phoenixyfriend · 2 years
For the mashup ask game:
If you're in the mood for an angsty one, could you have a go at 71 (24 hours to live) and 28 (proposal fic) please? Preferably involving Ahsoka?
If not, then maybe 79 (anger born of worry) and 54 (secret relationship) for Rexwalker/RexAniDala?
Not really sure on what you ship so if these don't work for you dw, honestly your writing is amazing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yeah
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
Ahsoka 71. Twenty-Four Hours to Live   28. Proposal Fic
NGL having a bit of trouble with this one but I think this would have to be a mission fic.
Let's say Anakin's in trouble, sometime after the Wrong Jedi arc. He's been put in a Deadly Trap of the "room slowly fills with water" variety, and it's going to be too high in about 24 hours. IDK who put it together. Probably Maul, to fuck with Obi-Wan, because most of their enemies wouldn't use Anakin as bait in that way, they'd either go for a political hostage negotiation (Dooku), torture them personally (Ventress), or just straight up kill them (Grievous). Maul, however, would leave Anakin alone to get slowly dead in order to taunt Obi-Wan.
However, Obi-Wan can't get away to actually, you know, save Anakin. (Sheev rejected the request, in order to push that wedge of 'Obi-Wan doesn't really care about me' that he's been driving between Anakin and his Master.)
Instead, the clone of your choice is sent, and they find Ahsoka to help (or she finds them; maybe Maul decided to taunt her too? IDK). Rex is a good standby, but in this case I'm feeling like Fives or Echo might be better? Up to the reader.
So Ahsoka and her partner go off on the rescue mission. There are many near-misses. One, perhaps both, almost die at one point or another. There's a kiss and a confession.
They rescue Anakin, barely, and then rest on the floor, all of them covered in water and panting and very relieved that their General doesn't need mouth-to-mouth.
Clone of your choice leans over Anakin's body, grabs Ahsoka's hands, and asks her to marry him.
She's about to say yes, but--
"SERIOUSLY?! RIGHT OVER MY ALMOST-DEAD BODY? AT LEAST LET ME HUG MY PADAWAN FIRST." except with a lot more spluttering and cough, both from the Aghast Horror and the almost drowning.
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