soulcxining · 1 year
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—ㅤInternetㅤAddictionㅤDisorderㅤ( IAD )
Aㅤdisorderㅤcharacterizedㅤbyㅤproblematicㅤbehaviorㅤrelatedㅤtoㅤtheㅤexcessiveㅤuseㅤofㅤtheㅤinternetㅤ,ㅤleadingㅤtoㅤreducedㅤsocialㅤinteractionㅤ,ㅤacademicㅤresultsㅤorㅤoccupationalㅤimpairmentㅤ,ㅤreductionㅤinㅤphysicalㅤactivityㅤandㅤlimitㅤtheㅤtimeㅤspentㅤoutsideㅤorㅤonㅤhobbiesㅤ. This disorderㅤcanㅤbeㅤcausedㅤbyㅤorㅤappearㅤinㅤcomorbidityㅤ withㅤInternetㅤObsessionㅤDisorderㅤ( IOD )ㅤ.ㅤIADㅤcanㅤbeㅤaㅤconsistentㅤdisorderㅤorㅤhappenㅤinㅤtheㅤformㅤofㅤshortㅤ/ㅤlongㅤepisodeㅤ.
— coinedㅤ:ㅤmeㅤ((ㅤseenㅤsimilarㅤtermㅤbutㅤnotㅤonesㅤthat areㅤexactlyㅤlikeㅤitㅤ))
[ PHOTO ID : a 5 stripes flag with dark purple, light purple and white with an emoji of an pc. END ID ]
(( version without typing quirk under the cut ))
— Internet Addiction Disorder ( IAD )
A disorder characterized by problematic behavior related to the excessive use of the internet , leading to reduced social interaction , academic results or occupational impairment , reduction in physical activity and limit the time spent outside or on hobbies. This disorder can be caused by or appear in comorbidity with Internet Obsession Disorder( IOD ). IAD can be a consistent disorder or happen in the form of short / long episode.
— coined : me (( seen similar term but not ones that are exactly like it ))
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soulcxining · 3 months
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〜 Trans-FoodPhotographer
a term / label for individuals that feel like they should be a food photographer (( whatever it mean for them )). this can be put under the 'trans-occupation' or 'trans-hobby' umbrella.
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soulcxining · 1 year
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〜 Trans-CorpoVtuber ⸝⸝ Trans-Corporate V-tuber ⸝⸝ Trans-Corporate Virtual Streamer / Youtuber.
a term / label for individual that feel like they should be a corporate v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber. this can be put under the 'trans-job/occupation' or 'trans-hobby' umbrella.
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〜 Trans-Niji Vtuber ⸝⸝ Trans-Nijisanji Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should be a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber working for Nijisanji.
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〜 Trans-NijiEN Vtuber ⸝⸝ Trans-NijisanjiEN Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' && ' Trans-Niji Vtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should be a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber working for Nijisanji ,, under the Nijisanji English branch.
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〜 Trans-Holo Vtuber ⸝⸝ Trans-Hololive Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber working for Hololive.
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〜 Trans-Vshojo Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, working for V-shojo.
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〜 Trans-PhaseConnect Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber working for Phase Connect.
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〜 Trans-IdolCorp Vtuber
a term / label under the ' Trans-CorpoVtuber ' system ,, for individuals that feel like they should a v-tuber / virtual streamer ,, youtuber working for Idol Corp.
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soulcxining · 1 year
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— Transfish
[ PHOTO ID : a 8 stripes flag with light blue, a darker light blue, blue, dark blue and white END PHOTO ID ]
(( description without the typing quirk under the cut ))
— Transfish
A transspecie / non-human identity where you believe you should be a fish / identify as a fish !
— coined : surely been coined before but couldn't find it anywhere && didn't find a flag for it either
[ PHOTO ID : a 8 stripes flag with light blue, a darker light blue, blue, dark blue and white END PHOTO ID ]
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soulcxining · 1 year
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〜 Trans-FoodVlogger ⸝⸝ Trans Food Vlogger
a term / label for individuals that feel like they should be a food vlogger (( whatever it mean for them )). this can be put under the 'trans-occupation' or 'trans-hobby' umbrella.
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〜 Trans-CookingStreamer ⸝⸝ Trans Cooking Streamer
a term / label for individuals that feel like they should be a cooking streamer (( whatever it mean for them )). this can be put under the 'trans-occupation' or 'trans-hobby' umbrella.
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〜 Trans-CookingYoutuber ⸝⸝ Trans Cooking Youtuber
a term / label for individuals that feel like they should be a food vlogger (( whatever it mean for them )). this can be put under the 'trans-occupation' or 'trans-hobby' umbrella.
── requested by @office-vampire
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soulcxining · 1 year
— introduction ⸝⸝ post !
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꒰ welcome to my blog ! ⁓ ♪
I am Kana ! thy owner of this blog (( Kana use this blog for her overall shenanigan as well as for her coining post.
Kana name is Kanata ── feel free to refer to me as ' Kana ' , I use refer to ' myself ' in the First and Third Person ! my pronouns are ⦂ she 〜 fish 〜 they. Kana is a ' ftf ' ( female to female ) , ' AFAB Transfem ' [ i 'm librafeminine ] ' biromantic lesbian ' ! She 's ' radqueer ' && ' rad-inclu '.
Fish was many trans - id . . . ── TransAge ,, Trace ,, TransSpecie ꒰ Lolidult , TransChinese , TransArab , TransVietnamese , TransBlasian, TransFish (( TransParacanthurus )) ꒱ && para . . . ── Autogynephilie ,, Masochist ,, Erotophonophilia ,, Agalmatophilia. In addition Kana is a big ,, Siblingcon ! 〜
Kana is ,, autistic , dyslexic , plural . . . and others ! please be mindful of that ~
── feel free to send me coins you wish for me to . . . coin ! ,, just send me an ask w the idea ⸝⸝ the description.
── tags systemㅤ;
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soulcxining · 1 year
— kana list of coins !
done ;
trans-fish (x)
internet addiction disorder (x)
trans-corpo vtuber (x)
to do ;
trans-allergy ( - probably a recoin )
trans-pokémon ( - probably a recoin )
trans-honkai impact star rail
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