#finally got my 2023 furby!!!!!!
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Glamrock Battery Acid💜🍕
(next to Gabriel🕊 for comparison)
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furbohbay · 1 year
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Nova, sans batteries, is currently taking a nap with Walley, who has been dubbed PeePaw.
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crayfurbs · 1 year
how did you do a new furby custom how
OK so the first thing that I ended up doing was drawing up some concepts of 1998 furbies that I liked as the 2023 furby.
The design that I ended up going with was the skunk just because to me that feels like the “furbiest” furby if that makes sense 
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 So after I had my concept in mind, I started to skin the Furby, again. As you may have noticed in my previous posts, I had skinned this furby previously, which is why I felt more comfortable, making him into a custom.
After skinning, I did some minor disassembly, mainly taking off the ears and the eyes. I haven’t quite figured out a good enough way to takeoff the feet yet.
For the eyes, I wanted to try and take the paint off and prime them so I worked my way up from solvents finding that 99% IPA was the best, I took the eye paint off, and then proceeded to give the eyelid section a coat of black paint 
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I then started on the face plate, painting, it, black, and giving everything a coat of Mr. super clear and while that was drying I started on the eyes and did my first test fit
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after finishing the eyes and leaving them to dry, I started on patterning the pelt,
I used standard methods, scanned it, and then imported it into inkscape where I cleaned it up and cut it out. It was pretty simple (only 3 pieces) so it was a very quick process to sew it and the faceplate back on, I was then able to do my 2nd test fits.
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After the 2nd test fit, I decided to try and work on the heart gem, it’s a bit finicky so I had to use a pretty thick embroidery needle to push and pick the fur into place but I got it,
I didn’t take any pics of reassembly because getting the ears back on is pretty frustrating, but here we are
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I was super happy with the final result, all and all it only took me 2-3 hours to complete and was pretty fun to do.
I wouldn’t say it was a very complex disassembly process, you didn’t have to deal with any eyechips to change the eyes, yet the eyes weren’t an accessible like on a 2005. The pelt was also pretty straightforward , only being 2 pieces before I modified it so it could be sewn In less than 5 minutes. All of the parts unscrew pretty easily and go back together really well, and the plastic takes paint amazingly. It’s a pretty solid base for customs
But ye, that’s how I ended up making Slunk. :p
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today was. a day. shit went down between s and m's friend group and i tried to mediate. not sure how i did. s went to cec with his bf and FINALLY found a 2023 furby. i went to katie's house for a little bit. i went home and hung ou ton a call with s and c and then s tried to buy something and realized his money was gone from someone taking a refund after a package got lost. we all told him not to be too upset about it because it was rational and maybe we were a little too hard on him i dunno, but he went silent and left. left several servers, threatened to leave our main group. he has been our leader for 6 years. he is my best friend, my brother, and i dont know what i or the rest of the group will do without him. he wants me to be leader but i dont think i can take on that role. i dont know as much about the things he knows. he has so many friends here who love him, i dont understand why he doesnt understand that. i hope he can learn to love him self as much as we love him
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