#first game i waited until it came out on ps4 but i was too desperate and impatient this time hahahaha
jesperr-fahey · 4 months
played the first couple hours of hades 2 tonight after avoiding all of the spoilers i could and oohhhh my god. oh my god.
the new characters alone are SOOOOO good!!!! losing my whoole mind over hestia, i love her design. and arachne!!! what a fun first world friend!!! i can't wait to find out who we meet on the other levels. tons of great new character designs and dynamics already. i wish odysseus was a bit more of a little shit but maybe we'll get there
and god. that first backstory section... small child melinoe playing hide and seek with hecate... she's been training her whole life to fight and kill but hecate knew she was still a child and took that into account and that's SO GOOD to me!!! she's a great first boss fight, i haven't beaten her yet but i've faced her a couple times and had a great time
i'm still getting used to the mechanics- i'm more of a "run in and smack as hard and often as you can" kind of gamer, so i'm not using the magick as much as i probably should, but we'll get there. and i do like that some boons let you have a different style- like the ones that sacrifice your mana for extra boosts! since i'm not using magick as much, those are usually worth it for me
truly the only Bummer for me right now is charon's design, i think that's a biiig downgrade from the first game! it's such a drastic change that i almost wonder if there's a story reason for it...? like, he's trying to stay more under the radar or something? i hope so, because otherwise it's just kind of a bummer. i miss his hat.
overall: loving the game so far!! so so curious about the story, and love how it's being revealed slowly. where's my boy zagreus!! is he okay!! can i help him!!
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tomyo · 1 year
Kingdom hearts 3, finally finishing it 4 years later
A game I honestly didn't think would be off this list for a while. I bought the game when it came out and then never finished it because I was using my roommate's PS4.
Recently a friend lent me his PS4 now that the PS5 exists and after months of con season I finally sat down with it. I had intended to start from scratch until I learnt the several hours I played on the guest account where erased and my sanity would not allow several hours of tutorial again.
In the end, I bought a psn membership and reached out to that old roommate which was a nice experience. I missed them but have always just been to much in my bullshit to reach out until apparently *this*.
Maybe the funniest thing to say about all of this is this is my first and only time I've played a kingdom hearts game meaning my gameplay expectations were average. I had a goofy fun time after not having to play Olympus a third time and I relate to smooth brained Sora a lot, vaguely I get what's going on but I don't give too many shits. Yeah the start of the key blade war was a mess but my little gay ass cried at every XIII trio and co moment. That ending CG cutscenes was too short but I could easily wax on about how these characters have constantly sacrificed and gone through tragedy often in the name of each other and the hope that those in front of them could move forward. The prequel trio went through tragedy, the main trio constantly just out of reach from each other, the XIII trio stuck in an amnesiatic limbo and so forth. The fact most of them got to literally do fun kind shit together was a nice miracle.
Also bawled at the union cross cameos even though I barely played it. I love tragedy and I did earlier this weekend stop to let my avatar cry scared at their own death in the middle of war so the idea that maybe some actual users got to see their names on screen attacking the enemies but hard. Even though I haven't played the series, it's a permanent part of my life just from the cultural zeitgeist it caused in my adolescence. I wish they gave it more impact if anything but I get it, it wasn't something everyone was for.
Obviously though the biggest issue is Kairi per usual. Utada's song are sort of like a thematic tone to each chapter in the series with a theory that Kairi's designs being inspired from Utada's image at each point. Chikai is not just a love song but a wedding song, the progression from an immature and insecure relationship in the first one to one stubbornly proclaiming it's now or never with your devotion to me. It's a song meant to stand at the end of everything, it's someone waiting for you to meet them in the distance. I remember desperately trying to avoid spoilers for these past four years but being suggested from what I couldn't avoid that Kairi had proposed marriage to Sora at the end. It's also usually Kairi who gets a lot of attention in the CG openings and endings. The natural idea of this all is that it's sealing the idea of Sora and Kairi recognizing each other as a couple and potentially a maturing relationship from when they were children even though like, I don't even think two years have passed in world??? Either way she gets worse than nerfed at the end. You don't get to play as her, she doesn't get to do A N Y T H I N G aside from being said to still believe in Sora and be his emotional angst. And then she is kidnapped and killed. The worst is it failed to make it matter to me. The are a lot of reasons why everything with Kairi just did not hit any emotional level whatsoever as a Kairi stan. Riku had more romantic tension with himself on the beach honestly. And yes, I acknowledge there was literally a gay rainbow bonded key blade. I didn't really ever ship anything with kingdom hearts but I now believe in Sora and Riku I guess. Also the old dudes probably making out. Yeah, wasn't even pissed at that anticlimactic heel turn with the big baddie. Side note, buying the game was 100% worth it to have the immersive experience of Goofy and Donald call out for my from the controller. A+. Just, man, Kairi was more blank than wood this game despite them trying to say she was important. I think for a series so central on the bond of it's trios, keeping her out of the main fights was such a bummer.
Also I am not paying $30 for the dlc when I have already given the game $70+ of my money. I will absolutely watch a video of that instead.
Either way I'm happy I can finally watch videos that sat in my YouTube watch later since 2019 and I happily look forward to KH4. Bitches who know me know I'm a sucker for Shibuya and honestly I should have bought the world ends with us in the ds when i had the chance. Might come on my lists because street style is so big in that game.
With that one of the two most intensive games on this list can be crossed off. The other being GTA 5 but I also don't really plan to jump on that anytime soon. More concerned with playing the Kinect games on my 360 lmao.
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legendarymasterwolf · 5 years
E3 2019: My Thoughts on What We Saw
Alright, E3 is over this year, which means it's time to go over what we saw and my thoughts on it.
This is late, so some stuff here will be out already.
I'll be going by publisher alphabetically, so first up, we have...
Borderlands 3
I'm so freaking hyped to get lost in this hilarious world again. I've played Mordecai in Borderlands 1, Zero in 2, and Claptrap in Presequel. Still trying to decide who to play as in 3, but right now, it's looking like I'll pick FL4K, since he specializes in long range and has a few cute beasties by his side. Also, we're getting not one, but THREE action skills with each character. Not only that, but you can sacrifice your grenade skill for two equipped skills.
The Children of the Vault look like some worthy successors to Handsome Jack for title of "Best Borderlands Villains", though we'll see how they pan out on release date.
The gameplay that we saw of Moze looks smooth. Heck, everything about this game looks sleek and refined without doing away with the art style. Also, guns with legs.
Anyway, we not only got the gameplay reveal, but also Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary, a new DLC for Borderlands 2 that sets up 3, so I'm scrambling to finish the Handsome Collection on my PS4, which just got a lot more difficult now that I've bought RDR2 finally, along with several other games.
I loved Alan Wake, and this is from the same people, so I’m hyped. The game looks great, has a suspenseful atmosphere, and it seems to play well. I’m looking forward to release date.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot
I haven't bought a COD game since "Black Ops 2", though I have played the newer ones with a friend of mine. It looks good visually from the reveal trailer I saw, I'll say that much. No gameplay yet, but I know it'll be gritty, focusing on some of the more shocking moments of the original trilogy, like "No Russian" from MW2 or the nuclear explosion from MW1, so it seems we're bringing in more edge to the series. Still, I'm glad the campaign is back, and I'm interested to see how it will look.
12 Minutes
A twelve minute time loop where you're forced to relive the death of your wife and the only way to break it is to find out why she was killed? Sign me up.
Code Vein
I remember this one from last E3. Still the same opinion, too. Anime style souls game that I might buy for the story, which looks interesting.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
So this looks REALLY good. It's like a deep RPG, deeper than Xenoverse was, with mechanics besides fighting like fishing, and as for the fights themselves, they seem to be more strategical than before, with a healthy dose of classic DBZ fisticuffs in there for good measure.
Elden Ring
A Souls game written by George RR Martin? Don't know too much about it besides that, but it looks cool based on the trailer.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan
Basically, another Until Dawn, but on the open sea during a storm. And I'm totally okay with that.
Another game from Arkane? The guys who made Dishonored? I'll take it. Besides, another time loop premise sounds interesting.
Doom: Eternal
If Fallout 76 was any indication, Bethesda desperately needs a win now to restore faith in their studio. Besides a few of the other games announced at E3 2019 that could do so, there was one that stood out in particular: Doom Eternal. I’ve already played all the Wolfenstein games, with the exception of one upcoming entry on this list, and based on what I’ve seen of Eternal, I’m going to like it due to the similarity in gameplay.
GhostWire: Tokyo
The presentation on the new game from the makers of Evil Within, another series to try now that I have a PS4, was memorable for a few reasons. First off, Ikumi Nakamura, the game’s creative director, was the main presenter and she was adorable. Seriously, it’s probably one of the best E3 presentations I’ve seen this year. I can’t remember the last time I saw one so genuine like hers, plus it helps that the Internet has fallen in love. As for the game itself, it looks great, with people disappearing in Tokyo and it being up to some guy with a bow and supernatural powers to find out why. The reveal trailer was all we got, but still, I can’t wait to play it.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
The first game I’ve ever preordered, and this comes from a guy who never preorders on principle. It’s a Wolfenstein spinoff with BJ’s twin daughters, so yeah, I’ll buy it. Plus, it’s co-op, so I’m playing this with my best friend. Still trying to decide which twin to play, though. Probably Jessie, since my friend is gonna want to play Soph.
Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory
Looks interesting, plus the gameplay reminds me of Shadowrun Returns.
The Sinking City
This one’s already out, but it looks good. Hopefully, it’ll be received better than Call of Cthulu before it. Plus, I’m all for a game where the protagonist is losing his mind, like Dead Space.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood
Set in the World of Darkness universe, like Bloodlines, except you're a werewolf instead of a vampire and it's from a different studio. Gameplay was revealed behind closed doors, but it looks good from what I've heard. We don't have too many werewolf games around.
Cyberpunk 2077
Yeah, this might be the first game I preorder for myself, since now we finally have a release date: April 16th, 2020. The new trailer we got gave us a glimpse of a default male V as well as what may be Jackie’s death (please don’t kill off Jackie, CD Project RED, I like him too much already). After V’s employer tries to double cross him, V tries to kick ass with his twin arm blades, which look really unique, before said employer shoots him in the head. The trailer ended with a major surprise: as V comes to in a junkyard, a figure in jeans, a tank-top, and a silver left arm approaches, and kneels to reveal a face and voice that sounds suspiciously like Keanu Reeves.
Yes, that’s right, for those who haven’t heard by the time this is posted, Keanu Reeves is in Cyberpunk 2077 and he’s playing Johnny Silverhand, a legendary rocker in the world of 2077 who may not be what he seems.
After the trailer premiered onstage, Reeves came out onstage to promote the game. He could barely get through the start of his speech, people were that excited to see him in the flesh. There was even a great moment where he described the game as “breathtaking”, to which a fan shouted out, “You’re breathtaking!”, to which Keanu responded in kind. We don’t deserve this man.
Anyway, at the end of his speech, Reeves gave a new look at gameplay as well as the game’s release date. The glimpse was only about 20 seconds long, but still, the new look at the combat, hacking, and what is presumably a digital afterlife or something like that was enough to get me even more hyped for this game.
Seriously, I couldn’t be more hyped. This game is gonna be massive and I just might preorder it.
My Friend Pedro
Switch game, but still looks cool. It’s already out now.
Sea of Solitude
I need to play more games that make me feel like this. The art style looks gorgeous and the theme is depression, so yeah, I may buy this one if I like what I’m hearing.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Honestly, EA's part of the the expo was kind of depressing, especially when it got to Anthem. However, we did get more of Jedi: Fallen Order, and for that, I'm grateful, because this game looks great. Both the combat and lightsaber look slick as does the gameplay in general, and the voice acting is on point, from Cameron Monaghan to Forest Whitaker. We need a good Star Wars game for current gen consoles, and while The Old Republic is still my favorite, that's for PC. Also, while it has been announced that there are no microtransactions in the game, I'm sure EA will find some way to screw it up, but for now, it looks awesome.
I’m interested. Story and premise have me, a mix of 17th century colonialism with horror and the supernatural. Gameplay looks like my kind of jam, and we may be getting romance options too, based on some trailer observations.
John Wick Hex
Gameplay seems unique, plus it’s John Wick. I will always take more of Keanu Reeves.
Grandia HD Collection
I like JRPGs like this one, though it’s for Switch, so I can’t play it.
Way to the Woods
Looks like a cute adventure puzzle game. I might get it for PC.
Wasteland 3
This series looks like tactical Fallout, so yeah, I’m likely to give this one a shot since it looks good.
Blair Witch
A Blair Witch video game? That’s psychological horror?! With an adorable dog companion named Bullet?!?! Yes, please.
We didn’t get much besides a trailer and some gameplay, but I’m eager to see more.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
Ugh, why is it that last year I was complaining about not having a PS4, now this year I’m complaining about not having a Switch?!
Anyway, this looks great and I want to see more. Especially since I’ve heard it’s going to be scarier than Majora’s Mask.
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Looks good on the graphics front, plus the gameplay additions looks promising.
And once again, I can’t play it.
Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
Out of all the games on this list, this is the one I want to play most that I can’t play because, you guessed it, I don’t have a Switch.
I loved the original Ultimate Alliance games, so I’m sure the new one is gonna be a hit, what with the new combos, character designs, and references to the MCU, plus it’ll tie us over until Marvel’s Avengers.
Pokemon Sword and Shield
The Pokemon look cute, it is set in the world’s version of the UK, gameplay looks improved, and once again, I can’t play it.
Empire of Sin
It looks cool, plus I need more Mob style games to play. It’s also made by the people who are responsible for the next game on this list...
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
It’s only in pre-alpha, but still, this one looks good. The original is on the Steam store, and there are fan made patches that improved upon what was originally a disaster. The sequel looks like a smoother version of its predecessor, with a few new abilities and mechanics put in. Again, it's in pre-alpha, so the final product will look much cleaner, but for now, I'm excited for its release date.
Shenmue III
First off, I’m royally pissed that Epic stole this one. That being said, the game looks great and I’m looking forward to continuing Ryo’s story on PS4. The gameplay looks great, the atmosphere is enthralling, and the English dub sounds good this time around. Still pissed about Epic, but at least I can play it on PS4.
The Outer Worlds
This still looks great. Since Fallout 76 took a nosedive and kept on going, we need a game like this to get that bitter taste out of our mouths. This still looks like a cross between Fallout and Borderlands, the true New Vegas spiritual successor that we need right now. The companions actually look helpful, have personalities of their own, and the Flaws System sounds really interesting, giving your hero a perk in enchange for a debuff for the whole game. Also the humor is great, too.
Marvel’s Avengers
Yes, the character designs don’t look so hot. However, those can be changed on the road to launch. That aside, I liked what I saw. The gameplay looks great, the voice cast has some top tier talent for the industry, and the promise of more heroes to be added after launch without the attached microtransactions has my attention.
Dying Light 2
I only played the demo for the first one, a game I still need to play, but I liked it enough to want a sequel. The usual free running mechanics look smooth, plus the addition of player choice shakes up the game, making your playthrough unique, so yeah, more of the good old stuff with a few new things sprinkled in.
Final Fantasy VII Remake and Remasters
The remake of FF7 looks AMAZING. The hybrid combat system looks like a dream, plus the character designs look top notch. In addition, the voice cast sounds on point for their respective characters. The hype around this thing was evident from the incessant cheering, we want it that much. We even have a release date: March 3rd, 2020. It’s been a long time coming, but it seems the wait to experience this classic for the second time on a different system will have finally been worth it.
Also, there was content announced for FF14 as well as two remasters: Crystal Chronicles and FF8.
Bet your ass I’m buying the remaster for FF8.
This has been described as Fluffy Devil May Cry. It’s accurate. I didn’t know you’d be able to customize your character, to! Combat looks fun, and it appears there is humor present if the narrator is anything to go by, so I’m interested.
Destroy All Humans! Remake
I never played the original, but I did read about it and hear about it from a friend. From what I’ve seen, the remake looks fun! Good parody of the 1950s and the updated graphics look great. Plus, Krypto seems like a fun, grumpy protagonist.
Gods and Monsters
This looks like a cross between Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Legend of Zelda. Considering it’s being made by the same creators of the former, I can’t wait to see more of this in the future.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint
I’ll be honest, I still haven’t played any Ghost Recon games, so maybe here would be a good place to start. Gotta say, I like the way Jon Bernthal presented. He just seemed at ease onstage. Plus, Bernthal’s dog looks adorable. Bam Bam is the real hero of the Ubisoft press conference.
Anyway, it seems Bernthal is playing Cole D. Walker, one of the antagonists of the game. Didn’t see any gameplay, but still, the game looks good. I need to play more tactical shooters in general.
Watch Dogs: Legion
I played the first Watch Dogs game. Thought it was cool, but overall it was a bit disappointing. I still need to play the second one, but I heard it was a major improvement, even if it wasn’t a financial hit. Still, this one put a smile on my face. The ability to recruit and play as anyone? A sarcastic AI as your companion? A grandma assassin? I will take all of it, thank you.
Also, grandma assassin.
Did I mention there was a grandma assassin?
Can’t wait for March 6th.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The LEGO Star Wars games were some of the first games I ever owned back when I played on the PS2, so I’m hyped for a collection of all 9 films in one game. We don’t know much beyond the announcement trailer, but hey, I’ll gladly take this one when it comes out next year.
Baldur’s Gate III
A video game that plays like a DND game? I can’t wait. Haven’t played the other games, but I’m sure I’ll be fine once I play that tabletop prequel they mentioned.
It’s an Xbox and PC exclusive, but still, glad this is getting a remake.
Bleeding Edge
This looks like an Overwatch reskin. The combat itself looks unique, though, so we’ll see how it goes.
Gears 5
We got a little more on Gears 5 this time around. We’ve got a look at Kait and how the Locust influence is threatening to tear her apart (that’s what I’m assuming, I’ve never played the Gears games). We also got a new mode, Escape. I might get it, since it’ll be available for PC.
Halo Infinite
If this is what Xbox Scarlett looks like, then Sony might have actual competition for once. This is the best the Halo series has looked in years, and considering how let down some felt after Halo 5, it’s about time. We’re getting the same badass Master Chief back, this time with no AI companion, as Cortana has suffered corruption due to being around for longer than normal and has gone psycho as a result. Regardless, the graphics look amazing and I can’t wait to see how it looks when it releases Holiday 2020.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
I never played the original, but I might have to now, because this looks cute. The art style looks great and I’ll always be interested in games where you fight things ten times your own size. Plus, it seems to run smooth, and just by the sound of the story, it already has my heart.
Psychonauts 2
To cap things off, let’s end with a game I’ve been excited for since I finished the original months ago. The game seems to be coming along great, if the first level is anything to go by. Returning voice cast, new enemies and powers, new environments to explore, Jack Black voicing a Brain in a Jar, need I say more?
Also, this game looks to explore the water curse put on Rasputin’s family, so it will be a more personal and chilling story as well.
So, there you have it. That’s my thoughts on E3 2019, half a month late.
What are you guys excited for? Leave a comment letting me know, especially if there was something I left out!
Until then!
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mepler · 5 years
Learning and Training (Part 2)
Qurosuke, Gano, and Greysen then make their way into what seems like what one would call a karate dojo. The place itself has a 300 square ft spacious, smooth hardwood floor. The floor glistens from the sun that shined through the windows. The windows themselves show a large garden full of a diverse species of flowers that appear after a person would leave the dojo. Though the dojo itself was empty, a supply closet was present in one of the far corners of the room. They then make their selves to the middle of the dojo.
" Please wait here while I get some supplies from the supply closet. " And so, Qurosuke and Gano complied with Greysen's request. Qurosuke would then sit on the floor rather than stand on it, as he thinks it's better to do so. Gano would then sit at his master's lap and almost immediately, was being petted and scratched by him and, as a result, would give a low and deep purr from it.
After a few minutes of sitting and waiting, Greysen comes out of the supply closet with an 80" by 40" table with wheels on it in. The table had what seemed to be two kendo training sticks, a 72" flat screen tv, a technological bracelet and collar, a book that looks like its 300 pages long, a stack of multiple video games for the PS4, a PlayStation 4 including of all of its appropriate wire and cables, a PS4 controller, two bottles of water, and two king-sized pillows. Greysen would then set up the T.V and PS4 while ignoring the confused looked on Qurosuke and Gano's face. He would then casually throw the two king-sized pillows at Qurosuke for him to successfully catch while throwing the two bottles of water at Gano for him to also successfully catch with his long tail.
" Young master, there is a theory among the Mutant community. It is when a Mutant wants their powers to start to flourish, they should do the activities or habits that sturs their happiness. So, I decided to have you do the one thing that makes you happy, playing video games. Also..." Greysen then would grab the technological bracelet then put it on Qurosuke and Gano accordingly before continuing his talk. " This device is called Mutant H.E.L.P. It's an A.I tool for Mutants who have just started to use their powers or a helpful tool for children Mutants. Because let's be honest, you and Gano are like children Mutants who only began to tap into their powers. No offense, of course. It should work right about now-" Just as Greysen was about to finish his sentence, a voice then appeared and spoke through Qurosuke and Gano simultaneously.
" Hello, users named: Qurosuke and Gano. My name is H.E.L.P model 1904 version 10.0, or as per my current settings, Monoma. My primary function is to help bring your Mutant powers from seedlings to adult trees. Are you ready to start? I know i am. " Qurosuke and Gano almost jumped and screamed in surprise at the sudden voice but quickly composed themselves as they didn't want to be embarrassed. The sound itself seemed somewhat monotone, but it still had a resemblance of emotion in it. It also was recognized on having an adult woman's voice, probably in the early or late '20s.
" I'm ready as I'll ever be. " Qurosuke answers honestly. Even if it didn't exactly look like he was fit physically, but he was able mentally. " O-of course. What master said. " Gano also answers honestly. Unlike Qurosuke, Gano is fit physically but, wasn't exactly ready mentally. On an emotional standpoint, they were both similar and leveled. The training itself will see to that or rather, Greysen will see to that and Monoma will just comfort them when need be. " Wonderful then. As a start, Qurosuke, please start playing the video games in front of you until you complete them. While he does that, you Gano shall have physical training with Greysen by using one of the two kendo sticks. "
Gano was a bit hesitant at first but, he then used his long tail to grab one of the kendo sticks, evident to the fact that he can't grasp it with his paws. Greysen would also pick up the other kendo stick and make a gesture to for Gano to follow him. Without having any reason to dent him, Gano would follow Greysen until they were both at least halfway across the room. A considerable amount of distance between them and Qurosuke. Which made sense to Gano, since he didn't want to disturb Qurosuke while he and Greysen were beating each other with kendo sticks. Or rather, Greysen would be hitting Gano with the wooden club while he would desperately try to hit him back but to probably no avail.
After approximately 5 hours that have passed, Gano looked like as if he was about to pass out thanks to the hard physical training. Even with his big figure covered with thick fur, he was still dripping a puddle of sweat onto the hardwood floor. Much to his belief and surprise, due to his Mutant nature, Gano was very quick on his paws and highly responsive when it came to reacting to Greysen's attacks. He even got a few hits on Greysen but, it was quite clear that Greysen was intentionally holding back. Meanwhile, Qurosuke had been playing a game called Watch Dogs for the whole time without stopping. But, the most surprising thing was that he had completed the game, all 100 hours of it. Greysen would then check on Qurosuke's supposed achievement of the game by checking both the T.V. and PS4.
" Impossible. " Were the words that Greysen uttered when he finished examining. Qurosuke finished a 100-hour game in only a few hours. But how was that possible? Thankfully, Monoma was exactly programmed there to answer that question. " Ah, I see. The way you would play video games is different from how Qurosuke would do it. The moment Qurosuke started playing the game, there was very small and almost unnoticeable change within Qurosuke's DNA. Qurosuke unconsciously made the game accelerate in speed and progression at its very limit because that is what both he and body desired. To both finish the game as fast as possible and enjoy it at its fullest. " Although Qurosuke and Gano could barely understand what Monoma said, Greysen understood immediately. 
" Interesting and acceptable. Besides, I need to reward you two due to how effort and progress you made in just a few hours, both mentally and physically. Just wait for a moment. " Immediately, Qurosuke put down his controller and Gano slumped down onto the floor, clearly exhausted. Qurosuke would then start to crack his knuckles, making rather loud cracks due to doing nothing but playing the game for hours without stop. He even had to get up and stretch his whole body. Oh, one of the cons of being a gamer but at least he was going to have breakfast finally.
After a few minutes have passed, Greysen comes out with a cart of food on top. Quickly, Qurosuke and Gano ran at the food because of the clear and delicious smell of their favorite food of all time, sushi. No matter what was the food, no matter what was made by the chef, Qurosuke and Gano would always eat sushi. How fitting, for a cat to like sushi and their best friend to like sushi too. Since it was breakfast time, Greysen served 8 servings of waffle sushi rolls. But, such an irrelevant number meant nothing to the sushi loving friends. Qurosuke and Gano were eating 4 sushi each but, the way they did was as if they haven't eaten in weeks. They stuffed their cheeks with the sushi and ate loudly but, you can bet that they haven't made a mess. They wanted to eat every single sushi and savor it. Then only within less than 30 seconds, Gano and Qurosuke ate their breakfast.
" Hmm. So that's the reason why 15% of my fish every day is gone but, it doesn't bother me...much. " Qurosuke and Gano could only laugh at Greysen's statement about their obsession/addiction to sushi based products. 15% of over three dozen different species of fish every day was at least a bit annoying bu, nothing Greysen could handle. Greysen would then reveal a large bowl of milk for Gano and a cup of apple juice for Qurosuke. As a cat, milk was unmistakably an all-time favorite thing to drink. As for Qurosuke, even as a kid, he just knew that apple juice was his favorite juice of all time, even after trying a large variety of them. Gano would then use his to tail to grab the bowl of milk and set it on the ground. Immediately, Gano starts lapping his milk in about a rate of 25 laps per second. That was way bigger than the average for normal cats. Qurosuke however, was taking his time to drink his apple juice. They were not in much of a particular hurry and they were smart enough to know that the moment they finish their breakfast, Greysen would resume training again. After a few minutes of prolonging the inevitable, Qurosuke and Gano finish their drinks. Almost immediately, Greysen took notice and acted upon it. He would then gather the empty plate that once had the sushi, Gano's bowl, and the empty cup. He would then walk away to the kitchen so that he would clean them, as such is a butler's duty. After a few minutes, Greysen came back with what almost looked like a sinister smile on his face, more directly towards Gano than Qurosuke.
" Now that we are done with breakfast, we can get back to training. " Gano flinched a little bit at Greysen words. If there was anything he didn't like, it was anything physically stressful but, he decided to continue to keep training for his reasons. Guess Gano's will was a bit troublesome to break. Gano and Greysen went back to physical training with their kendo sticks but, this time it was twice as difficult. While that would happen, Qurosuke would have to use all of his focus and patience to complete all of the games Greysen gave him.
After 6 hours have passed, Qurosuke and Gano collapsed from the stress of Greysen's training. Gano was sweating immensely in the floor through his paws, creating a small puddle as a result. Now he was truly exhausted and spent. This was an extremely stressful day, equally for Qurosuke and Gano. While Qurosuke wasn't exactly sweating, his mind was at its limit. He couldn't bring himself to play another game. He had just finished playing Watch Dogs 2 and 3, Grand Theft Auto 1-5 including San Andreas, Assassins Creed 1-3, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne 1 and 2, Sekiro, Nioh, all the Hitman games, Under Night In-Birth, and all the King Of Fighters games. So many games with so many stories, characters, plots, etc. They were all somehow perfectly memorized. Every game perfectly memorized right down to every detail, even the tiniest one. So much information was being processed in both his brain and DNA and due to his mental stress, his body went with the solution that he needed rest immediately.
" Ah. Well, I guess that's enough for today. I'll carry you two to young master's room and make your dinner so you both can eat it in advance. Other than that, you both did decent today. Just get better with your stamina. " After saying that, Gano also passed out due to exhaustion. In a few minutes, Greysen cleaned up the dojo, made dinner and put Gano and Qurosuke in their bedroom alongside their dinner near them. What a way for the day to end. Exhausted, stressful both mentally and physically, and what's worse. They had to do it again tomorrow. While Qurosuke was sound asleep, his body was going into overdrive from the result of playing too many games at one time. Not that it was life-threatening or anything, it just made him brain drained. All the while, the A.I Monoma was keeping track and collecting helpful data from the changes in his body. No matter how big or small. Truly, Qurosuke was becoming different as time passes, day by day. For better or worse was the mystery.
0 notes
etechwire-blog · 6 years
Cyberpunk 2077 release date, trailer and news
New Post has been published on https://www.etechwire.com/cyberpunk-2077-release-date-trailer-and-news/
Cyberpunk 2077 release date, trailer and news
Following on from the wild success of The Witcher 3 isn’t going to be easy but with Cyberpunk 2077, we think CD Projekt Red might have a pretty good shot at it. In this new IP they’re moving from the gritty, high fantasy world of the Continent to the gritty, science fiction word of a neon cyberpunk metropolis. 
This game looks like it’s going to offer a significant aesthetic refresh from The Witcher 3, but hopefully without abandoning everything we loved about it in terms of gameplay, themes and tone. Of course, at the moment we don’t know all that much about Cyberpunk 2077.
The internet is crawling with news and rumors, though, so we’ve collected everything that’s been said about the game here for your convenience and we’ll be constantly updating this page as more details emerge. 
[Update: E3 2018 is a matter of days away and hopes are high that Cyberpunk 2077 will make an appearance and a big impression at the show. TechRadar will be reporting live from LA and bringing you the latest Cyberpunk news as and when it happens so make sure you check back here regularly.] 
Cut to the Chase
What is it? A brand new IP from CD Projekt Red, the studio behind The Witcher 3 
When can I play it? There’s no official release date but 2019 seems likely 
What will it play on? PS4, Xbox One and PC and we’d expect the 4K console iterations too 
Trailer and screenshots
After an extremely short title reveal trailer, in 2013 we were treated to a more than two minute long teaser trailer although it didn’t reveal much about what will be in the actual game. 
It did, however, capture Cyberpunk’s futuristic setting incredibly well and let us know that when it comes we can expect something dark, dangerous and visually stunning. At the end it also looks like we get a look at the Braindance technology discussed further down.
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Art screenshot
Release Date
In the game’s official teaser trailer it’s stated that the game will be coming “when it’s ready.” But for now it appears that CD Projekt Red is hoping that will be sometime in early 2019. 
In an investor call in early 2016 it was suggested that Cyberpunk 2077 would be released before June 2019. It was also said in this call that CD Projekt Red is planning to release two new triple A RPGs before 2021. 
It was later clarified in forums that Cyberpunk 2077 would be the first of these games to arrive and work on the second would not start before Cyberpunk 2077 was finished. 
Considering The Witcher 3 took around three and a half years to develop, a 2019 release doesn’t seem unmanageable for the studio. 
As well as a deadline they’ve no doubt set for themselves, the studio also has a deadline from the Polish government. 
In December of last year they were given a grant of more than $5 million from the government to research new game techniques related to multiplayer, animation and city creation. The sizable sum came with a project deadline attached and if it does relate to Cyberpunk 2077 it’ll mean the game really does have to be released in 2019. The government said so, which ironically isn’t particularly Cyberpunk. 
In a recent , CD Projekt Red has revealed that at the moment Cyberpunk 2077 is under “intensive development” and that there are more than 300 developers actively working on it. For context, there are currently 100 developers working across Gwent and the Witcher 3’s 4K patch at the moment. 
There was no more information on the game’s progress during the presentation but the company’s President and joint CEO Adam Kiciński said there would be “a moment in time” when he and the developers will be able to show off what they’ve achieved.
News and features
GDC news
CD Projekt Red likes to keep its cards close to its chest but over the past week we’ve learned some interesting things about Cyberpunk 2077. The developer has announced that it’s opening a new Wroclaw studio to expand production on the game and company President Adam Kuciński has recently dropped a few more details at the recent financial conference. 
The most significant thing is that he confirmed this is a single-player narrative driven game and there are no multiplayer plans in motion right now. that doesn’t mean they won’t happen – the developer confirmed them years ago and a battle royale mode was humored at this very event – but they’re not the focus for now. 
Another important reveal was that the game will be full-price with no additional microstransactions or hidden costs.
Most excitingly, though? It was confirmed that the game will appear in some capacity at this year’s E3. 
It could be on the next generation of consoles
CD Projekt Red has hinted that Cyberpunk 2077 could be developed for both current and next gen titles. GamingBolt has reported that during a presentation at the Pareto Securities Gaming Seminar 2018 event, the studio’s CFO Piotr Nielubowicz and CEO Adam Kiciński mentioned Cyberpunk 2077 hinted that it may be being developed for future hardware. The slide in question stated the team was developing the title for “current and next-generation technology”. 
We’re not entirely sure what this could mean given that we don’t actually know when the next generation will begin and both consoles are currently in a 4K half-gen state. However, it’d be reasonable to guess that it could mean that, like Grand Theft Auto 5, Cyberpunk 2077 could be developed for current generations and then appear on PlayStation 5 and the next Xbox. It also leaves us wondering about when exactly Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to launch – it could be another year or two yet if this is anything to go by.
It will be on Steam
Good news Steam fans: Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be coming to the platform. At the Pareto Securities Gaming Seminar (via PCGamesN) the studio’s CEO Adam Kiciński gave a presentation in which he confirmed that the game would not be exclusive to GOG. This isn’t hugely surprising given other games from CD Projekt have also appeared on both Steam and GOG but we shouldn’t take anything for a given, and it’s good to have this confirmed.  
Plans for E3
It’s been a while since Cyberpunk 2077 has appeared at a big gaming show. However, recent rumors suggest the game could make an appearance at E3 2018. 
After there were stirrings of life on the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account we have to admit we wondered if that was all we were going to get for the year. But hopes are being raised thanks to recent reports from leading Polish games site GRYOnline. 
According to GRYOnline, two separate sources have said that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a public trailer at E3 2018 and that there’ll also be a playable demo behind closed doors for press. 
There is precedent for CD Projekt Red taking this approach; in 2013 the developer showed off a trailer for The Witcher 3 while showing press a demo behind closed doors. The game was then released two years later. 
Whether or not these rumors are true has not been confirmed by CD Projekt Red, but GRYOnline is a credible site. At this point we’ll just have to wait and see, but the recent stirrings of life on the game’s Twitter account are at least another good sign from the developer itself. 
At the very least, CD Projekt’s Red’s presence at E3 2018 has been confirmed by the appearance of its logo in the show’s official participant banner. Whether or not it’s bringing Cyberpunk 2077 news to the show, however, remains unconfirmed. 
Signs of life on Twitter
For a while now it’s been all quiet on the Cyberpunk 2077 front. Well, it was until January 10 when the game’s official Twitter account made a noise for the first time in more than four years.
What did this momentous tweet say? Well, see for yourself below.
*beep*January 10, 2018
Yes, that’s the first tweet since December 2013. So we have no more information, but we do know there are signs of life in that Twitter accounts which suggests this could be the year we find out a little more about this highly anticipated game. Because surely the 2077 in the title isn’t actually a release date. 
It’s going to be bigger than The Witcher 3
It would have been a pretty safe guess to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a big game, but in an interview with MCV in 2015 visual effects artist Jose Teixeira said it’s going to be “far, far bigger” than anything the studio has ever done. 
In fact, he said that The Witcher 3 was being treated as a learning experience and that they could do better. To do better, the studio has doubled in size with studio head Adam Badowski saying that after The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 needs to be “even better, even bigger, even more revolutionary” than what had originally been planned. 
You’ll be travelling on more advanced tech than boats and horses
So, we know the game map is going to be intimidatingly big. How will we get around it, then? Well fortunately, moving out of the high fantasy realm gives CD Projekt Red a little more freedom when it comes to creating vehicles.
Don’t expect horses and basic boats here – a job listing for a Senior Vehicle Artist for the studio said they’d be expected to work on “incredibly complex vehicles, planes, bikes, robots and mechanics.“
It’ll have a big single player story
We don’t imagine we’ll shock many people when we say this but Cyberpunk 2077 will take place in the year 2077. 
Specifically CD Projekt Red has confirmed it’ll be set in a place called Night City. Night City’s streets will be huge, filthy, and invested with drug problems. As you’d expect from the Cyberpunk genre, there’ll be a huge wealth gap, where the rich and corporations preside over poverty-stricken citizens, many of whom are driven into gangs. 
Desperate for escape, many of the poor residents of Night City turn to an addictive escape known as Braindance which for just a few hours allows them to feel physically and mentally like they’re someone (anyone) else. 
According to CD Projekt Red they’re “digital recordings of a person’s experience. The viewer can stream a braindance directly into his neural system via special brain augmentations, called a BD player. Braindances allow the viewer to experience all brain processes registered, including emotions, muscle movements and all stimuli perceived by the recording person.”
Braindance experiences that place you in the lives of the rich and glamorous are naturally sold by corporations. However, much darker and illegal Braindances that can turn those using them into bloodthirsty killers are also distributed on the black market.
In this incredibly dark world you’ll play a young man that’s been raised in the lowest section of society but wants to make something of himself and rise out of the gutter. Like most Cyberpunk protagonists we imagine he’ll be something of an anti-hero and find himself embroiled in the criminal underworld, manipulated and forced into difficult situations. How Braindances will be used by or on the protagonist is unclear. 
The game will be an RPG like The Witcher 3 and videogame character progression will fit in well to Cyberpunk’s world of physical and mental augmentations. 
It’s based on the Cyberpunk board games, the creator of which, Mike Pondsmith, has been working closely with the development team to ensure it stays true to the source material and doesn’t lose the Cyberpunk at its core.
This contrasts with the studio’s relationship with the author of the Witcher novels, Andrzej Sapkowski, who has always been ambivalent about the games. 
But there will be multiplayer elements
It was confirmed years ago that the game would have multiplayer elements but what exactly they’ll be is unclear. It was said, though, that the game would mainly focus on single player. 
The company president said in March 2018 that these elements are not on the table right now, so it’s possible that they’ll be introduced after the game’s release in a sort of online world like GTA Online. 
There will be online
As well as multiplayer, CD Projekt’s CEO has confirmed that there will also be online elements to the game. In an interview with Polish tech site Strefa Inwestorow Kiciński stated that “Online is necessary, or very recommended if you wish to achieve a long-term success. At some point, we have mentioned that there will be a certain online element related to Cyberpunk.”
In the same interview the CEO said that the team wanted to experiment in fields that weren’t explored in The Witcher and that “we’re interested in Cyberpunk being commercially even more significant.“
Whether or not the online elements will feed into the multiplayer is unclear.
But there won’t be microstransactions
Following the above interview for Strefa Inwestorow in which CD Projekt’s CEO confirmed there would be online elements in the game fans began to fear that there would be an abundance of microstransactions involved. 
The studio has since tweeted to quell these fears, stating that Cyberpunk 2077 will be “nothing less than” the Witcher 3, adding that players will “get what [they] pay for” with “no hidden catch.”
It appears that while many studios are feeling the need to move to a service model to ensure their titles make money, CD Projekt is staying committed to the story-driven single player experience with Cyberpunk 2077, one which served them very well with The Witcher. 
Rumors and things we’d like to see
Combat inspired by the original tabletop RPG
We know that the designer of the tabletop RPG Cybperunk on which Cyberpunk 2077 is based is heavily involved in the creation of the game. We hope his involvement extends to the game’s combat because the combat system he created in his own game was fairly revolutionary for the tabletop genre.
Rather than involving drawn out and long turns, it was fast, brutal, gritty and overall perfectly suited to the spirit of Cyberpunk.
A big part of Cyberpunk combat involves upgrading your body with new abilities and robotics which would be perfectly in line with a video game character development system like those created by CD Projekt Red. 
In Pondsmith’s game bodily enhancement has to be carefully considered – it’s a balancing act where every benefit has a drawback. When a player makes robotic additions to themselves they reduce their humanity and empathy leading to an uncontrollable state of cyberpsychosis. This has the potential to be a really interesting system if it’s adapted for the game and could be used in a similar manner to excessive consumption of combat-enhancing potions in The Witcher. 
Keep checking back here for all the latest Cyberpunk 2077 news 
E3 is the world’s largest exhibition for the games industry, stuffed full of the latest and greatest games and gaming hardware. TechRadar will be reporting live from Los Angeles all week to bring you the very latest from the show floor. Head to our dedicated E3 2018 hub to see all the latest news from the show. 
0 notes
hacknownews-blog · 7 years
[Update: CD Projekt Red is finally starting to say a few more things about Cyberpunk 2077 and one of those things is that it's going to be more ambitious than the developer's previous highly-acclaimed title, The Witcher 3.
According to PC GamerCEO Adam Kicinski said “Cyberpunk is our new Witcher 3, but even more ambitious. Our goal is to establish a new blockbuster franchise from the beginning. We work [in a] new universe, futuristic universe. We believe it's very appealing to players, not only RPG players — but this is [a] true RPG, like Witcher, like Witcher 3, for mature audiences. It's handcrafted, detailed, of course open-world, with open-ended gameplay.”
Kicinski also shot down hopes of a Witcher 4 title, saying that the trilogy has ended and that though it's not impossible another game in the Witcher universe could emerge one day, for now the studio's focus is on Cyberpunk and Gwent.]
Original article continues below...
Following on from the wild success of The Witcher 3 isn’t going to be easy but with Cyberpunk 2077, we think CD Projekt Red might have a pretty good shot at it. In this new IP they’re moving from the gritty, high fantasy world of the Continent to the gritty, science fiction word of a neon cyberpunk metropolis. 
This game looks like it’s going to offer a significant aesthetic refresh from The Witcher 3, but hopefully without abandoning everything we loved about it in terms of gameplay, themes and tone. Of course, at the moment we don’t know all that much about Cyberpunk 2077.
The internet is crawling with news and rumors, though, so we’ve collected everything that's been said about the game here for your convenience and we'll be constantly updating this page as more details emerge. 
Cut to the Chase
What is it? A brand new IP from CD Projekt Red, the studio behind The Witcher 3 
When can I play it? There’s no official release date but 2019 seems likely 
What will it play on? PS4, Xbox One and PC and we’d expect the 4K console iterations too 
Trailer and screenshots
After an extremely short title reveal trailer, in 2013 we were treated to a more than two minute long teaser trailer although it didn't reveal much about what will be in the actual game. 
It did, however, capture Cyberpunk's futuristic setting incredibly well and let us know that when it comes we can expect something dark, dangerous and visually stunning. At the end it also looks like we get a look at the Braindance technology discussed further down.
Release Date
In the game’s official teaser trailer it’s stated that the game will be coming “when it’s ready.” But for now it appears that CD Projekt Red is hoping that will be sometime in early 2019. 
In an investor call in early 2016 it was suggested that Cyberpunk 2077 would be released before June 2019. It was also said in this call that CD Projekt Red is planning to release two new triple A RPGs before 2021. 
It was later clarified in forums that Cyberpunk 2077 would be the first of these games to arrive and work on the second would not start before Cyberpunk 2077 was finished. 
Considering The Witcher 3 took around three and a half years to develop, a 2019 release doesn’t seem unmanageable for the studio. 
As well as a deadline they’ve no doubt set for themselves, the studio also has a deadline from the Polish government. 
In December of last year they were given a grant of more than $5 million from the government to research new game techniques related to multiplayer, animation and city creation. The sizable sum came with a project deadline attached and if it does relate to Cyberpunk 2077 it’ll mean the game really does have to be released in 2019. The government said so, which ironically isn’t particularly Cyberpunk. 
In a recent financial presentation, CD Projekt Red has revealed that at the moment Cyberpunk 2077 is under "intensive development" and that there are more than 300 developers actively working on it. For context, there are currently 100 developers working across Gwent and the Witcher 3's 4K patch at the moment. 
There was no more information on the game's progress during the presentation but the company's President and joint CEO Adam Kiciński said there would be "a moment in time" when he and the developers will be able to show off what they've achieved.
News and features
It will be on Steam
Good news Steam fans: Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be coming to the platform. At the Pareto Securities Gaming Seminar (via PCGamesN) the studio’s CEO Adam Kiciński gave a presentation in which he confirmed that the game would not be exclusive to GOG. This isn't hugely surprising given other games from CD Projekt have also appeared on both Steam and GOG but we shouldn't take anything for a given, and it's good to have this confirmed.  
Plans for E3
It's been a while since Cyberpunk 2077 has appeared at a big gaming show. However, recent rumors suggest the game could make an appearance at E3 2018. 
After there were stirrings of life on the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account we have to admit we wondered if that was all we were going to get for the year. But hopes are being raised thanks to recent reports from leading Polish games site GRYOnline. 
According to GRYOnline, two separate sources have said that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a public trailer at E3 2018 and that there'll also be a playable demo behind closed doors for press. 
There is precedent for CD Projekt Red taking this approach; in 2013 the developer showed off a trailer for The Witcher 3 while showing press a demo behind closed doors. The game was then released two years later. 
Whether or not these rumors are true has not been confirmed by CD Projekt Red, but GRYOnline is a credible site. At this point we'll just have to wait and see, but the recent stirrings of life on the game's Twitter account are at least another good sign from the developer itself. 
At the very least, CD Projekt's Red's presence at E3 2018 has been confirmed by the appearance of its logo in the show's official participant banner. Whether or not it's bringing Cyberpunk 2077 news to the show, however, remains unconfirmed. 
Signs of life on Twitter
For a while now it's been all quiet on the Cyberpunk 2077 front. Well, it was until January 10 when the game's official Twitter account made a noise for the first time in more than four years.
What did this momentous tweet say? Well, see for yourself below.
Yes, that's the first tweet since December 2013. So we have no more information, but we do know there are signs of life in that Twitter accounts which suggests this could be the year we find out a little more about this highly anticipated game. Because surely the 2077 in the title isn't actually a release date. 
It’s going to be bigger than The Witcher 3
It would have been a pretty safe guess to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a big game, but in an interview with MCV in 2015 visual effects artist Jose Teixeira said it’s going to be “far, far bigger” than anything the studio has ever done. 
In fact, he said that The Witcher 3 was being treated as a learning experience and that they could do better. To do better, the studio has doubled in size with studio head Adam Badowski saying that after The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 needs to be “even better, even bigger, even more revolutionary” than what had originally been planned. 
You’ll be travelling on more advanced tech than boats and horses
So, we know the game map is going to be intimidatingly big. How will we get around it, then? Well fortunately, moving out of the high fantasy realm gives CD Projekt Red a little more freedom when it comes to creating vehicles.
Don’t expect horses and basic boats here – a job listing for a Senior Vehicle Artist for the studio said they’d be expected to work on “incredibly complex vehicles, planes, bikes, robots and mechanics.“
It’ll have a big single player story
We don’t imagine we’ll shock many people when we say this but Cyberpunk 2077 will take place in the year 2077. 
Specifically CD Projekt Red has confirmed it’ll be set in a place called Night City. Night City’s streets will be huge, filthy, and invested with drug problems. As you’d expect from the Cyberpunk genre, there’ll be a huge wealth gap, where the rich and corporations preside over poverty-stricken citizens, many of whom are driven into gangs. 
Desperate for escape, many of the poor residents of Night City turn to an addictive escape known as Braindance which for just a few hours allows them to feel physically and mentally like they’re someone (anyone) else. 
According to CD Projekt Red they’re “digital recordings of a person’s experience. The viewer can stream a braindance directly into his neural system via special brain augmentations, called a BD player. Braindances allow the viewer to experience all brain processes registered, including emotions, muscle movements and all stimuli perceived by the recording person.”
Braindance experiences that place you in the lives of the rich and glamorous are naturally sold by corporations. However, much darker and illegal Braindances that can turn those using them into bloodthirsty killers are also distributed on the black market.
In this incredibly dark world you’ll play a young man that’s been raised in the lowest section of society but wants to make something of himself and rise out of the gutter. Like most Cyberpunk protagonists we imagine he’ll be something of an anti-hero and find himself embroiled in the criminal underworld, manipulated and forced into difficult situations. How Braindances will be used by or on the protagonist is unclear. 
The game will be an RPG like The Witcher 3 and videogame character progression will fit in well to Cyberpunk’s world of physical and mental augmentations. 
It’s based on the Cyberpunk board games, the creator of which, Mike Pondsmith, has been working closely with the development team to ensure it stays true to the source material and doesn’t lose the Cyberpunk at its core.
This contrasts with the studio's relationship with the author of the Witcher novels, Andrzej Sapkowski, who has always been ambivalent about the games. 
But there will be multiplayer elements
It was confirmed years ago that the game would have multiplayer elements but what exactly they’ll be is unclear. It was said, though, that the game would mainly focus on single player. 
Considering some of the grant CD Projekt Red received from the Polish government was to go towards creating new techniques that included multiplayer experiences we’re expecting something exciting and refreshing. 
There will be online
As well as multiplayer, CD Projekt's CEO has confirmed that there will also be online elements to the game. In an interview with Polish tech site Strefa Inwestorow Kiciński stated that “Online is necessary, or very recommended if you wish to achieve a long-term success. At some point, we have mentioned that there will be a certain online element related to Cyberpunk.”
In the same interview the CEO said that the team wanted to experiment in fields that weren't explored in The Witcher and that "we’re interested in Cyberpunk being commercially even more significant.“
Whether or not the online elements will feed into the multiplayer is unclear.
But there won't be microstransactions
Following the above interview for Strefa Inwestorow in which CD Projekt's CEO confirmed there would be online elements in the game fans began to fear that there would be an abundance of microstransactions involved. 
The studio has since tweeted to quell these fears, stating that Cyberpunk 2077 will be "nothing less than" the Witcher 3, adding that players will "get what [they] pay for" with "no hidden catch."
It appears that while many studios are feeling the need to move to a service model to ensure their titles make money, CD Projekt is staying committed to the story-driven single player experience with Cyberpunk 2077, one which served them very well with The Witcher. 
Rumors and things we'd like to see
Combat inspired by the original tabletop RPG
We know that the designer of the tabletop RPG Cybperunk on which Cyberpunk 2077 is based is heavily involved in the creation of the game. We hope his involvement extends to the game's combat because the combat system he created in his own game was fairly revolutionary for the tabletop genre.
Rather than involving drawn out and long turns, it was fast, brutal, gritty and overall perfectly suited to the spirit of Cyberpunk.
A big part of Cyberpunk combat involves upgrading your body with new abilities and robotics which would be perfectly in line with a video game character development system like those created by CD Projekt Red. 
In Pondsmith's game bodily enhancement has to be carefully considered – it's a balancing act where every benefit has a drawback. When a player makes robotic additions to themselves they reduce their humanity and empathy leading to an uncontrollable state of cyberpsychosis. This has the potential to be a really interesting system if it's adapted for the game and could be used in a similar manner to excessive consumption of combat-enhancing potions in The Witcher. 
Keep checking back here for all the latest Cyberpunk 2077 news 
In the meantime, why not find take a look at CD Projekt Red's favorite PC games of all time?
from TechRadar - All the latest technology news http://ift.tt/2tlTYfW
0 notes
guitarpornography · 8 years
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Versus Steam: Game of the Year Award 2016: #5
While the last cycle of consoles was largely dominated by cover based shooters and first person action ‘em ups, I’m not really sure if our current generation of games is being dominated by any one particular genre. Sure, there are trends everywhere. Sandboxes seem to rise up for seemingly no reason other than to be big, MOBAs seem to crop up more and more and survival crafting tends to slip into just about anything, but there’s always a balance to this, largely due in part to the rise of the indie market. I like games that are different and I like games that I find emotionally resonant, so it's nice when the limits of what can actually be are tested in such a way to make this possible, even if I can’t quite decide if this will be a continuing trend for the market. Our Versus Steam #6 Game of the Year Award for 2016 may have seen similar life in other games, but created something very much its own…
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Developed by: Campo Santo
Published by: Campo Santo/ Panic (PC, XBox One, PS4)
I like walking simulators. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I really enjoyed both the Stanley Parable and Gone Home and I liked Dear Esther’s storytelling even if I wish it had something to do with player interaction rather than randomness. But as of right now, I would say that Firewatch tops my list as the best in the genre. Through and through, Firewatch is a game about experiencing what is happening in the world you inhabit and reflecting on the contrast presented between the idyllic and the dark. I’ll break this down into two easy to understand parts: the aesthetic design and the storytelling. Holy crap, Firewatch is a gorgeous game. I don’t know if I can immediately think of a game I found more gorgeous than Firewatch, with its setting of Shoshone National Forest presenting a breathtaking view of nature. Something about the color pallet choice makes everything seem so vibrant, with the game’s day and night cycle presenting a wonderful cinematography to the affair, as the world is one of blissful stillness. Throughout our treks, we make our way around the various vistas, seeing the intrusion of human life but never fully seeing it encroach upon the verdant tangles, as the mysterious air of the natural world is our most constant companion. In a great design choice, all humans we encounter along the way are only seen silhouetted at distance, making them feel like shades of something apart from the forest and allowing us to more strongly feel their presence as different from what should actually be there. Music and sound effects, though sparse, contribute along with this, largely making everything feel wistful and even at times pastoral, as if we’ve slipped away into a world apart from the modern one. But as I said, the key to this is the contrast it builds to the story and that’s where things get more complex…
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Our protagonist Henry is a man on the run; not from any authority but rather the fact that his life is slipping away as his wife is being lost to Alzheimer’s disease. The chance to take the Firewatch is a chance to be alone from a world that is no longer kind to him and in turn, to forget his own demons for a while in solitude. However, Henry is not truly alone in the wilderness, as his direct supervisor Delilah is in contact with him regularly and soon their relationship blooms as both are willing to confront their own mistakes together. This would seem almost like a grand metaphor for the setting, the sense of rebirth that comes from nature and how experiencing it allowed Henry to center himself and rebuild his life. But that’s not exactly what ends up happening. I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t played it, but Firewatch is a story with a lot of dark underpinnings that go unexplained. While the natural world we experience is beautiful, the humans in it are not perfect, starting at being crass and littering and eventually running into much darker themes of tragedy and grief. There’s always a sense of us being kept in the dark, that we are now in an idyllic prison waiting for some shoe to drop even though we cannot fully expect what it will be. Henry and Delilah’s relationship is jovial and eventually caring, but it seems more tinged by need to have someone else rather than a serious want to be around another person, something made more obvious by their actual physical distance. Delilah seems to come almost unhinged at time, some sin tainting her talks with Henry and further contaminating the wilderness around them. The natural world is beautiful but the human world is extremely flawed, leaving us with a sense that no matter how isolated we try to become we can be both saved and damned by other people anyway.
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That is not to say that the story is without a sense of poetry, as I genuinely came to care about Henry and Delilah. Voiced by Rich Sommer and Cissy Jones respectively, the pair really comes to life and feels about as real as any video game characters I can remember. Henry seems to have a bit of self-possession in his performance, but his constant need of acknowledgment and somewhat short temper show a man who is kind of desperate and Delilah comes off as both playful but I also want to say guarded. Neither is willing to be more than pleasant until it becomes apparent that these facades come from the same place. I really enjoyed the interplay between the too, the jokes and funny remarks that kind of stem from their growing closer, but for me, the best scene comes from them not really interacting. SPOILER ALERT but one night Henry receives a radio call from his wife Julia and the two are able to catch up a little and depending on player choice, can sort of spark the love over obligation of their situation. But it turns out that its not Julia on the line, but instead Delilah with a sleep addled Henry allowing this play out in his dreams. Its heartbreaking and a real moment of honest humanity for Delilah that she does not disabuse Henry of his illusion, seeming to understand his guilt and pain from being where he is. I love how much personality is on display for the pair and it made me genuinely more curious about various aspects of the story, something that has led me into a great deal of fan theories regarding it.
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I suppose your mileage with Firewatch is going to be dependent on your appreciation of narrative over mechanic, but even that seems to have a bit of a chance at emergent gameplay. It’s my hope that Firewatch provides a benchmark for not just walking simulators as games, but also for maturity in narratives, as Firewatch is very much an adult story that doesn’t upon the cheap thrills of adulthood to cut its teeth. A beautiful sightseeing tour, stepping into the boots of Henry is a heavy experience to undertake but even as the darkness bears down upon us, there’s always a voice in the distance to guide us back.
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hacknownews-blog · 7 years
[Update: CD Projekt Red is finally starting to say a few more things about Cyberpunk 2077 and one of those things is that it's going to be more ambitious than the developer's previous highly-acclaimed title, The Witcher 3.
According to PC GamerCEO Adam Kicinski said “Cyberpunk is our new Witcher 3, but even more ambitious. Our goal is to establish a new blockbuster franchise from the beginning. We work [in a] new universe, futuristic universe. We believe it's very appealing to players, not only RPG players — but this is [a] true RPG, like Witcher, like Witcher 3, for mature audiences. It's handcrafted, detailed, of course open-world, with open-ended gameplay.”
Kicinski also shot down hopes of a Witcher 4 title, saying that the trilogy has ended and that though it's not impossible another game in the Witcher universe could emerge one day, for now the studio's focus is on Cyberpunk and Gwent.]
Original article continues below...
Following on from the wild success of The Witcher 3 isn’t going to be easy but with Cyberpunk 2077, we think CD Projekt Red might have a pretty good shot at it. In this new IP they’re moving from the gritty, high fantasy world of the Continent to the gritty, science fiction word of a neon cyberpunk metropolis. 
This game looks like it’s going to offer a significant aesthetic refresh from The Witcher 3, but hopefully without abandoning everything we loved about it in terms of gameplay, themes and tone. Of course, at the moment we don’t know all that much about Cyberpunk 2077.
The internet is crawling with news and rumors, though, so we’ve collected everything that's been said about the game here for your convenience and we'll be constantly updating this page as more details emerge. 
Cut to the Chase
What is it? A brand new IP from CD Projekt Red, the studio behind The Witcher 3 
When can I play it? There’s no official release date but 2019 seems likely 
What will it play on? PS4, Xbox One and PC and we’d expect the 4K console iterations too 
Trailer and screenshots
After an extremely short title reveal trailer, in 2013 we were treated to a more than two minute long teaser trailer although it didn't reveal much about what will be in the actual game. 
It did, however, capture Cyberpunk's futuristic setting incredibly well and let us know that when it comes we can expect something dark, dangerous and visually stunning. At the end it also looks like we get a look at the Braindance technology discussed further down.
Release Date
In the game’s official teaser trailer it’s stated that the game will be coming “when it’s ready.” But for now it appears that CD Projekt Red is hoping that will be sometime in early 2019. 
In an investor call in early 2016 it was suggested that Cyberpunk 2077 would be released before June 2019. It was also said in this call that CD Projekt Red is planning to release two new triple A RPGs before 2021. 
It was later clarified in forums that Cyberpunk 2077 would be the first of these games to arrive and work on the second would not start before Cyberpunk 2077 was finished. 
Considering The Witcher 3 took around three and a half years to develop, a 2019 release doesn’t seem unmanageable for the studio. 
As well as a deadline they’ve no doubt set for themselves, the studio also has a deadline from the Polish government. 
In December of last year they were given a grant of more than $5 million from the government to research new game techniques related to multiplayer, animation and city creation. The sizable sum came with a project deadline attached and if it does relate to Cyberpunk 2077 it’ll mean the game really does have to be released in 2019. The government said so, which ironically isn’t particularly Cyberpunk. 
In a recent financial presentation, CD Projekt Red has revealed that at the moment Cyberpunk 2077 is under "intensive development" and that there are more than 300 developers actively working on it. For context, there are currently 100 developers working across Gwent and the Witcher 3's 4K patch at the moment. 
There was no more information on the game's progress during the presentation but the company's President and joint CEO Adam Kiciński said there would be "a moment in time" when he and the developers will be able to show off what they've achieved.
News and features
It will be on Steam
Good news Steam fans: Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be coming to the platform. At the Pareto Securities Gaming Seminar (via PCGamesN) the studio’s CEO Adam Kiciński gave a presentation in which he confirmed that the game would not be exclusive to GOG. This isn't hugely surprising given other games from CD Projekt have also appeared on both Steam and GOG but we shouldn't take anything for a given, and it's good to have this confirmed.  
Plans for E3
It's been a while since Cyberpunk 2077 has appeared at a big gaming show. However, recent rumors suggest the game could make an appearance at E3 2018. 
After there were stirrings of life on the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account we have to admit we wondered if that was all we were going to get for the year. But hopes are being raised thanks to recent reports from leading Polish games site GRYOnline. 
According to GRYOnline, two separate sources have said that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a public trailer at E3 2018 and that there'll also be a playable demo behind closed doors for press. 
There is precedent for CD Projekt Red taking this approach; in 2013 the developer showed off a trailer for The Witcher 3 while showing press a demo behind closed doors. The game was then released two years later. 
Whether or not these rumors are true has not been confirmed by CD Projekt Red, but GRYOnline is a credible site. At this point we'll just have to wait and see, but the recent stirrings of life on the game's Twitter account are at least another good sign from the developer itself. 
At the very least, CD Projekt's Red's presence at E3 2018 has been confirmed by the appearance of its logo in the show's official participant banner. Whether or not it's bringing Cyberpunk 2077 news to the show, however, remains unconfirmed. 
Signs of life on Twitter
For a while now it's been all quiet on the Cyberpunk 2077 front. Well, it was until January 10 when the game's official Twitter account made a noise for the first time in more than four years.
What did this momentous tweet say? Well, see for yourself below.
Yes, that's the first tweet since December 2013. So we have no more information, but we do know there are signs of life in that Twitter accounts which suggests this could be the year we find out a little more about this highly anticipated game. Because surely the 2077 in the title isn't actually a release date. 
It’s going to be bigger than The Witcher 3
It would have been a pretty safe guess to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a big game, but in an interview with MCV in 2015 visual effects artist Jose Teixeira said it’s going to be “far, far bigger” than anything the studio has ever done. 
In fact, he said that The Witcher 3 was being treated as a learning experience and that they could do better. To do better, the studio has doubled in size with studio head Adam Badowski saying that after The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 needs to be “even better, even bigger, even more revolutionary” than what had originally been planned. 
You’ll be travelling on more advanced tech than boats and horses
So, we know the game map is going to be intimidatingly big. How will we get around it, then? Well fortunately, moving out of the high fantasy realm gives CD Projekt Red a little more freedom when it comes to creating vehicles.
Don’t expect horses and basic boats here – a job listing for a Senior Vehicle Artist for the studio said they’d be expected to work on “incredibly complex vehicles, planes, bikes, robots and mechanics.“
It’ll have a big single player story
We don’t imagine we’ll shock many people when we say this but Cyberpunk 2077 will take place in the year 2077. 
Specifically CD Projekt Red has confirmed it’ll be set in a place called Night City. Night City’s streets will be huge, filthy, and invested with drug problems. As you’d expect from the Cyberpunk genre, there’ll be a huge wealth gap, where the rich and corporations preside over poverty-stricken citizens, many of whom are driven into gangs. 
Desperate for escape, many of the poor residents of Night City turn to an addictive escape known as Braindance which for just a few hours allows them to feel physically and mentally like they’re someone (anyone) else. 
According to CD Projekt Red they’re “digital recordings of a person’s experience. The viewer can stream a braindance directly into his neural system via special brain augmentations, called a BD player. Braindances allow the viewer to experience all brain processes registered, including emotions, muscle movements and all stimuli perceived by the recording person.”
Braindance experiences that place you in the lives of the rich and glamorous are naturally sold by corporations. However, much darker and illegal Braindances that can turn those using them into bloodthirsty killers are also distributed on the black market.
In this incredibly dark world you’ll play a young man that’s been raised in the lowest section of society but wants to make something of himself and rise out of the gutter. Like most Cyberpunk protagonists we imagine he’ll be something of an anti-hero and find himself embroiled in the criminal underworld, manipulated and forced into difficult situations. How Braindances will be used by or on the protagonist is unclear. 
The game will be an RPG like The Witcher 3 and videogame character progression will fit in well to Cyberpunk’s world of physical and mental augmentations. 
It’s based on the Cyberpunk board games, the creator of which, Mike Pondsmith, has been working closely with the development team to ensure it stays true to the source material and doesn’t lose the Cyberpunk at its core.
This contrasts with the studio's relationship with the author of the Witcher novels, Andrzej Sapkowski, who has always been ambivalent about the games. 
But there will be multiplayer elements
It was confirmed years ago that the game would have multiplayer elements but what exactly they’ll be is unclear. It was said, though, that the game would mainly focus on single player. 
Considering some of the grant CD Projekt Red received from the Polish government was to go towards creating new techniques that included multiplayer experiences we’re expecting something exciting and refreshing. 
There will be online
As well as multiplayer, CD Projekt's CEO has confirmed that there will also be online elements to the game. In an interview with Polish tech site Strefa Inwestorow Kiciński stated that “Online is necessary, or very recommended if you wish to achieve a long-term success. At some point, we have mentioned that there will be a certain online element related to Cyberpunk.”
In the same interview the CEO said that the team wanted to experiment in fields that weren't explored in The Witcher and that "we’re interested in Cyberpunk being commercially even more significant.“
Whether or not the online elements will feed into the multiplayer is unclear.
But there won't be microstransactions
Following the above interview for Strefa Inwestorow in which CD Projekt's CEO confirmed there would be online elements in the game fans began to fear that there would be an abundance of microstransactions involved. 
The studio has since tweeted to quell these fears, stating that Cyberpunk 2077 will be "nothing less than" the Witcher 3, adding that players will "get what [they] pay for" with "no hidden catch."
It appears that while many studios are feeling the need to move to a service model to ensure their titles make money, CD Projekt is staying committed to the story-driven single player experience with Cyberpunk 2077, one which served them very well with The Witcher. 
Rumors and things we'd like to see
Combat inspired by the original tabletop RPG
We know that the designer of the tabletop RPG Cybperunk on which Cyberpunk 2077 is based is heavily involved in the creation of the game. We hope his involvement extends to the game's combat because the combat system he created in his own game was fairly revolutionary for the tabletop genre.
Rather than involving drawn out and long turns, it was fast, brutal, gritty and overall perfectly suited to the spirit of Cyberpunk.
A big part of Cyberpunk combat involves upgrading your body with new abilities and robotics which would be perfectly in line with a video game character development system like those created by CD Projekt Red. 
In Pondsmith's game bodily enhancement has to be carefully considered – it's a balancing act where every benefit has a drawback. When a player makes robotic additions to themselves they reduce their humanity and empathy leading to an uncontrollable state of cyberpsychosis. This has the potential to be a really interesting system if it's adapted for the game and could be used in a similar manner to excessive consumption of combat-enhancing potions in The Witcher. 
Keep checking back here for all the latest Cyberpunk 2077 news 
In the meantime, why not find take a look at CD Projekt Red's favorite PC games of all time?
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