#fire in adlerstien
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein Review
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Sooooooooooooooooooooo, "Fire in Adlerstein" is an investigation game where you have "real" evidence and solve a crime with these said evidences.
They describe it as a cooperative investigation and deduction game with real evidence. Only playable once, unless you have short term memory loss like me. 😀
"Fire in Adlerstein" was created by IDventure and manufactured by University Games. You can go on either of their website by clicking the name of the companies. The game was released on September 1st 2020. So, that's quite recent.
Here's how to play :
You don't have to only use the contents of the box, you can use any real object around you (mobile phone, internet search, etc.) If you need more information about any of the characters in the game during your investigation, use both the material provided in the game and any other material you deem useful, in addition of the contents of the box. Investigate the possible motives of all suspects. Check that all the elements, evidence and alibis match.
Ranking :
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Difficulty :
Just like "The Killer Trivia Game", I wouldn't say it's neither easy nor hard, because again, it all depends on your level of knowledge and you ability to problem solve.
There were times I got confused, as they added a lot of elements tying almost every suspect to the incident, but I still managed to figure it out at the very end. x)
I wouldn't say that things are far fetched either, but they are EXTREMELY precis, which makes it hard when you only have a very basic knowledge of these things.
I did stumble a lot into analysis paralysis, but that's to be expected with the amount of information given and like any normal and real investigation. You don't just get up one morning and find out who the culprit is lol.
As there was a loooooot of information (to much at times lol) it did made the task a little harder to pin point who, what, when and how it happened. But, it was still very captivating and interesting none the less, so I'll have to give it a rating of :
🔪🔪🔪 out of 5 (Intermediate)
Price :
The price of the game itself was 34,99$ CAD (27.79$ USD) but there was no shipping, as I bought it in stores, for a total of  40,24$ CAD with taxes (31,96$ USD). 
For that reason, I'll have to give it a rating of :
💲💲💲💲 out of 5 (40$ - 49.99$)
Quality :
The box is made of sturdy cardboard like most boxed board games you'd usually buy. There seems to be more than 1 version of the box. There's the one at the top of the post, which is pretty basic but still a nice design to it, there's one that looks like it comes in a really cheap folder and there's the one I have, which is the one I prefer by far, because it has details of what the game is about. There is a dent in it, but that's because I stepped on it like a moron. XD
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There's a lot of elements to the game that make it very cool and appealing, to me at least. 
There were a few things I didn't like as much, as they made a lot of efforts for the details for other items, they didn't put as much attention as they did for others. Like the match box that is a bit to larger than an actual match box (or whatever you call these thigs lol). There's the camera footage which where on paper. They could of made us go on a website like the did with the Facebook account. And there's a website kinda like dropbox, where they make you go to find out something the victim had hidden, they added the logos from the game's companies, which I found a bit out of place, since the whole point of the game is that we feel like we're actually investigating an real case. But these things are very benign for what the rest of the content offers us.
So, I'll have to give it a rating of :
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 (Good)
Artwork :
There's a lot of attention to details as I mentioned in the quality section. The notes are hand written and different notes have different handwriting, which I found pretty epic. The newspaper looks like a real newspaper. There's photos which I still question how an individual can get their hands on such perfectly timed photos. x) There's the cutest freakin drawing made by a 4 year old, which looks like an actual drawing a 4 year old would draw. There's a bracelet part which is the actual part and not just a picture of it.
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I really love all the efforts they've put in to give us the most hands on experience possible. And god do I love that drawing and how adorables it is. *.*
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For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨 out of 5 (Marvelous)
Rules :
The game doesn't really come with rule nor instructions, besides no cheating. But upon opening the box, I think it's pretty clear what it's all about and how to move on.
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
📜📜📜📜📜 out of 5 (Very easy to understand)
Interaction :
Now, there's no questions about if this game is interactive or not. It's VERY interactive, both mentally and physically. There's loads of evidences to look at and you really have to pay attention to some of them because I really had to look at some of them twice before realising what was up with it.
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From newspapers to drawing. From handwritten notes and letters to websites and online researches. This game goes ALL in. There's even a code to decipher which, is not the easiest code there is to know about codes in general. It's very intuitive.
You have to take some notes at some point because you can get lost very easily. For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮 out of 5 (Extremely interactive)
Length :
The box says it should take around 1h30 to complete. Euhm, if you're like me and need to examine every single piece of evidence, this took me 4 days to complete. XD BUT, that does NOT make it a bad game. That's just my dumbass who like to pay attention to every single freakin details. XD
I did have to ask for help a couple of times because I was at a loss, which may have added to my gameplay, but, it would of probably taken me longer without the help. I am not an expert on everything people. XD
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔 out of 5 (More than 3h)
Players :
The box says 1 to 5 players, but considering the type of game it is, I don't see why you couldn't play more than 5. I did play on my own tho, as I am forever alone. :') But mostly because I get really into it and playing with others would only distract me lol. Yeah, I'm a loner. XD
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
⚰️ out of 5 (Can be played alone)
Fun :
Now, this game was REALLY fun. I really enjoyed trying to figure out all the details of the crime like a real case. (Tho that's not how it really happens in real life, it's not as detailed in a real case XD)
It was challenging at parts but in a good way. I love me some cyphers and riddles. 🥴 It did get frustrating at some point, as there was to many information at once and it got overwhelming lol.
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🎉🎉🎉🎉 out of 5 (Very fun)
Accuracy :
There were some minor inconsistencies, but nothing major. The way the fire started would of had a certain amount of time for it to spread to the rest of the house. There's also something about the amount of time some people spent at a certain place that just didn't add up, but that's pretty much it and I still managed to figure it out.
There's a lot of evidence and they look legit. 
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🔎🔎🔎🔎 out of 5 (Accurate)
Overall :
It was an awesome game, tho the minor flaws. But that's just me being picky. x) I've been looking for a game like this for a very long time. Something I could really get hands on with. Usually I go to escape rooms for that, but often, things don't go as planed and it kinda ruins the rest of the game. 
For those reasons, I'll have to give it a rating of :
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 out of 5 (Adored it)
For an average of  💜💜💜💜/5
Which makes a lot of sense. The game is really interesting, very intuitive and extremely interactive. The amount of flaws are really really small compared to what this game has to offer.
I would 100% recommend this game, for its hands on experience and accuracy, if you like these sort of things. I know I do!
You can purchase Fire in Adlerstein right here
**A quick reminder that this is all just a personal review. Because the final ranking is "bad" or whatever, does not mean it's a bad game. If I hated a game, you might not hate it yourself, just as much as if someone else hated a game, doesn't mean I'll hate it automatically.**
0 notes
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein (Day 4 & End)
Day 4 (June 3rd 2022)
So, I don't have anymore evidence to look at so, I'm at a loss.
So, I'm looking back at the GPS tracking. Carl wasn't near the scene of the fire when it started. He was however there for 4 minutes from 00:04 am to 00:07 am so, after the fire started.
So that means Carl Notebeck is NOT our culprit either.
So that leaves us with Walter Sivers, the crazy neighbor lol, Lukas Bremer, Joseph's son and Frida Bremer with Heinrich Katz.
- I'm not sure of Walter's whereabouts at the time of the fire.
- Lukas was at the Adlersking club at least from 11:30 pm to 00:02 am.
- And Frida and Heinrich were at the hotel from 11:35 pm to 06:45 am, then Frida arrived home later smelling like gasoline.
Let's think about Walter. He had to be taking meds which put him asleep for at least 2 hours after taking it. So, considering that information, could he have been asleep during the fire?
The injection protocol says :
• "The interval between the 1st and 2nd injections must be exactly 12 hours."
The 1st injection is said to be May 14th at 2 pm. So that makes the 2nd injection at 2 am, on May 15th.
• "From the 3rd injection, the interval between 2 injections must increase by one hour with each injection."
So that means the 3rd injection is after 13 hours, then the 4th injection is after 14 hours, the 5ft after 15 hours, and so on and so forth. All the way to the 10th injection.
• "After the 10th injection, there's a 6 days break. Then the next 10 injections should follow the exact protocol from above."
So, I've made the calculations, it gives us this :
• 1st : May 14th 2 pm
• 2nd : May 15th 2 am
• 3rd : May 15th 3 pm
• 4th : May 16th 5 am
• 5ft : May 16th 8 pm
• 6st : May 17th noon
• 7th : May 18th 5 am
• 8th : May 18th 11 pm
• 9th : May 19th 6 pm
• 10th : May 20th 2 pm
• 6 days break
• 11th : May 26th 2 pm
• 12th : May 27th 2 am
• 13th : May 27th 3 pm
• 14th : May 28th 5 am
• 15th : May 28th 8 pm
• 16th : May 29th noon
• 17th : May 30th 5 am
• 18th : May 30th 11 pm
• 19th : May 31th 6 pm
• 20th : June 1st 2 pm
Now then, the fire started around 11:50 pm on May 30th. His medication puts him to sleep for at least 2 hours. On the 30th he had 2 injections, one of which was at 11 pm. That would of woke him up at at least 1 am the next morning. So, Walter Sivers is NOT our culprit either.
Which now leaves us with Heinrich with Frida or Lukas Bremer.
Now, if we look at Lukas Bremer, he was already at the Adlersking club at 11:30 pm and the fire started around 11:50 pm.
After looking up information on google to know how quickly a fire could spread, a fire doesn't take that freakin long to spread so it couldn't of been him. So, Lukas Bremer is NOT our culprit.
Which now, it leaves us with Frida Bremer and Heinrich Katz.
Now, as much as I want them to be the culprits, they checked in the hotel at 11:35 pm. Now, lets talk science here. A fire started with fuel spreads VERY quickly. My thought would be around 3 to 5 ish minutes. The fire started around 11:50 pm, which put the actual time of the fire at around 11:45 pm to 11:47 pm.
Katz and Frida were long gone when the fire started. I don't know why the hell the were together, my only thoughts would be they were having an affair, considering Katz now hates Joseph for firing him and Frida because she found out Joseph was having an affair with Alma.
They must of know each other because Katz was Joseph's diver so, they must of crossed each other's path at some point and then decided to fornicate after getting fucked over sideways by Joseph. XD
SO, my bad for the language lol, but Frida Bremer and Heinrich Katz are NOT our culprits either.
Which leaves us with,... no one! Yes no one! XD
Which NOW, hold your horses and sit down ladies and gents because my thought is, Joseph Bremer himself is the culprit and an absolute twat. XD
If we look at Bremer's lab reports, if y'all remember that, he was diagnosed with an iron deficiency. With that being said, someone suffering from iron deficiency can lose consciousness when there's low oxygen.
Now, remember that Bremer insured his home for 400'000 €. With that, arson is covered by his insurance. He probably got insured because he needed the money to pay back the Fischer brothers. So that means that the little bastard set his own house on fire and because of his iron deficiency, lost consciousness and died like a moron in his own freakin fire.
Now, Bremer didn't know that because his lab reports were sent to him the day after the fire, for whatever reason. But he's still a moron in my book. XD
Now remember when I said a fire spreads really quickly when started with fuel? Of course you do, I said that in the last 2 paragraphs. XD
Well my little oompa loompas, the fire started "around" 11:50 pm. Now that clock, was in Bremer's kitchen, over his oven. So that means he most likely started the fire with his stove and VOILA !!
In conclusion, Bremer is an idiot. XD
I went to check if my thoughts were correct, and low and behold, I am! :D It also mentions a lot of my hypothesis which means props to myself. XD Just goes to show how watching a lot of true crime and series really helps to understand those situations. x) YAY !!! :V
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Translation of the page says :
Joseph Bremer, of undetermined age, businessman, entrepreneur, married, father of three children from two different marriages, a mistress."
[The End!]
0 notes
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein (Day 3)
Day 3 (June 2nd 2022)
So, let's go on the website shall we. So, I entered his wedding anniversary date, which is May 24th (2405), and we are in my dudes. 
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The translation of the website reads :
"This content is protected by password. To access it, enter the for digits password :"
Then, the only thing that pops up is this :
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Wtf is this now?
So, Bremer insured his home on May 26th, possibly because he was scared something was going to happen to him? So it says, the insurance contract is automatically renewed for one year, yaddi yaddi yadda, the insurance covers for fire, flood, storm, hail, breaking in, burglary and vandalism; and he's insured for 400'000 €. Interesting, but what does it all mean? Did he get home insurances to have the money to pay back the Fischer brothers? Did he set his own house on fire and it went horribly wrong? WTF BREMER!?! XD I added this to my important events.
Now, I'm not very sure as to why we have this, considering we already know about Sivers' prescription in the 1st place. So I'm not going to pay much attention to it for the moment.
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We have a page of a young girl's journal. It's not from Mitzy, because the person writing mentioned her, so I'm assuming it's her sister. Bruna probably? Most likely.
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Now, I just realized, and yes, this is a bit off topic but whatever, the mother in Mitzy's drawing has a shirt with stars and a striped skirt, just like the woman in the camera footage at the hotel. So, Mitzy's and Bruna's mother is the one with Katz.
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Anyways, in her journal, Bruna mentions her parents getting in a fight and they then went to their grandmothers. She also says she left her Harry Potter book at her grandmother's house. So, the 2 people from the hotel probably named each other Ron Weasley and Hermine Granger because of the book.
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Bruna says that her mother came back in the middle of the night smelling like gasoline. I'm really getting confused right now. XD There's to many things tying to many people to the fire. It's almost as if EVERYONE was in on it, but I know that's not it lol.
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There's a letter addressed to Frida Bremer. Bremer's wife or ex-wife?
The letter is from Alma Preuss and it goes like this :
"Dear Frida,
One day you slept with a married man and you destroyed his family, right?
Honestly, did you really think he'd stay loyal to you forever?
We both had fun, you know. We really had a blast.
But I don't need him anymore, so take him back and go fuck yourself!
I have a small favor to ask of you. The last time Joseph came to see me, he forgot the bracelet you gave him at house.
Could you give it back to him? Thanks in advance.
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Sooo, that means Frida is Bremer's actual wife and mother of Mitzy and Bruna. That means the woman from the hotel with Katz is Frida. I'm very confusion. XD Anyways, I added the letter to my important events on May 27th.
Here we have a piece of a bracelet, probably the one mentioned in Alma's letter to Frida. So, this belonged to Joseph. There's nothing else to see about it, other than it's a freakin piece of bracelet. 😬 NEXT!!
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There's a match box from the Adlersking club and on its back, there's Lukas Bremer's Facebook. 😮 Let's go take a look at it.
So, we have a bunch of pictures of Lukas Bremer at the Adlersking club. 2 of which are on the night of the fire, the earliest one is at 11:30 pm and the latest is 11:50 pm. The fire started around 11:50 pm so, does that leave him enough time from Bremer's property to the club, which he arrived at 11:30 pm? Erg, I'm getting annoyed at all of this lol.
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Then if we go on the Adlersking club FB, there's pictures of them from 11:42 pm to 00:02 am (Yes, the times are freakin hidden with the other photos, my bad -_-" But I can assure you the latest one is at 00:02 am 😮).
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On Mark Newman's FB, one of Lukas' friends who was there with him, there's 1 photo at 00:02 am. The same 00:02 am photo from the Adlersking club (Hehe, told you).
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And now, if we go on Micha Frank's FB, another one of Luka's friends who was there with him, there's 1 photo at 11:40 pm.
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SO, that means they got there at at least 11:30 pm and left, at least after 00:02 am. I don't know if that leaves them time to start a fire and get to the club, all tho it is sus that they are partying on the night of his father's death, after saying he was gonna burn his ass lol.
And it does say it's a "fire party" on one of his photos. 🤔 I'm confusioooooooooooooon!!
We have a newspaper (😖 I hate newspapers) and there's a couple of articles that are circled in it.
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This one is about a riot on may 24th I think. About how they started a fire blablabla, and there's the 2 Fischer brothers name's in the article.
I don't see how this is news, considering we already know the Fischers are ass holes and that this happened on the 24th. Maybe to show us that they are indeed criminals, but yeah, no shit! 🙄
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But then I continue reading, something my dumbass as trouble doing x), and it says all the culprits from the article were put in jail for 15 days.
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SO, that means that if they were put in jail on the 24th and spent 15 days in, they would of came out only on June 8th. SOOOOOO, the Fischer brothers are NOT our culprits. NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE FFS !!! 😤 XD
The 2nd circled article is about a show from what seems like Boy George but it's not XD and it's being cancelled. Let me read this one carefully now. XD
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It says that after their show of May 29th at Palma de Majorque, the May 30th show of this band was put off, due flights being cancelled because of a storm and they could only be back on June 1st.
Palma de Majorque is where Alma Preuss was on her trip. She left on May 24th and was supposed to come back on the 30th, but that means she couldn't of, because the flights got cancelled until June 1st. SOOOOO, Alma Preuss is NOT our culprit either! 
Then we have an article about Carl Notebeck, the journalist, saying he broke into the zoo the night of the 30th, opened the chimpanzee cage and released them.
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He intended to shoot a video on location to sell it to media. The police arrested later that night.
So, I don't know if it all happened before the fire or after. BUT, Carl did leave us a little note which begs the question, why though ?
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The note's translation says :
"I'm not hiding anything, you may have read this article, it was me, I let the monkeys escape from the zoo while I was working on a video report. But I'm not an arsonist nor a murderer, I beg of you, you have to believe me !"
So, considering this happened on the night of the fire and he was arrested, I wouldn't of suspected him anymore BUT, because of his stupid note, I'm questioning that thought. Plus, he was at the scene of the crime to take pictures, thus why police suspected him.
[To be continued...]
Our timeline so far :
May 14th :
• 2pm : Walter Sivers started taking anti-stress medication by IV.
May 20th : 
• Bremer lost 100'000$ playing cards with the Fischer brothers.
Night of 20th to 21th May :
• The Fischer brothers gave Bremer 10 days to pay them back. They then destroyed Bremer's car to force him to pay them back within those 10 days, or else.
May 23rd :
• Joseph Bremerand Alma Preuss booked 2 plane tickets.
• 08:56 pm to 09:09 pm :
• Alma Preuss and Joseph Bremer had an altercation by text. Alma threatened Bremer.
May 24th :
• Bremer's ticket was cancelled by Alma Preuss.
• The Fischer brothers were sent to jail for 15 days for vandalism.
May 26th :
• Bremer got home insurance for 400'000 €.
May 27th :
• Alma sent a letter to Frida, telling her Bremer cheated on her.
May 28th :
• Bremer refused to compensate Katz for firing him.
May 29th :
• Lukas Bremer told Magdelena Witt he was going to set his father on fire as a prank.
May 30th :
• 8:29 pm to 8:32 pm : Heinrich Katz was seen at a gas station, filling up a tank.
• 11:35 pm : 2 people signed as "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) at an hotel.
• 11:41 pm : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) were caught on camera going to their room (room 11)
• 11:50 pm : Photo evidence shows fire started around 11:50 pm
May 31st :
• 00:04 am to 00:07 am : Carl Notebeck was stopped near the scene of the fire to take pictures.
• 00:15 am : Witness Heinrich Keein alerted fire department about Bremer's home on fire (Adlerstein Hohmann Str. 19)
• 00:22 am : Fire department arrived on scene.
• 01:45 am : Fire department left scene.
• 06:45 am : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) left the hotel.
June 8th :
• The Fischer brothers were released from jail.
0 notes
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein (Day 2)
Day 2 (June 1st 2022)
We have an hotel log with a bunch of names, with times of arrival and departure and their dates. Now, what struck me as odd here, are the 2 last names, which are kinda weird. It says Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. XD
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So someone either thinks they're being funny or they have something to hide lol. But the arrival date is May 30th, and I don't know if that the time next to it, but that would mean they arrived at 11:35 pm. They left the next day, May 31st, at 6:45 am. The fire started before 00:15 the night of the 30th. Could they be are culprits? I added it to my important events.
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A letter from Heinrich Katz to Joseph Bremer, asking him why he fired him. So, we find out that Katz was Bremer's driver for 20 years apparently. He states he thought they were friends, as he was there for Bremer when he divorced from him 1st wife. He also states he remembers his 2nd wedding with his 2nd wife, and also the day his 2nd daughter, Mitzy,  was born and he was asked to be her godfather. He also mentions a Bruna, but I'm not sure who that is yet.
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Now, because of him getting fired, he says he can't pay for his 3 kid's education and asks him for a 2'600 € compensation. So now we know who the dude from the video is. Which makes him even more of a suspect because we have evidence of him filling up a gas tank and now this letter.
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The letter's demand was also refused by Bremer. I added this to my important events on May 28th.
Here's the letter's translation :
"Dear Mr Bremer,
I was your personal driver for over 20 years, and today you fired me unexpectedly. All this time, I believed that I was not only a driver, but also your friend. I still remember the day I drove you home after you divorced your first wife. You were very sad that day. I also remember the day I drove you to your wedding with your second wife; that day you were very happy. I also remember the day your second daughter was born. Bruna came with us when we picked up your wife from the maternity ward. You asked me to be Mitzi's godfather.
And after all that, what happened today? I had no explanation or warning, a Human Resources employee simply intercepted me in the middle of work and forced me to return the papers and the car keys. He took them from me without saying a word.
You know that I have three children, a boy and two girls, for whom I can no longer pay for their educations. I still hope my dismissal was just a huge misunderstanding. If not, I respectfully ask you to pay me compensation in the amount of 2'600 euros, which I think I fully deserve.
Best regards,
Heinrich Katz"
Here we have the cutest drawing ever *.* made by Mitzy, Bremer's daughter. I've noted that Lukas Bremer was not drawn with the rest of the family. I don't if they're from the same mother but I thought it was an important fact to notice.
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We now have what seems to be an infraction report from May 7th, but it doesn't say for what. The suspect is Walter Sivers, Joseph's neighbor, and he was on Bremer's property. Doesn't tell me much besides whom and where and when. I still added it to my important events.
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There's a text log between Joseph Bremer and Alma Preuss on May 23rd, from 8:56 pm to 9:09 pm.
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Texts goes like so :
"• Alma Press :
My darling, everything is arranged! I will wait for you tomorrow. Come a little earlier, please.
• Joseph Bremer :
I already told you, I can't come tomorrow. Next week.
• Alma Preuss :
You still hesitate. You promised me that you were finally going to leave her !
• Joseph Bremer :
I didn't promise you anything at all. She is the mother of my children.
• Alma Press :
You left your first family for her. Why can't you do the same for me?
• Joseph Bremer :
We've already talked about it a hundred times.
• Alma Press :
Liar ! I'll tell her the truth myself.
• Joseph Bremer :
Stop ! DLWJLWGPCIAWURBCPBPVJTWZNKUFHXWLCL* You can't do that to her. We'll discuss about this later.
• Alma Preuss :
There is nothing more to say about it ! You're going to regret it. You don't know what I'm capable of."
So, Alma Preuss is Bremer's new wife or his affair? I'm not sure. Then, at the bottom of the page, it recalls the Vernam code. I've noted this event in my important events. That's the night she made plane reservations and the next day she cancelled Bremer's tickets. Definitely makes her even more of a suspect.
A complaint made by Bremer but we don't know about whom. It also says it's the continuity of the complaint so, we're missing something. The complaint says that someone throw a rock through his window. It was made on May 7th. So I went and check that other complaint paper about Walter Sivers on Bremer's property because it's on the same date and by the same officer, Kopmann.  We have a full report now and I've updated the event of May 7th.
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Walter Sivers was yet again caught doing something stupid. In October 2013, 4 years prior to the fire, Sivers set fire to one of his neighbors' doghouse. He confessed and explained the the dog barked all night and repeatedly prevented him from sleeping. The neighbor having given no response to his requests, anger ended up pushing Sivers to commit the acts of which he is accused. He was found guilty and condemns him to a 2 years suspended sentence and a fine of 3'000 €. I added this to my important events. Wtf is wrong with this dude.
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We have camera of 2 people at the hotel, the night of the fire. Remember Ron Weasley and Hermine Granger checking in at an hotel the night of the fire? That's them, 6 minutes after checking in in that same hotel. I don't know who the girl is yet tho BUT I can say that the dude is Heinrich Katz, the dude from the gas station. Why l? Because they have the same clothes! So the gas station, the hotel and the fire all happened the same night. So I updated the event of the night of the 30th.
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Ok, after having a quick snack and getting sick right after, I'm back to continue my investigation. XD Now, let's check our evidences.
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Here we have what must the 2 sexiest men I've ever seen. XD On Lenz' photo, it says that he doesn't trust anyone and solves all his problems on his own. Good for you boo, good for you ! XD Anywaaaaays, aside from out 2 sexy stallions over here, nothing much to see.
We now have a picture of a burnt clock and a picture of a man in his kitchen, with the same clock behind. So I'm assuming the man is Bremer. Now, how they got their hands on that picture is really confusing, considering either someone was spying on him OR they were at at right place at the right time OR Bremer took a very nice and convenient selfie using a tripod. XD
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But anywaaaaaaaaays, the burnt clock stopped at 11:50 pm. So we now have the time around which the fire started!! :V So, that means that the fire started not to long before that, which also makes me question about our 2 suspects at the hotel. Could they have easily been the ones who started the fire if they checked in at 11:35 pm? I don't know how quickly a fire spreads though so, it's not very clear if they had the time between 11:35 pm and 11:50 pm.
So, I finally found the paper going with the coded text message. I've deciphered it and it says "Demain c'est mon anniversaire de mariage." which in English means "Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary.".
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Now, let me show you how Vernam code works. I'll try my best to explain it but, I can't promise anything, I'm not very good at explaining complexe things lol.
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Vernam code :
• So, remember in the notebook it said, "message - code = solution". Well, the message is the text so it's "DLWJLWGPCIAWURBCPBPVJTWZNKUFHXWLCL*". Then, the code, which is the key to the cypher, the paper I found "AHKJDJELKPOIHROPHGLERTOIJHGTHGOLWHFD".
So that gives us :
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• Now, what really confused me was the negative numbers before the letters. I know what the Vernam code is but, those negatives confused me and there was a missing piece to the puzzle.
So now, forget about the freakin negatives because I have no clue what they're doing there lol. So you associate the letters with their number. (A=0, B=1, C=2, etc.)
So that means :
("DLWJLWGPCIAWURBCPBPVJTWZNKUFHXWLCL*" is "3,11,22,9,11,22,6,15,2,8,0,22,20,17,1,2,15,1,15,21,9,19,22,25,13,10,20,5,7,23,22,11,2,11,*")
("AHKJDJELKPOIHROPHGLERTOIJHGTHGOLWHFD" is "0,7,10,9,3,9,4,11,10,15,14,8,7,17,14,15,7,6,11,4,17,19,14,8,9,7,16,19,7,6,14,11,22,7,5,3")
So that gives us :
("3,11,22,9,11,22,6,15,2,8,0,22,20,17,1,2,15,1,15,21,9,19,22,25,13,10,20,5,7,23,22,11,2,11,*" - "0,7,10,9,3,9,4,11,10,15,14,8,7,17,14,15,7,6,11,4,17,19,14,8,9,7,16,19,7,6,14,11,22,7,5,3")
• So now, you substract each number together. (3-0, 11-7, 22-10, etc.)
So that gives us :
("3,11,22,9,11,22,6,15,2,8,0,22,20,17,1,2,15,1,15,21,9,19,22,25,13,10,20,5,7,23,22,11,2,11,*" - "0,7,10,9,3,9,4,11,10,15,14,8,7,17,14,15,7,6,11,4,17,19,14,8,9,7,16,19,7,6,14,11,22,7,5,3" =
• Now then, now that we have all of that, all the negative numbers in your solution, you add +26 and the positive numbers, you leave them as they are.
So that means :
"3,4,12,0,8,13,2,4,..." and all the other positives in the series stays as "3,4,12,0,8,13,2,4, etc."
but "-8,-7,-14,..." and all the other negatives in the series, add +26. So that's "-8 + 26 = 18", "-7 + 26 = 19", "-14 + 26 = 12", etc.
So that gives us :
• Now, that little star at the end of our solution, forget it. So we now have "3,4,12,0,8,13,2,4,18,19,12,14,13,0,13,13,8,21,4,17,21,0,8,17,4,3,4,12,0,17,8,0,6,4"
• Then you associate all the numbers from your solution with their respective letters (A=0, B=1, C=2, etc.)
So that gives us :
Which is, when you separate the words :
"Demain c'est mon anniversaire de mariage" which, in English means, "Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary".
Hope you understood that because I'm not explaining it again. XD You can always look it up on Google lol.
[To be continued...]
Our timeline so far :
October 25th 2013 :
• Walter Sivers set fire to one of his neighbors' doghouse because the dog barked all night and it prevented him from sleeping.
September 20th 2016 :
• Walter Sivers made a complaint about Bremer's garage blocking the sun from entering his windows and that it's a violation of his constitutional right to the sun.
May 7th :
• 05:24 pm to 05:26 pm : Bremer's made a complaint about Walter Sivers throwing a rock through his window.
May 14th :
• 2pm : Walter Sivers started taking anti-stress medication by IV.
May 20th : 
• Bremer lost 100'000$ playing cards with the Fischer brothers.
Night of 20th to 21th May :
• The Fischer brothers gave Bremer 10 days to pay them back. They then destroyed Bremer's car to force him to pay them back within those 10 days, or else.
May 23rd :
• Joseph Bremer and Alma Preuss booked 2 plane tickets.
• 08:56 pm to 09:09 pm : Alma Preuss and Joseph Bremer had an altercation by text. Alma threatened Bremer.
May 24th :
• Bremer's ticket was cancelled by Alma Preuss.
May 28th :
• Bremer refused to compensate Katz for firing him.
May 29th :
• Lukas Bremer told Magdelena Witt he was going to set his father on fire as a prank.
May 30th :
• 8:29 pm to 8:32 pm : Heinrich Katz was seen at a gas station, filling up a tank.
• 11:35 pm : 2 people signed as "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" at an hotel.
• 11:41 pm : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" were caught on camera going to their room (room 11)
• 11:50 pm : Photo evidence shows fire started around 11:50 pm
May 31st :
• 00:04 am to 00:07 am : Carl Notebeck was stopped near the scene of the fire to take pictures.
• 00:15 am : Witness Heinrich Keein alerted fire department about Bremer's home on fire (Adlerstein Hohmann Str. 19)
• 00:22 am : Fire department arrived on scene.
• 01:45 am : Fire department left scene.
• 06:45 am : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" left the hotel.
0 notes
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein (Day 1)
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Day 1 (May 31st 2022)
1st things 1st, yes my game is in French. Sue me, I live in Quebec. XD 1st time playing a game like this so, I can't help but notice all the attention to details. And that, I like a lot.
Let's start playing, shall we ! Well, not quite lol. 1st thing I did was making photocopies of mostly everything in the box. I need to take notes on some of the papers, but I'd hate to destroy Such, fine detailed items. And I then put them in a brand new folder, just because I'm a freakin nerd XD Ok, so now we can start playing.
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We start of with a letter from this journaliste saying that the police is accusing him of a crime he didn't commit. Here's what the letter translates to :
"Hello, dear stranger!
My name is Carl Notebeck. The police accuses me of a crime I didn't commit. Someone is trying to frame me, when I was just doing my job. When I saw the fire, I stopped to take some pictures, because that's how I earn my living, like all journalists. When I took these photos, I didn't know there was anyone in the house.
The owner of the house died in the fire. It looked like a accident, but my curiosity was stronger and I decided to investigate and try to figure out who might have wanted Joseph dead. I discovered that several people were potential suspects.
Unfortunately, I am no longer allowed to write on this topic. While I was just looking for clues, the police concluded that I was the one who had set fire to the house. The police got tired of me asking questions all the time, and they decided to drop me from the investigation.
I'm sending you all the clues I've gathered so far. I pray for the entire file related to this case falls into the right hands, and I hope you find the culprit.
Remember: it is absolutely not me! Good luck!
Carl Notebeck"
So, this guy named Joseph, died in his house which was set on fire. Carl Notebeck, the journalist who wrote the letter, was the 1st one on scene because he stopped to take pictures of the fire for his job. If you ask me, job or not, he's an idiot for not calling the police right away. Police arrested him as a suspect.
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There's a website on the 3rd page of the notebook, but I need a 4 digits code to access its content. It also says the password is the "wedding date". I don't know what that's about though. The website reads : "This content is protected by password. To access it, enter the 4 number password :"
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On the 4th page of the notebook are notes about the night of the 20th and 21st of May. Basically, the Fischer brothers destroyed Bremer's (the victim) car, because he owed them 100'000 € by playing cards. It also states they could of put fire to the victim's home, because they left him 10 days to pay them back. Here's the translation of the page's note :
"On the night of May 20-21, the Fischer brothers wrecked Bremer's car. They could have put fire at his house. But why ? On the evening of May 20th, Bremer lost 100'000 € playing cards against the Fischers. This is the pattern! The Fischer brothers left him 10 days to repay his debt and destroyed his car to force him to be paid at the end of these ten days."
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So, in my people of interests, I'm adding the Fischer Brothers as our 2 main suspects. I also decided to create an "important events" page, starting with night of May 20th and 21st.
• May 20th : Bremer lost 100'000 € playing cards with the Fischer brothers.
• Night of 20th to 21st of May : The Fischer brothers gave Bremer 10 days to Pay them back. They then destroyed Bremer's car to force him to pay them back within those 10 days, or else.
On the 5th page, there's a bunch of numbers and letters, which are very confusing. A negative number, followed by a letter, equaling a positive number. It's a code called the "Vernam code". We then have a secret message and a code, followed by random letters, with the solution showing the word "BURN" in French ("BRULER"). "Message - Code = Solution". So message (PVWWFH) - Code (DECLBQ) = Solution ("BURN")? I'm not quite sure what it all means yet. Though I am familiar with the Vernam code, Something's missing.
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On the 6th page of the notebook, we have a list of suspects which I'm not gonna note, because I want to be able to figure out my own suspects with the informations I gathered myself. Now, I haven't mention anything about the 1st and 2nd pages of the notebook, only because there's not much to see about them. The 1st page has random numbers and something about a meeting on a Monday, and the 2nd page is just an ugly scribble of a house with the word "Informations" under it. So that concludes the notebook.
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There's a paper about the Adlerstein fan club with the membership fees, I think. I've highlighted the 2 Fischer brothers on it. There's a bunch of other names but I'm not quite sure how this is relevant yet.
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We have this administration protocol for a certain Walter Sivers, which was a name in the notebook's suspects list. So I added him to my list of people of interests. It's for an anti-stress medication by IV every 12 hours for the 1st 2 doses, then every hour for the 3rd to the 10th. After hour the 10th injection, there's a 6 days wait and the for the remaining 10 ones, they repeat the protocol. I'm not sure how this is relevant yet, but I noted the date and time, May 14th, at 2pm. Though, I'll need a better system to note event dates.
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Here's what the injection protocol says :
"Follow the injection protocol to the letter: the interval between the 1st and 2nd injections must be precisely 12 hours. From the 3rd injection, the interval between two injections must increase by one hour with each injection. After the 10th injection, a 6-day break is mandatory. The next 10 injections should again follow exactly the protocol above. Therefore, the 1st, 11th and 20th injections should be done at the same time."
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We have a GPS report for Carl's car movements. There's exactly 22 dots on the the map, but 25 data entry, 4 of which are stopped. Which leaves us with 22 locations. Carl Stayed at the same location for 4 minutes on May 31th, from 00:04 am to 00:07 am. Now, I'm not very good with latitude and longitude so, I couldn't figure out for the life of me where the hell he came from. From the bottom or the top? BUT, there was another map with an X on it, so I redraw the coordinates on it. His 4 minutes stop are the 2 nearest to the X. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!! XD
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We now have the fire report. There was a call at 00:15 am from a certain Heirich Keein (or whatever his freakin name is, I'm not sure lol) on May 31st. So, we know the fire must of started before 00:15 am. The fire department arrived on scene at 00:22 am and left at 1:45 am. We now have an address, "Adlerstein Hohmman Str. 19". Fire apparently started in the kitchen, then spread to the rest The house. Joseph Bremer was found dead in the house debris. He was covered in burns on most of his body (No Shit Sherlock 🙄). Investigators found traces of fuel upon entering the house. So now we know the fire occurred exactly 10 days after the Fischer brothers threatened Bremer to pay them back. Very suspish...
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We have a lab report on Bremer's diagnosis of iron deficiency. Not sure what to make of this yet. But more importantly, why did it take them so long to send it to him, so long after receiving his diagnosis? More importantly, why was it sent the day after his death?
Here's what the rest of the lab report says :
"Symptoms: dizziness accompanied by possible loss of consciousness in the event of low oxygen supply. Recommendation: avoid activities in low oxygen environments (high mountains, scuba diving, etc.)"
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Now we have a receipt for 2 plane tickets for Bremer and a Mme Alma Preuss. Now, why is she sus? Because the next day, Preuss canceled Bremer's ticket. So I added her to my list of sussy bakas. XD
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We have a new witness by the name of Magdalena Witt, waitress at the "Adlersking" club. She says she heard one of their regular clients, Lukas Bremer, talk about his father. So we now know that Lukas is Joseph's son. He said to everyone that he hated his father and that he's a disgusting man. Then on the 29th of May, he told her he was preparing a prank on his father the next day. And he literally said he was gonna set him on fire, putting the emphasis on the word "Fire" and that he repeated it multiple. What a lovely son he is. XD
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Here's the translation of the witness declaration :
"I, the undersigned, Magdalena Witt, born in 1988, employed as a waitress at the "AdlersKing" club, certify that I heard from one of our regular customers, Lukas Bremer, talking about his father at the bar. He told everyone he hated him and that he was a disgusting man. On May 29, he said he was planning to play a prank on him the next day. He said he was literally going to set fire. Yes, he used the word "fire" correctly. I remember it very well. He repeated this word several times."
In 2016, Walter Sivers made a complaint to police about his neighbour, Joseph Bremer, building his garage on Sivers' property, without his consent. He states that this garage is blocking the sun completely from entering his window, and that it's a violation of his constitutional right to the Sun -_-" Mmmmmk !!
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Here's the translation of Walter's complaint :
"I, the undersigned Walter Sivers, residing at Hohmann Str. 17, 40475 Adlerstein, demands the demolition of an unauthorized outbuilding adjoining a dwelling. I am referring to a garage that my neighbor Joseph Bremer built on his land without my consent. This garage blocks out the sun almost completely, so my windows hardly get any light in the morning. I consider this a violation of my constitutional right to the sun! Furthermore, this construction was carried out without the formal agreement of the immediate neighbours, which constitutes a violation of local planning regulations."
Sivers made another complaint, to his doctor this time, about the medication that was prescribed to him, saying he falls asleep for about 2 hours following the injection. I don't know how this is relevant to the case so far, but he sure seams like a lovely person to be around. XD
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Here's the translation of his complaint to his doctor :
"Dear Dr. Ritz, I am a law-abiding citizen and use your clinic's services on a regular basis. My complaint is about your physical therapist, Dr. Stern, and it's related to a tranquilizer he prescribed for me. This medicine has a very negative side effect, which is the cause not only of major inconvenience but also of serious threat to my health. As soon as I am injected with this medication, I fall asleep immediately for about 2 hours. I consider this a lack of competence and demand immediate drug substitution. If you don't take action immediately, I will file a complaint with the administrative court."
A vehicle database. There's a bunch of names with licence plates. I couldn't help notice that there was a similar name to one of our witness. Heinrich Katz and Heinrich Keein. Could it be the same person ?
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I also couldn't help but notice that we have video footage of a car at a gas station, filling up a gas tank. He has the same license plate that one of the vehicles in the data base has, "AD KB 301". Also Same color and brand. So, the dude on cams is Heinrich Katz. And why is he filling up a tank, the same night of the fire? I added him to my suspects list.
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[To be continued...]
Our timeline so far :
September 20th 2016 :
• Walter Sivers made a complaint about Bremer's garage blocking the sun from entering his windows and that it's a violation of his constitutional right to the sun.
May 14th :
• 2pm : Walter Sivers started taking anti-stress medication by IV.
May 20th : 
• Bremer lost 100'000$ playing cards with the Fischer brothers.
Night of 20th to 21th May :
• The Fischer brothers gave Bremer 10 days to pay them back. They then destroyed Bremer's car to force him to pay them back within those 10 days, or else.
May 23rd :
• Joseph Bremer and Alma Preuss booked 2 plane tickets.
May 24th :
• Bremer's ticket was cancelled by Alma Preuss.
May 29th :
• Lukas Bremer told Magdelena Witt he was going to set his father on fire as a prank.
May 30th :
• 8:29 pm to 8:32 pm : Heinrich Katz was seen at a gas station, filling up a tank.
May 31st :
• 00:04 am to 00:07 am : Carl Notebeck was stopped near the scene of the fire to take pictures.
• 00:15 am : Witness Heinrich Keein alerted fire department about Bremer's home on fire (Adlerstein Hohmann Str. 19)
• 00:22 am : Fire department arrived on scene.
• 01:45 am : Fire department left scene.
0 notes