#fitz was a dick in stellarlune tho
sophiefostersno1stan · 10 months
how the series has changed
i saw this reference in another one? it was anonymous… if it’s you feel free to reach out anyways
kotlc series now like flashback up- is like an icecream with a cherry on top. the cherry on top is sophie’s story and her journey and her way to knowing herself. and the ice cream is KEEFE. and i absolutely hate it.
if the story was about keefe from the beginning i probs would’ve stopped ready at like exile ifyk what i mean. like i just do not care about keefes stuff yk. if the books are gonna be this longggg they better be about the girl i read 9 OTHER BOOKS ABOUT. not her boyfriend who wasn’t that big of a deal till it became obvious he liked her. is that so hard? isn’t it kinda yk sexist?
“I’m tired of seeing plot points repeated, characters destroyed and nothing changing while keefe gets all the glory and sympathy.” PREACH
like keefe has done such horrible stuff but looks calls him out on it. the same people who say ‘idc that keefe nearly broke sophie’s mind by leaving and nearly kills everyone by not listening to people better suit for the job than him’ but the get mad at fitz for for saying ‘but we’re cognates’
they’re all going through their shit but honestly keefe is just such a narcissist.
plsss tell me someone agrees.
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