#firmly back on my sw bullshit i guess
the-starry-seas · 8 months
what if myles and jango were the same height growing up and then in the span of like. six months. myles had a huge growth spurt and shot up to 6'5" and jango was livid
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aimmyarrowshigh · 5 years
So Daisy Ridley only thinks that emotional [abuse] is a "tricky road"? I thought everyone would be able to firmly denounce abuse. Yikes!
I personally think that she means that talking about reylo, given the vocal fandom for it, is a tricky road? Especially without, like, spoiling anything or accidentally leaking anything? But I don’t know what she really think, and contrary to all of the sobbing reylos crying because they don’t understand how transcription and abridgement work even though I literally did it as a job for fucking Ken Burns, I don’t want to guess at what she MEANT to say there.
If I’m, personally, looking at the framing of the whole thing, I think she’s saying that she doesn’t know how to feel about it [because obviously a lot of people like it, but there’s also] a lot of talk about the whole toxic thing of the relationship, it’s essentially emotional [abuse], so [being able to decide how she feels about reylo/reylo shippers]’s a tricky road, but that’s just my own total personal guess. I do not know if that’s what she meant.
I know that at the TROS panel at SWCC, as soon as Colbert asked her about reylo, her eyes went Full Of Murder and it was glorious, and she definitely seems Beyond Done with being asked about a fucking male character she doesn’t even fucking play, instead of the PROTAGONIST OF THE FRANCHISE, WHOM SHE DOES PLAY, yk? Like, Adam isn’t out there getting asked about Rey in all of his interviews, he gets asked about his own work. Daisy gets asked, maybe, 40% about Rey AT MOST and 60% about effing Adam and Kylo, and she ISN’T ADAM and DOESN’T PLAY KYLO, and I don’t blame her for being Over It, yk?
I also – like I’ve said about how I think that Oscar always stays very firmly on the Disney-PR-training-middle-road when asked about bullshit like, say, Poe being court martialed and “LOL let’s deport him because he’s a Space Latino we dislike who was mean to a white lady and you deport Latinos who are mean to white ladies, hyuk hyuk hyuk!” when, like, I… would personally be surprised if he were actually quite as chill about it? Maybe? – think that Daisy is very, very well media-trained. She isn’t going to alienate Reylos until another 40 years have gone by and she can go full Princess Diarist-give-no-fucks.
She has a long, long career yet to build, and even though I firmly believe that reylos – like most nutbag subcultures – are just a very very loud minority of the audience, they are still VERY LOUD. If she does straight-up say “fuck reylo lives” and then her next movie bombs, it’ll get attributed to that even if it’s totally unrelated. (See: the idiot fanbros who are claiming that the nine people who boycotted Solo are who affected Solo’s box office take, rather than franchise fatigue and releasing two SW movies way too close together [as well as TLJ just being really bad].)
Like, I’ve read through some of Disney’s previous interview training curricula, or whatever you’d call it, and I’m amazed that anyone in SW takes as much of a stance on anything. Like, I’m amazed that DOMHNALL is allowed to talk about HUX being a bad guy, and he’s A VERY OVERT SPACE NAZI. I’m amazed that Daisy and John and Oscar and Kelly and Lupita have been allowed to take part in social protests and marches and do charity work that is unrelated to Disney’s programs. I’m constantly amazed and impressed by how vocal and brave John is in speaking out against the racist bullshit that gets spewed at him both in person and on social media, and back when Daisy and Kelly had Instagrams, absolutely same.
(I like to think that Carrie’s Force ghost is always just behind them, flipping the bird at Bob Iger, tbh.)
And, again, like… as much as I REALLY HOPE that they don’t try to redeem Kylo Ren in two hours after everything he’s done, because it just… is not enough movie for that… it’s possible that they’ll try, because Walt Disney was a giant-ass fucking racist and antisemite, and the Dark Side might win. The moral of the Skywalker Saga MIGHT end up being “whitegirl pussy can turn school shooter neo-nazi rapists into good guys, so ladies, it’s up to YOU to swallow down that discomfort, and also the weird salami smell that emanates from those dudes glowering at everyone from the back of the bus as they carve swastikas into the water fountain! Go Save That White Boy’s Soul At Your Own Expense :))))”
I hope it won’t be. I tend to trust JJ Abrams, at least more than Rilo Jon, to understand that that’s, like, not… good. In 2019. Or ever. But who fucking knows. Maybe Daisy has to hem and haw about reylo because against her own feelings, it happens. We won’t know until December.
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