#finally its farkin cold in here
puniper · 4 months
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lesbiandeerstory · 1 year
new year new deer
i have used that pun three years running and i am not stopping
so hey happy new year everypony! i hope 2023 treats everyone well, and i know for me i’m gonna try and hit the ground running this year. so with that in mind, let’s do a little new years state of the deer post!
first off, huge thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed the prototype script chapters! i honestly wasn’t sure if anyone was going to, but a few ppl did and said nice things about them and i appreciate that alot.
there were meant to be more prototype chapters, but a cold snap at the end of the year knocked me on my ass and it was too FARKIN COLD to actually get anything done, so alas i wasn’t able to make more chapters.
but speaking of the prototype! i am happy to consider it a HUGE SUCCESS even if i didn’t technically finish it, bcuz it gave me two very big and important gifts:
1. the version of the story i put together from the prototype is the FINAL VERSION. it has rly helped me consolidate and solidify all of the disparate ideas i’ve been accumulating for this story and world and characters over the last two years, and it feels like a rock solid foundation to build on. very excited.
2. working on the prototype was sorta the final boss of all the visual novel development i’ve been doing over the past year, and it has rly helped me understand what it takes to make a visual novel. turns out it takes ALOT more time and resources than i had originally thought.
more time and resources than lucheek and i have at our disposal at the moment, in fact. so we’ve both decided to scrap the visual novel idea and are retooling the story into somthn much simpler that fits more in line with the tools and skills that we both currently possess. which tbh?? kinda a relief!
our current plan for the new form of the story is to do somthn similar to the prototype chapters, just putting up chapters that ppl can read for free, but the chapters will be accompanied by beautiful illustrations from lucheek to set the scene or mood.
we’re planning to put the chapters right here on the blog bcuz that is RLY CONVENIENT. there are also plans in the works to give it its own dedicated website, but that’s more for down the road.
the other big perk to this retool is that we can get the story into ppl’s hands much sooner!!! tho i’m not ready to put an ETA on that just yet, lucheek and i are both busy women with tight schedules and we gotta work some stuff out before we can say anything concrete about release dates and such.
so yea friendship ended with visual novels now simple illustrations and text are my new best friends. this is a story that means alot to me and i rly wanna get it into ppl’s hands and hooves, and i massively appreciate everyone who has been bearing with us as we put this thing together!
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carmenpeach · 3 years
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