#fire and brimstone. ll in character. ll rommath.
quelbound · 4 years
starter thing for @gellintalah
One would think spending day after day in the presence of the Regent Lord and the Ranger General would make dealing with their antics, primarily Brightwing, easier as time went on. But Rommath had quickly found out, years ago, that that particular thing was far easier said than done. Much as he respected Lor’themar, sometimes those two were... Far too much for the Grand Magister. Light forbid they reminisce their ranger days together. It’s almost as if Lor’themar forgets his station for the time being. Rommath would never understand making a public ass of yourself like that.
When the magister would return home, finally, he let out a long, grueling sigh as the door was locked behind him..... Only to narrow his eyes at the figure sitting across his couch. Had it been anyone else, Rommath wouldn’t hesitate to pyroblast them out of existence. But the sneaky kaldorei, ballsy as ever as she was to sneak so far into Silvermoon City, thankfully had the pleasure of being on Rommath’s “good side”. Or whatever was closest for Rommath himself having a good side.
To make matters worse, his corgi sat proudly atop Nanthis’s lap, yipping softly at Rommath as the mage entered his home. What a traitor.
“...... Could you please stop breaking into my home?” Rommath questioned the elf.
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quelbound · 4 years
@gellintalah ll cont.
With each kiss that garnered nothing from the kaldorei, Rommath pulled away to frown at the rogue. Likely knowing his intentions of distraction, just for the moment, she seemed....Not a fan. Thankfully his efforts weren’t in vain as, with the last kiss from the magister, he seemed pleased as her hand went to the back of his neck to pull him into a proper kiss. What he hadn’t expected, however, was the bite and tug to his lip. He gave a low growl of pleasure as one hand went to her waist.
However, whatever ounce of turned on he’d gotten from that brief moment of contact seemed to dissipate soon as she spoke. Rommath frowned deeper. He knew exactly what pros and cons the Horde served. He did not have the patience to have this conversation. Instead, he avoided the question once more by claiming his lovers lips once more, wanting to delve back into their small power play. “Must we have this conversation again?” he sighed once he pulled his head back.
“There are other things on my mind at the moment anyways. Like a certain emerald haired elf with a decent face that I really fancy.”
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quelbound · 5 years
Tumblr media
“This is why I don’t drink. When the sky starts changing colors with the screams of the damned? I think I’m good.”
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quelbound · 5 years
👄 + Kael'thas c': for Rom
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character. ll @elendeare
The magister’s expression narrowed sharply at the name given to him. It had been over a decade now, nearly almost two if memory served correctly, and that particular nuance in his life still proved to be quite a thorn. Though as much as he wanted to believe it was still a thorn in his side, deep down he knew it wasn’t quite that. His heart, perhaps. Or a mixture of both, Kael always did have a way of pestering him while simultaneously making the Grand Magister melt for him even further.
What a bastard he was. Rommath made no attempts at hiding the highly annoyed roll of his eyes and the agitated sigh that escaped him. “What is there to say?” The mage asked in return. What could he say that has not already been said about the former crown prince? What had happened had happened and Rommath, loyal as he was to the heir Sunstrider, seemed to be so to a fault. He had been blind to Kael’thas’s true schemes and look what had happened! It left Rommath shattered and Kael dead.
Worst of all, Rommath had loved him. Even prior to his unsightly affection towards the prince, and certainly well after, Rommath was not known to give such intimacies very often. Or at all. Romance and love simply did not exist within the Grand Magister. What a fool he had been to give it away so freely like that too. He had made sure to quash whatever similar feelings he would procure in the years following for surely it would lead to nothing but demise and heartache once again.
“He was our prince. My friend.” The word had left a bitter taste in the magisters mouth, he couldn’t help the sour way his expression tightened up.. “And he used us. Left us blindly stranded so he could pursue some demon induced fantasy. What more would you want me to speak on? We’ve been perfectly fine picking up the pieces he so carelessly left behind so,” He shrugs. “We are better off without him.”
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quelbound · 5 years
💬 + lor'themar has the best ass and its dubbed "quel'thalass"
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it. ll @foxfictioncentral
“I can confirm this.” Halduron nods. “It’s the best ass this side of the Eastern Kingdoms. Glorious, voluptuous.. I dare say it’s the better Booty Bay.”
Lor’themar sighs. “Wow, it’s not like I haven’t heard this countless times before.” He says, unphazed. “I really wish Halduron would stop spreading these rumors about me…”
“Can they really be called rumors if they’re true though?” Rommath asks.
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quelbound · 5 years
“Paladins are nice, in theory. However, it must be unfortunate to be so Light headed all the time.”
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quelbound · 5 years
“Do hungry time-travellers ever go back four seconds?”
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quelbound · 5 years
wild spiky bois appear. ll @foxfictioncentral / @hugs-not-anonymous
It took some time and effort to find the other, time that made Rommath grow increasingly disgruntled at the effort it was taking to spot the kaldorei. Felfire eyes blazed irritatedly behind a mask of intricately gilded trimmed crimson covering his eyes as he scanned the room. Not many paid him much attention but those that did were quick to scurry from the commander’s line of sight, and by extent, line of fire.
Finally, he spotted the gentle giant across the way. With a purposeful stride forward, Rommath had begun to make his way over, never faltering his gaze from the soft glow of the others lavender tinged aura. It flickered and spasmed; almost mimicking the other elf’s nervous nature. The form hulked around the kaldorei, a dragon-esque hint Rommath couldn’t quite put his finger on lingering around him. It was about the only intimidating thing about the other but knowing him personally, the sense of shielded danger that was kept just beneath the dragon’s essence did not deter him.
With a grunt, Rommath approached him with all the authority he could carry. However, in the few short moments that he held staring down at the other illidari, the next was him claiming Jasculs’s lap and sitting there, cross legged and arms folded. Rommath tilted his head towards Jasculs slightly, offering the top of his head for pats.
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quelbound · 5 years
@explosivesorrow :^) I took some liberties with it but here ya go, enjoy.
Warning for: Alcohol, crude humor, and guys bein’ dudes. Under the cut for length.
"Why must you insist we wear these ridiculous things?" Rommath grumbled, sending a scorching glare to Halduron.
The ranger sat nearby across one of the sofas, lounged comfortably against a mound of plush pillows. He had traded in his usual attire, the blue and silver ranger's uniform he often donned while conducting his business within the Spire, for a rather loose and soft looking onesie. Russet and a light tan fur pattern coupled with the tufted ears sewn to the hood, it was much the style of a lynx. And just like a lynx, Halduron grinned to the Grand Magister.
"Of course. Have you never properly leisured before? This is how its done." The other replied.
"This is far from my idea of leisurely!" Rommath retorted, motioning down to his own style of dress that was much the same fashion. He glared at Brightwing from underneath the cowl of a hood. His own was apparently supposed to be a black Hawkstrider, feathers and all. Even more disgruntling to Rommath, a circle of shot glasses had been lined up in front of himself, Halduron, and Lor'themar. Three each, all filled to the brim with swirling, likely burning, liquor. The strongest they could find in all of Quel’thalas, from what the two had explained prior. To make things interesting.
Lor'themar seemed just as unbothered by their current predicament as Halduron was. With his soft snow white bunny onesie, floppy ears hanging low against the back of his head, the Regent Lord looked…. Well, far from Regently, for starters. Begrudgingly, he would also say Lor'themar looked far more relaxed than he did during the day. So he supposed, even at the cost of dignity, this wasn’t too bad...
"What say you, Theron?" Rommath asked.
Lor'themar shrugged. "If you do not enjoy it, nobody will stop you from leaving. However, your robes have been gently and caringly folded and teleported back to your own quarters so if you care to walk halfway through the city in a hawkstrider suit, be my guest."
His words had stunned Rommath. How dare-! The Grand Magister seethed angrily now that his previous thoughts were fruitless. He may be some ounce of glad they can take a moment to relax but at the expense of being stuck with them for a night or risk shame going onto the streets in this chicken suit was humiliating to say the least.
"Oh, relax, you big baby. It's not so bad. There’s worse things we could be doing, like setting fire to your libraries again-” “AGAIN?” “That’s not important, don’t worry about it.” “I’m already worrying about it.” “It’s old news, it’s fine, nothing got damaged…. That you’re aware of.” Rommath let out an irritated huff as he pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering a slur of curses under his breath not-so-subtly in Halduron’s direction. “Congradulations, I’ve already received a headache and we haven’t even started this stupid game.”
“Rom, it’s alright. He’s joking.” Lor’themar shot a pointed look at Halduron, who only looked away innocently.
Placing his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair until two of the legs were off the ground, Halduron whistled nonchalantly as he rocked back and forth slowly. “Accident. That’s what it was. Yep.”
“Mhm.” Rommath raised an unbelieving brow to him.
“Hal.” Lor’themar scolded. “Start the game before this escalates and you burn down my home.”
Halduron put his hands up in surrender, though the smirk he wore never wavered. “Whatever you say, boss.” He replied, motioning towards the glasses in front of each of the men. “Never have I ever.. Combusted out of sheer spite.”
Rommath glares once more, a look that could have set the Ranger-General aflame if he’d focused harder on the magic around him. With as much dignity as he could muster, Rommath took his first glass tentatively, raising it to his face. With an inspecting sniff, a wrinkle of his nose at the harsh bitter scent, Rommath frowned. Halduron and Lor’themar were staring at him expectedly, urging him on. With a grunt, Rommath tilted his head back and threw back the shot. Reeling and almost gagging at the foul taste of liquor, it took his entire strength to swallow the burning dark liquid, scowling harsh as it went down.
He was the only one to take a shot this round, as expected.
Already, he could feel the loud pounding of a headache against his temples as the liquor worked through his system. His head had begun to swim and Rommath had to grip at the armrest of his chair to not fall over on the spot. Damn Halduron and damn Lor’themar for dragging him into this, knowing full well he’s got no tolerance for alcohol-!
“Fine.” Rommath growled. “Never have I ever had sex in the woods.”
Lor’themar sputters and Halduron throws his head back in a loud laugh. Both men drink. If they wanted to play petty and dirty, so could Rommath.
“Never have I ever had sex.” Halduron threw back, another laugh escaping him.
“That doesn’t count, that’s copying my answer. Be more creative. Also I do believe it’s Lor’themar’s turn so,” Rommath less than gracefully shoots Halduron a middle finger.
“He’s correct...On both fronts.” Lor’themar said. “No copying answers.”
Hal tsk’d in complaint, sticking his tongue at the both of them.
“Now then… Never have I ever… Fell out of a tree.” The Regent Lord smirks.
“That’s not fair!” Halduron exclaimed, taking the second shot. “We all can’t be as grace-footed as you! All the training in the world couldn’t give me the balance you do!”
Lor’themar only smiled smugly, proudly puffing his chest with his two glasses still remaining. His bunny eared hood bounced slighly as he chuckled at the muttering insults being tossed his way from his second in command. More surprisingly to both rangers, Rommath would also take a shot.
“You actually get out of your office?” Hal blinked, utterly bewildered.
“I was a child once, you know-” “Yeah, back in the War of the Ancients, maybe.” Hal interrupted.
A snap of arcane through the air had wrapped around the hunters mouth, keeping him from speaking further. With a muffled noise, and a vain attempt at clawing at the arcane thing silencing him, Halduron gave Rommath a pitiful look of desperation. With a less than thrilled look at Hal, Rommath glowered. “I fell on several occasions, broke something on a few, but that’s a story for another time since prince charming here thinks he’s funny.” He spoke.
With a snap of his fingers, the arcane was released and Halduron could once more speak.
“Rude.” He frowned.
The mage made a motion to snap his fingers again, to put the thing back around Halduron’s mouth to silence him for the rest of the game, but Lor’themar took his hand before he could do such a thing, lowering it as he shook his head. “Lets keep this as civil as possible.”
Both men shot a glare towards each other but, for the Regent Lord’s sake, decided to settle their dispute another time. “Fine.” They both said in unison.
“Finally, my turn.” Hal continued the game, sending a sly wink to Lor’themar. “Never have I ever been shot down by a certain matriarch of the blood knights.” Lor’themar balked at that, hunching over as if he had been punched in the gut and almost spilling the glasses in front of him. “That’s completely unfair! I wasn’t shot down, she just wasn’t interested!”
“You were shot down.”
“I cannot believe- out of all the idiotic- Yo-you would have the AUDACITY to even-” Lor’themar stammered very flustered as he reached for his second glass. He drowned his words with the liquor, pulling the rabbit’s hood down over his face more to hide the growing redness of his face.
“That’s most unfortunate. Now then… Never Have I ever… Not owned an animal.” Rommath said.
“That’s..The best you’ve got?” Hal eyed the magister.
Nobody drank.
“I’ve had a lynx my entire adult life.” Halduron shrugged.
“I own a...Mini zoo at this point. I just do not speak of them since I like to keep my private matters just that.” Lor’themar gave an apologetic look to Rommath.
Rom only shrugged. “That’s fair.”
“And finally… Because I have a suspicious feeling you two like to call me out and attack me…” Lor’themar started, a mischievous grin playing on his face as he motioned towards each of their final glasses. Rommath and Halduron shared a slightly worried look with each other at whatever Lor’themar was plotting.
“Never have I ever had a near death experience.”
…… …….. Everybody drank their final shot.
“That was CHEAP! Dirty, filthy, and CHEAP, Lor’themar.. I thought better of you.” Hal folded his arms across his chest.
Lor’themar’s grin only widened. “We started dirty so I finished dirty. We’ve come full circle, boys.”
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quelbound · 5 years
foxfictioncentral replied to your post “�� + lor'themar has the best ass and its dubbed "quel'thalass"”
“I will not repeat myself. You should have payed better attention.” Rommath coughs.
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quelbound · 5 years
🌻🌻🌻 (from anyone to anyone)
Send me one of these 🌻 and i’ll tell you whatever tf i want. ll @spectrisconsarcio
🌻 (rom to addy) “That stein wasn’t revenge for the farting cow fiasco. But now that you mention it, I DO have to cook something up in return for that…”
🌻 (same as above) “I’m not even mad that you weaseled your way into my house. Clearly I need to work on reinforcing my locks and barriers.”
🌻 (Hal to addy) “I think I finally understand what Britney Spears meant by “hit me baby one more time.”“
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quelbound · 5 years
"Oh, are we doing nicknames? ... uh oh, I'm out of nicknames for dads. I'll have to think of a new one." (Addy)
“Oh, thank god, I’m spared from this dadtastrophe.” Rommath replies.
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quelbound · 5 years
Does your muse prefer gentle lovemaking or rough sex?
"Gentle." Lor'themar replies. "I'm not exactly.. Small in that regard so I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt my partner. Plus, all the better to tease with, hm? However, I will not deny my partner their pleasure, should they ask for something a bit harder."
"Its true and hes a bully for it." Halduron comments. "The teasing part I mean." He blinks a few times as his train of thought derails momentarily. "Definitely knows how to make someone beg, too..."
"Can we...Not discuss this right now? My lunch was good, I would like to not lose it, please." Rommath glares at the other two.
"Fine, fine. Trust me, though, you're missing out." Hal replies.
Rommath sighed and Lor'themar placed his face in his hands with a groan.
"Speak for yourself, Lor'themar, but I prefer rough. What's sex without a few bruises and hickies?" Hal grins.
Now it was the Regent Lord's turn to sigh. "That is also true. No, Rommath, I wont go further on that so don't worry."
"Good. I'm also not surprised with how often and how severe i find those across you two's necks."
Halduron laughed while Lor'themar eyed the door, wondering if be would be able to run quick enough from this room, away from these invasive questions and answers.
"So, what of you, your High and Poutyness? Are you vanilla or kinky like the rest of us?" Hal asked Rommath.
The Grand Magister narrowed his gaze at the ranger. After a moment, replies a simple "Both." and leaves it at that.
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quelbound · 5 years
"Rumor has it that you're a traitor to the Horde." (For Rom and u know why. wrathion knows all the tea)
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it. ll @blacktaloned
Rommath glares towards the dragon prince’s contemptuous comment, eyeing him up and down. His grip on his staff tightens slightly as a heavy frown forms behind crimson mask. “Of course that’s a rumor. I expected it.” He replies, making no effort to hide the annoyed roll of his eyes. “I have nothing to prove to you, boy. I chose my own path of my own free will which just so happened to take me away from my people. Can you say the same thing, lizard?”
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quelbound · 5 years
RIP in pieces 💚
Send “RIP” and I’ll write a drabble about my muse dying ll @spectrisconsarcio​ ll this took FOREVER to write but ITS FINALLY DONE. I put it under a cut because it’s just under 2k words. also there’s a very suffering magister somewhere underneath it.
He should have seen it coming. The opportunity must have been too great to pass up. Not long after Lor'themar had been called to duty by their Warchief, alongside Blightcaller and whatever remained of the Horde fleet after Zuldazar, things had quickly delved into chaos. No sooner had all contact from Theron’s ship ceased than did the Alliance army appear at their gates. Whatever ill feeling that had quickly settled in his gut over the sudden loss of contact from the Regent Lord had quickly been set aside to deal with the now all too real threat at hand.
He should have known those bastards would try something like this. Whatever happened to their wayward leader and his entourage, Rommath wanted to blame on the Alliance’s doing. Why else would they attack at such a convenient time? It was all too perfect timing and the more he contemplated it, the more agitated Rommath became.
He cursed loudly before turning to Halduron, though the Ranger-General seemed to be on the same page. Calling for his rangers to rally, and Rommath his magi, the leaders had set out into the city to defend their people and rescue those innocents they could manage to reach in time.
Outside of the Spire, the city had burst with activity as people attempted to flee; cries and screams entangling with the sounds of the enemy forces forcing their way through the city. With a snarl, Rommath had flung a fireball to a dwarf that had come too close for comfort, satisfied as the ball of fire came into contact with the warrior. Exploding on impact, the dwarf had been enveloped in a blanket of crackling flame.
Arrows joined his magic and side by side Rommath and Halduron had managed to take down a number of Alliance dogs between them. However, at one point when the fighting seemed to lull slightly, Halduron had hesitated and lowered his bow. Glancing to the ranger, Rommath had been at his side in the next moment.
“Are you well? Are you injured?” He asked, scanning their surroundings suspiciously, keeping an arcanic force field around the two in case anyone saw them as easy targets.
“N-no. I mean. I’m fine. I think. This all just seems so…” Halduron trailed off, looking to Rommath with uncertainty and grief he hadn’t felt in over a decade. “..Familiar.”
He remained quiet for a moment, a sympathetic look playing over his features that would usually be a rare feat for the Grand Magister. But given the circumstances, the emotion was allowed. This was certainly very familiar. For the third time, their sacred city had been stormed and attacked. Halduron’s sudden bout of PTSD made sense. Rommath couldn’t say he hadn’t had a sliver of the same thought; the difference being this time they’d been caught unaware by the attack.
A twitch in Rommath’s brow at that had him scowling. They must have teleported in but through where and by whom? There were, frankly, a lot of possibilities. As glorious as Quel'thalas was, as much as Lor'themar fought for neutrality (or at the very least more freedom from the Horde’s leadership with every warchief that would be quick to use the elves as cannon fodder), enemies were aplenty. Exhaling harshly, Rommath could do nothing but speculate until he got answers. Which would do no good; he would likely find none.
Instead, he placed a reassuring hand on Hal’s shoulder. “I know. But the difference between now and then is we have a chance. These enemies are flesh and blood, not unholy abominations. We can win this. They fall just as easy as anything else. Do you want to be prey in your own home, cowering like a lost lynx cub, or are you going to fight like the skilled ranger I know you are? We will win this.” He replied.
Halduron’s expression hardened as he set his jaw. He tightened his grip on his bow once more, lifting it as he notched an arrow into the string. “You’re right. We can do this. We have to. For Lor'themar and all of Quel'thalas.”
“That’s the spirit. Now come, the battle awaits.” Rommath said, lowering the shield around them as they continued onward and into Augur’s Row.
No sooner had they set foot into the section of the city had things taken a turn. With each step they took, something felt off with the lack of people, their own or otherwise. It was quiet. Far too quiet for either ranger or Magister’s liking.
“Where..?” Rommath had begun as he took  cautious steps.“Rom, look out!” Hal had interrupted.
Rommath had glanced over to his companion briefly to see him dashing forward but whatever he’d seen had gotten to Rommath before he could. All of a sudden, the Grand Magister was having the wind forced out of him as a strong blow to the stomach sent him hurdling backwards a few feet. The attack had left him breathless, sprawled on his back as stars danced around his vision.
What the hell was that?
“Rommath!” Halduron called out a warning to the magister. It took a tremendous effort to roll himself but managed just in time as a void addled tentacle smashed atop the place he was at only seconds prior. With a grunt, Rommath returned to his feet, firing spell after spell to the void creature.
A quick glance around showed this not being the only one of its kind; other void entities crawled all through the row. Prowling, their ethereal bodies writhing in the way they walked and moved. This was bad. A name came to him. Rather two did. Alleria and Umbric. This taint had their names written all over it. If Rommath had to guess he’d put his gold on the latter. Umbric was some semblance of angry with Rommath for casting his lot of harlots out.
He would receive his answer not too soon after the realization as he spotted two of Umbric’s apprentices sleuthing about. Likely hadnt paid any attention to the commotion or trying to slip away. With a growl, Rommath wanted to deal with them but with a whole field of creatures between himself and Halduron with the apprentices, he could do nothing but watch them disappear into a rift.
With a huff, Rommath turned his attention back to the battle at hand. Hal had managed to shoot down two tentacles, working on his third, and another was coming Rommath’s way. With a flourish of his hands, a circle of fire entwined with the Magister, around and around until it burst just a few feet above him, disappearing into a summoning circle. In the next moment, the meteor was crashing down on top of the tentacle, causing it to hiss and recoil as flame consumed it.
While some damage was done to it, the thing was far from defeated as it came closer. In a swift motion, it lunged for the Magister, who retaliated with combusting himself completely. Again, the thing hissed its unholy screech as it coiled around him like an overgrown snake. Rommath expected it to release him but instead, it barreled him backwards and into Halduron.
Both men fell to the ground with respective grunts. The void things took this moment to overpower the two, lunging a sharp pointed barb downwards. Hal had pushed Rommath away just in time, getting the majority of the attack himself. The creature speared his shoulder, causing the ranger to drop his bow as his dominant arm quickly went numb. Blood was soon coating his arm but still Halduron kept going. With his other hand, he grabbed the hunting knife from his belt and sliced mercilessly at any that dared get too close.
“You idiot, you’re going to kill yourself!” Rommath hissed at him.
“At least I’ll go down fighting! I wasn’t going to let them kill you!” He retorted. With a slash, Hal had managed to slice off one of the tentacles barbed tips. It coiled in on itself before disappearing into a cloud of void energy that seeped into the ground around them.
Rommath said nothing as he dashed forward, returning the arcanic force field around the duo as another tentacle aimed to crush them. Instead, it flailed helplessly against the shield. Rommath kept it up, the things slamming themselves repeatedly against the barrier to no avail. With a horrendous realization, both elven leaders saw more and more of these things surrounding them. They were hopelessly outnumbered.
“What do we do?” Halduron looked to Rommath.
“Im… not sure.” Rommath replied hesitantly. He could always teleport them away but..it was a risky move. He would have to drop the barrier to cast it, giving the things an ample opportunity to strike once more. If he was fast enough it could work.. But there were far more enemies than there were of them. The likelihood it would work was slim to none..
There had to be another way. There’s always a way. Rommath always had a plan. Think, damn you, think!
“Rom…what are they doing?” Hal interrupted his thoughts.
The tentacles around them had begun slithering amongst themselves, like a group of snakes banding together. The mass amount of them caused the void creatures to morph together, growing in size, thus adding more pressure onto the barrier. More weight caused more mana to go into keeping the thing up. Rommath had always prided himself on his mana control but this….. This was something new entirely.
It didn’t take long before the void mass had sent Rommath to his knees in a desperate attempt keep the barrier up. He was beginning to struggle, gasping and breathing heavily as his strength slowly depleted. At one point, just as the first cracks had begun to show on the barrier, Rommath was sure his nose had begun to bleed from the amount of energy it was taking to hold it together.
It wasn’t working.He was failing.
Rommath gasped one last time as the realization set in. There was nothing he could do now. Nothing..except..
“Halduron! Come here!” He managed to grit out.
Thankfully the ranger didn’t question him for once and obeyed, kneeling beside Rommath with a concerned look at his friend. With as much of a steadying breath as he could muster, Rommath closer his eyes. In his last desperate attempt, Rommath channeled his magic into Halduron, sending him wide eyed into a portal below him, just big enough for one person as it was all he could manage, the ranger disappeared safely just as the mass crashed down on top of Rommath.
The force of the weight on top of the Grand Magister had caused sickening cracks throughout his body as bones were shattered. He wanted to scream, to fight back, do something, but in the matter of seconds he was decimated into a broken ragdoll. The void mass didn’t seem to be done with him as it not so gently picked him up, his entire being nothing but blinding pain. He was still alive, as much as he wished he wasn’t in that moment, and the void mass seemed agitated by this fact.
In one swift, final movement the mass had reeled back as far as its twisted body could go before slamming him back down. In the last moments of consciousness he held, Rommath could swear he heard a mocking laughter coming from the creature. With his final breath, he could at least be contempt in the fact at least he managed to save somebody.
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quelbound · 5 years
Noot noot or bleep bloop?
This or That?
“What or what? Did an animal get loose in the spire again? HALDURON-” Lor’themar called to the ranger.
Hal gave him an innocent look, throwing up his hands in surrender. “It wasn’t me! Not this time. Did Rommath polymorph an apprentice again?”
“Not recently.” Rommath replied. “At least nothing that can be proved.”
Lor’themar sighed in exasperation as he pondered the question. “What are you trying to say, young millennial?”
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