#final sister minnie vid
rose022 · 6 months
[id: a cat lying on a rug in front of where the person filming is sitting. the camera goes to a smaller rug then back to the cat. there is a cut to the person petting the cat then picking her up and putting her on the small rug. the person pets the cat some more and the cat stays. the cat then gets up and goes to a door trying to leave.]
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Because I hate you the most ~ pt. 5
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A/N: So I am done and ready to take the shower already. I didn’t really read it through so idk how it ended up but tell me in my askbox. Thank you @rosegoldquintis for distracting me from it..smh...no jk loved your live vid and @sly-vixen-up2nogood hope you like the angs. I didn’t edit any so it could be better but I hope you like this too.
WARNING: Yeah...I didn’t read it through so sorry. 
TAGS: @all1496,  @siriusly-loves-snuffles, @slither-in-a-half, @nadinissavage, @shadyladyperfection, @geeksareunique, @ashkuuuu, @xinyourdreamsx, @maralisa124, @loserslytherpuff, @chloe-geoghegan1, @musekala, @moonysmilkshake, @crispyfrenchfrieschrusis, @unicorn-sparkles123, @queenofravenclaw05, @redhead-weasley, @fashionlive15, @quokkatrash, @bennie-badeend, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @rosegoldquintis
Other parts —> MASTERLIST
(requests are closed)
‘ He was the most profound wizard of his century, creating potions that can today be found in each and every corner of the Wizarding world. George, his son-’ you stopped reading and retraced the sentence once again. “ Gregory, his son...” you sighed and started reading silently again ‘ ... followed his footsteps in his early age but fell on dark parts after finishing his school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. George- Gregory joined the dark force in London, where he was heavily wanted and hunted by the Ministry of Magic and after traveling to Russia, he became wanted there as well. George-’ you got irritated by now. “ Gregory!” you shouted and started to read out loud. “ ...became one of the most talented and powerful Potion masters in the dark side, an idol to the very know Dark Lord himself of the 20th century.” you finished and pushed the book away.
‘Gregory. His name was Gregory, not George. Get it through your thick head (y/n).’ you scolded yourself as your head was buried deep in your pillow.
The boys laughed with their little sister, loudly and gripping their stomach. “ Come now, Ronikins. It was only a joke.” Fred ruffled Ron’s hair as he shoved him back aggressively.
“ It was a horrible joke!” Ron grew red and Ginny tried to sympathize.
“ If it makes you feel any better, they’ve done worse to other students here.” she smiled and George winked at her.
“ Yeah. Easy for you to say, you’re their favorite. You don’t even have a nickname from them.” Ron grumbled.
“ Now, that is not true.” George chuckled. “ (y/n) has a nickname. She’s our Lil Ginnykins, I guess.” he laughed but quickly stopped as the others didn’t laugh along. Both Ginny and Ron quirked an eyebrow at them as Fred just spread his eyes wide.
“ (y/n)?” Ron asked and glanced at Ginny, who shared the same expression. “ As in (y/n) Malfoy?”
“ What?” George became confused and tried to laugh it off, looking for some saving from his brother, who only sat quietly.
“ You said: (y/n) has a nickname.” spoke Ginny, glancing between him and Fred.
“ You said (y/n) instead of Ginny.” added Ron.
“ I did no such thing. Right, Fred?” he looked at Fred who was kind of in a conflict right now. “ Fred?” George grew serious now, glancing between all three of them.
Ginny’s expression suddenly grew soft due to her brother’s confusion. It was like she was somehow looking at a new, completely different person. She sighed and got up from the ground, sitting up next to George and taking his hand. “ I’m sorry.” she spoke softly and George simpered, wanting to laugh but cry at the same time.
“ It’s not like we had anything special, Gin.” he pulled away from his hand from her and stood up. “ She’s a Malfoy-”
“ Is she really though?” Fred interrupted, getting on his feet as well. “ She’s Sirius biological daughter. For all, we know she can leave the Malfoys and-”
“ (y/n) would never leave Draco!” George raised his voice a bit, tuning it down at how loud he spoke. “ I know her, Fred. She and Draco maybe don’t get along much but she would never leave him. It wouldn’t feel right.”
‘ GREGORY was soon found by the best worldwide Aurors. Captured and sent to Azkaban he spent his last days there, finally defeated by the Dementors on April 7th, 1990.’  you continued to read finally closing the book with a loud thud and entering the classroom.
“ Miss. Malfoy, please take a seat next to Mister Weasley. He needs to be far away from his brother, especially in my class.” Professor McGonagall ordered and you continued to stand there, glancing between your seat and the professor. “ Is there a problem?” she asked, looking at you with her enormous round eyes and thin lips.
“ N-no, professor.” you shook your head and shot your gaze at the ground, walking up to your seat.
You sat down, placing your books on the desk carefully and trying not to look at him. It was impossible however because he kept looking at you as if he turns away now, he won’t see you anymore.
You still looked the same. The same cheeks he once placed his hands on, the same nose which crinkled whenever he made you laugh and the same hair he loved playing with. The same smell as well, which charmed its way to his lungs, wanting him to breathe it every second of the day. Yet one thing he couldn’t be sure of were your eyes. Your eyes that try so hard to not look at his.
And you fought to try and stay focused on the board and the words professor McGonagall spoke but as soon as his hand touched your thigh, you turned away. Firstly at his hand on your thigh, secondly, shotting up to his eyes.
He was close, simpering when he finally saw your eyes. “ I’m sorry. “ he spoke quietly and in a whisper.
Your cheeks grew red and your thigh grew hot where his hand was placed, causing your heart to fall out of its normal heart rate. Your hand was all of a sudden on top of his, holding it. “ I’m sorry too. I should have never said what I did about your family.”
“ I should have never said I hated you... because I don’t. I really don’t.” he continued to whisper and you smiled, looking up at him. “ And if we weren’t in Minnie’s class right now, I’d show you how much I don’t hate you.” he spoke seductively by now, causing you to snort.
“ Just...shut up.” you pushed his hand away from your thigh and looked up at the board, pretending to listen but really just watching him from the corners of your eyes.
“ So you and Sirius?” he asked as both of you were lying on the cold and wet grass, his head on your stomach as you kept yours on your bag.
“ I still haven’t forgiven him. “ you replied as your fingers kept wandering through his messy hair. “ I don’t know what he thinks...I just know I need time.” you paused. “ And you.”
“ Good. “ he smiled softly, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. “ Cuz I need you too.”
But as everything seemed to be calm and perfect for a day...it soon proved to be wrong.
“ HIM!!” his voice roared in the room as you flinched. “ THAT BOY IS NOTHING BUT A BLOOD TRAITOR!”
“ Dad, please!” you tried to reason but he didn’t listen.
“ A wizard like him! We are all the same!”
“ No, we are not! We are more powerful! We are- we are wittier and wiser, smarter and braver, we are the FUTURE!”
“ How can you say that!?” you stared at him in disbelief.
“ You’ll marry someone ours. Rowles’ nephew.”
“ WHAT!!!” you screamed at him. “ He’s 24 years old! And he lives Scotland!” you continued to shout but your father didn’t listen.
You were now staring up at his storm-flooded grey eyes and standing against the desk, clawing it.
“ Rosier. He’s only two years older than you and has been great in the wizarding business. He’s noble and honest. No Rowles.” he spoke quietly now, avoiding your gaze. “ Leave the Blood traitor. Understood? “
“ Understood.”
All of it was too much all of a sudden. How could you tell the boy you told not long ago you needed him....to....to tell him you’re marrying somebody else.
You did know Rosier. Eadric was...well, he was Eadric. Tall, lanky boy with light brown hair and green eyes. He had a nice smile but since you have known him, he was always quiet. That was of course before he went to Durmstrang to study the dark arts. He always fancied you, no doubt, so guess he kind of profits from this while you... well you have to tell someone to stop loving you.
“ Love?” his soft chuckle awoke you from your thoughts and you looked over at him. “ You haven’t heard a word I said, have you?” he chuckled once again and you removed yourself from his embrace. His warm, safe embrace that you knew was the last.
“ We need to talk.”
“ Uff...sounds serious.” he smiled and took a hold of your hands to which you only pulled away. “ Love?”
“ We need to end this.” you started but he only stared, waiting for you to crack a smile and say you’re joking because you must be joking. You must. You must not be serious right now.
“ No.”
“ George.”
“ No!” he shouted and stood up. “ You are not doing this to me! Not again!! I mean how could you!”
“ You don’t understand!”
“ Bullshit, (y/n)! “ he retorded back. “ He found out, didn’t he?” he asked and you stayed quiet. He scoffed. “ I bloody knew it! What did he say, huh? Say I’m a blood traitor?! Say I’m poor and not wealthy!? Did he offer you some deal, dome offer, WHAT!!?”
“ NO! HE JUST STATED THE FACTS, GEORGE!” you screamed back. “ He’s family and you out of all people should understand how important family is!!”
“ Not that family! Not the Malfoys! They are nothing but dirtbags!”
“ Is that what you think of us? Is that what you think of me?” you spoke amazed.
“ You know you’re not them. You’re Siri-”
“ Don’t! Don’t even try to say it, George, because I’m not! I’m not his daughter not for at least 14 years now.”
“ And what?! Lucius Malfoy is!?!”
“ YES! For your information he is! He is the one who raised me! He is the one to teach me to be brave and be bold but also be careful and be smart! Be witty and be ambitious! Be kind yet be ready!” you shouted at him and he scoffed once again. “ Family is not just blood, Weasley! It’s loyalty!” you spat out harshly and he stared amazed.
“ Weasley? So now I’m not worth even my name?”
“ IT’S NEVER ABOUT THE NAMES!! Don’t you understand!?”
“ No, I don’t so please enlighten me!”
“ I cannot turn my back on the family who sacrificed their reputation and their time to raise me in the best possible way. Who gave me food on the table and a warm bed to sleep in. I cannot trade them for a man who turned his back on me and left. And I will definitely not trade it for a boy who can tear me from them.” you spoke calmly now, watching as tears started to gather in both of your eyes.
“ So now?” his voice started to shake, his eyes shedding tears one by one.
“ Now I leave.” you replied and grabbed the bag from his bed, walking over to the door and reaching for the doorknob.
“ You know what, (y/n)?” he sobbed, standing at his bed. “ I’m glad we ended this because now I realized just how stupid I was to be with you in the first place. Because I hate your family. I hate your father and your brother and -and- and ..” he paused for a moment and a tear rolled down your cheek. “ And because I hate you the most.”
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