#fizz goes blargh?
fizzingwizard · 5 years
so excited for kizuna I tried to get tickets today for umeda on friday but they only had the movie schedule up till thurs. will try again in the morning
i havent been much in the fandom lately, been really busy rl and all, i miss when it was tri and i spent my free time translating stuff and trashing meiko and then deciding i liked her after all... liked her to the point that im disappointed kizuna’s not really connected with tri.
anyway now im gonna blargh all over my tumblr about kizuna. i’m so stoked for one more movie and the animation in the trailers looks so good!! and the 02 kids will be in it which is amazinggg. I just read everyone’s bios on the website and when I got to the 02 kids I was like “they’re here!!!!!” I’m an adventure junkie, I don’t have the same 02 nostalgia as some but I did like it, a lot, it had some great stuff in it. their absence was strongly felt in Tri.
and according to the bios miyako is studying programming at a university! they didn’t just have her get married to ken early (I mean the idea of 20 as an early age to be married is very modern itself) and show no interest in her old passions like how it seemed at the end of 02. homemaker is an important and valuable pursuit that deserves more respect than it gets - it was just how she was the only girl who cared about sciencey things and she was also the most passionate about her hobbies of the girls in 02 that made it seem like she’d just been crammed into a typical female role. make yamato an astronaut because boys like that, make miyako be a mom because girls like that. like, you can be a programmer and a mom. but this was 2002, which was still basically the 90s. AOL dial-up was still a thing. so we must forgive and forget. in kizuna she’s not only studying programming, she’s even studying abroad in Spain. she’s a total modern girl. I loved miyako best of the 02 gang so she was the one I felt most concerned about making a good showing in kizuna. if she marries ken and quits her job for a while to raise the kids? that’s fine, because it’ll be her choice, made after having some life experience. but let her have some life experience first! some people really want to be wives and mothers when they’re quite young and that’s fine for them, I just don’t see miyako being that way.
but of course I stan Taichi most of all and I can’t waaaait to see him again. and all the adventure kids. and i’m also really super interested in koushirou and takeru after reading their bios. my hope for the kids’ adult lives was always that koushirou and taichi would team up to maintain things between the human world and the digital world, koushirou doing the research and tests and putting things together while taichi does field work and public relations. idk if that’ll happen in quite the way I image it but they both seem to be doing things like that on their own. and takeru is studying literature and languages ^^ and he’s in a children’s lit club. I LOOOOOVE that. I can imagine Takeru wanting to write about their adventure, think about how he himself was the youngest and his memories of it will be those of a child, and then realize that that child’s perspective is actually a really strong vantage point. and decide to put it out as a children’s story, something to become a bridge between people’s hearts and digimon’s. i hope we see that in kizuna!
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