the edge of the tub, talking with Scherìs.  It was shortly after the linkpearl conversation with Qaraghoa.
“So... Let me make sure I understand correctly.  Qara and Giah were worried about you, you told them you were fine and you told them about our day.  Included in that description was the fact we had sex?”
Scherìs nods, “And then Qara said that we need to come to breakfast in the morning.  She used the voice she uses when she expects you to do what she told you to do.”  It was River’s turn to nod, “Alright.  Well.  Nothing to be done about it now.  Hopefully Qara just wants to talk.  I can’t see her skinning me alive, since I think Giah would find it offensive.”  River stands up to go, stretching and yawning as she does so.
A confused look crossed Scherìs’ face, “Why would she kill or hurt you?”
River tilted her head, “You’re kidding, right?” The tiny Au ra shook her head.  Sighing, River replied, “I’m the first person you’ve dated, right?” Scherìs nods.  River continues, “I’m assuming she either is going to tell me I can’t date you anymore and threaten me to within an inch of my life, or, she’s going to tell me I can date you, but if I break your heart she’s going to kill me and stuff my corpse into one of Giah’s planters outside the mansion.”
Scherìs eyes grew as wide as pie plates, “What?!?! Why???”
“Uh... You haven’t noticed that Qara and Giah kind of see you as either a little sister or an adopted daughter?”
Scherìs blinks, “I... just thought they were being really sweet to me.”  River smiles and reaches down to poke Scherìs, “They are, dear, but not because they have to.  Let’s face it, the amount of money Qara and Giah spent on decorating your bedroom alone is absolutely insane.”  Sighing as she looked lost in thought for a moment, “Believe me... People don’t just do that for just anyone.  You’re special to them.”
“Oh...” Scherìs stands up and steps out of the tub.  River grabs a towel off the rack and dries Scherìs off, then wraps her in a robe. Once the robe is on, River pulls her close and hugs her.  Laying her head on River’s chest, she says “I won’t let them hurt you.”
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qarukhel · 6 years
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Dinner was made, served and eaten.  Dishes washed and put up.  An errant dessert plate was barren save for cake crumbs and was deposited on an end table.
River and Scherìs were sitting on the couch after dinner.  The tiny Au ra was laying against River, her legs pulled up under her and sleepy.  Curious as to how Scherìs would react, River placed her arm around her shoulders.
Scherìs cuddled in closer, causing River to smile.  Careful of her horns, River rested a cheek on top of Scherìs head.  A few moments later, she started awake and said in a sleepy voice, “Oh, it’s late... I need to go back to the mansion.  Qara and Giah will be worried sick...”
“Just stay here tonight.  You’re totally welcome and I’ll make breakfast in the morning.”
Scherìs was silent for a moment and said, “But Qara and Giah...”  River squeezed Scherìs gently and said, “Use the FC’s linkshell and let them know.  I guarantee one or both are listening to make sure you’re okay.”
Nodding slowly, Scherìs fiddled around behind her ear to activate the linkpearl.  “QaraGiahIt’sScherìsI’mreallysleepyandRiversaysIcanstayatherapartmenttonight.”
Qaraghoa was at her desk, doing paperwork when Scherìs’ call came in.  She blinked at the half-asleep babble that proceeded the channel opening.  “I understand and will let Giah know.  Sleep well.”  Qara finished a couple of entries on the paperwork, then got up to let Giah know.
Back at River’s apartment, she helped Scherìs get up and led her to the bedroom.  She sat her down on the bed, then knelt and took her shoes off.  “Okay, I’m going to tuck you in.  If you need me, I’ll be in the living room on the couch.”
Scherìs looked up and blinked through sleepy eyes, “Why?”  River was confused for a moment, “Why... am I sleeping on the couch?” Scherìs nodded.
“I just thought you’d like some privacy.”  Scherìs shook her head, “No... this is your bed.  I can sleep on the couch or the beds big enough.  We could both sleep on it.”
River turns and goes to the bedroom door.  She stops for a moment before taking the doorknob.  Staying inside the bedroom, she closes the door.
Several moments later, the light coming from under the door went out.
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qarukhel · 6 years
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Scherìs was lounging in the bathtub, enjoying the hot water.  She was sore.  No one ever told her she would be sore.  Even the romance novels she read omitted that fact.
Her linkpearl made a noise in her ear and she tapped it, “Hello?”
“Oh!  Hiiiiiiii Qara!  How are you and Giah doing?”
Qara paused for a moment, “We’re well.  Are you?  Where are you?”
“I’m great!  Still staying with River.  Did you know she had a really, really big scar?  I fixed it!”
Qara stares back down at the ledger she was working on, “I see.  It certainly sounds like you’re doing well and having fun.  Giah and I were concerned, since we hadn’t heard from you.”
Gasping, Scherìs felt guilty, “I’m sorry.  We’ve been so busy.  We went shopping for a new swimsuit for River and went to Costa Del Sol, came home, had sex and went out for dinner!  We went to the Golden Saucer!  River hasn’t ever been there!”
Slowly, Qara looked up from her ledger and blinked.  She replayed the young Au ra’s babble back through her mind and did, indeed, hear what she thought she heard.  Without missing a beat, Qaraghoa offered, “You and River should come for breakfast in the morning.”
“Oh, I think we had plans...”
“I insist.”
“Oh... oh... ohhh... Um, okay.  I’ll, uh... tell River we’re going to be there for breakfast.”
“Good.  See you both in the morning.  Tell River I’m looking forward to seeing her again.”
“Sure, I will... G’night.”  She shut off the linkpearl and sighed.  Closing her eyes, she ducked down under the water.  After a moment, she sat back up and sighed.
“Uh, River... I need to tell you something...”
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qarukhel · 6 years
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The hands around her wrists were like iron manacles.  Scherìs struggled against being held, but RIver’s strength was too great.
“No?  Why?  You have a scar!  I can heal it!”
River sighed.  This was going to be a long day.  “No Scherìs, you can’t.”
A truly earnest look set in to Scherìs’ face and she nodded, “Oh, that’s not true!  I can!  The people who worked on it were not that good, but I can correct their mistakes!  You’ll never know it was there.  Just let me put you to sleep so you don’t feel the pain and I’ll fix you up, good as new!”  She turned on her winningist smile.
River shook her head, “No, Scherìs.  You may be able to heal the scar, but it is there to remind me of the mistake I made to get me that scar.”
“Wh-wh-what?  You wouldn’t remember what happened without the scar?  I don’t understand?  Would you confuse it with being bent over a table at the Archer’s Guild and being the good time had by all?”
River blinked, “Scherìs! No! That’s not it at all!”  She let the tiny Aura’s wrists go and sat back.  “I made a mistake when I was younger... The scar was the outcome from the mistake... It reminds me that I don’t know everything... That I’m not immortal.”
Rubbing her wrists, she looked at the Miqo’te, “What happened?”  River looked away and closed her eyes.  Taking a deep breath, she looked back at Scherìs.
“When I was younger, I was stupid.  I thought I was ready to hunt things that were bigger than rabbits.  So I decided to go after a Ziz.  I found one.  It led me on a chase, drew me back to its friends and then they attacked.  I fought off several of them, but the one I initially followed gored me with its horn.  It lifted me off the ground... shook me... I don’t remember much after that...”
Tears ran down Scherìs face, “I know what happened next... Someone tried to heal you.  They tried... so very hard.  They got tired and didn’t have the strength.  The second person didn’t care.  They just did the bare minimum and even then it sucked.  If the first healer had been stronger or the second was more of a decent person, you wouldn’t HAVE a scar for me to heal.  Your ‘lesson’ that you’re holding on to wouldn’t even exist.” 
Scherìs crawled over to River and placed her face very close to the the Miqo’te’s.  She then rested her forehead against River’s, “Please... let me help?  You don’t need that scar.”
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qarukhel · 5 years
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River stood in front of the mirror and sighed.  She felt like an imposter wearing the dress Scherìs helped her pick out.  She was used to wearing leather armor with a bow and quiver on her back.  A dress was just not something she did, “Are you sure I look okay?”  A brief moment later, she felt her waist being encircled and the sensation of being kissed between her shoulder blades.
“You look great!” Scherìs gave her a hug.  River turned in Scherìs’ arms and returned the favor, hugging her tightly, “At least when you bury me, I’ll leave a good looking corpse?”
The au ra scrunched up her face in irritation, “Qara isn’t going to kill you.  If you don’t stop saying that, I’m going to... tickle you.”
“Oh no, not the tickling...”
Although River was being sarcastic, Scherìs knew the Miqo’te’s secret: she was very, very ticklish.  She slid her hands under River’s blouse and began carrying out her threat.  Gasping, River fell back against the sink and tried to defend herself from the tickling, squealing and laughing as she did so.
“Scherìs!  Stop it!  I need to finish getting ready and I don’t want to be late!”
Pulling her hands out from under River’s blouse, she smiled and sauntered out of the bathroom.  “We’re not going to be late.  Qara never actually said when to be there.”
“Somehow, I don’t think Qara will see things that way...” “What?”, Scherìs yelled from the bedroom. “Sorry! Was talking to myself!”
Sighing, she finished putting on her makeup and took one last look in the mirror.  It was time to go.
They walked to the mansion.  It took them about 10 minutes and, once they arrived, River stood outside the arch leading to the front yard.  She stared at the front door with some trepidation.
Scherìs looked up at her, worried she was going to turn around and run back the way they came.  She reached out and took River’s hand in hers, “C’mon.   Let’s go get some breakfast.”  River swallowed and nodded, “Yeah...”
There may be people who had more wealth, but none of them were as personally deadly as the owner of this mansion.  Qaraghoa Dotharl did not hire out her dirty work.  She did it herself.  Gleefully.  River was approaching the front door of one of the most powerful and dangerous women on the face of Eorzea.  If she wasn’t scared before, she was now.
Arriving at the door, Scherìs pulled the bell rope.  A few moments later, the door opened as Giah answered the door. “Giah!”, Scherìs nearly tacklehugged her.  “I missed you!”
Giah smiled and hugged Scherìs in return, “I missed you too.  I’m still working on breakfast.   Would you mind setting the dining table and helping me in the kitchen?” Scherìs nodded and smiled, “Sure!”
Giah looked up from Scherìs at River, “Good morning, River.  While Scherìs and I are working on breakfast, Qara wanted to talk to you.  She’s downstairs in her office.” Scherìs blinked, “But... River could help us in the kitchen?”
“I’m sure River is more than capable of helping us in the kitchen, but Qara insisted on talking to her first.”
“Oh...” Scherìs released Giah, then turned and hugged River tightly.  “It’s going to be okay.”  She returned the hug and kissed the top of Scherìs head, “I know.  Go help Giah with breakfast and I’ll be up as soon as I can.”  She wasn’t able to hide the trepidation she was feeling and it came out in her voice.
Reluctantly, Scherìs released River from the hug.  “I love you.  Don’t keep me waiting too long.”  She turned and followed Giah to the kitchen.
River made her way to the stairs that led to the lower level of the mansion. She stood at the top and stared downward, feeling as if she were getting ready to make a trip into the underworld.  She took a deep breath and descended the stairs.
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qarukhel · 6 years
Knock, knock. Who’s there?
Scherìs was strolling from the kitchen with a half-eaten pastry when there was a knock at the door.  Changing direction, she heads toward the door and finishes the pastry.
She half turns away from the door as she yells, “I’ll get it!”  At the same time, she grasps the door knob and pulls the door open.  When she turns back to the door, all she sees is black.
Her brow furrows, “Why is it dark already?”  She looks upward until she sees his eyes.  Swallowing hard, she says quietly, “oh... hi...”
Before her is a very tall, dark Au ra, who she has never seen before.  He’s wearing garb she has seen before.  Something akin to what the Sekisegumi wear, except in black with silver accents.  A very long katana hangs at his side, causing her to believe that maybe it was the Sekisegumi... Did Qara kill someone she shouldn’t have?
The Au ra makes a brief, amused snorting sound at Scherìs’ surprise.  When he does speak, it’s a low, deep baritone voice that inquires, “Hello, little one.  Is my sister home?”
She blinks, then finds her voice.  “Sister?  Sister.  OH!  You must be Qarukhel!  Qara will be so surprised!”  Turning her back to the door, she yells as loudly as her little body will allow, “QARA!  IT’S FOR YOU!”
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qarukhel · 6 years
I Spy With My Little Eye...
Scherìs was at the top of the mansion’s stairwell leading to the basement.  She just barely had her head stuck out so she could see what Qarukhel and Qaraghoa were doing.  A moment later, a female Miqo’te head joined hers spying on the twins.  Scherìs side-eyes the new arrival and whispers, “Hi River.”
“Hey Sher... What’cha doin’?”, the Miqo’te asks.
“Seeing what Qara is like when she’s really happy.”
“Oh.  Is this about to get gross?  Is she going to kill the cute guy she’s talking to?”
Scherìs sighs and looks at River, “No silly, the guy is her twin brother, Qarukel.”
“Ohhhhh... So he is real.  Are you going to invite him to your room?”
“Uh... why?”, asks Scherìs.
“Because he’s a cute guy.  You know... so you can get to know him.”
Scherìs turns her head to River slowly and looks at her with a confused expression, “But... I’ve already met him...?”
“Noooooo... I mean get to KNOW him.”
Scherìs blinks, finally realizing what River meant.  She reaches up and grabs the hair on the back of one of her ears and yanks it.  “Ow!  Why did you do that?”, asks the Miqo’te, grabbing her now painful ear.
“Because you’re being goofy.”
“Why?  There’s nothing wrong with being with a guy.  Unless... wait... Are you wanting to live dangerously and bed Qara?”  That comment earned her an elbow to the ribs, with Scherìs replying, “She’s like my big sister...”
“So if she wasn’t, you’d bed her?”, asks the Miqo’te.  Scherìs, rolls her eyes and says, “Just like a cat, thinking about sex all the time.”  River pouts and says, “Am not... I can open doors... I have thumbs.”
“So... no guys and no girls... What?  Maybe farm animals?”
Scherìs blinks and says loudly, “WHAT!?”  She realizes a second later what she’s done and she turns back slowly to see if the twins heard her.
They did.  Qaraghoa is staring at both Scherìs and River with an eyebrow raised while Qar has a bemused expression on his face.
“Uh, yeah... um... Sher?  I... uh... suddenly remember a doctor’s appointment I need to be at.  Toodles!”  The Miqo’te stands up and runs out of the house, slamming the door as she leaves.
Meanwhile, Scherìs gulps and smiles, waving goodbye to both the twins before running upstairs and hiding under her Moogle bed.
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