#first becuase Maglor isn't into raping people who resist and Maehdros isn't going to him to anyway
fuckingfinwions · 2 years
How do the Nolofinweans relate to the now-concubine and maybe-future-concubine Curufin and Celebrimbor?
Curufin spent the first week after Feanor’s death naked, blindfolded, and tied to Maedhros’s bed. Maedhros did a lot of breaking him in himself, but the coronation of a new king takes a lot of planning and meetings with council members and such. So the Nolofinweans got the chore of “switch out the plug in his ass for one that’s a different shape every hour so he doesn’t get used to it, I use him after lunch.” And given the degrading stuff Curufin has put them through, they’re willing if still not eager.
Once Curufin has been sufficiently trained he moves in with the other concubines. Nolo’s rooms are four small bedrooms around a central living room, which means with Turgon and Arehdel gone Curufin and Celebrimbor can move right in. This is for Maedhros’s convenience.
Nolo and Fingon are aware that none of this is Celebrimbor’s fault, but there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s Nolo rather Curufin who reassures him that everyone’s too terrified of the king to hurt him without permission. That would not have occurred to Curufin as a pleasant thought, but Nolo has raised three children under these circumstances.
When Celebrimbor is almost of age, Curuifn knocks on Nolo’s bedroom door. For parenting advice when your kid is about to get raped and you’re not going to save them.
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