yourmoonmomma · 1 year
Hello! I have a question regarding astrology. Is having both Jupiter and Saturn in the 3rd house a very tricky placement?
It is somewhat common to see people think that Jupiter and Saturn sharing a House (or having them in conjunction with each other) is a negative or difficult placement, but that usually isn't the case! They tend to balance each other out quite well (though it does depend on the aspects made to each, the sign they're in, and the rest of the chart). Jupiter gives an abundance of energy or interest, and Saturn gives determination and follow-through. Any blockages that Saturn causes, Jupiter gives the hope to see the other side. In the 3rd House, we can see this manifest in a few different ways. Maybe you struggled with communication growing up, due to Saturn. But Jupiter gave you that encouragement to keep trying, to keep putting yourself out there, until it became easier. Or you may find that you have an interest in learning a multitude of different subjects, due to Jupiter, but Saturn will help you figure out what path to choose, and give you the drive to follow it through to completion. So no, I'd say it isn't as tricky as we tend to think! However, it is very likely you may not see many of the "positives" to it until after your first Saturn Return (though again, that depends on the rest of the chart!)
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theladybrownstarot · 1 year
Hi! Here for the Oracle Guidance Event!!
Initials: AG
Question: What guidance do the cards have for me ?
Feedback: I have recently discovered your blog, and I'm impressed with your pick-a-pile posts. They're truly amazing and intuitive, and I find that they resonate with me on a deep level. Looking forward to more of them. 🔮🌟
Thank you for hosting this game and offering your time and energy! 💫🌸
Hey @filledwithpurplehearts ,
Wise one , you are now remembering what you were born with - All the answers that you are seeking. You have realised life is not about learning but rather the relearning- letting go our illusions so we can remember our innate solutions . You have silenced the chattering of the mind to allow the whispers of the soul to speak and are now beginning to truly read vast textbooks that exist Inside you full sthis is the time to rewrite your story, authored but greater wisdom of your soul,buddhi .
Thanku so much for the feedback ♡ I really appreciate it and do come back for another games I will be conducting soon .
Bless u and love u .
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