#first post taken down!! wooo :D
keeps-ache · 1 year
hey guess who got their just got their post taken down for the first time! me :DD
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Party Maniac
An RP related to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU ( @pika-ace ) AKA the LONGEST RP ME AND KIRSTY EVER DONE. Like....holy crap we spent like....almost TWO DAYS doing the damn RP! 0_0
(A few warnings here: One, violence, sexual themes, and alcohol are present here, so if you’re not into this stuff or young, then avoid it. Two, there is one scene in the RP where one of the characters is shakened up and is reminded of a trauma they went through, please don’t spam at me telling me that “this is not how trauma works” cause it usually ends up with the person getting upset if they relive those horrible memories, And Three, there IS a mention of an RP me and Kirsty did long ago (that’s buried under THOUSANDS of RPs) but long story short.....an akuma tried to do kinky sex with Eric.....that’s all you need to know.)
Anyway, here’s the longest RP we’ve ever done!
(It’s the middle of the night, almost everyone is asleep and barely anyone is out) (Suddenly, a portal opened up in the middle of the street and suddenly a HUGE swarm of party crazed people race out of it, with an Akuma taking the lead) (They swarm the streets, going insane on what they do) (Some time later, Jeremy wakes up to the sound of his phone buzzing)
Jeremy: *sleepily* Oh god whaaaaat...?
(It was a call from Eric)
Jeremy: This better be good... *picks up* Hello?
Eric: Jeremy, sorry i had to wake you up but......do you hear the noise going on outside?
Jeremy: Uhh... *blinks and listens* Uh...yeah kinda?
Eric: Well i can hear it a bit more clearer. I don't know what the hell is going on out there.
(Jeremy gets up and looks out his window) (He sees a bunch of guys running around the neighborhood, knocking down stuff like trash cans and playing loud music from their phones)
Jeremy: Oooookay I think I see what you mean now... 0_0
Eric: What? What's going on out there?
Jeremy: Basically it looks like a giant frat party is parading down the streets...
Eric: Hold on i'll check outside.....*few seconds later* Oh Jesus! 0_0
Jeremy: Yeah...I think we should text the others and tell them not to go outside 0_0
Eric: Yes, it's best NONE of us go outside until this dies down! 0_0
(They hang up and Eric turns to Jordan who's lying next to him and just waking up) Jordan: What's going on, peach?
Eric: There's some giant frat party going on outside.....it's best if no one goes outside for tonight.....
Jordan: Really? What the hell kind of fraternity would be doing that at this hour?
Eric: ......Everything.
Jordan: Well, at least they're not too loud. C'mon, I'm sure they'll be gone by morning.
Eric: Yeah.....hopefully....
(Eric climbs back into bed with Jordan and they try to go back to sleep; meanwhile, Jeremy has finishes sending all his friends a mass text before trying to go back to sleep himself)
(After a couple of minutes, they were suddenly awoken to the sound of a car exploding)
Jordan: What the hell?!
(Eric jumps out of bed and looks outside the window, seeing that someone lit someone else's car on fire)
Eric: Oh my god... (Jordan gets up and looks out with him) Jordan: Jesus...
(Eric looks at the crowd of drunks, who seem to be holding someone with red hair)
Eric: Oh my god, Jordan! Th-That's Gavin!!
Jordan: What?!
Jordan: What the hell are they doing to him?! (Eric grabs his phone and calls Jeremy again)
(Jeremy wakes up and picks up the phone)
Jeremy: Yeah? Eric: I think we have a BIG problem Jeremy.
Jeremy: Wha? What happened?
Eric: Well not only are these guys blowing things up but they have Gavin!
Jeremy: Wait WHAT?!
(He then hears Jordan in the background) Jordan: Uh Will? I don't think Gav's the only one they snatched!
Eric: What?!
Jeremy: Eric? Eric: ...Oh shit! Jeremy: WHAT?! Eric: They have Tobias and the trinity...and I think I see more!
Jeremy: Oh my god.... 0_0
Eric: I don't think this is some random party...
Jeremy: Well no shit, they got our friends! >:(
Jordan: It's gotta be an akuma; all our friends down there are in costume! ???: It IS an akuma. (Eric and Jordan look up to see Wise Owl flying in front of their window)
Eric: Joe!
(They quickly let him in) Jeremy: *over the phone* Joe?! He's with you guys?!
Eric: Yeah, just now!
Owl: Jeremy you stay where you are until we come to get you, and tell any other holders that haven't been captured to do the same. This is a dangerous bunch we're dealing with
Jeremy: O-Okay! I'll let everyone know!
(Jeremy hangs up) Jordan: So, what kind of akuma are we dealing with?
Owl: A party mad akuma, his ONLY motivation is to create, and i'm quoting the akuma here....*ahem* (air quotes) "the best party ever".
Eric: Oh great...that already sounds like a headache...
Owl: Yes, and for some odd reason, he doesn't seem focused on taking our Miraculous, but rather just take us and use us Miraculous Holders for whatever they desire.
Jordan: How many of our friends have been snatched already?
Owl: Last time i checked, he almost captured almost all of the Miraculous Armada.
Eric: Oh god...
Owl: The only people that haven't been captured yet is you two, Jeremy, Michael, Lin, Post, and myself.
Jordan: I hope we can get to 'em in one piece...going outside sounds terrifying now...
Owl: Indeed.....
(Eric and Jordan transform and they head out of their apartment with Owl)
(Meanwhile with Jeremy, he just sent a text everyone in the Miraculous Armada)
Michael: *text* I saw! Post: *text* Yeah, it's really scary!
Lin: *text* Nothing like that's going on at New York but DAMN i can hear the ECHOES of it from here! 0_0
Jeremy: *text* I'm getting worried about the others, they haven't said a word
Michael: *text* Maaaybe they're surprisingly still asleep???
Lin: *text* Somehow, I doubt that...
Michael: *text* I'm trying not to assume the worse okay?!
(Just then, there's a tap on Jeremy's window and he looks up to see Cyber, Timber, and Owl outside)
Jeremy: Oh! (runs towards the window)
(He opens it and lets them in) Jeremy: Hey guys!
Owl: Hello.
Jeremy: I've only heard back from Michael, Post, and Lin but none of the others!
Owl: Oh thank god they weren't taken....
Cyber: Unfortunately the rest were.
Jeremy: What?!
Timber: Yeah, they're all being taken to be used as party favors, which is probably worse than taking their Miraculous and leaving 'em be.
Jeremy: Oh god.....poor guys.....
Owl: Hurry and transform; we need to get Michael, Post, and Lin is we want to find this akuma
Jeremy: Right!
(He transforms and they go to get the others)
(Once they got the others, they stand on a rooftop of a building)
Hound: So how the hell are we gonna find the akuma in this mess? (They gaze at the party crawling through the city)
Dasher: I have no idea but.....DAMN that looks insane! 0_0
Swan: I didn't think I'd ever see a party this...crazy
Leo: And LOUD
Owl: I suppose our best course of action would be to comb through the city carefully. And we should free our comrades if we come across them
Cyber: Hopefully we survive this....madness....
Timber: Yeah...I'm STILL reeling as to how so many of our friends got swept up in this mess. They have more tact than to just let lunatics like this take them down...
Dasher: Yep.
Cyber: Well, let's just hope we don't end up like them
Timber: *holds Cyber's hand* Yeah.....god knows what those lunatics would do to my peach....
Cyber: *blushes lightly* Worry about yourself for once...
Timber: Never, i'll always put you first. :)
(Cyber blushes deeper but smiles) Dasher: *groans loudly*
Swan: You always act like that when one of us gets all lovey dovey.
Dasher: That's cause it got annoying when Stag and Cloudy did it constantly >:( Hound: Yeah, maybe it got annoying for YOU. *casually pushes Cyber making him fall into Timber's arms*
Cyber: *blushes deeper* H-Hound! >///< Swan: I don't see you acting like that when me and Ace do it! X3c
Dasher: You and Ace BARELY do it!!! Owl: *dad voice* Children please, this is not the time for this.
Swan: *softly to Dasher* Maybe we should do it more, just to mess with ya! X3c
Dasher: You better not. >:(
Swan: I will. -w-
Cyber: Can we just go???
Swan: O-Oh! Yes!
Leo: Time to crash the biggest party in New Jersey >:3
Hound: YEAH! >:D
(They leap down on the rooftops, heading for the party)
(As soon as they land on the ground, they dodged a random guy throwing a broken beer bottle)
Leo: Geez, rude much? >:(
Random Drunk Guy: *flips the bird* Fuk you!
Dasher: Back at ya, puta!! >:(
Owl: *covers Swan's ears* Dasher, language! >:(
Cyber: Jesus Christ it’s college all over again!
Timber: But worse! WAAAAAY worse! 0_0
Hound: And THIS is why I don't go to parties!!
Leo: If ya did, you would probably hide in the bathroom the whole time.
Hound: Yeah, I probably would... (More drunk partiers start to surround them) Cyber: Maybe we should stay off the ground...
Dasher: Good idea
(They all quickly jump/fly back onto the roofs)
Leo: Okaaaaaay. Now what?
Owl: We keep searching, and try to keep those...maniacs far away from us. Swan: Oh god, my poor Romeo...trapped somewhere in that mess! :(
Hound: *pats Swan's back* Don't worry, we'll find your blue rose! Hopefully those freaks haven't pulled out all of his petals.
Leo: Not helping, Michael!! >:( Timber: I hope Tobias is okay... Cyber: Me too...
Owl: We will find everyone and get them out of this madness, we just have to hope for their safety.
Dasher: Yeah; let's find them! (They head off)
(From the rooftops, they look around for any Miraculous Holders in the party swarm)
Leo: Geez, I feel like we've been going in circles; EVERYTHING looks the same!
Hound: Yeah! There's just an endless sea of people!
Swan: And it's so loud! For all we know our friends could be screaming for us and we can't hear them!
Timber: Yeah, the screamin, the music....*covers his wolf ears* UGH it's hurting my ears!
Leo: *covers ears* Same!
(They keep moving until they see something zoom past them, alongside the sound of a motorcycle)
Leo: The hell?
(They look and see Ace Falcon, wrists tied and wings out, forcefully flying through the sky. A rope is tied around his waist, which leads down to the end of a motorcycle) Driver: WOOO!!!! LOVE THIS HUGE KITE! 8DDDD
Swan: ROMEO!! *he starts to fly up to him*
(The driver races down the streets, dragging Ace Falcon along as he turned and accelerated through the streets)
(Swan grits his teeth and flies after him at top speed)
(The driver kept going, driving like a mad man by speeding through the streets while dragging Ace Falcon. Ace struggles a little but he's afraid of losing his balance in the sky and crashing into something at top speed)
Swan: *picks up speed* ROMEO!!!
Ace: Wha, Post?! My little rose?!
Swan: Hang on! I'm coming!!
Ace: Please do!!
(Swan flies as fast as he can and manages to grab onto the rope connecting Ace to the motorcycle, letting himself be dragged along with them. He folds his wings and starts climbing up towards Ace)
Swan: Erk....i'm coming for you....my little rose...!
(Swan reaches Ace and starts untying the rope around his waist) Swan: Get ready to fly!
Ace: Alright!
(Finally Swan unties Ace and they fly back as the motorcycle drives off; Swan and Ace quickly fly to a rooftop where Swam unties his wrists) Swan: Oh my god, are you okay Romeo?
Ace: Y-Yeah....just a few bruises before that crazy maniac took me on a joy ride.....
(Swan hugs him tightly) Swan: Thank goodness...I was so scared..
Ace: Oh my little rose....
(They hug while the others catch up to them) Owl: Oh thank goodness you're both alright.
Swan: Yeah.....my rose is safe.....my beautiful rose is safe....!
Cyber: But now I'm even more worried...if THAT'S what they were doing to Ace... Timber: Lord only knows what they're doing to the others...
Leo: Yeah....
Dasher: We better hurry...
Hound: Yeah..... (Swan releases the hug, quickly looks at Dasher and back to Romeo, and then kisses Ace on the cheek)
Dasher: Oh you little brat... >:( Swan: >w<
Ace: Huh? Rose, did i miss something? :/c
Swan: I'll explain later. :3c
Ace: Okay *ruffles Swan's hair* You little sneaky one :3c
Dasher: Let's just go. Leo: Yeah, I'm really worried about the others... Hound: You didn't happen to pass any of our friends while you were being a kite, did you Ace?
Ace: Well, before that guy tied me up to the bike, i did hear someone shout something in a bar about "getting some beer from the icy bitch"
Cyber: Oh god... Leo: Momo?!
Hound: Well who ELSE can bend ice 24/7?!
Owl: Alright, I think we should split up into groups and try to cover more ground. I'm not letting ANY of my children spend more time than is needed in the hands of these...juveniles!
Leo: I dunno, i think i saw some drunk adults in the mix sooooo..... Cyber: That doesn't change anything Leo
Dasher: Yeah, we just gotta stay out of their reach.
Hound: Who knows what those guys would do if they caught us?! I don't even wanna THINK about it! 0~0
Owl: Swan and Ace will come with me; we'll stick to the skies as much as possible. Dasher, you take Hound, and Leo will go with Cyber and Timber; I don't want any of my underage children without adult supervision here...
Dasher: *holds Hound close* Definitely not!
Cyber: Okay, let's go, and let's hope this doesn't end poorly
Timber: Yeah.
(They all head off in their different groups)
(Dasher and Hound look around for any Miraculous Holder in the large party)
(They make it to one of the many bars and feel a chill coming from one of them) Hound: I think we just found Momo's bar!
Dasher: Okay, Mikey, since you're a kid, and i don't want ya to get caught in the cross-fire. You are staying by my side, kay?
Hound: No need to tell me twice. *grips his hand*
Dasher: Okay, let's go.
(Staying close, they land on the ground and enter the bar)
(Inside the bar was just as crazy as the outside, people shouting, people drinking, and even a crazy drunk guy threw himself onto a pool table, and it broke in half upon impact)
(Dasher and Hound weave their way towards the drink bar, looking for a familiar polar bear outfit) Hound: C'mon Momo, where are you?!
Dasher: Give us a sign you're somewhere Momo! We're here to find ya, you know! Dasher: *internally* I rhymed again, but i don't care. :/
Drunk guy: More ice!! Drunk girl: Someone get that bear bitch!
Drunk Guy: Yo bear bitch! More ice!
(They see Arctic Ursa being shoved their way by the bartender, her wrists tied)
Hound: Momo!
(They hurry towards her) Hound: Hey! Momo!! *she looks up at them*
Arctic: *gasp* Guys! :D
(Dasher and Hound rush over, knocking the bartender away and untying her wrists) Hound: You okay?
Momo: Physically, yeah. Mentally, *sniff* No :'<
Dasher: Awww pobrecita... :( *hugs her* Hound: C'mon let's get the hell out of here!
Arctic: Yeah.....:'<
(They shove their way out of the bar and jump onto the roof) Arctic: Oh finally...I was feeling so claustrophobic in there...
Arctic: No more people calling me "bear bitch".....cause that hurt me :'<
Hound: Awwwwww... (Hound and Dasher hug her)
Dasher: It's okay.....you're alright now....
(They hug for a while) Hound: By the way, you didn't happen to see any of our other friends pass through that place, did you?
Arctic: No! I didn't see anyone :(
Dasher: Okay...then we'll just have to keep looking.
Hound: Yeah, hopefully Ursa isn't in a horrible spot.... Arctic: My bear boo! I don't want him to get hurt by them! :(
Dasher: He's a big strong bear! He won't take any shit lying down!
Hound: Yeah he's a strong guy!
Arctic: Yeah... (Meanwhile, Cyber, Timber, and Leo jump over roofs, still looking for signs of their friends) Leo: I hope we find Philip, Max, and Sebastian soon... :(
Timber: Yeah, those three matter to ya.
Leo: Yeah....
(They keep running until they see an open bar where a couple of drunk people are holding Draco Emperor, forcing him to do fire shots) Drunk Guy: C'mon, light up! (The guy pulls Draco's arm)
Cyber: Tobias... Timber: *lowly* Oh those sick sons of bitches...
(The drunk guys keep pulling Draco’s arm) Draco: GAH! P-Please.....just stop!! Drunk guy: Light up! (Yanks Draco’s arm)
(Draco yelps and flames emerge from his mouth)
(The fire ignites the shots, making them fire shots. The drunk guys cheer)
(Cyber's hands light up and he shoots the ground near Draco, causing the drunk guys to jump and back away)
Draco: What the....? Drunk Guy: Da fuk was that?!
(Cyber and Timber jump down, claws and lightning at the ready, Leo watching from the roof) Cyber: *angrily* I suggest you all back away, unless you want yourselves to be 'lit up' as well. >:(
(The drunk guys were intimidated at first, but since they were drunk, they started laughing) Drunk guy: Look at this dude! He's got some Tron shit going on here!
Drunk guy: And that other guy!! Is he a furry or something? Cyber: *rolls his eyes* This is why I never went to parties. *shoots more electricity*
(The drunk guys jump but they were still laughing) Drunk Guy: Oh ho, ya want some of this shit huh?
(Timber growls lightly, tensing to defend Cyber if need be)
(The drunk guys point Draco in front of them, yanking his arm) Drunk Guy: Fire in the hoe, bitch!
Draco: Boys! RUN! *he breathes fire*
(Cyber and Timber dodge the fire)
Timber: Alright, that's it! *runs towards Draco and tosses the drunk guy away* Timber: I've HAD it with you drunks!
(Suddenly, they hear someone calling out for someone) ???: DAD!!! Draco: ....! Bristol...?!
Cyber: Oh god no...
Cyber: *to Timber* Get Draco! I'll get Bristol!
Timber: *nods* Okay
(Timber slices Draco free and carries him as he jumps back onto the roof while Cyber vanishes into the crowd to find Bristol)
Bristol: DAD!!!! DAD!!!!!
(Bristol looks around anxiously when someone grabs his wrist; he looks to see Cyber)
Bristol: Cyber! Y-You need to help me! I-I can't find dad! He needs to get out of here! It's not safe!!
Cyber: It's alright, Timber Wolf has him! Come with me!
Bristol: O-Okay! Thank god! I-I-I thought i was gonna have a panic attack if i didn't find him!
Cyber: *nods and picks him up* Hang on! *he leaps above the crowd, heading back for the roof*
(Timber puts Draco down as soon as Cyber and Bristol came up on the roof)
Timber: Whew! That was close...
Draco: Yes.....thank you Timber....
(Cyber puts Bristol down)
Bristol: *gasp* DAD!!
Draco: Bristol!!! *they hug tightly*
Bristol: Oh thank god you're okay!!
Draco: I was so worried about you!
Bristol: M-Me too! I-I thought i was gonna lose you! I-I-I was gonna have a panic attack if i did! But....you're okay....!
Draco: Yes I'm fine, I'm right here, son, I'm right here...
(They hug for a while until they broke the hug)
Draco: *to Timber and Cyber* Thank you for getting us out of that...
Cyber: You're welcome
Timber: Maybe you oughta get that son of yours home and away from this madness.
Draco: Yes, for his sake.
Leo: Maybe stay on the roofs; it's safer ;)
Bristol: Y-Yeah....unless someone manages to break into the building we're standing on...
Leo: Don't jinx it... -_-
Bristol: I won't! 0~0
(Draco picks up Bristol) Draco: Alright, let's get you someplace safe. *to the holders* I'll be back as soon as I can to help.
Timber: Okay, we'll wait for ya!
(Draco flies off with Bristol) Leo: Phew! I'm glad you guys didn't get grabbed down there.
Timber: Yeah, don't want anyone using my peach for any stupid thing they wanna do! >:(
Cyber: *blushes* Anyway, we should keep looking. At least now we know that these guys are smarter than they seem
Leo: Yeah i guess. Unless the next guy that has one of our friends, they'll just TOSS them at us to attack. -_-
Timber: Hey, if they do that'll make our job easier.
Leo: You'll never know what people do under alcohol!
(Just then a bottle flies up and hits the back of Cyber's head) Cyber: OW!! Drunk Guy: Get back down here and fight you Tron-ny asshole!!
Cyber: *growls* Oh you want a fight eh?! (shoots a large thunder near the ground of the drunk guys)
(They jump back but seem to get more mad) Drunk Guy: Take down the glowing guy!!! D:<
Leo: Oh how are they gonna get us from up here? They can't psychical- (Suddenly there was the sound of a gunshot)
(Timber instinctively grabs Leo and Cyber, pulling them to the ground) Leo: Oooookay this just got even MORE dangerous... 0_0
Cyber: They had guns the whole time?!
Timber: Guess they weren't pissed enough to remember they had 'em!
Leo: Y-Yeah.... (A bullet barely missed the three)
Cyber: We need to get out of here, NOW
Timber: Yeah, let's go!
(They jump across the roofs, bullets being fired into the air after them)
Leo: AHHH!!!
Timber: I'M TRYING!!! (They keep running for a bit, but then a bullet scrapes Timber's shoulder)
Timber: AH!! *he trips on the next roof and stumbles*
Cyber: TIMBER!!
(Cyber and Leo skid to a halt and rush to his side)
Cyber: Oh god, oh god, oh god.....
Leo: You okay?!
Timber: Ow, shit...! (His shoulder has a good sized cut from the bullet but it’s only dripping blood)
Cyber: Oh god, oh god, you're bleeding!! (kneels next to him)
Timber: *winces and sits up* It’s not that bad. I’ve definitely had worse...
Cyber: No, no, honey, it's still bad! Y-You got hit! T-There's blood a-and.....o-oh god.....(starts shaking and tears up due to panicking about the wound)
Timber: Whoa whoa whoa, Will! Hey, look at me! *he holds his face* Look at me, I'm fine, it's just a cut, the bullet didn't hit me it just grazed me, that's all, I ain't gonna die from that.
Cyber: *shaky breaths* B-But.....y-you got hurt......my country boy....got hurt.....
Timber: I know peach, but it's okay. I feel fine, honest. And hell, once we find Cloudy Wool in this mess she'll fix me right up!
Cyber: B-But.....w-will you be alright before then.....?
Timber: Of course I will, see? *he stands up pulling Cyber up with him* As long as no more drunk bastards start waving guns around, we'll all be fine.
Leo: Uhh guys? (points to the drunk guys, where during that, one of them shot the other guy's foot with the gun by accident. Well they were drunk so it was a drunk accident)
Timber: See? It was dumb luck they grazed me!
Cyber: *sighs* I suppose so..... (Cyber kisses Timber's cheek) Cyber: Just don't scare me like that ever again, got it?
Timber: *smiles* I'll try my best, peach. *kisses him on the nose* Drunk Girl: *from a window on another building* WOOOOOO!! MAKE OUT! MAKE OUT! MAKE OUT!!
Leo: *impersonating the drunk girl* SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!
Leo: *laughs* Oh, if only Michael was here; making fun of drunk girls is the best XD
(Cyber rolls his eyes while Timber chuckled)
Timber: Well, shall we continue with this family tour of party-hard New Jersey? XD
Leo: Yep! X3
(They leap onto the next rooftops)
(Meanwhile with Owl, Swan, and Ace, they fly over the city, looking for anyone from the ground)
Owl: We should hurry; those gunshots earlier aren't a good sign.
Swan: Y-Yeah.....(shutters as he thought back to that hidden gunman akuma)
(They fly a bit lower to try and make out any familiar faces)
(They look around until they see a familiar face laying on the ground, it was Papillion.....but her wings were gone.)
Owl: Oh my god no... *he darts down, Swan and Ace close behind*
(Once they land, they run to her aid) Papillion: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.....
Owl: Oh my god, Christine! *he carefully turns her over and holds her*
Papillion: Ow.....Owl....Dad....?
Owl: Yes I'm right here sweetheart, just focus on me Christine, the...the pain should fade soon.
Papillion: Ow ow ow......it hurts....it REALLY hurts....!
Owl: I know sweetie, I know it does, just keep focusing on us okay? It won't last too much longer, I promise!
Papillion: O-O-Okay....
Ace: What the hell happened, Chris?
Papillion: Erk.....some crazy guy......yanked my wings off of me.....and then taped them on his back....! And then he just.....ran away!
Swan: Oh Christine... Owl: *hugs her close* God...my poor baby girl...
(She slowly hugs him back)
Swan: Dad...we should get her to the roof...in case they come back.
Owl: Yes.....to keep her safe.....
(Owl carefully picks her up and they all fly to a rooftop)
(Once they landed, Owl puts Papillion down)
Papillion: *tearing up* Are...are my wings...gone forever...?
Owl: No. They're not gone for good.
Owl: They're part of the Miraculous; once you transform again, they'll be back, good as new.
Swan: Yeah....that happened to us a few times..... Ace: And weirdly Wise Owl loses his wings more than us. :/
Owl: Better me than any of my children. *looks at Papillion's back* This shouldn't have happened...
Papillion: Wait, why....?
Owl: None of my children should EVER have to endure this pain...if I had just been faster...maybe I could have prevented this...
Papillion: Awwww Owl Dad....;v;
(Papillion hugs him again)
Papillion: You precious caring cinnamon roll from space! :')
Owl: *chuckles as he hugs her* That's a new one.
Papillion: I know! There's just so many things to nickname ya! >w<
(They hug for a bit longer) Ace: Soooo Christine, were you with anyone before...your wings got clipped?
Papillion: Well um.....kinda?
Swan: Kinda?
Papillion: Well, i KINDA saw her but.....um.....some drunk teen KINDA convinced Chloe, AKA Coral Wave, to uh.....have a couple of drinks....? 0~0'
Owl: Oh no...
Papillion: I KNOW i should've done something to stop her cause that was one of the many things she had to give up to gain your guys trust back then but.....I-I guess she couldn't help herself!
Owl: *sighs* I'll talk with her about it later; getting her out of danger is most important.
Papillion: Y-Yeah! I just hope Rich isn't doing the same thing! Well not EXACTLY like what she's doing but rather like, doing the thing he gave up to gain your guys trust but- Ace: We get it Christine. -_-
Swan: Let's just hurry and find them!
Ace: Yeah!
Papillion: Yeah! One second! (she changes back and then transforms again, restoring her wings) I'm staying OFF the ground this time!
Owl: Alright.
(They all fly off)
(They all fly towards the bar Coral Wave was in)
(Papillion folds her wings tightly as they land, Owl keeping her close)
(They enter the bar, where they can hear a certain drunk girl screaming) ???: FUCK ME!!!!
Papillion: That's her... -_-
(They navigate through the crowd, where they see a drunk Coral Wave standing on a table, ranting and yelling about random stuff)
Swan: Oh boy... Ace: I'll get her...
(Ace quickly spreads his wings, ignoring the people he hits and flies up to Coral) Ace: *grabs her* Chloe, you better shut up before you say something you regret!
Coral: *struggles drunkly* Get the FUCK off of me BITCH!!
(Swan quickly grabs a glass of liquid and flies up, throwing it in Coral's face to help sober her up) Swan: Snap out of it, Chloe!
Coral: *still drunk* What the FUCK dude?!
Ace: Let's get out of here! (Swan helps him hold her and they all hurry her out of the bar) Papillion: We're cutting you off, Chloe!
Coral: fuCK you BITCH *flips the bird* yOU can'T tell ME what to DO!
(They get outside and manage to get her to the roof)
(Coral was still drunk, rambling and flailing around)
Swan: Please Chloe, calm down!
Coral: Where the FUCK are we...?! Are-Are ya gonna THROW me off the DAMN roof?!
Papillion: What no!!! But one of those other guys may have if we hadn't gotten you!
Coral: What the FUCK are ya talking about?!
Swan: This is because of an akuma Chloe!! You're playing right into his hands!
Coral: Wha.....?
Papillion: C'mon, don't you remember?? We were going out to try and stop them and then...stuff happened...
Coral: I don’t.....I don’t FUCKING remember...! >:(
Ace: You really don't have to, but we DO need you to sober up!
Coral: NOOOOOOO!! D:<
Owl: *thundering dad voice* Chloe Valentine, Miraculous Holder of the Sea Turtle!! (Chloe actually stops and looks up at him with wide eyes)
Papillon: Oh shoot O_O
Owl: I am VERY disappointed in you, young lady! Not only for drinking when you are underage, but for putting fun above the safety of this city! I plan to lecture you about this FULLY once all this over and YOU are in the right state of mind, but right now, you need to straighten yourself out! Many of our friends are out there and in danger, and we need to work together to find them! So clear your mind and hold still! *he kneels and locks eyes with her* Maybe I can straighten out the mess you've made in your head.
Owl: Knowledge of the Owl!
(Owl's eyes glow and he enters Chloe's mind; with swift but angry movements he manages to clear away most of the effects of the alcohol)
(His eyes stopped glowing and Coral blinks)
Swan: Chloe? You with us?
Coral: Ugh.....yeah....?
Coral: Fuck my head...what happened?
Papillon: You got drunk.
Coral: I did...? Wait...I think I remember now... *her eyes widen* Oh shit...
(She looks at Owl, who’s giving her a disappointed look)
Coral: Owl, I- Owl: *holds up his hand stopping her* We'll discuss this after this akuma is defeated. In the meantime, are you hurt? Did anyone hurt you at all?
Coral: No....
Owl: Good. *stands up* Now, we should keep moving. We spent enough time here already and the others may be in danger
Swan: Yeah, we need to find everyone soon!
(Papillion volunteers to hold Coral and they fly back off into the sky)
(Meanwhile with Hound, Dasher, and Arctic, they’re still searching for Miraculous Holders in the party filled city)
Hound: They've gotta be SOMEWHERE!
Dasher: Yeah, we’re burning time here!
Arctic: If only we could find a whole bunch of them in a group or something!
(As they kept moving, really loud music was starting to fade in)
Hound: *whines* Oowwwwwww my poor doggy ears!!
Arctic: *whines* Owwwww!!!! XS
Dasher: God, why must they do this???
(They look around and see the music was coming from a building that was flashing neon lights)
Dasher: This we'll find anybody stuck in a rave?
Hound: I guess.
(They go over and scale the building, peeking through the windows)
(They see a big rave going on and in the middle was a large neon fish tank where they spot Atlantic, Pacific, and Frill Skipper in the fish tank)
Arctic: Oh my god!!
Hound: They got one of the Trinity bros!
Hound: Oh god, he's probably PISSED!! (He sees Atlantic swimming about erratically in the tank, occasionally slamming the glass)
Dasher: Probably? Mikey, this man has anger in his BLOOD. Of course he's pissed!
(They watch as drunk guys and girls pound the glass on the tank, making the three holders cover their ears in pain) Arctic: We gotta break them out! Now!
Hound: Yeah!
(The three unsheathe their claws and triple punch through the glass, shattering the window)
(Then they got BLASTED with a wave of REALLY LOUD music)
(They cover their ears and topple onto the ground) Hound: OW OW OW OW FUCK OW OW OW
Dasher: *Spanish* OH GOD MY EARS!!!!
(They stagger to their feet and make their way towards the fish tank)
(Once they got close, they look at the fish tank)
Hound: GUYS!! Skipper: MICHAEL!!
Pacific: Oh thank GOD you found us!
Pacific: Get us out of here!!!!
Dasher: Okay get back!!! *the three unsheathe their claws*
(The three water based Miraculous Holders back up)
(Arctic freezes the glass, making it more brittle and the three punch it as hard as they can, resulting in the tank breaking and blasting them with water)
(The water also blasted the drunk guys and girls behind them, creating a wave of water)
(Atlantic, Pacific, and Skipper flow out with the water and onto the floor just as the water makes the stereo short circuit and the music stops) Hound: Oh THANK FUCK
Dasher: Yeah!
Arctic: I can hear myself again!!! (They help the water holders up)
Atlantic: Oh thank GOD it's over!
Pacific: You can say that again!
Dasher: Let's get you guys out of this place!
Skipper: PLEASE!! (They all just about throw themselves out the window, desperate to get away and stop on a rooftop)
(They run out of the building and leap towards the rooftop)
(They stop there and try to stop their ears from ringing) Atlantic: Alright...where the fuck are my brothers? *starts looking around from the roof*
Pacific: Sooo uh....where's Cyber and Leo? You know, the Sun and Moon bros?
Hound: They're with Timber doing their own search. So are Owl and Swan.
Frill: Oh thank god!
Atlantic: So Jeremy hasn't been tossed around by these assholes? Hound: Nope!
Atlantic: Good. Because if i find out my kid is used as some kind of PARTY FAVOR at a damn party, i will RIP their FUCKING HEADS OUT!!!
Arctic: Oooookay...
Hound: Don't fuck with Max, he has a heart for Jere.
Atlantic: Shut it! *he keeps looking around* Philip and Sebastian have GOT to be around here somewhere...
(He looks around until he spots a couple of guys walking out of a garage, looking high)
Atlantic: Guys, look at this. (The others look down with him, Hound honing in on what they're saying)
Drunk Guy: Duuuuuude, that was, like, the best thing man. Drunk Guy: Yeah, it was like i was sniffing cocaine off of GRASS!
Atlantic: *tenses* ...What?
Drunk Guy: Like....is it healthy to like....sniff crack....and grass....? Drunk Guy: Maybe man. But dude, that guy's clothes smell like they were made out of GRASS man!
Dasher: Oh shit... (Atlantic immediately gets up and jumps towards the scene) Pacific: Dude no, wait!!! *they all follow him*
(Atlantic gets near the place where he sees a bunch of guys laying cocaine on Jade's chest and stomach. His hands and feet were tied on the ends of a table)
Jade: Get OFF ME!!! STOP!!!
Drunk Guy: Nah dude, this is gonna be GREAT!
(The drunk guys jump as they heard Atlantic)
(Atlantic grabs them and starts laying into them while the others untie Jade)
Hound: You okay Jade?!
Jade: Y-Yes...j-just a bit shaken...
Dasher: Yeah *dusts off the cocaine off of Jade* I can see why.
(Meanwhile, the drunk guys have run off and Atlantic goes over to Jade)
Atlantic: Oh god, Philip! You okay?! Did they hurt you?! Did they do ANYTHING to you?!
Jade: N-No Max, I'm fine t-they just got a bit to close for comfort, that's all!
(When the others fully untied Jade, Atlantic crushes Jade into a hug)
Atlantic: Thank god.
Hound: *softly to the others* He's so cute when he's not raging X3c
Arctic: *softly* Yeah! X3c
Atlantic: *breaks the hug* Did you see where they took Sebastian??
Jade: N-No, i haven't.
Jade: Have you? Atlantic: No, I was in a fucking fish tank the whole time.
Hound: Oh geez, we got a handful of us left out there....
Arctic: Yeah...maybe Cyber, Leo, and Timber are having better luck...
Dasher: I hope so.... (Meanwhile with Timber, Cyber, and Leo, and Draco finally catching up)
Leo: Ey, welcome back!
Draco: Hello again!
Draco: Any luck finding more of our friends? Timber: None so far
Leo: At this point, i lost count on how much time we spent just looking for everyone!
Cyber: We just need to find something that stands out; that tends to be the place where we find people
(They keep looking around until they spot the drunk guys carrying around Inferno Wing, using them as a flamethrower)
Draco: Oh my god, GAVIN!! *flies towards him*
(The drunk guys look at Draco and force Inferno to release some fire at him by pulling his tail)
(Draco ducks and glares at them) Draco: Oh, you like fire? *breathes fire at them*
Drunk Guy: WOAH! Fire FIGHT!! (pulls Inferno's tail again and he releases fire)
Leo: Kick their asses, Draco!!! (Draco dodges the fire while attacking with his own and eventually reaches Inferno)
(He grabs Inferno out of the drunk guy's hands) Drunk Guy: That bitch took my Charizard!
Draco: I've got you! (He flies back to the roof where the others are waiting)
(Once he got to the roof, he unties the ropes that were on his wrists and legs)
Leo: You okay, Gav?
Inferno: Y-Y-Yeah....
Draco: Did they hurt you?
Inferno: They pulled my tail a couple of times.....and maybe yanks out a few of my feathers (moves his wings)
Cyber: Oh Gavin... Timber: Owl's NOT gonna be happy to hear that...
Draco: Of course not, these men hurt this child. And for what? Burning things down? For fun?!
Leo: You missed when they were trying to shoot us...
Draco: WHAT?!
Draco: *to Timber* Is THAT why you're bleeding?! Timber: It just grazed me, I don't even feel it anymore
Draco: Even so, you can't just walk off an injury like this! REGARDLESS on how deep the wound is! I'm sure your mental state is at LEAST shooken by the fact you got shot at all!
Cyber: That’s what IVE been saying!!
Draco: And he didn't listen to you?!
Timber: For god sake’s, it’s literally just a big scratch! It ain’t even bleeding anymore!
(Cyber and Draco give him a look) Draco: As soon as this is over, you are patching that wound up.
(Timber rolls his eyes; meanwhile, Leo’s been listening as hard as he can around the music and noise) Leo: Uh guys? I think I hear more gunshots
Cyber: *tenses up* What?!
Leo: Yeah, but they aren’t coming towards us...but they’re moving...like they’re chasing someone...
(They look over and see Scarlet running away from a bunch of drunk guys with guns)
Leo: SEBASTIAN!! (He immediately goes to help) Cyber: LEO WAIT
(The others quickly follow; meanwhile Scarlett tries desperately to run his suit slightly turn from bullets grazing him) Scarlett: *tearing up* LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Drunk Guy: I'm gonna aim for the bulls eye! >:3 (keeps shooting)
(Scarlet turns a corner and finds himself at a dead end; he tries to jump, but a bullet hits the wall above his head, stopping him)
Scarlet: EEP!
(A good number or armed drunk guys approach him) Drunk: Now we got him >:3
Drunk Guy: Now hold still while i try to aim the bull eye! (aims gun)
???: Lion’s Roar!!!!! (Sound waves come from above Scarlett and make the men cower and a small figure lands in front of Scarlett; it’s Leo)
Scarlet: (turns and looks at him) Leo!
Leo: C’mon, let’s get out of here! *helps him up*
Scarlet: O-Okay!
(The men start to get their bearings, but Cyber appears, shooting lightning at them to keep them back) Cyber: Up here!!
(Leo holds Scarlet close and leaps to where Cyber was)
Drunk: Hey!! It’s that Tron Guy!!
Cyber: It’s Cyber Shock! >:(
(The drunks start shooting at him but Timber yanks him away from the edge just in time) Timber: Geez, you’re just a trouble magnet, ain’t ya?
Cyber: Apparently! -_-
Leo: You okay, Sebas-oof! (Scarlett hugs Leo tightly)
Scarlet: Oh Jere-Bear! I’m really glad to see you!!
Leo: Heh, you too!
(Scarlet keeps the hug for a while until he breaks the hug)
Scarlett: Have you seen Max and Philip? We got separated...
Leo: No, we haven’t!
Leo: Oh man, they’re probably going crazy! Hopefully we find them soon...
Cyber: Yes....hopefully they’re okay....
(They start to move and get ready to head to another roof when arms wrap around Cyber from behind) Drunk: Gotcha!! Climbing up here wasn’t that hard after all!!
Cyber: AH!!
Timber: WILL! (The drunk wrestles with Cyber and slowly draws him near the edge of the roof where a whole mob of people are waiting)
Drunk: We’re gonna make ya party hard with us! And you’re not gonna stop until ya pass out DRUNK! Like us! >:3c
Cyber: Get OFF!! *his hands light up* Don’t make me do this!
Drunk: What’cha gonna do man? (Pushes him closer to the edge)
(Cyber makes lightning appear on his body making the drunk jump back, but it only ends up with him running into Cyber from panic and pulling him off the edge with him)
Timber: WILL!! (Chases after them)
(Timber reaches towards Cyber but their fingers only barely brush before Cyber falls into the mass of people below)
Timber: WILL NO!!!
Cyber: JORDAN!! *he’s pulled down into the mass like he’s in water*
(The large mob drag him through the large swarm of drunk party people)
Drunk: Tie him up! Drunk: Let’s party!!
Drunk: Make him drink a couple of beers! He’s gonna go drunk tonight! >:)
(Cyber is pinned by hundreds of people, multiple hands holding him still as he’s tied up tightly)
(His whole body was tied up, the only thing that was free was his head) (Then people started to force drink him beer)
(Cyber refuses and spits out as much as he can; luckily everyone’s too drunk to see if he’s actually drinking it or not)
(They keep force drinking Cyber, eventually, someone holds his head and forces to drink some beer. Before he could spit, a less drunk guy covered his mouth with the palm of their hand)
Drunk: C’mon, take your medicine, dude... Cyber: *shakes his head and and refuses to swallow* MMMPH!!
Drunk: Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! (The other drunks kept chanting those words until someone yanks his head back and somehow forces him to swallow)
(Cyber coughs when the man releases his mouth)
Drunk: You want another, dude? >:3
Cyber: *spits out a bit more beer* Like hell!
Drunk: Let’s do it again! >:3 (They do the same thing with Cyber again, holding his head, force drinking him a whole bottle of beer, this time it was a stronger one, and once it got all in his mouth, they guy covered his mouth) (They yank his head back and force him to swallow it)
(They keep doing this for a bit until Cyber starts to feel drunk) Drunk: Are ya feeling it now Mr. Krabs? XD
(Cyber blinks, his vision getting hazy and doesn’t answer)
Drunk: Untie him! Let’s see how this boy walks! >:3
(The ropes are removed and Cyber’s shoved to his feet; he spies the exit through his drunk vision and tries to go towards it, stumbling this way and that)
(One of the drunks, as a clever move, empties a water bottle and fills it up with beer) (He hands it over to Cyber) Drunk: Want some water bro?
(Cyber takes it and takes a sip only to instantly spit it out) Drunk: Man, this guy’s no fun!! (He shoves Cyber to the ground and the other patrons surround him, drunkenly kicking him)
(One of the drunks pins him to the ground and force drinks him the beer)
(This time only about half goes down as Cyber chokes on the other half, his mind swirling)
(After the whole bottle was empty, the drunks get off of him, waiting for results) Drunk: NOW are ya ready to party? >:3
(Cyber coughs and rolls onto his side, barely able to move when he hears something approaching) ???: WILL!!!
(The drunks whirl around and look)
(Timber shoves his way through with ease and kneels next to Cyber, picking him up) Timber: Will! Hey, talk to me!!
(Cyber tries to speak, but since his mind was a bit numb from the alcohol, the only thing that came out of his mouth was complete gibberish)
Timber: Ah shit, you’ve had enough. *he scoops him up* I ain’t letting you have a repeat of the FIRST time you got drunk!
(Cyber freaks out a little, looking a little confused)
(Timber keeps a tight grip on him and makes his way out of the bar and back to the roof)
(Once he got there, he still holds onto Cyber in his arms)
(Leo, Draco, Inferno, and Scarlett are gone, Timber having told them to keep looking while he took care of Cyber) Timber: Alright Will, you should be safe up here
Cyber: *little gibberish* Buh.....Wha.....?
Timber: Hoo boy, this is gonna take a while.
Cyber: .....J....or.....dan.....
Timber: Hey, there ya are, peach! You starting to see clearly again?
Cyber: .....Jo.....Jordan.....(slowly reaches up to him)
Timber: Yeah, peach, it’s me. You trying to say something?
(Cyber touches Timber’s face, and then he laughs with a smile on his face) Cyber: *drunk* Your beard.....feels so spiky....-w-
Timber: *chuckles* Oh you could never hold your liquor city boy
Cyber: *badly singing* I’m a city boi, yes I am~! X3
Timber: Okay, we’re gonna have to sit this out until you sober up a bit. *goes and sits, holding Cyber on his lap*
Cyber: *laughs* Man....you look so fluffy! Like.....like a big teddy bear! (Nuzzles on his fur) Cyber: Fluffy boi! :3
Timber: Yeah, I’m YOUR fluffy boy XD
(Cyber looks at him and smiles widely) Cyber: You’re.....you’re pretty.....ya know that? :3c
Timber: Oh am I?
Cyber: Yeah....your body.....your muscles.....your face.....too handsome.....X3
Timber: Flattery will get you nowhere ;3
Cyber: Oh nooooo, I don’t got my man! D: (Fake faints, but then gets back up) Cyber: Wait.....I already got my man...! :3 (Cyber sloppily kisses him on the cheek) Cyber: It’s you! :3
Timber: Yeah you do X3
Cyber: *smiles and chuckles* Kiss me ya fluffy boi! :3
Timber: Will, c’mon, you’re drunk I’m no-mmmph! (Cyber grabs his face and kisses him)
(Cyber kisses him fully in the mouth)
(After a few moments, Cyber breaks the kiss, leaving Timber stunned) Timber: Whoa...if we weren’t already married I’d be concerned.
Cyber: Oh....oh yeah.....we’re married..... (He has this look of trying to remember something) Cyber: Like.....was it a gay one....? Or something else?
Timber: *chuckles nervously* Uh...a platonic one. You’re straight, Eric.
Cyber: *blinks* Oh riiiiiight! :D
Cyber: Buuuut I still wanna kiss you :3
Timber: Heh, go ahead peach! :P
(Cyber grins and kisses Timber full on the mouth again, even knocking Timber onto him back)
(Cyber passionately kisses Timber, as best as he possibly can while under the alcohol)
Cyber: *between kisses* I only...like kissing you...any other guy...I hate it...I JUST like kissing you!
Timber: *between kisses* I know...you do...i'm the only...man you...love...that much!
Cyber: I do... *kiss* I really do! *they keep kissing passionately, even letting their tongues tangle a bit*
(During the kiss, Timber runs his fingers through Cyber's hair)
(Timber holds him close and they roll onto their side, pulling each other closer and even deeper into the kiss)
(They keep kissing each other passionately for a while, with Timber holding Cyber close)
(Their tongues are exploring every inch of each other’s mouths and their bodies are nearly flush against each other, a few moans escaping the both of them)
(Their hands were rubbing through each other's backs, trying pull themselves closer into the kiss)
(Timber even puts his hand on the back of Cyber’s head, pushing his face as close as possible, both of them wanting more)
(At this point, they were having a full blown make out session with each other, kissing each other passionately and holding each other as close as possible)
(They roll around, clinging to each other and kissing as the party below them seems to vanish from their memories)
(Cyber and Timber continue kissing passionately, completely unaware of anything around them)
(They kept holding each other as close as possible while kissing)
(After what feels like hours they finally break apart to catch their breath, Cyber on top of Timber)
Cyber: *still drunk* Damn.....you're a....damn good kisser....
Timber: You ain't so bad yourself...maybe we should do this more often, just, minus you being drunk ;)
Cyber: *smiles and laughs a little* Yeah! :)
Timber: Well you're bound to sober up eventually; I'm just glad you're up here with me instead of letting some other person take advantage of ya
Cyber: Yeah? :/c
Timber: Yeah; other than you being a trouble magnet, you also seem to be a magnet for people who wanna get REAL close to ya
Cyber: Well.....you're close to me~! :3
Timber: Yeah, but I actually LOVE you
Cyber: *smiles widely* Me too! X3
Timber: That's why we're married, peach ;)
(Cyber just smiles and nuzzles against Timber's chest) Cyber: Love ya baby~! :3
Timber: Love you too.
(They stay there for a while as Timber pets Cyber's hair) (Meanwhile with Leo, Draco, and Scarlet)
Leo: You sure Timber can handle drunk Cy?
Draco: Part of marriage is handling your spouse when there at a low point, including intoxication. And I'm sure that is anyone can handle Eric in ANY condition, it's Jordan.
Scarlet: He's got a point! Jordan would do anything to keep his little peach safe! X3
Inferno: And maybe he'll be able to get him to sober up in time to fight this akuma
Leo: Yeah, cause once we find everyone, we are gonna grand SLAM this akuma to the ground!
Draco: Indeed. >:( (They keep going when they see a light flashing in the window of one of the buildings)
Leo: Hm? What's that?
Scarlett: I wanna say a strobe light, but...that looks too bright...
Inferno: Yeah....
(They go over to the window and peek inside, where they see Fyrefly tied up and hanging from the ceiling)
Leo: *gasp* Fyrefly!
(Drunk people keep throwing stuff at Fyrefly, trying to get him to blink his light)
Fyrefly: Ow! P-Please! Stop!
Drunk: Light up, dammit! Light up!! (The four holders quickly enter the building) Leo: ANTON!!
Fyrefly: Jeremy?!
Scarlett: Hold on, we'll get you down! (Inferno flies up to him)
(The drunk people started to throw things at the others, even one guy threw a broken beer bottle straight at them)
Inferno: OW!! *he quickly burns through the rope holding Fyrefly to the ceiling and Draco catches him*
Draco: Let's get out of here!
(They quickly run out, people throwing shit after them and they make it to a roof; Draco puts Fyrefly down and Leo unties him) Leo: You okay?
Fyrefly: Y-Yeah, just a few scratches from broken beer bottles......
Draco: This party just keeps enraging me every second...
Inferno: Yeah, and our friends are caught in that insane crossfire....
Leo: *to Fyrefly* You didn't happen to see anyone else around, did ya?
Fyrefly: *shakes head* No
Draco: Well, we'll just have to keep looking then
Leo: Yeah, at this point, i'm not even gonna complain what time it is right now!
(They get up and head off on their way again)
(Meanwhile with Swan, Ace, Owl, Papillion, and Coral)
Papillion: *holding Coral as they fly* You sure you didn't see anyone else? Coral: Pretty sure.
Swan: C'mon, where is everyone?! They gotta be somewhere down there!
(They keep flying when they hear a loud shriek from below)
Ace: What was that?!
Owl: I think...that sounded like Adri!
Swan: Wait, Adri?! (looks around) But where's Hayden?!
Coral: *looks around* Over there!! (They fly lower and see Stag being held back by drunks while others are surrounding Cloudy, petting her wool)
Stag: Get off of her!!! Cloudy: *tearing up* P-Please stop!!
Drunk: Duuuuude she's so soft!!! Drunk girl: Where did you get this? I want it soooo bad!
Cloudy: *tearing up* Please!! Stop!! D^'8
Ace: Swan! Let's go! Swan: Right! (They dive down like they're diving into water and use their wings to smack the offenders away. Ace scoops up Stag and Swan picks up Cloudy and they fly back into the sky)
Drunk: HEEEEEEY! What the hell man?! D:<
Coral: It's called personal space assholes!! Deal with it!!! >:(
Drunk Guy: *flips the bird* Fuck you! >:(
Coral: *flips him back* You first!!!
Owl: *dad voice* Chloe Valentine!
Coral: NO ONE bad touches my sheep sister!! NO ONE!!! >:(
Papillion: Awww! <3
(A small smile pulls at Owl's face; they fly away and get to a roof where Cloudy clings to Stag tightly)
Cloudy: *sobbing* Haaaaaayden!! D^':
Stag: It's okay baby, I'm right here, I'll never let them touch you again!!!
(Cloudy puts her face on Stag's chest, letting her tears soak his suit. Stag holds her close, comforting her)
Owl: *puts a hand on Stag's shoulder* Are either of you hurt?
Stag: N-No.... Cloudy: *sobbing* I AM MENTALLY
(Owl wraps his wings around the couple) Owl: This akuma is going to pay DEARLY...
Swan: Yeah, BIG TIME.
Ace: I hope the others are able to find more of us. I'm itching for ALL OF US to beat this guy into the ground at the same time >:(
Coral: Yeah! Kick his ass! >:(
Papillion: I hope they're all alright...
(Meanwhile with Hound and Dasher, them and the others stand on a rooftop of a building, looking out for anyone they can recognize)
Atlantic: God dammit where the hell are Sebastian and Jeremy?!
Hound: I dunno! They're somewhere around here! (Suddenly, they hear someone tap on the window)
(They jump and whirl around)
(It was Jane, they were standing on the building next to her home. She looked a bit panicked, trying to get their attention)
Hound: Oh! *he goes over and crouches on the windowsill and she opens the window* What's up?
Jane: Oh thank god! Listen i got TWO things i gotta tell ya guys!
Hound: What?
Jane: One, and this is because i didn't knew an akuma was there, i tried calling the police but, they didn't answer. Like, at all! So that might be KINDA concerning if someone breaks a law or something. And two, one of the Miraculous Armada fled to my home and now i'm keeping him safe!
Hound: Wait, REALLY?! Dasher: Which one?!
(Jane gestures the pile of blankets on the floor of her room) Jane: I think it was, Karma Chameleon? Jane: Is that his name?
Dasher: Yeah! Hound: Oh thank god!! *he climbs through the window and runs towards him* Hey Karma! You okay?
(He lifts some blankets up and Karma looks distressed) Karma: *shaky* N-N-N-No....
Hound: Whoa dude, what happened to you?
(Karma tried to speak but he just burst into tears) Jane: Huh.....he told me what happened when he came here....
Hound: What happened? (Arctic climbs through and goes to Karma to comfort him)
Jane: Well, all he can tell me was that a bunch of drunk guys and girls were touching and groping him and Aqua-Mander EVERYWHERE. To the point where he called it "rape". But not literally but.....yeah i guess in his eyes it felt like that.
Hound: Oh shit... (Arctic hugs Karma tightly while the others look enraged) Hound: Wait...but then where's Aqua?!
Jane: I don't know! Guess Karma managed to escape the swarm but Aqua didn't! Jane: So she's probably still out there....
Dasher: Oh fuck... (Jade enters the room and picks Karma up) Jade: We need to go, NOW
Jane: *waves* Bye guys! *to Karma* Bye Karma, hope you recover! :)
(The holders all leap off into the night) Skipper: Thanks for saving him for us!
Jane: You're welcome! :)
(They leap along the rooftops, looking for any sign of Aqua)
Karma: *shaky and tearing up* P-P-P-Please.....we need to find her....!
Jade: We will, don't worry.
(Karma curls up and shakes, while muttering words only Karma himself can hear)
(Jade tightens his hold on him and they keep looking, when Hound spots a flash of blue and purple) Hound: I think I see her!!!
Dasher: Really?!
Hound: Down there!! (He points to a head of blue and purple hair that seems to be being dragged along)
Arctic: That's her!
Pacific: Let's go!! Atlantic: Jade, you keep Karma safe! Jade: Right! (Everyone except Jade and Karma leap down towards Aqua)
Jade: *to Karma* It's okay, they're gonna get her.
Skipper: AQUA!!
(The boys head for the ones dragging Aqua while the two girls get her to safety)
(Hound, Dasher, Pacific, and Atlantic grab onto some of the guys dragging her)
Drunk: Wait what the he-AHH!! (Atlantic throws the drunk guy away from Aqua)
(Dasher throws multiple rapid punches at another guy while Hound and Pacific double team the third guy, allowing Skipper and Arctic to drag Aqua away)
(Once the guys manage to beat down all of the drunks, they catch up to Skipper and Arctic)
(They get onto the roof at top speed) Skipper: Oh my god, Aqua, are you okay?!
(Aqua doesn't respond, she just shakes and quietly sobs)
Arctic: Oh sweetie... *gently hugs her* (meanwhile, Jade comes over with Karma)
Jade: You got her?
Atlantic: Yeah, but she's pretty shaken
(Karma looks at Aqua, shaking in their arms)
Karma: Bailey...
(Aqua slowly looks at Karma, tears flowing down from her eyes)
Aqua: JAMES!! *she clings to him*
Karma: *hugs back* Oh my dear Bailey!
(The other holders stay quiet, letting them cry it out)
(They cry for a long time, until eventually they slowly stopped crying)
Arctic: *gently* Guys? You okay?
Karma: .....Y-Yes.....w-we're okay.....
Atlantic: *deep breath* I cannot WAIT to find this akuma... >:(
Jade: Indeed, they will pay DEARLY for hurting all of us! >:(
Dasher: Now we just gotta find the rest of them so we can REALLY lay the smackdown >:(
Hound: Yeah! >:(
(Meanwhile, with Cyber and Timber; Cyber had been sleeping for a while, his drunken energy finally dying down)
(Timber smiles at Cyber as he sleeps)
Timber: *softly* You look so cute when you're sleeping....
Timber: *strokes Cyber's hair* Hopefully this will help clear your head...I hope the others are doing alright...
(Just then Cyber stirs)
Timber: Will?
Cyber: Mmm...Jordan...?
Timber: You feeling okay peach?
Cyber: Ugh...kinda...god my head is killing me...
Timber: *sighs with relief* Thank god you slept it off....
Cyber: Slept what off...?
Timber: The alcohol, remember? Those bastards force ya to drink a couple of beers!
Cyber: They...oh...yes I...I think I remember that...and...you saved me?
Timber: Yeah, i did.
Cyber: *smiles* Figures...and what happened after that?
Timber: Well um....*blushes* We kinda....made out for a long time.....
Cyber: We...*blushes* We WHAT?!
Timber: Y-Yeah.....and so....passionately too....
Cyber: *blushes as he starts to remember* Jesus christ THIS is why I don't drink!!!
Timber: H-Hey! It wasn't that bad! It.....actually felt nice.....*blushes*
Timber: Plus...YOU were the one who wanted to kiss so...you were pretty into it too...
(Cyber blushes bright red, starting to remember the whole thing)
(Cyber stays silent for a good few minutes)
Timber: Uh....you gonna be okay Peach....?
Cyber: .................it.......it kinda....did feel.....nice......
Timber: *smiles and blushes* Oh really? :3c
Cyber: Y-Yeah....now that I'm....remembering it.....
Timber: Yeah....you’re a good kisser, ya know that, right? :)
(Cyber blushes deep scarlett)
Timber: Awww....my little peach is turning into a cherry.....too cute! X3
Cyber: S-Shut it... Timber: Aw c'mon, nothing to be ashamed of, we're married, remember?
Cyber: Y-Yeah....
Timber: Well hey, when you're up to it...we could try it again, without you being drunk obviously ;)
Cyber: *blushes red* M-Maybe.....
(Timber smiles and then gives him a quick peck on the lips)
Cyber: *blushes and smiles* Oh honey....
Timber: Whatever makes my husband smile :)
(Cyber smiles and gives Timber a quick kiss on the cheek) Cyber: *softly* Love you....
Timber: Love you too... *kisses him on the nose*
(They stay that way for a while until eventually Timber starts to get up, still holding Cyber close) Timber: Can ya stand?
Cyber: I believe so...
(Timber lets Cyber go and Cyber’s legs were shaking, feeling a bit wobbly) (Cyber’s head was a bit dizzy, finding a bit hard to just stand straight)
Timber: Uhhh, yeah, I don't think you should hopping roofs like that... Cyber: I'm fi-WHOA! (He trips over his own feet and Timber catches him)
Timber: Mind if I carry ya? ;)
Cyber: Why bother asking when you're gonna do it anyway? ;P Timber: Oh sweetheart, you know me so well ;)
(Timber carries Cyber in his arms, gives a quick kiss on Cyber’s forehead, and jumps through rooftops)
Cyber: I hope the others are okay...
Timber: Yeah, Hopefully Leo and the others finds everyone.....
Timber: And let's hope no one else gets drunk. ;)
(Cyber rolls his eyes and blushes)
(Timber continues hopping through the rooftops, carrying Cyber)
(Meanwhile with Leo, Draco, Inferno, Scarlet, and Fyrefly)
Leo: I REALLY hope the others have found some of the others and we're not the only ones finding people...
Inferno: Yeah, me too.....
(Just then, Leo's nose twitches) Leo: *sniffs* .....Do you guys smell smoke?
Draco: Yes....but where the hell is it coming from?
Scarlett: *sniffs* I think I smell it too! Leo: *keeps sniffing the air* Follow me!
(They follow Leo)
(They hop through the rooftops and see smoke coming from a bar)
Scarlet: Woah! 0_0
Inferno: Oh my god, are there people in there?! (Leo and Scarlett listen carefully) Leo: I can hear two people in there!
Draco: Who is it?!
Leo: *keeps listening* ...Oh my god...Rich and Brooke!!! *he immediately heads towards the fire*
Inferno: Leo wait!! (follows after him)
Scarlett: Jeremy!!! *follows*
Draco and Fyrefly: BOYS!! *follows*
(Leo and Inferno reach the fire first, and Inferno quickly parts the flames at the door allowing them to get in)
???: *coughs* J-Jeremy?! Leo: BROOKE!!
(They run through the bar and find Natura Fawn on her knees, coughing)
Leo: *Runs to her side* Brooke, where's Rich!! Natura: *coughs* U-Upstairs! (Inferno nods and hurries upstairs while Leo picks up Natura and gets her out)
(Inferno bursts into a room, seeing Tiger Eye coughing on the ground)
Inferno: RICH! *runs towards him*
Rich: G..Gav- *coughs again*
Inferno: Don't worry, i'll get you out of here!
(Inferno picks him up and breaks the nearest window, flying out and meeting Leo outside with Natura and they get back to a roof a safe distance away)
(Once they got to the roof, Draco and Fyrefly catch up to them)
Scarlett: Jesus Jere, don't DO that!!
Leo: Hey, SOMEBODY'S gotta save these two!
Draco: You're lucky your fathers weren't here to see that!
Inferno: Yeah, they would've had a HEART attack if they saw that....
Leo: So don't tell them. (They brig their attention back to Tiger and Natura who are getting their breath back) Fyrefly: What the HELL happened in there?!
Natura: To put it simply.....Rich set a fire....
Tiger: It wasn't my fault! Some asshole shoved me and I knocked over some drinks people had set on fire!
Natura: But you STILL set the place on fire!
Draco: The important thing is that you're not hurt.
Tiger: Y-Yeah! Just got a little wheezy with that smoke....
Leo: *helps them up* This place just keeps getting crazier...
Tiger: It's a frat party bro, of COURSE things go crazy! Minus the uh....taking Miraculous Holders and throwing them around and shit.....part.
Leo: Speaking of, have you seen anyone else? Almost all of us got snatched up by this party!
Natura: Nope.
Tiger: Yeah not really....
Leo: *sigh* Alright, let's keep looking for the rest!
(They all head off)
(Meanwhile with Swan, Owl, and Ace, they keep flying through the city) (All of the sudden, fireworks started to ignite in the sky)
Stag: That’s new
(They look for the source and spot a couple of guy pinning Maiden Aura and forcing her to shoot magic out of her horn) Drunk: Light up the sky bitch!
Papillion: Oh my god!! Coral: Is this akuma going out of his way to PISS US OFF?! Owl: I’m inclined to believe that >:(
(The drunks keep bugging her to shoot out magic, chanting to send out a firework)
Stag: *wiggles in Ace’s grip* Lemme at ‘em! I need to smack a bitch in revenge for my girl! >:(
Cloudy: *internally* W E E P S my man ;~;
Coral: Me too! I need to release my rage!! Ace: Suit yourselves. (Papillion and Ace fly over the group and air drop them)
Coral: HEY ASSHOLES!!! >:(
(They look up only for Stag and Coral to land on two of them)
Stag: I may not be a bull, but you're sure as HELL you're gonna get the HORNS! (headbutts a random drunk)
(Coral uses her hard shell to charge at drunks while throwing in a little water bending, getting them away from Aura)
(Once they got the drunks away from Aura, they see that her wrists were tied up)
Coral: Jesus... (Coral unties her while Stag keeps anyone else away)
Swan: *calls down* Don't worry, we'll be right down to get you!
Maiden: O-Okay.....!
(Coral unties her, and Ace, Owl, and Papillion swoop down and grab them flying safely into the air) Owl: *holding Aura* Are you alright?
Maiden: Y-Yeah.....just....a bit shaken...
Coral: That felt good...
Stag: Yeah! Got it ALL off my chest! >:3
Cloudy: You're so brave! ^^
Stag: I know! ;3
Swan: Maybe we should start trying to find Dasher and Cyber's group to see how they're doing.
Owl: Yes, hopefully, they found the others....
(They fly off)
(Meanwhile with Dasher's group)
Dasher: We should probably regroup soon, see if any of the others had any luck
Hound: Yeah.
(They keep moving when they see a group of people surrounding something chanting 'Fight!' over and over again)
Jade: What's going on?
Drunk: C'mon, take down that furry asshole!!! Atlantic: That sounds promising...
(They look closer to what the thing the drunks were surrounding and saw Ursa Guard)
(He has bruises on his face and is breathing heavily, clearly tired) Arctic: Matthew!!!!
Ursa: *breathing heavily* I'm....not.....giving up.....!
Dasher: C'mon! *they all head down towards the crowd*
(They push some of the people out of the way, but then suddenly, a drunk guy pulled Dasher's tail and yanked him down) Drunk: The fuck Asshole?!
(Dasher shudders and blushes but Hound punches him away from his tail) Hound: Back the hell up!!
(A drunk punches Hound) Drunk: No, YOU back the hell up!
Pacific: HEY!! *punches THAT drunk*
(Soon, it turned into an all-out brawl between the drunks and Dasher's group)
Karma: Camouflage! (He turns invisible and heads for Ursa)
(Ursa was caught in the crossfire of the brawl, getting hit by a few punches from drunks)
Karma: *grabs Ursa's hand* Dude, follow me!
Ursa: Erk.....alright...!
(Karma leads Ursa away from the fight and back onto the roof and turns visible again and waves the others down) Karma: GUYS!! RETREAT!!! I GOT HIM!! RETREAT!!
(The others try the best they can to weave themselves out of the mess, most of them got out but Hound was still struggling to escape the horde of drunk fighters)
Dasher: MIKEY!! Jade: Nature Leap! (Jade leaps over the crowd and right where Hound was, grabs him, and leaps right out and back onto the roof)
(Once they all got to the rooftop, Arctic immediately hugs Ursa)
Arctic: Thank god you're okay!!!
Ursa: *rolls his eyes but smiles* Of course i'm okay.
Hound: *winces from the punches* Ow...thanks for the save, Jade...
Jade: You're welcome Hound. :)
Atlantic: Whew! I needed that; I was DYING to punch more of these assholes...
Pacific: Of course ya did! :P
Dasher: I wonder if Leo's group is faring any better... (Meanwhile, with Leo's group)
(They keep hopping around rooftops but then Leo spots Timber and Cyber in the distance)
Leo: CY!! TIMBER!! :D *heads towards them*
(Timber stops as the group heads towards them)
Timber: Hey! There ya are! We were looking for ya!
Leo: Well, us too! But kinda?
Inferno: Saving our friends stuff. :3
Scarlett: What happened to Cyber? *points to Timber carrying him*
Timber: Well....long story short, he got drunk, we uh...*lightly blushes* Made out for a while......and then after a little nap, my little peach slept the alcohol off! But he's just a little woozy right now....
Cyber: *facepalms while blushing* You didn't have to tell them EVERYTHING!!!
Timber: Hey, if they gotta know, they HAVE to know! ;3
Cyber: What does that even MEAN?! Draco: Boys, you can have your marital dispute later. -_-
Cyber: *sigh* Fine..... -_-
Tiger: ANYWAY.... Leo: We were thinking of starting to find the other groups, unless we run into anymore of our friends. You seen any of them?
Timber: Not really.
(Suddenly, they heard someone scream) ???: NO!!! NOT AGAIN, NOT AGAIN!!!
(Timber tenses; he knows that tone and that fear) Timber: JO!!
Leo: Huh?! That was Jo?!
Timber: I know that girl anywhere! And those bastards better not be doing what I think they're doing!! (He hands Cyber to Draco and runs off)
(He races down and spots a couple of drunks that are really close to Dust Striker, ready to gang bang her at any moment) Striker: *tearing up* P-P-Please! No! Leave me alone! I don't, i don't want to go through this again!!
Timber: HEY!!! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER!!!! (Timber jumps down, closely followed by Leo and Scarlett)
Striker: J-Jordan!!
Drunk: Get out of the way man! We want some of that ass! >:3
Leo: Oooooh you're gonna regret saying that... *unsheathes claws with Timber*
Drunk: Fuck off dude! We wanna fuck this lady HARD! >:)
(Timber's eyes become enraged and he growls loudly) Leo: *whispers to Timber* Please don't kill them this time... Timber: No promises, but I'll try for your sake. >:(
(Timber leaps towards them and punches and slashes the living hell out of the drunks, keeping them away from Dust Striker)
(Scarlett helps her up and gets her to the roof safely while Leo stays and makes sure Timber doesn't go too far)
(Timber keeps beating them up until he threw one good punch at a drunk, which knocked him out cold. The other drunks stopped and looked at the knocked out guy and Timber) Drunk: Oooooh shit let's get the hell out of here! 0_0
(The drunks' eyes widen and they run away as fast as they could)
Timber: THAT'S RIGHT! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE YOU SICK BASTARDS!!!! Fyrefly: *to Cyber* Damn, your husband's got quite the temper 0_0
Cyber: *smiles* I know, just another reason why i love him.... :)
Tiger: Only YOU can tame THAT beast... (Leo and Timber jump back up and everyone surrounds Striker)
Draco: Are you alright Jo?!
Striker: *sniffs* No...I'm not...
Draco: Oh....oh god......*looks at Striker's face* This.....this is trauma.....you clearly went through this kind of thing before.....right....?
(Striker nods and Natura and Scarlett immediately hug her tightly)
Fyrefly: Oh....poor girl.....
(Leo and Tiger join the group hug while Cyber squeezes Timber's hand, as he looks tense and still angry)
Cyber: Jordan....
Timber: *deep breath* I'm fine...wish I coulda made some of those guys bleed though...
Cyber: I-I know you want to.....you just wanted to keep Jo safe but.....she's here with us now.....she's safe.....she's gonna be okay.....
Timber: *squeezes his hand tighter* I didn't just want that to happen to Jo again...I also got flashbacks to when...Night Thief had you...
(Cyber freezes, remembering Night Thief) Cyber: But.....Jordan....they weren't the akuma.....they were just a bunch of drunk guys...! They weren't like him! They weren't..... (He clings onto Timber's hand tightly)
Timber: How were they any different?! They both think they can do what they want with another person and don't feel ANY remorse for it! The only difference is that THOSE guys didn't have powers! But that doesn't make them any less dirty! *holds Cyber's face* I don't EVER wanna see you or ANYONE I care about in that position...ever...
(Cyber had a few shaky breaths as he looked at Timber)
Timber: *lowers his head* I can't...I don't ever wanna see that happen...not to you...not to Jo...not to anybody...
(Cyber slowly leans in and lays a little kiss on Timber's forehead) Cyber: *softly* I know you don't.....you love us so much.....you don't want to see anyone hurt...in any way....
Cyber: That won't happen...I know it won't, not to any of us...because we have you...you always come through, no matter the odds...
Cyber: You would go through hell and back just to keep us safe from danger.....and i'm so glad i got to know a man that could do that....
Timber: How could you know that...? Cyber: Because you did it...you were captured by Raven Claw and tortured for three days, but you still had the strength to save me from Night Thief. *kisses him on the lips* You're a miracle in every sense of the word. Whenever we need you...you appear...
Timber: *smiles* Damn right i do....
(They kiss) Cyber: Now...I think you should make sure Jo is alright. ;)
Timber: Yeah...
(Timber goes over and Striker gives him a hug; they talk softly for a bit until Striker seems to calm down)
Timber: *softly* You good Jo?
Striker: *sniffs* Yeah...I think I am...at least we...*blinks* Oh SHIT!! *leaps to her feet*
Timber: Woah, what?!
Striker: Volph! Volph was with me and we got separated when those creeps got us!!
Leo: Oh shit! We gotta find her!
(Everyone nods and starts to head out, Cyber finally feeling focused enough to walk on his own)
Timber: You sure you can walk on your own Peach?
Cyber: I'll be fine.
Timber: Oookay then....
(They move to the next building and hear screaming from inside) ???: STOP!!! LET GO OF MY TAILS!!!
Leo: *ears perk up* That's her!
(They break through the window to see a few drunk guys around Volph, pulling on her many tails to keep her from escaping)
Volph: STOP!! D:<
Striker: Get the HELL off her!!! *to the others* Mind if I take some revenge of my own? >:(
Timber: Go ahead Jo! Make ya best bud proud! >:3
Striker: Oh I plan to. (She charges at full strength)
(She unsheathed her claws and striked them on the drunks)
(In mere seconds they were all on the ground out cold)
(Striker rushes over to Volph)
Striker: You okay Vix?!
Volph: Y-Yeah....
(Striker helps her up and the others gather around)
Leo: Oh thank god you’re okay!
Draco: You sure you're not hurt?
Volph: I’m sure!
Cyber: Thank goodness... Fyrefly: Let's get out of here in case any more show up
Draco: Yes, let’s go.
(They exit the building and get back onto the roof where they see four familiar flying figures in the distance)
Cyber: Is that....? Leo: Owl!
(Leo waves the down and Swan notices) Swan: It's Leo and Cyber!! And others too!! Owl: Oh thank goodness!! (They fly down to them, putting down their passengers)
Cloudy and Stag: Jeremy! :^D
Leo: Hayden!! Adri!! *they hug* Coral: Brookie Cookie!!!
Natura: Chloe!! (They hug)
Owl: Thank goodness you're safe!
Fyrefly: Yeah!
???: I see them!! Told you!! (They turn to see Dasher's group heading their way)
Scarlet: *gasp* MAX!! PHILIP!!
Atlantic and Jade: SEBASTIAN!! Pacific: RICH!! Skipper: CHRISTINE!!
Papillon: JENNA!! :D Tiger: JAKE! BRO!! :D
(The three groups hug and others reunite happily)
Owl: I’m so happy everyone’s alright!
Cyber: We're finally all back together! Leo: Now we can find that akuma and kick his ass! >:3
All: YEAH!
Papillion: One question!! ...Where is the akuma?
Leo: ......Uhhhh.....0_0
Tiger: .....Shit...
Inferno: We got so tied up trying to find everyone that we didn’t even bother looking for the Akuma that did this!
Coral: That asshole could be ANYWHERE!
(Suddenly, there was a small soundwave surrounding the large crowd of drunk people. And suddenly, they started to swarm around the city, trashing anything and any place they see) (While loud music plays)
(The holders with sensitive ears all cover them and grimace) Cyber: ...I don't think that's necessarily true.
(Suddenly, a speaker box turns on) ???: PARTY ON MY DUDES!! THIS WHOLE CITY IS WIDE OPEN FOR YA TO PARTY DOWN!! >:D
(The sensitive hearers all cry out and cower) Leo: FUCK, MY EARS!!! Hound: GOD WHYYYYYYY?!
(The loud music blasts the whole time the drunk swarm tear through the city, breaking into buildings and homes, dancing like maniacs, and even invading pools by swimming and diving in them)
Draco: *over the music* We need to find the source and FAST!!
Leo: *winces* Y-Yeah! The sooner, the BETTER! (It got worse once the music starts playing loud dubstep music)
Scarlett: *yelps from the loud bass dropping* OH GOD IT HURTS!!! (It gets so bad that those with sensitive ears start to stumble, including Leo, Hound, Ursa, Arctic, Dasher, Timber, Natura, Tiger, and Scarlet)
(The other Miraculous Holders come to their aid) Cyber: Leo! Jordan!
Owl: Everyone help someone who has sensitive ears; because it's only going to get worse since we have to find the source!!
(Everyone helps the ones with sensitive ears by holding them)
Cyber: *to Timber* Looks like I get to carry YOU for a change ;)
Timber: Erk....yeah...!
(Everyone pairs up; Coral carries Natura, Pacific carries Tiger, Jade carries Scarlett, Atlantic carries Jeremy, Stag carries Dasher, Cloudy carries Hound, Swan carries Arctic, and Ace carries Ursa)
Owl: Alright let’s go!
(They all head towards the source of the soundwaves, carrying the sensitive holders with them)
(As they were moving, they noticed the swarm of drunk people were even wilder than before)
Cyber: If we don't hurry, they'll tear the whole city apart!
Atlantic: Haven’t they tried to tear apart this city before? -_- Owl: In some ways yes but not like this! (Suddenly, someone tried to throw an unconscious guy at the Miraculous Holders)
Striker: Holy- *catches the guy and puts him down before it hits Cyber and Timber*
(More people started to throw things around the streets, even seeing some people burst through glass windows of stores and buildings)
Fyrefly: Dear god, it's CHAOS down there!!
Owl: Oh lord, is this how far humans would go during Frat Parties?!
Pacific: No, not even Frat Kids would go this far without SOME kind of police intervention!
Jade: Wait, I remember Jane mentioning when she called the police, they never answered at all!
Atlantic: That's probably because these lunatics got them plastered and they're out partying with the rest of them! Cyber: That would explain where the guns came from...
(They keep running through the rooftops, looking for the source, but then another soundwave hits them, making the music louder. But the source came from a different place than the first time it was used) (In fact, this time the source to that second one was a bit far away from them)
Swan: Oh no...! (The hearing sensitive holders all cry out in pain from the increased music, dangerously close to passing out)
Atlantic: Oh great, the asshole is running around the place! >:(
Ace: We need to pick up the pace!!
Swan: Yeah! (They keep running through the rooftops until eventually they found the source to the second soundwave, it came from the water park, where it was turned into a rave party filled with crazy drunks running all over the place) (The drunks were dancing poorly to the rave music and some of them were passed out on the ground)
Volph: Well...at least we found them... Swan: I'm kinda scared...
(Then a speakerbox turns on) ???: LETS PARTY UNTIL THE SUN COMES UP BROS!!! (The drunks cheer loudly)
Cyber: *glances at Timber on his back as he cringes from the noise* First things first, we need to take out those speakers and stop that music!
Owl: Yes, for their sake!
(They carefully lay the sensitive holders down on the roof of the pool house)
(They jump down and race around to find the source of the music. While they were searching, Swan spots something odd, an unconscious and passed out Raven Claw floating on a floatie wearing a Hawaii t-shirt over his suit, large pink sunglasses, and has a churro shoved in his mouth)
Swan: .......it's moments like this where I'm ASTOUNDED I'm related to him.... -_-
(They keep looking until they found the source to the music.)
(They all gather around the speakers, DJ stand, and pounds of wires) inferno: *lights hand on fire* Let's light it up. >:3 (The other holders grin evilly and get their powers ready)
(They fire and destroy the DJ stand, however, for some odd reason, the music kept playing)
Atlantic: The fuck?! Cloudy: Why isn't it stopping?!
???: Cause the music is fucking everywhere dude! You can’t just stop the party like that! >:3
(They whirl around and see the akuma standing above them)
Party Maniac: Yo Party Crashers! I don’t like ya tryin’ to tear my party down! >:(
Cyber: Your 'party' has put COUNTLESS innocent lives in danger!!! >:(
Party Maniac: Pffft, does it look like I give a shit? If anything, what those guys are doing out there is what is making this party the best EVER! >:D
Atlantic: They tried to SHOOT OUR BABY BROTHER!!!
Party Maniac: They’re DRUNK! Of course they couldn’t tell the difference between your brother and a target! Drunk people do all sorts of crazy shit!
Owl: And what exactly are you planning to tell them when they sober up?! That they endangered others and took lives?!
Party Maniac: Nothing except they had the BEST PARTY EVER!! (Air horns fill the sky once he said “best party ever”)
Coral: *growls* I've HAD it!! Atlantic: So have I!! We're taking this fucker down HARD!!
Party Maniac: Aww, what’s the matter? Some folks pissing ya off? And for what? Cause your buddies can’t handle having the party of their lifes? >:3c
Maniac: In fact your buds over there are being killjoys too. *gestures to the barely conscious sensitive holders*
Maniac: So let’s turn it up and MAKE SOME NOISE!!! (Another soundwave appears, knocking the Miraculous Holders down and the music becoming louder)
(The holders manage to get up, their ears ringing) Maniac: I think your friends back there are just a bit tired! Maybe a dip in the pool will wake them up. >:3c (Drunk people start climbing onto the roof of the pool house where the sensitive holders are)
Maniac: That’s right dudes! Grab em and THROW them in the pool! >:3
(The drunk guys cheer and drag the holders by the tails towards the edge of the roof)
(A couple of drunk guys were dragging Timber down) Drunk: DAMN this bitch’s heavy as FUCK! Drunk Girl: C’mon furry boy! Wet that fur of yours! :3
pika-ace Cyber: You...GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!!! *he shoots to his feet and runs towards them, lightning at the ready*
(More hands keep grabbing Timber alongside the others, all pulling them down) Drunk: *dragging Timber* Is it just me or is this guy ripped? Drunk: Nah it must be you bruh.
(Cyber sees red and shoots lightning at the feet of the ones holding the sensitive holders)
(Most of them fell but two guys cling onto Timber and Dasher’s tails tightly)
(The other holders start to follow in Cyber's footsteps and take out the ones around their fellow holders; Cyber goes straight for the one holding Timber while Swan helps Dasher)
(The drunk clinging onto Dasher slowly climbs up towards Dasher) Drunk: I’m gonna get em~! >:3
Swan: Like hell you will! *he draws his sword and slashes at them*
Drunk: GAH!! (The drunk falls off of Dasher and lands on the ground) Drunk: Owwww fucking hell.....
Ace: *lands on the drunks keeping them from getting up* Have I told you that you're INCREDIBLY hot when you use that sword of yours, Rose? ;3c
Swan: *blushes* Heh heh....i know! Maybe a little badass don't you think? >w<
Ace: Damn right you are. ;)
Swan: Yep!
(Meanwhile, the drunks are dangerously close to throwing Timber into the pool, and a livid Cyber approaches them, hands lit) Cyber: *dangerous killing voice* Take your hands off my husband, you drunken piece of shit.
Drunk: Whaaa??? Husband? What the FUCK are you talking about man? Drunk Girl: Also *flips the bird* Fuck you!
Cyber: In the words of my teammate Coral Wave...YOU FIRST! *he sends a blast of lightning right at them*
(It hits most of them, however a drunk barely dodged the blast) Drunk: OH SHIT *hugs Timber's head* THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!
Cyber: I said... *picks the drunk up by the shirt* DON'T TOUCH HIM!!
Drunk: Hooooooly CRAP! The fuck's wrong with ya dude?! What's so special about that furry *n word*
(Cyber's eyes glow with electricity and rage) Cyber: *dangerously* Like I said... *pulls the drunk close* That's my husband. (He covers his arm with electricity, shocking the drunk before throwing him with all his might)
(The other drunks saw the scene and quickly ran away from Cyber and Timber) Drunk: HOLY FUCK DUDE!!! Drunk: THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!!!
Cyber: YEAH!! YOU BETTER FUCKING RUN!!! IF I SEE YOU TOUCH MY HUSBAND AGAIN, I'M COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!! Fyrefly: ...Holy shit, they're MADE for each other... 0_0
Maniac: (standing above Cyber, giving him a look) And you think MY GUYS are hurting people, you literally just fucking ELECTROCUTED that dude!
Cyber: *enraged* Oh yeah?! I hurt them?! That doesn't even come CLOSE TO A FRACTION OF WHAT THEY DID TO US!!!!
Manic: *holds hands up* Holy shit dude, calm the fuck down.
Cyber: NO! You know what?! I'm SICK and TIRED of ALL OF THIS!!! *his body starts to light up with lightning that starts to grow* Your PARTY not ONLY woke us up at the MOST UNGODLY HOUR, you KEPT US UP, had us SEARCH for HOURS for not just you, but our FRIENDS WHO YOU CAPTURED AND TORTURED, FORCED not just US but INNOCENT PEOPLE into drunken activities and EVEN UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCES, and your music...your GOD DAMN MUSIC HAS NOT ONLY BEEN MAKING MY EARS RING FOR HOURS BUT IT'S HURT MY SON, MY HUSBAND, AND THE REST OF MY FAMILY!!! (He stalks towards Maniac, lightning flying off him) Cyber: You have pushed ALL of my buttons!!! And I swear to GOD, once I am DONE with you, you won't be able to even THINK about parties without me FINDING YOU AND ELECTROCUTING YOU INTO NOTHING BUT A PILE OF ASHES!!!
(As when Cyber finished his rant, everything felt like time froze, the drunks stopped what they're doing and stare at Cyber, the music now turned into a low beat, and Party Maniac just stares at Cyber) Maniac: .......Jesus FUCKING Christ! 0_0
(Cyber leans in close, glowing brightly with blue electricity, this eyes glowing) Cyber: *dangerous voice almost echoing* So, do you want to do this the easy and hand over your akuma NOW? *he holds up his lightning ridden hand* Or would you rather the hard way, which involves me REDUCING you to NOTHING?
(Party Maniac stands there for a moment, and then quickly flies away at top speed) Maniac: WE'RE GOING ON A RUN DUDES!!! (All the drunks follow him)
Cyber: Hard way it is. GET BACK HERE!!!! (Cyber gives chase, his rage and lightning giving him more speed than anyone thought possible)
Maniac: *looks at Cyber* Crap! (opens up a portal and scoops everyone up into it, once every drunk was at the other side, Party Maniac quickly flew in)
Cyber: YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY AGAIN!!! *flies through portal after him*
(At the other side, Maniac panics and quickly flies towards a far away spot and hides) Maniac: Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAAAAAP!!!! Maniac: This dude is FUCKING insane!!! Maniac: And all because they touched his husband?! Maniac: OOOOOOH CRAAAAAP
(Cyber emerges and looks around, his lightning spreading just about everywhere with every step he takes) Cyber: Where are you, you little PUNK?! You can't hide from me forever!!
(He looks around, glaring dangerously at ANYONE who dared stared at him) Drunk Girl: Hooooly shit! 0_0 (Some drunks pulled out their phones and recorded what they were seeing)
(Everyone parts like the Red Sea as Cyber moves briskly until he stops) Cyber: If someone steps forward and tells me where Party Maniac is, I WON'T electrocute all of you. *sends out a small shockwave*
(Everyone cowers in fear, shaking and clinging onto each other.) Drunk: P-P-Please.....don't kill me....!
Cyber: Then spill. Where. Is. He?
(The drunk curls up and whimpers in fear) Drunk: P-P-P-P-Please......*tears up* D-D-Don't.....!
(Cyber growls, his electricity growing when another drunk steps forward) Drunk: HE’S AT THE TOWER AT THE EDGE OF THE CITY!!!!
(However, little did everyone know, he was slowly creeping up until he heard the guy call out) Maniac: CRAP! (He opens a portal and flies in)
(Cyber spots him at the last second and runs into the portal after him)
(He flies back into New Jersey flying as fast as he can) (Party Maniac spots the Miraculous Holders and screams) Maniac: YOUR DUDE IS CRAZY!!!!!!
(Cyber chases him back to the water park and lands, the akuma hiding behind Wise Owl as he glares and growls at him) Cyber: Now...finally... *he grabs him by the front of his shirt and lifts him up* No more running OR flying for you.
Maniac: *tearing up and shaking in fear* P-P-P-P-Please man.....d-d-don't kill me.....! I-I-I-I just wanted to make the best party ever....!
Cyber: *glaring daggers* Your akuma. NOW.
(Party Maniac uncontrollably sobs, terribly shaking in fear) Maniac: *sobbing* DON'T KILL ME!!!!
Cyber: Give it to me, and I won’t.
(Party Maniac doesn't respond, he just keeps crying and shaking uncontrollably)
(Cyber rolls his eyes and looks the akuma over until he finds a flask in his pocket and takes it) Cyber: *pulls him close* I want you to remember this moment, the next time you and your party shenanigans decide to force ANYONE into ANYTHING. Am I clear?
(Party Master cries uncontrollably, not even responding or listening to a single word he said) Maniac: You're a monster, you're a monster, you're a monster....! (He keeps repeating those words in fear)
(Cyber throws him into a floatie in the pool) Cyber: Sometimes you need to be one in order to take another monster down. (He drops the flask and stomps on it, crushing with all his might)
(As a black bird flies out of it, Party Maniac curls up into a ball, clearly this made him traumatized more against Cyber Shock than what he did)
(Cyber Shock purifies the akuma and restores ALL the damage and the lightning around him finally starts to recede, Cyber taking deep breaths as his anger high ends)
(Suddenly, the sound of police sirens can be heard)
Atlantic: THERE they are!
(The Police arrive and they charge into the water park, however, they were aiming towards the once Party Maniac, AND Cyber Shock)
Cyber: Wha-?! Leo: Whoa, What the hell?!
Police: Sir, we received multiple calls from Virginia saying you were threatening to kill everyone in the area. We understand you were doing your job as a hero, but we like to take you in for questioning, because genocide threats should NOT be passed lightly.
(Cyber blinks and remembers his actions, realizing the he should have known there would be consequences) Cyber: ...Alright. I’ll come with you.
Leo: B-But dad.....!
Cyber: It’s alright, son. I need to face the consequences of my actions; I’ll be alright.
Leo: A-Are you sure....?
Cyber: I’m sure. (He exchanges a look with Timber)
Timber: Will......
Cyber: I’ll be home soon, I promise. *he turns and walks to the police car with the officers*
(Once they got him in and the guy that was once Party Maniac, they drove off) (Owl looks up and sees a sunrise coming)
Owl: Probably the longest night of our lives...and it’s finally over...
Leo: Yeah......but....i-i still can't believe Cy was taken by the police....! I-I don't care if they're just gonna ask him some shit, wh-what if they lock him up?! What if i can never see Eric again?! I-I-I don't want to loose dad....!!
Timber: Hey hey hey, Jeremy it’s okay. They just wanna question him about what happened. I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding; he’ll explain what happened, they’ll probably give him a warning, and then let him go.
Leo: H-H-How do you know that they're gonna do that....? (Leo was tearing up, worried about Cyber Shock)
Timber: *grips his shoulders* Because I know Will. He may have been acting all cuckoo with rage, but I KNOW he never intended to follow through on that threat to those people. Hell you heard him, he threatened to kill Party Maniac if he didn’t give up his akuma and even though he didn’t give it up, he still didn’t kill him. Atlantic: He’s right; threats only work when the other party thinks you’re not messing around; if you can scare your enemy shitless, then you don’t have to follow through on the threat at all.
Draco: Indeed. Though, i feel a bit bad about that man, he was clearly traumatized by Cyber's actions.....
Coral: Well he shouldn’t have taken his ‘party’ that far... Striker: Yeah...we all got hurt because of it.
Hound: They were drunk anyways sooo.....i guess they didn't mean it? I guess.....? Hound: C'mon guys, i'm trying to find the lighter side of this okay?! Hound: *softly* If you can call it that...
Dasher: Sometimes there isn’t really any lighter side you can find... Cloudy: Just because they were drunk, it doesn’t erase what they did...
Hound: *ears droop* I was trying okay?! :(
Papillion: And we appreciate it Hound, really. It’s sweet that you wanna cheer us up
Hound: Yeah.....after all the shit we went through....we pretty much deserve it.....
Owl: Speaking of...I think we all deserve a good rest. We stayed up more than half the night.
Swan: Yeah, we been active the whole night...we deserve some rest... Ace: *wraps arm around Swan* Yes, you wouldn't mind if i sleep with you my rose?
Swan: O-Of course not >\\\<
Ace: *kisses Swan's cheek* I knew it! (Looks at Dasher and winks)
Dasher: Ugh...I’m too tired to complain... (They all slowly disperse, heading for home, mentally and physically exhausted)
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snowlilys-wife · 7 years
85 Statements~!
Whew okay, finally got around to this. I was tagged by @crazyanime3, @catslab, and @adeslowmoqueen
The Last :
1.) drink: Dr Pepper 2.) phone call: The discord chat lol 3.) text message: Asia :3 4.) song you listened to:  Smoke and Mirrors cover by Lollia 5.) time you cried: Chatting with Briana a few days ago, because she made me really happy, so I teared up lol. Im a sap 6.)dated someone twice: Technically not, but we were “unofficially together” on and off before he finally broke up with me in high school. 7.) kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t regret kissing him since we were together at the time, but I do remember being caught making out during school hours and that caused a lot of drama. 8.) been cheated on: Nope 9.) lost someone special: Yeah... 10.) been depressed: Every day lolol 11.) gotten drunk and thrown up: Not of age yet. Next year~!
3 favorite colors:
12.) Cerulean blue 13.) Black 14.) Red
In the Last year have you:
15. made new friends: Yes! My online friends here on tumblr and discord! 16. fallen out of love: I was forced to after being broken up with. 17. laughed until you cried: Yes ahaha. 18. found out someone was talking about you: The other day, at work, yes. It was very frustrating 19. met someone who changed you: Yep 20. found out who your friends are: I feel like I have, yes. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Both my ex and my current bf are on my FB so yes ahaha
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have Facebook friends that I don’t know irl 23. do you have any pets: My family has 3 dogs and tbh, im sick of them lolol 24. do you want to change your name: Nah, im good haha 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I worked and then just hung out with my friend? lolol 26. what time did you wake up: About 8am or so because of work. I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow <3 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Chatting with Asia about SakuMahi lolol 28. name something you can’t wait for the announcement for: OvO??? Uhhhh maybe more voltron since thats recent right now? XD lolol idk. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Around 10:30 or so (Its 12:30 am rn) 31. what are you listening to right now:  Friend Like Me - NeYo cover 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Many...MANY things lately. my boss is a big pain in the ass right now though 34. most visited website: Tumblr and Discord lately <3 35. hair color: Light brown (dyeing it red tomorrow ^_^) 36. long or short hair: Short 37. do you have a crush on someone: Yehhhh <333 my bf ahaha. Also I have tons of friend crushes too ;3  38. what do you like about yourself: whew uh... depends on the day 39. piercings: two ear piercings in both ear lobes and then 2 cartilage ear piercings on one side 40. blood type: I actually have no idea tbh 41. nickname: Ino pretty much it ahaha. (Although the discord peeps have started calling me “Han” and idk how i feel about this yet lololol jk yall can call me whatever you want XD) 42. relationship status: Taken~ 😘 43. zodiac: Leo 44. pronouns: She/her but honestly I shouldnt have to say that 45. favourite tv show: Changes too often, but some all time favorites are Durarara, Ouran, Servamp, and the Total Drama series 46. tattoos: None 47. right or left handed: Right handed. 48. surgery: No... unless you count stitches? 50. sport: I played softball for 2 years in high school, but not since then 51. vacation: Going to Disneyland for my birthday on Saturday and Sunday :3 52. pair of trainers: idk....?
53. eating: Nothing atm 54. drinking: Nothin 55. about to: Lay down after I get this post done lolol 56. waiting for: too many things 57. want: too many things 58. get married: I plan on it, yes. My bf and I have talked about it many times 59. career: I want to be a freelance digital artist and do commissions and stuff but ya know
60. hugs or kisses: Kisses. I love kissing <3 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taaaaalllll >;D 63. older or younger: I prefer being older despite the responsibilities 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms i guess? I really dont mind 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, definitely.
67. kissed a stranger: No way 68. drank hard liquor: Not 21 yet 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes! its so annoying when you lose your glasses and you CANT SEE. i feel like Velma when that happens. 70. turned someone down: Surprisingly a lot???? Idk why people like me?????? 71. sex on the first date: No no no no way 72. broken someone’s heart: Probably...I dont want to think about that ;;; 73. had your heart broken: oh man...... a lot
74. been arrested: I am a good noodle 75. cried when someone died: I’m surprisingly apathetic in those situations... It’s not intentional! But I just cant cry 76. fallen for a friend: Whew...every time man.
77. yourself: On good days 78. miracles: Definitely 79. love at first sight: Nah. It needs time to grow 80. santa clause: Never have really. 81. kiss on the first date: If the timing is right and it feels right, then you do you. I personally wouldn’t unless I was absolutely sure 82. angels: Yes
84. eye color: Brown. 85. favorite movies: Emperor’s New Groove and Iron Giant
Most of my friends have already been tagged, but ya know, I’ll tag the ones I havent seen do it yet.
@mermaibee @twofabricatedtruths @kavourikarma @allshewhispers @tina-nightray @angel-of-music-hyde-no-longer
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almaasi · 7 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 12x16 “Ladies Drink Free”
HARRY POTTER REFERENCES IN THE COSTUME CHOICES. also Mick is a knockoff Cas and it’s weird
i was halfway through watching dan & phil’s liveshow and cackling out loud at the “clean me daddy” antics when i remembered there was something i was meant to be doing... oh yeah watching supernatural pfff
also my cat wilson has gone to sleep in mY SOCK DRAWER
what a good
i saw the promos on instagram and i thought ehhh it looks cute, and i’m absolutely here for claire, and dean being pampered, but i was wary because it’s so hard to trust this show from the promos
or trust this show at all
oh god i love claire so muuuch
i missed herrrr
the bar is called “lucky badger”
there’s symbolism in there somewhere
i’m thinking of a) mark sheppard in firefly, b) crowley, c) hufflepuffs, d) anyone surly and british in a tux tbh which is probably the point
always weird when the moon is obviously digitally transplanted into the frame, and the light is coming from a completely different angle
cool blue lighting in the forest though, nice shot
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kinda looks like narnia
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this girl is so attractive to me, i’m all gooey inside ‘cause she’s so damn cute
i can’t deal with girls they’re all so beautiful
boys are okay, i’m only attracted to them if they’re hella pretty and display some kind of deep affinity for femininity, or are in some way sexually repressed (don’t judge me idk why) (also sometimes this isn’t true so IDK IDK IDK)
i’d say maybe i’m attracted to femininity as a concept but ANDROGYNOUS AND MASCULINE GIRLS and NON BINARY PEOPLE also mess me up
everyone is so beautiful
and i’m mostly asexual
i don’t know what sexual people go through bUT IF IT’S ANYTHING LIKE THIS with the addition of lust?? HOW
they are absolutely hufflepuffs
dear pretty hufflepuff girl: your brother is a dickwad
the bisexual colours on the map dean’s looking at tho
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or, alternatively, it’s pointing sam at the map
depends on your interpretation i guess
NEW DIRECTOR: Amyn Kaderali
dean about mick: “world class repression”
eyyyy dean recognises what repression looks like in other queercoded characters
oh good pretty girl did live
i missed her name though
...hayden foster? cute
dean’s like (≖︿≖✿)
and sam’s like (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
the harry potter references in this are giving me life
now i’m looking at all the colours in every shot and wondering if dean and sam are gonna be sorted by their costume choices
i think sam’s decidedly 50/50 hufflepuff-ravenclaw, and a smash of gryffindor on his shirt
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i think dean’s meant to be neutral/unsorted right now, i’m expecting a costume change later
quietly lowkey friendshipping sam/mick
(mick has a hufflepuff outer jacket with a ravenclaw shirt core)
also dean pinching something , probably edible
oh! mints
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where is cas
and he’d paddle like a puppy, frowning and complaining about how he doesn’t understand the point of this exercise, but secretly having fun
DeAN TRYING TO ACT ALL MACHO “i’ve had better nights sleep in my baby”
on the one hand, sure, sounds feasible, but on the other hand WHAT KINDA BULLSHIT YOU SPOUTING THERE SON
mick just tryna impress the boys
those injuries are SO badly wrapped
“she’s a lucky girl”
he’s gonna come back and try to kill her isn’t he
love how claire is, by extension of cas, also associated with the gas-n-sip sunshine logo
tell me, if these aren’t hogwarts house sorting clothes, why are they so accurate and symbolic?
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i mean it’s slow but it’s far from boring
there were two dudes making out in the first episode as well, he definitely saw that
dean stops claire from taking a beer
dean’s always in dad mode tbh
cas would be squinting right now
love love love that dean’s alarmed by the word “grabby”
but i love EVEN MORE that claire is a big girl and she handled it
claire: “your foreign exchange student is totally lame”
dean: “he’s sam’s best friend. nerd soulmates.”
called it
dean: “go nuts. it’s on.. uh... harry potter”
Oh no
rip hayden foster
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all these ravenclaws
also i’m appreciating dean’s ravenlaw tie
heck yeah subtly smart!dean
skeeze + geezer i guess
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honestly this guy is just a knockoff cas
i want the real deal thanks
wait is this season still running (i don’t wanna google it in case of spoilers)
man i’m so behind
i’m like three episodes into season 7, candice’s lipstick is my favourite thing besides the cool food (and mary berry)
oh god i don’t wanna ship mick/dean but i cannot deny dean would have good reasoning to be more attracted to mick than ketch. mick is like the british cas. (WHERE IS CAS. I MISS CAS. SOMEONE BRING ME CAS in his hufflepuff coat and ravenclaw tie)
neck tattoo dude to dean about claire: “what are you, her dad?”
one of two, in fact
dean: “i used to think the same thing”
man you know an argument is well-written when you completely understand both sides of the fight
claire and sam both have really good points aaah
dean’s “everything’s gonna be Totally Fine!!! but not really” face is truly something to behold
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werewolf mice though
*tiny roar*
dean: “you don’t get a vote on this”
claire: “it’s my life. i get all the votes”
the fact she said that quietly made it so powerful
dean: “all right”
i feel like if cas were here he’d’ve done that flat-mouth looking-away slight-rolled-eyes huffy thing he does when dean says/does/decides something he doesn’t like
werewolf who tied claire up: “i’m a nice guy”
mick does the thing cas always does: sneaks up behind the baddie and kills them at the last moment
is this an overused trope? or is mick a cas parallel
(of course he’s a cas parallel, look at the goddamn coat)
good, dean double-checks for claire’s consent before injecting her
good good
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mick looks so much like cas it’s disconcerting
he’s like slightly incorrect cas fanart come to life
also apart from dean’s ravenclaw tie i don’t think he wore any house colours?? he’s the only character who didn’t. weird. i’d interpret that to mean he’s such a mystery on the outside, but the only thing he truly values is, in fact, wisdom. maybe??? if that’s true, that’s very interesting
claire with gryffindor bravery worn over her heart now
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the end
*mumbles to self* could’ve been improved by a call to cas at least, characters of colour with speaking roles and names (there was a background nurse for 2 seconds), and a bechdel test pass (i mean, there was texting between claire of jody, and a one-sided voicemail). this also had a few uses of the b-word (except they were used by characters who exist to be hated, and claire reclaimed it to use against a dude (unsure if she meant it to emasculate him?))
but other than that, VERY GOOD
i am le satisfied and i am lacking the feeling of malcontent i get after watching some episodes of this show
i hope meredith glynn is seen as a heroine in the writer’s room
god i miss cas so much ;~; WHY IS CAS EVEN GONE THOUGH
@ meredith glynn please include cas next time we love him very much and this show isn’t quite right without him, and when he’s not even mentioned it’s kind of upsetting, especially after the show makes a point of insisting he’s family
(on that note, where was mary too???) (i mean, i get it though. a writer can’t just fit every character into a story that’s not about them. this was a claire + dean + mick episode, and a bit of sam. cas would’ve changed the dynamic and taken away from the importance of dean + claire. but still, a mention would’ve been appreciated y’know??)
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losebetter · 7 years
wooo nelly, haha. I HOPE YOU’RE READY FOR A LOT OF SNIPPETS, because touch (not counting words like “touchy” or “touched/untouched”) appears in my WIP documents 23 times. i can’t tell if we have a winner, i use the word too much, or some combination of both, but… here we go! :D
(fic WIP guessing game)
first up, from riot rhythm, where it appears three times in what hasn’t been posted already:
His guest flicks his eyes away, then back to MacCready’s - they’re a sort of wet green, murky with patches of sunny brown. He touches the back of his neck. “Actually, that’s what I’m here for.” His voice is deep, and too calm for the nervy bookworm MacCready had pegged him for. “About you being busy.”
MacCready blinks a couple of times, wondering if he’s about to have to start a fight; He knows he’s got a bat under the couch, but his rifle is stood up next to the arm - farther away than he’d like.
“It just feels so impossible,” Rook continues, grip on his ripped jeans tight. “It - it feels like this has gotta end. Right? It’s - got to. Across the ocean, or - somewhere.” He takes a steadying breath and sits up a bit, his posture rigid. “But it wouldn’t, not if I walked for a hundred years.” He tests a smile, but it barely touches where MacCready knows it should. “Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to realize that, I must be fuckin’ dumb.”
MacCready doesn’t go to the penthouse often - even if he’d wanted to snoop through Rook’s things, his space is relatively tidy and bare-bones. There’s the bed, drowned in the fur that he’s always wanted to touch, the desk with the teddy in the bottom drawer, the big hollow window and door out to the patio, and not much else. It’s all sectioned off with torn flags that hang like curtains but even that is done well, making the space seem private without making it too small.
next one is from something pretty old - a piece about rook getting kidnapped by the L&L gang. i think i wrote this when i was still playing the main plot?
Deacon’s face - one MacCready recognizes, this time, the man��s losing his touch - is ashen. Panic coils quietly in MacCready’s gut, something about the silence harsh like a bare wire.
“I’ve got a report about Heartbreaker,” he says, grim. He tips his head - the light catches on his glasses in a way that lets MacCready see right through them. “And you’re not gonna like it.”
and then from a rookcready pwp, where it appears once:
“Mm,” he says, “don’t think about it.” He’s still instructing, but MacCready feels it all as a particularly hands-on example, as though Rook is already only a few touches from losing himself in it too much to explain anything at all. “Well - do, think about it. But you just - it’s weird, the first time,” he imparts sagely. “It’s gonna be weird if you think about it, but once you just, get them in… it’s less, mm.” He shifts again, curls his toes against MacCready’s back. “Can you just - I can see them, and I wanna just - reach and put ‘em in on my own, but that’ll go badly for, ha, for both of us. Stop making me talk.”
“What was that?” MacCready says, partly just to be a cock.
Rook’s grin goes lecherous - backfired, it backfired - and he trails one hand down MacCready’s arm. “Shut me up,” he challenges casually, as though that’s something a human being should be allowed to get away with saying. “Mm - just. Just do it, I’ve got weird, like, phantom anticipation, thing going on, just - do it.”
AAAND from a selection of mass effect wips - they’re all over the place, but it appears twice among them:
“No,” Shepard assures - “no, uh.” This is ridiculous. He steels himself, shoulders back - he looks at the tip of Kaidan’s nose (not broken, not anymore, though he remembers wiping the blood from underneath it with his thumb, back when - but it doesn’t matter now) and follows it up to catch his eyes. His instincts fire and tell him to do something stilted like nod, and he fights them down, slips his hands up to thumb over Kaidan’s cheekbones instead.
They both take little steps, natural ones, part of something Shepard would’ve readily believed lost, but their hips are in line, not touching. Kaidan’s hand on his hip grows bolder, tightens like a test.
“Try,” he wheedles, and gets a smile for that, remembers the feel of Shepard’s handsome mouth against his throat and has to make himself remember a little less, because he wants this to be a discussion with words, and not with - well. He shifts on the sofa, crosses one of his ankles over the opposite knee, and waits.
Shepard pushes his curls back away from his face and licks his lips, serious. “I don’t really remember what it’s like to have somewhere to come back to,” he says, and it sounds settled, as though he’d taken his time with it. He puts his palm on the leather beside him, close to Kaidan’s thigh but not touching it. “I guess the old girl is as close as I’ve ever come - but even then, even she feels - temporary. You know?”
from across some rhack bits and bobs, where it appears three times (some of these are skirting being nsfw but there’s nothing explicit)…
Jack doesn’t even flinch. “Under the desk, Rhysie, that’s where the feet go. Catch up.”
It’s awful and makes perfect sense - Rhys blinks dumbly for a second before he leans forward, just to check that they’re both thinking of the same desk, and with the view of the tiny nook at Jack’s feet, he also feels Jack give him a hard pat on the back of the head, one that strains his neck just a touch.
“Ow,” Rhys grumps for posterity - he’s already set the polish aside to flip over onto his ass and try to finagle his way back under the desk.
“Not to, you know,” Jack calls, still twirling a little bit with what Rhys assumes is extra momentum from some kind of struggle, though he’s playing at completely relaxed now, “beat a dead skag or anything, pumpkin, but you‘re the one with the - “ - his tirade clips off as he gets manhandled to hang upside-down, instead, and he tries to correct his posture - “ - oof, ow - a weird tentacle monster living in your office, so really… there’s no way this is my fault.”
Rhys rolls his eyes, indulgent, and makes his way calmly to his rig, passing underneath where Jack is suspended without so much as a glance upwards.
“You had to touch it to make it do that, Jack,” he rebuffs. “I would know, I’m the one who’s been working with it.” He peeks up - Jack is making a face like he’s about to try spitting on him, so Rhys takes a step out of his range. “Stop being a child.”
Rhys shifts his weight at that, looking cautiously inviting again. The curve of his bare thigh touches Jack’s leg, which is just not fair at all. “The person you were talking to, then?” he chirps, something dangerous in his eyes when he tags on, “a wife, or something?”
Oh. Oh, duh. Jack suddenly realizes what he must’ve looked like, older guy unfamiliar with the local scene, getting drunk and going home with a pretty young thing - and how he’d greeted him, christ -
“Or something - and it’s not - no wife. Or girlfriend, or anything. I wasn’t cheating on anyone last night, buttercup, relax.”
and then from temperance (that cicero/kalden fic), where it appears a whopping eleven times (and oh god, please don’t just read all of this as if they’re supposed to fit together - these are all so out of context that i’m almost embarrassed to see them all at once. o.o;;):
It feels good to be supporting his weight as they go - it feels good to be touching him at all, to be reminded that he isn’t the monster so many believe him to be. It’s a sunny, pleasant walk, and throws into sharp relief what the previous week had been like without his dearest friend. He adores Cicero, but he’d forgotten how relaxing it was just to be around him.
His heart thuds in his chest and he abruptly wants to ask. Do you want to help watch the children? He thinks of Cicero with the Tvothes, with Vint - how he’d taken a knee to let Damien touch his cape that evening in the Astiguary. Did you… want children of your own?
Kalden touches his thumb to a few of Cicero’s fingertips, one after the other. He looks down at Cicero, forehead and all, and his smile quirks upwards. “You know, Vasco used to say that about you.”
“Vint brought me a fresh pot of tea an hour or so ago,” Cicero explains, before Kalden can ask. He purses his lips. “She didn’t question what I was doing in here while you slept,” he muses.
Kalden isn’t touching that one with a ten-foot pole, but he makes a mental note to question her himself later.
Kalden watches Cicero touch his temples as if in slow motion, too late to warn him - and he laughs quietly when the fresh ink smudges across his face, despite Cicero’s disgruntled groan.
“Hey! I think it’s endearing.” He inclines his head. “Continue?”
Cicero leans into the touch, apparently reassured.
There’s a soft touch to Amadea’s voice, like she’d genuinely missed him, and Kalden reaches for the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Kalden lets himself feel his next breath - he feels old, like his breaths may well be coming from the ruins below them and up through his feet before they get to his lungs.
“I can’t take that risk,” he confirms, a rare touch of bitterness in it.
Amadea is quiet for a stretch after that, clearly deep in thought again - it gives Kalden time to adjust to all of it.
and as an extremely overt turn from all of that, it also appears twice in quick succession in my wip document for stop me if you’ve heard this one, where it is SUPER nsfw.
He can’t very well say anything in response, as tempting as it is to pull off and start running his mouth. The slow slide of Hanzo’s dick further into his mouth is too good, his attempt to say as much muffled around hot skin, and keeping his slick lips parted takes every ounce of his concentration. Hanzo moves as steadily as he does everything else, and when he’s in far enough that the ring of his fingers touches Jesse’s upper lip, knuckle to nose, Jesse squeezes his eyes shut and just lets himself ride out a full-body shiver.
Fuck my face, he thinks, and he keens, hands trembling. There’s spit all over his mouth, in his beard, leaking down Hanzo’s thighs - thinking about it too hard makes him swallow, pull the thick head of Hanzo’s cock just that touch deeper.
WHEEZES… that was a lot, oh my god. ^^; sorry for.. having so much fic that never gets posted? uhh, if you’re interested in anything feel free to ask! 8D;;
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