#finally giving words to my decade long book 1 brainrot
blazingcobaltx · 6 months
Honestly, Legend of Korra Book 1 is a solid 9/10. I've always thought so, from the moment I first watched it, but after my latest rewatch that belief has been reinvigorated.
Yeah, it would have been an easy 10/10 if the ending felt less rushed, if Korra's sudden airbending had been given more depth. But considering they initially only had this one season, it makes sense for them to wrap it up on a good note (and have an Aang Easter egg).
And yes, there's also Makorra as the smelly elephant in the room, but you know what? I'm not even that bothered by it. It doesn't overshadow the good things Legend of Korra does, and it does a lot of good.
Fandom brain really exists, and I think many of us watching at that moment were influenced moreso by what LOK could have been rather than what it was. I was one of those people for sure, but that not exactly a fair way to engage with a piece of fiction. When you look at Book 1 just as it is, and let the story - not your expectations - lead you, you see that it is full of well-paced action, good suspense, rounded characters, and enough humour to keep it all light. With the limited time they have, the worldbuilding is enough to make you interested in the world without creating many more questions. Simply put, it is hype as fuck.
And Korra herself, the fandom really mistreated. Many people disliked her abrasiveness and arrogance, but the whole point is that her naivety to the world feeds her behaviour in both good and bad ways. This is literally baby's first outing, baby's first political intrugue, and baby's first romance. She is a character that clearly has to learn a lot about herself and the world, but instead of appreciating that character arc many instead gave her shit.
I felt the need to make this post because I think we all gave the show a little too much shit during its runtime. With the abysmal Book 2 following after this is not surprising, as it unintentionally retcons a lot of the good things from Book 1. My last rewatch of LOK actually died at Book 2 because it was that unbearable. This time I will jump straight to 3 and 4 (which I haven't watched since its original airing), and will report back to you later with my thoughts.
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