#film phoster
tortoisesshells · 3 years
Questions for fanfic writers: 3, 15
3. If you had to direct a scene from your fic, what would you chose? Why? What would it look like? What techniques would you use to convey certain emotions? What would the set look like?
I'm sure I'd make a lousy director, because just managing "the script" is nearly too much for me! If I was going to just direct the one, I think I'd pick the staircase scene/scene v. from her eye discourses, because (1) I love it & (2) I'm weirdly attached to stairwell scenes as a filming location. Maybe I imprinted too hard on The West Wing's eternal walk-and-talks. Are they dynamic? Is it a bustling space or is it a quiet, shut-off one? Up, or down? Plus, it's still my favorite Phoster banter I've ever written.
It's late in the evening, so it's dark - after last regular checks of the night; really, the only visible light sources should be from Jed & Mary's lanterns (I don't think that's good enough to light the whole of the stairs set, but I don't particularly care about the set itself; Honestly, if the non-diagetic lighting faded over the course of the shot, so that while the staircase environs is dimly visible to start, but by the end Jed and Mary are isolated in their own little bubble of oil-lamp-light? SO MUCH THE BETTER.)
(come to think of it, I'd also dampen the hospital sounds - footfalls, pacing, snoring, groaning, etc. - as the scene went on.)
I suppose I'd start with a long tracking shot from behind of them heading up, until switching to facing them around "“We can at least rely on them to watch each other,” he replied, perhaps too quickly or too glibly, for Mary stopped and shook her head." - at which point they argued for a bit, stationary? I'm not sure what I'd do to keep it interesting, but I'm very confident the last shot should be over Jed's shoulder, as he watched Mary walk up to the next landing.
It's about the isolation & their mutual (occasionally aggravated) rapport, anyway. :D
15. Pick a previous relationship (or multiple) of your character's. Explain how that/those impact the way they navigate their way through relationships now.
Off the usual track with this one: Nellie's relationship with her brother John (the wrecker in Nassau) was the most important relationship she had from the time she was born until the point at which their father kicked John out of the house and struck him from the family Bible - they lost their mother young, and were the only children from her to survive past age five; they had plenty of step-siblings, but John & Nellie(/Nora, since no one called her Nellie until her late husband Samuel) were partners, conspirators, and pretty well inseparable - sort of a sub-unit, within the larger Coggeshall household.
Nellie tends to look close to home/within her own family for her support - she has a sense that the people she can trust the most are the people she's tied to by blood or matrimonial bonds; she's slow to trust, generally, but good luck if you're an outsider! (Hendricks is something of an exception to this, but for two factors: (1) Daniel Hendricks & Samuel Treat were pretty well good as/ as close as brothers, & (2) he resembles John Coggeshall pretty strongly in some respects - pragmatic morality, distaste for imperial law, and delight in winding people up, chiefly) - at any road, this is something she learned from her relationship with her brother.
John was really the only person in her family Nellie trusted, so she ended up fairly early on with a tendency to invest most of her time and effort in one main relationship (familial, in this case) - which, in some ways, set the pattern for how she dealt with the relationship part of her marriage. Samuel was the most important person in the world to her - her confidant, her comforter, her co-conspirator; his loss, like John's less-lethal loss, left Nellie feeling completely bereft and invisible - she's has a tendency to be a one-person person ... kinda like a Doberman or a German Shepherd? Bad metaphor, moving on. That's not to say that she isn't capable of having warm, affectionate relationships with others (other family members, friends) - it's only that Nellie has One (1) designated person who she's completely honest with, and feels comfortable asking for support, particularly emotional.
Too, Nellie learned to deal with absence as an expected part of life - by the time she was in her teens, John was gone for significant parts of the year at sea.
One of the hard/material effects of her relationship with John was that, as soon as he was gone, with a family of his own in Nassau, Nellie tried to get out of Newport - which, fortunately for her, didn't take long - she married Samuel Treat very shortly thereafter.
Questions for Fanfic Writers!
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sight-decoding · 5 years
The Real Voices of the Gods: Excerpt from 'The God Within Me' by Michael Faust
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[Julian] Jaynes argued that the bicameral mind was based on hallucinated voices, but of course, there is a far more radical possibility: the voices weren't hallucinated at all, they were real. Gods actually spoke directly to humanity thousands of years ago. 
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The right hemisphere of the brain is the main medium for communication with the 'r + 0 domain'. All psychic phenomena occur via this hemisphere. If a psychic can read someone else's mind and even implant thoughts there, then how much easier would it be for a God to do the same and more?
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The astonishing truth of the human species is that we were just another type of ape before Archons of the Demiurge and Phosters of Abraxas decided to intervene in our evolution. To ancient humanity, the Archons and the Phosters were gods talking to them. The gods told them what to do, taught them basic language skills, and manipulated their genes to make them the precursors of modern humanity. 
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We are the children of Archons and Phosters who directly intervened in our evolutionary path. The Archons wanted to turn us into a submissive population in thrall to the Demiurge and they succeeded to a remarkable extent, as the evil Abrahamic faiths testify. The Phosters helped us to resist and all religions based on the concept of enlightenment can be traced back to them. 
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As Jaynes contended, it was the advent of written rather than spoken language that spelled the end for the bicameral mind. Whereas the left hemisphere had once taken orders from the right, now the left hemisphere could cause thoughts to be written down and read them back, and read what others had written. Sophisticated language skills could now develop. These gave rise to the verbal thoughts that constantly run through our minds; a stream of consciousness.
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As bicameral beings, we took occasional orders from the gods and obeyed them and for the rest of the time we were just on autopilot like apes. Once we had created advanced languages we could generate highly complex thoughts in a constant flow and this river of uninterrupted thought became what we now call consciousness. Nietzsche and Jaynes were both right to say that consciousness and complex language are inextricably linked. 
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Consciousness is precisely that ceaseless stream of language-based ideas that constitute our thoughts. It's not pictures in our minds that constitute consciousness, but concepts, ideas, sentences, plans, analysis, logic, reason, symbolic manipulations. None of that consciously existed in the time of the bicameral mind. 
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Yet the bicameral structure of the brains is still with us. A schizophrenic is someone in whom the barriers to the r+0 domain have broken down in an uncontrolled way. Like a psychic, he starts to tune into the thoughts of others, but he has no idea what's going on, has no control over the process and starts to interpret what's going on as voices speaking to him and giving him orders. 
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Our authoritarian, hierarchical societies reflect the master/slave construction of the bicameral mind; the gods were our masters, and we their slaves. The Elite have taken the place of the gods. In relation to the other-directed people, they put their peer group in the place of the gods and it becomes imperative for them to obey the orders of the group or face the disaster of being ostracized. Tradition-directed people place holy books, prophets and community elders in the place of the gods who must be obeyed. 
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Over and over again, we see master/slave structures appearing in human societies, all deriving from the same bicameral paradigm. Sports stars, TV stars, film stars, rock stars.... these are all gods to be worshipped, just like the bicameral gods of old... and royalty and presidents and popes and all the rest of the elitist system of tyranny with which humanity is infected.
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ultrahotpink · 8 years
I am hoping for season 3 of Mercy Street. Do we know for sure that MEW is coming back? Phoster is the reason I am addicted to the show. The thought we may not see Nurse Mary again makes me sad😕
I’m hoping for season three as well! The thought that Mercy Street could end after only two seasons is heart breaking.
I also primarily watch the show for Phoster, so I agree that a lack of either Josh Radnor or Mary Elizabeth Winstead would dampen my enjoyment of the show.
One thing that the article points out is that the actors have not signed multi season contracts. This means that they have to try and get the actors back together for every season. This is problematic because some of the actors like Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Josh Radnor and Gary Cole, are very in demand. 
In addition there are budget concerns and given that there is no corporate sponsor they’re having problems finding enough money to make this happen. Which means that filming if there is to be a season three would be pushed which means that the actors may or may not be available if filming gets pushed to the fall.
However, it really, really seems like most of the actors on this show are very enthusiastic about Mercy Street and the people that they work with. I think it’s very telling that they’re so passionate about the show and their cast mates that they still get together. 
I think it’s also worth noting that although MEW was filming Braindead she was so passionate about Mercy Street that she chose to film Mercy Street on the weekends while also filming Braindead. I think this signifies that she wants to make it work even if she’s busy.
Right now is our opportunity to do all we can to support the show, by purchasing it (I have on iTunes and on Blu-ray), by watching it on the PBS website or Amazon prime (If it’s available in your region) and tuning in live, And by letting your local PBS station know how much you want a season three. Tweet them email them, whatever!
Like you, I wish I had a definitive answer to this question, but I hope this helps!
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yorgunherakles · 5 years
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unutmanın ne olduğunu bilir misin? var gücünle unutmamak için çırpınmak nedir bilir misin?
unutmaya başlıyorum seni. ürperiyorum bunca sevgiyi unuttuğumu düşündükçe.
marguerite duras - hiroshima mon amour
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yorgunherakles · 5 years
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değerini bilmiyorsa, onun için mücadele etmenin ne anlamı var?
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