ruffstheshake · 8 years
So I just read my own blog entries and mannn I may still struggle with my life but diabetes has truly just become another part of it compared to the older entries. It took me a while to get here and I'm so grateful for all the support I have received. I still get frustrated from time to time but right now it feels like one of the few things I can manage in life... 
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
Another great thing about being a diabetic? I have no interest in doomsday prepping. Because I will die after like a few days if I can’t go to a pharmacy.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
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The view from where I am right now. Anyway it's been ages since I was last on here. My last hba1c was 6.5% which my endo thought was perfect haha. The previous one that I was happy with he said was too low that I must be having too many hypos : / but he's the man who signs my driving license form so I got a little lazier and let my bloods go up a bit. That was the plan until I bought a libre so I could prove to him I can manage a lower hba1c... But I moved to a rainforest in another state so now I get to battle a whole new team of healthcare professionals! Wish me luck haha Still haven't bought a libre : P I'm
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
I met a diabetic at my work the other day she was just newly diagnosed and was stressing about getting a chai latte (most places use that powder but we use actual tea). It was super cool to chat to someone in real life about being diagnosed as an adult. She wished me good levels as she left haha.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
When you're enjoying a weekend away and your meter runs out of batteries. Guesswork from here out!
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
This. This is the reason lately I've been eating moderately low carb haha. Blueberry bagel and coffee for breakfast before work a good approximate 75g carbs in one meal!
I generally eat low carb for the rest of the day but this little extravagance puts my daily carbs in the 90-120 range.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
HbA1c 5.6% Happy but not super happy I know my next one is going to be higher : / I have been over this lately but I am excited the the freestyle libre is going to be available soon! Hopefully I can improve my control some more.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
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Still sick but glad that I have a diagnosis and within a week of taking lots of antibiotics plus a probiotic I should be back to my usual self : ). Anyway I really want to get fit and tone up my body but I'm not really sure how to do this with balancing food and insulin... I am thinking of asking my endocrinologist for a referral to an exercise physiologist (in Australia Medicare covers six visits to allied health specialists if you're a type 1 diabetic) but we'll see.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
It’s a big change! I was recently diagnosed as well just over 6 months ago. I found the community on here and the diabetes.co.uk forum quite helpful with tips, tricks and just generally whilst adjusting. I found my bgl easier to control by eating more low carb and injecting about 15minutes prior to my meal (depending on my pre meal # and what I am going to eat). I learnt I have to avoid bread (except sourdough weirdly) and potatoes but can tolerate rice really well (Yay sushi!). You’ll slowly find what works for you : ). If you have any specific questions feel free!
So I have a diagnosis. I have Type 1 diabetes.
This is not the kind that is influenced by age, weight, or lifestyle. It had nothing to do with what I ate, and everything to do with my genes. It IS the kind that requires me to take up to six insulin shots a day and means I have to monitor everything I eat and do.
Its a huge adjustment, not just physically but emotionally too. I’m learning to manage, but it’s a hard road.
If anybody has an tips or experiences, I’d love to hear them. And if not, just be aware that this is something that will feature on my blog as I learn this new way of life.
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ruffstheshake · 8 years
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Wooo~ being sick has just been amazing for my bloods [/sarcasm]. I had a scare the other night were I was relatively high (14.1) but my bloods refused to go down I kept taking 3 units novorapid spaced 2-3 hours apart but to no effect. I couldn’t check my ketones because lately all the pharmacies have been out of the strips (and were closed at that point anyway). It was all good by 8 30am when they finally agreed to reduce down to 9.2. I have never had a time where my insulin just didn’t work… It was scary as I was already sick and fatigued all I could think was at least it’s not continuing to rise…
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
All of the hypos!
Man since getting back to Sydney I keep having hypos at least one a day... it's getting to me. I'm trying to be careful but it's difficult to find out why they're happening... The most annoying part of this is how long the hypos are lasting and how tired they're making me. I messed up a job trial yesterday because I was exhausted...
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
Does being in a hot environment when you're not used to it any more mess with your blood sugars? Because it seems to be doing it to me... 0_o but who the hell knows eh? It could be something else completely.
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
Visiting inter state
So it’s been a while... I feel quite comfortable with managing my diabetes overall but travelling even just to visit family in another state has made it more difficult. 
I guess it’s because my usual routines have been disrupted... I don’t get as much choice over when and what I eat (although my family are super considerate of my new needs). It’s also a lot hotter in North QLD than in Sydney so I don’t walk any where near as much or well being out in the suburbs probably effects that as well haha. This aspect will probably change once I get up to Finn’s family rainforest where it’ll be too much fun to go exploring! 
I am a little bit more worried about the food situation up there because I will have next to no control over it... I’ve stocked up on emergency juice (although I still need to get some long acting snacks for before bed if needed). I won’t have any internet to check the carb content of the food if I’m not familiar with it and they don’t have a fridge to keep my insulin in so I’m going to have to keep my spare insulin survival style in a plastic bag weighed down in a shady part of the cool creek. I will keep my other spare insulin in a fridge with my family but that will be a few hours away. I am really looking forward to that part of my trip though! It’ll be exciting to see that area and there are so many exotic fruits to try that are not readily available to the public because well you can’t ship them so they’re not economically viable. 
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
Happy New Year!
2016 eh? I’m so happy it’s a new year... I know in reality it makes little difference it’s just another summer day but man it feels different. I’m glad 2015 is over. It was a hard year. I feel hopeful again with the changing of the date. It’s going to be a struggle in many ways but I feel better prepared to face it all. 
Diabetes has become a normal part of my life. I don’t spend much time at all worrying about it. Eating mostly low carb allows me the freedom to do so. I’m also very lucky my diabetes is fairly stable and predictable. I’m lucky I have understanding and loving friends and family who have supported me so much over 2015. 
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
So I have a drinking problem. Since I was diagnosed it has forced me to cut down on the amount I drink but now that I'm comfortable I have had a few nights with too much. I can't keep doing this. I keep hurting the people I care about most when this happens because I make really stupid decisions. Most recently arguing to allow his ex-girlfriend to hang out and keep drinking at our house. I am an idiot and he's really upset with me... Rightfully so. She's manipulative and I just took it all at face value magically hoping everyone would be fine and happy because I am an idiot. I never would have put him through that if I hadn't been drunk. I would have said no to her request. He feels like he can't trust me. So I need to tackle this, I need to find another way to unwind and have some fun. I need to face my other problems instead of running away. I am really hoping I haven't fucked up this relationship but if I have I'll have to respect his feelings. I love him and can't believe I put him through that.
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
I am a drunk. Fuck this morning and fuck yesterday. I need to move out and move on. I just can't do this any more. I hate myself.
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ruffstheshake · 9 years
Times have changed! I now have days often where I'm just chilling and do whatever comes to mind. Diabetes isn't always on my mind, I don't find it a constant drain on my psyche. I live the way I want to. Sure I still have some annoyances now and again due to diabetes but life is good my friends. No matter who you are there will always be those in life. To you guys struggling with being newly diagnosed you will manage. It won't always be a drag.
I’m tired.
Since my diagnosis I’ve been wishing for a day where I don’t have to do anything; where I can just chill and do whatever comes to mind. In some ways though I will never have a day like that again… but in reality I just want a day where I don’t have university study, my part time job or a healthcare appointment. I’m sick of reading the labels on everything, I’m sick of having to eat regular meals, I’m sick of having to pay attention. Right now I’m working on part of my phd proposal and it’s going to be late… I got an extension which made it due at midnight but I’m just not going to finish it. I feel bad because my professors have been so patient and understanding and I’m still struggling. 
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