#fkn 208
schmirius · 11 months
ofmd 2x08 spoilers
you do the holding Charleston hostage bit and it's to get *Izzy* the medicine he needs as he lies dying because everybody fucking loves him so much – and this, *this* is when Ed and Stede figure out whether this is their last pirate action or what, *collaboratively,* and it's at least a 4 episode arc
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one-1-year-gone · 5 years
Day two hundred and eight (208)
I didn't forget it, I was just too tired to write. And I couldn't be bothered.
I woke up and I thought it was already Friday, not really.
I went to see Emma in the evening with Mireia. It was good. I just think they didn't get the surprise of Mr. Knightley feeling or the Box Hill scene right. Still enjoyable though. In the beginning we also got to see Mr. Knightleys bum for no reason. There were two actors of Sex Education, that was quite funny to see them in a serious setting.
Mhh, what else happened.
Uhhh, in PSE nothing happened as always.
In English we're doing a presentation about the themes in MacCaigs poems. All pretty much depressing, if you ask me. There was aboy that basically threw a tantrum bc he had to work in a group which he didn't want to. Literally like a five (5) year old.
When the film was over Miereia and I went to the bus stop, thinking we can wait together and only after a while we noticed that, yes the bus number was right, but it was the wrong direction.
I had quite the exercise today, I walked to the bus stop and also back bc I didn't want to wait in the cold for a bus ride that's gonna bring only a bit closer.
Quotes of the day=
Corona virus is just a spicy flu - Regan
Pythagoras wuz a fkn weeb (she wrote it like that on Lucy's hand) -Louise
I came home at like nine (9) but I got to ved much later bc I had to finish my frigging daily workouts and then shower, wash my hair, ugh it was so exhausting.
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vibranttleo · 8 years
Nooooo it's not that you're fkn lovely I'm just like 208% sure I'll completely butcher myself 😅
Awww nooo you'll be alright
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schmirius · 9 months
sorry I'm away from home for a couple weeks still but I just remembered "I fed your darkness." were you there when he was 14 and killing his dad were you there when he told Fang to skin that guy alive or when he told Stede he loved a good maim did you tell! him! to! cut bits! off! your! body!
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schmirius · 11 months
ofmd spoilers / ofmd s2
i feel ill, and it's the one morning this week I can't take off work, and I'm so upset. I've already been looking at other people's posts where they can say more than that but all I've got is massive betrayal and sorrow.
"don't like things." that's it, that's what I've got. "don't ever like things." it's a fucking overreaction but I have sincere trouble genuinely loving things (not people – the world) so much of the time, I feel like I've been... I don't know. "sucker punched" or "curb stomped" both occurred to me, or the completely wrong "gutted," but I'm just so full of upset, and it hurts, it hurts, I hate it.
I don't even have "what the fuck" in me, because it made narrative sense on a show that I would find boring and not worth loving because of how petty that show would be. it's a thing, people do this storyline, I'm just destroyed that they did it here. all fucking season, all the queer love and self-acceptance and community finding he got to do as a mean old cunt who metaphorically came out late in life – for this? for this?
I'm the mean old cunt who has just barely begun finding the community. it's cliche to say it and apparently insignificant but this show was a teeny, tiny step for me coming out somewhere more – a foothold, somewhere. the first fandom I've written fic in, because I charged in with rip-roaring explicit kinky steddyhands because it was fun, because it was loving, because it fit with the show in spirit.
I feel awful. I really, really feel awful.
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schmirius · 11 months
ofmd spoilers / ofmd s2
feeling better than I did this morning, thanks to a fortuitous nap. I've progressed to "that finale was sloppy and rushed, and the Izzy part was particularly gratuitous and shitty" (in no small part because he is one of my guys)
Ed, my other guy, did not get much out of this either. started out strong with him doing the opening narration (for once, the only time! him trying to tell his story!) and immediately being turfed out of his eat pray love tour with the peasants
there was him doing the amazing fucking shot of coming out of the ocean drowned and wrecked as blackbeard the sea monster, One More Time -- with the weird motivation being "well, if this is the only thing I'm good at like that guy beating me said, I guess!" -- that guy BEATING HIM?? which meant nothing on the Ed Character Sheet all of a sudden???
and then badass fighting, sure, and then [STATIC WHERE DISCUSSION OF IZZY DEATH SHOULD BE] where Izzy basically told Ed that everything Ed did in 201/202 was fine and he doesn't need to figure himself out, he's okay
and then Ed and his partner are suddenly fine doing the thing we talked about in the previous episode as Not Solving Ed's Problems, where he immediately throws away yet another mask to put on a very similar very shallow one to 207's and having that be... the happy ending? apart from all the thematic sloppiness there, that's some weird continuity choices. like, didn't he just learn that he has no land-style basic adult skills 20 episode-minutes ago?
even taking into account that the episode order was cut, it was all very sloppy.
(not even saying anything about Stede, who is not my guy)
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schmirius · 10 months
not going to tag #ofmd critical, it's my own damn blog and i don't need to warn for my opinions
also my feelings are still real hurt about 2x08 and i'm just not looking at any fanwork where izzy dies unless it's ripping canon a new one
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schmirius · 11 months
actually every time I think about Izzy's death scene being Izzy telling Ed that *Izzy's* sorry I get madder
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schmirius · 11 months
ofmd spoilers / ofmd s2
this one is hitting really, really hard because I really thought they weren't going to do it to us
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schmirius · 11 months
ofmd spoilers / ofmd s2
you're fucking kidding me.
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