#fifa foot ball
mindfulrelaxing · 2 years
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miano-oscarwilde · 2 years
Hey guys, I drew Goey and Pico in Messi's uniform, in the yin yang background.
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calciopics · 1 year
FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Award Winners
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malibuzz · 1 year
SALIF KÉITA, l’étalon de mesure de la pure valeur footballistique africaine, selon Expert CAF/FIFA Mohamed MAGASSOUBA
Une étoile s’efface, Un Baobab tombe, Une Légende se couche, Un Espoir s’éteint, Une Rivière tarit Une Âme s’effondre, Une Vie s’arrête Une Histoire s’achève. Les hommes naissent libres, Mais jamais égaux. Dans un milieu donné, Dans un domaine donné, A un moment donné, Naît un homme qui ne ressemble à personne, Qui n’a pas son égal, Aussi personne ne lui ressemble. Tel un don de Dieu, Sans ce…
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helen-with-an-a · 4 months
Something About Finals pt 2
Hiya. So this is Part 2 of Something About Finals. This was originally all 1 story but then it was almost 10K so oops. Anyways, have 2 stories ahahah
shout out to @lyak12 for fixing my google translated German
Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2
Description: R and Finals do not get along
Word Count: 6.3k
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also these pictures are doing something to me
And then you were off to the World Cup.
You were shocked to receive the phone call that informed you, you had made the final squad. Lena wasn’t though, she had seen the hours of work that you had put in, the dedication, the effort, the blood, sweat and tears. You had kissed her goodbye much like you had done before the Euros, reassuring each other that no matter what, you were there, and you loved the other with all your heart. You weren’t able to watch many of her matches since you often had some form of training or your own matches that got in the way. But you always had the score notifications on. England sailed through the group stages with comparative ease … well definitely easier than Germany had. You had flicked on the final seconds of her match to see Lena sink to her knees. You heart broke for her, a lump forming in your throat as you saw the love of your life look so devastated. You sent her a quick text asking her to call you when she had a moment and reaffirming your love.
“Hey, bubba,” you said softly as her facetime call connected.
“Hi, liebling.” You had never heard her sound so … down. Even after losing the Champions League and the Euros, there was still a little life to her voice. But not now. Now, she sounded so low, so unlike your usual Lena.
“It’s not your fault, you know that, right?” You cut straight to the point. You knew what would be going through her mind. She wouldn’t make eye contact with you through the phone. “Obi, my love. Das ist nicht deine Schuld.” You said emphatically.
“But, if I had just-” She started, trying to prove to you that it really was her fault
“Lena Sophie Oberdorf,” you snapped. “I will not hear it. Das ist nicht. Deine. Schuld.” She nodded but you could tell she didn’t believe you. You carried the rest of the phone call, telling her about the silly in-camp gossip and drama, nearly pulling out a whole stand up show to get her to laugh, or at least smile again. You had ended the conversation as the clock flashed 12, probably a bit too late for you to be up but you wanted to keep talking for as long as possible.
“Bubba, I need to go to sleep,” you said as you went about your night routine, grateful that FIFA had splurged on giving you your own rooms for the tournament.
“Don’t go,” she whined, equally as tired but just as unwilling to hang up the phone.
“Ok, honey. How about I stay on the phone until you fall asleep, yeh?” You could see her perk up slightly, despite the dark circles under her eyes that told you she was not getting enough sleep in the past few weeks. You waited until you heard her breaths even out, her phone in a similar position to you resting against the pillow. You smiled softly, wishing her sweet dreams as you hung up the phone. You sent two texts before you snuggled down to sleep yourself. One to Lena for her to see in the morning, telling her how proud you were of her and how much you loved her. The other was to Alex, sending her the biggest hugs and asking her to keep an eye on Lena for you until you could make it back to her.
The World Cup was a rollercoaster of emotions. But now you were in the final. Just like the Euro final, there was an aura of nervous calm across the England changing rooms … if that was even the best way to describe it. Everyone was doing their pre-match rituals and routine, getting themselves in the right headspace to step foot on the pitch. But there was a nervousness in the air, the anticipation of finally gaining that star above the badge.
Everything was not going to plan. You were still 1-0 down with just 5 minutes left of regular time. Hermoso had the ball as you crowded her out, pressing yourself against her to toe the ball away from her. You had succeeded too, letting Kiera tap it over to Georgia to start another press. You had the weirdest sense of Déjà vu as you turned around, separating yourself from the Spanish defender and moving into the open space. You gasped as you twisted, something popping in your right knee. The familiar pain radiated down your shin and up your thigh causing you to scream as you collapsed to the floor.
No, no, no. Not again. This could not be happening again.
“Kid, what’s wrong?” It was Lucy who appeared by your side first, exactly like the last time.
“Not again.” You whimpered, letting out a sob as you hit your fist on the grass, trying to push the pain away.
“Is it your knee?” Millie asked. This was all too similar to last time and it made you cry even harder. You couldn’t tell if you were nodding or not, but Millie just scratched your head. Just like last time. “It’s ok, honey. The medics are coming.” She patted your hand as you clutched at it. You groaned and whimpered as the medics moved you around, never letting go of Millie and staring straight at Lucy, the layer of tears making it hard to see properly.
Just like last time, the hideous orange stretcher lifted you away as you were clapped off the pitch. Just like last time, you were carried into the medical room and placed on the awaiting bed.
“Kid?” A voice called out as they ran down the corridor. Someone must have pointed whoever it was in the right direction as the next moment, a very flustered and out of breath Leah appeared, phone gripped in one hand. “Yeh, I’m with her now," she directed to whoever was on the phone. “Honey, I’ve got Lena on the phone," she said as she came to your side. You nodded, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Hey, liebling.”
“H-hi.” It set you off on another round of tears, Leah drawing you into her.
“Oh, liebe. It’s ok.” Lena said so gently as she tried to fight her own tears.
She was sitting on the couch in your flat back in Wolfsburg watching the final with most of the team. The disappointment she felt when the ball bounced past Mary’s fingers was nothing compared to the fear she felt as you went to the floor. Not again. Please don’t let this happen again. She thanked the lucky stars she had the forethought years ago to ask for a few of your national friends phone numbers in case she needed to get a hold of you but couldn’t during international breaks. She had just pulled out her phone when Leah’s contact flashed on her screen. She accepted it before she really knew what was happening.
“I’m going down to see her now,” is what Leah had said as soon as the call went through. Alex had rubbed comforting circles on Lena’s back as Jule held tightly onto her open hand.
“Let me switch to facetime,” Leah said, gently taking the phone off you and pressing the right buttons. Lena’s concerned face popped up, taking in Leah’s frazzled expression and your hair pressed against her shoulder, hiding your face from the world. “C’mon, honey.” Leah coaxed you out from her neck, handing you her phone and moving to step away.
“Stay.” You croaked, clutching onto Leah like a lifeline. She nodded, moving her arms to support you as you rested your head back on her shoulder.
“Hallo, liebling.” Lena started again, moving off the sofa and into your bedroom, the soft expression of love visible on her features. “It is your knee?” You sniffed, nodding at her words. She hadn’t seen you look this small, this unsure … ever, she doesn’t think.
“I don’t think I can do this again,” you whispered. Leah knew you were talking to Lena, but she couldn’t help but squeeze you even tighter at your words, her heart breaking. Only you and Lena knew of the extent of your bad days. The days that getting out of bed seemed like too much effort and all you wanted to do was sleep and embrace the darkness. The days were all you could do was silently cry, gripping onto Lena so tightly your knuckles had turned white, and your fingers had started to cramp.
“Das kannst du, liebling. Das kannst du auf jeden Fall. Erinnerst du dich, an das, was ich nach dem EM-Finale gesagt habe? Du schaffst das, und ich gehe nirgendwo hin, du nusst das nicht alleine schaffen.”
“It hurts, bubba.”
“I know, liebe. I know.” Lena implored, Leah squeezing you again at you words. “Aber, du bist so, so stark. Du kannst das.” You shook your head, letting the tears roll steadily down your cheeks. “Ich liebe dich so sehr.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your lashes wet and face red. Did she really mean that? How could she love you after all you had put her through in the past year? Why would she want to stay with you after the nightmare you had been? And now, you were going to put her through it all again. You had clearly disappeared into your mind, certainly enough for Lena to notice. You eyes had unfocused, a faraway look on your face as the thoughts spiralled out of control. You couldn’t do this again. The last time was almost too much to bear. This time … you couldn’t let yourself lean on Lena like you did … she wouldn’t want you to. Why would anyone want a washed-up 21-year-old footballer as their girlfriend? Why would someone want a partner who struggled to keep the bad thoughts at bay? Your breathing had slowed down, the breaths coming far fewer than necessary.
“Hey, hey. Komm zu mir zurück.” Lena called out, catching Leah’s eye in the camera, and exchanging worried looks. Leah shook you gently when you made no effort to acknowledge what Lena had said. You jumped slightly, clearly coming back to the room around you.
“Ich denke … I think … ich denke das könnte mich kaputt machen.” You whispered, sounding so scared of what the future might hold. It was easier to say in your second language. It made it less real.
“Dann werde ich da sein, um dich wieder aufzubauen.” Lena promised. “We all will be.” You looked at her unsurely. How could she promise that? “I know what you’re thinking … stop it.” You looked away sheepishly, turning into Leah more. “I love you more than you will ever, ever understand,” Lena said emphatically, willing you to feel her love even though you were more than 10,000 miles away. She wanted nothing more than to be there in person. She should have stayed in Australia. She should have been at the final, cheering you on. She should have been in that small medical room, letting you cry into her chest.
A throat cleared from the door, a man in the England medical staff shirt sheepishly stuck his head through the gap.
“I’m sorry, duck. But we gotta run some more tests and stuff. Get you strapped up and whatnot.” His broad Yorkshire accent echoed in the small space. You nodded, looking up at Leah, then back to her phone.
“We’ll just be a minute,” Leah smiled at him. He frowned then realisation dawned on him. He smiled at you and shut the door.
“Bubba, I’ve got to go.” You said shyly.
“Ok, liebling. Stay safe, ja?” She smiled; even through the pixels, you could tell it wasn’t meeting her eyes all the way.
“Stets,” you replied automatically. “Ich liebe dich.”
“Ich liebe dich auch.”
“Don’t worry, Lena. She’s in safe hands until we can get her back to Germany,” Leah smiled, rubbing her hands up and down your arms and winking into the camera.
“She better be, Williamson. If she doesn’t make it home to me in one piece, England will never get their captain back.” She faux-threatened, grateful to see the small smile gracing you lips.
The flight back to Germany was nothing like the flight home from the Euros. Instead of Lena guiding you through the airport, sending intimidating glares at anyone in your path, you had Leah and Jill. Leah was absolutely useless. You gave her a little bit of grace considering she was still very much recovering from her own ACL injury but still, she was completely unhelpful and very much not the safe hands that she had promised Lena. Jill was … less useless. She at least took the initiative to wheel your suitcases along for you and helped guide you through to the right gate. But she was a horrible flyer. She was nervous and that led to the constant need to fidget. When she eventually fell asleep, it had been on your shoulder, pinning you in place for the majority of the flight which did not help you swollen knee. You had never been more grateful to hear the Captain announce your descent into Braunschweig airport. You were so thankful that Leah and Jill had diverted their flights to Wolfsburg for you instead of flying straight to Gatwick, but you couldn’t help the desire for them to, in the nicest way possible, fuck off. They were constantly bothering you; they were always checking if you needed anything or wanted something. You knew they meant well, and you were so, so appreciative of their efforts but it was very irritating when all you wanted to do was sleep away the flights and layovers.
Seeing Lena at the arrivals gate was like a breath of fresh air, like breaking the surface of a pool after being under for too long, like stepping into an air-conditioned room on a hot summers day.
“Hey, liebling.”
“Hi, bubba.” You crutched your way into her embrace, her warm, soft, strong arms cementing themselves around your shoulders as you buried your nose in her hoodie, taking deep breaths of your favourite smell, letting the scent seep into your bones and ease your aching muscles.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come back to ours? We’ve got a pull-out couch and an air mattress.” She asked over your shoulder to Leah and Jill.
“Nah, it’s all good mate. We’ve got flights and stuff tomorrow so we’re just staying at the hotel here.” Leah explained. You lifted your head out of your hiding place and extending one arm towards Leah. She took you hand, and you squeezed tightly.
“Thank you.” You said to her, sending a tired smile her way. She smiled back.
“Of course, kid. You know I’d do anything for you, we all would.”
“Stay safe, yeh? Have lots of rest and drink plenty of water.” Jill reminded you, taking your hand from Leah and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“Yes, mum.” You teased lightly, although Lena knew it was only a façade, an attempt to prove you were fine.
“Love you lots, kiddo.”
“Love you too, guys.” You watched them both walk away before turning back to Lena, never once leaving her embrace.
“Willkommen zu Hause, superstar,” Lena whispered in your ear, smiling as your arms tightened around her waist. “Let’s get you home, liebling.”
“Just … wait. Let me stay here for a minute.” You refused to loosen your grip. You took deep steady breaths that Lena could tell was your attempt at pushing away the darkness.
Eventually, you did make it home, Lena’s hand on your thigh the entire time. The movement of the car, Lena’s soft hum as she sang alone to the radio, the comforting smell … all of it was too much. As you entered your flat, you couldn’t help but let the tears flow. You had been doing that a lot recently. Your knee was hot and sore, the brace was itchy and ugly, Lena was too kind and comforting, you were tired and angry and scared and sad, and it was all too much.
“Liebe?” Lena asked as she came back from the bedroom. She rushed over to where you stood, in the middle of the tiny living room hysterically sobbing. “Oh, liebling.” She didn’t promise you it was all ok, that you were fine and that things would work out in the end. She knew that was not what you wanted to hear. “Es kann sein, dass es dir im Moment nicht gut geht,” she said as she pulled you to her, letting your tears soak her collar. “I can be ok for the both of us, right now,” she vowed. “I’m not going anywhere. You are safe. You are loved.”
You didn’t know how long you stood in the middle of your tiny flat with Lena whispering sweet nothings in your ear, but you did end up in bed, your leg elevated and iced and your girlfriend curling herself around you.
“I’m scared, bubba. Really, really scared,” you whispered into the darkness, long after you should have gone to sleep.
“And that’s ok, liebling. It’s ok to be scared. What happened was really scary, especially so close to last time.” She whispered back, her fingers drawing shapes on the exposed skin of your waist. Only 385 days in between tearing your left ACL and snapping your right one. 1 year and 20 days. 55 weeks. 9240 hours. 554,400 minutes. 33,264,000 seconds. “I love you. And I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere,” she promised.
The next year of your life was the hardest you had ever done. Every time the shadows threatened to overwhelm you, to engulf your entire being and never let you back into the light, Lena was there. She didn’t even realise most of the time. The first few days after returning from Australia was tough but manageable. You had cried some more … a lot more, especially after you shut the door behind Jule and Sveindís as they left your home. It was controllable up until Lena had to go back to preseason training. She had delayed it as long as she could, the club had allowed her a few days to help you resettle into your routine. When her alarm chimed at 8 am that Monday morning, you knew it was going to a rough one. The tiredness, the ache that had settled deep within your soul felt extra heavy. Lena had been reluctant to leave you, and you had wanted her to stay so, so desperately but you slapped on a brave face and watched her from underneath your mound of blankets on the couch as she went about her morning routine. Bathroom. Shower. Coffee. Breakfast. Bathroom again. Out the door. It was a routine the two of you had mastered years ago had hardly ever deviated, yet here you were – catching the kisses she blew your way as she left for the day.
You had tried really hard to keep the darkness away, and you had almost … almost achieved it. It wasn’t until one late afternoon, a week or so before the regular season began, when you had tried to make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and had splashed boiling water of the side of the cup and dropped the mug that everything came to a head.
You were angry, and frightened, and unsure, and in so much pain. You screamed. It hurt your throat, but you didn’t care. You yelled, cursing the universe for doing this to you. It was pure emotion that bubbled up inside. You tugged at your hair, you scratched deep red lines across your stomach, rubbed harshly at your eyes. Anything … anything to make these feelings disappear. You didn’t even realise Lena had come home. She knew you hadn’t been doing well. The physio had pulled her aside after your session to ask for help. Every member of the team, staff and players alike, had recognised your slow descent into the blackness. It wasn’t like the previous time. You had been optimistic last time, excited to be reaching your milestones and goals. But this time it was a struggle to get you into the training centre, let alone the gym and to do any exercises. You weren’t yourself and it was painfully obvious that something was wrong.
She rushed to your side, dropping her bags carelessly on her way over.
“Ok, ok,” she shushed you, wrapping her arms tightly around you to stop yourself from hurting you even more. You struggled at first, out of shock or anger neither one of you was really sure. But you slowly started to calm down. Her body ground you, the warmth at you back providing an anchor to cling to. She rocked you gently from side to side, mindful of your knee but knowing the action soothed you. She stayed silent until you leant heavily against her, most of your weight now being held by her.
“I need help.” It was all you could say. This was no way to live, and you knew that. That’s what made it worse for you was that you knew you weren’t ok; you knew you needed some serious assistance and had been needing it for quite a while. She hummed in agreement, thankful that you could recognise how bad it was.
“We can talk about it later. But first a shower, and then snuggles in bed.” There was no room for argument, not when she was already guiding you to the bathroom. The shower was hot and steamy as Lena cleaned your skin with her body wash, littering kisses as the water washed the suds away. She massaged your head as she worked the shampoo and conditioner through your hair, taking care to untangle the knots. She worked your moisturiser across your body, taking time to go through your neglected skincare regime and pull the softest t-shirt she owned over your head. She took your hand as she guided you to the bedroom, picking up your brush and hairdryer on the way to the vanity. She was so gentle as she dried your hair, braiding it back for you once it was dried. She settled you against the pillows before she slipped in beside you, resting her head against your collarbone and throwing a leg across your waist.
“I’m sorry.” You stared at the ceiling trying very hard not to cry, instead letting your fingers card through the brown strands of hair that were loose down her back.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she argued softly, squeezing you as she made her point
“Yes, I have. I’ve been a shite girlfriend.”
“No, you haven’t. You’ve been going through some real shit.”
“Nein. Ich werde es nicht hören,” she refused, drawing shapes on your arm. “You have been through hell and back, yet you always ask about my day. You always stand next to me when I make dinner. You always hold me at night. You always let me choose what to watch on TV, even if you don’t like it. It might be a little dark for you right now, but I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. I told you I was in this for as long as you want me, remember?”
“Of course, I do.” How could you forget your unconventional way of getting together?
“And do you still want me?” she asked.
“Of course, I do.” You repeated, kind of shocked that she would ask such a thing. “I want you forever.”
“Then you have me forever. I’m not going anywhere, and it’s time you started realising that.” You blinked rapidly, trying not to cry for a totally different reason.
“You are perfect, Lena Oberdorf.”
“You are perfect, Y/F/N Y/S/N.” You pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I think I need to talk to a professional, like go to therapy or something.” You said a little while later. Neither of you had moved, just soaking up each other’s presence.
“I think that a very smart idea,” she answered, choosing her words carefully. “Do you want it to be with the club or completely separate?”
“I don’t know,” you worried. You hadn’t really got that far in your thinking, you only recognised that you needed the professional intervention.
“That’s ok,” she reassured you. “The club can recommend someone, like a ... Sportpsychologe, or you can go to the doctors and sort something out by yourself.”
“Would … would you come with me to talk to the club doctors?” You asked. It was silly really, she spent almost every waking hour reminding you that she was by your side.
“Natürlich. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else … unless you want to be alone,” she rushed.
“No, no. I want you there. You keep the bad thoughts away.” You had never told her that, you were sure she knew it in some way.
The next morning, you felt lighter, the ache in your body not as pronounced as previous days. Lena walked with you to the medics office, standing like a silent lighthouse to guide you through the choppy waters. She kissed you softly as you parted for training, her going out with the rest of the team as you went to the gym. It was a sudden change; it wasn’t like a switch had been flicked and suddenly you were all better. But with every passing training session and talk with the therapist, you stood slightly taller, you no longer looked at the weights with distain, you huffed at jokes and eventually started laughing again. You still had your dark days, but things were slowly looking up. The storm was clearing for you, the path more clear with every little success. Walking on one crutch. Walking with no crutches. Weighted exercises. Running on the treadmill with assistance. Running on the treadmill without assistance. Progress was slow, much slower than last time, but it was happening, nonetheless.
The biggest factor in your progress came from an unexpected source. Lena had been approached by her agent in November about an offer from Bayern. The two of you had talked it through at length and came to the conclusion that she should go for it. You had lamented over the idea of long distance, but you knew your love was one for the ages. If Lena could put up with you during the dark days (although she hated when described it as putting up with you. It had been the spark of a few arguments), you knew you could last the time. You still had a year left on your contract for you to be going on a free, so you also reached out to your agent to tell him to start the process of looking at a potential move. It was then that he said an email had come through from another team in Germany looking to sign you. You had questioned the legitimacy; how could a club want to sign you when you had so little playing time? You cried when the forwarded email arrived in your inbox. Bayern wanted you too. The email explained that they were willing to spend the necessary money to get both you and Lena on their team, recognising the undeniable chemistry you had. It was true; almost every goal Lena scored when you were on the pitch, you had been involved in. It was a no brainer – you were phoning the agency back to accept the deal before you even spoke to Lena. You kept it under lock and key for about 2 weeks, making sure your surprise was perfect.
“Liebling?” Lena shouted as she walked through the door, confused as to your location. Normally, when you were home before she was, you were either making a start on dinner or on the couch – both of which were visible from the entryway.
“Nur eine Minute,” you shouted, voice coming from the closed bedroom door. “Sit on the sofa please, I have something to show you.” Lena did what she was told, highly puzzled by your behaviour. Was she missing some important date? She quickly ran through the key ones in her mind, your birthday? No, her birthday? No, that was in December, your anniversary? No, that was in between Christmas and New Year's. Valentines Day? No, it was only mid-January. In all her worrying, she had missed you walking out of the bedroom. You waited for her to notice you and when that was not forthcoming, you nudged her gently with your foot. She jumped slightly, looking up at you. She drank in your smooth bare legs, blinking in surprise and smirking appreciatively when she realised that you only had on a shirt, your hair fluffed up and makeup done to perfection.
“What’s all this?” she asked, reaching out to hold your hips. You stepped back, chuckling at her pout.
“Look at my shirt, bubba,” you nodded down at your chest, hoping she would catch the logo. As she scanned up the red fabric, she began to recognise the material, the infamous Allianz logo splattered across your torso had the gears turning in her head. Finally, she made eye contact with the Bayern logo.
“Ein Bayern-Trikot?” You span around, showing her your back – although she was more focussed on your exposed arse than whose name was on it. “I am loving the view, liebe,” she teased.
“No, dipshit. Whose name is on the back?” She reluctantly broke her stare and scanned the writing.
“Y/S/N? Liebling, I don’t think Wolfsburg will like you wearing a personalised Bayern shirt.” God, she could be dense at times.
“No, bubs,” you sighed, turning back to face her and shoving lightly on her shoulders. She shuffled back on the couch, allowing you to straddle her lap. Her hands automatically went to your waist, although the confused expression still lingered on her features.
“You can be so thick sometimes, Obi,” you laughed at her offended squawk. “I got an email from my agent a few weeks ago,” you explained, pulling her hair out her ponytail. “I’ve got an offer,” you hinted, playing with the ends of her now-loose strands. You raised an eyebrow, looking from her to the logo on your shirt and back again.
“B-Bayern?” She whispered, trying to keep the hope and excitement at bay.
“Bayern,” you nodded, a wide grin spreading across your face.
“Scheisse … oh, mein Gott. Oh, mein Gott!” She launched her body forward, slamming you into a hug. “You’re going to Bayern?” She asked, her voice muffled by the fabric.
“We’re going to Bayern,” you corrected, drawing her head away from your collarbone.
“Ich liebe dich,” Her eyes flitted between yours and your lips.
“I love you,” you drew her to you, relishing in the quite hum she let out.
It took until the spring for you to start training with the team again. Lena had been with you the whole time. If you thought she was excited the first-time round, she was on cloud 9 this time. She had been buzzing with energy when you told her you were to go out on the grass again. You could see her practically vibrating with joy as you slipped on your underused boots again. She had bounded over to you, chatting away and generally irritating everyone, but her energy was infectious. Running again after so long was … words could not describe the feeling.
Slowly but surely, you were returning back to your old self. You and Tommy had sat down with the medical team discuss your return to match squad. You were performing well at training and things were looking up. You felt ready for the ‘less important’ matches. With the league mathematically won by Bayern with 2 match days to spare, Wolfsburg were more willing to let you return sooner rather than later. But with the Pokal final being the only chance at silverware, the management was reluctant to even sub you in. And honestly, you weren’t sure you were ready for a final just yet. The last three finals you had played in, the Euros, the Champions League, and the World Cup, had not gone your way, two of them being the worst games of your life. You agreed to be on the bench as an unused sub, you knew you had to start getting over the phobia and figured this would be a good way to start – just being in the atmosphere of a final with no pressure to play or perform. You could do that.
You stuck to your old match day routine, the known comforts helping to calm your nerves. It all started with the pitch inspection with Lena, hands brushing together as you walked too close to just be friends, although you had quickly darted over to see Georgia.
“Are you playing?” Georgia asked.
“What? No, oh my god, hi, I haven’t seen you in so long?” you teased, hugging her tightly.
“Hi,” she said bluntly, “are you playing?” squeezing you back just as tightly.
“No,” you shook your head. “Apparently, I’m to view this as a form of exposure therapy.” She looked at you quizzically. “Doing your ACL twice, both of which in a final, kinda fucks with your head,” you joked. She nodded solemnly. “Also, I have some news,” you added. “But you better keep your bloody mouth shut though, Stanway,” you pointed a finger at her. “No telling Leah or Kei or Luce or anyone else until at least the end of the season,” you threatened.
“Alright, alright, what’s the big news then, if it’s so top secret?”
“I got an offer, I’m leaving Wolfsburg.”
“Oh, my god. Where to?” She squealed. You had voiced your concerns to her over the phone about staying in Wolfsburg without Lena.
“Um …” you took a deep breath. “Bayern,” you said confidently. She paused, her mouth open slightly.
“You’re moving to Bayern?” She screeched.
“Lock and key, Stanway,” you emphasised but nodding and smiling anyway. You looked over your shoulder when you heard Lena call your name. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you soon, yeah?” You hugged her again.
“Love you lots and lots,” she said, shaking you jokingly.
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too, hope you play like shite,” you jested, laughing as she flipped you off.
The final was going well, you remained calm and collected. Lena had brushed your hair into your usual hairstyle, taking care to smooth your fly aways down. You returned the favour by lacing up her boots, pressing kisses to each knee as you finished. Things were going swimmingly, until Lena got tangled up with the Bayern keeper, and fell to the ground.
“Mein Knie.” You heard her shout from all away across the pitch. You blood froze, your heart sank. No, no, no, this could not … no. You reached blindly for Sveindís as the medics ran on, your eyes never leaving Lena’s body.
“It’s ok, she’s fine.” Sveindís promised, squeezing your hand.
“Her knee,” you croaked.
“Sie bewegt sich, siehst du, die Sanitäter sind jetzt bei ihr. Sie redet, sie bewegt sich. She’s ok.” Marina squeezed your shoulder from behind you, sending you a comforting smile, despite the fact you couldn’t see it. You kept your eyes on her even as she stood up, flexing her knee and walking off the pitch with the medics. Despite reassurances from all the team and the medical staff who had treated her, you never looked away from Lena. You had to make sure she was ok. You stared at her face, trying to register any slight look of discomfort.
When the half time whistle went, you were the first out of your seat, hovering by the tunnel entrance for Lena to appear. She must have seen your anxiousness from a mile away. You were fidgeting with your fingers, biting your lip as you scanned the incoming players.
“Hey,” she said, tapping you on the shoulder. You careened into her, your arms tightening around her waist. “I’m ok. I’m ok,” she repeated over and over again, her hand rubbing up and down your back, feeling you shakily take breaths to stop any waterworks.
“Don’t ever do that again!” You pulled back from her, keeping her in an embracing though.
“I’ll try not to,” she chuckled at your seriousness.
“I mean it, bubba. That was terrifying.” Your mouth setting to a firm line and eyebrows furrowing.
“I know, liebling. And I’m sorry I caused you so much stress.” She let her thumb move across your cheek. “Aber ich verspreche dir, mir geht es absolut gut. My knees are ok, your knees are ok. Alles ist gut.”
“Fucking hate finals,” you grumbled, twisting your body so you could walk back to the changing room without letting go.
“Ich weiß, dass du das tust, Liebling, ich weiß."
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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jenni hermoso: time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2024
as written by nwsl player mana shim who had her own experiences with sexual harassment at her club team!
"There wasn’t a question in Jenni Hermoso’s mind that what Luis Rubiales did to her onstage after her team won the 2023 Women’s World Cup was wrong. When Rubiales, the president of the Spanish foot-ball federation—Hermoso’s boss—grabbed her face and kissed her, millions of us watching live on television knew it was wrong too.  Speaking up in 2021 about my own experience with sexual harassment was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, so I know how much bravery it requires. My decision to come forward helped spur a new era in women’s soccer in the U.S.—but globally, soccer is still controlled by men. Hermoso courageously told her truth, over and over again, despite efforts to silence her. After Spanish players united as one in protest, Rubiales resigned and was eventually banned for three years by FIFA. In the National Women’s Soccer League last summer, my teammates and I were proud to wear her name on our wrist to stand behind her and continue her call for change."
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sunsetkerr · 1 year
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summary: you and sam kerr are on-pitch rivals, but when you're teammate hurts sam during a game, you're the first one on the ground with her (or.. 4 times you watched sam hurt on the ground, +1 time you helped her up) [1.8k words]
pairing: on-pitch rival!reader x sam kerr
notes: I love this one a lot..
(1) 2015, FIFA Women’s World Cup - Group Stage
“did you like that one, l/n?” god, you thought. she’s insufferable. you watched as she celebrated with her team, green and gold flooded the box. it was no secret that you couldn’t stand sam kerr. the whole world knew practically, and watching her celebrate a goal whilst looking directly at you just made you hate her even more.
“piss off” you shook your head as she jogged pass you to reset play. 
“oooh” she chuckled at you, her smirk only growing, “feisty today, are we?”
commentator voiceover JP DELLACAMERA: ooh, we can see on-pitch rivals y/n l/n and sam kerr having a few words with each other after l/n just scored her goal
JACQUI OATLEY: i think they’re constantly having words if i’m honest
JP DELLACAMERA: it seems that way, doesn’t it? Kerr and l/n are one of the most interesting pairs to see on the pitch in my opinion
JACQUI OATLEY: no i completely agree, i love seeing how they egg each other on; very entertaining
JP DELLACAMERA: seeing them play each other at arsenal and chelsea, but then seeing them on a national level is just great football
JACQUI OATLEY: it’s funny to me, both great goal scorers, but they somehow always find a way to be next to each other on the pitch
JP DELLACAMERA: sweden taking a corner now… and rubensson sends it into the box and y/n l/n headers it into goal!
JACQUI OATLEY: phenomenal work from the young swede
you threw your hands in the air as sofia lifted you up. you turned around to see sam, on the ground, knocked down from the commotion in the box, with a frown etched on her face. you grinned down at her with a chuckle and shouted, “that was for you, kerr!”.
(2) 2016, WSL Season Chelsea vs Arsenal
commentator voiceover IZZY CHRISTIANSE: and sam kerr scores her third goal against arsenal! and it’s a hat-trick for sam kerr!
PIEN MEULENSTEEN: ooh! and she’s collided just outside the goals with arsenal player, y/n l/n IZZY CHRISTIANSE: looks like they hit each other pretty hard at the hips there.. kerr and l/n are both down
you groaned clutching at your hip bone. “will you watch where you’re going!” you looked over at who banged into you, of course it was her.
“you right?” she winced, holding onto her own hip.
“no thanks to you” you spat at her.
sam threw her head back in pain, “oh fuck” she hissed. you heard someone come up behind you/
“you okay, y/n?” they wrapped their arms underneath your armpits and pulled you up. it was caitlin. you were thankful to be back up on your feet, you muttered a quick thank you whilst you rubbed at your hip. “sam?” she asked her matildas teammate. caitlin always tried to be a neutral force when it came to you both, the two of you too strong willed not to butt-heads on the pitch.
“i’m good” she nodded, still groaning.
“i’ll get the trainers” catilin said before flagging over the chelsea trainers, who were already on their way out.
“come on,” caitlin patted you on the back before walking back to the centre with you. you rolled your eyes, hearing sam groan behind you. she crashed into you, and she’s complaining? figures.
(3) 2017, Algarve Cup Group Stage
you and sam were both gunning for the ball. she was behind you, trying to get the ball out from underneath you. you tried your best to hold it, but didn’t have to try for much longer as sam fell to the ground clutching her ankle. “fuck, fuck, fuck” she winced. 
you turned around, holding on the ball under your foot. you contemplated helping her up, making sure she was alright. 
“y/n!” but your teammate, lotta, was shouting at you as she had set up her position. “run down!” she shouted to you. you got the ball moving again, shaking off steph catley, ignoring sam’s cries in the background.
commentator voiceover JACQUI OATLEY: looks like y/n was a little concerned for sam kerr there
JP DELLACAMERA: that’s a surprise to me
JACQUI OATLEY: l/n crosses the ball in to schelin and it’s a goal!
JP DELLACAMERA: great assist from l/n there JACQUI OATLEY: and even better shooting from schelin
JP DELLACAMERA: a great duo those two
(4) 2022, Sweden vs Australia Women's Friendlies
“that’s two, y/n” caitlin grinned at you as she came off the high from her second goal of the game. 
you chuckled and shook your head, trying to suppress your grin. “shut up caitlin, you’re a show-off” you laughed. you weren’t too fired up this game. your team hadn’t managed to score yet, but the matildas were playing better than you- they deserved to win the friendly.
“and i love every second of it” she grinned.
“i’ve got next caitlin” her voice came out of nowhere, but once you saw her your mood was ruined. sam was jogging past you both with a big grin on her face.
“yeah, sure” you scoffed, heading back to your side of the pitch. it took sam only five minutes of play to score. 
“that was for you!” she sang to you, running straight past where you watched her score. you rolled your eyes, your friendly spirit that had been present in this game was officially ruined.
commentator voiceover JACQUI OATLEY: and kerr has scored on chelsea teammate zećira mušović, getting the matildas third goal for the game, with Sweden still sitting at zero. ooh, kerr has stopped celebrating. she looks to be a little bit of pain. 
JP DELLACAMERA: she’s had a few troubles with her calf, hopefully it’s nothing”
“you good?” you watched as sam limped back to her position as the game reset. 
“agh, shit” she hissed through her teeth, “my calf has been playing up” she admitted, giving it a quick rub.
“do you need a trainer?” you asked her. you stammered before adding, “y-you’re taking up my space on the pitch”.
“nah, no” sam sighed, shaking her hands as she stood up straight again, “just give me a second”.
“are you sure?” you asked
sam raised her eyebrows at you before taking a deep breath, “careful, l/n.. kinda sounds like you care”
“you’re on my half of the pitch” you almost erupted at her accusation, “get moving” you shooed her away.
(+1) 2023, FIFA Women’s World Cup Bronze Medal Match
it was the seventy-fifth minute when you watched her go down. magdelena’s tackle was brutal, you waited for the whistle to sound, but it never came. game resumed play and mags was off running with the ball as sam was on the ground clutching her calf in pain.
you jogged over to her, “are you okay?” you asked.
“fuck!” she cried, panting through the pain. 
“stop time!” you turned around and called down to the referee, but she just ignored you and continued watching play. “hey!” you called again.
“holy shit,” sam put her head on the ground, still holding her leg close.
you looked around for help, and saw the matilda’s physio running out onto the pitch to see sam. “the physio is coming” you told her, “hold on a second”.
“hey! call time!” you screamed down the pitch again, “fucking hell, she’s hurt!” 
“hey,” you watched as z held onto the ball in the box, stopping play herself. the referee finally officially stopped play and began to walk down towards yourself and sam. “she’s been down for at least a minute, you are supposed to stop play!” you shouted, “what kinda refereeing is that? bullshit”
you stayed close while the physios tried to get sam onto her feet. you knew she had just come back from injury, she was doing too much. sure, you didn’t like her. but you couldn’t help but feel inclined to make sure she was alright.
and for some obsurd reason, the feeling was still there even after the final whistle blew and you had won a bronze medal.
you found sam sitting on the pitch, her head in her hands. you hesitated before crouching down next to her, “i’m sorry about the loss” you said, holding your hand out for her.
sam looked defeated as she saw who it was, “you deserved to win” she sighed, shaking your hand.
“you did lots of great work for football sam” you admitted. you took a deep breath before continuing, “is your calf okay?”.
“it’ll be fine” she nodded. you noticed the tears in her eyes, “thanks” she whispered.
“good game” you said, before standing up and heading off.
sam sighed, “you too”.
alanna headed over to check on her captain, just having watched the exchange between you and sam. “what did she want?” your rivalry was no secret, everyone knew that you both weren’t opposed to having words after a tough game.
“to see if i was okay” sam’s tone whilst still defeated, had a hint of surprise buried beneath it.
“yeah alright” alanna scoffed, holding out her hand to help sam onto her feet, “comes over to you after we’ve lost, sounds about right”
the night had wound down for the matildas. sure, they had an afterparty to go to, but there were lots of tired girls walking the ground.
“i’m gonna sleep on the bus before we have to go out” sam chuckled, zipping up her puffer jacket. “i’m ready to party” macca chuckled, giving sam a little nudge.
“it’s a constant emotion for her” alanna laughed.
“shut up, i-“ mackenzie was cut off, your voice peaking the trio’s interest. they saw you over by the sweden bus, particularly close to your teammate, a sour look on your face.
“what the hell what that about?” you asked. “what do you mean?” mags chuckled.
your eyes widened in shock, “i mean what you did to her was totally illegal”.
“it’s football, y/n” she said simply, trying to walk onto the bus.
“that is not football and you know it” you stopped her in her tracks, continuing your conversation. “we were already up, you didn’t have to do that” you said.
“sam is a tough girl, she’ll be fine” magda didn’t seem particularly remorseful, especially not after injuring her own teammate at chelsea. “you know she just came back from injury, going after her calf like that is just not alright” you shook your head at her
“i didn’t ‘go after’ her calf-“
you cut her off, “could’ve fooled me” you laughed.
“you know what, y/n-”
“girls that’s enough!” your coach cut you both off, “we just won a bronze medal, care to cool off a little bit” she raised her voice at you both.
“don’t play dirty,” you finished, pushing past her to get onto the bus.
“rich coming from you” she said, “last season you hated her, what’s changed?”.
you paused before answering, “nothing.. i just prefer to play by the rules” you lied.
“what the fuck?” alanna whispered, shocked by your change in demeanour.
“that was.. strangely nice of her?” macca looked to sam.
“i know” sam furrowed her brows, “what the hell”
“a change of heart maybe?” alanna chuckled jokingly.
“who knows” sam shrugged. maybe you two could get along after all.
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retropopcult · 2 years
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RIP Pelé (October 23, 1940 – December 29, 2022)
Pelé (born Edson Arantes do Nascimento), the Brazilian soccer legend who won three World Cups and became the sport’s first global icon, has died at the age of 82 from complications related to colon cancer.
For more than 60 years, the name Pelé has been synonymous with soccer. He played in four World Cups and is the only player in history to win three, but his legacy stretched far beyond his trophy haul and remarkable goal-scoring record.
“I was born to play football, just like Beethoven was born to write music and Michelangelo was born to paint,” He once said.
Averaging almost a goal per game throughout his career, Pelé was adept at striking the ball with either foot in addition to anticipating his opponents' movements on the field. His dribbling skills were on a higher level, and the best and most experienced defenses were rarely able to stop him. In all, Pele's pro career totaled 1,280 goals (a Guinness world record) and he scored 77 goals for Brasil in World Cup games, also a record.
He won many titles with his Brazilian club, Santos FC, and is their all-time goals leader. He also represented Brasil in four World Cups starting at the age of 17, winning in 1958, 1962, and 1970.  FIFA then dubbed him simply, “The Greatest”; Brazilians called him O Rei (”The King”). 
After retiring from Brazilian (and International World Cup Play) soccer in 1974, he signed on with the New York Cosmos and wowed American fans for three years.  Pelé finished his official playing career by leading the Cosmos to their second championship in 1977.  He then enjoyed his international celebrity status, including a starring role in the film “Victory”, shown above.
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drogba-prospect · 2 months
How This Central African City Became the World’s Most Expensive
Stretch Goals: Central African Republic Ranks Top 8 in FIFA World Rankings for Men's and Top 5 for Futsal
Micro Goals: All Time Laureus World Sports Awards Winner for Africans, Laureus Team Award, All Time African Footballer of the Year, AFCON Host Nation Champion*, African Transfer Record*,  Insead and WSJ Conferences*, Jeune Afrique Cover*, Verified LinkedIn Member*, and Agriculture Startup Reality TV
Pigou Effect, Corporate Tax Havens, Capital Gains Tax Havens, Private-Public Sectors, Joint Venture Plantations, Market Extension Mergers, with Business Incubators, and Enterprise Foundation, Holding Company, Subsidiaries, and Horizontal Integration for Monopoly.
A currency union (also known as monetary union) is an intergovernmental agreement that involves two or more states sharing the same currency. These states may not necessarily have any further integration (such as an economic and monetary union, which would have, in addition, a customs union and a single market). [Pigou Effect Currency (Short FX), Currency Board Currency (Retirement Fixed Exchange Rate), Market Currency (FX Long Currency)]
Gross national product (GNP) GNP is related to another important economic measure called gross domestic product (GDP), which takes into account all output produced within a country's borders regardless of who owns the means of production. GNP starts with GDP, adds residents' investment income from overseas investments, and subtracts foreign residents' investment income earned within a country. Whilst GDP measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, GNP focuses on the income generated by its residents, regardless of their location.
Gross National Income (GNI) is the total amount of money earned by a nation's people and businesses. It is used to measure and track a nation's wealth from year to year. The number includes the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) plus the income it receives from overseas sources.
Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions: Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Investments Farms REITs, Art Financing Mardi Gras
Index Franc: Tobacco-Tobacco Soil Index/Franc Tabac Currency Pair (TBS/TAF)
The overlapping generations (OLG) model; consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM); Endogenous growth theory; Material balance planning; Leontief paradox; Malinvestment; Helicopter money; Modern monetary theory
Mercantilism Spectrum of CDF/CFA
CDF Raw Materials and CFA Products. (Prices); CDF Holding Company and CFA Conglomerate Company. (Equity and Dividend Yield); CDF is Gold Standard and CFA is Helicopter Money. (FX Rate/Hedging); CDF Helicopter Money [Supplier Currency] and CFA as Purchasing Power [Consumer Currency] (Currency Union & Currency Board and Negative Interest Rates); CDF is Congolese Franc and CFA is Central African Franc
Supporting Striker (Inverted Winger)
Central Winger (False 10)
Overlapping Run/Defensive Winger (Half-winger)
An inverted winger is a modern tactical development of the traditional winger position. Most wingers are assigned to either side of the field based on their footedness, with right-footed players on the right and left-footed players on the left.[65] This assumes that assigning a player to their natural side ensures a more powerful cross as well as greater ball protection along the touch-lines. However, when the position is inverted and a winger instead plays inside-out on the opposite flank (i.e., a right-footed player as a left inverted winger), they effectively become supporting strikers and primarily assume a role in the attack.[66]
The "false 10" or "central winger"[55] is a type of midfielder, which differs from the trequartista. Much like the "false 9", their specificity lies in the fact that, although they seemingly play as an attacking midfielder on paper, unlike a traditional playmaker who stays behind the striker in the centre of the pitch, the false 10's goal is to move out of position and drift wide when in possession of the ball to help both the wingers and fullbacks to overload the flanks. This means two problems for the opposing midfielders: either they let the false 10 drift wide, and their presence, along with both the winger and the fullback, creates a three-on-two player advantage out wide; or they follow the false 10, but leave space in the centre of the pitch for wingers or onrushing midfielders to exploit. False 10s are usually traditional wingers who are told to play in the centre of the pitch, and their natural way of playing makes them drift wide and look to provide deliveries into the box for teammates.
In Italian football, the term mezzala (literally "half-winger" in Italian) is used to describe the position of the one or two central midfielders who play on either side of a holding midfielder and/or playmaker. The term was initially applied to the role of an inside forward in the WM and Metodo formations in Italian, but later described a specific type of central midfielder. The mezzala is often a quick and hard-working attack-minded midfielder, with good skills and noted offensive capabilities, as well as a tendency to make overlapping attacking runs, but also a player who participates in the defensive aspect of the game, and who can give width to a team by drifting out wide; as such, the term can be applied to several different roles.
On occasion, the false-10 can also function in a different manner alongside a false-9, usually in a 4–6–0 formation. Midfield collective of False 9, False 10, Box to Box, Holding, Half Winger, Attacking, Defensive. We are not stretching the defensive line itsself, but the space between the defensive line and the goalkeeper.
Thiago Motta’s ‘Super Offensive’ 2-7-2 Formation Explained: Instead of the traditional way of looking at a tactical set-up horizontally, the Brazil-born manager instead split the field into three vertical lanes. This means he effectively has seven players in the central channel with two players out wide on each flank.
Adjust Free Role System to The Scoreboard.
The Central African Games was an international multi-sport event for countries within Central Africa. (Boxing, Athletics, Tennis, Football, Rallycross, Olympic Weightlifting, Volleyball, Trap Shooting, Basketball)
The Central African Football Federations' Union, officially abbreviated as UNIFFAC[a], is a sports governing body representing the football associations of Central Africa.
VEDETTE: 3-4-1-2 has 4 Pivot Formations so 5 Total: Transition to a 4-4-2 Diamond, Transition to a 4-4-2, Transition to a 4-2-3-1, Transition to a 3-3-1-3
Positional Game is Diamonds Tic-Tac-Toe with Enforcer and Avoider. Striker [Enforcer](Inverted Winger and Centre Forward), Deep Lying Playmaker [Avoider] (Holding Midfielder and Inverted Winger), and Sweeper Wingback Deep Lying Playmaker [Avoider] (Centre Back). Use Playing Styles, Manipulated Positions, and Combinational Games for Positional Play as Johan Cruyff students.
Angolan 4-4-2 Diamond Tic Tac Toe Variant: 1-3-4-2; (1) Falar Pelos Cotovelos (Sweeper Deep-lying Playmaker Wingback) (4) Diamond Rover (Diamond Rotation from Midfield, Wings, and Defensive Third) Counterpressing Pivot Pressing Triggers, Sweeper-Winger Pivots, Overlapping Runs, W; I; M; V; Box Keeping Formation with 3 Centre-Backs) [Key Stats: Front Foot, Pressing Triggers, Clearance, Aerial Duel, Interceptions, Blocked Shots, Tackles, Final Ball, Key Dribbles, Overlapping Runs, Set Piece Taker] Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Placement Mechanics: Arch-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve
UEFA Front Office Curriculum
Museum d'histoire: Broken down into three major section — “A Lineage of Coaches Players and Places,” “Proving Grounds” and “Cultures of Basketball” — City/Game documents how basketball first found its origins in the neighborhoods of NYC and then went on to produce a roster of local legends who played everywhere from Rucker Park and the Cage on West 4th Street to Christ the King High School and St. John’s University.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle (Coup de Pied)
*Push-Pull Sprint/Shooting Cycle: Pull Glutes et Hamstring; Push Calf et Quads for Sprints.
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes (Paul Pogba)
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
Piedi Felici Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
Lingua Franca of Renaissance Latin (Vocabulary) and Atlantic–Congo Fon (Grammar).
Volta–Congo is a major branch of the Atlantic–Congo family. Fon (fɔ̀ngbè, pronounced [fɔ̃̀ɡ͡bē][2]) also known as Dahomean is the language of the Fon people. It belongs to the Gbe group within the larger Atlantic–Congo family.
In linguistic typology, subject–verb–object (SVO) is a sentence structure where the subject comes first, the verb second, and the object third.
Haitian Creole (/ˈheɪʃən ˈkriːoʊl/; Haitian Creole: kreyòl ayisyen, [kɣejɔl ajisjɛ̃];[6][7] French: créole haïtien, [kʁe.ɔl a.i.sjɛ̃]), or simply Creole (Haitian Creole: kreyòl), is a French-based creole language spoken by 10 to 12 million people worldwide, and is one of the two official languages of Haiti (the other being French), where it is the native language of the vast majority of the population. The language emerged from contact between French settlers and enslaved Africans during the Atlantic slave trade in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) in the 17th and 18th centuries. Although its vocabulary largely derives from 18th-century French, its grammar is that of a West African Volta-Congo language branch, particularly the Fongbe and Igbo languages.
Prose Accent Congo and Modern Accent Congo.
Full Lips Endings with Vertical Narrow Mouth and Soft Rs.
A noun phrase – or NP or nominal (phrase) – is a phrase that usually has a noun or pronoun as its head, and has the same grammatical functions as a noun.
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries (Cabaret and Burlesque), and weapons manufacturers.
Phillip Morris
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Business Clusters with Scrum Management and Accelerators to produce Festivals.
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven
High Stakes Minimum Buy In
Card Gambling (Signal and President): Top 2 highest bids fight for the Coup d'état and the other two are lesser men, the lesser men are subordinates that aid in playing cards for the warlord, the winning team splits the money, the warlords switches based on the 13 cards dealt and bets placed, the first team to shed all of their cards win.
Domestic Gambling: Boxing
Retirement Gambling: Boat Racing
Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes
Definitions of ballroom. noun. large room used mainly for dancing. synonyms: dance hall, dance palace**. types: disco, discotheque.
Go Go Music Influenced, Eurphoric Trance Chord Progression Melody, Progressive House and Drum n' Bass Percussion-808 Call and Response Staccato Polyrhythm or Layered Kick and Punch 808.
In his 1972 study of French lute music, scholar Wallace Rave compiled a list of features he believed to be characteristic of style brisé. Rave's list included the following: the avoidance of textural pattern and regularity in part writing; arpeggiated chord textures with irregular distribution of individual notes of the chord; ambiguous melodic lines; rhythmic displacement of notes within a melodic line; octave changes within melodic line; irregular phrase lengths.
Have the Snare and Kick say, "Hi, How are you?" And the 808 say, "I am good thanks for asking.”
Use progressive House to push the Drums Conversation to either Fast and Punchy for Happy or Slow and Deep for Sad.
In technical terms, "go-go's essential beat is characterized by a five through four syncopated rhythm that is underscored prominently by the bass drum and snare drum, and the hi-hat... [and] is ornamented by the other percussion instruments, especially by the conga drums, rototoms, and hand-held cowbells."[5]
Polyrhythm: In music, a cross-beat or cross-rhythm is a specific form of polyrhythm. The term cross rhythm was introduced in 1934 by the musicologist Arthur Morris Jones (1889–1980). It refers to a situation where the rhythmic conflict found in polyrhythms is the basis of an entire musical piece.[1]
Four-on-the-floor (or four-to-the-floor) is a rhythm used primarily in dance genres such as disco and electronic dance music. It is a steady, uniformly accented beat in 4. 4 time in which the bass drum is hit on every beat (1, 2, 3, 4).[1] This was popularized in the disco music of the 1970s[2] and the term four-on-the-floor was widely used in that era, since the beat was played with the pedal-operated, drum-kit bass drum.[3][4] (Punch 808-Kick)
Polyrhythm 4 on the Floor examples 2:4 or 5:4
Hard trance is often characterized by strong, hard (or even downpitch) kicks, fully resonant basses and an increased amount of reverberation applied to the main beat. Melodies vary from 140 to 180 BPMs and it can feature plain instrumental sound in early compositions, with the latter ones tending to implement side-chaining techniques of progressive on digital synthesizers.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
Capo: Describes a ranking made member of a family who leads a crew of soldiers. A capo is similar to a military captain who commands soldiers. Soldier: Also known as a “made man,” soldiers are the lowest members of the crime family but still command respect in the organization.
A capo is a "made member" of an Italian crime family who heads a regime or "crew" of soldiers and has major status and influence in the organization.
Consigliere: Defense and Corporate Lawyers
Head Boss: Ministry of Medicine
Underboss: Pharmaceutical Industry
Soliders: Artisans
Commercialism is the application of both manufacturing and consumption towards personal usage, or the practices, methods, aims, and distribution of products in a free market geared toward generating a profit.
Commercial art is art created for advertising or marketing purposes. Commercial artists are hired by clients to create images and logos that sell products. Unlike works of fine art that convey an artist's personal expression, commercial art must address the client's goals.
The word 'Commercial' is defined as follows: Concerned with or engaged in commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods or services among two or more parties.
Craftsmen are committed to the medium, not to self-expression. Artists are committed to their self-expression, not the medium.
A medium of exchange is an intermediary instrument and system used to facilitate the purchase and sale of goods and services between parties.
Stretch and Micro Goals
Music Medium System: Distribution and Retailers Contract Theory (System) for Music (Instrument)
Football Medium System: Analytics and Geometry for Free Role (System) Trixies (Instrument)
Age 16-19
Bond Funds
Farmland REITS
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account
Age 20-30
Farmland Recession Proof Stocks (Cosmetics, AgTech, Ag ETFS, AgETN)
Incubator and Startup Accelerators
Real Estate Joint Ventures
Age 30-40
Farmland Blue Chip Indexes w/ Credit Spread Options
Swing Trading: Use mt4/mt5 With Heiken Ashi Charts, Setting at 14 or 21 Momentum Indicator above 0 as Divergence Oscillator and Volume Spread Analysis as Reversal Oscillator and Trade when bullish candlesticks above 200 exponential moving average and/or 20 exponential moving average (EMA) on H1 (Hourly) Time Frame; use H4 (4 Hours) and D1 (1 Day) as reference.
Purpose: Permanent Residency Card
$250k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and term deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$75k: Spending Cash
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries, and weapons manufacturers.
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
CPP, CNS Depressants, et FENTALOGS: Cul-de-sac
Defensive Penalty Capture The Flag Raiding Warfare
Grey-Decentralized Markets
Bastilles: Cul-de-sac Artist Résidences Penthouse Complexes
Polyrhythm Raves
Acid House Art Gallery
International Film Festival
Hôtel Chefs
Seigneurial System/Tableau Economique Raw Material Économics Production Spot
Discount Networking Acid House Party
Opium Dens and Fragrance Festivals
Pill Pressers
CNS depressants
Upper-tier County System
Defense Lawyers are Traplords (Trafficking P4P and Malicious Prosecution)
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
Brain Receptor Dealing
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus
Religious Ecstasy
Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts
Live-Pool Betting Monopoly Board Game
Summary Sentencing
Urban Level: Street Culture Art Gallery (Street culture may refer to: Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, Street market, Children's street culture, Street carnival, Block party, Street identity, Street food, Café culture, Several youth subculture or counterculture topics pertaining to outdoors of urban centers. These can include: Street art, Street photography, Street racing, Street wear, Hip-hop culture, Urban fiction, Street sports, Streetball, Flatland BMX, Freestyling), Art Pedagogy, Artist Residency, Art Schools, and Art Plugs
Art Pedagogy: Arts-based pedagogy is a teaching methodology in which an art form is integrated with another subject matter to impact student learning. 28-30. Arts-based pedagogy results in arts-based learning (ABL),11 which is when a student learns about a subject through arts processes including creating, responding or performing. Aesthetic Teaching: Seeking a Balance between Teaching Arts and Teaching through the Arts. In aesthetic education, learning must be developed especially with the inclusion of sensations and with the help of feelings. Sensations and feelings should lead to movement, representation, and expression. Aesthetic learning often entails learning to distinguish certain qualities or objects aesthetically in different ways depending on the situation and the purpose. Certain things can be experienced in negative ways in one activity and in positive ways in another.
A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests
Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. Each individual 'patch' of the tattoo can be a different design, symbol or element with a little space in between. Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. In short, the gun-toting angel was a multifaceted metaphor. “It undoubtedly also reflected the Catholic Counter-Reformation militaristic rhetoric,” wrote Donahue-Wallace, “which promoted the church as an army and heavenly beings as its soldiers.”
J'Cartier, Je cours après les vœux de champagne,
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Grey & Decentralized Markets
Tableau Économique
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
High Socioeconomic Status & Tattoos
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
Keystone Theory Habits
Game Theory
Behavioral Finance
Self-actualization is the complete realization of one's potential, and the full development of one's abilities and appreciation for life. This concept is at the top of the Maslow hierarchy of needs, so not every human being reaches it.
Potential Psychology: Psychological potential is a very broad concept. It may include one's capacity to conform, change, re-invent oneself, bounce back from adversity, etc.
+EV Optimal Game Theory Poker
Civil, Agriculure, Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction, and Biomechanical Engineering
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism,[1] originally published as Imperialism, the Newest Stage of Capitalism,[2][3] is a book written by Vladimir Lenin in 1916 and published in 1917. It describes the formation of oligopoly, by the interlacing of bank and industrial capital, in order to create a financial oligarchy, and explains the function of financial capital in generating profits from the exploitation colonialism inherent to imperialism, as the final stage of capitalism. The essay synthesises Lenin's developments of Karl Marx's theories of political economy in Das Kapital (1867).[4]
Tax Mergers Law; Market-extension merger: Two companies that sell the same products in different markets. 4.2.2 Corporate Taxation At the corporate level, the tax treatment of a merger or acquisition depends on whether the acquiring firm elects to treat the acquired firm as being absorbed into the parent with its tax attributes intact, or first being liquidated and then received in the form of its component assets.
Seconds Liberal Arts are often viewed as pre-professional since, while conceived of as fundamental to citizenship, they address the whole person in recognition that our moral and spiritual identities develop best through participation in a society that perpetually renews the rights and responsibilities of membership.
Executive management master's degree programs often result in an Executive Master of Business Administration, or EMBA. They are primarily designed to act as accelerated graduate programs for working professionals who already hold management or executive positions.
Engineering college means a school, college, university, department of a university or other educational institution, reputable and in good standing in accordance with rules prescribed by the Department, and which grants baccalaureate degrees in engineering.
Monopoly Family Boarding Schools: The socio-historical context refers to the societal and historical conditions and circumstances that influence events or individuals. It involves elements like the cultural, economic, and political circumstances during a certain time period.
Agriculturism is an ideology promoting rural life, a traditional way of life. It is characterized by the valorization of traditional values (the family, the French language, the Catholic religion) and an opposition to the industrial world.
Demonym Examples: CAR Congolese, Gabon Congolese, Afrikaans Congolese, and Congolese
Monopoly Family (Apartheid)
Chief Executive of State (Apartheid)
Political Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Upper Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Working Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Blue Ocean Strategy; Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering and Economic Science.
A clay-court specialist is a tennis player who excels on clay courts, more than on any other surface.
Due in part to advances in racquet technology, current clay-court specialists are known for employing long, winding groundstrokes that generate heavy topspin; such strokes are less effective on faster surfaces on which the balls do not bounce as high. Clay-court specialists tend to slide more effectively on clay than other players. Many of them are also very adept at hitting the drop shot, which can be effective because rallies on clay courts often leave players pushed far beyond the baseline. Additionally, the slow, long rallies require a great degree of mental focus and physical stamina.
The Casa Pia is a Portuguese institution founded by Maria I, known as A Pia ("Mary the Pious"), and organized by Police Intendant Pina Manique in 1780, following the social disarray of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. For almost three centuries, thousands of young boys and girls were raised by Casa Pia, including many public personalities, called casapianos. Casa Pia is Portugal's largest educational institution dedicated to helping youngsters in risk of social exclusion or without parental support. The organisation is composed of ten schools and enrolls approximately 4700 students. In addition to standard schooling, the organisation also provides boarding for children in need. It strives to enable these youngsters to become healthy and successful members of society, by developing intellectual, manual, and physical traits, in an environment promoting spiritual, moral, and religious values. The institution is proud to have had amongst its students many outstanding Portuguese personalities, including politicians, journalists, and artists. A martyrology is a catalogue or list of martyrs and other saints and beati arranged in the calendar order of their anniversaries or feasts. Local martyrologies record exclusively the custom of a particular Church. Local lists were enriched by names borrowed from neighbouring churches.[1] Consolidation occurred, by the combination of several local martyrologies, with or without borrowings from literary sources.
The Canons Regular of St. Augustine are priests who live in community under a rule (Latin: regula and κανών, kanon, in Greek) and are generally organised into religious orders, differing from both secular canons and other forms of religious life, such as clerics regular, designated by a partly similar terminology. As religious communities, they have laybrothers as part of the community.
Clerics regular are clerics (mostly priests) who are members of a religious order under a rule of life (regular). Clerics regular differ from canons regular in that they devote themselves more to pastoral care, in place of an obligation to the praying of the Liturgy of the Hours in common, and have fewer observances in their rule of life.
Lay brother is a largely extinct term referring to religious brothers, particularly in the Catholic Church, who focused upon manual service and secular matters, and were distinguished from choir monks or friars in that they did not pray in choir, and from clerics, in that they were not in possession of (or preparing for) holy orders.[1][2][3][4][5]
In female religious institutes, the equivalent role is the lay sister. Lay brothers were originally created to allow those who were skilled in particular crafts or did not have the required education to study for holy orders to participate in and contribute to the life of a religious order.
Lay brothers were found in many religious orders. Drawn from the working classes, they were pious and hardworking people, who though unable to achieve the education needed to receive holy orders, were still drawn to religious life and were able to contribute to the order through their skills. Some were skilled in artistic handicrafts, others functioned as administrators of the orders' material assets. In particular, the lay brothers of the Cistercians were skilled in agriculture, and have been credited for the tilling of fertile farmland.[1]
Lay sisters were found in most of the orders of women, and their origin, like that of the lay brothers, is to be found in the necessity of providing the choir nuns with more time for the Office and study, as well as creating the opportunity for the illiterate to join the religious life. They, too, wore a habit different from those of the choir sisters, and their required daily prayers consisted of prayers such as the Little Office or a certain number of Paters.[1]
All canons regular are to be distinguished from secular canons who belong to a resident group of priests but who do not take public vows and are not governed in whatever elements of life they lead in common by a historical rule. One obvious place where such groups of priests are required is at a cathedral, where there were many Masses to celebrate and the Divine Office to be prayed together in community.
In modern astrology, Mars is the primary native ruler of the first house. Traditionally however, Mars ruled both the third and tenth houses, and had its joy in the fifth house. While Venus tends to the overall relationship atmosphere, Mars is the passionate impulse and action, the masculine aspect, discipline, willpower and stamina.
Mars rules over Tuesday and in Romance languages the word for Tuesday often resembles Mars (in Romanian, marți, in Spanish, martes, in French, mardi and in Italian "martedì"). The English "Tuesday" is a modernised form of "Tyr's Day", Tyr being the Germanic analogue to Mars. Dante Alighieri associated Mars with the liberal art of arithmetic. In Chinese astrology, Mars is ruled by the element fire, which is passionate, energetic and adventurous.
According to John Clements, the term martial arts itself is derived from an older Latin term meaning "arts of Mars", the Roman god of war, and was used to refer to the combat systems of Europe (European martial arts) as early as the 1550s
A religious congregation is a type of religious institute in the Catholic Church. They are legally distinguished from religious orders – the other major type of religious institute – in that members take simple vows, whereas members of religious orders take solemn vows.
In the Catholic Church, a religious order is a community of consecrated life with members that profess solemn vows. They are classed as a type of religious institute.[1]
Catholic School Girls Moon Evangelical Prophets: Consecrated life is "placed in a privileged position in the line of evangelical prophecy," whereby its “charismatic nature” and communal discernment of the Spirit "makes it capable of inventiveness and originality.”
Men Mars Angelology Conversion System: Church Enterprises (Planetary Intelligence Church District Real Estate; Liberal Arts Catholic Immersion Schools; Gold; Athletics; Cooking);
Church Gatherings (School Nights Virgil, Weekend Noon Mass then Weekend Sports League) Francis de Sales and Don St. Bosco Influence 
Harquebusier Angels Patchwork Tattoos: Biblical Crowns, Praying Hands, Gun Toting Angels, Dirty Dancing Angels, Drug Using Angels, Heavenly Choir, Summa Theologica Sherman, Saints and Pastors, Hebrew Tetragram, Council of Trent
HARQUEBUSIER ANGELS GANG BLUEPRINT: PARDISUS MEDIAE; Spirit Unity Oversoul Angelology Shaman, Eros Influence Angels: Ecstasy-Painkillers Trafficking Angel Spirit Type Oversoul, Jupiter-Mars-Venus with Planetary Intelligence; Erotes are Horcruxes, Google Imprint Oversoul, Choice of Choir is Heavenly Host, Lightning-Ice Element, Wings Transfer Invocation, MARS-JUPITER  Syncretism Planetary Intelligence, ESTJ Sensory Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator Syncretism, Church Expenses Occupation (Festivals, Venues, Freeports, Art Gallery, Underground Garages, Tobacco Store, Restaurants, Réal Estate Brokerage, Impure Aesthetic Thrillers Publishing Imprint et Production Company, Body Etching, Lipodissolve, and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Cosmetics Surgery
ANGOLAN HARQUEBUSIER ANGELS STRUCTURE; Commission on the Social and Cultural Affairs; Commission for Ecumenism; The Commission on Christian Education; Liturgical Commission; Missionary Committee; Chief Executive of State and Military Religion Legislation; Stretch and Micro Goals
Material religion is a framework used by scholars of religion to examine the interaction between religion and material culture. It focuses on the place of objects, images, spaces, and buildings in religious communities. The framework has been promoted by scholars such as Birgit Meyer, Sally Promey, S. Brent Plate, David Morgan, etc.
Physiocracy (French: physiocratie; from the Greek for "government of nature") is an economic theory developed by a group of 18th-century Age of Enlightenment French economists who believed that the wealth of nations derived solely from the value of "land agriculture" or "land development" and that agricultural products should be highly priced.[1] Their theories originated in France and were most popular during the second half of the 18th century. Physiocracy became one of the first well-developed theories of economics.
The Bible typically describes the Heavenly host as being made up of angels, and gives several descriptions of angels in military terms, such as their encampment (Genesis 32:1–2), command structure (Psalms 91:11–12; Matt.13:41; Rev.7:2), and participation in combat (Job 19:12; Rev.12:7). Other passages indicate other entities make up the divine army, namely stars (Judges 5:20, Isaiah 40:26).[1][full citation needed] In Christian theology, the heavenly host participate in the war in Heaven.
The doctrine or theory of immanence holds that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world. It is held by some philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence. Immanence is usually applied in monotheistic, pantheistic, pandeistic, or panentheistic faiths to suggest that the spiritual world permeates the mundane.
The Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which sometimes used intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques (like dance and music) to remove inhibitions and social constraints, liberating the individual to return to a natural state. 
Religious nationalism can be understood in a number of ways, such as nationalism as a religion itself, a position articulated by Carlton Hayes in his text Nationalism: A Religion, or as the relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, dogma, ideology, or affiliation. This relationship can be broken down into two aspects: the politicisation of religion and the influence of religion on politics.
Dioceses ruled by an archbishop are commonly referred to as archdioceses; most are metropolitan sees, being placed at the head of an ecclesiastical province. In the Catholic Church, some are suffragans of a metropolitan see or are directly subject to the Holy See.
The body of light, sometimes called the 'astral body'[a] or the 'subtle body,'[b] is a "quasi material"[1] aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. Other terms used for this body include body of glory,[2] spirit-body, luciform body, augoeides ('radiant body'), astroeides ('starry or sidereal body'), and celestial body.[3] The concept derives from the philosophy of Plato: the word 'astral' means 'of the stars'; thus the astral plane consists of the Seven Heavens of the classical planets. The idea is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife[4] in which the soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an ecstatic, mystical or out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in their body of light into 'higher' realms."[5]
The canon law of the Catholic Church (from Latin ius canonicum[1]) is "how the Church organizes and governs herself".[2] It is the system of laws and ecclesiastical legal principles made and enforced by the hierarchical authorities of the Catholic Church to regulate its external organization and government and to order and direct the activities of Catholics toward the mission of the Church.
An institute of consecrated life is an association of faithful in the Catholic Church canonically erected by competent church authorities to enable men or women who publicly profess the evangelical counsels by religious vows or other sacred bonds "through the charity to which these counsels lead to be joined to the Church and its mystery in a special way".[1] They are defined in the 1983 Code of Canon Law under canons 573–730. The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has ecclesial oversight of institutes of consecrated life.[2]
In Christianity, the three evangelical counsels, or counsels of perfection, are chastity (NEVER), poverty (or perfect charity), and obedience (RECKLESS ABANDONMENT).[1] As stated by Jesus in the canonical gospels,[2] they are counsels for those who desire to become "perfect" (τελειος, teleios).[3][4] The Catholic Church interprets this to mean that they are not binding upon all, and hence not necessary conditions to attain eternal life (heaven), but that they are "acts of supererogation", "over and above" the minimum stipulated in the biblical commandments.[5][6]
Catholics who have made a public profession to order their lives by the evangelical counsels, and confirmed this by public vows before their competent church authority (the act of religious commitment known as a profession), are recognised as members of the consecrated life.
The Council of Trent (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum), held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent (or Trento), now in northern Italy, was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Prompted by the Protestant Reformation at the time, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation. The Council issued key statements and clarifications of the Church's doctrine and teachings, including scripture, the biblical canon, sacred tradition, original sin, justification, salvation, the sacraments, the Mass, and the veneration of saints[4] and also issued condemnations of what it defined to be heresies committed by proponents of Protestantism. The consequences of the Council were also significant with regard to the Church's liturgy and censorship.
Initiated in part to address the challenges of the Protestant Reformations,[3] the Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort arising from the decrees of the Council of Trent. The effort produced apologetic and polemical documents, heresy trials, anti-corruption efforts, spiritual movements, the promotion of new religious orders, and the flourishing of new art and musical styles. 
Tradwave is a Catholic artistic style using synthwave and vaporwave art to promote traditional catholicism. Tradwave usually uses traditional catholic paintings, sculptures, or photographs of saints, given with vaporwave effects, often with a bible verse or quote about catholicism. The art usually tries to convey a resurrection of catholic spirituality in the modern atheist world. Figures often depicted in Tradwave art include Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Ven. Fulton Sheen, Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Mother Angelica.
Tradwave music often takes the form of two main styles. One of them is catholic hymns with vaporwave effects and traditional Vaporwave/Lo-Fi music. It can also have quotes from modern prolific Catholic figures, such as Ven. The other theme is Fulton Sheen and Cardinal Robert Sarah.
Heavenly Virtues: Another phrase to describe this obedience to the voice is “reckless abandon.” It simply means that we let God do what God wants to do through us. It means if He tells us to do something or say something—we do it.
Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others, or asking a saint in heaven to pray on behalf of oneself or for others. Intercession of the Saints is a Christian doctrine that maintains that saints can intercede for others. To intercede is to go or come between two parties, to plead before one of them on behalf of the other. In ecclesiastical usage both words are taken in the sense of the intervention primarily of Christ, and secondarily of the Blessed Virgin and the angels and saints, on behalf of men.[2] The doctrine is held by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Oriental Orthodox churches , and some Lutherans and Anglicans (chiefly those of Evangelical Catholic or Anglo-Catholic churchmanship, respectively).[3] The practice of asking saints for their intercession can be found in Christian writings from the 3rd century onwards.[4][5][6] Catholic doctrine supports intercessory prayer to saints. This practice is an application of the doctrine of the Communion of saints. Some of the early basis for this was the belief that martyrs passed immediately into the presence of God and could obtain graces and blessings for others, which naturally and immediately led to their direct invocation. A further reinforcement was derived from the cult of the angels which, while pre-Christian in its origin, was heartily embraced by the faithful of the sub-Apostolic age. The doctrine of intercession and invocation was set forth by the Council of Trent, which teaches that "... the saints who reign together with Christ offer up their own prayers to God for men. It is good and useful suppliantly to invoke them, and to have recourse to their prayers, aid, and help for obtaining benefits from God, through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who alone is our Redeemer and Saviour".[10] Intercessory prayer to saintly persons who have not yet been beatified can also practiced by individuals, and evidence of miracles produced as a result of such prayer is very commonly produced during the formal process of beatification and canonization.
In short, the gun-toting angel was a multifaceted metaphor. “It undoubtedly also reflected the Catholic Counter-Reformation militaristic rhetoric,” wrote Donahue-Wallace, “which promoted the church as an army and heavenly beings as its soldiers.” These "Harquebusier Angels" or "Arcabuceros" are full-length depictions of winged angels, elaborately dressed, and carrying matchlock guns (harquebuses).
The related term astrolatry usually implies polytheism. In anthropological literature these systems of practice may be referred to as astral cults.
A friar is a member of one of the mendicant orders in the Roman Catholic Church. There are also friars outside of the Roman Catholic Church, such as within the Anglican Communion. The term, first used in the 12th or 13th century, distinguishes the mendicants' itinerant apostolic character, exercised broadly under the jurisdiction of a superior general, from the older monastic orders' allegiance to a single monastery formalized by their vow of stability. A friar may be in holy orders or be a non-ordained brother. The most significant orders of friars are the Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians, and Carmelites.[1]
Romans 8:31; Exploring Biblical Imagery is one of the most important keys to interpreting and gaining a deeper understanding of the Bible. The Bible often communicates truth to us through images and patterns.
Throughout history, armed priests or soldier priests have been recorded. Distinguished from military chaplains, who are non-combatants that provided spiritual guidance to service personnel and associated civilians, these priests took up arms and fought in conflicts as combatants. The term warrior priests or war priests is usually used for armed priests in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and of historical tribes.
Slang: In Romans 8:5-8, Paul presents a compelling contrast between living according to the flesh and living according to the Spirit. The flesh, with its disordered desires and rebellion against God, leads only to spiritual desolation. Martyr, one who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny their religion by words or deeds; such action is afforded special, institutionalized recognition in most major religions of the world. The term may also refer to anyone who sacrifices their life or something of great value for the sake of principle. A religious allusion is a brief reference to a person, event, place, or phrase from religious texts or traditions, without describing them in detail. 5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. Martyr/Romans 8 Allusion Slang.
Romeu e Julieta (Casapianos Order 1996 Adaptation 18+ Romance Thriller)
While it retains the original Shakespearean dialogue, the film represents the Montagues and the Capulets as warring mafia empires (with legitimate business fronts) and the Capulets were "a Latin family, sort of,"[15] played by Latin-American and Italian actors.[16] It is set in contemporary United States, where swords are replaced by guns[17] (with model names such as "Dagger", "Sword", and "Rapier"), and with a FedEx-style overnight delivery service called "Post Haste".[18] Shakespeare and Impure Aesthetics explores ideas about art implicit in Shakespeare's plays and defines specific Shakespearean aesthetic practices in his use of desire, death and mourning as resources for art. In fiction, a subplot or side story is a secondary strand of the plot that is a supporting side story for any story or for the main plot. Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or thematic significance. Subplots often involve supporting characters, those besides the protagonist or antagonist. Subplots may also intertwine with the main plot at some point in a story.[1]
Specifically, the royal psalms deal with the spiritual role of kings in the worship of Yahweh. Aside from that single qualification, there is nothing else which specifically links the ten psalms. Each of the psalms make explicit references to their subject, the king. Royal (messianic) psalms deal with the king as God's anointed or chosen one. Many are prayers for the wisdom of the king, his long life or success in battle. Some are prophetic in nature in that they also point to the ideal future king, the Messiah or the King of kings. A martyrology is a catalogue or list of martyrs and other saints and beati arranged in the calendar order of their anniversaries or feasts. Local martyrologies record exclusively the custom of a particular Church. Local lists were enriched by names borrowed from neighbouring churches.[1] Consolidation occurred, by the combination of several local martyrologies, with or without borrowings from literary sources. Simple martyrologies only enumerate names. Historical martyrologies, also sometimes called passionaries, also include stories or biographical details. (Reckless Abandonment; Mars Shamanism and Casa Pia Wing Transfer Invocation)
In the martyrdom narrative of the remembering community, this refusal to comply with the presented demands results in the punishment or execution of an individual by an oppressor. Accordingly, the status of the 'martyr' can be considered a posthumous title as a reward for those who are considered worthy of the concept of martyrdom by the living, regardless of any attempts by the deceased to control how they will be remembered in advance.[1] Insofar, the martyr is a relational figure of a society's boundary work that is produced by collective memory.[2] Originally applied only to those who suffered for their religious beliefs, the term has come to be used in connection with people killed for a political cause. (Armed Friars and The War for Central Africa between Casapianos and The French; The Fall of Yoruba for Bembé; Arcubusier Angels in Africa)
The Metal Ages is a term for the period of human civilization beginning about 6,000 years ago during which metallurgy rapidly advanced, and human populations started using metals such as copper, tin, bronze and finally iron to make tools and weapons. By heating and shaping metals in hot furnaces, humanity also learned to use precious metals such as gold and silver to make intricate ornaments.[1][2] With these technological adaptions, human society became more productive and human settlements became larger and more prosperous, but also more violent.[3] The Metal Ages are divided into three stages: the Copper Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.[1][2] (Calcium Age of Angola)
Heortology or eortology is a science that deals with the origin and development of religious festivals,[1] and more specifically the study of the history and criticism of liturgical calendars and martyrologies*. Religious Ecstacy Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts.
Sight: Fireworks on Water Front
Sound: Casapianos Palace Raves
Scent: Overnight Fragrance
Taste: Lamb and Wool
Touch: Tomato Food Fight
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - Foot Volleyball
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She had left the boys to their foot volleyball, knowing full well the weather had predicted rain in the next two hours or more. All she wanted to do was go take a hot shower, put her pyjamas or comfy clothes on and then settle herself on the couch with the TV and a cup of tea. A lazy day was required, especially since she had done nothing but cook and run after children for the past few days. 
Bam was the first to notice her, running straight for her so she quickly grabbed hold of his collar to stop him from jumping up. “What are they doing, Bamie? Are they being silly?” she asked, sitting down on the step and tugging the dog a little closer to her so she could scratch underneath his chin. “You having fun being out in the open?” she asked, laughing when Bam turned his own head and slobbered her in dog kisses.
“Thanks,” she said as she finally let him go and stood. “Come on, let’s go and see whose winning.”
Grace didn’t know if it was her quick reaction or whether intuition just kicked in but the moment the ball headed towards her by a strong kick from Jungkook, she paused for a brief moment and kicked it back, sending it soaring over their heads and down the small hill.
“We get a point for that!” Namjoon called out, pointing towards Grace. “She served for us.”
“Ya, that doesn’t count! No one should get points for that,” Yoongi replied as Jungkook ran to get the ball.
“Going well then,” Grace commented as she sat down next to Hobi underneath the umbrella. “Same as usual,” he replied as he watched Jin kick the ball back in the direction to an unsuspecting Taehyung. 
Of course, Bam saw the opportunity to get involved. 
“I’ll go and keep him distracted,” Hobi laughed as he and Grace finally managed to wangle his leash to his collar. “I’m going for a shower then I fancy a night on the couch. You doing anything?” she asked, keeping the dog trapped between her legs.
“Jimin and I are planning on some FIFA,” Hobi shrugged as Bam tugged on the leash. 
“I might join you then.”
Sixth sense kicked in and she turned, spotting Jimin ready to kick the ball back over to Jungkook and Yoongi as Jin raced off to get the other ball.
“Jimin, if you think of kicking that over and cheating, you’ve got another thing coming.”
Jimin paused, his foot lifted to do said action before thinking better of it. “How does she do that?” he muttered to Taehyung and Namjoon, who looked amused by it all.
“Also don’t stay out here too long, it’s going to rain soon.”
“You’re such a mother,” Yoongi called back and grinned at the hidden finger flipped in his direction.
“No one like a smart ass, Yoongi.”
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sukunasun · 2 years
dont imagine jjk men as footballers 🥵
...don't think about my one true fantasy?
geto who plays with grace, with style, and little bit of chaos. who's so tactile in his approach, isn't afraid to get up close. dribbling with feet so quick as he thinks ten steps ahead of everyone, and sets up these perfect assists, serving goals on a silver platter for gojo. so ruthless and intelligent, with force and agility, he's passing and breaking through a team's flaws, seeing it all. too much space here, no one’s tracking them there. tearing through defenses with such ease it’s almost embarrassing. an opposing player who's brought down by a nasty tackle looks up at him and sees the face of a man who isn't sorry. wholly contemptuous, a tad bit mean, smug, still, geto reaches out a hand to help him on his feet, "eyes up, not on the ball," he says, and they take it as advice.
with his hair up and slipped under a sweatband, damp tendrils stick to his glowing skin. brings the edge of his jersey up to his face and pats it dry, gently. in the crowd, a fangirl almost faints at the sight of his toned abdomen and deep, v-line grooves. he'd blow her a kiss, or maybe a wink, but he reserves it for the twins who watch him at every match, in every country. does that thing for the photo ops where he laces a medal around their necks. bobbing heads of black and blonde, their feet covered in tiny team-branded socks, an exact replica of the ones he wears.
he's got a look—a glistening sweat-covered face, flushed pink from the tip of his ears to the cut of his cheekbones by the labor of playing a full game—oh he's not fond of it, of the grease, and the too-green smell of artificial grass. it's why he spends half a week's worth of pay on skincare and soaps. (uses those travel bags during away games, stuffs them full of mini cosmetics, and you can bet he will not share.)
until he hears you whisper, "i love you like this," while slowly peeling off his track pants and feeling his hardness bounce free. geto's a gentleman of course, but not when you've practically jumped his bones the moment he's stepped foot past your threshold, he'd give in, he'll be just as desperate, just as depraved as you are. taps his leaking cock against your lips in lieu of asking you to open up. taking it down your throat so deep your nose presses into his groin. he still smells of the gym, the lingering bits of his deodorant, and whatever it is that makes your eyes roll back, tasting like sin and salt.
he's got his chest puffed and head held high, probably the only person who puts gojo in his place, without having the pressure or any bit of inclination to praise him, worship him at his feet, who meets him where he's at. which is almost always right next to him, or from a corner flag, screaming at him to get back into position so he can make this free kick. 
or or ... hotheaded sukuna and his anger issues, his stubbornness. rough and heavy-handed. won't suggest getting in his way if you cry easily because he will headbutt and yell in your face. pointing a finger at a ref has never been so instinctual and necessary, has so little regard for the poor defender he chases down the field, they look back and hear his belittling little chuckle before the ball is stolen from their loose grip. with red and yellow cards piling up every season and he doesn't give a shit honestly. suspend him, call him out, he's been on the fifa game cover two years in a row and he'll keep the sponsorships anyways because the fans can't get enough, all the tattoos, dyed hair, bruises, and scars he wears with pride.
he must be a manwhore they think, what with an attitude and ego like that, but he's never had a cheating scandal, nor has he gotten his nudes leaked...no he won't fuck you in a locker room (as if that was possible) and he doesn't like parading you around online. "i don't want other guys looking at you," he says,sukuna has always worked for it, he just makes it seem like he's had it easy. which is why he's cuffing you almost immediately, putting a ring on it, and getting your name inked into his back. he knows it's lame and overdone, but he's just possessive like that. a man who makes it known when he fucks you after every win, every loss. taking his frustrations out on you, sinking his teeth into your neck, backshots and binding you to the bed. "you could have made that goal..." you tease, pricking at his ego, at where it stings the most, hoping that he lets it out when it'll only eat at him.
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yurugua · 11 months
“When Maradona said he wanted to leave Napoli, some people tossed wax dolls stuck with pins through his window. Prisoner of the city that adored him, and of the Camorra, the Mafia that owns it, he was playing against his heart, against his feet. That's when the cocaine scandal erupted, and Maradona suddenly became Maracoca, a delinquent who had fooled people into thinking he was a hero.
Later on in Buenos Aires the media gave a further twist to the knife: live coverage of his arrest, as if it were a match, to the delight of those who love the spectacle of a king disrobed and carted off by the police.
"He's sick," they said. They said, "He's done for." The Messiah who came to redeem southern Italians from their eternal damnation was also the avenger of Argentina's defeat in the Falklands by means of one sneaky goal and another fabulous one that left the English spinning like tops for several years. But when he fell, the Golden Boy was nothing but a numb-nosed, whoring phony. Maradona had betrayed the children who adored him and brought dishonor on the sport. They gave him up for dead.
But the body sat up. Once he had served his cocaine sentence, Maradona became the fireman of the Argentine squad, which was burning up its last chances to reach the '94 World Cup. Thanks to Maradona, they made it. And at the Cup once again, as in the old days, Maradona was the best of the best until the ephedrine scandal hit.
The machinery of power had sworn to get him. He spoke truth to power and you pay a price for that, a price paid in cash with no discount. And Maradona himself gave them the excuse, with his suicidal tendency to serve himself up on a platter to his many enemies and that childish irresponsibility that makes him step in every trap laid in his path.
The same reporters who harass him with their microphones, reproach him for his arrogance and his tantrums, and accuse him of talking too much. They aren't wrong, but that's not why they can't forgive him: what they really do not like are the things he sometimes says. This hot-tempered little wiseacre has the habit of throwing uppercuts. In '86 and '94, in Mexico and the United States, he complained about the omnipotent dictatorship of television, which forced the players to work themselves to the bone at noon, roasting under the sun. And on a thousand and one other occasions, throughout the ups and downs of his career, Maradona said things that stirred up the hornet's nest. He wasn't the only disobedient player, but his was the voice that made the most offensive questions ring out loud and clear: Why aren't the international standards for labor rights applied to football? If it's standard practice for performers to know how much money their shows bring in, why can't the players have access to the books of the opulent multinational of football? Havelange, busy with other duties, kept his mouth shut, while Joseph Blatter, a FIFA bureaucrat who never once kicked a ball but goes about in a twenty-five-foot limousine driven by a black chauffeur, had but one comment: "The last star from Argentina was Di Stéfano."
When Maradona was finally thrown out of the '94 World Cup, football lost its most strident rebel. And also a fantastic player. Maradona is uncontrollable when he speaks, but much more so when he plays. No one can predict the devilish tricks this inventor of surprises will dream up for the simple joy of throwing the computers off track, tricks he never repeats. He's not quick, more like a short-legged bull, but he carries the ball sewn to his foot and he has eyes all over his body. His acrobatics light up the field. He can win a match with a thundering blast when his back is to the goal, or with an impossible pass from afar when he is corralled by thousands of enemy legs. And no one can stop him when he decides to dribble upfield.
In the frigid football of today's world, which detests defeat and forbids all fun, that man was one of the few who proved that fantasy too can be effective.”
Eduardo Galeano on Maradona, From Football in Sun And Shadow
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kicksaddictny · 1 year
Adidas x PRADA Football Boot Collection
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Adidas and Prada unveil ´adidas Football for Prada´- specially engineered releases of iconic adidas boot franchises that combine the sophisticated codes of Prada, with high-performance football technologies unique to adidas. The collection reimagines the three leading adidas products - the Predator Accuracy, the Copa Pure and the X Crazyfast.
For the collection, dedicated to men and women, the two companies combine to explore and celebrate the fundamentals of their respective DNAs – adidas performance footwear reimagined with luxury materials, meticulous craftsmanship and design details synonymous with Prada’s Linea Rossa. Creating design cohesion across the pack, all footwear has a lining and upper expertly crafted with the finest leather - using the material in fresh ways for adidas in football - the bold red iconography of Linea Rossa, and a clean mono-colour base of black, white and silver.
Unveiled on a line-up of some of the best footballers in the world including Catarina Macario or Paulo Dybala in Copa Pure, Rafael Leão in X Crazyfast and Pedri in Predator Accuracy, amongst other players due to wear the boots on-pitch, the adidas Football for Prada collection will be available in limited numbers via the adidas CONFIRMED App from 22nd – 25th May 2023, as well prada.com and selected Prada stores from the 25th of May, 2023.
The design codes of the boot collection will also be showcased through an exclusive kit for the FIFA 23 Ultimate TeamTM video game – with animated in-game versions of a jersey and shorts in both black and white that further celebrate the combination of Prada and adidas, transcending the partnership from the physical to the digital/gaming world.
The collection consists of the adidas Football for Prada X Crazyfast, Prada Predator Accuracy and Prada Copa Pure.
The X Crazyfast sees the original silhouette reinvented with a premium leather, whilst staying true to the lightweight structure and translucent visual that the X franchise is renowned for.
With this, leather – interspersed with adidas’ Fusion Skin - prominently flows throughout the design, including the heel lining for an elevated material finish without compromising the core visual values of the X.
The structure of X’s semi-transparent mono-mesh material on the mid-foot cage has been adapted from the original grids to showcase the triangles of Prada’s brand identity. This is continued throughout the silhouette with the Linea Rossa red logo that adorns the heel of the boot.
Created at the intersection of style and performance, the boot remains first and foremost made for sport at the highest level. The tooling features adidas’s innovative SPEEDFRAME technology, incorporated with a lightweight sole plate designed for responsive acceleration.
The Copa Pure is a nod to the design codes of both brands’ vast archives. Its shimmering silver leather upper, synonymous with Prada, is finished with a leather lace cover – paying homage to shoes of adidas’ past, and Prada’s iconic application of the finest materials.
This full-leather shoe is completed with the integration of Fusion Skin, which offers the player delicate control on the ball, and soft cushioning on the forefoot via a traditional quilted effect for that trademark Copa touch.
A Torsion Frame Soleplate helps keep players balanced to perform at the highest level.
The Predator Accuracy is reimagined with a nubuck finish for the first time which is wrapped in Fusion Skin for a lighter, performance-first end-product. The boot is finished in a bold classic black, interrupted only by the Prada Linea Rossa stripe of the tongue and heel – which becomes translucent as it hits the tooling on the sole, and application of performance rubber on the upper.
These soft ‘spikes’ feature on the medial and lateral sides of a Predator boot - extending coverage on the surface, to optimize ball control and shooting accuracy. The spikes have also been transformed into triangles, in celebration of Prada’s design DNA.
Meanwhile the outsole’s FACETFRAME delivers stability, highly efficient transition, and dynamic traction for powerful movement on the pitch. The stud configuration has been optimised for use on firm ground.
The adidas Football for Prada collection will be available today on the adidas CONFIRMED app and via prada.com and select Prada stores.
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shesholy · 1 year
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𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊     .     initial     .
full     name:   leighton     huntley     valmont     . nicknames,     aliases:
hunter     valmont     .     (          known     publicly     as         )
lord     of     the     night     .     (         by     fans     /     teammates          )
age:   twenty     -     seven     . date     of     birth:    february     seventh     . place     of     birth:   16th     arrondissement     ,     paris     ,     france     . hometown:     upper     east     side     ,     new     york     city     ,     new     york     . nationality:     french     -     american     . languages     spoken:     french     ,     english     ,     spanish     .
zodiac     sign:    aquarius     . hogwarts     house:    slytherin     . myers     -    briggs:   entj     -     t     .
occupation:    professional     soccer     player     and     philanthropist     . notable     career     details:
soccer     :   went  pro  at  16  years  old  when  he  signed  on  with  fc  barcelona  (          where  he  totaled   156  goals  while  with  the  club         )    that  same  year  he  joined  the  french  national  team  (          where  he  has  totaled  77  goals  to  date          )  .  
in  2017  ,  he  became  the  highest  paid  soccer  player  in  the  world  when  he  signed  a  $263  million  dollar  transfer  to  paris  saint  -  germain  fc  at  just  21  years  old  . 
in  2020  he  was  named  captain  of  the  french  national  team  and  has  held  onto  the  title  since  .  
currently  wears  #10  as  a  forward  for  paris  saint  -  germain  fc  and  the  french  national  team  . 
awards  /  accolades  :  golden  ball  (  for  best  player  in  a  tournament  )  by  fifa  confederations  cup  ,  2013  .  holds  the  record  for  most  man  of  march  awards  (  for  mvp  of  each  fifa  tournament  )  won  ,  four  all  in  2013  .  bronze  boot  (  for  third  top  goal  scorer  of  the  fifa  world  cup  )  by  fifa  confederations  cup  ,  2014  .  la  liga  best  world  player  for  2014  -  2015  season  .  la  liga  player  of  the  month  in  november  of  2015  .  unfp  ligue  1  best  player  of  the  year  for  2017  -  2018  season  .  2x  unfp  ligue  1  player  of  the  month  january  2020  ,  august  2022  .  golden  boot  (  for  top  goal  scorer  of  the  fifa  world  cup  )  by  fifa  confederations  cup  ,  2022  .                  
height:   six     foot     one     . weight:   187     lbs     . tattoos,     piercings:   batman     and     the     joker     on     the     top    of     his     back     (     something     like     this     ,     but     spiderman     is     the    joker    )     .
father:    richard     valmont     (         fifty     -     eight          )     ,     a     french     -     american     business    mogul     and     ceo     of     vortex     enterprises     .     relationship     :    they’ve     always     gotten     along     ,     often     seeing     on     to     eye     on     most     things     but     as     of     recent     their     relationship     has     been     more     strained     behind     closed     door     .   mother:   aira     park     -     valmont     (         fifty     -     five          )     ,     an     american     banking     heiress     ,     philanthropist     ,     and     art     collector     .   relationship     :   a     mama’s     boy     ,     she     struggles     to     ever     shed     light     on     anything     he     does     wrong     ,     in     her     eyes     he     can     do     no     wrong     .     she’s     the     one     woman     in     the     world     he’d     do     absolutely     anything     for       .       pets:     ajax     (         german     shepard     ,     ten     years     old          )     ,     mercy     (         rottweiler     ,     six     years     old         )
gender:   cis     male     . pronouns:   he     /     him     . orientation:   heterosexual     . status:   single     . past     relationships:
𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔     .     background     .
inspo     :     wednesday  addams  ( wednesday  )  ,  bruce  wayne   (  dc  universe  )  ,  chuck  bass  ( gossip  girl  )  ,  tyler  durden  (  fight  club  )  ,  neymar  jr.     .
hunter  pulled  the  ultimate  lottery  ticket  at  birth  .  born  the  only  child  to  a  banking  heiress  and  business  mogul  .  learning  to  take  full  advantage  of  his  silver  spoon  life  at  a  young  age  .  gifts  and  spontaneous  trips  where  how  his  parents  showed  their  love  ,  often  leaving  their  son  to  his  own  devices  while  they  focused  on  their  careers  and  public  image  .  mostly  cared  for  by  a  revolving  door  of  nanny’s  (  thanks  to  mother  dearests  jealousy  of  another  women  getting  closer  to  her  son  than  she  was  )  .  when  his  parents  were  around  ,  the  walls  of  their  parisian  estate  were  filled  with  arguing  over  his  father’s  endless  affairs  .  it  was  unbearable  for  a  young  hunter  and  he  quickly  grew  a  resentment  towards  any  woman  who  wasn’t  his  mother  that  got  too  close  to  his  father  .  
the  move  to  the  states  happened  when  he  was  six  .  his  parents  relationship  had  fallen  entirely  by  the  wayside  and  his  mother  decided  to  move  to  new  york  city  with  her  son  .  unbeknownst  to  the  public  his  parents  were  living  in  entirely  separate  countries  for  nearly  seven  years  .  during  this  time  hunter  spent  the  school  months  in  america  and  his  summers  with  his  dad  in  paris  .  from  a  young  age  he’d  taken  a  liking  to  soccer  and  it  became  clear  very  early  on  to  both  his  parents  and  coaches  he  was  incredibly  talented  .  a  young  prodigy  ,  the  massive  ego  was  inevitable  .  at  the  big  dogs  of  the  soccer  world  noticed  him  ,  at  thirteen  he  moved  to  barcelona  were  he  joined  fc  barcelona’s  youth  academy  .  just  under  two  years  in  the  academy  ,  he  rapidly  rose  in  the  team  ranks  and  made  the  first  team  at  just  sixteen  .  despite  his  young  age  ,  he  quickly  rose  as  one  of  the  world’s  best  soccer  players  proving  early  suspicions  of  his  level  of  talent  correct  .  
despite  his  talent  and  fan  fare  ,  his  personal  life  and  overall  attitude  has  long  threatened  to  undermine  his  career  .  a  career  laced  with  scandal  for  over  a  decade  .  early  on  in  life  ,  things  had  been  perfectly  laid  out  for  him  ,  all  he  had  to  do  was  follow  the  script  .  succeed  in  whatever  he  does  ,  smile  and  wave  when  out  with  his  parents  ,  and  never  hang  out  with  the  wrong  crowd  ,  in  simpler  words  :  don’t  embarrass  the  family  .  so  long  as  he  followed  his  parents  lead  ,  there  was  the  silent  promise  that  he  could  do  what  he  wanted  behind  closed  door  ,  and  that  he  did  .  but  with  a  fame  all  of  his  own  his  antics  became  much  harder  to  conceal  .  dubbed  a  diva  on  the  turf  by  many  naysayers  ,  a  number  of  unsportsmanlike  behavior  reported  (  but  never  getting  any  major  consequences  for  )  ,  strings  of  scorned  woman  in  and  out  of  his  life  ,  and  an  affinity  for  night  life  that  could  put  jordan  belfort  to  shame  .  the  most  damaging  report  came  in  2019  ,  when  a  fight  broke  out  during  one  of  his  infamous  yacht  parties  in  the  french  rivera  .  boat  docked  by  a  rooftop  bar  where  hunter  was  reported  to  have  gotten  into  an  altercation  with  another  party  goer  (  only  one  of  a  long  string  of  altercations  he’s  been  reported  to  have  )  ,  the  fight  only  ending  once  hunter  lifted  the  other  guy  up  and  threw  him  overboard  .  the  guy  later  suing  hunter  for  over  a  million  dollar  .  it  was  a  point  in  many’s  eyes  where  it  had  become  clear  hunter  valmont  was  a  monster  .  a  narrative  he  doesn’t  particularly  love  or  hate  .  
his  parents  on  the  other  hand  couldn’t  hate  anything  more  than  his  public  persona  ,  noting  on  various  occasions  to  him  that  he  is  routinely  breaking  their  only  rule  set  in  place  for  him  .  with  his  inheritance  on  the  line  he  has  tried  his  hand  at  cleaning  up  his  image  with  his  parents  help  in  the  last  couple  of  years  but  a  leopard  can  never  truly  change  it’s  spots  .
𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊     .     facts     .
as  his  father��s  only  child  ,  he  stands  to  inherit  everything  the  old  man  has  when  the  time  comes  .  allowing  him  the  comfort  of  knowing  what  his  life  has  in  store  for  him  when  his  soccer  career  does  inevitably  come  to  an  end  :  heading  vortex  enterprises  an  international  hospitality  company  .  although  his  antics  have  put  conditions  on  his  inheritance  ,  facing  the  potential  of  being  taken  off  the  will  if  he  can’t  clean  up  his  act  .    
started  a  charity  in  2017  for  underprivileged  kids  ,  the  park  project  .  a  category  of  people  in  this  world  he  has  true  compassion  for  ,  now  that  he’s  a  bit  older  .  throughout  the  year  he  uses  the  money  donated  as  a  way  to  go  into  low  income  parts  of  cities  and  better  public  schools  ,  start  up  after  school  programs  for  free  ,  and  open  food  banks  for  families  in  need  of  a  little  bit  of  assistance  .  holding  an  annual  charity  gala  for  these  kids  ,  where  kids  from  the  community  are  the  guests  of  honor  and  awarded  with  scholarships  ,  clothing  and  food  vouchers  .  since  ,  it  has  become  his  best  quality  that  many  don’t  even  know  about  because  he  started  it  under  the  guise  of  a  pseudonym  (  lee  park  )  ,  starting  the  charity  without  the  need  of  praise  or  approval  but  simply  because  he  cared  enough  to  do  so  .  it’s  out  of  character  and  just  about  anyone  he  tells  doesn’t  believe  he’s  actually  the  one  behind  the  charity  .    
a  notorious  serial  dater  .  always  having  a  new  girl  on  his  arm  .  he’s  never  had  much  of  an  issue  getting  whatever  girl  he  wants  but  has  a  tendency  of  ruining  whatever  relationship  he  gets  into  one  way  or  another  --  cheating  ,  excessive  arguments  ,  ghosting  ,  name  a  poor  way  to  end  a  relationship  and  hunter  probably  has  experience  with  it  .  
extravagance  is  a  personality  trait  to  him  .  luxury  cars  ,  a  home  in  the  french  rivera  with  a  yacht  with  his  name  etched  into  it  docked  in  the  backyard  ,  fashion  show  appearances  ,  sending  one  of  a  kind  gifts  as  apologies  ,  dinners  worth  over  a  grand  ,  spontaneous  trips  out  of  the  country  .  he  has  money  and  he’s  never  been  all  that  afraid  to  throw  it  around  .  
an  instigator  through  and  through  .  he’s  fairly  observant  and  is  able  to  pick  up  on  what  irritates  other’s  the  most  and  pokes  and  prods  until  they  reach  their  breaking  point  ,  out  of  pure  boredom  .  he  loves  a  good  fight  and  has  a  tendency  to  be  able  to  twist  a  story  to  favor  him  in  almost  all  situations  .
𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗     .     wanted     connections     .
i’ll  put  something  here  one  day    !
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bm2ab · 2 years
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Arrivals & Departures 23 October 1940 – 29 December 2022 Edson Arantes do Nascimento [Pele]
Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈɛdsõ(w) aˈɾɐ̃tʃiz du nasiˈmẽtu]; ), known by his nickname Pelé (Portuguese pronunciation: [peˈlɛ]), was a Brazilian professional footballer who played as a forward. Regarded as one of the greatest players of all time and labelled "the greatest" by FIFA, he was among the most successful and popular sports figures of the 20th century. In 1999, he was named Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and was included in the Time list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century. In 2000, Pelé was voted World Player of the Century by the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) and was one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the Century. His 1,279 goals in 1,363 games, which includes friendlies, is recognised as a Guinness World Record.
Pelé began playing for Santos at age 15 and the Brazil national team at 16. During his international career, he won three FIFA World Cups: 1958, 1962 and 1970, the only player to do so. He was nicknamed O Rei (The King) following the 1958 tournament. Pelé is the joint-top goalscorer for Brazil with 77 goals in 92 games. At the club level, he was Santos' all-time top goalscorer with 643 goals in 659 games. In a golden era for Santos, he led the club to the 1962 and 1963 Copa Libertadores, and to the 1962 and 1963 Intercontinental Cup. Credited with connecting the phrase "The Beautiful Game" with football, Pelé's "electrifying play and penchant for spectacular goals" made him a star around the world, and his teams toured internationally to take full advantage of his popularity. During his playing days, Pelé was for a period the best-paid athlete in the world. After retiring in 1977, Pelé was a worldwide ambassador for football and made many acting and commercial ventures. In 2010, he was named the honorary president of the New York Cosmos.
Averaging almost a goal per game throughout his career, Pelé was adept at striking the ball with either foot in addition to anticipating his opponents' movements on the field. While predominantly a striker, he could also drop deep and take on a playmaking role, providing assists with his vision and passing ability, and he would also use his dribbling skills to go past opponents. In Brazil, he was hailed as a national hero for his accomplishments in football and for his outspoken support of policies that improve the social conditions of the poor. His emergence at the 1958 World Cup, where he became the first black global sporting star, was a source of inspiration. Throughout his career and in his retirement, Pelé received numerous individual and team awards for his performance in the field, his record-breaking achievements, and his legacy in the sport.
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undertheniall · 2 years
The Brits originally called it soccer. 🤣🤣
Yeah but they aren't anymore lol plus every other country calls is football like brits aren't the only one playing it. Like in polish it's 'pilka nozna' which literally means foot ball. Which makes sense since you know... You playing it with your feet 😅 AND It's 'FIFA World Cup'
Ohhh anddd even most USA teams in their league have 'FC' in the name which means Football 😅 soccer is just a stupid name I'm sorry
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