#finland work visa fees
1234helpful · 3 months
Finland skilled work visa is a useful for international students and workers who are related to finland education system. In this we provide all information related to finland skilled work visa immigration and Top demanding jobs in finland. There are many benefits of the finland Skilled Work Visa such as Possibility of permanent residency, Hight Salaries an good work-life balance. So, if you known more information about Finland Skilled Visa immigration visit on this website.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Nurses and senior management in Pirkanmaa are not seeing eye to eye, according to Helsingin Sanomat, after the wellbeing services county Pirha decided to start charging for phone consultations.
Since the middle of last month, Pirha started invoicing call-backs from staff at 30 euros a piece. So far patients have only been billed for calls made by doctors.
Pirha's head physician, Eija Tomás, argued that the new system will actually save patients money.
"The clinic visit fee and the old phone fee used to be 46 euros. If the patient's matter is such that they don't necessarily need to come in person, they now pay only 30 euros for handling their matter over the phone," she said.
Nurses have raised concerns that senior citizens living on modest pensions will lose out as healthcare moves toward telemedicine.
"These people won't become digitally savvy or wealthy, no matter how much we would like them to," one nurse told HS.
Russia's visa regime
Russia is working on easing visa procedures for several countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, reports Ilta-Sanomat, citing statements by Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zaharova.
Ilta-Sanomat asked Jarno Limnéll, a National Coalition Party MP, what Russia's long-term goal is in relaxing its visa rules.
Limnéll, a cyber security expert often cited in the media, said Russia may use visa-free travel as a tool for hybrid influence.
"If this is true, it's certainly aimed at facilitating people's access to Russia, and one reason may be this hybrid influencing and directing people towards the [Finnish] border," he said.
On Thursday the Finnish government has proposed allocating an extra 86 million euros for the Border Guard this year. The majority of the funds would go towards expediting the construction of fencing along Finland's border with Russia.
Borrowers wait for relief
Relief for mortgage holders may be slower than anticipated, reports Kauppalehti, even though Eurozone inflation slowed to 2.6 percent last month.
The 12-month Euribor, the most common reference rate in Finland, is expected to gradually decrease to below three percent around the turn of the year, according to the business daily.
"At the end of last year, we were expecting this [lower rates] a bit too much. Now it's clear that the development seems slower. But interest rate cuts will happen," Danske Bank research director Heidi Schauman said.
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travelmd · 21 hours
Finland Visa Application in India: Your Comprehensive Guide
Finland, with its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and robust economy, has become a popular destination for travelers from India. Whether you are planning a vacation, studying abroad, or pursuing business opportunities, obtaining a Finland visa is a crucial step in your journey. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the Finland visa application process in India, ensuring a smooth and successful application.
Understanding the Different Types of Finland Visas
Before diving into the application process, it is essential to understand the various types of visas available for Finland. The type of visa you need depends on the purpose of your visit. Here are the main categories:
1. Schengen Short-Stay Visa (Type C)
This visa is ideal for tourists, business travelers, and individuals visiting family or friends. It allows you to stay in Finland and other Schengen countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
2. National Long-Stay Visa (Type D)
If you plan to stay in Finland for more than 90 days, you will need a National Long-Stay Visa. This visa is suitable for students, researchers, employees, and family members of Finnish residents.
3. Transit Visa
A Transit Visa is required if you need to pass through the international transit areas of Finnish airports.
4. Seasonal Work Visa
This visa is for those seeking seasonal employment in Finland, typically in sectors like agriculture and tourism.
Steps to Apply for a Finland Visa in India
1. Determine the Type of Visa You Need
As mentioned, the first step is to identify the type of visa that aligns with your purpose of visit. Ensure that you understand the specific requirements and restrictions associated with each visa type.
2. Gather Required Documents
The next step involves collecting all necessary documents for your visa application. The required documents may vary based on the type of visa, but generally include:
Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay in Finland.
Visa Application Form: Complete the Schengen visa application form accurately. You can find the form on the official website of the Embassy of Finland or the Visa Application Centre (VAC).
Photographs: Two recent passport-sized photographs adhering to Schengen visa photo specifications.
Cover Letter: A detailed cover letter explaining the purpose of your visit, travel itinerary, and duration of stay.
Travel Insurance: Proof of travel insurance with a minimum coverage of €30,000 for medical emergencies, repatriation, and hospital care.
Flight Itinerary: A confirmed return flight reservation.
Accommodation Proof: Hotel bookings or an invitation letter from your host in Finland.
Financial Proof: Bank statements for the past six months, income tax returns, or salary slips to demonstrate financial stability.
Additional Documents: Depending on the visa type, additional documents like employment letters, admission letters from educational institutions, or business invitations may be required.
3. Schedule an Appointment
Book an appointment at the nearest Visa Application Centre (VAC) or the Embassy of Finland. Appointments can typically be scheduled online through the VAC website. Ensure that you choose a date well in advance of your intended travel dates, as appointment slots can fill up quickly.
4. Attend the Visa Appointment
On the day of your appointment, arrive at the VAC or embassy with all your documents. Be punctual and prepared for a brief interview where you may be asked about your travel plans and the purpose of your visit. Submit your biometric data (fingerprints and photograph) as required.
5. Pay the Visa Fee
Pay the applicable visa fee. The fee varies depending on the type of visa and is generally payable in cash or via a bank draft. Ensure that you keep the payment receipt as proof of payment.
6. Track Your Application
After submitting your application, you can track its status online using the reference number provided at the time of submission. Processing times can vary, but it typically takes around 15 calendar days for short-stay visas.
7. Collect Your Passport
Once your visa is approved, you will be notified to collect your passport. You can collect it in person or opt for courier delivery if the service is available.
Tips for a Successful Visa Application
1. Start Early
Begin your Finland visa application process well in advance of your travel dates to accommodate any delays or additional requirements.
2. Double-Check Your Documents
Ensure that all documents are complete, accurate, and up to date. Incomplete applications can lead to delays or rejections.
3. Be Honest
Provide truthful and consistent information in your application and during the interview. Any discrepancies can lead to rejection.
4. Prepare for the Interview
Be ready to answer questions about your travel plans, accommodation, financial situation, and return plans. Confidence and clarity are key.
5. Maintain Sufficient Funds
Ensure that your bank statements reflect adequate funds to cover your stay in Finland. This demonstrates financial stability and your ability to support yourself.
Common Reasons for Visa Rejection
Understanding the common reasons for visa rejection can help you avoid pitfalls:
Incomplete Documentation: Missing or incorrect documents can lead to rejection.
Insufficient Financial Proof: Inadequate funds to support your stay.
Unclear Travel Purpose: Ambiguity in your travel plans or purpose.
Criminal Record: A history of criminal activity can impact your application.
Previous Visa Violations: Violating visa conditions in the past.
Renewing or Extending Your Visa
If you need to extend your stay in Finland, you must apply for a visa extension well before your current visa expires. Extensions are granted under specific circumstances, such as medical emergencies or unavoidable delays.
Obtaining a Finland visa in India involves a meticulous process, but with proper preparation and attention to detail, it can be a smooth experience. Whether you are visiting for leisure, education, or business, following the steps outlined in this guide will help you navigate the application process effectively.
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shivam95 · 25 days
Steps to Calculating and Minimizing Your Cost of MEM in Europe
Starting on a Masters in Engineering Management (MEM) program in Europe is an exciting and rewarding try that can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities. But, before making this investment in your future, it's crucial to understand the financial implications involved. In this blog post, we'll explore the cost of MEM in Europe, including tuition fees, living expenses, and strategies to manage these costs .
Tuition Fees
The tuition cost of MEM in Europe varies depending on the country and institution. In the United Kingdom, international students can expect to pay between £10,000 to £30,000 per year. For instance, the University of Cambridge charges £29,928 to £37,272 per year, while Imperial College London fees are around £33,500 per year.
In contrast, Germany offers free tuition at public universities, with only a small administrative fee each semester. However, in Baden-Württemberg, non-EU students pay €1,500 per semester. Norway and Iceland also provide tuition-free education, with Norway charging no fees and Iceland charging an annual registration fee of €550 regardless of nationality.
Living Expenses
Living expenses are another crucial factor to consider when calculating the total cost of MEM in Europe. These costs can vary depending on the country and city. For example, living costs in Finland are around €9,600 per year, while in France, they average about €9,900 per year. Germany's average living costs are around €10,200 a year, and Ireland's are approximately €12,000 per year.
In general, international students in Europe budget around €1,000 per month to cover accommodation, food, transportation, and other essential costs. But, living expenses can be higher in cities like London compared to other European locations.
More Expenses for International Students
Also to tuition and living expenses, international students should account for supplementary costs such as visa application fees, health insurance, and travel expenses to and from their home country. These extra expenses can add up , so it's essential to factor them into your budget.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Many scholarship and financial aid opportunities exist for MEM students in Europe. The Erasmus Mundus program, for example, provides scholarships for Master's and Ph.D. degrees at European universities offering joint programs. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions also offer grants to researchers and scientists at various career stages.
Many universities and external organizations offer scholarships for MEM programs. It's crucial to research and apply for these opportunities to reduce the cost of MEM in Europe.
1. University Scholarships:
Many European universities offer scholarships based on merit, financial need, or specific criteria such as nationality, gender, or field of study. These scholarships can cover a portion of or the entire tuition fee, and sometimes living expenses.
2. Government and External Scholarships:
Scholarships provided by government bodies, international organizations, and private foundations can support international students. 
3. Research and Teaching Assistantships:
Some universities offer assistantship positions where students can work on research projects or assist in teaching in exchange for a tuition waiver or a stipend. These positions are competitive and may need a separate application.
4. Corporate Sponsorships:
Students already employed may receive sponsorships from their employers to pursue MEM programs as part of their professional development.
5. Loan Programs:
Educational loans from banks or financial institutions, often with favorable interest rates, can be another way to finance MEM studies. Some countries offer loan programs specifically for higher education.
6. Country-specific Scholarships:
Some countries offer scholarships to attract international students to their universities. These scholarships may cover the cost of MEM in Europe, living expenses, and sometimes travel costs.
Budgeting Tips for MEM Programs Abroad
To manage the costs of an MEM program in Europe , it's essential to create a detailed budget that includes tuition fees, living expenses, and extra costs. Exploring housing options, such as student dormitories or shared apartments, can help reduce accommodation costs. Additionally, utilizing student discounts, working part-time if permitted, and adopting a frugal lifestyle can help stretch your budget further.
Return on Investment (ROI)
While the cost of MEM in Europe may seem high, the potential return on investment is significant. According to a recent survey conducted by the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), an impressive 95% of MEM graduates in Europe secure employment within three months of completing their program. This rate surpasses the average employment rate for other graduate programs, highlighting the value and demand for MEM graduates in the job market.
Moreover, MEM graduates from European universities enjoy high employability across various sectors, with an average starting salary of €50,000. This earning potential, combined with the skills and knowledge gained during the program, makes the investment in an MEM degree a wise choice for those seeking to advance their careers in engineering management.
Pursuing a Masters in Engineering Management in Europe is a significant investment in your future, but with careful planning and research, it can be an achievable goal. By understanding the cost of MEM in Europe, exploring scholarship opportunities, and budgeting , you can make the most of this transformative academic experience. Remember, the potential return on investment, career advancement and earning potential makes the cost of an MEM degree a worthwhile investment in your future success.
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getvisaservice · 2 months
Schengen Visas | Get Visa Services
Visit Blogger:- https://getvisaservices01.blogspot.com/2024/05/schengen-visas-get-visa-services.html
Schengen Visas | Get Visa Services
Schengen Visas
30 – 40 Days (After Submission)
Starting from
₹11,440/-Processing time
Are you planning to travel to any Schengen countries ?? Get visa services here for a hassle-free Schengen Visa to make your trip exciting and memorable. Now you can get your valid visa from the comfort of your home. It is very important for you to know the purpose of travel to Schengen. You can apply for a Schengen visa with help from cities like Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata Pune, and many others. So, let’s start to know more about Schengen.
Schengen country is a combination of 27 countries, where with a single visa, you can travel to 27 countries hassle-free. These countries are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Best Time to Visit Schengen-   June to September
Best Places to Visit Schengen – U can choose any among 27 Countries.
Types of Schengen Visas for Indians
* Tourist Schengen Visa * Business Schengen Visa * Student Schengen Visa * Working Schengen Visa * Transit Schengen Visa
Types of Schengen Visas for Indians
Tourist Visa (Short term)
Processing time
:5-15 Days
Stay period
: Upto 90 Days
:6 Months
: Single/Multiple
Tourist visa (Multiple entry)
: INR 10,499/-
Business Visa (Short term)
Processing time
:5-15 Days
Stay period
: Upto 90 Days
:6 Months
: Single/Multiple
Tourist visa (Multiple entry)
: INR 10,499/-
Schengen Visa Price includes:
Visa Fee
Consulate fees
Service charges
All taxes
Documents required for Schengen Visa for Indians
 Invitation from the host with one or more supporting documents for hotel stay.
Visa Application form duly filled and signed.
2 recent passport-size photographs taken within the last 3 months. Each photo should be 35X45 mm with matte background. It should display 70-80% of your face.
A passport that is not older than 10 years and has a minimum validity of 6 months.
Flight tickets to and from.
Complete travel itinerary.
Proof of accommodation for hotels where you plan to stay.
Travel or Health Insurance that gives you medical coverage of up to €30,000
Proof of financial means like bank statements for the last 6 months. If you have a sponsor, then the financial sponsoring letter.
Proof of status ( employee/student/self-employed )
A.  For employed, then you should submit an employment contract, leave permission, and Income Tax Return. B.  For Self-Employed, a copy of your business license, the company’s bank statement for the last 6 months, Income Tax Return. C.  For Students, proof of enrolment and NOC from a university or college. D.  For minors, a letter signed by the guardians will suffice.
Photos Taken within the past six months.
The photo size should be 35x40mm.
Close up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your
 face takes up 70–80% of the photograph in sharp focus.
Have a neutral facial expression. The mouth must be closed.
Matt-Finish Photo with Clear White Background.
You must look directly at the camera.
No caps allowed and No hair across.
Schengen Visa Photo Specifications
View sample Visa copy
What is a France Schengen visa?
France Schengen visa is a special kind of visa that allows you to travel among all the Schengen countries including France for a maximum period of up to 90 days. This is a traveller’s dream where with one visa you can travel to any of the other 25 Schengen countries along with France.
The Schengen Visa is valid for which countries?
A Schengen Visa (issued by a consulate or embassy of a Schengen State) is valid for all 26 States of the Schengen Area (including the European territory of France) unless it is marked otherwise on the visa sticker. So you do not need another visa to enter or stay in the European territory of France. However, you must be in possession of documentary evidence for the reasons for your stay and your means of support. Schengen Area comprises the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
How long can I stay in the Schengen area on the basis of my visa?
The Schengen Visa is a short-stay visa and takes the form of a sticker affixed to your passport. The definition of “short stay” is a stay of “90 days in any 180-day period”. This means that the total duration of stay is a of maximum 90 days in any period of 180 days. The precise length of validity of your Schengen Visa is indicated on the visa sticker under the heading “Duration of visit”. With a single-entry visa, you can enter the Schengen area only once. This is indicated on the visa sticker under the heading “Number of entries” by “1”. A two-entry or a multiple-entry visa allows for two or several entries during the validity of the Schengen Visa. This is indicated on the visa sticker by “02” or “MULT” under the heading “Number of entries”.
How to apply for Schengen Visa?
To get any Schengen country Visa, You just have to send your scanned passport to our WhatsApp at +91-9810545760 … We will fill out your form and make online appointments, and prepare your travel Itinerary including your flights – accommodation. Get Visa services assures you a smooth visa process.
Simple Steps to get a Schengen Visa for Indians
Get Visa Services has been a part of more than many travel dreams. We offer quick and hassle-free Schengen Visa assistance. With a highly professional and dedicated team of Visa Experts, we are here to cater to all your US visa application requirements.
Step 1: Contact GVS’ Schengen Visa Expert with your travel plans and gather all the Schengen visa requirements Dubai information and requirements.
Step 2: Pay your Schengen visa fees online and share your documents via WhatsApp email or by post, you can hand over your documents to our team.
Step 3: Our Visa Expert will thoroughly verify your documents and process your Schengen visa, get the appointment (as per availability).
Step 4: Submit your document as per the checklist and get the visa result in a few days
Applying without knowing Visa eligibility criteria
In order to get a Schengen visa for Indians, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements such as clear purpose of visit, valid passport, Arrival & return flight tickets, etc. Any issue found in eligibility requirements may lead to an immediate rejection of the Schengen visa application. Before applying for the visa, prepare a checklist of the requirements to be fulfilled to ensure that you are on the right track.
Incomplete & erroneous application form
Schengen Visa Services – Terms & Conditions
Visa application fees along with the service charge are non-refundable in all cases. Even in case of visa application rejection, the entire amount is non-refundable.
Visa application approval/rejection and processing time is at the sole discretion of the immigration and we do not have any control over the same.
Visa applications may require more than usual working days for processing and it is completely dependent on the immigration.
Immigration/Get Visa Services may ask for additional documents on a case-to-case basis.
Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.
Visa application processing will only be after the verification of all required documents and receipt of complete payment.
Visas issued under visit/business/transit/tourist profession are not eligible to work in the destination country.
Get Visa Services reserves the right to refuse applications at its discretion and bears no liability for the processing time or rejection of visa applications by immigration.
The traveller or the customer has to fully bear the penalty amount in case the destination country levies any charges.
Additional charges such as documents courier, photograph development, attestation, etc have to be borne by the applicant.
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rohanseoewe · 6 months
FOR USA AND BANGLADESHI CITIZENS - CANADA Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority - Canada ETA - Online Canada Visa - কানাডা সরকারের ভিসা আবেদন, অনলাইন কানাডা ভিসা আবেদন কেন্দ্র.
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FOR USA AND BANGLADESHI CITIZENS - CANADA Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority - Canada ETA - Online Canada Visa.
What is a Canadian electronic Online Visa or ETA or Electronic Travel Authority. An Electronic Travel Authority ETA is a entry prerequisite for those citizens who do NOT require paper stamp Visa in other words visa waiter  nationals going to Canada via Airplance. An Electronic Travel Authority is electronically connected to your Passport. It is a short term Visa for Canada. It is valid for period of five years or until your Passport expires,  whichever is sooner. If your passport is lost, stolen or damaged or renewed, then you need to apply another Online Canada Visa or ETA. With a valid Online Canada Visa or  Electronic Travel Authority, you can fly  out to Canada multiple times for short stays (ordinarily for as long as a 180 days or six months per visit
 At the point when you show up on the border of Airport, an official will request to see your Email copy of Canada ETA or Online Canada Visa and also check your passport.  What to bring to the airport when you get Approved Online Canada Visa, keep the soft copy email or printout handy. Your passport must match you Online Canada Visa or Electronic Travel Authority, it will be connected to the visa you used to apply. The airline employees  will review  your visa or ETA to confirm  that you have a legitimate Canadian Electronic Travel Authority.  Ensure that you carry the original passport, if you have multiple passports, then carry the passport that is connected to your Canadian ETA or Online Canada Visa. Keep away from problems at the air terminal, Canada Visa Application Online When your Electronic Travel Authority is approved and endorsed, make sure that the identification number mentioned for your Electronic Travel Authority approval email matches the number in your Passport Page. In the event that they don't align and match, you must again apply for another Electronic Travel Authority for Canada or Online Canada Visa. Citizens and Residents of the following countries are eligible to apply for Online Canadian Visa or ETA, Poland, Croatia, British overseas, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Israel, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cayman Islands, Belgium, South Korea, New Zealand, Romania, Malta, Taiwan, Luxembourg, Denmark, Bahamas, Barbados, Samoa, France, Hong Kong, Br. Virgin Is., Greece, Netherlands, Finland, Australia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Germany, Austria, Mexico, Vatican City State, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Ireland, Chile, Iceland, Latvia, Solomon Islands, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, Montserrat, Slovakia, Sweden, Bulgaria, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Andorra, Monaco, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy and Anguilla.
Determine the Type of Visa:
Identify the type of visa you need, such as a tourist visa, work visa, study visa, or others.
Check Eligibility:
Review the eligibility criteria for the specific visa category you are applying for.
Complete the Application Form:
Fill out the visa application form, which is usually available online on the IRCC website.
Gather Required Documents:
Collect all necessary supporting documents, such as passport, photographs, proof of funds, travel itinerary, letter of invitation (if applicable), etc.
Create an Online Account:
Create an account on the official immigration website and submit the online application form.
Pay the Application Fee:
Pay the required visa application fee. The payment process varies, so follow the instructions provided.
Attend a biometrics appointment if required. This involves providing fingerprints and a photo.
Submit Application:
Submit the completed application along with all supporting documents through the online portal.
Wait for Processing:
The processing time varies Canada Visa Application. type of visa. Check the estimated processing times on the official website.
Track Application:
Monitor the status of your application through the online tracking system.
Interview (if required):
In some cases, applicants may be asked to attend an interview. Prepare for this by reviewing the common questions related to your visa category.
Receive a Decision:
You will be notified of the visa decision. If approved, follow any additional instructions provided.
Please note that this is a general guide, and specific requirements may vary. Always refer to the most up-to-date information on the official website or contact the Canadian embassy or consulate for the latest details.
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ibookconsultancy23 · 6 months
I book Consultancy is the top Finland consultancy in Hyderabad, Studying in Finland offers a world-class education in a unique setting known for its innovation, high-quality research, and societal values. Here's an overview:
Education System:
Finland is renowned for its education system, emphasizing equality, creativity, and student-centered learning. Finnish universities offer a wide range of programs taught in English at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I book Consultancy is the best Finland Consultancy in Hyderabad, andThe academic year typically consists of two semesters: autumn (September to December) and spring (January to May). Admission Requirements:
Requirements vary depending on the university and program. Generally, you'll need proof of previous education (high school diploma for undergraduates, bachelor's degree for master's programs), language proficiency (often demonstrated through tests like IELTS or TOEFL), and sometimes, entrance exams or interviews. Tuition Fees and Scholarships:
For EU/EEA and Swiss students, education at public universities is often tuition-free. Non-EU/EEA students might be required to pay tuition fees, but there are various scholarships and grants available. Universities and organizations offer scholarships, such as the Finnish Government Scholarship Pool and university-specific awards, to assist international students with tuition fees and living expenses. Living Expenses:
The cost of living in Finland varies by location, with larger cities like Helsinki having higher living costs. Monthly expenses cover accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. Exploring student housing, part-time work, and budgeting can help manage expenses. Work Opportunities:
International students can work part-time (up to 25 hours a week) during term and full-time during holidays. After completing studies, Finland offers a "Stay Back Option" allowing graduates to stay and seek employment opportunities. Quality of Life:
Finland is known for its high quality of life, safety, efficient healthcare, and stunning natural landscapes. It's a culturally rich and welcoming society. Visa Requirements:
Non-EU/EEA students usually require a residence permit for studies in Finland. This involves specific documentation, including proof of acceptance at a Finnish university and financial stability. I book consultancy is the Top Finland consultancy in Hyderabad , I book consultancy providing the best course and also study visa, Researching specific university programs, contacting Finnish embassies or consulates in your home country, and liaising with the chosen Finnish university's admissions office will provide precise and updated information regarding admission, visa regulations, and available financial aid when considering studying in Finland.
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Get Vietnam e-visa very fast and easy
We provide Vietnam e-visa service from 1-2 working days for foreigners who want to enter Vietnam. Vietnam e-visa applies to 80 countries.
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Currently, Vietnam is applying Vietnam e-visa (Vietnam e-visa) issued to foreigners in the list of 80 countries. Citizens of these 80 countries can apply for a Vietnam e-visa easily online. Duration of stay of Vietnam e-visa is 30 days, 1 time and cannot be extended.
In order to develop tourism, the Government of Vietnam has agreed to increase the duration of Vietnam e-visa from 30 days to 90 days, valid single or multiply. This regulation is effective from 15/08/2023.
We are a travel company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, providing Vietnam e-visa services for foreigners who want to enter Vietnam with travel and business services. We help customers complete the Vietnam e-visa application procedure according to regulations. Customers receive Vietnam e-visa via email.
*Newyouth Tourism Co.,LTD is a travel agent in Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam is providing Vietnam e-visa fast track services:
- Normal services: Get Vietnam e-visa in 5-7 working days; services fee is USD 50 (including stamping fee USD 25)
- Urgent services: Get Vietnam e-visa in 1-2 working days; services fee is USD 80 (including stamping fee USD 25)
- Rush services: Get Vietnam e-visa in 1-2 hours; services fee is USD 190 (including stamping fee USD 25)
- Length of stay: 30 days 1 time, not extension. (From 15/08/2023, it is 90 days, single or multiply)
*The documents include:
- A photo of passport ID page by scan or your phone.
- 1 photo 4cm x 6cm
- Information: hotel address or temporary address in Vietnam, date of entry to Vietnam, arrival airport, ....
* You send your resume via email: [email protected]
* Vietnam e-visa services for 80 country: Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bruney, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China (Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders, Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders), Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea (South), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The former Yugoslav of Macedonia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia Federated States of, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nauru, Netherland, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, ,Romania, Russia, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor Leste, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela.
- Get Vietnam e-visa for US passport: Americans are not exempt from Vietnam visa, must apply for Vietnam e-visa
- Get Vietnam e-visa for China Passport (Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders, Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders)
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Australia
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Austria
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Belgium
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Canada
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Czech Republic
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Denmark
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Estonia
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Finland
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for France
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Germany
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Greece
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Hungary
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for India
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Italy
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Japan
- Get Vietnam e-evisa for Korea (South)
- And more
And get Vietnam Airport pick-ups services (Fast track services) at Tân Sơn Nhât Airport. Our staff will meet you at the aircraft gate with your name on the welcome board and assist you to get visa stamp and visa sticker without getting line as other. Just 5-10 minutes you will at the luggage lounge to wait for your belonging.
- Fast-track services at Tan Son Nhat airport: USD 25.
- Fast-track services at Noi Bai Airport: USD 35.
Address: 212/29 Nguyen Thai Binh street, Ward 12, Tan Bin district, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Zalo app: +84.988.512.577 or https://zalo.me/+84988512577
- Viber app: +84.988.512.577 or https://msng.link/o?84988512577=vi
Thank you verymuch.
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entryvietnamvisa · 1 year
Vietnam Visa Information
Though Vietnamese tourist visas are generally valid for thirty days, it is now easy to get a visa extension in most major tourist destinations, at tourist offices or tour operators.
Now visitors from following countries - Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden are exempted from requiring visas when they enter, exit or stay in Vietnam for less than 15 days.
Whether you need a business visa or a tourist visa, the process is generally the same. The most common way to get a visa is to contact the Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate office in your country of residence or in your travels before entering Vietnam.
For a tourist visa, you will need to submit:
1) Entry permit form
2) To photos (usually 4cm x 6cm or 3 cm x 4 cm)
3) Your original passport
4) Visa fee
The form and the fee can vary by country, so please check directly the Vietnamese embassy or consulate to which you are applying.
A business visa usually also requires a letter of support from your sponsor agency or company in Vietnam.
In person, the process usually takes 2-3 days, and by mail, the process usually takes 2-3 weeks, depending on the service you use, although times can vary considerably by embassy or consulate. If you are mailing, please note that you need to make arrangements to have your passport with visa returned to you.
For assistance, you can process your visa through a travel agency or tour company in Vietnam, with an additional fee, although this is not usually necessary unless you need visa on arrival services.
For more information, please visit:
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1234helpful · 3 months
Finland skilled work visa is a useful for international students and workers who are related to finland education system. In this we provide all information related to finland skilled work visa immigration and Top demanding jobs in finland. There are many benefits of the finland Skilled Work Visa such as Possibility of permanent residency, Hight Salaries an good work-life balance. So, if you known more information about Finland Skilled Visa immigration visit on this website.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Based on information from cabinet sources, Iltalehti tells readers (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that the government will announce two major aid packages on Thursday.
According to this paper's sources, the coalition's five parties achieved a significant political agreement on Wednesday evening during negotiations at the prime minister's residence, Kesäranta.
Iltalehti writes that the government is preparing two large aid packages to make everyday life easier for Finns as prices rise - an "electricity package" and a "purchasing power package".
The electricity package consists of a reduction in VAT on electricity from 24 to 10 percent, relief in the form of a tax deduction, and a form of support aimed at lower-income consumers, including, for example, pensioners.
The purchasing power package includes a double child benefit payment for December, a reduction in early childhood education fees and other changes related to social benefits.
Iltalehti says that while the outlines of the packages were fixed in Wednesday evening talks, the details still have to be worked out before an announcement later on Thursday.
Government sources told the paper that the administration has had difficulties finding ways to target these measures for middle-income residents living in electrically heated homes without at the same time creating a support model benefiting people with higher incomes who can manage their bills.
Visa restrictions on Russians
Finland is limiting the number of entry visas issued to Russians, as of today, Thursday.
Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) carries a STT Finnish new agency report that the number of applications for tourist visas by Russians is now restricted to around 100 per day, approximately one-tenth of the previous volume. An average of 400 appointments a day will be available for applicants seeking visas for other reasons, such as family ties, work or study.
The Finnish government approved a decision on restricting visas issued to Russians in mid-August.
A new class of visas, a humanitarian visa, is currently being designed to allow entry to Russian human rights activists as well as journalists or citizens critical of Russia's war in Ukraine.
Drinking trend
According to Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun), the popularity of non-alcoholic drinks as an option during an evening out is a global trend that is also clearly visible in Finnish bars and restaurants.
The paper spoke to several restaurateurs, including Laura Styyra of Helsinki's Restaurant Kuurna who said that she has noticed that the consumption of alcohol at dinner has also decreased in Finland. For example, her restaurant now has a larger selection of non-alcoholic beers than alcoholic ones.
"This is a positive challenge for the entire industry—how we can provide the same experiences without alcohol as with alcohol," Styyra told HS.
This trend is also evident in sales by the state retail chain Alko, according to Taina Vilkuna, the company's product communication manager.
Alko sold approximately 168,000 litres of alcohol-free products in 2012. In the past decade, sales and selection have grown enormously. In 2021, Alko sold more than 664,000 litres of all alcohol-free products.
Among non-alcoholic wines, the most popular are sparkling wines.
"A welcoming drink used to be just a basic soda. Nowadays many people have shifted to, for example, domestically-made non-alcoholic berry sparkling wines," Vilkuna noted.
Sales and selection of non-alcoholic beers have grown the fastest. Almost a third more non-alcoholic beers are available in Finland now than just a couple of years ago.
Jalonen eyeing the NHL
Helsinki's Swedish-language Hufvudstadsbladet (siirryt toiseen palveluun)asks whether the next ice hockey World Cup could lead to a job in the NHL for the head coach of Finland's national team, Jukka Jalonen.
Under Jalonen, the Finnish Lions have won an Olympic gold, two World Cup golds and one World Cup silver over the last four seasons. Jalonen has also led the national team to a World Cup gold in 2011 and the juniors' team to a World Cup gold in 2016.
On Wednesday, the Finnish Ice Hockey Association announced that it had extended his contract to run through the 2023–24 season.
This next season, Hufvudstadsbladet writes, will be a great platform for Jalonen to showcase his skills to the North Americans and above all the hockey bosses of the NHL.
The paper says it's no secret that Jalonen has a dream to coach in the NHL. Both his previous and the new contract with the hockey association contain an NHL clause that makes it possible for him to leave the national team assignment if he gets a job in the North American league.
Hufvudstadsbladet does point out, however, that the NHL is extremely conservative when it comes to coaches and it is extremely difficult for new talent, especially Europeans, to break into the league. In that respect, it says, the 2024 World Cup could be a last chance for Jalonen to show his skills and convince club directors in the NHL that he is a card worth betting on.
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travelmd · 3 days
Comprehensive Guide to Finland Visa Requirements
Understanding Finland Visa Requirements
Finland, a Scandinavian gem known for its stunning landscapes, advanced technology, and high quality of life, welcomes visitors from around the globe. Understanding the Finland visa requirements is crucial for a seamless travel experience. Whether you're planning a short stay or a long-term visit, ensuring you have the correct visa and necessary documentation is essential.
Types of Visas for Finland
1. Schengen Visa (Short-Stay Visa)
The Schengen Visa allows for stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism, business, or family visits. As Finland is a part of the Schengen Area, this visa also permits travel to other Schengen countries.
Requirements for Schengen Visa:
Completed Visa Application Form: Must be accurately filled and signed.
Passport: Valid for at least three months beyond your intended departure date from the Schengen Area, with at least two blank pages.
Photographs: Two recent passport-sized photos adhering to the Schengen visa photo specifications.
Travel Itinerary: Proof of round-trip tickets or an itinerary detailing your travel plans.
Accommodation Proof: Hotel reservations or an invitation letter from a host.
Financial Means: Bank statements, proof of income, or sponsorship letters to demonstrate financial stability during your stay.
Travel Insurance: Coverage of at least €30,000 for medical emergencies and repatriation.
2. National Visa (Long-Stay Visa)
For stays exceeding 90 days, such as for work, study, or family reunification, a National Visa is required. This visa allows for residency in Finland and is often the first step towards obtaining a residence permit.
Requirements for National Visa:
Application Form: Specific to the type of long-stay visa you are applying for.
Valid Passport: Must cover the entire duration of the intended stay.
Photographs: Recent passport-sized photos as per visa guidelines.
Purpose of Stay Documentation: Admission letter for students, work contract for employees, or family ties proof for family reunification.
Financial Proof: Evidence of sufficient funds to cover living expenses.
Health Insurance: Comprehensive insurance valid for the entire duration of stay.
Special Visa Categories
1. Student Visa
Students enrolled in Finnish educational institutions require a Student Visa (Residence Permit for Studies). This visa is mandatory for non-EU/EEA nationals intending to study in Finland for more than 90 days.
Requirements for Student Visa:
Admission Letter: From a recognized Finnish educational institution.
Financial Proof: Demonstration of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses (approximately €560 per month).
Health Insurance: Coverage for medical expenses.
Previous Education Documents: Certificates and transcripts.
Accommodation Proof: Confirmation of housing arrangements in Finland.
2. Work Visa
Non-EU/EEA nationals seeking employment in Finland must obtain a Work Visa (Residence Permit for Employment). The process often involves obtaining a job offer before applying for the visa.
Requirements for Work Visa:
Job Offer: Official job contract from a Finnish employer.
Professional Qualifications: Relevant certificates and diplomas.
Proof of Financial Means: Evidence that the salary meets the minimum income requirements.
Health Insurance: Valid insurance coverage.
Accommodation Proof: Details of living arrangements in Finland.
3. Family Reunification Visa
Family members of Finnish citizens or residents can apply for a Family Reunification Visa. This includes spouses, children, and sometimes other close relatives.
Requirements for Family Reunification Visa:
Proof of Family Relationship: Marriage certificate, birth certificate, or other legal documents.
Financial Proof: Evidence that the sponsor in Finland has sufficient income to support the family members.
Health Insurance: Coverage for the entire stay.
Accommodation Proof: Details of housing in Finland.
Application Process for Finland Visa
Step-by-Step Guide:
Determine Visa Type: Identify the visa category that matches the purpose of your visit.
Complete Application Form: Accurately fill out the relevant visa application form.
Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documentation as per the visa requirements.
Schedule an Appointment: Book an appointment at the nearest Finnish embassy or consulate.
Submit Application: Attend the appointment and submit your application along with the required fees.
Biometric Data Collection: Provide fingerprints and photographs as part of the biometric data collection process.
Interview: Some visa types may require a personal interview.
Wait for Processing: Visa processing times vary; it can take from a few days to several weeks.
Receive Decision: You will be notified about the visa decision. If approved, the visa will be affixed to your passport.
Important Tips for a Successful Visa Application
Early Application: Apply well in advance of your planned travel dates to accommodate potential delays.
Accurate Information: Ensure all information provided is accurate and truthful to avoid complications.
Complete Documentation: Submit all required documents to avoid processing delays or rejections.
Health Insurance: Secure comprehensive health insurance that meets the specified requirements.
Financial Proof: Clearly demonstrate your financial stability with verifiable documents.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need a visa to visit Finland?
Citizens of EU/EEA countries do not require a visa for short stays. Non-EU/EEA nationals must check specific visa requirements based on their nationality and the purpose of their visit.
2. How long does it take to process a Finland visa?
Processing times vary depending on the visa type and individual circumstances. Schengen visas typically take 15-30 days, while national visas can take several weeks to months.
3. Can I extend my visa in Finland?
Extensions are generally not permitted for Schengen visas. For national visas, extensions may be possible under certain circumstances. It's advisable to apply for the correct visa duration from the start.
4. What should I do if my visa application is denied?
If your visa application is denied, you will receive a notification explaining the reason. You may reapply with additional documentation or appeal the decision if applicable.
5. Can I work with a Schengen Visa?
No, a Schengen Visa does not permit employment. For work, you must apply for a specific work visa or residence permit.
6. Is travel insurance mandatory for a Finland visa?
Yes, travel insurance is mandatory for all Schengen visa applicants and must cover medical expenses and repatriation.
Navigating the Finland visa requirements can be straightforward with the right information and preparation. Understanding the various visa categories and their specific requirements will help ensure a smooth application process. Always refer to the latest guidelines provided by the Finnish immigration authorities to stay updated on any changes in visa regulations.
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overseasconsultants · 2 years
Study in Finland
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Finland student visa. Know the key documents, fees & eligibility requirements. Talk to Y-Axis leading study consultants for quick visa approval..
International students with a residence permit are allowed to work in Finland as long as it is relevant to their course. Check more information related to study in finland.
Source: https://www.y-axis.ae/visa/study/finland/
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Free Volunteering Opportunities in Nepal for Abroad Programs
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Volunteer Initiative Nepal (VIN) is a not profit NGO in Kathmandu. It is mainly working for the upliftment of rural communities of Nepal. The organization’s main objective is to develop the standard of the communities through a fair, comprehensive, and holistic development program. The four pillars on which the organization works include –
·         Education
·         Health and Environment
·         Economy
·         Basic infrastructure development
The above four pillars are aided by the following 6 major community development programs –
·         Women’s Empowerment
·         Children’s Development
·         Youth Empowerment
·         Public Health and Medical
·         Environment Conservation
·         Disaster Risk Reduction
All VIN development and humanitarian programs are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Women and child welfare are central to all of its development programs. It is one of those volunteer organizations that employ national and international volunteers after conducting extensive research.
Free Volunteering Opportunities Abroad
As part of its free volunteering opportunities for abroad programs, it provides opportunities to people to work as volunteers or intern in its different volunteering projects abroad. VIN expects Nepalese youths with a dedicated volunteering attitude to apply for its various volunteer abroad programs.  It is one of those rare organizations offering free volunteering opportunities abroad to Nepal youths. With almost a decade of professional experience in volunteer activities, it has become possible to send our Nepalese citizens for overseas volunteer work without any charge.
While working on different volunteer abroad programs, Nepalese youth will participate in various work camps, Long & Midterm volunteering projects under the active guidance of our partner organizations there. Our partner organizations abroad offer free volunteering opportunities. It means the volunteers don’t have to pay for food and shelter. But they will have to pay for a fight, VISA, and insurance expenses. Then, the volunteers will have to pay a small admin fee for the processing of applications.
VIN’s partner organizations are located in ASIA, EUROPE, and AMERICA. The countries VIN sends its volunteers include – India, the USA, UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Finland, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Italy, Costa Rica, Mexico, etc. The organization has already sent more than 1000 volunteers worldwide.
The main objective of this program is that the Nepalese youths can learn about the foreign culture, foreign language and most importantly they will get the required work experience. When they come back, they can use that expertise for the betterment of their career as well as Nepal. To know more about volunteer abroad programs, contact us now or search our website. Know more about our openings now!
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prabvisa · 3 years
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keenbeliever · 4 years
Traveling To America? New ESTA Registration Mandated?
What Countries Are in the Visa Waiver Program?
Andorra, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Travel Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
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A website, operated by the American government, is where you register for ESTA: esta.cbp.dhs.gov. The ESTA information you submit via the computer is compared with certain American law enforcement databases and then either approved or denied. Foreign travelers will not be able to submit ESTA applications at American airports after arriving or at a U.S. Embassy in their country.
What if I Don't Have Plans to Travel to the U.S. Yet?
VWP travelers are not required to have specific plans to travel to the United States before they apply for an ESTA Travel Authorization. As soon as VWP travelers begin to plan a trip to visit the U.S., they are encouraged to apply for travel authorization through the ESTA website. Applicants are not required to update their destination addresses or itineraries if they change after their ESTA Travel Authorization has been granted.
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An ESTA Travel Authorization only authorizes a traveler to board an airline or ship for travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program. After they arrive, travelers who obtained an ESTA Travel Authorization may still be denied entry (also called "admission") at a U.S. port of entry, such as an American airport. An approved ESTA is not a guarantee of admissibility at an American airport. In all cases, the American airport officers make the final determination whether a foreign traveler can enter the U.S. or not. You still have to establish to the satisfaction of the inspecting officer that you are entitled to be admitted to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program.
Can I Change My Travel Itinerary?
It is possible to change an itinerary on an existing ESTA Travel Authorization; ESTA is designed so that you can update parts of it at any time. Travelers who did not get an ESTA approval may be denied boarding by the airlines, experience delayed processing, or be denied admission to the U.S. at the American airport.
What If I Already Have a Valid B1/B2 Visitor Visa?
While the ESTA Travel Authorization is completed online with no interview, there are Visas that require a U.S. Embassy interview. The Visa process has separate procedures, which generally require an appointment, travel to a U.S. Embassy, an interview with a Consular Officer, processing time, and the payment of an application fee. If a foreign national already went to the U.S. Embassy and has a valid B1/B2 Visitor Visa pasted in their passport it is not necessary to get an ESTA Travel Authorization because the traveler will be entering with a B1/B2 Visitor Visa and not through the Visa Waiver Program. Keep in mind that an approved ESTA Travel Authorization is not a Visa.
Can I Re-Apply for an ESTA Travel Authorization if Denied?
Yes, but you must wait at least 10 days to reapply and your circumstances must have changed. Unless there is a change in a substantive fact, re-application will not change the result. Keep in mind that applying for an ESTA Travel Authorization with false information can cause a foreign national to be permanently barred from ever entering America. The ESTA system is designed to try to prevent individuals from changing and manipulating an ESTA entry until they receive an approval.
What If I am Denied an ESTA Travel Authorization and Have No Changed Circumstances?
There are three types of responses to an ESTA application; approved, pending or travel not authorized (denied). Applicants who receive a "pending" response are advised to check the website 72 hours later. Applicants who are denied will be required to go to a U.S. Embassy to apply for a formal nonimmigrant visa, such as a B1/B2 Visa, which may take months.
Can a Traveler Find Out the Reason Why an ESTA Application was Denied?
The U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security has stated that travelers may contact the DHS Travel Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP at dhs.gov) but there are no guarantees that information about a denial will be divulged. U.S. Embassies and Consulates are not required to provide details about an ESTA denial nor resolve the issue that caused the ESTA denial.
What If I Have a Criminal Record?
Only those qualified to travel under the VWP are eligible to pre-register through ESTA. Persons who have been arrested and/or convicted are generally not eligible for VWP and probably require a formal Visa, such as a B1/B2 Visa, to travel to America. If a foreign national has received tickets for speeding (which don't usually result in an arrest or conviction) they are probably still eligible for the VWP and ESTA. If a foreign traveler has been denied entry into or deported from the U.S., they require a formal Visa.
Do Any Other Countries Have a Similar Program?
Australia has a program called the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) that mandates travelers to submit an ETA application electronically through a website requesting permission to travel to Australia. Airlines may refuse to accept passengers who do not have either an approved ETA or Visa to enter Australia.
How Long Will the ESTA Application Data be Stored? Who Can Access It?
The ESTA Travel Authorization is valid for two years or until the traveler's passport expires, whichever comes first. The American government will maintain the information for at least 15 years to allow retrieval of the information for law enforcement, national security, or investigatory purposes. Information submitted through ESTA can also be shared with any U.S. government organization.
What Information Does the Airlines Get?
Airlines will receive confirmation of a passenger's ESTA status visa the "Advance Passenger Information System" (APIS) which shows whether the ESTA authorization has been granted for a Visa Waiver Program traveler. It is recommended that the traveler print out the ESTA application approval in order to maintain a record of their ESTA application number and to have confirmation of their ESTA status.
What About Children?
Accompanied and unaccompanied children, regardless of age, are required to obtain an independent ESTA Travel Authorization.
What if a Mistake was Made on the ESTA Application?
The ESTA website will ask applicants to review their application before submitting it. Also, there is an update function for certain information such as email address, telephone number, or flight information. If an applicant makes a mistake that cannot be "updated," he will need to submit a new ESTA application.
What if I Only Have a Connecting Flight Through the U.S.?
Visa Waiver Program visitors who have a connecting flight in the U.S. are required to either have ESTA Travel Authorization or a Visa from a U.S. Embassy in their passport to travel through the U.S. even for a one hour stop. If a traveler is only planning to stop in the U.S. en route to another country, the traveler should enter the words "In Transit" and his final destination in the address lines under the heading "Address While In The United States" on the ESTA application.
What Are the Questions on the ESTA Travel Authorization Application?
The traveler must provide (in English) biographical data including name, birth date, country of citizenship, country of residence, email address, sex, telephone number, passport information, destination address in the U.S., travel information (round trip airline ticket, flight number and city where you are boarding) as well as questions regarding communicable diseases (chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inquinale, HIV, leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, syphilis [active], tuberculosis [active], and others), physical or mental disorders, drug addiction problems, arrests, convictions, past history of visa cancellation or denial, and prior deportations from the U.S. The traveler will also be asked whether they are seeking work in the U.S., have ever been deported or tried to get a visa by fraud or misrepresentation. The traveler will be asked if they have ever detained a child of a U.S. Citizen granted custody of the child, and whether they have ever asserted immunity from prosecution.
Do I Select "Business" or "Pleasure (Tourist) at the Airport Port of Entry?
After the ESTA Travel Authorization is granted, the foreign traveler will be interviewed by government officers at the first American airport they land. The officer will ask what the foreign traveler will be doing in America and the questioning can take up to four hours in a detained setting called "secondary inspection." The officer may ask the traveler "what else are you doing in America?" repeatedly to try to get "the real" answer. If the traveler is only going to be a tourist, they are not allowed to do any business, including meeting with any attorneys, applying for a bank account, meeting with real estate agents, or other business consulting activities. Even though the traveler is going to conduct just one business meeting while in America, they are required to report it and enter as a business visitor. The business visitor is allowed to participate in tourist activities, but the tourist visitor is not allowed to participate in any business activities. Therefore, if any business might be conducted while in America, it is best to tell the government officers about it at the airport to avoid being accused of lying, put immediately on a plane back to your home country, and barred from America for life.
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Can I Be Searched in the American Airport? Am I Entitled to Legal Representation?
While being interviewed at the American airport, all luggage (even locked bags) can be searched, as well as the traveler's body and his/her cell phone (including text messages and phone numbers) and laptop (including hard drive). The officers may "google" a traveler's name and check out their myspace, Facebook or hyves pages. The traveler is not allowed to be represented by an attorney or even call their attorney while in "secondary inspection." Bathroom visits, water and food may be limited, so it is best to prepare for such an occasion while still on the plane before landing.
Do I Still Have to Go Through the "US-VISIT" Program at the American AirportForeign travelers arriving at American airports and seaports must still be photographed and fingerprinted every time they enter the U.S Who Should I Ask For Help to Fill Out the ESTA Application?
The information a traveler provides on the ESTA application can remain in their file with U.S. authorities for a minimum of 15 years - probably longer. If a foreign traveler has some questions about how to answer the questions so as not to be permanently barred from America, it would be prudent to them to pay for a legal consultation with an American Immigration Attorney who is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). Beware of unauthorized private websites that offer ESTA application assistance for $49.99 - they are usually not authorized to practice immigration law and are asking travelers to pay for a copy of the application questions, which are free on the dhs.gov website.If I Am Denied the ESTA Travel Authorization Will it Effect My Ability to Obtain a Visa at the U.S. Embassy?
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When the ESTA Travel Authorization is denied, the foreign traveler must make an appointment at a U.S. Embassy in their country to apply for a formal Visa. The U.S. Embassy is operated by the U.S. Department of State and there are no expedited procedures for those who have been denied ESTA Travel Authorization. Because the ESTA program is so new, it is impossible to predict how badly a denial of the ESTA Travel Authorization will impact a traveler's application for a Visa at a U.S. Embassy or impact their future travel to America in general. American Immigration Attorneys are in close contact with their foreign clients and will share the denial information with each other starting in January 2009. Currently there are no government policies regulating this area of the law, or opportunities to appeal a denial.
When Is the a "New" ESTA Travel Authorization Required?
A new ESTA Travel Authorization is required during the two years if (1) the traveler is issued a new passport (2) the traveler changes his name (3) the traveler changes his or her gender (4) the traveler's country of citizenship changes or (5) the circumstances underlying the traveler's previous responses to any of the ESTA application questions requiring a "yes" or "no" response have changed (such as a new arrest).Can an American Immigration Attorney, Travel Agent or Employer Fill Out the ESTA Application?
A third party, such as a relative, travel agent or American Immigration Attorney, is permitted to submit an ESTA application on behalf of a VWP traveler. Be aware that the traveler is still responsible under the law for the answers submitted on his or her behalf by a third party.
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