#first peonies o3o
pearl-kite · 1 year
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Had an idea for a tattoo for Adrian, but I'd also been toying with the idea of looking into finding an apprenticeship for becoming a tattoo artist. Thought hey, let's do an actual design for it so I can theoretically use it in a portfolio.
Yarrow represents heartbreak and healing from heartbreak and is used to banish evil from a place or a person. It's also called arrowroot.
Peonies represent a lot of things; they can symbolize anger, shame, and shyness, but also bravery, compassion, and loyalty.
I think snakes are neat.
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hms-fireemblem · 4 years
Thea and Bruno!!!! nwn
Bouquuueeeettt 😭😭😭 You’re allowed to ask for your ships too!! AAAAAAAAA but thanks for indulging me on this day *sniffle*
who hogs the duvet: Thea. But then Bruno will hug the teeny burrito blanket next to him for warmth
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Hmmm tbh no one? They both both just prefer to let the days go and then catch up when they meet personally.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts. Both have abyssmal tastes, but Thea is a bit better XD
who gets up first in the morning: Bruno. He’s not a night owl o3o
who suggests new things in bed: ...T...Thea... I’m a bit horny I’m sorry asdfghjklasdbh
who cries at movies: Neither bc sappy romance/tearjerkers are not our thing?
who gives unprompted massages: Theaaaaaaaaaaa! (IRL I love giving massages! If only someone would give me some too ;v;)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Bruno haha. I headcanon he has a mother hen mode after watching over the Askran siblings, and now looking after Veronica.
who gets jealous easiest: I’d like to think Bruno ^^; Thea doesnt get jealous easily, but he might if he sees Summoner Thea get cozy with her heroes
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: hmmmmm but what’s considered embarrassing music taste tho?? I like every kind of music genre, and I dont think Bruno would be the type to care. 
who collects something unusual: Bruno probably. He travels a lot and goes to many places unknown to us all
who takes the longest to get ready: Bruno. Look at all his armor and wing accessories! THIGH-HIGH ARMORED BOOTS HELLO?!? 
who is the most tidy and organised: Theaaaaa
who gets most excited about the holidays: Thea! Getting to celebrate with so many different heroes is exciting and always fun. GIMME THE NEW ALTS
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Cliche to say, but Thea is little spoon ;v; I like to be the one coddled ;v;
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Bruno. Enough so that he rips his shirt like a Dragon Ball character in his competitiveness
who starts the most arguments: Thea. Because gosh darn Bruno keeps wanting to leave because he’s afraid to hurt the people around him!!
who suggests that they buy a pet: Thea :D
what couple traditions they have: Uhhhhhhhhhh stargazing maybe?? I havent thought about this
what tv shows they watch together: Well if they were in the modern world, ...anime... O3O;;
what other couple they hang out with: Any Kiralfonse couple!! Let’s have a double date :D And Sharena/Peony
how they spend time together as a couple: mostly cuddling and lots of piggyback rides. And lots of quiet-together time, like stargazing, reading books, and napping
who made the first move: Thea because we all know Bruno is afraid to get closer bc of his curse orz
who brings flowers home: Bruno :D He’s a bit of a romantic in that way. If he sees a nice flower, and wants to give it to Thea, he will. Also imagine a big, burly guy bringing home flowers. It’s cute :3c
who is the best cook: Bruno >w> He lives by himself; he needs to know how to survive out in the wild
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