#first drawing of siffrin from their back baby!
pixxyofice · 2 years
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you don't know how long you can keep doing this. @insertdisc5
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pixxyofice · 2 months
Okay, so prior to getting into in stars and time I was into Umineko (or its English title When the Seagulls Cry) so whenever Loop addresses Isabeau as the Fighter I can't help but read it in the same cadence as Beatrice from umineko adressing Battler (the protag of umineko) (btw i know this ask is about loop, but i have to say we the readers dont actually know if Battler is his real name and I hc that it isnt but beatrice obscuring it, but that more of a loop thing that reminds me of beatrice than beatrice thing reminding me of loop) . Just stretching the absolute shit out of those vowels in a mocking tone to hide the pained yearning they feel upon even just thinking about him.
Honestly the only thing stopping loop from going the same direction narrativly as beatrice umineko is that the majority of their problems come from the inside, meanwhile all of the problems beatrice faces are external, that and the fact she was dropped of a cliff as a baby
Also loop is far nicer to siffrin than beatrice is to her counterparts. Like if I was looop I would have resorted to murder a lot sooner (which beatrice umineko does. Repeatedly) For understandable reasons they don't do that, but still,it is a remarkable showcase of self-control, in my opinion
All of these thoughts make me want to draw them as a umineko style witch, I already know what style of fashion their witch form would take, 1950s femme fatale obviously. I can't quite pick what their witch moniker would be though.(for context beatrice holds the titles Witch of gold and the Endless Witch, the second title reffering to her ability to rewind time) I could imagine them jokingly introducing themselves as the witch of loops, even tho they very much do not control the loops.
Anyway as a fun fact, while scrolling down the creator's tumblr I found that they had drawn umineko fanart back in the day, and my first thought was "of course!"
i do not understand the comparisons to umineko but i see... them in other outfits...
and adrienne's been places... fandoms.... all sorts of fandoms. putting this out there
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