#finally finished a redesign im happy with haha
bellybiologist · 1 year
More Advance Wars Reboot rambling!!
I just finished the AW2 campaign! So i have more thoughts! (Possible Spoilers below!)
-Sensei's Theme's did NOT need to SLAP that hard!!!!
-Colin's co power song slaps too.
-I also really like Flak's, tbh.
-Adder's features seem very "round" compared to how jagged his original incarnation is. I think it was so he fit in the style better, but his vibe is definitely a lil different (not that im complaining! His movements are so smooth, and that gives its own kind of appeal). His CO power animation is A Lot, haha.
-Hawk's theme feels a little weird... but i wasnt really a big fan of his theme in the first place.
-I'm sorta mixed on Jess's redesign and theme remix. She had a specific, masculine vibe i really liked in AW2 and AWDS especially, and now she has a very strong Power Lesbian feel in a different direction. Which is good! I still like it, but it's different. It feels like they decided on making her pretty, which wasnt really her thing? I think part of her appeal to me was she was pretty androgynous, and that isnt there in this design. her theme Has all the parts I like, but has some additional things that I think i just gotta get used to. 🤔
-What the heck is Sturm doing with ANOTHER special last boss theme? Geez, this game has so much music!
-I also forgot how insane Sturm's stats were in the AW2 campaign. my god, this guy.
-I'm glad they animated Hawke blowing Sturm up, lmao.
-Oooooh New design room pieces 👀 I can make the 3v1 final boss map i always dreamed of when i was 13, lmao! This is awesome~
This remake makes me insanely happy. The past week has been pretty productive cuz the Brain chemicals released from playing has been doing me good for my mood (though they are tapering off now. Good things dont last forever!)
Ultimately, i do think the Voice acting was probably the weakest part. The awkwardness i mentioned in my last post aside, It still feels very weird for Andy to be sounding like OG Ash Ketchum (Veronica Taylor), and a lot of the voices arent what I originally imagined them to be. But that's sorta expected when a game has had 20 years to kinda fester in your brain :P
I really hope they remake Dual Strike in the future, or even just had Updates/DLC that added new stuff! I honestly miss the units from Days of Ruin, cuz the Anti-tanks, gunboats, rebalanced Carriers, and bike infantry were awesome, and it'd be really neat to see how they interact with the older cast.
I still gotta go back and 100% the campaigns, buy all the characters, art, and music, and maybe do some war room maps. Lots to do still :V.
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bargalaxies · 3 years
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Sinnoh Pokémon → Grotle, the Grove Pokémon
Grotle (Japanese: ハヤシガメ Hayashigame) is a quadrupedal Pokémon with light green skin and a large shell composed of hardened soil covering its back. It lives in forests but leaves during the day to allow more sunlight on its trees. A Grotle that lives in the forest has its own secret springwater.
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