#finished my new oc doc finally 😭
angelic-guardienne · 2 months
hii !!! i'd love to hear more about your ffxv oc story ! it sounds really cool ^^
THANK YOU!!! okay so let's start from the very beginning bc.... there's a LOT
so when i started writing this fic in 2017 it had a COMPLETELY different concept. those close to me know it as rwr, which is Real World Reader. it was meant to be a "someone from our world gets sucked into the ffxv verse. shenanigans" longfic. i wrote two chapters and there was a loooooooot of spitballing ideas with my friends and shoving almost everything into a doc so it wasn't lost (though. a LOT got lost anyway). I had a sequel planned before I even finished the first one. I daydreamed HARD about this fic. I was gonna call it Distant Worlds, like after the Final Fantasy symphony orchestra concerts. but in the end I couldn't come up with a cohesive timeline for the plot, so it stayed in development hell.
next, we have the fic that this idea merged with: my white mage au. again, started development in 2017, I wrote a prologue and started the first chapter, but I got way too caught up in the lore planning instead of planning the actual fic, so it never went anywhere. The basic premise was that my OC (named Eileen Lovarion bc last names suck) was a white mage that was meant to travel with the bros on their journey. I named it Soulseer, Starseeker. I MADE A WHOLE NEW MAGIC SYSTEM FOR THIS FIC 😭 (which i'll only get into if you're interested, otherwise i'd talk your ear off bc it's... a lot) but basically Eileen L. could see souls and create soul bonds n shit and it was gonna be a whole thing. but again, i got caught up in creating the lore and not the plot of the fic sooooooo development hell.
so about 2022/2023, i was reading back over the documents for rwr, and I was like wow, this was actually really good, I should start working on this again, but ✨️different✨️ so I took my OC from white mage AU, changed her last name (Eileen Harrison, which, i still lowkey hate that last name) and somewhat merged the two ideas and put a new spin on them. or like, the old ideas were sprinkles on an entirely new sundae? anyway.
Now, I looooove the other ff games, I have all the numbered ones except 11, 13 (which i own, but on my bricked ps3), 14, and 16. I have 12 on like 3 different platforms 💔 so i was playing ffiv and i was like... hm.... what if.... so then I did a deep dive into the ff wiki and read up on white magic/white mages and the magic/class systems in the earlier ff games. Came across the devout class from ffiii. fell in love.
Soooo Eileen Harrison is a devout from the ffiii world. Devouts are basically expert white mages. They know more advanced magic than regular white mages and their magic power/mp is higher. The only ones that are above them in terms of magic prowess are sages, who are masters of both black and white magic. White magic is primarily healing spells/status effect spells. the only really offensive power of white magic (in the ffiii game) is in the wind spells, negative status effects, and holy.
In some translations, devouts are also known as seers or shaman (shamen?). So i decided that devouts could rarely have prophetic dreams. so Eileen has one, and she goes to her village elders and they tell her she has to go on a pilgrimage to all the crystals around their world to receive more clarity on the dream. her village is home to the earth crystal (because the devout class is earned from the earth crystal in ffiii) and so she prays there first, and bc she, along with all the other devouts in her village, has a strong spiritual connection with the crystal, she's got a connection with Titan.
The idea is that here, Titan is more of a protector/defender than an aggressor. So you'd pray to Titan for protection on your journey, things like that.
Eileen leaves for her pilgrimage, off to (in no particular order since i can't remember what order i decided on) the water crystal, the fire crystal, and the wind crystal. on her way to the water crystal, she gets caught up in this CRAAAAAZY storm (which, unbeknownst to her at the time, is sort of like Leviathan's trial to see if you're worthy of approaching the water crystal.)
Well Eileen falls off the side of the moutain she's climbing to get to the water crystal, and she's falling to her death. and as she's falling, she's lamenting that she never got to figure out the prophetic dream and help her people/be of more use to the world. So basically, her dying wish is to help the world.
Due to their spiritual connection, Titan hears her crying out, and decides to save her for the future she was meant to save. But bc she's in Leviathan's domain, his powers aren't strong enough to like.... truly save her as she is from death (still working out the details on that). So Eileen goes into crystal stasis, and in the meantime, loses all her memories and a good chunk of her magical abilities.
Cut to ffxv, right after noctis and co are standing on that hill overlooking insomnia, watching the empire take over the city. Noctis feels a pull over to cartanica. The bros don't think much about it at first bc they were heading there anyway, but noctis insists it's something different; a magical er, "signature" as strong as this one could potentially be the ring or luna (or an astral, but i can't remember if he knows about them yet or not).
So him and the bros get to cartanica, see the empire doing that whole mining thing (to give them a reason to be there besides like, just being there for a cor/party fight). They get rid of all the goons and start looking around for what the empire was looking for, which turns out to be Eileen's crystal!! As soon as Noctis touches the crystal, his magic reacts with the magic of the crystal and lets Eileen out, 'cept she's unconscious. so they leave her with the hunters and go into cartanica as normal.
when they get back, they see eileen healing a wounded hunter, and then she asks to join their party. ignis and gladio have their reservations but noctis agrees pretty easily, like it's some kind of gut feeling or like. he knows that she's supposed to be with them.
thus starts their journey! i've already decided when eileen gets her memories back (she gets em back in 2 major parts), and she unlocks her magic alongside her memories. her main handicap is that her mp doesnt recharge over time like Noct's does, so she has to use ether/rest at a campsite to recover (just like in her home game) aaaand her comparatively low attack power.
I'm still deciding on like, what impact her presence is gonna have on the story, how she interacts with things like luna dying, ravus getting turned into a daemon, and noct dying, and how she interacts with the other bros, AND like. her character arc I guess? where will she grow besides getting her memories/magic back?
Sorry if I talked your ear off lmao, i've been thinking about this story a LOT but just haven't done a whole lot of actual writing bc again, it's been a long time since I played ffxv. I have it, and have full intentions to play it again, but my free time is practically nonexistent 🫠 so.
if you have any other questions, feel free to drop another ask!
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acerobbiereyes · 2 years
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AceRobbieReyes’s MARVEL OC DOC
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nottonyharrison · 3 years
Sorry for doing this anonymously but I'm a lurker who doesn't actually have tumblr and just a bunch of bookmarks from authors i've discovered on Ao3. If youre still doing the fanfic questions I would love the answers for 17 18 21 and 23
Hey all good dude but you would make life easier if you just accepted that this site is going to suck you in at some point (I’m kidding stay away if you know what’s good for you). Thanks for sending this, it’s cool to know there’s people that visit various tumblrs on the regular!
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Definitely a combination of both. For one shots it’s often just start to finish stream of consciousness. For longer works I lay out the scenes and write them as I feel the inspiration striking me. If I’m struggling with one scene, then I’ll drop it for a bit and move to another. I try and stay relatively chronological though, so unless I have a really good idea for a future scene, I’ll stick within the chapter to avoid jossing myself and having to unravel a bunch of work I’ve already done (or just overall fucking up the narrative due to an oversight)
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
All my work is in googledocs as of late last year. I recently downloaded scrivener but I haven’t started using it yet
For WIPs I separate each fic into folders, with the chapters inside. I lay out a story overview of normally a page or so, then break that down into chapter summaries. This document becomes my ‘bible’ with various things like character lists including random OCs that appear for a single scene, potential plotholes that need overcoming, and the overarching themes of the fic. Then I copy and paste each summary into a new doc to avoid being overwhelmed by page count and clearly label each one.
For one shots I normally just start with a plot bunny and an empty document 😭
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I don’t. I have never ever changed anything major in a fic or a chapter other than minor edits (SPAG and the like, the occasional change to wording, usually 1 pass pre beta, 1 pass post beta). This is probably not great, but hey, I have no self control and this is well established by this point.
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
I’m actually doing this! I have an ancient Dark Angel fic that I started in 2009 and got 32k into before abandoning. I’m reworking it as a BSG type prelude to a long ‘season 3′ type story set in 2031, 10 years after the events of the finale. Who knows when It’ll see the light of day, but I’m determined to do it!
Hey, might not be until 2031, we’ll see 😬
40 Questions meme
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