#fighting for my life trying to finish ch 26 so I can post it today
turbo-virgins · 1 year
What part of writing brings your progress to a screeching halt? For me it’s describing scenery/locations. I despise it. I’m just here for drama and dialogue.
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Cheerleader Ch 1
Summary: Peter Parker has always been very important to you, and you have always been important to him just not as important as you would like to be
Author’s Note: I suck at doing slow burns because reasons lol, but, I am going to try and  stick to this one. I am sorry I have been completely MIA. This one is supposed to be Peter x Reader but you may have other ships as you read as well. There will be angst, fluff, friend-zoning, rejection, possibly smut at some point in the series; Ill have to label the chapters if there is anything else, I write everything from the top of my head. Thank you to @tomhiddleston-is-mischief​ for being patient, helpful, kind, and supportive, and understanding. There will be flashbacks and such but the main story takes place post Endgame around 2027-2028 where Peter is about 26-27 years old and you are 23 (she was also snapped away)
Warnings: parents fighting/abuse 
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You laugh at your life long best friend Peter on the screen as he tells you he doesn’t want to go to sleep. “Peter Benjamin Parker”
“Yes?” He asks innocently. 
“You need to seriously go to bed before you wake them”
“Oh, alright. It was awesome talking to you Y/N. I miss you and I just got excited and I wanted to tell you first....we haven’t really talked in a while and I mean, I can’t believe this, can you believe this?” He asks you, you can tell this was the happiest moment of his life and you have witnessed them all.
“Yeah...I can,” you force the best smile you can because you are happy for him even though it feels like you are dying. “Sorry, I have just been...really busy, dude, you need to shower you are so sweaty and really get some sleep while you can”
“Alright, thanks, I love you Y/N. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
“I love you too Pete, and I can’t either. I am going to smother Sara Y/N Parker in slobbery kisses. How is MJ?”
“MJ is great, yeah, yeah, she is sleeping with Sara now y’know a long 12 hours for her heh,” he smiles looking behind him to the hospital bed and scans the camera so you can see MJ and their little girl. 
You cover your mouth with your hands and your eyes brim over with tears. 
“Y/N? You okay?” Peter asks with concern.
“Yeah, yeah...she is just so tiny and precious, I need to have Aunt May teach me how to cook so I can fatten her up and she doesn’t look like you two,” you joke and he laughs. 
“Did you just give her your name?”
“No, I just assumed you did,” you chuckle and wipe your cheeks.
“Her middle name is May,” he laughs.
“Oh well....I was gonna say that next. Go to bed though”
“Okay, but oh hey, did you say you were going to have Aunt May teach you to cook?”
“Yeah, I’m coming home soon and I was going to ask her”
“Good, you can feed me and MJ for a while-,” he is interrupted by Sara’s very first ever cry. He turns his attention to her and sounds defeated, “No, no, no-”
“Pete, Pete, breathe”
“I know what you are thinking and you haven’t failed, you’ve got this. Baby’s cry, just hang up and go. I love you”
“Right, right, bye,” he hangs up.
When the video chat closes you reach over and slowly shut your laptop screen, looking to the ceiling and biting your lower lip to not sob and to be sure if you did it would be your secret.  As soon as it is closed you couldn’t bite back the pain any longer and let your head fall hitting your desk gently before sobbing. Reaching into the drawer you grab your old tape recorder and press the little red button to record. 
“This is so stupid,” you begin and add emphasis to the t sound of the word as you cry because it was just what happened when you cried as you look at the recorder in your hand and try to dry your face on the back of your palm only to fail miserably. 
“um, uh-,” you clear your throat. “It’s me again, Y/N...it’s, 3:30 am, July 22nd 2027...so, Pete is a dad, a beautiful little girl. Sara, she is officially three hours old and he wanted to tell me about her first, honored really....,” you stop and catch your breath. “It’s not fair! It’s not fair damn it! It’s not fair,” you can’t stop sobbing. “Am I that bad?” You walk over to the mirror for a moment, “I’m no MJ...,” a soft forced chuckle and smile escape you. “I am happy for him and this is selfish, I’m sorry, w-why can’t I have love? W-why can’t I have someone, anyone, even if they’re just pretending...please....isn’t there someone for everyone? Even me....I’ve never had any-,” you get angry and throw the recorder at the wall. The pieces shatter and fly three separate directions destroying the device but the tape inside falls completely in tact. You push yourself out of your gaming chair and walk over to it. You fall to your knees and pick it up then lean underneath your bed and glance at the four shoe boxes filled with similar small tapes. You slide out the newest of the boxes and put this tape into it and slide it back. You climb into your bed and just lie there sobbing, unable to stop yourself, it doesn’t help when your phone dings and you see a selfie  Peter took with Sara sleeping on his chest with the message, “woohooo daddy-man!” It only made you shake your head and smile for a brief moment before the phone vibrates with Flash Gordon’s face appearing.Swiping the little green arrow you sniffle and try to pull yourself together as you answer. Try.
With a clearing of your throat you try to speak, “H-Hello”
“Hey-you’re crying. What happened?”
“Nothing Flash, really. I’m alright”
“Eugene, I’ll be alright...thank you though”
It is silent for a moment, “did you talk it out?”
“Uh, yeah,” you glance to the broken pieces of the recorder as you get into bed. 
“Good....what are you doing?”
“You know it is 3:3o am here right?”
“Yeah but I wanted to talk to you”
“Aww, thanks Flash, You are always so good to me. I just talked to Peter, about Sara.”
“Yeah, she is a cutie. Things have been boring out here for me with Peter and MJ doing their thing and Ned moved and so did Betty”
“Wow, you must be bored. Well, I don’t know if this will be any help, but, I am coming home soon and I’ll need to find a apartment-”
“Awesome! Be my room mate!”
“What?” You laugh and he smiles hearing that. “I said live with me, I just got one...”
“Well, that does make things easier and alright, I can't think of a reason why not”
“Awesome, how was your day?”
He called you every night and asked you that and you loved it. You texted everyone back home and stayed in touch but Flash was clingy especially he got to be someone’s friend, and he had always been yours, so he called every night. “It was good, how was yours”
“Its all better now. So, what kind of cool stuff did you do?”
You laugh, “well, today we honestly just tinkered around because we didn’t have any official work. I still feel so lucky even after being here for four years and Mr Banner is awesome, I’ve gotten him comfortable enough to where I think he sees me as a equal”
“Of course he does, you are like uber smart-”
“Geometry used to make me cry,” you counter laughing.
“Geometry made everyone but Peter cry”
“Get some sleep Flash”
“Okay I-”
“Call me if you need me....”
“Okay, sweet dreams, love you, bye,” you hang up.
“Love you too....,” he smiles and looks at his lock screen, a old selfie of you and hugging him with your head on his chest and smiling in your old cheerleaders uniform from 2016. “Babe, coming to bed?” He smiles over at his wife approaching him and hugging him from behind. “Yeah,” he kisses her and goes inside, “Hey, do you want to have-” “Yes” “Really? I didn’t even finish” “I knew what you are going to say” 
“What was that?” Flash glanced to his closet where it sounded like something had fallen and the 9 year old slowly steps toward it, his bat ready at hand as he opens the door only to find his six year old neighbor crouched and hiding with her hands over her ears and her eyes squeezed shut as he rocked back and forth on his closet floor. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
She opens her big vibrant crying eyes, “It won’t stop! They won’t stop!” She explains. 
“Hey,” he offers her a hand to come out, “I’ll be back,” he says now hearing the couple next door screaming and things being shattered. 
“They won’t listen!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll be back,” he guides her to sit on the bed and sneaks into his dad’s home office and comes back.
“This will always listen,” he hands her the tape recorder he had stolen. “See, just push that button. Do they know you are here?”
She shakes her head no, “I dint’ know where ‘else’t’ g-go. They d-don’t l-listen a-and I not ‘posed’t’ cry”
“Okay, go back in the closet so they don’t catch you.”
“Yeah?” She just hugs his waist and he hides her and listens to words he can’t make out from behind the closed closet door of the little girl’s voice. 
“Sweetdreams,” he hears her say to him
“Sweetdreams,” he smiles going to bed 
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