#fire alarms contractor financing
deafeningbirdwinner · 3 years
Electrical Services – Types
The term "Commercial Service" refers to services provided to customers who are principally engaged in the selling of goods or services. This includes institutions and local, state, and federal government agencies for purposes other than those involving manufacturing or the generation of electric power.
Types of Electrical Services for Commercial Properties
Electrical systems in commercial buildings are designed, installed, maintained, and repaired by commercial electricians.
·         Restaurants,
·         offices,
·         medical institutions,
·         hotels,
·         retail stores, and
·         warehouses
are examples of these structures.
A commercial electrical Contractor Brisbane is a professional and licensed electrician specializing in building wiring and electrical systems rather than residential facilities.These electricians work in massive structures with larger systems, such as shopping malls, office buildings, restaurants, government buildings, and high rises.
Commercial Property and Buildings
Commercial property is defined as real estate that is used for commercial purposes. It is common to think of commercial property as being comprised of buildings that house businesses, but it can also refer to land that is utilized to create income or huge residential rental homes.
Commercial property categorization has ramifications for the financing of a building, the assessment of its value, and the application of applicable legislation to the building in question.
Commercial Real Estate Dissected and analyzed
Malls, grocery stores, offices, industrial estates, manufacturing firms, and other commercial properties are examples of commercial real estate. It is common practice to utilize the performance of commercial real estate—including sales prices, new building rates, and occupancy rates—as a proxy for the level of business activity in a specific region or economic system.
Designers, architects, and contractors frequently collaborate with commercial electricians.They have a commercial license and have finished an electrician apprenticeship program.Electricians who work in business environments provide a wide range of electrical services.
Here are some of the best examples.
Upgrades and Retrofits
Many commercial buildings are upgrading and retrofitting their lighting as part of their business to save money on energy bills and lessen their carbon imprint in today's society.In this field, Commercial electricians are well-trained. However, they also conduct the work to do not disrupt the business's day-to-day operations.Furthermore, any panel work or special wiring that is required can be handled swiftly and efficiently.
Installation and Upgrades of Electrical Panel
Commercial premises require a higher level of electrical support to ensure that all operations are completed.In a nutshell, it is determined by the electrical panel.One of the most common commercial services today is electrical control panel installation.Electricians may improve existing electrical panels or create a new electrical panel from the ground up.
Improvements and Services for Tenants
When you have tenants in your business buildings, it's critical to form a working relationship with a commercial electrical team to provide you with several services and modifications to maintain ideal comfort and operations.
The following are some examples of commercial services you might be able to obtain:
·         New Circuit Wiring or Rewiring
·         Remodels \Renovations
·         Protecting Against Potentially Harmful Surges with Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Systems
·         System of Security
·         Alarm Systems for Fires
·         Systems for Detecting Motion
·         Units for intercommunication
·         Features of Parking
·         Energy-Saving Technologies
·         Panels for industrial control
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How to Sell a Dallas House with Code Violations
Building codes are a good thing. They are in place to make sure residents are protected in terms of both health and safety. But, unfortunately, when it comes to selling a home, code violations can cause a ridiculous number of problems, many of which you may not even know. 
Code violations are also tricky because they vary so greatly and change incredibly quickly. Code violations can be federal, state, and local. So it’s essential to be fully aware of the code violations for Dallas. In addition, the National Electric Code has been updated 15 times since 2017, so even if your renovations were up to standards a few years ago, they might not be today. 
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What Are the Common Code Violations in Dallas? 
General code violations include unpermitted extensions such as a garage or converting your garage into additional living space. You need to make sure fire alarms are in the right place and that your home has an adequate ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). Plumbing and ventilation are causes for concern, but other ‘fussier’ requirements such as clean pools and fence height requirements. Come of the top code violations in Dallas include: 
Weeds or grass more than 12 inches high
Properties not free of litter
Substandard structures, peeling paint, holes in walls, floors, or ceilings, leaking roof, and decayed wood
Bulky trash 
Some of these issues don’t seem too serious. But they carry fines, and a Notice of Violation is recorded on the property title. When it comes to getting finance for a property with code violations, buyers could struggle to secure the loan. Homeowners’ insurance is likely to be more expensive too. 
What Can You Do to Sell a Dallas House with Code Violations? 
There are three main options, fix the code violations, reduce the price or sell to a cash investor. 
1.      Fix the code violations 
This option depends on the type of violations in your home. It is a good idea to have an inspection before listing your property so that there are no nasty surprises later on. Smoke detectors and even some electrical violations are cheap to fix. Peeling paint and landscaping are tasks you can correct yourself. Suppose time is of the essence or aren’t in the financial position for more extensive repairs. In that case, you might be better off with the following options. 
2.      Lower the price or offer credit 
Not everyone is put off by title with code violations, and some people are willing to carry out the necessary repairs themselves. That being said, they won’t be willing to pay for these repairs too. Therefore, the listing price you set will have to reflect the costs of bringing the home up to Dallas code, or you can offer the buyer credit. 
3.      Sell to a cash investor 
Cash investors are a viable option because they buy homes with code violations. A cash investor will buy a home for a bargain price and will carry out necessary repairs. In addition, they will have a team of contractors who are up to date with all the current codes.
You can sell your Dallas home as-is with the cash in your account and not be concerned about any violations on the title.
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grifalinas · 3 years
Batter Up (Working Title) (Chapter 4)
Monday and Tuesday at least managed to go smoother with Samuel at the helm- after sending the kids and Deacon home Sunday night, Samuel and Flint went over the schedule for the next few days and all of the things that were needed to be done and Samuel managed to get things into a semblance of order.
“We still need some extra hands, though,” he sighed, looking over the amount of work that could be done. Even putting Eddie to work in the margins, five people were not nearly enough, especially as he didn’t want to put Deacon and Radley working together lest they start fighting again.
“I’ll go down the tracks in the morning and pick up a couple contractors,” Flint said, scrubbing tiredly at his eyes. “They’ll be a little better equipped for the kind of work we need done and won’t be expecting to stay on past opening day.”
“Can you afford to pay out of pocket?” Samuel asked, but Flint just waved that away.
“I’ve got enough money in the bank to cover it as a business expense, no worries.”
Samuel pursed his lips at that and decided that they would have to have a talk about finances soon, but they were both exhausted, so he set it aside to be done later.
It was Wednesday when things started to go poorly again. This time, unsurprising to Samuel, it was Deacon again.
Flint had decided to talk Deacon through some of his recipes, things he expected to be staples of the store once it opened, to make sure he could make them to standard.
Samuel, meanwhile, was in the freezer helping one of their contractors bring in the load of frozens they’d rescheduled, when he heard the smoke alarm start blaring, and then the rush of sprinklers switching on, and then what sounded like a small explosion.
He hurried out into the kitchen to find Deacon staring at a mess of dough that had, somehow, managed to get everywhere, including on him: Samuel caught sight of the still-smoking blobs on his arms and hurried to him, already reaching to help him pull them away and breaking him free of his stunned stupor.
“Shit- fuck, that’s hot-“
“What the FUCK happened?” Flint demanded, while Samuel helped Deacon free himself of the dough.
“I don’t know!” Deacon said. “I did what the recipe said-“
“I thought you said you could bake!”
Deacon looked from Flint to Samuel and then down to his arms, a little red but no worse for the hot dough he’d splattered onto himself. He shrugged and mumbled to the floor, “I lied.”
Flint stared at him, stunned. “I hired you to be a baker. How did you think you were going to get away with that one?”
“I don’t know! I figured I could wing it. It always seemed easy when I was watching the help do it!”
Flint, previously frazzled and on edge, angry in a way that would probably pass, swapped to a deadly-calm fury. “The. What.”
Deacon shrank a little. “Our cook?”
Samuel could see a tic jumping in Flint’s jaw; in an effort to diffuse the situation, he asked Deacon, “Why did you lie?”
He shrugged again. “I needed the job. I figured even if there was something I couldn’t do, I could learn pretty easily. I’m usually a good fast learner, and I needed the job. Any job. I’m desperate.”
“What can you do, then?”
“Honestly?” and jumped at a snarl from Flint, before, “Nothing.” And, when Samuel still seemed to be waiting, said, “Please don’t fire me. I can still be useful.”
“You think that’s how it works?” Flint snapped. “You think you get to lie and ruin my kitchen and then just bat your eyes and say please and you get to stick around?!”
“Please,” he repeated, a desperate edge pushing his tone higher, “I got cut off, okay?! My father objected to- to certain decisions and told me I could- could just go if I wanted, so I did, and now I need a job, any job, any job at all. I can’t bake, but I can work and I can learn.”
“That ain’t how it works, kid,” Flint said, and moved vaguely back toward Deacon, only to find Samuel between them. He turned his glower to his so-called partner. “Let me guess. Office?”
Samuel didn’t say anything immediately, instead choosing to stand almost at attention while Flint paced and ranted, venting his irritation about Deacon’s behavior- which, compared to his own, Samuel thought was pretty mild.
“I think we should keep him on,” Samuel said, once Flint had finally calmed down.
“You’re the one that didn’t want us hiring him in the first place.”
“That was before I understood his situation.”
“You mean that sob story about his daddy cutting him off? Yeah, I feel real bad for him. Maybe a little time getting the shit kicked out of him by the real world will do the kid some good.”
“More likely it will ruin him.” He sighed, and sank into his chair, gesturing for Flint to sit as well. “I’ve been where Deacon is now, once in my life. It wasn’t easy, and it was the support of others willing to help me that let me stabilize. I can’t in good conscience turn him away. It goes against everything I am, and spits in the face of the people who didn’t turn me away.”
Flint sneered. “Yeah, had you pegged for a rich daddy’s boy the first time I saw you. Fine. The kid can stay. But he’s your responsibility now, and he stays out of my kitchen until he’s earned it. We can put him on register. I’m sure he knows how to count money, at least.”
He rose, and made to leave; Samuel tried to stop him, but he just brushed past, ignoring him.
Samuel convinced Flint to go out and pick them all up some lunch- even offered to pay, since Flint had been paying for the crew all week- and once he was gone, beckoned Deacon over to one of the high-legged tables they had set up at the front of the bakery. They each had a three-ring binder for cake designs and other custom orders, which Flint insisted would be stuffed to bursting once people got a look at what he could do with a cake design.
Samuel spent a moment studying Deacon, and finally said, “Cavendish, right?”
“How did you-“
“You have the look about you. Your father was a few years ahead of me in school. You favor him.”
Deacon scowled, glowering down at the three ring binder in front of him. Samuel gave him another moment, and added, “Your first name isn’t Deacon, is it?”
“Is,” he sulked.
Samuel nodded. “Okay. That’s fair. I should have specified legally. I’m sorry. But that does mean that your id was fake, wasn’t it?”
Deacon nodded. “I know a guy. He hooked me up.”
“All right.” He leaned back in his seat. “Here’s what happens, moving forward. You bring me your id- your real id, so we don’t run into any legal trouble as regards employing you. But nothing about what we have on record will affect how we treat you, and if you want, I can help you with your name change, too.”
“So I’m not fired?”
“No, but you’re on extremely thin ice, and Flint has more-or-less washed his hands of you. I don’t know what you said that set him off, but he made you my responsibility. You’re also banned from the kitchen.”
“I’m not sorry about lying,” he said after a minute or two of more sulking.
“Yes, well. I suppose it can’t be easy knowing who to trust. But after this, I expect honesty. I can work with you and help you if you need me to, but I can’t if I don’t know. There are also legal liabilities that I have to take into account, and if you need to be shielded, I need to know I need to shield you.”
“Like you did earlier?” There was a beat of confusion, and he clarified, “When Flint came at me. You looked like you thought he was about to start swinging on me.”
“I wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t,” Samuel admitted. “But I wasn’t going to let him if he was.”
“Well. Thanks,” he told his hands. “I appreciate that.”
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Helpful Hints for Building a New Home
There are benefits and drawbacks to building a new home from Home builders in Vancouver that you should think about in advance. You could be filled with delight and excitement one second and intense stress the next. You need creative solutions and well-informed choices to make the most of the experience.
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1-Make a plan, then make more plans:
An asset that lasts for a very long time is a brand-new home. It will require money, time, patience, trial and error, and patience to complete the process from A to Z. Always keep your property's safety and security in mind. Take into account security systems, yard lighting, locks, smoke detectors, fire alarms, exits, and any smart devices you want to install.
2-Get your financial house in order:
Even if you detest working with numbers, you must summarize and establish your budget based on objectives and constraints. Regarding financing, buying a house vs building one has differences.
3-Put together the ideal team:
We cannot overstate how crucial this is. Throughout the entire construction process, you must work with the architect and building contractor from Vancouver home builders. It will help if you communicate properly with the workers building your new home to guarantee everything goes according to plan.
4-Decide on sustainability:
It will be wonderful to consider Mother Earth when you construct your new house. With your contractor, go over the best ways to include sustainable technology, energy-saving techniques, and soundproofing materials throughout your new home.
5-Keep your relationships with your contractors positive:
Be nice to your construction manager from home builders in Vancouver always. Even managing many teams in various locations at once is difficult enough.
The exciting but difficult task of building a new home from Vancouver home buildersrequires careful planning that takes risks and best practices into account.
To know more about Net Zero Homes in Vancouver please visit our website: havan.ca
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michaelleafer · 3 years
Benefits of Property Management Companies
Why You Should switch to a Property Management Company Before Winter Starts
 Snow, ice, water, low temperatures, and other factors are some of the things to deal with during winter. You have not invested a lot of money in your rentals to start making losses in winter, which can easily negate all the gains you have made this far this year. Property management ensures that your rental property remains both profitable and valuable throughout the unpredictable fall/winter.
Keep reading to discover these top 4 reasons hiring property management makes all sense now than ever.
1. Maintenance and Repair Works
Tenants have to deal with low temperatures during winter. Essentially, they're mostly indoors because of the harsh weather outside. This basically means that the HVAC system will be working harder. If it's included in the rent, then it's your responsibility to ensure the heating equipment is in good condition. Managing this can be hectic, especially if you have a couple of properties. Rental management companies have created relationships with the best HVAC contractors and got the team to deal with all those repairs and maintenance. The result is happy tenants, which keeps your property occupied.
2. Cut Costs
The harsh weather plus the long hours spent at home means high electricity usage. During the winter, you want to reduce expenses as much as possible if utility is part of the rent. Property managers can improve the property's energy efficiency by sealing windows or cracks to prevent heat loss. Besides, they ensure the heating appliances are in good shape and energy-efficient, as well as installing energy-saving bulbs.
3. Accidents and Fire Prevention Precautions
It's no surprise that most property fires and accidents are reported during winter. Such can mean costly litigation and unrecoverable property damage. Hiring professionals ensures that neither has to happen to you. This is done by ensuring fire/carbon monoxide alarms are working and eliminating any appliance that may cause fire beforehand.
4. Preparing the Rental for Winter
The reason you own rentals is to make an income. But that depends on whether you have tenants all through. Property management makes it easy for tenants to stay put when winter approaches by making the area safe through:
Cutting down branches or trees that may pose a danger during winter.
Cleaning and clearing drains and gutters.
Checking roof and water pipes for leakages
Measures to clear ice and snow off the rentals
Hire Leaf Management for Quality Services
Our business is to make yours profitable and long-lasting. Years of experience give us an edge to better manage your property. We protect your tenants and investment with our state-of-the-art tenant screening and market know-how. Contact us today to learn more about our services, including private financing options.
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energyfactoraisha · 3 years
Electrical Services Types
The term "commercial service" refers to providing goods or services to customers who are in the business of selling goods or services. Institutions and local, state, and federal government agencies that are not involved in manufacturing or electric power generation are included in this category.
Commercial Properties Can Benefit from Electrical Services
Electrical systems in commercial buildings are designed, installed, maintained, and repaired by business electricians.
•        Restaurants,
·         offices, and
·         medical facilities;
·         hotels,
·         retail stores, and
·         warehouses
They're examples of these kinds of structures.
A commercial electrician Brisbane is a certified and licensed electrician specializing in the wiring and electrical systems of business buildings rather than residential ones.
These electricians work in large, complicated structures, including shopping malls, office buildings, restaurants, government buildings, and high-rise structures.
Structures and Commercial Real Estate
Land that is used mainly for commercial reasons is referred to as a commercial real estate. While most people associate commercial property with businesses, it can also refer to income-producing land or huge residential rental properties.
Commercial property classification has ramifications for financing, estimating its value, and applying applicable legislation to the structure in question.
Analyzed and dissected commercial property
Shopping malls, grocery stores, offices, industrial parks, manufacturing facilities, and other commercial assets are examples of commercial real estate. Commercial real estate performance, such as sales prices, new building rates, and occupancy rates, is frequently used as a proxy for the level of business activity in a particular region or economic system.
Commercial electricians frequently consult designers, architects, and contractors. They have a commercial license and have finished an electrician apprenticeship program. Commercial electricians are responsible for a wide range of electrical services. Here are a handful of our favorites.
  Refurbishments and Upgrades
In today's world, many commercial buildings are upgrading and rebuilding their lighting systems as part of their business to lower their energy costs and carbon impact.
Commercial electricians have received extensive training in this field. They also make sure that their labor does not interfere with the company's day-to-day activities. In addition, any panel work or custom wiring that is required can be handled swiftly and efficiently.
Installation and Upgrades of Electrical Panels
Commercial establishments require a higher level of electrical support to ensure that all operations are completed successfully. The electrical panel, in a nutshell, determines this. Today, installing electrical control panels is a somewhat specialized business operation. Electricians can improve existing electrical panels or create new ones from the ground up.
Improvements and Services for Tenants
When you have tenants in your commercial buildings, having a partnership with a commercial electrical company that can provide you with various services and upgrades to maintain optimal comfort and operation is critical.
The following are some of the company services you may be able to obtain:
•        New circuits or rewiring
•        Renovations and remodels
•        Using Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Systems to Protect Against Potentially Harmful Surges
•        Security System
•        Fire Alarm Systems
•        Motion Detection Systems
•        Intercommunication Units
•        Parking Features
•        Energy-Saving Devices
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newstfionline · 6 years
Banks Adopt Military-Style Tactics to Fight Cybercrime
By Stacy Cowley, NY Times, May 20, 2018
O’FALLON, Mo.--In a windowless bunker here, a wall of monitors tracked incoming attacks--267,322 in the last 24 hours, according to one hovering dial, or about three every second--as a dozen analysts stared at screens filled with snippets of computer code.
Pacing around, overseeing the stream of warnings, was a former Delta Force soldier who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan before shifting to a new enemy: cyberthieves.
“This is not that different from terrorists and drug cartels,” Matt Nyman, the command center’s creator, said as he surveyed his squadron of Mastercard employees. “Fundamentally, threat networks operate in similar ways.”
Cybercrime is one of the world’s fastest-growing and most lucrative industries. At least $445 billion was lost last year, up around 30 percent from just three years earlier, a global economic study found, and the Treasury Department recently designated cyberattacks as one of the greatest risks to the American financial sector. For banks and payment companies, the fight feels like a war--and they’re responding with an increasingly militarized approach.
Former government cyberspies, soldiers and counterintelligence officials now dominate the top ranks of banks’ security teams. They’ve brought to their new jobs the tools and techniques used for national defense: combat exercises, intelligence hubs modeled on those used in counterterrorism work and threat analysts who monitor the internet’s shadowy corners.
At Mastercard, Mr. Nyman oversees the company’s new fusion center, a term borrowed from the Department of Homeland Security. After the attacks of Sept. 11, the agency set up scores of fusion centers to coordinate federal, state and local intelligence-gathering. The approach spread throughout the government, with the centers used to fight disease outbreaks, wildfires and sex trafficking.
Then banks grabbed the playbook. At least a dozen of them, from giants like Citigroup and Wells Fargo to regional players such as Bank of the West, have opened fusion centers in recent years, and more are in the works. Fifth Third Bank is building one in its Cincinnati headquarters, and Visa, which created its first two years ago in Virginia, is developing two more, in Britain and Singapore. Having their own intelligence hives, the banks hope, will help them better detect patterns in all the data they amass.
The centers also have a symbolic purpose. Having a literal war room reinforces the new reality. Fending off thieves has always been a priority--it’s why banks build vaults--but the arms race has escalated rapidly.
Cybersecurity has, for many financial company chiefs, become their biggest fear, eclipsing issues like regulation and the economy.
Alfred F. Kelly Jr., Visa’s chief executive, is “completely paranoid” about the subject, he told investors at a conference in March. Bank of America’s Brian T. Moynihan said his cybersecurity team is “the only place in the company that doesn’t have a budget constraint.” (The bank’s chief operations and technology officer said it is spending about $600 million this year.)
The military sharpens soldiers’ skills with large-scale combat drills like Jade Helm and Foal Eagle, which send troops into the field to test their tactics and weaponry. The financial sector created its own version: Quantum Dawn, a biennial simulation of a catastrophic cyberstrike.
In the latest exercise last November, 900 participants from 50 banks, regulators and law enforcement agencies role-played their response to an industrywide infestation of malicious malware that first corrupted, and then entirely blocked, all outgoing payments from the banks. Throughout the two-day test, the organizers lobbed in new threats every few hours, like denial-of-service attacks that knocked the banks’ websites offline.
The first Quantum Dawn, back in 2011, was a lower-key gathering. Participants huddled in a conference room to talk through a mock attack that shut down stock trading. Now, it’s a live-fire drill. Each bank spends months in advance re-creating its internal technology on an isolated test network, a so-called cyber range, so that its employees can fight with their actual tools and software. The company that runs their virtual battlefield, SimSpace, is a Defense Department contractor.
Sometimes, the tests expose important gaps.
A series of smaller cyber drills coordinated by the Treasury Department, called the Hamilton Series, raised an alarm three years ago. An attack on Sony, attributed to North Korea, had recently exposed sensitive company emails and data, and, in its wake, demolished huge swaths of Sony’s internet network.
If something similar happened at a bank, especially a smaller one, regulators asked, would it be able to recover? Those in the room for the drill came away uneasy.
“There was a recognition that we needed to add an additional layer of resilience,” said John Carlson, the chief of staff for the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, the industry’s main cybersecurity coordination group.
Soon after, the group began building a new fail-safe, called Sheltered Harbor, which went into operation last year. If one member of the network has its data compromised or destroyed, others can step in, retrieve its archived records and restore basic customer account access within a day or two. It has not yet been needed, but nearly 70 percent of America’s deposit accounts are now covered by it.
The largest banks run dozens of their own, internal attack simulations each year, to smoke out their vulnerabilities and keep their first responders sharp.
“It’s the idea of muscle memory,” said Thomas J. Harrington, Citigroup’s chief information security officer, who spent 28 years with the F.B.I.
Growing interest among its corporate customers in cybersecurity war games inspired IBM to build a digital range in Cambridge, Mass., where it stages data breaches for customers and prospects to practice on.
One recent morning, a fictional bank called Bane & Ox was under attack on IBM’s range, and two dozen real-life executives from a variety of financial companies gathered to defend it. In the training scenario, an unidentified attacker had dumped six million customer records on Pastebin, a site often used by hackers to publish stolen data caches.
As the hours ticked by, the assault grew worse. The lost data included financial records and personally identifying details. One of the customers was Colin Powell, the former secretary of state. Phones in the room kept ringing with calls from reporters, irate executives and, eventually, regulators, wanting details about what had occurred.
When the group figured out what computer system had been used in the leak, a heated argument broke out: Should they cut off its network access immediately? Or set up surveillance and monitor any further transmissions?
At the urging of a Navy veteran who runs the cyberattack response group at a large New York bank, the group left the system connected.
“Those are the decisions you don’t want to be making for the first time during a real attack,” said Bob Stasio, IBM’s cyber range operations manager and a former operations chief for the National Security Agency’s cyber center. One financial company’s executive team did such a poor job of talking to its technical team during a past IBM training drill, Mr. Stasio said, that he went home and canceled his credit card with them.
Like many cybersecurity bunkers, IBM’s foxhole has deliberately theatrical touches. Whiteboards and giant monitors fill nearly every wall, with graphics that can be manipulated by touch.
“You can’t have a fusion center unless you have really cool TVs,” quipped Lawrence Zelvin, a former Homeland Security official who is now Citigroup’s global cybersecurity head, at a recent cybercrime conference. “It’s even better if they do something when you touch them. It doesn’t matter what they do. Just something.”
Security pros mockingly refer to such eye candy as “pew pew” maps, an onomatopoeia for the noise of laser guns in 1980s movies and video arcades. They are especially useful, executives concede, to put on display when V.I.P.s or board members stop by for a tour. Two popular “pew pew” maps are from FireEye and the defunct security vendor Norse, whose video game-like maps show laser beams zapping across the globe. Norse went out of business two years ago, and no one is sure what data the map is based on, but everyone agrees that it looks cool.
What everyone in the finance industry is afraid of is a repeat--on an even larger scale--of the data breach that hit Equifax last year.
Hackers stole personal information, including Social Security numbers, of more than 146 million people. The attack cost the company’s chief executive and four other top managers their jobs. Who stole the data, and what they did with it, is still not publicly known. The credit bureau has spent $243 million so far cleaning up the mess.
It is Mr. Nyman’s job to make sure that doesn’t happen at Mastercard. Walking around the company’s fusion center, he describes the team’s work using military slang. Its focus is “left of boom,” he said--referring to the moments before a bomb explodes. By detecting vulnerabilities and attempted hacks, the analysts aim to head off an Equifax-like explosion.
But the attacks keep coming. As he spoke, the dial displayed over his shoulder registered another few assaults on Mastercard’s systems. The total so far this year exceeds 20 million.
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vgisolutions · 4 years
Tips to Choosing an Electrical Contractor for Your Business
Tips to Choosing an Electrical Contractor for Your Business
The electrical contractor you choose for your business is an important decision that will determine the overall success of the project. Whether you are updating your offices or you have an emergency where you have power failures that are not caused by your provider. The electrician you work with should be experienced with knowledge of working in business environments to reduce the risk of disruption.
The best way to choose an electrical contractor is still word of mouth. Word of mouth is the most reliable referral solution that you can rely on. Ask family, friends, business owners in your industry and other companies who they used for their electrical needs. Speak to local hardware stores to get a list of professionals that they recommend.  Remember that even when you know the business owner of an electrical company, you need to know that they do thorough background checks on their contractors so you can use their services with one hundred percent confidence.
Always take the time to ensure that the electrical contractor you are thinking of using is licensed and insured. Choosing the lowest quote may be most appealing to your finances and budget, but this could result in you not securing an experienced electrician with the necessary licensing and public liability insurance in place that will protect you should there be any problems during the project that causes damage to your property.
Training and the electrical contractors qualifications are as important as ensuring they are licensed and insured. Make sure you speak to each electrical contractor, getting where they trained, their experience, their qualifications and their past work. You want to ensure that they have the necessary qualifications to carry out work for your business, such as a Part P qualification in the United Kingdom. Work not performed by a qualified electrician will not be signed off and may impact any future insurance claims, should you have a problem in the future.
You must ask questions. Don't be shy. This is your business that we are talking out. Ask what sized jobs they usually complete and if they have handled a project such as yours in the past. Find out about down payments they may need, sometimes require to purchase materials, especially in large renovation projects. You want to ensure that the company you are using is financially stable to complete the work effectively, using the best materials, so you can rely on them to complete the project in a timely manner.
Make use of independent review sites and online forums where you can get honest reviews on the electrical contractors. This helps you find out as much as you can about them, including the types of projects they have worked on and their clients satisfaction to date. While this may seem time consuming, it will benefit you in the long run, ensuring you make the right choice based on the project you need completing.
Anyone can go online, look up an electrical contractor, view their website and the reviews on their site, but you must never rely on this alone. Always use independent review sites to gain information. The internet is a valuable resource in finding the right electrician based on your business needs.
Ensure you take the time to compare the electrical contractors you have on your short list, focusing on their experience, their knowledge working on commercial projects and their quote. Remember cheaper isn't always better, focus on their qualifications, knowledge and reviews to make your final decision.
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House Alarm Systems in Cambridgeshire UK
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On This Page
Wireless Home Alarm Security Systems and Solutions
1. SimpliSafe 8-Piece Wireless Home Security System
Apartment or Home Security
The Ultimate Guide to Smart Home Technology, Home Security and Home Automation
Option 2: Upgrade & Self-Monitor Existing Home Security/Alarm System
Wireless Home Alarm Security Systems and Solutions
Just like any other modern technology, home security systems can be hacked. To hack a home security system specifically, they would have to be determined. They would have to sit outside of your home and intercept wireless signals to allow them to disable sensors and turn off alarms.
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If any of your devices are connected via wifi then they can also gain access to your network in general. Even without a security system, this can be done with your at-home network. They will use DDoS attacks or hack into your video monitoring.
Benn Locks and Safes of Peterborough is a full-service home security service provider.
Small or large, residential or commercial, Benn can handle it. Benn specializes in home security systems for burglary/intrusion detection, fire detection, video surveillance, life safety, alarm monitoring, and home automation solutions for home and business owners in the Peterborough Stamford and Huntingdon areas of the UK. We are your go-to Cambridgeshire home security company.
If a professionally installed security system from alarm companies or brinks home security sounds like overkill, then you can save a lot of money by buying a system that you install yourself. For my money, systems like these offer some of the best value for your home security dollar. You're not missing out on much in terms of functionality. Though professionally installed security systems might offer a fancier keypad or touchscreen control panel, the rest of the hardware is largely the same as what you'll get if you go the DIY installation route, relying mostly on wireless, battery-powered sensors that you stick up around your house. Just keep in mind that while DIY home security systems will deter intruders, they typically won't offer as many integrations with things like carbon monoxide detectors, smart lights or your smart thermostat.
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At keystone, our security, fire and carbon monoxide detection systems can ease your concerns associated with the safety and protection of your family and property. Backed by Honeywell, we offer the best in security, including wireless alarm systems, to help keep your loved ones and valuables safe while you are at home or away.
1. SimpliSafe 8-Piece Wireless Home Security System
Price: £199 | buy now from amazon the amazon ring alarm kit is the pinnacle of smart wireless alarm systems. Available as a five, seven, nine or ten-piece kit you can tailor your security setup depending on the size of your home. The basic five-piece kit comes with the base station, keypad, motion detector, contact sensor and range extender. The larger kits don’t add any new accessories, but increase the number of sensors you receive, with the ten-piece including four contact sensors and three motion detectors.
The best thing about our best motion alarms for home security is that they’re wireless and easy to install yourself. You don’t have to rewire your entire home to keep it safe – which is really great news for renters. Here are some of our most popular models: 4-piece autodialer systems: with a setup like the home safeⓡ 4-piece wireless home security system, you will have a base control unit, window/door alarm, and a second wireless motion sensor to track movement in your home. These systems also come with a remote and panic button.
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Are you searching for an affordable wireless home security system that works with google assistant? then you must purchase this SimpliSafe 5 piece wireless home security system that offers the following astounding features:.
Wireless home security systems work using internet or cellular signals to send alerts when sensors are triggered. They’re ideal for renters because they typically don’t require professional wiring or drilling. Diy wireless equipment is easy to install using one screw, removable adhesive or plugging into a standard wall outlet to eliminate the cost of professional installation. All of your wireless equipment connects to a control panel or hub and can easily be controlled using your smartphone or web portal. The best part is if there’s a power outage, most wireless equipment includes a backup battery to work. Monthly plans are often less expensive than wired home security systems, but there are drawbacks to consider. Depending on your wireless home security system’s range, you’ll be limited to how many sensors and pieces of equipment can be added from the base station used to help protect your home. If your backup battery isn’t charged enough, your system won’t work during a cellular outage. Your home’s data and security information pose a higher cybersecurity risk when your data is uncovered by hackers.
Simplisafe takes the crown for the best self-monitored security system. With a sleek and streamlined design, it’s easy on the eyes, reliable, and offers DIY install. Get safe with SimpliSafe. Simplisafe is perhaps one of the most recognized home security solutions for those seeking a self-monitored option. The company creates its own security equipment. It does allow for a lot of consumer insight. The systems themselves are quite high in quality. These are wireless home security systems that make installation very easy. There are a few other key benefits to these systems you need to consider.
Apartment or Home Security
If you live in a small apartment and want to keep tabs on things when you're not home, a security camera can get the job done for a lot less money than what you'll pay for a full security system. Nearly all standalone security cameras connect to your home's wi-fi so you can see what's going on from your phone or tablet, and most have built-in sensors that detect motion and sound and will send push and email notifications when those sensors are triggered. You can usually tweak the camera's motion sensitivity to prevent false alarms due to pet activity or passing cars if the camera is near a window, and you can create a schedule that turns the sensors on and off during certain hours of the day.
Home security is extremely important regardless of whether you live in a house, condo or renting an apartment. Fastech alarms can help you with affordable measures to improve your family’s home security.
The ring alarm contact sensor expands your ring alarm and adds an extra layer of security to your home. You can attach alarm contact sensors to any door or window in your house or apartment, and when armed, you'll get instant alerts on your phone and tablet whenever they open. The alarm contact sensor easily installs in minutes without any tools or professional installation required. Simply place your contact sensor on any door or window frame, connect it to your Ring alarm base station, and you're all set up includes 2 alarm door/window contact sensors. More + product details close.
Whether for your home or your business, Benn Alarms security solutions can design a system that is just right for you! we utilize the most up-to-date state-of-the-art technology to protect what’s most important to you. We offer hardwired, wireless, and hybrid systems to enable us to design and install a system that best suits your specific needs. Systems can be partitioned to cover more than one area of the same structure independently, for example, if you had an accessory apartment or a warehouse and separate offices. Several individual user codes can be added to allow for different family members, or employees to have their own code. You can even add a one-time user code for contractors or babysitters.
When armed, the ring alarm security kit sends when armed, the ring alarm security kit sends notifications to your phone and tablet whenever doors or windows open and when motion is detected at home. It’s fully customizable and expands to fit any house or apartment. And the free ring app puts your entire home security system at your fingertips. It also has a panic mode feature, which allows you to dispatch emergency services right from your keypad. With optional 24/7 professional monitoring for only $10 a month, whole-home security has never been this affordable. 5 piece alarm kit - 1 x base station, 1 x contact sensor, 1 x keypad, 1 x range extender, 1 x motion detector.
Xfinity offers a base equipment package for $360, which is ideal for apartments or small homes with one or two entrances. The complete home system is $480 with an HD security camera. Xfinity offers you a financing option in which you can pay for your equipment over a 24-month period. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee, and no contract required if you buy your equipment upfront. Pricing for the systems is competitive with other nationwide providers, such as frontpoint, which starts at around $360 and goes up to over $500.
The Ultimate Guide to Smart Home Technology, Home Security and Home Automation
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Option 2: Upgrade & Self-Monitor Existing Home Security/Alarm System
Home security for protection & peace of mind whether you’ re looking to get started with a home security system or you’re looking to upgrade or replace an existing system, the home depot has the top brands for just the right level of security for your home and property. Getting started a good place to start would be with our home security systems buying guide to determine what type of system would be best for your home. You can choose from wired and wireless security cameras, systems that are monitored by a third party (or yourself) as well as smart security systems. Be sure to keep weather and location in mind when choosing indoor security systems versus outdoor security systems and ones that can be utilized in both places. From there, determining which security cameras to purchase is made easier with our security cameras buying guide. All the rage, smart security cameras are a very convenient option.
For More Details Visit our Website at: https://bennlockandsafe.co.uk/services/home-alarm-systems/  
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curtolson · 4 years
Liberty University needs full leadership change, not just Jerry Falwell Jr.
About the author: Curt W. Olson is a 1991 graduate of Liberty University, with a degree in communications that launched me into journalism. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at LU and the friendships I developed there remain people with whom I have close contact. I do not live in Lynchburg, VA and have no “inside information.” As a journalist, I have been a reporter and served as Religion Editor, copy editor, Editorial Page Editor, and investigative reporter. I spent about 20 years in journalism. More recently, I have been teaching English at a Christian school in Upstate New York. I am married and have two children.
An Open Letter to the Liberty University family by Curt W. Olson of the LU Class of 1991,
Everyone in the Liberty University family should desire a humble leader in Jerry Falwell Jr. after a certain period of time for his “indefinite leave of absence” that was announced August 7. If he continues being the President and Chancellor, he needs our prayers and Galatians 6:1-5 provides the biblical footprint for restoring someone.
Why wasn't restoring Falwell Jr. identified in the news releases from LU? It’s a glaring omission. The AP reported needing “time with family,” not having someone who will work with him to restore him to being a humble leader and past the issues that  have surfaced over the past decade. The short statements from the Trustees on August 7 leave far more questions than answers and that is unfortunate. That’s a common chorus with this cast. A lack of clarity and transparency will do that.
It is a separate issue whether Jerry Falwell Jr. could emerge as a different leader and those on campus he has made enemies of would suddenly call him “a new man.” Has Falwell Jr. done way too much damage? This is the question that looms over LU as the new academic year begins. 
For many in the LU family, this question has already been asked and answered: There’s too much water that has gone under the proverbial bridge. After all, we now have signs of failure. David French reported in a column on Aug. 9 something is beginning to impact LU’s freshmen applications and transfer students. If you can’t see the obvious correlation, you don’t want to to see it.
Poor judgment
Two events occurred the past three months that created problems. In June, Falwell Jr. said he would wear a face mask only if it looked like the “blackface” that caused problems for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Falwell Jr.’s  effort to mock the governor drove a couple football players to transfer from LU and got him in hot water with African-American LU alumni. What did Falwell Jr. think was going to happen? Then on August 3, an Instagram photo emerged, which was deleted, of Jerry Jr. pictured with a female who was not his wife and his pants were unzipped. The “costume party” was a parody of the Trailer Park Boys. Falwell Jr. explained the beverage in his hand was not alcohol. That did not help Falwell  when he was on a Lynchburg radio show later in the week explaining what happened and sounding as if he was drunk during the interview. This led to the “indefinite leave of absence.” The deleted Instagram photo and the “blackface” face mask displayed a shocking level of poor judgment for a man leading any Christian ministry, let alone the largest Christian university in the world.
Pleasant image
As an alum from the Class of 1991, I understand the emotions we have for our alma mater. “Liberty is training Young Champions for Christ” and “if it is Christian it should be better” are two of the common statements we heard from LU’s founder, Jerry Falwell.  We have this pleasant image of our time there, our friendships we developed, our spiritual growth, and we want a Christian college faithful to biblical teaching and a top-level NCAA sports program. The idea of controversy, chaos, confusion, and lack of certainty is not what we envision for LU.
Harsh reality
It is time, however, to face some harsh facts. Jerry Falwell Jr.’s current leadership is toxic,  with a culture of fear and intimidation that has been felt by multiple faculty members, staff, and students. That just begins the list of grievances that have arisen dating back to around 2012. Aside from the bad judgment from the June and August incidents, we also have the following issues that could serve as the catalyst for Jerry Falwell Jr.’s dismissal as President and Chancellor. 
They include:
Self-dealing on some real estate transactions;
Self-dealing on some of the construction projects to benefit friends;
Harming the reputation of Liberty University through real estate ventures and other incidents;
Displaying a lack of justice and mercy with many faculty and editors of The Liberty Champion; 
Having a faculty member who had a muddied position on homosexuality; and 
Neglecting his role in setting the spiritual direction of the campus. 
While these would be the key indictments to compel LU Trustees to terminate Falwell Jr., in addition to the outrageous poor judgment that harms the reputation of Liberty University, these may not be a complete list of the issues. These are the known issues through prominent reporting by various entities.
‘Fake news’
I want to address the reporting by POLITICO’s Brandon Ambrosino, Reuters, a column by Will Young in the Washington Post, and others because we live at a time of the common refrain of “fake news.” It puts folks in the position of screaming “fake news,” that while perhaps the information is true, people refuse to accept anything regarded as “bad” to their tribe. Every sentence of reporting by the sources above that resembles the truth opens up a series of brand new questions for Jerry Falwell Jr., and in some cases, the LU Board of Trustees. Perhaps both of those scenarios are long overdue, and the LU family should be demanding answers to those new questions.
Additionally, Ambrosino has admitted to being a homosexual and was one at LU. His sex life has no bearing on his ability to report truth. Anyone who uses that as an excuse to distrust the information he reports has a “see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil” mindset when there’s a five-alarm fire unfolding at Liberty University. 
There are many good things happening at LU, but they are happening in spite of Jerry Jr., not because of him. 
Real estate deals 
Reuters reported in August 2019 on a real estate transaction with a gym owner in Lynchburg, VA
It reported: “In 2016, Falwell signed a real estate deal transferring the sports facility, complete with tennis courts and a fitness center owned by Liberty, to Crosswhite. Under the terms, Crosswhite wasn’t required to put any of his own money down toward the purchase price, a confidential sales contract obtained by Reuters shows.
“Liberty committed nearly $650,000 up front to lease back tennis courts from Crosswhite at the site for nine years. The school also offered Crosswhite financing, at a low 3% interest rate, to cover the rest of the $1.2 million transaction, the contract shows.” 
A real mess
Less than two weeks later, Ambrosino wrote a damaging piece in POLITICO that detailed the self-dealing, building contracts going to friends, his autocratic leadership of fear and intimidation, and activities that would only harm the reputation of LU. Those activities include:  Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen dealing with racy personal photos, a Falwell appearance at a Miami nightclub, with photos he wanted to keep from becoming public, and the notorious Miami South Beach hostel with a seedy reputation that was owned by Trey Falwell, Jerry Jr.’s son. There are numerous things to be outraged by in Ambrosino’s lengthy report (the full article being the second comment in this FB post). When I read it for the first time a year ago some things surprised and shocked, and other things just confirmed things that I had been hearing. I know people--they will not be named--who work or had worked at LU in various capacities. They grew increasingly alarmed by Jerry Jr.’s autocratic leadership style, which I challenge anyone to make the case is condoned in Scripture. I had read Ambrosino’s previous report on the Miami area hostel, so nothing would shock me about things that Jerry Falwell Jr. did. As an alum, I was more hurt about what his actions were doing to the reputation of LU. Jerry settled a lawsuit in Miami related to that property.
The revelation that bothered me the most from Ambrosino’s September 2019 POLITICO report was the apparent lack of any, or at least sufficient, oversight of major construction on the campus. What follows is an excerpt of Ambtrosino’s reporting:
 “At the outset, some in Falwell’s inner circle were not so confident in the arrangement with (Robert) Moon. Before his CMA Inc. (Construction Management Associates Inc.) became Liberty’s go-to contractor, the school bid out its construction work through an office on campus. (‘Free enterprise tends to do pretty well,’ one high-ranking university official said.) The prospect of changing that—giving CMA control over campus construction and its associated costs—rankled some senior university officials.
“Early on in the CMA partnership, before CMA became the university’s single-largest contractor, Charles Spence, the school’s then-vice president of planning and construction, expressed unease about the high costs Moon was quoting for certain school projects. ‘Jerry I am very concerned about cost control on all the projects,’ he wrote to Falwell in a November 2014 email. ‘[Over the last couple of weeks we have had a lot of meetings and conversations on cost and cost overruns. We are just seeing the information begin to trickle in and there really don’t seem to be good answers just a response that the cost we are seeing are fair, and being handled appropriately.’ ‘I hope that I am over reacting,’ Spence continued, ‘but I assure you I am concerned.’
“ ‘I am fine with going back to bidding every project out if CMA can’t run with the big dogs!’ Falwell replied. ‘Let’s hold their feet to the fire!’
“In each of the two years that followed, Liberty paid CMA more than $62 million, part of at least $138 million in contracts from Liberty since the company was formed, according to publicly available tax documents.
“Senior Liberty officials might whisper about the propriety of these business deals, but they told me that Falwell’s decisions on campus are rarely ever challenged by the school’s board of trustees. ‘There’s no accountability,’ a former high-ranking university officer said. ‘Jerry’s got pretty free reign to wheel and deal professionally and personally. The board will approve an annual budget, but beyond that … he doesn’t go to the board to get approval. … It simply doesn’t happen.’ “
Trustees a problem too
You read that right. Jerry Falwell Jr. not only has a family friend as the assigned contractor of capital projects, but few, if any, of them have gone to the LU Board of Trustees for review. The Trustees pass an annual budget and that’s about it. These revelations open up a litany of questions for both Jerry Falwell Jr. and the Trustees on their financial stewardship of Liberty University. 
It also creates the issue of whether LU’s leadership needs wholesale change--at President/Chancellor and Board of Trustees. Consider the following for the Trustees: Isn’t it the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to make sure the President is doing the right thing for and by the university?  If Trustees were doing their job, this should never have come this far.  Since they have now done something, why did they do it now? Are they too embarrassed by repeated Falwell Jr. revelations? What took them so long to come to their collective senses?
In November 2019, Michael Poliakoff of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni chastised LU Trustees in Forbes.  He wrote the following: “And Liberty University has serious problems that could benefit from more board oversight. Although Liberty has increased its endowment exponentially under Falwell and has built a massive online degree program, this expansion has come at a cost: According to HowCollegesSpendMoney.com, Liberty spends 86 cents on administration for every dollar it spends on instruction, roughly three times as much as its self-selected peer institutions. Has the board demanded a thorough audit and review?”
Issues stemming from the Trustees are simply added to the overall picture of Liberty University’s leadership. If you can’t see that something’s amiss, you have to be blind.
‘Culture of fear’
Meanwhile in July 2019, former Liberty Champion editor Will Young wrote a lengthy column in the Washington Post titled, “Inside Liberty University’s ‘culture of fear.’ ” Young’s column outlined numerous stories that gained scrutiny upon Jerry Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump in 2016.  He explained multiple events over a couple of years where the editors were constantly second-guessed and looking over their shoulder of what would offend Falwell’s political sensitivities. After Champion coverage of the Red Letter Christians event in Lynchburg, the student-led, directed, and written newspaper since 1983 had two editors fired from their positions in a complete reorganization of The Liberty Champion. It was a shocking turn of events.
This has always been a tension with The Liberty Champion. In my three years writing or serving in an editorial capacity, two years as the News Editor in 1989-90 and 1990-91, invariably, the faculty adviser, and for us it was Ann Wharton, would use a teachable moment to talk about boundaries that can’t be crossed. But we never, ever had a pattern of being second guessed or looking over our shoulder that Young outlined in his column.
The culture of fear that has developed under Falwell Jr.’s leadership “is a thing” as kids like to say. At some point, folks must draw the conclusion where there’s smoke there’s fire. 
Spiritual issues
Lastly, we have a couple of spiritual issues. Karen Swallow Prior was a long-time English professor at Liberty University before recently joining Southeastern Baptist Seminary. I read an interview Prior had with Julie Roys. Prior talks about her affirmation of the biblical definition of marriage. However, she has had some connections with a couple of conferences, including Revoice, that could lead one to draw a different conclusion. The Revoice conference has advocated that same-sex attraction is alright as long as the folks involved remain celibate. All one can do is take Prior at her word, even though that leads to some muddy water. If LU allowed her to remain as a professor for numerous years, one can’t help but wonder how many other professors snuck in under poor vetting that do not hold biblical views on any number of issues. Folks would say the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy. The slippery slopes in American culture we were told to not be concerned about, are now issues we are concerned about.
Then, one pairs that with Falwell Jr.’s own tweet where he underscored that his responsibility is not the spiritual direction of the campus. Yet, if one goes to the Leadership page at liberty.edu there are Doctrinal and Mission/Purpose statements that have clear spiritual focus, and a photo of Jerry Falwell Jr. is there with those tabbed links on the left side of the page. So which is it? Does he have any responsibility for spiritual direction of the university, or does he not have that responsibility?
Dr. John Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” With certain aspects of enrollment trending downward, it would appear that some parents are voting with their wallets. How much longer are Trustees willing to go with Falwell Jr.? There’s much at stake in the answer to that question. It’s a question that demands answers and full transparency with the entire Liberty University family.
The best-case scenario is Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns on his own and most, if not all, of the Trustees follow him. It would be the right thing to do. And for heaven’s sake, bring Mark DeMoss back.
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rauthschild · 5 years
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Alarming Trump-Clinton Death Drama Masks Biggest CIA Takedown Since Cuban Missile Crisis
By: Sorcha Faal
An extremely alarming highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today lists at the top of its present national security concerns three seemingly disparate events that occurred in the United States over a 24-hour time span during 16-17 November 2019—the first occurring on Saturday 16 November when President Donald Trump was suddenly rushed without notice to Walter Reed Hospital for a “worrisome and unusual incident” that high-level unnamed sources say was due to “Trump being tested for deliberate poisoning of food with a time delayed chemical agent”, an incident matching what occurred last July-2018 when 19-year Secret Service veteran Nole Edward Remagen suddenly died and was returned to America from Scotland in a bio-hazard body bag after his testing toiletries personally used by First Lady Melania Trump—the second occurring on Sunday 17 November when Deep State coup leader Hillary Clinton was evacuated from the plane she was flying on after it experienced a “smoke and shaking” event that left debris on the runway—and the third also occurring on Sunday 17 November when Fort Lauderdale-Florida experienced the most damaging fire in this city’s history—a fire involving two mega yachts named Reflections and Lohengrin worth over $24 million—whose owner of Reflections is Chip McElroy—with Chip McElroy also being the owner of McElroy Manufacturing in Tusla-Oklahoma where he’s been involved in large donations to Democrat Party candidates since 2006—and since 2016, also sees Chip McElroy serving on the board of directors of the private and highly secretive US military contractor Pryer Aerospace—a US military contractor that partnered with its Turkish counterpart during the 2017 Aviation Forum held in Hamburg-Germany—and whose central occurrence tying all three of these events together was President Trump meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the White House three days prior on 13 November—the aftermath of which is being felt throughout all of Turkey today as 130 of their top military officers are being sought out and arrested—arrests ordered against these military officers who were secret operatives financed by the CIA in their failed 15 July 2016 coup against Erdogan—a coup Erdogan said was led by now retired US Army General Joseph Votel—and aided by General Votel’s protégé  US Army General Raymond Anthony Thomas III—who was the former Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Agency whom the Pentagon claims is the Commander of United States Special Operations—but stands opposed to the United States Special Operations Command itself claiming that it’s true Commander is US Army General Richard D. Clarke—all of which points to a secret war now being underway between President Trump and elements within his own CIA and US military he’s intent on taking down, the likes of which have not been seen since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis—a crisis preceded by the Bay of Pigs fiasco that saw renegade elements within the CIA and US military trying to force President John F. Kennedy into war with Cuba—saw President Kennedy fighting back against this treachery with his vow “to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”—but before he could, saw President Kennedy being publically executed on 23 November 1963 when his head was blown off while he sat next to his wife—all the secret files of which President Trump still retains in his possession.  
According to the very limited information contained in this highly-classified report we’re permitted to comment on, appearing to cause the gravest concern among SVR analysts is the powerful Republican Party US Senator Ron Johnson having just revealed that there is a “second sleeper cell working in the Executive Branch against President Trump”—one of whose operatives US Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman has now been accused by Senator Johnson of leaking top-secret information—top-secret information Colonel Vindman leaked to a leftist publication whose article US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff used to promote his Trump-Ukraine impeachment coup hoax.
Equally appearing to be gravely concerning to these SVR analysts is that this Trump-Ukraine impeachment coup hoax has now been turned into what is being called a “Pelosi Disaster”—a reference to Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi placing all of the Deep State’s demented hopes into this sham investigation that the American people are refusing to even watch or pay attention to—a result so disastrous that the entire field of Democrat presidential candidates has gone dark and won’t even mention impeachment—all of whom became terrified this week when the Democrats dark money group House Majority Forward released their shock findings exposing what their own voters really think—and in part states:
The core perception voters bring to the discussion of Trump is that he is a businessman, not a politician.
Because he is not a politician, the standards that would apply to a politician are not applied to him.
His businessman persona also gives him credibility on economic issues, including trade.
Almost nobody in the groups said they are intentionally following impeachment news.
Several are avoiding it.
There was a great deal of ambivalence about impeachment and apparently more support for dropping it than pursuing it.
With the United States Supreme Court yesterday blocking the Democrats from obtaining President Trump’s financial records, this report concludes, these demented socialists were further sidelined when another US Federal Court ordered the Democrats to give Trump notice if they were going to try to get his New York State tax returns so his attorneys could also block that effort—an order joined by another US Federal Court blocking these Democrats from receiving secret grand jury testimony from the failed Muller Probe that saw one of its judges pondering the obvious with the words “Would that impermissibly involve this court in an impeachment proceeding?”—a fact obvious because impeachment is a political exercise having nothing to do with the court—but if it should be elevated by leftist US Federal Judges to the Supreme Court, as it pertains to impeachment witnesses, has it now being warned: “If this case is ultimately decided by the Supreme Court, it will be one of the most consequential separation of powers cases in American constitutional history — however it is decided”—all of which is occurring at the same time top American political scientists are warning that “this impeachment fight is scarier than you think”—all of whom studied what their democracy is going through and agree “it usually doesn’t end well”—most particularly because what America is now going through is called “Regime Cleavage”—that describes a division within the population marked by conflict about the foundations of the governing system itself and constitutional democracy—and in societies facing a regime cleavage, a growing number of citizens and officials believe that norms, institutions and laws may be ignored, subverted or replaced—a belief fully exhibited by the socialist Democrat Party and its Deep State allies and the leftist mainstream propaganda media—an exhibition of actual lawlessness and subversion caused by none of them having any answer to Trump’s anti-war posture—an anti-war posture that Trump was elected to achieve after 801,000 peoples were killed and $6.4 trillion of American treasure lost in fighting needless and endless wars—but that he can only achieve by destroying all that oppose him—and appears to be a destruction soon coming after it was announced a few hours ago that Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be testifying before the United States Senate on 11 December about his findings---findings everyone knows will be accompanied by criminal arrest warrants—but no one knowing as of yet how numerous they will be—or if they’ll include former President Obama whom Trump has already accused of committing treason.  
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ffpreservation-blog · 6 years
REO Brokers — Stay Productive During End-of-Year Downtime
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Every business suffers downtime, when things are slow and the money isn’t pouring in as fast as it otherwise does. For REO properties, the end of the year and the holiday season in particular are that downtime. Very few bank-owned properties hit the market during this time, for a variety of reasons. For banks, that’s something of a good thing — no bank wants to build a portfolio of foreclosure properties.
For brokers and agents, however, REO properties may be your bread and butter, and when there aren’t enough on the market, this can be a difficult time of year. What it is not, however, is a time to rest on your laurels and hope for things to get better. The end-of-year downtime is something you should expect, and for which you should plan. Consider some options for what you can do to maintain REO downtime productivity and prepare for the busy season once more.
Downtime for REO Agents
There comes a time when every business is slow. For REO brokers and agents, this time is predictable, as it happens every holiday season at the end of the year. The reason for this is that there’s not a high inventory of properties because most banks put a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions over the holidays.
Downtime can be very costly for any business. In fact, while the costs can vary greatly from business to business, slow periods can result in losses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Businesses can only tolerate a certain amount of this loss before it causes serious damage. On the up side, you should know to expect the annual winter downtime in the REO industry, and this can allow you to prepare and be more productive.
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When you expect downtime, you can create benchmarks and objectives regarding the time that you’ll need to restore operations, as well as the maximum amount of loss you can afford in that time. Remember, though, it’s not all about dollars, it’s about clients and business relationships. One bad experience can cost you a customer, and that can be far more damaging than the money you lose.
Why the Holidays Represent Downtime
The reasons for this are many, but the most obvious of them is that it’s the holidays, and it’s just unethical to put people out of their homes during this time of year.
This year, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae announced publicly that starting on December 17 through January 2, 2019, there would be a moratorium on eviction lockouts that applies to all foreclosed and occupied homes owned by the lenders. While foreclosure activities will continue, occupants will not be evicted from their homes, giving them a cushion during which they can attempt to find other options.
Not only is it an ethical issue, there’s the issue of the weather. Finding a home during the coldest months of the year is difficult in the best of situations, and when someone finds themselves without a place to stay, the effects can be devastating.
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These two companies, the two largest government-sponsored enterprises or GSEs, have a tradition of doing this every year to help provide families with some level of certainty through the holiday season. This serves to help borrowers who are struggling and to give them a chance to reach out to their servicers to get help avoiding eviction. No bank wants to end up owning a home, and most would much rather work with borrowers to see their mortgage brought up to date.
Still, while the holidays are good for families who are behind on their bills, it creates a circumstance where REO agents don’t have the opportunity to build their property portfolio.
What Does “REO Downtime Productivity” Mean?
During downtime, the most successful agents view downtime as an opportunity rather than a time for concern or a time to sit and wait.
You need to maintain and potentially even increase your productivity during downtime. This means selling properties, not spinning your wheels and chasing down others to make sure they are doing their job. It means that you need to spend your time doing the things you need to do, rather than wasting it looking after others.
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Every real estate agent, for example, has to do weekly or bi-weekly inspections on each asset they represent. It’s important to ensure that everyone involved with maintaining these properties, from groundskeepers to carpenters, are doing what they are supposed to do. As a broker, you shouldn’t be doing their jobs for them or chasing them down to get the jobs done.
The Challenges of Slow Times
The biggest challenge an REO broker faces during slow periods is to how to stay afloat when your inventory is down. After all, you rely on having a solid range of properties in your portfolio to put on the market, sell and from which to make a profit. You have bills to pay, operations to run, expenses and overhead to pay, but during slow times, far fewer products to sell.
This isn’t an issue that’s unique to the REO world, but when you are slow, you face the challenge of losing contractors. That can perhaps be the most devastating effect of these times. After all, you can attempt to plan for a low income period. But when you’re slow, the people with whom you conduct business aren’t going to be as dedicated. As contractors, they too need to go where the money is.
This means that if you don’t have work to give them, they have to seek business elsewhere. In the end, that means when business picks up again, they might not be as available for you as they have been in the past. You thus run the risk of losing business relationships with needed contractors as time moves on.
What an REO Broker Should Do During Slow Times
There’s nothing you can do about a slow inventory season. It happens. What matters is what you do during that season. Maintaining REO downtime productivity can mean other things besides gaining assets. Naturally, your first goal should be to maintain and sell the properties you do have in your portfolio. This means staying on top of the upgrades, fixes and updates that need to be done to get those properties off the market fast.
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Make sure your contractors are staying on top of the necessary interior work, including a fresh coat of paint, upgrading the kitchen and bathroom, installing new lighting fixtures and installing new flooring. Outside, get on top of the curb appeal. Make sure that it’s ready for the spring and properly winterized against the cold weather.
Winterizing is Vital
One of the biggest risks for REO agents during this time of year is cold weather. It can result in frozen pipes and other issues that can create real structural damage to homes, which can cost in the thousands to repair. That’s why winterizing the home is such an important part of your REO downtime productivity. Make sure that the plumbing is properly insulated and do not shut off utilities. Keep the interior temperature at the home at 55 to 58 degrees to keep pipes from freezing up.
Make sure all appliances are unplugged to be sure they’re free from the risk of short circuits that can cause electrical fires. Eliminate debris lying against the house that can cause damage to the exterior walls during the winter deep freeze, and consider weather stripping around your windows and doors.
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Winter security is also vital. Squatters will actively look for places to get out of the cold, and thieves looking to steal copper are a big risk to vacant properties. Besides locking the place up securely, consider having an alarm installed, and put timers on the lights so that they go on and off in different rooms at different times. This makes the place look lived-in, which is a deterrent to unwanted visitors.
Keep Up With Your Marketing
With a slowdown in revenue, many REO agents choose to reduce their marketing budgets. This can be a mistake. The slowest times for income are the best times to advertise. This enables you to get in front of potential clients exactly when you need to. If you think about it, when you’re pulling in the most money, that’s the time you’re least in need of advertising.
Marketing during these slow seasons can be a great way to spend what limited income you have. It keeps your name out there and helps you build and solidify your brand, right when you need it the most.
Quick Tips for Brokers to Stay Productive During Downtime
A number of things can be done to stay productive during downtime, and many don’t take that long at all.
Set up your current properties for automatic showing requests through the MLS.
Make sure all keys are returned to their lockboxes.
Set up and maintain your email lists, and send offer packages to listing offices.
Check your email several times per day
Work with your lender contacts to shore up financing options for your clients
Engage in corporate training through Realcomp, Shareholder associations and other professional societies.
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Do Your Homework for the Coming Year
The real estate market is volatile — that’s about as much of an understatement as a person can make. It also means that, as an REO agent, you need to stay on top of the housing and mortgage trends for the coming year. There’s no better time to do this than during the slow periods. This year, it looks like some of the trends for the 2018 market are likely to continue into 2019.
Mortgage rates appear to be going down again, which could be good news for buyers, and good news for you as a broker looking to sell your properties. Due to the rising rates in 2018, home sales, both pending and final, were down every month as potential buyers chose to wait and see what happened with the market. Consumer demand, however, is up, and that means it’s a good time to prepare for sales.
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Both the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Home Builders expect mortgage rates this coming year to come in at just over 5%, higher than the lowest point from several years ago, but still low enough to encourage home buyers. The Mortgage Bankers Association, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae agree, though Fannie Mae is predicting a friendlier rate of just under 5%.
Grow and Improve Your Business Practices
This time of year is the ideal time to really brush up on the areas where you could have performed better. No business, anywhere, is perfect in its dealings, and the ideal time to do some business-based self-reflection is not when you’re slammed with business, but when you’re not busy and you have time to perform these self-audits.
Consider during this time how you can better serve both your clients and your employees. Revisit last year’s projects to see where you may have come up short and strategize to avoid such shortfalls in the future. Consider how you can improve your relations with your contractors. Examine your overall business practices and think of ways you can improve your team’s performance. Implement metrics to measure your success. This will enable you to hit the ground running next year.
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Get Out in the Field
Getting out in the field is also a vital thing to do this time of year. You should be doing research on potential new clients. Look into hedge funds, asset managers and even new banks and lenders that you can service by adding them to your client portfolio. Submit applications to those that look like they would be a good fit.
Meet with municipalities in your area, including inspectors and code enforcers, so you’re always up to date on the regulations and statutes you’ll need to obey in regard to your REO properties. Failing to meet current codes and laws can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines as municipalities work to fight urban blight.
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That’s why, at this time of year, it’s important to get up to speed on local codes. Being informed allows you to address problems before they arise and avoid potential fines and problems in the future.
Recruit and Secure Vendors
This is also the perfect time of year to meet your vendors and shore up your relationships. Make sure you keep that line of communication open. As we said earlier, when work is slow they will need to find other sources of income. Your ability to keep those communication lines open can be the difference between winning them back when new work arises and losing their business altogether.
In short: be proactive this time of year. It’s the time that you need to spend the most effort on maintaining your relationships. It’s the time to conduct research on the best property preservation and construction companies and determine what to look for in a property preservation and restoration expert. Learn thefactors you need to consider to find the right REO services company: experience, history of working with banks, ability to work within your needs, and ability to work within your budget.
Find an REO Services Company
Taking the steps to stay productive during downtime is really upon you, the broker. While an REO services company can’t help you evaluate your business practices or shore up your relationships, they can be very useful in your future productivity. With the services of an experienced REO management company, you won’t have to chase down contractors to make sure people are doing their jobs during your inspections.
In addition, the right management firm can help you sell those properties you still have in your portfolio. They can also provide a great way to ensure that you have the services you need when the time comes to build your business once more. REO services can help you to add properties to your portfolio as well. They will provide real-time updates and budget monitoring for every stage of the sale process. They provide tenant-occupied services to deal with evictions when the time comes. They also provide the peace of mind that your preservation and upgrade services will be handled properly.
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In fact, there are many benefits to working with REO management services. They can enhance the marketability of your property and reduce holding time. They can help you to mitigate the risks associated with maintaining properties. They help allow you to focus on marketing and selling the property without worrying about doing everyone else’s job at the same time. They accomplish all of this with expertise and experience, using licensed contractors and offering the best in support at every level.
Finding the right REO services company and establishing and maintaining a relationship with them can be the most important thing you do to stay productive during downtime with your REO brokerage.
First Freedom Preservation
First Freedom Preservation is an experienced Maryland-based REO services company that is here to make your portfolio more profitable across the board. We operate in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Washington D.C. As a company, we have over 15 years of experience in the industry, and individually we bring decades of combined experience in the property preservation and management industry to the table. We work with only the very best professional contractors in the business.
We offer complete renovation and repair services, including upgrades both interior and exterior, damaged property estimates and repairs, curb appeal enhancement, lead paint abatement and needed updates, all with the very best craftsmanship delivered by full-time, licensed contractors. Maintain control of your properties every step of the way, while we take care of making your property marketable and get it in shape for you to sell fast and at top dollar.
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From debris hazard and removal to winterization, lock box installation, code compliance — even quality assurance inspections and tenant occupied services — we can handle any job. We’ll do it within your budget, and it all starts with a thorough inspection of the property and breakdown of the services you need.
For more information on how we can help you take your property management to the next level, learn more about who we are and see what our customers have to say. Then, contact us for a bid today!
The post REO Brokers — Stay Productive During End-of-Year Downtime appeared first on First Freedom Preservation.
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markjsaterfiel66 · 6 years
Enginursday: Light Fuse and Get Away
For most of the year, Selden (pop. 216) is a quiet farming community deep within the vast fields of Kansas. But every July 4th, a team of highly-skilled amateur pyrotechnicians from around the country travel to this small town to put on a fireworks show worthy of professionals.
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The ringleaders are contractor Joe Keating, and aerospace engineers Lee Jasper and Kyle Kemble. They meet in Selden because Joe has deep family roots there (they run the operation out of his grandmother’s house). Each year they’re joined by about a dozen family members, friends and acquaintances, all hand-picked as if they were in a caper movie. They’ve been doing this for quite a while; this year will be their 12th annual show.
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Kyle Kemble, Joe Keating, and Lee Jasper
The team does this mostly for the fun of it. Fireworks are illegal in most of their home states, and as Kyle puts it, putting on this show lets them scratch a pyrotechnic itch they normally wouldn’t be able to. But they also do it in service to the people of Selden and the surrounding communities – the show they put on is entirely self-funded.
The planning for each year’s show begins the day after the previous one. While the team is recovering in the shade outside Joe’s family home, they talk about what went well, what didn’t, what new equipment they could build, and potential themes and music. The team then disperses to their home states and starts working on next year’s show.
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Every April, Joe, Lee and Kyle attend a convention put on by their fireworks manufacturer, Red Rhino. The company demonstrates new products (live in their own show), and announces which products they’ll be retiring (often with deep discounts). These are consumer fireworks, not the highly-regulated shells that highly-regulated professionals use. However, the products the team chooses for the show are still extremely powerful, and they set off thousands of pounds of them. This year the team purchased nearly 6,000 pounds of fireworks, half of which they’ll use in the show, the rest they’ll sell to finance the enterprise, along with donations from the team and members of the community.
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During the spring the team also works on their firing system, which gets more sophisticated every year. They’ve come a long way from the first shows, which used the old-fashioned method of people running around with lighters.
Joe built their first electrical firing system in 2013 while he was out of work with a shoulder injury. It consisted of 18 household light switches connected to alligator clips, all plugged into an AC extension cord (kids don’t try this at home!). Slightly alarmed by this, Lee and Kyle built an Arduino-based system the following year. This consisted of two Pelican cases, each containing a WiFi-capable Arduino Yun, 48 SPI-controlled relays, lead-acid batteries and a key-based arming system, all built to NASA specs. More or less.
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The advantage of an electronic firing system is the precise timing it allows, not to mention that it separates people from the immediate vicinity of explosives, which is never a bad idea. Instead of a fuse that gives you 10 seconds or so to get away, electrical ignition occurs almost instantly, making complex and precise, computer-controlled choreography possible.
But as we all know, bugs aren’t just possible, they’re inevitable. For the 2014 show, the original plan was to wirelessly connect a laptop to the two Arduino-based boxes (password-secured, of course). However, WiFi connectivity was found to be iffy during testing, so the decision was made to hardwire the system using ethernet cables instead. Even then, one of the boxes became unresponsive in the final minutes before the show. Kyle cautiously entered the field to reboot it manually, only to have to turn and run as the box immediately set off all 48 of its fireworks…
Thanks to the team’s commitment to safety, Kyle was fine (in fact, the team has never had a serious injury). The crowd loved the “finale” occurring at the beginning of the show, and a picture of Kyle silhouetted against the conflagration became part of the team’s official logo. That particular bug was found and squashed, and the boxes served the team well in subsequent years.
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A few days before the show, the bulk of the team arrives in Selden. Following the master spreadsheet, they proceed to unpack the fireworks, secure them to wooden pallets, and install the firing components (called “electric matches”) in place of the original fuses. This is delicate and potentially dangerous work, but the team has done their research to do this safely. Don’t try this yourself without doing the same.
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To try to beat the midday heat, show day starts before sunrise. The early shift hauls the pallets to the town baseball field, and places them in their predetermined positions. The wiring shift then moves in to wire the hundreds of electric matches into the firing systems.
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In past years, this took thousands of feet of two-conductor wire, strung like a spiderweb across the field (and just as likely to ensnare careless footsteps). But the firing system continued to evolve, and starting last year each pallet now contains its very own controller.
The new system, dubbed “Magic Smoke” and designed by team members Mike Mozingo and Brian Roth, consists of a custom PCB with a microcontroller, WiFi and eight high-current outputs. Moving from the large, centralized controllers to smaller distributed ones eliminated thousands of feet of wire and hours of difficult work installing it. Mike and Brian also wrote the show control software that runs on the central laptop. If everything’s working correctly, you can hit one button and sit back and watch the show.
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The evening of the show is pure Americana. The baseball field is decorated in American flags and red, white and blue bunting. The show has gained quite a reputation over the years, and people from a wide area arrive early to stake out the best spots. Blankets and picnics are everywhere, and pre-show music plays from the team’s sound system. Local civic organizations and scout troops run carnival games and food stands.
Meanwhile, the shoot crew has gathered in the outfield, doing last-minute continuity checks and fixing any problems they find (such as children tripping over the main extension cord). This is also the time for the final safety briefing. One of the rules is to have the smallest number of people (all wearing protective equipment) run the show from the forward command area. The rest of the crew spectates from the back of the outfield. As the sun sets, Mike and Brian enter the field to arm their control boxes. The LEDs change from green to red. The field is now a no-man’s-land.
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As darkness settles on the town, the only lights on the field are the softly glowing control boxes, and the laptop screen at the control table. The team makes sure the board is green and that everyone is in position, does a quick countdown, and hits “play.” The intro music starts (last year the theme was “At The Movies”), and the show is underway!
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Fireworks are an art form like any other, and Joe, Lee and Kyle have gotten quite good at choreographing the style, color and sound of the various Red Rhino products to each year’s musical theme. Last year a specially-built array of Roman Candles stood in for the space battle in Star Wars, and sparkling rockets created the twin trails of the DeLorean from Back To The Future (see the video below).
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Most shows go off without major problems, but there are occasional glitches. Sometimes the percussive force of one firework going off will dislodge the wiring to an adjacent one (this generally isn’t noticeable given the sheer number of fireworks involved). And although the weather at this time of year is typically hot and dry, a rare afternoon thunderstorm before one show moistened the booster charges on the finale shells, causing them to explode much lower than intended. The “low break” certainly looked spectacular, even if it caused the forward team to hastily retreat to the outfield. Importantly, these glitches are valued by the team as opportunities to improve future shows, each of which has been smoother (and more spectacular) than the last.
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After the show ends and the crowd expresses their appreciation, the big area lights come on, illuminating the smoking remnants of the team’s work. The town’s fire department hoses everything down to ensure nothing will go off unexpectedly, and the team moves in to clean up the mess. Exhausted but elated, they’ll celebrate the rest of the night at Selden’s community center. And the following day, they’ll begin planning next year’s show.
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If you’ll be in central Kansas on Sunday, July 1st, the Full-Out Fireworks team invites you to their 12th annual Selden Fireworks Show. If you’re unable to attend, you can watch last year’s show on Vimeo.
And if you ever decide you want to run your own show, Joe has three suggestions for you: First, always have a fire extinguisher handy. Second, always disarm your system before going into the field. And most importantly, don’t forget to take a moment to step back during the show to enjoy and admire the hundreds of hours of hard work you put into it.
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cityboyaisha · 3 years
Types of Electrical Services
The phrase "Commercial Service" refers to the provision of goods or services to customers who are primarily engaged in the business of selling goods or services. This comprises institutions and local, state, and federal government organizations that are not engaged in manufacturing or electric power generation.
Electrical Services Available for Commercial Properties
Business electricians design, install, maintain, and repair electrical systems in commercial buildings.
•        Restaurants,
•        offices,
•        medical facilities;
•        hotels,
•        retail establishments;
•        warehouses
They are illustrative of these types of structures.
A commercial electrician in Melbourne is a qualified and licensed electrician specializing in the wiring and electrical systems of commercial buildings rather than residential ones.
These electricians work in huge structures with complex systems, such as shopping malls, office buildings, restaurants, government buildings, and high-rise constructions.
Commercial Real Estate and Structures
Commercial real estate is defined as land that is primarily used for commercial purposes. While the commercial property is frequently thought of as buildings that house businesses, it can also refer to income-generating land or large residential rental residences.
Commercial property classification has implications for financing a structure, determining its worth, and applying applicable regulations to the structure in question.
Commercial Property Analyzed and dissected
Commercial real estate includes shopping malls, grocery stores, offices, industrial parks, manufacturing facilities, and other commercial assets. Commercial real estate performance—including sales prices, new building rates, and occupancy rates—is frequently used as a proxy for the degree of business activity in a particular region or economic system.
Commercial electricians typically cooperate with designers, architects, and contractors. They hold a commercial license and have completed an apprenticeship program for electricians. Electricians who work in commercial settings perform a wide variety of electrical services. Here are a few of the best.
 Upgrades and Refurbishments
Numerous commercial buildings are upgrading and renovating their lighting systems as part of their business to reduce their energy expenditures and carbon footprint in today's society.
Commercial electricians are well-trained in this profession. They also do their work so that it does not affect the business's day-to-day operations. Additionally, any required panel work or custom wiring may be completed quickly and efficiently.
Electrical Panel Installation and Upgrades
Commercial establishments demand a greater level of electrical support to ensure the successful completion of all operations. In a nutshell, the electrical panel determines this. Electrical control panel installation is a very specific commercial service today. Electricians can upgrade old electrical panels or design a new one from scratch.
Tenant Improvements and Services
When you have tenants in your commercial buildings, it is vital to have a relationship with a commercial electrical team that can provide you with various services and changes to ensure optimal comfort and function.
Among the business services that you may be able to acquire are the following:
•        Installation of new circuits or rewiring
•        Renovations and Remodels
•        Using Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Systems to Guard Against Potentially Harmful Surges
•        Security System
•        Fire Alarm Systems
•        Motion Detection Systems
•        Intercommunication units
•        Parking Features
•        Energy-Saving Devices
•        Industrial control panels
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charlesccastill · 7 years
MassHousing Closes on $22.6 Million to Renovate and Reconstruct 112 Affordable Units in Cambridge
BOSTON –  MassHousing has closed on $22.6 million in financing for the nonprofit developer Just-A-Start Corporation (JAS) for the acquisition and renovation of 112 affordable apartments in Cambridge, including the new construction of a 16-unit building at 50 York St. that was destroyed in a devastating, 10-alarm fire in December 2016.
The MassHousing financing allows Just-A-Start to invest $17 million in a comprehensive renovation and modernization of the scattered-site portfolio, which consists of 20 low-rise, mid-rise, and townhouse apartment buildings, located on 10 sites throughout Cambridge. All 112 rental units will be affordable to households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI), which is $62,040 for a family of four.
“We were pleased to provide financing to preserve and modernize this very important affordable housing resource in Cambridge, which is one of the most expensive rental housing in the country,” said MassHousing Acting Executive Director Tom Lyons. “Just-A-Start, the City of Cambridge, and the Baker-Polito Administration were committed to making sure that these apartments not only remained affordable to lower-income residents and working families, but also to ensure that these properties received the significant improvements needed to keep them livable for years to come. The 16 families who lost everything in the massive 2016 fire will have the opportunity to return to a brand-new building, where they will be able to live and prosper as they had before their lives were turned upside down.”
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50 York Street
MassHousing has committed a $10.1 million permanent loan and a $12.5 million bridge loan. Other financing sources for the $45.6 million transaction include $14.2 million in equity generated through an allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, a $3.8 million Just-A-Start seller note, a $5.2 million sponsor loan, $10.1 million in assumed subordinate debt, a $540,000 loan from the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority and a $435,000 deferred developer fee. JP Morgan Chase is providing $22.6 million in construction financing.
“This project demonstrates the power of a caring community to support the timely replacement of the homes lost in the 2016 fire. Now, more than ever, the housing preserved with this project is essential to the health and stability to these Cambridge families,’’ said Just-A-Start executive Director Deborah Ruhe.
Forty-one of the 112 units are supported by a federal Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment contract. There are 17 one-bedroom apartments, 40 two-bedroom apartments, 45 three-bedroom apartments and 10 four-bedroom apartments.
The contractor is NEI General Contracting. The architect is Winslow Architects and the management agent is Maloney Properties.
MassHousing has financed or administers the subsidy contract for 14 rental communities in Cambridge, for a total of 2,051 housing units and an original loan amount of $135.5 million and provided $68.5 million in financing to 550 Cambridge homebuyers or homeowners.
from boston condos ford realtor http://bostonrealestatetimes.com/masshousing-closes-on-22-6-million-to-renovate-and-reconstruct-112-affordable-units-in-cambridge/
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newstfionline · 6 years
The World Economy Runs on GPS. It Needs a Backup Plan
Bloomberg, July 25, 2018
Duke Buckner was enjoying his breakfast at the Renaissance Tel Aviv Hotel, looking out on the city marina, on the day that time stuttered. Buckner oversees marketing and business development for Microsemi Corp., an American communications and defense contractor, and he gets a copy of emailed error reports for its equipment. It’s rare to get more than one in a given day. But on the morning of Jan. 26, 2016, they flooded his inbox. He forgot about breakfast.
The complaints had to do with Microsemi’s timing receivers for the Global Positioning System, the ubiquitous satellite navigation technology that was built for the U.S. military and has found its way into all our pockets. GPS isn’t just for maps. It’s also a kind of vast, spaceborne clock. Computers all over Earth use it to determine what time it is, down to billionths of a second. When there’s the slightest disagreement among those computers, things fall apart.
Microsemi’s timing receivers were frantically issuing error messages because of just such a discrepancy. “In normal operation, these things don’t generate alarms for years,” Buckner says. “So when one goes off a lot of times, people don’t know what to do.” Over the next 11 hours, cellphone towers lost their connections, U.S. police and fire stations reported communications errors, BBC radio signals were interrupted, and the telescope that tracks asteroids in Earth’s orbit went offline.
The root cause was a bug in the GPS network. When the U.S. Air Force, which operates the 31 satellites, decommissioned an older one and zeroed out its database values, it accidentally introduced tiny errors into the database, skewing the numbers. By the time Buckner’s inbox started blowing up, several satellites were transmitting bad timing data, running slow by 13.7 millionths of a second.
Each satellite carries several atomic clocks that are supposed to measure time by tracking how often the electrons at its core jump from one energy state to another. The satellites then transmit that data, along with their locations in orbit, toward Earth. On the ground, the GPS receiver in your phone relies on the consistency of those ultraprecise calculations to determine where you are, where the nearest decent bowl of pho is, and so on. (Yes, Einstein fans, the receiver accounts for the space clocks ticking a little slower than the ones on Earth.)
It’s tough to overstate how GPS-dependent the world economy has become since the U.S. Department of Defense started giving the service away to the public in 2000. There are 2 billion GPS receivers in use around the world, a number that Europe’s satellite navigation agency estimates will hit 7 billion by 2022. Along with the telecommunications industry, banks, airlines, electric utilities, cloud computing businesses, and TV broadcasters require constantly precise GPS timing. Emergency services do, too, as do military forces. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated 16 sectors of infrastructure as “critical,” and 14 of them depend on GPS.
A few other satellite-navigation systems in place are working on or have backups in place: Galileo (operated by the European Union), GLONASS (Russia), and BDS (China). Only the Russian system claims global coverage, though.
Most critical services, and financial markets, have backups--their own atomic clocks, perhaps, or connections to slightly less precise tools. But some of those backups depend on GPS timing, and might last only a few minutes. “GPS is the single point of failure for the entire modern economy,” says Representative John Garamendi, a California Democrat who’s been warning about the hazards for years as a member of the House committees on armed services and on transportation and infrastructure. “No cellphone, no ATM machine will work.”
The 11-hour run of intermittent chaos that ruined Buckner’s breakfast was just a hint of what’s possible. That was an innocent mistake, after all, not a concerted attack on the GPS network.
Lots of things can scramble the satellites besides some stray numbers in a database. Solar flares. Space debris. And, perhaps, hostile foreign powers. The Pentagon started to regard the satellites themselves as a potential target in 2007, when China obliterated one of its own aging weather satellites using a missile. North Korea, Iran, and Russia are also said to have developed satellite-busting weaponry.
On the receiver side, GPS signals are weak enough to be clouded by pigeon poop on cellphone towers--or jammed by miscreants using hardware that’s surprisingly easy to obtain. Although the hundreds of varieties on the market are illegal in most countries, the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency tallied roughly 50,000 incidents of deliberate jamming in the last two years, mostly truckers and ride-hailing drivers trying to hide their locations from employers during breaks. It’s assumed jamming was the cause of more than 40 airliners’ loss of GPS when nearing runways at Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport in July and August of 2016. All landed safely by eyeballing their approaches, but the weather isn’t always so forgiving.
The most insidious tactic on the ground is GPS spoofing, using malicious software to broadcast phony signals and fool the receiver on, say, an aircraft into thinking it’s somewhere, or somewhen, that it isn’t. Such methods “would certainly work against Ubers, Waymo’s self-driving cars, delivery drones from Amazon,” and more, says Todd Humphreys, an aerospace engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin.
In the world of finance, subtle spoofing could foul up everything from a convenience store’s credit card reader to the entire New York Stock Exchange. “If you change the reference time dramatically, everybody’s going to notice,” says Andrew Bach, who used to oversee the NYSE’s network services. “The thing people get concerned about is, what if someone very gently drifts time ahead or back for the purpose of injecting confusion into the operations of the financial industry?” Even though most major Wall Street companies have their own atomic clocks to backstop GPS timing, introducing subtle anomalies could spook the algorithms that run the world of high-frequency trading, sparking a mass sell-off.
Spoofing by hostile foreign powers is a concern for the Pentagon, too. During a 2012 demonstration, stunned Homeland Security officials watched as Humphreys and colleagues hijacked a drone by giving it false GPS coordinates and leading it away from its intended path. Russian military forces are able to spoof drones over Syria and the Black Sea, says a person familiar with the matter.
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