#fire emblem: fates - revelation
iubworks · 3 months
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Nohr Noble Corrin
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rainbowdonkee · 10 months
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Suzuki Rika once again blessed us with beautiful artwork, this time celebrating Brave Corrin!
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rip fire emblem fates online, you were a real one
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mayordea · 9 months
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azura fire emblem (now fully rendered in digital form)
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fayesdiary · 8 months
Still can't believe Revelation is now officially lost media
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wlwcorhajat · 5 months
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Thanks to the amazing @sonocomics for drawing corrin and rhajat! They're so in love, she did an excellent job!
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currantlee · 8 months
(I didn't find this cutscene by itself on YouTube in English, so y'all are gonna have to deal with a link to a specific timestamp in the video - anyway, here's the Japanese version sans subtitles)
Okay, but can we talk about the Revelation ending cinematic for a second, please?
Like, I know this game is several years old at this point, but this cinematic is still so perfect, like, come on!! Apart from the strellar video quality that all of the 3DS games have, there is so much love and detail in just this one scene.
You have eight characters in the scene, and none of them are standing around and doing nothing. This is obviously not counting Corrin, who is really more of a stand-in for the player in this scene - also, funfact!
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Theoretically, you should see Corrin in this shot since in the end of the cutscene, when the little sisters drag Corrin to the rest of the siblings, they're running in the direction of the trees in the background, indicating that this is where Corrin should stand. But they're not in this shot.
Regardless, having eight characters in one scene and each of them not just say something, but do something (rather than just standing by idly until it's time to say their lines) is impressive! Even more impressive is that the things they do are not just standard / repetitive motions, but rather small details that are easy to miss, yet so in-character. I put some of my personal highlights under the cut - what are yours?
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Right before the little sisters run towards them, Camilla smiles and gives Corrin / the player a little wave, and it's the sort of smile that we rarely see from this character - a very sincere smile that reaches her eyes.
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Very easy to miss, but I love how just before the little sisters run to Corrin, Takumi (and, less obviously, Leo too!) look lovingly at their little sisters (whom both of them are shown to have a close relationship to in the supports, it's such a nice touch IMO!), while Camilla and Hinoka are looking at Corrin, and Xander and Ryoma are looking at the scene unfolding in front of them.
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There is also this cute interaction Takumi initiates with Leo, which I find especially cool because after Ryoma and Xander make their vow to keep peace and Elise cheers that Sakura and her can be friends now, Takumi remarks how he wishes it were that easy to forgive, and Leo responds by saying that healing can only begin with trust - which is not only very true in my experience, it's one of my favorite lines from the entire game. If you take anything away from Fates as a story, it should be this.
So anyway, Takumi seems to think about Leo's words a bit before he nods and agrees. So regardless of whether you ship Leokumi or not (I do, and this interaction is definitely a bonus to me), you can kind of see this interaction as an extension to Takumi's agreement from earlier, where he specifically decides to trust and befriend Leo.
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The next part of this interaction is a bit harder to see because the camera pans to the sisters. Camilla and Hinoka have a little interaction with Sakura and Elise. Hinoka even bends down so they're on the same level (cool aunt character indeed), and it looks like they're moving their lips to actually say something, even though that's not part of the dialogue. Xander and Ryoma also watch this unfold (while Leo gets shoved in a friendly way by Takumi).
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Leo, judging by his expression, did not expect this and is not exactly happy about in the first second of surprise. You can actually see him breathe heavily directly after stumbling forward, indicating that he was indeed startled by this. However, he then goes on to laugh it off, like "haha, you got me". Meanwhile, Takumi does not instantly turn around to Corrin again, but actually takes a step towards Leo and even turns to him for a bit, as if to make sure he's okay. The other siblings (safe for Elise) also turn to them briefly.
By the way, at the end of the scene, Takumi's hand is still on Leo's back. Also, Camilla is actually the last one to turn around to face the camera / Corrin. Instead, she takes a long look at the united families until her gaze lands at Corrin when the screen already fades to white.
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hi I’m calling it ‘fire emblem revelations’ forever now to piss off that one person
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dotted-clouds · 2 years
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corn maze my beloved
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mightilapia · 1 month
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Happy birthday Charlotte!
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fayelinart · 4 months
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It is with great pleasure to announce...
I had the opportunity to be a part of the Flower of Nohr Zine (@feelisezine), dedicated to our cinnamon roll princess Elise from Fire Emblem Fates!
This is one of many cute Elise-related things included in this FREE fanzine, so please check it out and enjoy what else was done for this project!
Thank you to all my friends who supported and helped me through this project. I REALLY wanted to do her justice!
See Twitter for the zine's download link.
EDIT: It's on Tumblr now too!
There's at least one character in a given FE that makes me go all heart-eyed when they first get introduced. My first Fire Emblem game, Fates Birthright, had such a scene--the part where Elise suddenly appears disguised as a flower girl. That scene nearly became what I chose to reference.
Instead I wanted to reference the fact that she CANONICALLY plays violin, something you'd only know looking at her Revelations support conversations between her and Sakura, which in turned revealed the latter to be a koto player. I happened to stumble across that set of scenes on YouTube and my heart melted on the spot. It was so wholesome! The cherry on top was the inclusion in the soundtrack of an actual violin and koto solo dedicated to them both. (I'm also happy that it's apparently a track in FEH now!)
I considered adding Sakura with my piece, deciding against it due to added complexity and not having drawn any Fates character except for Elise. The violin posing was a lot on its own...
If you decided to read/skim through this, thank you! I hope you enjoy this.
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iubworks · 5 months
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rainbowdonkee · 10 months
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Full art for Brave Corrin - Silent Bloodline!
Artist: Essual
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jdrider02 · 3 months
I watched/played so much stuff this week!
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fe-smashorpass · 8 days
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celice-13 · 18 days
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Fates! There are a lot of characters I love but also a lot that I don't like (I like all those who are in 'deserved better' despite their flaws)
As always feel free to ask me about my opinion on any specific character
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