blanchette · 2 years
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the  heart  full  of  faith.
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at  some  point  in  your  life,   you've  probably  been  told  you're  "the  glue"  keeping  a  certain  group  of  people  together.   you  look  on  the  bright  side  of  things.   you  are  able  to  convince  someone  that  everything  will  be  alright.   your  (found)  family  walks  away  from  you  feeling  strengthened  by  your  faith  and—   let's  face  it—   wisdom.   hopefully,   you  aren't  being  taken  for  granted  in  this.   keeping  morale  up  comes  naturally  to  you.   you  probably  do  plenty  without  even  realizing  it.   you're  a  good  listener,   thoughtful,   kind.   even  leaders  come  to  you  for  guidance.   you  may  or  may  not  be  keen  on  being  in  charge  yourself,   but  you  are  trustworthy,   and  you  do  right  by  the  people  who  depend  on  you.   the  only  person  you  can't  always  see  clearly  is  yourself.   it's  easy  to  tell  someone  their  potential  but  incredibly  difficult  to  realize  your  own.   you  need  the  support  of  others  just  as  much  as  they  need  you—   but  once  you're  put  to  the  test,   you'll  realize  you  had  the  right  stuff  in  you  all  along.
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paleddeath · 2 years
Adding a little master list for all of my ghost blogs!
@paledeath - Copia/Papa Emeritus IV  (Currently most active)
@thirdemeritus - Terzo/Papa Emeritus III (Active)
@secondemeritus - Secundo/Papa Emeritus II (Low activity)
@firstemeritus - Primo/Papa Emeritus I (Low activity)
@emerituuszero - Nihil/Papa Emeritus Zero (Active)
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papalrot · 2 years
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“No,  Cardinale...  not  even  in  hell.”  
Primo  allows  that  to  haunt  the  air  for  a  long  moment,  clasped  hands  hidden  by  his  robes,  all  the  while  watching  the  younger  man’s  anxiety  swirl  and  mutate  into  what  he  identifies  as  FEAR.  It  is  true,  the  ghoul  was  simply  there  one  day...and  the  next  not.  Gone  in  a  haze.  Even  as  a  child,  he  saw  the  significance  of  the  event.  
                                                           “Some  people  simply  disappear.  What  the  dark  lord  does  with  them  is  His  business  and  his  alone.  I  do  not  pretend  to  know  His  mind.”  Modesty  is  a  virtue  he  is  willing  to  possess,  as  holy  as  some  think  it  may  be.
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❛❛    did  they  look  in  the  ninth  circle   -   because  you  know  how  it  is  over  d’ere,   they       ⁻ ᵉʰʰʰʰʰ ⁻     they  don’t  do  much.   ❜❜    a  hand  comes  up,  defensively.       like  lucifer  himself  could  hear  him  critiquing  his  best  work  or  something.   copia  looks  behind  him,   paranoid.    when  he  speaks  again,   it’s  a  whisper.       ❛❛     you’d  look  for  me            ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒           right  @firstemeritus​ ?    ❜❜    lucavacchi  looks  into  primo’s  eyes,   trying  to  hold  his  gaze.
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❛❛   if  i  went  ....  missing.    ❜❜
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papalrot · 2 years
❛ …and they were never heard from again. ❜ (spooky)
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ˊ    👻     @firstemeritus  sent   a  halloween  prayer !
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❛❛      N   -    NEVER ?       ᶰᵒᵗ ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᶤᶰ ʰᵉˡˡ ˀ    ❜❜  
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