#find me someone who will look at me the way ezio looks at leo
hidden-nowhere · 4 months
"Look at this nerd go"
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teatitty · 3 years
Some EzioLeo HC’s because fuck it why not
Since Ezio canonically has a thing for women who modelled for various renaissance artists, I like to believe he also has a thing for artists in general. So his attraction to Leonardo isn’t a surprise for him but he does panic a little bit about it
They’re verses end of story
Leonardo was the one got their relationship going because Ezio was too afraid to take those steps himself for Various Reasons
Polyam rights with these two actually you cannot change my mind
Leo was the first dude Ezio ever bottomed for and it came entirely from a place of sincere, genuine trust between them
When they arrived in Venice, there was a startling moment where Leonardo protected very injured Ezio by fighting off the Guards himself. Ezio doesn’t remember much of it beside the look of fury on Leo’s face and feeling completely safe despite his physical state
As an aside to the above, this is one of very few times where any of the other assassins and thieves have felt frightened of Leonardo
Ezio discovered some things about himself the first time he ever saw Leonardo casually bend an iron horseshoe like it was nothing
Ezio is not a fan of modelling for artists but he’ll do it for Leo. As such, Leo is... possessive in an artistic sense. If another artist so much as contemplates sketching his friend he will throw hands about it lmao
Neither one of them have a sensible braincell they’re both terrible enablers but like to think they are the respective braincell holder
There was a moment in time where Ezio tried to cut contact with Leonardo to protect him from his lifestyle but all this did was lead to Leo storming the Brotherhood’s headquarters and getting into an almighty row with Ezio that sent everyone scattering to the rooftops to avoid getting pulled into it
Obviously we all know Leonardo cares for Ezio’s injuries, but Ezio himself always makes sure his friend has food on the table and supplies for his projects
Leonardo is the only person to have ever gotten Ezio flustered by flirting with him, which is the exact moment Leo realised that Ezio was, perhaps, a little in love with him
They were both aware of eachother’s feelings for years before they got together. Leonardo thought that Ezio was just taking his time to get used to being attracted to men so when he found out that Ezio had slept with men before he got a little. Tense about it haha (not in a jealous way just in a “oh so you’ll sleep with Michelangelo but god forbid you so much as kiss me, the guy you’re actually in love with -”)
Ezio taught Leonardo basic self defence, both unarmed and armed, but the rest was just whatever Leonardo picked up himself through their years of friendship. Namely the fact that he can scale buildings and always find wherever Ezio is
They’re both really petty and can throw vicious barbs when needed so good luck if you ever get both of them to chew you out together (rip to Antonio specifically)
Leonardo can never forgive Caterina for using Ezio the way that she did no matter what Ezio might say about it
It was years before Ezio ever allowed himself to really grieve and breakdown about his family and it was Leonardo who stayed with him as it happened, shielding him, if temporarily, from the outside world at large
Leonardo: puts his hair up. Ezio: not to be bisexual but ho my god... my fucking mary, jesus and joseph what the f U C K
The Salvator Mundi painting that Ezio kept in his private rooms was one he commissioned himself, though admittedly he hadn’t been 100% serious. Leonardo made sure it was perfect for him regardless
Always plafully make fun of eachother but if someone else does it that person better start running lmao
Genderqueer Ezio is my life blood so when Leo caught him staring wistfully at a corset he marched right into the store and brought it without thinking first. This is a constant source of embarrassment for him but Ezio still has that very same corset even though it’s definitely falling to pieces now
Ezio: I have a confession to make. I’m dating Leonardo - Claudia: oh thank god. Maria: finally I can have peace. Ezio: what
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To Love From Near and Afar
His hair was lighter, and his face more lined. It had been years since they’d last spoken, but had it really been so many? A blade in the crowd, Ezio stood entranced as Leo chuckled with his workers and took a step back to investigate his experiment. When he smiled, lines creased at his eyes and remained at his cheeks. It looked like he’d smiled many times over the years. Good, Ezio thought to himself, that was the intended affect. Let Leo think he’d left or perished, anything that would keep him safe.
His heart tugged in Leo’s direction, and Leo looked over his shoulder for a moment. Just a moment. His eyes searched the crowds, and the smile frozen on his face faltered. Ezio remained motionless, blending into the crowd easily. Someone called his attention, and Leo returned to his work. Ezio smiled, it was good to see him safe and well, but he’d stayed too long. He left for the evening.
As he lay awake that night, his heart tugging him in the direction of Leo, Ezio thought of what he could do. Playing this game for years had taken a toll on him, and he didn’t know how much longer he could go without speaking to Leo. Touching him, kissing him.
Rolling out of bed, Ezio bound for the door. Once more and then never again, Ezio told himself. I just need ensure his safety, and I’ll never see Leonardo de Vinci again.
Finding his way to the workshop took some tries as Leo always moved around and Ezio was trying to remain in the shadows, but he found it. The candlelight flicked shadows on the street, and Ezio poked his head to the window.
In the small room, was Leo. In one hand, he held a piece of paper while in the other a pen. He spoke to himself as he fiddled with his work, and Ezio found himself transported back in time. They’d do that all the time. With Leo working on a Codex page or assisting Ezio with whatever he needed, Ezio would sit in a chair and watch Leo work and talk a million miles an hour. If Ezio tried to help, he would receive a slap on the back of his hand. “You’re going to break it.” Leo remarked, then tilted his head. “Yes, hm, maybe? You know what? I’m overthinking it.”
“I’m not going to break anything.” Ezio rubbed the stringing hand and pouted, “How do you know what I was doing?”
“But then why would….Ohhhh, that’s genius. Well, of course it’s genius. It would have to be, otherwise I’d not have so much trouble with it. I wonder,” Leo tinkered with his toy. “Because you’re clumsy.”
“What?” Ezio’s jaw dropped and he mouthed some words before settling on, “I’m an Assassin, Leonardo. I run around the city, fight evildoers daily, I am not clumsy.”
“When you’re being an Assassin.” Leo kept working, etching a design, keeping his eyes on it. “When you’re Ezio Auditore, well,” his eyes flickered to Ezio’s and he winked, “you often leave some things left to be desired.”
“I-” Ezio’s pout intensified and his cheeks went red. “Well, I… don’t know what you need me here then. Since I break all your precious,” he gestured around vaguely, “...stuff.”
Leo finished his sketch and set down his pencil. Then, he crossed over to Ezio and laughed, “To brighten the room.” Ezio’s blush deepened and Leo kissed him. “I’m only teasing, my love. Now please, sit there and look pretty.”
Ezio fought his smile and kissed Leo once more. “Fine, fine,” he rolled his eyes, acting like this was the worse job in the world when in face he loved nothing more. “Just because you asked so nicely.”
Now, watching Leo speak to himself as he worked, always working, Ezio’s heart tugged once more. Stronger now, from the nearness and the memories, tears sprang into his eyes and Ezio took a step back. Silently saying goodbye to his love, Ezio straightened, turned, and promptly tripped.
The clang of paint cans made him wince and the rope tightening around him wrapped him like a caccoon before dropped him to the ground. The air left him and Ezio groaned. Light surrounded him as the door opened and before he could speak, he was being hit. “Leo! Leo!” He moaned between swats to the head. “It’s me! It’s Ezio!”
The hitting continued as Leo said, “Oh I know exactly who this is! You no good-! I can’t believe-! All this time-!” Too angry to finish his sentences, he stopped and began setting this paint cans straight and untying the Assassin.
“Wait,” Ezio kicked off the ropes at his feet. “You knew I was there?”
“You make it rather obvious.” Leo gestured to his clothing and let down a hand. Taking it, Ezio was helped up and brushed off. “Years, Ezio, years.” When Leo had worked on straightening Ezio’s collar, he slapped him on the back of the head again. An angry quip rested on Ezio’s tongue and his explanation died when he saw the tears in Leo’s eyes. The corners of his mouth were pulled into a quivering frown, and Ezio saw that he had been using his left hand. Before he could comment on this, Leo continued, “Didn’t you think of what I was going through? Waiting day in and day out for you to arrive? A letter, a note? Anything?”
“Leo-” Ezio said softly.
“Do you know how hard it was? Not knowing if you were ok? If you were….”Leo closed his eyes and crossed his arms. His right was slower than before and Ezio frowned.
“Are you well?” Ezio breathed, already knowing the answer.
“And you just left.” Leo breathed, opening his eyes so the tears spilled. “You’ll say it was to protect me or that your work needed you, but you…you couldn’t tell me? You… couldn’t say goodbye? After all we’ve been through? I didn’t get a goodbye?”
“Wait…” Ezio examined the scene once more. The paint cans, the ropes tied from the roof. “Did you…did you make this trap for me?”
“Well,” Leo swat away Ezio’s hand when he tried to brush his tears away. Palming his face, again his right hand moving slower than his left, Leo explained, “I couldn’t prove it was you any other way.”
Ezio opened his mouth to say, well, anything. You could’ve told me? How? Ezio was hard to track these days. You should’ve let me go? No, that hurt too much. So, he just did the only thing he could. He took Leo’s hands and kissed them. Leo tried glaring up at him, but he missed the contact so much all he could do was muster a frown. “I’m so sorry. It was wrong for me to believe this was the best thing for you. For us.” Ezio breathed, “I’ve just…life hasn’t given me the best track record for the ones I love. Leo, you know this. I-I couldn’t have anything happen to you. I had to keep you safe.” Leo was silent a moment and Ezio squeezed his hands. Leo squeezed back, his right weaker than his left, and Ezio’s heart fell. “I tried very hard to keep you safe from the harm of the outside world, and it seems there are some dangers that not even I can save you from. What is it?”
Leo poked his chest, his mood growing lighter. “Don’t think you can just return here and sweep me off my feet, Ezio Auditore.”
“To be fair,” Ezio chuckled, feeling like they were picking up right where they left off. Like no time had passed. “You’re the one who sweep me off my feet.”
They looked at the trap once more and Leo laughed, “That was a bit dramatic on my part, isn’t it?”
Ezio shrugged, shivering from the night chill. Leo pulled him inside and closed the door. “I expected nothing more from the brilliant mind of Leonardo de Vinci.” Though the room was miles away from their home, it felt like the one he’d spent so much time in. Paintings lined the floor, some unfinished, some drying. Inventions hung wildly in the air, making him cock his head to try to understand them. Finally, his eyes went to the chair, his chair, and his smile fell when he spied the medicine there.
Leo’s eyes watched him, and he confessed, “It happens, Ezio. We’re older now, and it makes sense. I can’t imagine I’d be creating forever.”
Tears ran down his face as he realized all the time he’d lost. “You’re sick?”
“I’d rather not waste more time on it than it’s worth.” Leo pushed him into the chair and began his work again. “Now, tell me of your adventures.”
“Leonardo.” Ezio tried to raise, but Leo made to stop him. Then, he just took his hand. “What can I do? How can I help?”
“Ezio,” Leo kissed the back of his hand and looked at his work. Tears dripped to the table, and he wasn’t really looking at the map. “There are some things that even a hero like you can’t fight, Ezio. There is no point thinking of what we could or should have done, and there’s not point fighting the future. All we can do, is be.”
As the words hit his heart, Ezio rose and took Leo’s hands. The inventor finally looked at him and wept. Ezio pulled him to his chest and kissed the top of his head, his own tears falling into his hair.
Ezio stayed for years, considering this his early retirement. Leo and he enjoyed many picnics under sunsets, cold nights spent wrapped in blankets as Leo explained the stars and Ezio watched his face animate. Many love filled nights, and love filled days, when they had the chance. Dancing in the rain, Ezio singing terribly and Leo begging him to stop but then begging him to start again. They lived with love in their hearts up until the day Leo lay on his bed. He was weaker now, his hair taking on a blonder hue. They held hands and when a doctor came in and asked who Ezio was, Leo simply stated, “He’s a king, can’t you see how regal he is?” The doctor left them and Ezio cried. He’d thought he’d wept to his life’s content, and now this? With a shaking hand, Leo cupped his face, his thumb brushing away his tears. “Ezio, I need you to do something for me.”
“Say it,” Ezio breathed, tasting his tears on his lips. “Anything, and it’s yours.”
Brushing the tears from his lips, Leo memorized his face. “Keep fighting.”
“What?” Ezio rubbed his eyes. “Leo, I don’t get it. I don’t understand.”
Leo sighed, looking over the man he loved. “You’ve grown from a naïve young man to a hero before my eyes, Ezio, and I’m so lucky to have had you by my side all these years. To have loved you and be loved by you. If I could go back, I would change nothing. Now, listen closely.” Leo’s voice dropped as he was too weak, and Ezio leaned in to hear better. He pressed his head to this temple, and remained there. “There are going to be times when it’s going to be hard. When you think yourself alone and don’t want to get back up again. But you must. Not for me, for you. Promise me. Promise me you’ll keep fighting.”
He couldn’t speak, so Ezio just held Leo’s hand in both of his, buried his face in it, and nodded.
When Leo passed, Ezio bid well to the assistants who’d became his family, and told them the Assassins would be lucky to have them. Dawning his robes, he noticed they were tighter. They must have shrunk while hanging, he thought to himself. Then, pulling himself out of retirement, Ezio continued on. It was just as Leo had told him. It was hard, and some days Ezio felt he could disappear into the shadows and never emerge, but he kept fighting. He fought for Leo until he knew how to fight for himself.
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His And Mine Are The Same (Ezio x Leo)
So, I came here with something no one asked for and made a reincarnation/soulmate AU between Ezio and Leonardo. I hope you enjoy!
Read here on Ao3
“Mio caro, what are you doing?” Ezio’s voice was still rough from sleep as he yawned and stretched, looking over at Leonardo from where he was lying in bed. The artist, in turn, looked up from where he was sketching in his chair, charcoal staining his hands. The man smiled easily, a warm feeling spreading through Ezio and under his skin.
“You’re a wonderful subject to sketch, Ezio, but only when you’re asleep.” Leonardo’s smile grew at the furrow in his lover’s brow. “Otherwise you never sit or stay anywhere long enough to get a decent picture.”
“Is that an insult or a compliment?” Ezio sniffed, faux wounded, before turning and sitting up. He made to get out of the bed, sheets pooling at his hips, but Leonardo slid into bed to stop him with nothing more than a hand on his arm.
“Don’t pout, you’re too handsome for it.” Leonardo reprimanded him, pressing a kiss to the corner of the younger man’s mouth, the dark beginnings of a beard tickling his lips and cheek.
“Show me the sketch and maybe I’ll forget to be upset that you left our bed for this.”
“No such luck. Mi dispiace, amore mio, but… some things are just for myself when I miss you.” Leonardo smiled as he spoke, truth coloring his words like the oils he used in his paintings.
“Then you’re going to have to find another way to make it up to me.” Ezio grinned, and Leonardo mirrored it as he leaned in, hand moving up Ezio’s arm to cup his cheek.
“I think we can find some way to do that.” The morning was young, after all. They could pretend that they had all the time in the world.
The museum was nearly full but Ezio tried his best to keep an eye on Claudia and Yusuf as they darted around the different art exhibits. He had agreed to drive the two teens and to pay a bit for any tickets they needed; a good deal of it was because of his mother, he would admit, but there was another part of him that felt he needed to keep an eye out for his younger sister and, well… She was gone.
Not that Yusuf was… untrustworthy, but he'd be much more at ease with the teens in his sight. There was no such luck and he resigned himself to wandering the art until he eventually got the text to pick them up and drive them home; or, more his luck, drive them to the nearest hamburger place and pay for their dinner.
“Mi scusi, are you lost?” Ezio turned to look behind him, finding a man around his age, maybe a bit older, sitting on one of the benches near the abstracts, a small sketchpad in his hands, and a pencil. He could almost be taken for one of the museum staff if it wasn’t for the shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and the dark red beanie he was wearing. Something warm barely began to fill his chest before he tamped it down.
“Only a bit. I’ve never been here before, so I…” Ezio tried to shrug and play it off. “It’s no matter. Though, if I’m being honest, most people come to these places with the intent of studying the art, not making more.” He quirked an eyebrow upwards and the other only blushed a little bit, sitting up straighter.
“It’s the perfect place for inspiration if you think about it.”
“It’s quite loud for inspiration.”
“Do you like to be a contrarian?” The other man gave his own look, and Ezio couldn’t help to smirk before he felt bold and came to sit next to the other.
“What’s your name?”
“Leonardo. And you, signore?”
“Ezio. A pleasure.” They shook hands and Ezio tried to sneak a peek at the sketchpad before Leonardo quickly flipped it closed. “What do you draw?”
“People. Objects. Anything, really.”
“And I can’t see?”
“We have yet to decide if you’re worthy enough for that.” Leonardo was matter of fact and Ezio’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin as he chuckled.
“Maybe I can be your next model?”
A light, almost indignant blush spread across Leonardo’s nose and cheeks, highlighting his many freckles. “We’ll just have to see.”
Dear God above, Ezio knew he needed more.
“Is it always this busy?”
“No. But it’s only because they uncovered new da Vinci sketches.”
“Wasn’t that a movie?”
Leonardo actually paused before continuing. 
“Not that. A few months ago some historians found buried sketches of an unknown male model in the floorboards underneath the da Vinci studio in Venice and some more in Rome. They were confirmed to be his and they were eventually brought here for the public to see for the first and limited time.”
“Are you somehow related to Leonardo da Vinci? I mean, the same first name, you seem to know about him quite well…?”
“You’re sadly not original about that.” Leonardo rolled his eyes as he spoke, but instead of any dissuading tone or rejection, he almost seemed to look amused. They were sitting close at this point, and Ezio allowed himself to watch and take the artist in for just a second more.
“Maybe you’ll give me more ability to be original if we spend some more time together? I could work on my material some more.”
“And what do you suggest we do, Ezio?” He cocked his head, and Ezio took a second to consider.
“You obviously know more than I do. Mind showing me the da Vinci sketches and where they are?”
“If I could get us through the crowd, I’d be happy to show you. There’s a line to see them.”
“I can get us through the crowd if you’d be open to it.” The invitation was there, and though Ezio would completely understand if he denied it, but there was a small part of him that wanted nothing more than to spend more time with this artist, find what made him tick. It wasn’t just some passing fantasy; it was there and insistent. He wanted anxiously as Leonardo thought, and found himself inwardly overjoyed when the blonde smiled and nodded.
“It’s a deal.”
Ezio ended up using some skills Rosa had taught him and made sure Leonardo was close as they slipped through the crowds and lines, eventually getting to the entrance of the small room where the sketches were set up. The lights were dim, so as not to fade the sketches or curl the yellow paper, and the displays they were set in were distanced behind red ropes. A few small scraps were held in glass boxes you could peer down into. There were a few of them, and they both went down the line, coming into view of one whose subject was lying face down in bed, long hair falling over the nape of his neck with what looked like sheets wrapping him.
“So… Did he have a lover?” Ezio whispered as they waited to move ahead to see the next one.
“Maybe. Obviously someone important to him. The detail is rushed, but… you can feel the care in each stroke at the same time.”
“It’s kind of sad they couldn’t exactly be open about it.” Ezio murmured, and Leonardo hummed as they went down the line, the subject’s face always out of view or obscured somehow but the body in different activities; sleeping, some reading, once even just sitting reclined on a bench in what looked like nicely detailed, if somewhat extravagant, robes.
“I don’t think…” Leonardo started off softly, stopping as they came to the final propped up sketch, “I don’t think they cared all that much. They had each other, didn’t they? If they really were lovers, at least.”
Ezio glanced over at Leonardo as he started to be the leader, watching the older man as his eyes flitted over the pages and pictures. “You really think so?”
Leonardo nodded before Ezio even finished, and they stopped as they came to final pieces of paper. More to the point, it was Leonardo who stopped in his tracks as Ezio almost ran into him. He had to stifle the shout of surprise and stop himself from disrupting the other patrons as Leonardo peered down into the case.
“What’s wrong?” Ezio wasn’t even sure if there was anything wrong since he didn’t look particularly upset or anything, but there was something almost distant on his face as he looked down. Ezio followed his gaze, quickly sparing a glance at the plaque which labeled the picture as the possible identity of da Vinci’s secret lover. 
The picture was of a sleeping man, obviously satisfied somehow. Only one part of his face was visible, the rest lying against a pillow, but it was easy to see the small marks on his face, almost lovingly included. A scar ran on his lip, and Ezio felt a shiver down his spine as he looked at this man who had so obviously captured the artist’s heart in such a manner to deserve being immortalized in hidden sketches.
“Nothing.” Leonardo finally spoke up, seemingly coming back to himself. “I simply… I simply wish that I could draw as well as that.” He offered lamely, a slightly embarrassed tinge of pink adding itself onto his cheeks.
“I’m sure you draw just as well as this man. Likely even better. Don’t compare yourself to him.” Ezio was quiet but insistent, and the blonde finally turned to look at him.
“You think so?”
“I do. Though, I can’t say that I’m the most unbiased judge.” He grinned a bit. “I’ve been sort of rejected from looking at them.”
The tinge deepened just a bit, and Leonardo spared a glance back the paper before his eyes darted back to Ezio. “If…” Leonardo started off slowly and a bit hesitantly, “you would like to actually see them… I could try and use you for an example if you’d be up to it.”
Ezio’s grin turned into a beaming smile and he nodded. “Anytime you need me, I’m there.” 
Leonardo mirrored his smile and Ezio was struck with a foreign feeling, but something that he somehow knew all the same. They were young. And they had all the time in the world, didn’t they?
I hope you enjoy! If you do I have a Masterpost here and more ideas for writings and prompts here, so feel free to request!  If you’d like to support me, I have a ko-fi here! Safety and peace!
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Ezio’s a Painter
I somehow kinda glossed over this during my ac2 and Brotherhood play throughs, mostly because I kept meaning to make a larger post about it, then kept putting it off. I guess that’s now. This is probably old news to a lot of people, but I wanted to write a post on it anyways. 
This is a researched theory, not explicitly confirmed, either via verbal or textual evidence. That being said, there is a mountain of worldbuilding evidence, if you go digging and give some thought to it. 
So early on in ac2, when you’re introduced to Ezio’s family, Maria Auditore, you hear this gem of a conversation as they walk through the city: 
Maria: Self expression is vital to understanding and enjoying life. You should find an outlet. Ezio: I have plenty of outlets.  Maria (dryly): I meant besides vaginas.  Ezio: Mother! 
During the outing, she leads him to meet Leonardo da Vinci, a family friend and local artist. This is the first time Ezio’s met Leonardo, and when Leo asks what Ezio intends to do with his life, Ezio says something about being “A banker, I suppose”, like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life. 
It isn’t until after the trial and murder of his father and brothers that Ezio truly becomes friends with Leonardo, and receives upgrades. It’s implied to take a few days, and Ezio doesn’t exactly have anywhere to go, so it’s likely that he ended up staying over at Leonardo’s while all of this went down, or over at Paola’s. It’s likely that Ezio took an interest in painting because of Leonardo, though this is never outright said. 
Now, Ezio being a painter isn’t touched upon at all until you get access to the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni, and even then it’s not exactly called attention to. At most, you get the ability to wander around, and see Ezio’s room. In one of the corners is a painting of Ezio’s first victims, Uberto Alberti, the man directly responsible for the Auditore’s murder. 
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Notice how it says “my”. 
This is something that’s actually happened in Ezio’s life. The Animus can only take so many shortcuts with his life, but the important things tend to stick there, in some way, shape, or form. Rebuilding Monteriggioni was important to Ezio, so it was incorporated as an economic mechanic. Painting was important, so we have portraits of the people Ezio’s killed. 
As ac2 progresses, Ezio’s room slowly fills up with more and more with portraits of the people he’s slain, all listed with a date of death, their name, and who they are. A few of them have personal descriptions, always written in first person, versus how the Animus uses second person to denote things. 
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The language choices aren’t precisely significant in an earth shattering way, but it’s important enough to note it. It’s part of why I feel like these portraits are actually made by Ezio himself, instead of simply being commissioned-- the simple fact of the use of “my, I” etc. 
If you go downstairs in the villa, you can see an artist easel, as well as painting supplies. I, initially, thought maybe it was supplies for Leonardo, but at that point in 1476-8, Leonardo wasn’t living with the Auditores in their Villa. But they’re clearly there for a reason, meaning that someone in the Villa used them. This is the kind of environmental storytelling that I really enjoy, where there’s depth that you can dig for, but it’s not exactly the forefront of things. 
Additionally, Ezio’s home is filled with an art gallery, with whole rooms and halls dedicated to the stuff. This is true for Brotherhood even, after the loss of Monteriggioni, but the art gallery in the Tiber Island Hideout is much smaller. 
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What’s interesting in ac2 is that most of the paintings that Ezio owns relate back to the stories of the gods, or of Adam and Eve, which is ironic considering the nature of the Assassin’s Creed backstory. Or it could be simply really subtle forshadowing, though of what I’m not sure. 
All the paintings that Ezio owns in Brotherhood, that aren’t his, are works from Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, better known as Raphael. I checked -- all of them are by Raphael, whereas the ones in ac2 were from an assortment of artists, Leonardo among them. It just strikes me as a little odd that every single painting in his Brotherhood era gallery is by Raphael, but who am I to judge. Ezio’s just missing a statue from Michelangelo, and he’d have scored a Renaissance Trifecta. 
Ezio’s habit of painting his victims continues on into Brotherhood, where his targets are the focus of much larger paintings. His works in ac2 are roughly 2 feet at most, while the works in Brotherhood take up at least a whole wall’s worth.  
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Another thing to notice is that the portraits in Brotherhood instead have more of an artistic look about them. Compare how all the portraits in ac2 look like simply in game renders with filters, versus how this painting of Lucrezia looks. 
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Stylistically, the portraits in Brotherhood clash horribly with Raphael’s paintings, but I suspect that’s due to the artists taking more freedom with how they want to portray Ezio’s art. It’s much more modern than the time period would suggest his painting would be, but we ignore that because they’re cool looking. 
Ezio had nine paintings in base ac2, with the dlc adding on an extra two paintings, and sixteen subjects between all of them. Brotherhood has six paintings, and six subjects. Of the two groups, only one person is painted twice: Rodrigo Borgia. 
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They both fit into the same sets as they’re painted in, with the first matching the other severe paintings, but I kinda feel like that’s more an art direction choice than a choice of Ezio as a painter/character. Obviously more thought was put into the Brotherhood paintings, so they have more life to them, and more detail, but even then, Rodrigo’s portrait doesn’t exactly stand out among the set. It’s still interesting to see the differences between the two, and kinda wonder at what they say. 
I’ll admit that the timing for Rodrigo’s first portrait is kind of ... odd? The attack on Monteriggioni happens almost directly after Ezio’s confrontation with Rodrigo, so there isn’t that much time for him to paint the man. I do feel that’s more of an issue with the games being made several years apart-- the player should get Rodrigo’s portrait after Ezio beats him at the end of ac2, and Brotherhood wouldn’t come out for another year or two. 
I kinda posit that Ezio painted the first one over the course of years, slowly, probably in the timeskips between sequences 12/13/14, and it wasn’t until Ezio beat the man at the end of ac2 that he considered it “finished” and put it up.
Admittedly I’m thinking of doing a series of posts where it’s just the various portraits, just because I can, and I kinda want to show them off. Maybe. 
Anyways Ezio’s a painter and I’m not going back on this. Take it as you will. 
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Soulmate Au: Ezio Auditore x Reader 1/2
Soulmate AU: heterochromia one of your eyes is the color of your Soulmates. Note: if your eyes are the same color as your bonded one's eyes you are blind in that eye until you meet them, like it's dull and clouded.
Monteriggioni, Tuscany
Y/n sighed annoyed as her boss handed her some crates containing dresses for the brothel. He barked that they needed to be delivered last week! And now the Madame was paying them half of what they were promised! All because someone went and got herself sick. "Yep... that's me miss selfish!" She sassed as the old man turned purple and piratically shoved the poor girl out of the tailor shop!
Y/n grimaced as she tried to look over the boxes that obscured her vision, when the y/ht felt the hair on the back of her neck stand straight up! her mismatched/half-blind eyes started looking around unnerved and as she kept walking the y/hc woman felt someone burning holes in the back of her head and finally looked behind her to see...
The blacksmith's assistant? um...Abilio? ducking behind a hay cart! Y/n felt fear pierce her heart recalling the look he was giving her, the y/wt woman swallowed she couldn't really place it...she quickly looked back ahead unsure of what to do, why was he following her? she whipped her head back around not really noticing what was going on in front of her; Until she walked right into to someone, and almost causing one of the box to fall!
luckily the person she bumped into caught it. "Oh that was close one." The person mused The y/ht was going to thank and apologize to the person she bump into only to for them to reveal it was her old neighbor Leonardo Da Vinci..Y/n sighed in relief that it was just him and not one of the rich traders coming through! She then cautiously glanced back behind her to see Abilio sulking back towards the shopping district.
"Are you you alright Y/n?" Leonardo asked noticing her unease, the y/ht woman put on a brave face insisted she was fine, the inventor gave her a concerned look recalling how she was ill the week before and thought she was still recovering, he then offered to help deliver the boxes with her, before she could protest Leo had already taken two of the four boxes she was force to carry.
"You really didn't have to help Leo..."
"Nonsense Mia amica, what kind of man would I be if I let a woman carry all these heavy crates by herself?"
"I suppose, Grazie."
"How's Monteriggioni been treating you by the way?"
The two old neighbors chatted as they finally made to the brothel with no other problems, Leonardo set the boxes down as the Madame scrutinized the one of the dresses she taken out of the crates while she was doing this Y/n was looking anywhere that didn't have half naked drunk people pissing away their life savings on cheap women and wine, Before accidentally locking eyes with a handsome man who was in mid romp with some painted redhead.
[Reader has different colored eyes: Y/n grimaced and turned to Leonardo and the Madame both gasped causing the y/nat woman's brows to furrow bemused. "What's wrong?" the inventor just pointed at his face...No, his letf/right eye? then at her stunned, It took a moment before she realized he was trying tell Y/n that her eyes were...She let out a scoff as Y/n's brief flicker of happiness slowly dissolved into disgust, as she realized just who her soulmate was! she shot the man she locked eyes with a waspish look, just as the Prostitute mentioned his eyes had changed he looked up at the h/c...]
[Reader's eyes are the same color as Ezio's: Y/n scoffed at the man in disgust when the y/ht woman realized she could see out of her Left/Right eye, he must've realized it to, because he stopped his actions and gawked at her... then looked down at the prostitute he was busy with, all the color drained from his face. Y/n humph'd  and turned a stunned Leonardo who was trying to figure what got Y/n suddenly rattled...]
"Figures I would get some sporco maiale for a soulmate," She sneered at the still gawking man the redheaded woman under him giggled and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't even bother pulling away, well, at least from the disgusted woman's perspective. "let's go Leo I'm gonna be sick..." Y/n spat dragging the inventor out of the brothel, the madame sheepishly thanked Y/n for delivering the dresses, and paid the annoyed woman in full instead of half-price then apologized that she had to find her soulmate in a place like this, Y/n didn't care! she just wanted to wanted to go home, to forget this day and sleep off the wave of nausea she was feeling.
The walk back to the tailor shop was rather tense, Leonardo didn't know what to say, what could one say after meeting your soulmate in that kind of situation? The inventor didn't even have the heart to tell Y/n that he was best friends with her soulmate and knew what Ezio was like when it came to women, He wanted to tell her that the dark haired man always did say; if he ever encountered his soulmate he would give up that lifestyle... But to have met his soulmate whilst he was indulging in said lifestyle, may have just blown Ezio's chances with Y/n altogether! He was probably going to get barrage of questions from the young man when he returned to the Villa.
After Leonardo dropped her off at the tailor shop, Y/n was confronted by her boss looked ready to tear into her again only to shut up when she toss him a large sack of coin, He grunted as he counted it out and glowered at her only to do a double take when he noticed her eyes. 
"You found your soulmate." he pointed out gruffly the y/ht woman nodded curtly he cocked a brow. "You don't seem too happ-" Y/n cut him off. "I don't want to talk about it..." she huffed returning to checking the fabrics inventory,Then her boss realized that Y/n's soulmate may have been a patron at the brothel... the old man winced wishing the poor soul good luck Y/n doesn't forgive so easily.
Unbeknownst to Y/n and her boss Abilio was listening in on their conversation he got a dark look in his eyes "She's mine, if I can't have her.." he muttered darkly before returning to the forge, not realizing he also being watched, A figure with glowing eyes and white hood watched from the rooftops as the young man disappeared into the blacksmith's a frown formed on the mystery man's scared lips seeing the man's aura change from blue to red, he silently stepped away from the ledge and into the shadows...
A few days later...
Something was going on...this morning Y/n found a planter outside her house filled with Hyacinths,white Daffodils and Violets. she frowned cocking a brow at them before checking around for who could of left them, but there was no one in her alley, save for a thief sitting on a roof smoking a pipe and the occasional Mercenary doing their patrol rounds.
The h/c hummed and brought the flowers inside, she left them on her dinner table before heading to work. making sure to speed walked passed the blacksmith's when she was at the shop. Y/n was greeted by a note left by her boss. that he and his wife have gone to Forli for the renew of their vows... Don't get the y/ht woman wrong she was happy for her boss but that means she was left with unfinished commissions and deliveries...
She checked the list for today luckily there was only one delivery t'was repair and dye job for the daughter some well off wine family in the vineyards not far from the city. Y/n hanged out of her dress into a simple shirt and trousers and packed the dress to a crate and secured it to a frame and carried it on her back she got her cane sword. 
She made sure to leave a note telling customers of her absence and she should return in an hour or so, and to please leave any clothes or requests with the blacksmith until she returned, The y/ec woman then swallowed her nerves and went to Francisco to tell him to hold her customers until she got back...
Franco gladly agreed to keep an eye on the shop for her, but before she even took a step away Y/n noticed a new man working the forge. "What happen to Abilio?" she asked reluctantly as a look of disappoint and anger crossed the old man's face. "I had to let him go...Seems he was planning to steal from Ezio Auditore." He said before a clanging noise caused them the jump the blacksmith and seamstress looked to see Franco's new apprentice had just knocked a rack of daggers off the shelf the old man cussed the younger one out as Y/n winced at the colorful language being thrown around and quickly got out of there!
"He and a my Granny would've gotten along fine..." The y/wt woman mused she felt like a little girl back in Florence again! Franco used words she hadn't heard in years! she made her way to the stables, Y/n sighed relived to find a gray horse left and the stable master napping on a stool. "Excuse May I borrow that horse?" the man didn't even open his eyes before gruffly answering. "No." The y/hc woman frowned taking a carriage would be too expensive, her grip on the frame straps tightened.
 "Please, I'll bring it back!" the lazy stable master snorted still not opening his eyes. "Like I haven't heard that before!" just then the stable boy got one look at her blanched dropped a bucket and walked over to the stable master frantically whispering something to him.
The man's eyes snapped open and immediately jumped to his feet looked at the very startled and confused woman. "Mi dispiace! Madonna! y-you wanted this horse, right?" he stammered pointing at the gray mare as Y/n briefly looked at the stable bot who was face-palming behind his boss, as the y/hc woman smiled tightly and nodded as the stable master got the horse ready. 
The stable boy helped her up on to the mare and his boss kept apologizing, disconcerting the y/ht woman even more as her horse trotted down the road Y/n briefly glanced back at the guarded walls of Monteriggioni bemused.
People have been treating her differently seemingly overnight! Women would glare at her, Men would kind of avoid her; the market was giving her discounts on her purchases, thieves would pick her pockets one minute then return it the next scared out of there minds! 
and just the other day a group of drunk men had cornered her, only for the y/ht woman to be saved by a coterie of courtesans, at night a couple of mercenaries have started to follow her home; and now there was the incident at the stables... it was starting to freak her out!  
Her thoughts drifted back to that perverted oaf fate seemed to cruelly bond her to. *does he have something to do with this?* she thought was he someone of importance? well, he did have nice clothes...even if they were on the floor. He must've belong to some wealthy family that would explain her nightly escorts, but that didn't explain the Courtesans or the thieves...
Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of thunder in the distance her y/ec squinted and and saw greenish storm clouds in the distance... *I better get this job done now, I don't want to get caught in that.* she thought to herself she finally made to the farm the girl loved the dress and her father seemed pleased with the work and paid Y/n in full as she haphazardly listened to the the girl gush to her mother about if Ezio would like it?
*that name again..* The girl's mum seemed worried saying she's doesn't think that'll happen, she heard rumors he's found his soulmate and has lost interest in other women, the girl looked upset before smugly declaring "he'll forget all about that Nobody once he sees her in this dress!" Her parents immediately scolded her and the father offered Y/n a room because of the on coming storm. but the seamstress declined saying she had other orders to fill and her boss would have fit before leaving.
purple Hyacinths= Forgive me, 
white Daffodils= New beginnings/second chances, 
Violets= My destiny in your hands.
[Ezio thoughts when he realized who Y/n is: Nooo! Not here, Not now, not like this! never like this!]
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