If you’re wondering what the whole drama regarding tieflings is in the Dungeons & Dragons fandom: basically, capitalism ruined tieflings, and for once that’s not even slightly a joke.
Tieflings were first introduced as a playable species in Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, via the Planescape campaign in 1994. At the time, there were no particular rules regarding what a tiefling was supposed to look like. The text explicitly stated that their basic physiology could vary wildly depending on what their fiendish ancestor was, and one of the first major Planescape supplements even included a table for randomly generating your tiefling’s appearance, if you were into that sort of thing.
This continued to be the case up through the game’s Third Edition. However, when the Fourth Edition rolled around in 2008, the game’s text suddenly became very particular about insisting that all tieflings looked pretty much the same. Some campaign settings even provided iin-character explanations for why all tieflings now had a standardised appearance. Understandably, this made a lot of people very annoyed.
There was naturally a great deal of speculation concerning what had motivated this change. It was widely cited as “proof” that Dungeons & Dragons was trying to appeal to the World of Warcraft fanbase – which was nonsense, of course; nearly all of the Fourth Edition’s allegedly MMO-like features were things that popular MMOs had borrowed from Dungeons & Dragons in the first place, and to the extent that tieflings’ new look resembled a particular WoW race, it was in that they were both extraordinarily generic.
In reality, it was a change that had been lurking for some time. Though Dungeons & Dragons is directly published by Wizards of the Coast, Wizards of the Coast is in turn owned by Hasbro, and Hasbro has long regarded the D&D core rulebooks as a vehicle for promoting D&D-branded merch – in particular, licensed miniature figures.
This was a bugbear that had reared its head before. When the Third Edition received major revisions in 2003, Hasbro corporate had ordered the game’s editors to completely remove any discussion of how to improvise minifigs for large battles, and replace it with an advertisement for the then-current Dungeons & Dragons Heroes product line. Implying that purchasing licensed minis wasn’t 100% mandatory simply would not do.
If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve probably already guessed where this is going: tieflings having no standard appearance made it difficult to sell tiefling minifigs, as any given minifig design would only be suitable for a small subset of tiefling characters. In the brutally reductive logic of the corporate mind, Hasbro reasoned: well, if we tell tiefling players that all of their characters now look the same, we can sell them all the same minifigs. So that’s what the game did, going so far as to write justifications into several published settings for magically transforming all existing tiefling characters to fit the new mould!
This worked about as well as anyone who isn’t a corporate drone would naturally anticipate – and that’s the story of how capitalism ruined tieflings.
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Specify in the tags please what species or breed of animal you would choose as a witches familiar if the most obvious were off the table
Let's have fun with this
For example for me it would be a great white shark
Also yes men you can interact with this poll too
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I miss when everyone on my dash listened to Welcome to Night Vale so there’s be a good chance that on any ole day someone would reblog a quote that would grab me by the throat and forcibly ascend me to a higher plane where I understood myself and the universe better and with more kindness but also a little spook
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The Hades Project is a science fiction, horror podcast that follows the crew of The Hades as they journey on an exploration project to the planet of Pluto.
Their goal? A reconnaissance mission to see if the planet can be used for jailing convicts.
The journey? Well, it's much stranger than they thought it would be.
Hi, I'm Bri! I work on The Hades Project and I started this blog as a fun way to keep messing around with the show while we're between seasons! You may have seen this type of thing on Twitter, that one's also me!
What's The Hades Project you may ask? Well up above this message is the show's pitch! Hades Project is a podcast inspired by other space podcasts about a crew who are sent to Pluto in order to determine how well the planet could be used for holding convicts, but what the crew doesn't realize is that they're in for more than just an easy trip.
From knife wielding roombas to potential ghost demons on the vents, this ship has everything! Just be sure to read the trigger warnings of each episode
Personally I'm the creator and voice of Mal Paulitious! Our crew manifesto (which can be found on Twitter @HadesProjectPod) has this to say about her "A chemical pathologist with an optimism that outshines the stars around them. Mal is warm and friendly, with a desire to help everyone around her. Oh, and she wears a quilted plague mask." Yes, the quilted plague mask is very important to her character 😂
But we also have many other lovable characters such as "grumpy captain who's not here to make friends", "commander who has to struggle to keep her idiot scientists from killing themselves", and even "a depressed scientist just doing their best. No, not that one! Not that one either! No, the other one! How many sad scientists are on this ship???"
If you like laughs and great characters mixed in with the most angst filled storyline known to man, then the Hades Project is for you!! You can find it on Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Good Pods, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Radio Public, Stitcher, Spotify, and YouTube!! Or you can visit the show directly at https://www.thehadesproject.com/
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Madison: Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
0 notes
Tanner: You’re giving me a sticker?
Mal: Not just any sticker! It’s a sticker of a cat saying ‘mewow!’ because you’ve been trying harder to be nice recently and I appreciate it
Tanner: Do I look 4 to you?
Mal: Fine then, I’ll take it back
Tanner: No! I earned this, back off!
0 notes
Rory, holding a cauliflower in front of Maia's face: What's this?
Maia: A cauliflower?
Rory, to Luc: Tell Maia what you think it is
Luc: Ghost broccoli
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Maia: What happened???
Rory, in need of serious medical attention: I fucked around and found out
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Tanner, holding Knife Roomba: Stinky
Engineering: No!! Don't be mean!
Tanner, swaying Knife Roomba back forth in the air to avoid the knife: Stinky bastard bot
Engineering: No!!!
Captain Green, not looking up from her reports: Naughty Roomba. Brat bot
Engineering: Noooooooooo!!!
0 notes