#fic: swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below)
boasamishipper · 2 years
For the WIP meme: I am SO torn between these two. Would it be unspeakably greedy to ask for both?
- bring back that lovin’ feelin’ ch2 (tg2 fix it series fic 3)
- swimmin’ in the floods (dancin’ on the clouds below) (tg2 fix it series fic 4)
not greedy at all! snippets from both fics below the cut:
bring back that lovin' feelin' (chapter two)
“Sorry,” Ice said, once the silence had flown past awkward and was doing Immelmann turns in the vicinity of excruciating. He gestured at his throat self-deprecatingly. “Not as good of a…c-conversationalist,” stupid goddamn fucking word, “as Mav, these days.”
Viper surprised him. “That’s fine,” he said. “It’s better he’s not around.”
Ice thought it had taken enormous courage to come along with Maverick in the first place. It took a hell of a lot more to ask why Viper thought it was better that Maverick wasn’t around.
“Gives me somebody to talk to who won’t look at me like that when I tell ‘em this might be our last time talking.” Viper scrubbed his hands down his face, looked back up at Ice, and sighed. “Yeah. Exactly like that.”
Ice immediately schooled his expression into neutrality and out of the horror it’d fallen into. Just for something to do, he took another sip of water. The ice cubes clinked against his teeth, and when he found his voice again, his throat and the inside of his mouth were still parched. “Cancer?”
“No,” Viper said. “But that’d be poetic, seeing as that’s what got Corrinne. No, I…” He tapped his fingers on the table slowly, like he was trying to remember the notes to a tune he’d once heard on the radio, and his shoulders slumped. For a moment, all Ice could see were liver spots and wrinkles and snow-white hair—an old, frail man with Viper’s mustache—and it scared the shit out of him. “What’d I say about that look, Kazansky?”
Ice sat up straight. “I’m sorry, sir.”
Viper laughed out loud. “Really?” he said. His eyes twinkled with amusement. “Sir? Last I checked, you outranked me by a country mile.”
Ice bit his tongue to keep himself from retorting, Last I checked, you weren’t dying.
swimmin' in the floods (dancing on the clouds below)
“When I was growing up, I didn’t…whatever you felt, you weren’t supposed to show it.” Any sign you cared about anything at all was considered gauche, Hangman remembered. That was how you could always tell new money from the old: gaudy, ostentatious clothes and makeup that practically screamed to be noticed, constantly bragging about how much they spent on something, and public displays of affection. “I love you. You know I love you. I’m just not—showing it just feels…wrong, still.”
“You never said anything about that when we were with my family,” Coyote said, concerned, and Hangman shook his head.
“That’s different. They’re not—they don’t judge.”
“Nobody here is judging you, Jake.”
“They’re not judging you,” Hangman said, unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice. He knew it was hypocritical to complain about the others not being nice to him after years of him not extending them the same courtesy (or planning to start now), that he’d brought this on himself, but he didn’t like being made fun of. Not for this. “But hey. Guess that’s just karma.”
“Don’t. It’s fine.”
“Clearly it’s not. Who’s been giving you shit?”
“Nobody, I just—when they look at me, they always make these fucking faces like they’re surprised I have feelings, or like they’re wondering what the fuck you’re still doing with me—”
“Because I love you,” Coyote said, so exasperated and matter of fact that it knocked the wind right out of him. “And if they don’t like it, they can fuck right off.”
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boasamishipper · 2 years
It had been close to midnight, and Hangman had been laying on the sofa with his head in Coyote's lap, only half paying attention to the movie. Coyote had swore up and down that Trading Places was a classic, and Hangman liked it well enough; he just liked the feeling of Coyote slowly running his fingers through his hair more. He couldn't even remember deciding to say it, just the words slipping out as easy as breathing. "I love you."
Coyote's fingers hadn't even stilled, and Hangman could hear the smile in his voice. "I love you too."
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boasamishipper · 2 years
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
tagged by @lichfucker - thanks tess! ❤️
Hangman loved him so much it hurt.
tagging @icemankazansky @lilalbatross @maverickcalf @academicgangster @saltyfilmmajor @andmakeithome @the-hard-deck 😄😄😄
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boasamishipper · 2 years
[Heart on fire], ⛰, 🎧, 😊 and 🎨 for the writer asks?
❤️‍🔥 Favorite ship you have written about?
i love every ship i've written for, but if i had to choose, probably icemav. they'll always have a special place in my heart <3
⛰ Hardest fic to write?
for wips, Diaspora Blues, which is about roy and thierry's respective relationships to judaism. it takes a lot of effort to get myself in the right headspace, so i can only chip away at it bits at a time. for fics i've completed, definitely the second fic in my star wars sequel trilogy fix it series, The Stars Walk Backward. there were so many moving pieces there, i'm still impressed with myself for having pulled it off.
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
when i was writing let your heart be light, i had cough syrup by young the giant on loop for the last....six thousand or so words, which i cranked out all on one lovely afternoon on the memorial union terrace. good times.
😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
Make A Wrong One Right, my icemav au with a time travel-y twist.
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP!
from the first chapter of tg2 fix it series fic 4:
“Jesus, Seresin,” Yale said, while Harvard snickered not-so-subtly into his fist. “You’ve got it bad.”
“Yeah, you better tone those heart-eyes down,” Harvard said, grinning at Bob and leaning over to ruffle his hair. “There are children here.”
“I’m twenty-nine,” Bob protested, and Hangman rolled his eyes.
“Lennox, the day I take orders from your youth pastor-looking ass is the day the future Mrs. Bradshaw beats me at darts.”
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boasamishipper · 2 years
Rules: Post the last few sentences you’ve written and then tag some friends to do the same! @icemankazansky didn’t directly tag me, but I’m rising to the challenge anyway <3
“I never thanked you,” Hangman found himself saying. Maverick stopped and turned around, brow furrowed slightly. “For what you did for Coyote.”
The lines in his forehead eased. “I’d have done the same for any of you.”
“All the same,” Hangman said, then had to stop. He still remembered the coldness of the terror that had engulfed him that day. How close he’d come to losing the most important person in his life, and he hadn’t even realized how important yet. If it hadn’t been for Maverick… He shook off the thought at once and shoved his hands into his pockets, inclining his head. “Thank you, sir.”
The hint of a smile crossed Maverick’s face, and he nodded back. “You’re welcome.”
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boasamishipper · 2 years
tagged by @aberfaeth to post the last lines of my WIPs - thanks casey! 🥰 i’ve got a lot of wips right now (what else is new), so here are excerpts from the five i worked on most recently:
1. bring back that lovin’ feelin’ (tg2 fix it fic 3)
“Wasn’t there just a holiday? Which one is this?”
S-I-M-C-H-A-T T-O-R-A-H. Ice finger-spelled it first, then did the sign: clasping his hands together, moving them from left to right. Marks the end of the reading of the Torah. Big celebration. Dinner, singing, dancing…
Maverick smiled. “You going with Sarah and the kids?” 
Ice lifted his hands, then stopped. He shook his head roughly and turned back to the sink, doing his best to breathe around the ache in his throat. The truth—one that Sarah barely understood and that Maverick certainly couldn’t—was that he’d loved going to temple, every part of it: the children running in and out during the prayers, the feeling of the siddur in his hands, the kippah at the crown of his head, standing in line for tefillin. It wasn’t the same with his voice reduced to a rasp; with him just short of a ghost because of it.
He felt Maverick’s hand on his shoulder, and turned his head to face him despite every instinct in his body screaming at him to ignore the warmth of his touch, to stay cool and collected. Maverick’s eyes were soft with sympathy, not pity, and he lifted his hands to sign. I’ll dance with you.
Ice breathed a laugh, squeezing his eyes shut to ward off the sudden rush of tears. You have two left feet.
“Fight me, Kazansky.” Maverick put his hands on Ice’s hips, and Ice looped his arms over Maverick’s neck, unable to keep himself from smiling. “I can out-dance you any time. I’ll sweep you right off your fucking feet. You’ll see.”
“Keep telling yourself that, hotshot,” Ice said, instead of You already have, and kissed the proud smile right off Maverick’s face.
2. swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below) (tg2 fix it fic 4)
Coyote: Hey you didn’t answer my question
Hangman: Well you asked in the group chat, you could have meant anybody
Coyote: Well for the sake of clarification
Coyote: I meant my boyfriend
Coyote: Lieutenant Jake Seresin, callsign Hangman
Coyote: Maybe you’ve heard of him?? He’s a real catch
Hangman: Hmm
Hangman: The name rings a bell……
Hangman: Tall, devastatingly handsome, great hair?
Coyote: And a kickass fighter pilot to boot
Hangman: Flattery will get you nowhere, Machado
Coyote: I’ll settle for it getting me a date
Hangman: If you want me, you’ve got me
Coyote: I do
Hangman: Then you do
Coyote: (loved a message)
Coyote: Can’t wait ❤️
Hangman: Me too ❤️
3. macheresin fake dating au
Rooster scoffed. “Hangman, the only place you’ll ever lead anyone is an early grave.”
“Hey,” Coyote said; not sharp, but a warning all the same. “Watch your mouth when you’ve got my boyfriend’s name in it, Rooster.”
Rooster’s jaw actually dropped. Hangman didn’t think that people’s jaws could drop that far outside of books or the movies, but goddamn was it satisfying to see. He wished he’d thought up this plan sooner. “Your what?”
“Boyfriend,” Hangman said. He sat on the edge of the pool table and raised his eyebrows, unable to keep the smirk off his face. “Problem, Rooster?”
4. first impressions
Goose sweeps her into his arms with such enthusiasm that her feet leave the floor, clutching her to him like she’s the only thing keeping the ocean from dragging him under by the scruff of his parachute, and Carole tears up as she breathes in sweat and linen-y soap and Aqua Velva. Her husband, home at last. “Oh, angel,” she says, and her voice is a quaver but she doesn’t care, not with Goose looking at her and holding her like she’s everything. “My angel Goose. You’re here.”
“Wild F-14s couldn’t keep me away, honey,” Goose says, and she bursts into wet laughter, cups his face between trembling palms and kisses him fiercely. His hand threads into her hair, gripping tight, and between the scratch of his mustache against her upper lip and the warm solid press of his chest to hers, it’s like coming alive again, the world exploding into music and screaming color. It’s not until she tastes salt and pulls away that she realizes he’s crying too. 
“Oh, Goose. No. Don’t you cry or I’ll start crying.”
“Crying?” Goose says, tactful enough not to mention that she’s crying just as hard as he is, and sniffles loudly. “Me? Pfft. Just allergies.”
Carole giggles. “Yeah? What to?”
“Pretty girls.”
“Hmm. Maybe I should go, then.”
Goose’s arms around her tighten, and he rests his forehead against hers. “Not a chance.”
5. i’d be yours if you’d be mine
“What are you all fussing over?”
“New signing for Man City,” Thierry said, and handed Sam his phone so Sam could see.
On the screen was a man a few years older than Sam, with floppy dark hair and bright eyes and an even brighter smile. He was in his kit and talking animatedly, moving his hands. “I am very grateful for this opportunity,” he was saying. In the bottom right of the screen were his name and position: Dani Rojas, forward. “For me, football is life.”
“Football Twitter can’t get enough of him,” Isaac said. “Shit, he’s already trending higher than Jamie. Wonder if he’s a wanker too.”
“Ah, come on, Rojas seems like a nice guy. Sam, what do you think?”
Sam’s ears were ringing. Yes, he wanted to say, Rojas does seem like a nice man. In fact, Sam knew for a fact that Dani Rojas was exactly as nice of a man as this clip made him appear. He had been nothing but nice when they had last seen each other. Except when they’d last seen each other, both of them had been substantially less clothed.
“I have to fix my thing,” Sam said intelligently, and left the locker room just as Coach Lasso entered.
“Sam? Sam, where are you going? - Can I have my phone back?”
tagging @academicgangster @icemankazansky @rad-topgunn @lookforanewangle @hacash @maverickcalf and anyone else who’d like to do this :D
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boasamishipper · 2 years
yes hi hello I would like to kindly request a dagger squad excerpt please, if you're offering 🤲💜
i am indeed offering! excerpt below the cut:
Phoenix Trace has changed the name of this conversation to ‘if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it 💍😍😎’.
Rooster: (sent an image)
Rooster: And I DID
Halo: Oh my god!!!!!!! 
Halo: Guysssssss I’m so happy for you!!!!!!
Bob: Congratulations you two!
Yale: 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Harvard: Congrats! 🍾🎉🎊 
Hangman: Fucking FINALLY
Hangman: Who else here is surprised Bradshaw proposes about as fast as he flies
Rooster: (disliked a message)
Hangman: Oh whatever
Bob: Ignore him Bradley, he’s just upset because he had a hundred bucks riding on you proposing back in July.
Hangman: Yeah and now that YOU won the pool I expect to be alcoholically compensated for my services
Hangman: Or financially, I'm not picky
Fritz: You set up a separate group chat bro it’s not like you cured cancer
Halo: Oooooh got ‘em 🔥
Fritz: (liked a message)
Fritz: Have you guys set a date yet?
Phoenix: Right now it’s looking like sometime next May! Still talking venues though. 
Phoenix: And of course you guys are all invited ❤️
Payback: HELL yes
Payback: I’ll be there like swimwear
Payback: Congrats you guys!! FB’s sleeping but he says congrats too
Payback: I’ll find a way to let Omaha know later, I heard he dropped his phone off the side of the carrier a while back
Halo: Ooh RIP
Halo: That explains why he left me hanging on Words with Friends…
Harvard: Bassett 2013 called they want their apps back
Halo: Fuck off Princeton
Harvard: Bro whose side are you on here
Yale: See it WOULD be yours if you hadn’t told Ranger that Wesleyan was the Yale of central Connecticut
Harvard: It is the Yale of central Connecticut!!!
Halo: (sent ginger-get-the-popcorn.gif)
Hangman: Fight fight fight
Rooster: Seriously? Right in front of our engagement announcement?
Harvard: Sorry you guys
Harvard: TBC Yale
Coyote: Goddamn it I keep missing all the fun
Coyote: Phoenix Rooster congrats!!!! Couldn’t be happier for y’all right now ❤️
Phoenix: (loved a message)
Phoenix: Thanks Coyote!
Coyote: Hey baby wanna be my plus-one to the lovebirds’ wedding
Rooster: Coyote for the eleventh time this is STILL THE GROUP CHAT
Coyote: Shit sorry
Halo: Aww come on that was cute
Payback: Better than the dick pic fiasco of 2020
Phoenix: Sorries don’t pay our therapy bills Bagman
Coyote: I liked the photo 😏
Payback: (sent uh-yeah-i-sure-hope-it-does.jpg)
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boasamishipper · 2 years
(more than) seven sentence sunday
excerpt from swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below), fic 4 of my tg2 fix it series
“You tired?”
Coyote shook his head, but didn’t open his eyes. “Mm-mm. I don’t get tired.”
“Right, yeah,” Hangman said. “Sure. But you know, if you were, we could make an excuse and get out of here.”
Coyote opened his eyes and cocked his head to the side, lifting his eyebrows. The last time Hangman saw Coyote smirk like that, it was right after he’d pinned Hangman to the bed and gave him the most excruciatingly drawn-out rimjob of his life. He flushed and shifted in his chair a little, just remembering. Coyote’s smirk only grew. Clearly he remembered too. “Yeah? And go where?”
“Oh, around,” Hangman said. “Here and there. See the sights.” He leaned in close and rested his hand high on Coyote’s thigh, brushing his thumb back and forth slowly. Coyote shivered, much to Hangman’s delight. “Who knows. Maybe you’ll even be tired by the end of what I’ve got in mind.”
“No doubt,” Coyote said, and even though he was smiling, his voice light and his eyes dancing with mischief, something still felt off. Like he’d skipped a step going through the preflight checklist but couldn’t remember which one.
A burst of laughter came from the direction of the pool table, and when Coyote twitched but didn’t turn his head, Hangman suddenly got it. Things felt off because even though Coyote was interested (obviously), he’d made no move to actually get up and get out of there. Because he wanted to stay. Because Rooster and Phoenix and Bob and Fritz and all the rest were Coyote’s friends. He’d missed them. He liked them, and they liked him back. Of course they did. Everybody liked him.
“Well,” Hangman found himself saying, and it felt like pulling teeth, like pulling 10 Gs, but this was Coyote, and he could do anything for Coyote. Even share him. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t get tired that easy either. So you’ll just have to remain in suspense a little while longer.”
Coyote’s eyes went wide, then softened, as did his smile. He didn’t make a big deal of it, though, which Hangman appreciated, because there was nothing in the world he hated more than people’s visible shock and awe and mockery when he tried to be sincere. “Tease.”
“Your favorite tease,” Hangman said, which earned him a kiss, slow and warm and so good his toes curled inside his shoes. He felt even more off-kilter when Coyote drew back, but at least this was the devil he knew. “Get me another drink.”
“My favorite bossy tease,” Coyote said, but he got up, grinning, and headed through the crowd for Penny. Hangman managed to wait exactly thirty seconds before he got up and followed.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🧍🏻did i do it right
The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Coyote wheeled his suitcase in and pushed the button for the sixth floor. Hangman grabbed Bob by the back of his shirt before he could enter, said “Nope,” and walked in, hoisted Coyote up off the floor, his hands hooked under Coyote’s thighs, slammed him against the wall and kissed him before the doors even slid shut again.
Coyote was laughing into his mouth and kissing him back all at once, desperate and sloppy and happy, and Hangman couldn’t get enough of him. He felt electrified, wanting only to kiss more, to touch more, to crawl into Coyote’s skin if he could. “That wasn’t,” Coyote eventually managed between kisses, once the door had closed and the elevator started rising, “very nice.”
“Yeah? Want me to stop so I can go back down and apologize?”
The hand Coyote had in his hair tightened. “Fuck no.”
“Thought not,” Hangman said, and kissed his neck, biting and sucking at his pulse point. Coyote moaned; his grip on Hangman’s hair was so tight it was nearly painful, but Hangman relished the ache. He was here. “Fuck, Javy, you drive me so fucking crazy.” I missed you so fucking much.
“Feeling’s mutual, baby.”
The doors slid open with a pleasant ding. Hangman reluctantly set Coyote down, but kept his hand in Coyote’s free one, pulling him and his suitcase down the hall with him until they came to a stop in front of Hangman’s room. Hangman dug his wallet out of his pocket and fished out his room card, sliding it into the slot. The room was about ten degrees cooler than the hall, but the goosebumps that blossomed up and down Hangman’s arms had nothing to do with that and everything to do with the way Coyote was smirking at him.
“So this is a casa do Jake, huh?”
“I don’t speak French,” Hangman informed him, then immediately wanted to facepalm. “Spanish. Portuguese! I don’t speak Portuguese, shut the fuck up, Machado—”
Coyote burst out laughing. “French?”
“Shut up,” Hangman said, but he was laughing now too. He shed his jacket and boxed Coyote up against the table, unbuttoning Coyote’s shirt as fast as he could. “You know, I didn’t even care,” he punctuated the word with a searing kiss, rolling his hips forward, “about sex at all before we got together. So if anything,” another long kiss, another roll of his hips, and Coyote’s shirt fell to the floor, “this is all on you.”
“You want a letter of apology?”
“Mmhmm. Five paragraphs.” It was hard to keep the conversation going while Coyote pushed him toward the bed, watching Coyote pull his undershirt over his head, but Hangman managed. “Cursive. On good stationary.”
“Noted.” Coyote gave a solemn nod. “Alternatively, I could fuck you.”
“…That works too.” (swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below), tg2 fix it fic 4)
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boasamishipper · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
excerpt from swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below), fic 4 in my tg2 fix it series:
Rooster tipped his head back with a groan. “Seriously, what does Coyote see in you?”
Hangman knew it was a rhetorical question, but he folded his arms over his chest and turned away, trying not to let on how much it stung. “Tell you what, Bradshaw. When you figure it out, let me know.”
Silence stretched out between them. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“No, I…” Hangman looked back at him, surprised to see Rooster looking so guilty. “I’m sorry, alright? That wasn’t fair. I know that you…I’ve seen how you are with him. You make him happy.”
“Yeah, well,” Hangman said. It was taking everything he had to keep eye contact. “He makes me happy too, so. Only fair I return the favor.”
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boasamishipper · 2 years
bring back that loving feeling or swimming in the floods (dancing on the clouds below) for the wips literally everywhere asks
i talked about bring back that lovin' feelin' pretty recently (i think??) so i'll talk about swimmin' in the floods (dancin' on the clouds below) instead! this is fic 4 of my tg2 fix it series (in which ice lives, the kids play matchmaker, and hangman realizes his feelings for coyote run deeper than he'd originally thought). fic 4 (currently outlined at five chapters, though could be more!! we'll see!!) takes place two years after i don't know what you've been told left off, when dagger squad reunites in austin tx for phoenix and rooster's wedding. rooster struggles with the reminder of all he’s lost, while hangman reflects on what he’s gained; we'll be alternating between both of their povs, and have some mav and ice pov along the way.
“Remember when we were at TOPGUN?”
“I recall,” Hangman said, somewhat taken aback by the subject change. “Seeing as that’s what got us an invite to the wedding of the century.” And what brought us together.
“No, not for the mission. The first time.”
“Ah. Yeah, I remember that too.” Christ, had that really been five years ago now? They’d had a good time, him and Coyote. He wasn’t even sore that he hadn’t won the plaque; if he had to lose to anyone (even by a single point), he was glad it was to his best friend, to a pilot worth respecting. And he’d beaten Coyote enough at pool and darts and poker over the years that coming in second seemed like a fair trade. “Why? You looking for a rematch?”
“No.” Coyote looked a little sheepish. Hangman’s curiosity was piqued. “Remember the bet we had going?”
“Sure.” The bet had originally been twenty dollars, the same as all of their other wagers, before Hangman had decided to raise the stakes and told Coyote if he won, he could have anything he wanted, and vice versa. Hangman smirked. “Are you finally cashing in?”
“Well.” Coyote’s cheeks flushed, and he looked away. “Don’t have to, now.”
It took Hangman several seconds to figure out what Coyote was implying. “Wait.”
“Don’t think about it too hard.”
“Javy.” Hangman couldn’t make himself do anything but stare like an idiot. “You wanted me?”
“Didn’t exactly know I did until you asked me.” Coyote still couldn’t look him in the face, just like he hadn’t when Hangman had asked him at graduation what he wanted. I’ll get to thinking about it, was all Coyote had said, and Hangman had bitched at him about having eight weeks to make up his mind and failing to do so, all the while feeling almost upset that he couldn’t give Coyote what he wanted. He’d been looking forward to it, in a strange way; had thought it was his chance to pay Coyote back for sticking around all those years. And now this.
“But,” Hangman said, then stopped. His heart was thudding in his ears. “But you said, you told me at your parents’ house that you were…that you’d been in love with me since we met.”
“I was,” Coyote said. No hesitation. Jesus Christ. “I don’t know. I had myself convinced that it was just a crush, that I was happy just being your friend, and I was, but when I won, when you told me I could have whatever I wanted…that was when I realized all I wanted was you. That I had since we met.”
“You had me,” Hangman said. He meant it, too. He hadn’t been in love with Coyote since they met, that had come later as they’d grown closer, but even back then, he’d still have done anything for him. Not even because he’d thought it would keep Coyote with him, but because he’d wanted to. And five years ago… “Javy.” Coyote looked at him. “Javy, if you asked me, I’d have given you anything you wanted.”
“Jake.” Coyote didn’t look convinced. “Baby, I wanted something you couldn’t give me then.”
“Fine,” Hangman said. “Then cash in now.”
“I told you if you won, I’d give you whatever you wanted.” Hangman swallowed. “Cash in now, Javy. Let me give you what you want.”
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boasamishipper · 2 years
i missed writing the dagger squad group chat so much
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boasamishipper · 2 years
🌹🌹🌹🌹(am i doing it right?)
Coyote turned his face into Hangman’s palm and kissed it. Softer, he said, “Missed you, baby.”
Hangman’s cheeks burned. “Missed you too.” (swimmin’ in the floods (dancing on the clouds below), tg2 fix it fic 4)
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boasamishipper · 2 years
I just reread i don't know what you've been told for the third time this week and I'm in love with all of it but especially how you write older icemav and their journey back together, it fills my heart with so much joy. any chance we'll get to see more of them in the series? also love how you write jake/javy :)
we sure will! fic 3 is icemav-centric, and though they don't have as large of a role in fic 4 as they did in fic 1, we'll still get plenty of good icemav moments there.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
WIPs, WIPs, Literally Everywhere WIPs...
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
thanks for tagging me @stonesandswords! i have.........a Lot of WIPs lmao, so i’ve done my best to split them by fandom below.
TG (original and sequel) WIPs:
Nobody’s Perfect (Icemav Some Like It Hot AU)
first impressions (Carole meets Mav for the first time)
Icemav Pacific Rim AU
it’s centrifugal motion, it’s perpetual bliss (icemav kiss prompts series)
bring back that lovin’ feelin’ (TG2 fix it fic 3, icemav-centric)
swimmin’ in the floods (dancin’ on the clouds below) (TG2 fix it fic 4, macheresin, brace, icemav)
no stressing, just obsessing with sealing the deal (TG2 fix it fic 5, macheresin-centric)
no need to take it slow (hondo/warlock au)
fanboy dresses up like han solo and payback loses his goddamn mind
so let’s dance, take a chance (the coyote/phoenix fwbs fic)
ain’t got no wrong notes (rooster and his relationship with Great Balls of Fire over the years)
Ted Lasso WIPs:
i’d be yours if you’d be mine (Sam/Dani FWBs + Dani plays for Man City AU)
And All The Roads That Lead You There Were Winding (Sam/Dani S1 AU, Sam gets stuck in a time loop)
Robisanya Proposal Fic (You’ve Got Bantr fic 3)
Sharp Dressed Man (Or, How Nate Learned to Stop Worrying and Got Seduced By Colin Hughes)
West Hambos Chaos Fic 2 
Diaspora Blues (Roy and Thierry Judaism fic)
Misc WIPs:
No Fate But What We Make (M:I, Benthan Terminator AU)
turn the world on with her smile (WandaVision, Monica/Jimmy post-canon)
i tag @rad-topgunn @maverickcalf @demigoat @saltyfilmmajor @blurrwar and anyone else who wants to do it!
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