#five absolutely lets his siblings' sessions run as long as they need to tho
dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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❀ promises | “a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want” feat. iwaizumi hajime + pacific rim AU
⇢ day 10 of angstcember
⇢ synopsis: you knew the risks that came with the job when you agreed to co-pilot a jaeger with iwaizumi, even more so when you two grew close. every time you get sent out on a mission, you wonder if both of you would be coming back
⇢ content warnings: character death, suicide attack
⇢ a/n: so, back in the day (probs 2015) i was reading this notoriously long and famous hq!! pacific rim AU and it was amazing so i wanted to write my own (it’s nowhere near the quality of that fic tho but i tried ;-;)
⇢ pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
⇢ word count: 2.5k words
ANGSTCEMBER MASTERLIST (feat. haikyuu!! and bungou stray dogs)
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nothing else in the world could compare to the feeling of co-piloting a jaeger. you always remember the first time you saw one up close: all metal and weapons as far as the eye could see, being dropped into the ocean to fight off a kaiju. it looked invincible, it looked like humankind’s problems all solved. 
co-piloting one was absolutely nerve-wracking. just the idea of being able to control a large weapon of that size with your mind and have it imitate your body movements sent your head spinning. even now, as you made it move across the ocean towards where the kaiju was, you still felt that unease.
“hey, don’t act like this is the first time you’re doing this,” iwaizumi’s voice and thoughts interrupted you. he flashed you a cocky grin, shaking you out of your thoughts.
of course, you weren’t doing it alone. a jaeger could never be piloted alone, both in the physical and mental sense. “sorry, just had something on my mind,” you chuckled nervously.
“yeah, well the sooner you get that out of your mind, the sooner we’ll be able to beat this thing and still be able to get something to drink later,” iwaizumi, your co-pilot and lover winked at you.
“is alcohol always on your mind, iwaizumi?” you teased.
“you know for a fact it isn’t, l/n,” he grinned. you smiled, squaring your shoulders in-sync with iwaizumi as your jaeger stood before the prowling category 3 kaiju. 
“let’s do this thing.” 
“what did you say, cadet?” 
“i said, i can beat you in five moves,” you retorted, jutting your chin up as you stared straight into the eyes of iwaizumi hajime, one of the youngest jaeger pilots who also happened to be your trainer.
“i’d like to see you try,”  he narrowed his eyes at you before jerking his head in the direction of the training mat in the center used for sparring matches. you strode to your end of the mat and got into fighting stance. it wasn’t that you didn’t respect iwaizumi, quite the opposite actually, but you were eager to prove yourself, eager to get recruited to become a co-pilot. 
and besides, as someone who had to fight every single day when your town was destroyed, you were confident in your skills.
but so was iwaizumi, who had been a cadet when he was just a teenager and a pilot when he hit eighteen. he had fought people and kaijus alike and expected that he would make you eat your words seconds into your sparring match. 
what neither of you expected was that you would be trading blows, without ever landing a single hit, for quite some time. it came to a point that not only the cadets but other officers nearby came to watch the match unfold. suddenly, both of you were stopped by the captain and head of the base.
while you felt a sudden rush of adrenaline at his approving gaze, iwaizumi felt as if a weight was dropped in his stomach. there was a chance that you two were drift-compatible.
“let’s finish him off!” iwaizumi exclaimed. 
“you read my mind!” you grinned as the two of you raised your jaeger’s plasma cannon and aimed it at the badly wounded kaiju. there was a loud hum and the crackle of electricity as the plasma cannon charged before firing a shot. you watched with a smile on your face as the kaiju was blown to pieces across the ocean.
“well, that’s that then,” iwaizumi said. 
“good work you two,” your captain’s voice crackled over the radio. “as expected of miyagi base’s best duo.” 
“we have to come up with a flashier name,” you told iwaizumi as you two maneuvered your jaeger back to base. “i mean, that just sounds like a mouthful and not nearly as fear-striking.” 
“oh yeah?” iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at you. “how about the miyagi demons?” 
“why demons? aren’t we supposed to be helping people?” 
“yeah but from the kaiju’s perspective, we’re the demons.” 
“i don’t know if they’re capable of having that opinion,” you snorted. 
“hmm, miyagi menaces!” iwaizumi said proudly, causing you to laugh. 
“you are such a dork, you know that?” 
“shut up, i don’t see you coming up with cool names,” he pouted. 
“we have the rest of the night to come up with all the cool names,” you smiled, visibly relaxing now that the entire ordeal was over. even though it was an honorable job, being a jaeger pilot meant that whenever you and iwaizumi went out on a mission, there was a chance that you wouldn’t come back. you had lost too many friends and acquaintances along the way from kaiju attacks and each time you and iwaizumi made it home only felt like you had prolonged your death date. if it wasn’t today, it was going to be on another day.
‘but not today,’ you smiled to yourself as you and iwaizumi headed back to base. only, you were suddenly interrupted by your captain’s voice on the radio.
“l/n, iwaizumi! our signals have picked up something new!” he exclaimed. you felt iwaizumi’s panic first hand as you two quickly turned around to find the spot where you had just killed the category 3 kaiju turn red, meaning another was about to surface. 
“a double attack?!” you verified, hoping you were wrong.
“i-it wasn’t in the prediction,” your captain replied. “some kind of anomaly or the enemy just getting smarter.”
“either way, we still have to kill it, right?” iwaizumi growled, hefting the plasma cannon up. 
“i don’t feel good about this...” you murmured as you two got into stance.
“neither do i,” iwaizumi said through gritted teeth. “but i’ll make sure you get back home in one piece. i promise.” 
“alright,” you nodded, smiling a tight-lipped smile at him before turning your attention to the kaiju that rose to the surface. this one was much bigger than the one you had just faced before, probably twice the size of the jaeger you were in. and to make matters worse, you could tell that it’s entire body was covered with armor plating and it had a long tail with spikes on the end.
with your thoughts connected to iwaizumi’s, you could feel even his unease wash over you like a wave. who knew if either of you were going to make it?
it was the drifting that you were worried about. almost anybody could train themselves physically in preparation to become a jaeger pilot, but very few had what it takes to expose themselves mentally with someone else. it was easier for people who were siblings or lovers or best friends, but you and iwaizumi didn’t know each other prior to your first meeting. even after you two were forced to share a living space in the base so that you two would get closer.
but you and iwaizumi were guarded with your own demons that you were reluctant to expose to the other. the first time you tried drifting, neither of you were willing to open your minds and ended up with both of you getting kicked out of the drift. 
which was why you and iwaizumi finally decided to sit down inside your shared bedroom to have a little sharing session. you couldn’t help but laugh when he suggested it but both of you knew just how much you needed this. it was either that, or pass on the role of co-piloting to other cadets.
“okay, i guess i’ll be the one to start,” you exhaled, gripping the sheets under you for comfort as you told iwaizumi how you ended up in the co-piloting program. you lived in a town near the coast and when the kaiju started showing up, it was one of the first ever places that was hit. nobody was prepared, especially not you. 
“i’m sorry,” iwaizumi whispered as you recounted how you were running through the city, pushing past the crowds, only to turn around to see that your parents who were supposed to be right behind you were lying in a crumpled heap on the ground.
“all the more reason to fight them, you know? so less people end up like me,” you shrugged. “you... don’t have to open up again if you don’t want to.” after all, iwaizumi and his former co-pilot, oikawa tooru, had been quite famous back in the day for being young, amazing jaeger pilots. that is, until they faced a category five kaiju with a broken plasma cannon. 
you still couldn’t forget the sight of the kaiju punching a hole through the jaeger, through the pilot’s chamber. you could only imagine how it felt like for iwaizumi.
“it was... intense,” he exhaled, his brow furrowing. “one minute he was just there and the next, the drift connection had completely disappeared but i could just feel him leave. luckily i was able to activate the escape pod.”
“we’ll fight them,” you said, resting your hand over his. “together. we’ll fight as many of them as we can.” 
for the first time in a while, you and iwaizumi had come to a mutual understanding. iwaizumi had a legitimate reason for not wanting to be in the pilots’ chamber again, so you wanted to make it worth it.
you were living right in your worst nightmare. 
fighting category five kaijus was nearly impossible without some form of back-up. the miyagi base sent in their jets to fire bombs at the kaiju but with its armor plating, it had little to no effect. your only hope was aiming at the kaiju’s underbelly, but even that was difficult.
your own jaeger was beat up, thanks to the kaiju’s tail and from sustaining a flurry of hits. “brace yourself!” iwaizumi yelled as the kaiju closed its jaws around your jaeger’s right arm and using it to haul you up and toss you to the side. the force of the impact was absolutely jarring and it felt as if your entire head was scrambled.
“y/n! are you alright?” you heard iwaizumi call out to you. the side of his head was bleeding after you were both thrown against the back of the pilot’s chamber. luckily, you were both still strapped into your suits and still very much in the drift. you both got to your feet to find the kaiju still prowling towards you, taking its sweet time.
“how are we going to beat this thing?” your voice shook, knowing that iwaizumi could feel your hopelessness. your mind through the memories of earlier that day: you and iwaizumi eating cereal while watching TV, watering the little succulent you kept by the window, eating and joking around with some of your friends at the base, iwaizumi giving you a quick kiss before you both suited up. was this going to be your last memories?
“hey. we’ll be alright,” iwaizumi said aloud, looking at you with a soft smile on his face. you wondered how he could even smile like that in this situation. “i promised, didn’t i?” 
you nodded slowly. as a jaeger pilot, you were always prepared to die when you went out on new missions. and if that meant going down fighting, hopefully taking the kaiju down with you, with the man you loved, you were prepared to do just that.
it wasn’t that rare for couples to end up as jaeger co-pilots, or for co-pilots to end up as couples. but that only made it all the more tragic whenever one or both of them died during a mission. you knew fellow co-pilots who had postponed their weddings only for them to die, or for one co-pilot to be driven mad after losing their partner. it was enough to deter you from having feelings for iwaizumi, but not completely.
because of your drift connection, it didn’t take long for either of you to discover your feelings for each other. after a particularly hard mission where both of you almost died, iwaizumi ended up confessing to you in the changing room after you both departed your jaeger. 
and seeing that it was impossible for you to be apart from each other, both of you gave in.
“do you think we would have met if it weren’t for the kaijus and the jaeger program?” you asked one night while the two of you were in bed, your head laying on his chest. 
“i like to think that we do,” iwaizumi chuckled, running his hand through your hair. “maybe we’d meet each other in high school or university or something.” 
“what would you have wanted to be?” 
“a sports trainer,” iwaizumi said softly. “i was actually into playing sports back then. how about you?” 
“i wanted to own a flower shop,” you chuckled.
“you? a flower shop?” 
“don’t laugh!” you smacked his arm lightly. 
“you’d make a wonderful florist,” your boyfriend laughed and kiss you on the forehead. “maybe i’d run into you while buying flowers for my mom on mother’s day.” 
“and i’d definitely remember the large, muscular guy who entered my shop,” you giggled. “do you think it’s possible? for things to go back to normal? for us to actually survive this whole thing?”
“i don’t know,” iwaizumi replied honestly. “but i know what i want: a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want.” 
“i’m sorry, y/n.” 
that was the last thing you could feel him think before iwaizumi kicked you out of the drift, sending you reeling. the kaiju was approaching and fast. 
“hajime! what are you doing?!” you panicked, turning to look at him but his brow was furrowed in concentration as he manipulated a few buttons on his controller. he was piloting the jaeger by himself. before you could say anything else or force yourself back into the drift, you felt yourself being pulled back by the security straps attached to your suit. you recognized the sensation back from when you were still in co-pilot training practicing the emergency protocols for evacuation.
with sudden horror, you realized what iwaizumi was planning, what he planned all along, to do.
“captain? i’ve initiated emergency evacuation for l/n,” you heard him speak into the radio. “please, please make sure to get to their escape pod.”
“understood, iwaizumi,” your captain’s voice crackled over the speakers. “we can’t thank you enough for your bravery and sacrifice.” 
“no! hajime don’t! let me stay! let me do this with you,” you screamed even as you were loaded into the escape pod. 
“sorry, y/n,” you finally heard him speak. it was as if time had slowed down as he turned to look at you once more. you didn’t want to believe that this was going to be the last time you would see iwaizumi’s face ever again. you would never wake up next to him in bed or eat cereal from the same bowl or dream about a future that you knew now you could never have.
“i... i don’t want to go back if you’re not coming with me,” you said.
“i know it’s going to be hard but, try to live well, alright?” iwaizumi said and pressed the button, fully ejecting your pod out of the jaeger before you could say anything else. your screams filled the escape pod as you hammered against it uselessly, even as the kaiju descended on the jaeger with its lone pilot before iwaizumi pressed the self-destruct button.
you’ve always hated funerals, having gone to far too many of them. especially when the deceased co-pilot’s partner was there to receive any medals of honor in their place. that was the first thing you thought of as the people in the base helped you out of your escape pod, offering messages of sympathy for your loss. because of his sacrifice, iwaizumi was surely going to be granted quite a lot of medals with you receiving them in his place. as if they could be enough to make up for the space in your bed and the house by the sea that would forever stay empty. 
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event taglist: @himikadafangirl @swoona-rintarou @l-dokisaki-l @laure-chan @aonenthusiast @ah-kaashi @just-a-gay-bean @linyu-sees-you @alto-march-of-death @newfriendjen @shrimpypenis @tenyafacesquish @mkkhaikyuu @animeismysleepparalysisdemon​
taglist applications still open! just answer this form
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aeroknot · 7 years
k so some ns headcanon as requested by @spaceygayroses​
i pulled them from my long-as-fuck (like 700 chapters long) google doc but almost every one of those is like..... paragraphs long!! so i chose shorter ones!!
.....surprising to absolutely no one, i have no self-control when it comes to these two
a ) When naruto met sakura
b ) A mere few, fast weeks into dating, they have a discussion in the early evening about telling friends and family, and they agree to do it the next day. After finally coming up for air during their celebratory makeout session, she tries to shove him out the door to get on with their evening plans, she having to go to work. Deep down she’s amused that as she keeps ending kisses and pulling away, he keeps dazedly following after her with his mouth, not even opening his eyes. She gets persuaded back into it a few times. when a neighbor’s door slams she’s knocked out of their reverie and tells him to stop being a giddy schmuck and go! and laughs as he exaggeratedly swoons down the hallway of her apartment complex (well, she thinks he’s purposefully exaggerating, but he’s not, he’s authentically that mushy / dramatic) At like 1am she wakes up to boisterous noise outside and goes to her balcony to find naruto and kiba and shikamaru, all pretty inebriated tho actually the latter two more so than the former (he’s just using inebriation as a cover), and naruto’s standing on the gate at the edge of the little apartment yards singing songs he’s making up as he goes about how happy he is, crowing about dating his precious sakura-chan. She leans over the edge of the balcony and starts shaking her fist at him and scolding them and he just does the will smith pose and motions to her and shouts at kiba and shikamaru “DO YOU SEE HER!! HAVE YOU EVER MET MY GIRLFRIEND!!!” and they are just guffawing. Sakura hisses “naruto!! My neighbors!!” and he slurs, “awwww fuck ‘em!! One of ‘em slamming their door’s why i’m down here instead of up there loving you! I saved their asses, so they can just deal with me appreciating yours!!” and she just goes “YOU ARE.. SUCH A DUMB. ASS.” “yeah, but i get to be YOUR dumbass!!” “......I’m coming down to get you before Kakashi sics ANBU on you” and they all fully expect he’s done for as they watch her march out the stairwell resolutely, her speed increasing, but then she smiles while she jumps the gate even tho it’s not that tall and hops onto him, her legs around his waist, his hands supporting her under her thighs, and they alternate between laughing giddily and kissing
c ) they get married a month or so after his inauguration, which means HE’S the hokage that legalizes the marriage papers with his signature. and i just like to think… perhaps naruto is still his usual emotional self during the ceremony and does cry in happiness a bit during their vows… but he gets super sappy / sobby when alone in his office and signing the marriage papers as hokage. that’s…. that’s embodying both of his oldest dreams IN ONE MOMENT.
d ) they adopt twice, their first and last kids (of five): first is Arashi, last is Namika -- both names that reference Minato. Arashi asked them to rename him; he was six-ish when they adopted him. Namika’s name referencing Minato actually happens to be coincidence. she’s Shinachiku’s classmate and her parents are killed shortly after they graduate the academy :’( they give her a place to stay and it turns into adoption.
Arashi was shy and quiet with most people. he makes Naruto think of both Minato and Sasuke. Arashi was intimidated by Sasuke at first, but they become real close. Kurama loves Arashi bc he’s clever as fuck and adores studying history. Arashi has insecure attachments and is distrustful/distant for a while but when he’s older becomes a natural leader of his peers (tho sometimes even then can still seem distant). he has a very strong sense of justice like his parents. 
Namika is the perfect blend of chill and motivated. she’s so chill she gets along with all of the siblings. in fact she’s the only one without problems with anybody: shinachiku and sakuya butt heads, and arashi and konohana go at it all the time. while those four are shoved into get-along shirts naruto and sakura cuddle namika really exaggeratedly and joke about the exhausting nature of her siblings
e ) the kiddos kiss kurama good morning (naruto’s tummy)
f ) predictably, he takes every chance he gets to kiss sakura’s forehead, particularly right on her seal (he likes to kid around about her seal and say “sakura-chan, geez, you went through all that trouble training just for this tiny little target for my kiss”). she’s a little bashful, or kinda harumphs when he does it in public or when she’s miffed at him. then their kids notice, first realized by one of the youngest ones, and start copying him, as kids do: learning by imitating their parents. from there on out she’s often in tears or very near tears when they do this.
g ) it’s affection like this that grips her heart with gratefulness to be with him. he is continuously providing all she needs for her insecurities to be soothed and her dreams to be encouraged. these expressions of love are so deeply tailored to how he can best adore all that makes her, her. she sometimes can't believe how every expression of his love is permeated with his intense understanding of who she is, what she wants, often in ways so breathtakingly simple, honest and ingenuous that she wonders if he even consciously realizes the perfect appropriateness of his gestures.
h ) They are constantly hiding ink & brushes & markers from their youngest children bc in addition to mimicking forehead kisses, they’re constantly drawing on each other’s faces to give each other mommy’s “sparkle beauty sticker” and daddy’s “fox-marks” … which…. Unfortunately sometimes they pronounce as “fucks-marks” and naruto kinda…. Shrugs and makes a face like he’s conceding they might have a point (as in marks that once “fucked over” village approval of him)…. sakura’s horrified But she still laughs really hard when he starts calling any scratches he receives from their lovemaking “fucks-marks”
i ) if anyone makes the mistake of saying something particularly negative or abhorrent about naruto in front of her, especially if they’re insulting his suitability as hokage, she’s so incensed she can’t guarantee they’re gonna live to regret it. ...ok, sooo… she can’t and doesn’t actually maim or kill a fellow konoha citizen or any stuck-up diplomats... but damn is the confrontation and reprimand so scary; it’s like she flays their soul so deeply they have no shreds with which to hide their worst sins, guaranteeing no god would ever allow them into any heaven.
j ) naruto has to excuse himself every time sakura takes her gloves off with her teeth
k ) she loves to wash and pamper him. she doesn’t have an explanation for it, really. it can be but doesn’t always become sexual, but of course it’s always intimate. it’s not like a critique on him, finding him too dirty or something (he’s dirty, but usually in the ways she likes), she just really enjoys this avenue for expressing her affection. she likes preparing relaxing baths for him, or shampooing and rinsing his hair. she likes running her hands along his muscles, rubbing oils and lotions into his skin. she even likes to give him gentle little facial treatments if he’s in the mood to let her. (spoiler alert: he’s practically always in the mood to let her.)
l )  this vision came to me on a drive home form work: sakura on her period and being pretty damn miserable as far as cramping went. And she like…  has her arm over her eyes as she’s laying on her back on the bed and bemoaning her situation; she laments that she left her heat pack somewhere or let someone borrow it or something. So naruto just… takes his shirt off and gingerly lays across her, so they’re perpendicular with his stomach resting on hers. And she’s just like “what on earth are you doing” and he nonchalantly replies, “eh… I run hot. I’ll be your heating pad, Sakura-chan ♥”-- .. is… is there like, evidence the kyuubi chakra can make his temperature warm even if he’s not using it to fight?? Idk. either that or he just really does run hot, which makes sense because he is made of sunshine after all. “holy hell it actually helps. The heat along with the pressure” “yep I’m good for hot pressure” he winks at her and she rolls her eyes but is blushing. and so he just… provides his services pretty regularly from that point on. When this popped into my head I laughed for a full three minutes
m ) they both look young for a very long time, much to sooooo many people’s jealous chagrin. this is not bc I don’t like older features on them or want them to be ~~ooh~~~awww~~always the typical version of hotness~~~ it’s bc I legitimately think they both would appear youthful for longer than others bc of their chakra stores, etc. sakura’s would not be as intentional as tsunade’s, but it would still be an obvious side effect, and naruto is, well, naruto: I bet his uzumaki longevity is boosted by the demon chakra… plus his entire soul is youthful tbh
n ) they regularly visit orphanages together, bearing gifts and stories and their kind companionship. it amazes villagers-- how much their hokage and their head medic-nin, love their people. later in life they foster kids. (oh-- they had fostered two before immediately afterward fostering then adopting arashi)
o ) their first kiss is at Ichiraku’s (this hc is one’o those written in paragraphs but this is... the succinct version lmao)
p ) sakura finds the ring. she proposes. he’s so relieved and elated when she does especially because she isn’t mad he delayed (she actually is never harping him about it or lamenting/venting to her friends that they’re not engaged). she goes the grand scale public route. it’s a little unlike her, but she wants to reinforce in his mind and heart that she absolutely wants him, and wants the world to know it
q ) one of their really big fights happens when sakura is nominated as a hokage candidate. (this is also long paragraphs in the doc but i’ll try to summarize askjdlkj; -- update: i DID shorten it even tho it doesn’t seem it alskfjlaks)
she surpasses tsunade in every way: she fucking attains sage mode via wood style because why the hell wouldn’t she kishimoto??? (and i don’t CARE if people are poking holes in this, I will patch them up! let her be amazing--in other words let her be HER and the HEROINE she’s always been evolving into! why be a wet blanket when you can love women in manga? Tim Gunn voice: MAKE IT WORK!) (alsooo you know what I went and re-read this and it dawned on me this person wrote “should have,” not necessarily that she could one day develop this ability post-actual-canon. So I guess the headcanon is that Kishimoto liked women / her and gave her this arc from the beginning and all the details required to necessitate this development were actually present in the story). everyone admires the skills she’s exhibited running the hospital, and because she’s a war hero who is constantly at a major hospital and cures/saves people on the daily -- basically communicating that saving and protecting others is her life’s work -- a lot of citizens know her and really like and respect her... other reasons, etc., moving along tho-- 
naruto never thought his dream could ever be threatened or usurped by one of his most fierce and steadfast supporters. but…. He really loves her. And he’s so proud of her. And so he seriously considers refusing it if they choose him, so it would likely fall to her, or just flat-out taking his name out of the running so it’s not even a choice. It is in part self-sacrifice, but not merely; he respects her; reveres her strength and leadership; agrees she’s been indispensable and reliable for so long, and has worked so hard...  and, geez, he often thought HE was an underdog?? His life’s been no picnic, he’s worked incredibly fucking hard to get through things and evolve to his current station... but, well… his future wife has overcome so much to gain her status and prove herself, too, with as much effort as him, and while she did have teachers on the same level as him, she performed all her heroism with signiiiificantlllyyy less prophetic/demon/bloodline inertia to get her here (and by less we facetiously mean: none).
she’s pissed he’d even consider walking away from this goal. he tries to explain, “sakura. you’ve been my dream, too, for just as long.” it takes an emotional night -- mostly with her pleading for him to understand that she doesn’t want him to and is so sorry she’s ever made him feel like martyring himself is the only way to get her to acknowledge his devotion -- to settle it all. but yeah. he becomes hokage. a GOOD hokage.
r ) i love the idea of kurama just one day smugly bringing to their attention their shared connection to mito (i hc that mito developed the seal technique tsunade and sakura have) “naruto? what’s he saying? what does he mean?” “well, uh… y’know how baachan’s uzumaki mito’s granddaughter? and mito was kurama’s jinchuuriki before my mom? uh… what he’s saying is… mito developed the byakugou by accessing some of his chakra. so… that means…” and she finishes: “we’re both… kind of mito’s disciples?” “thanks ultimately to kurama’s chakra.. and.. being uzumaki...” he says somewhat blankly. and her brows shoot up as a sort of wry smile twitches on her lips, which then turns into a genuine grin. she looks at him with love in her eyes and repeats tenderly, “being uzumaki…” kurama immediately kinda regrets his decision to share this fact when they’re gonna be such sappy nerds about it
s) from my 1sentence challenge but it doubles as a hc: When he opened the door to their cozy apartment he saw her on the living room rug -- knees at a silly angle with fabric draped over her thighs, repeating the motion of her hand moving toward it, then away -- and when he got closer the red thread seemed to glimmer a greeting, her engagement ring winking in tandem, while she lovingly stitched the characters of his destiny onto the new haori.
..........i thought about stopping at n.... and then i decided i needed to get from n to s ;) (i’m embarrassing, i know, it’s ok, i’ve come to terms with it)
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