#ficedula erithacus
birds-in-trees · 2 years
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Slaty-backed Flycatcher (Ficedula erithacus)
© Allison Miller
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shaped-birds · 2 years
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Slaty-backed Flycatcher (Ficedula erithacus)
© Allison Miller
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aisphotostuff · 1 month
OLD WORLD FLYCATCHER (MUSCICAPIDAE) Robins by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: The flycatchers in the genus Ficedula are typically small with slender bodies and rounded heads. In many cases they are sexually dimorphic in their plumage, with the males being brightly or strikingly coloured and the females being duller or drabber.CHATS AND ALLIES (SUBFAMILY SAXICOLONAE) ROBIN (GENUS ERITHACUS) The robins are small passerine birds comprising the genus Erithacus. They were formerly classed as members of the thrush family, but now considered to be Old World flycatchers of the chat subfamily (Saxicolinae).
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birdstudies · 4 years
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May 12, 2020 - Slaty-backed Flycatcher (Ficedula erithacus)
These Old World flycatchers are found in hill and mountain forests of Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia. Feeding on small invertebrates and berries, they capture their prey in short flights in clearings and forest edges. Breeding from April to July, they build cup-shaped nests in cavities between rocks from moss, leaves, lichens, plant fibers, and hair. Both parents incubate the eggs.
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ryuunosenshi · 5 years
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It’s been a long time since I shared any photography on here, unfortunately this was due to some mental health issues that prevented me from doing any photography for almost a year, but I’m slowly getting back into it! ^^
@tommyismymainranger not many birds in this post but I hope you don’t mind me tagging you again? ^^
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buszbam · 3 years
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01 slowhill - come back as a butterfly 02 teho teardo - waking up the bear 03 benedik giske - adjust 04 popol vuh - aguirre I & II (peter kruder’s lacrima di rei edit) 05 bibio - st christopher 06 snow palms - you are here 07 phelan & sheppard - grasslands 08 fakutya - tavaszi szél 09 aus - headphone girl (state river widening remix) 10 smile down upon us - cafe train girl / two lone swordsmen - spine bubbles (ellis island sound remix) 11 state river widening - cottonwood 12 ensemble 4’33 & alexei aigui - music with a constantly changing title  13 warsaw village band - hasidic dance (marcus' pesach belly edit) 14 kronos quartet & kimmo pohjonen and samuli kosminen - uniko (part 2: plasma) 15 four tet - pd 124 (pp drums) 16 bob holroyd - african drug (four tet remix) 17 wax stag - folk rock (bibio remix) 18 fredrik - vanmyren 19 message to bears - when we were young 20 aluminium - forever for her (four tet remix) 21 balmorhea - candor (botany remix) 22 alif tree - melismes extatiques 23 philip glass & uakti - japura river (marcus' go with the flow edit) 24 uakti - arrumacao 25 epic 45 - stars in spring 26 chequerbord - skatting couple 27 hang playing monkeys - sometime 28 rajaton - butterfly
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bird list (solo sounds in order of appearance - hungarian and scientific names) 02:54 varjú (corvus cornix) 05:22 macskabagoly (strix aluco) 06:41 feketerigó (turdus merula) 8:00 énekesrigó (turdus philomelos) 9:40 fülemüle (luscinia megarhynchos) 10:33 havasi pityer (anthus spinoletta) 11:14 vörösbegy (erithacus rubecula) 12:30 barátcinege (parus palustris) 15:15 kékcinege (cyanistes caeruleus) 17:01 széncinege (parus major) 17:45 kis légykapó (ficedula parva) 18:58 nagy fakopáncs (dendrocopos major) 19:18 fekete harkály (dryocopus martius) 19:23 zöld küllő - (picus viridis) 20:33 fácán (phasianus colchicus) 25:32 fehérkarmú vércse (falco naumanni) 25:35 vörös vércse (falco tinnunculus) 25:43 héja (accipiter gentilis) 25:51 barna rétihéja (circus aeruginosus) 27:10 egerészöjv (buteo buteo) 31:14 házi veréb (passer domesticus) 33:55 szarka (pica pica) 35:40 balkáni gerle (streptopelia decaocto) 36:20 seregély (sturnus vulgaris) 37:55 mezei pacsirta (alauda arvensis) 38:54 erdei pinty (fringilla coelebs) 39:12 fenyő pinty (fringilla montifringilla) 40:24 füsti fecske (hirundo rustica) 42:36 kakukk (cuculus canorus) 43:50 vadkacsa (anas platyrhynchos) 44:18 rövidcsőrű lúd (anser brachyrhynchus) 45:14 fehér gólya (ciconia ciconia) 45:28 szürke gém (ardea cinerea) 46:17 búbos vöcsök (podiceps cristatus) 48:01 bütykös hattyú (cygnus olor) 48:15 jégmadár (alcedo atthis) 48:35 dolmányos sirály (larus marinus) 52:55 sárgarigó (oriolus oriolus) 56:04 uráli bagoly (strix uralensis) 56:31 uhu (bubo bubo)
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list of the field - bird recordings winter morning chour, hooded crow, nightingales, european starling and woodpeckers recorded at népliget, budapest, 2020-21. tits, blackbird, dove, sparrows, magpie, storm and rain recorded at our garden, budapest, 2018-21. kids playing & park atmoshpere recorded at városliget, budapest, 2021. cuckoo and finches recorded at normafa, budapest, 2021. crickets and buzzard recorded at harangod, nyíregyháza, 2021. forest chour, song thrush &pheasant recorded at börzsöny, szokolya, 2019. lake atmosphere, ducks & swan recorded at dinnyés, velence, 2020. river atmosphere & gulls recorded at the danube - ipoly delta, szob, 2021. these recordings by p, therefore may contains some bad quality noises, or frequencies, i apologize for this and hope it does not spoil your enjoyment. owls, water pipit, robin, finches, kingfisher & golden oriole recorded by dr országh mihály available at his serries 'bird sounds of hungary' on hungaroton records. birds from the lake and predators sound appears courtesy from the magyar madártani egyesület and hortobágyi madárkórház alapítvány. special thanks to bajor zoltán, gergely kisteleki & varga győző. the high pitched wind recording taken from the bbc's sound effect library (no. 20 - weather #1)
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compiled by p, originally in 2011-12, re-compiled with additional tracks, remastered & mixed in 2021 04-05. all tracks edited, and tracks 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26 additional production & remix by p, used loops from el buhó, spaniol, afrobudha & kakatsitsi drummers and michael mayer.
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if the birds are too much for you, or you surrounded by other, real nautre, then the birdless version is what you looking for (you can download too):
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cover by sylvie bello from elham assadi's book 'la prima neve'. birds & flower drawing by csiganna.
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2 notes · View notes
aisphotostuff · 2 months
Common name: robin. Scientific name: Erithacus rubecula. by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: The flycatchers in the genus Ficedula are typically small with slender bodies and rounded heads. In many cases they are sexually dimorphic in their plumage, with the males being brightly or strikingly coloured and the females being duller or drabber
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aisphotostuff · 2 months
Common name: robin. Scientific name: Erithacus rubecula. by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: The flycatchers in the genus Ficedula are typically small with slender bodies and rounded heads. In many cases they are sexually dimorphic in their plumage, with the males being brightly or strikingly coloured and the females being duller or drabber
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