#fl will smile at them once and they think they're good enough for her
offrozenmemoirs · 11 months
[ 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender puts perfume / aftershave on receiver’s ( wrist / neck / cheek ) / sino -> seraph. idea being that sino spritz perfume on seraph's collar bone because SSS is getting ready for a party or smth. :) ? ?
The Five Senses || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
Seraph feels his nerves rising as he thinks about this party they're supposed to be going to. He remembers the last time they went to a party and it almost spelled the end of his journey with the rest of them. Though he can admit, part of his feelings back then were because of far too many revelations that were hitting him all at once. He feels one of the many scars adorning his body ache at remembering the Winter Ball. It feels almost odd to relax, even if only for a little while.
[I thought I'd be used to large crowds now. I'm certainly used to the cacophony of voices from the deathwatchers along with Pharasma.]
The elf grimaces as he looks at himself in the mirror. He's never used to not wearing some sort of armor when he's out in public, or the weight that it brings with it. There's a firmness to the familiar presence of his armor, compared to the suit he wears now.
"I know you don't like the bigger crowds, but you look quite dashing! It's nice to see you outside of your armor."
Seraph gives a wry smile at the sound of his lover's voice, turning around.
"I think you're only saying that because you enjoy seeing how tight this dress shirt is around my chest...I knew that dress shirts were going to be a bit of a problem but..."
[This is ridiculous...I can't even get the damn thing buttoned up all the way over my chest. I can't wear a tie or anything with this. I know it's not an entirely overly formal party, but I hate the idea of being stared at.]
Soup has the gall to look offended at Seraph's insinuation, and gives a mock gasp of surprise.
"Please, me objectify you? Perish the thought, love! I simply speak the truth."
Seraph rolls his eyes, but the smile is still there as he turns back around. He supposes that Soup does have a point. He's at least smart enough to have scoped out the area where this party was. Call him paranoid, but he had Freya carry his gear to the rooftop. He could ascend easily enough, given that he could leap about forty feet into the air nowadays. Just in case he told himself.
[One of these days, someone's going to tell me I'm going to drive myself mad by expecting to be attacked all the time. Well, Seira at least wouldn't be one of those people. Sino too, probably.]
Seraph sighs, he thinks that there's something missing from the whole thing.
"Ah, Seraph, there you are!"
Sino's voice enters the room and he turns to look at her. She held a bottle of...perfume? The gnomish woman comes up to him.
"Why don't you try this? I think it'll compliment you quite well."
Seraph nods, trusting Sino's intuition. If anything, she's probably a hell of a lot better at identifying scents that would fit him well. He's noticed that about her, she tends to know the things that fit him and Soup well. She sprays his wrists and chest with the perfume, and he's immediately hit with a minty scent. It reminds him of his ice magic, and...is that a hint of cinnamon he smells coming from her? It reminds her of the warmth that Soup holds and he smiles.
"You know, I don't know what I'd do without you here to help me figure these things out."
"Oh I'm sure you'd carry on just fine. But you know I'm always here to help when you need it. Now, I think we're all ready. Let us try to enjoy a nice night for once, hm?"
Seraph nods, and offers his arm to Sino.
"You make a good point, sia daron. Now, let's go and grab Soup. Perhaps we can be the ones to be envied at this party, no?"
Seraph always thinks about how she taught him how to dance, that night in Ingora, at the Rowdy, he remembers the heat from the alcohol they drank, and the way the two of them moved together, how his cheeks heated up with embarrassment, or how he was awed at how she seemed to flow when she showed him the dances. He remembers thinking on how she was the most beautiful person in the Rowdy that night. He remembers her at the Winter Ball, and he felt as if he should count himself as one of the luckiest people there to simply bask in her presence. She's always had a beauty about her, and he kicks himself at how long it took him to see that, or at least admit it to himself.
"You've never told me what that meant, you know."
"I'll tell you what it means someday. I promise."
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platonic-cats · 2 years
Tsk tsk there should be a Kiel appreciation day where everyone who reads Isekai manhwa celebrate the fact that Kiel is the best second ml in existence🙏🙏
Lp athy and him would've slayed if they got together. But them not getting together is just amazing juicy angst so really it's a win for me either way😩💖
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gay-otlc · 4 years
Perfect (Keefitz)
Summary: And yet... he can't shake the feeling that, if he wasn't a Vacker, if he wasn't stuck in the cage of perfection... he would love to be with Keefe.
That didn't matter. Whether he likes it or not, Fitz is in his cage of perfection, so he can't want Keefe.
He can't. Because he's perfect.
(Alternatively: 4.5K words of Keefitz angst and about 100 of Keefitz fl*ff)
Trigger warnings: Internalized homophobia, cursing
Words: 4352
(Read on AO3)
Fitz Vacker is perfect.
His friends call him Wonderboy, and that's for a reason. He knows they're making fun of him when they say it, but he can't help but feel the smallest glimmer of pride when he hears the nickname. Maybe a bit more than that. Yes, people are making fun of him for being perfect. That still means they see him as being perfect.
And that's good. That's exactly how he wants it to be.
No, he corrects himself- not how he wants it to be. How it is. People don't just see him as perfect- he is perfect. (Or so he tells himself. But is he, is he really perfect? Or is he just lying, trying to convince himself. Convince everyone else.) Wonderboy is at the top of his class. He's passable at Base Quest and actually quite good at Bramble. Even though his father doesn't approve of the hobby, his talent at baking is undeniable. Every girl at Foxfire is in agreement that he's handsome, with bronze skin, teal eyes, and a smile that makes all of them swoon.
(He doesn't care how many girls like him. He's never liked any of them.)
And Sophie. He's a key member of the Black Swan, and he's Sophie's cognate. They're cognates. And everyone expects them to be a couple.
He's supposed to love her. He can't.
They would be a perfect couple, if only he could feel what he was supposed to.
He can't.
The point is, Fitz is perfect. He's sunshine, blue skies. Flawless. Golden.
Fitz Vacker is perfect. And he can't shake the feeling that perfection is a cage.
Keefe Sencen is anything but perfect.
It's obvious from the very moment they meet. Keefe is too loud, too energetic, too obnoxious. He barely pays any attention in his classes and lands in detention every other day. Taking anything seriously seems to be impossible for him. Even his appearance, with messed up hair and the way he "forgets" his cape, reflect on his personality.
Alden disapproves immediately. Keefe would never be a good influence for Fitz, could get him in trouble, damage his reputation. Blah, blah, blah. He does make sense, too; Fitz is a Vacker, and he's the golden boy, so he can only be surrounded by the best. Which likely doesn't include Keefe. But after one conversation with that boy, he finds himself inviting him over to Everglen after school.
After that, they're inseparable, no matter what Alden says.
And Keefe is still far from perfect. He hides everything in jokes and spends too much time obviously crushing on Sophie. (A fact that gives Fitz a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He isn't sure why; maybe it would be weird if two of his best friends started dating?) Keefe's mom is part of the Neverseen and the council banished him to Exillium and he makes reckless decisions.
Odds are, Keefe is a ticking time bomb, and Fitz needs to get away. That's what his brain tells him to do. Then, Keefe tells him Lord Cassius's theory on head and heart emotions, and something clicks. In his head, he wants Keefe gone. In his heart, he needs Keefe to stay.
Shit, he thinks.
Keefe is anything but perfect. He's a hurricane, a natural disaster. Flawed. Broken glass.
Keefe Sencen is anything but perfect. And Fitz cares about Keefe way to much to ever let it come between them. Shit.
Fitz nearly dies once, a time most people have forgotten about. He remembers it perfectly.
It's soon after he, Sophie, Dex, Biana, and... Keefe, though Fitz doesn't yet know why he has the ellipses, run away to join the Black Swan in Allavuterre. When they break into Exile to visit Prentice, and the Council comes to stop them. It's the most stupid way to nearly die, but a giant bug stabs Fitz. An arthopleura, eight feet tall and full of poison, stabs him.
And he nearly dies.
Even though he doesn't have a photographic memory, the time plays out perfectly in his mind- everything suddenly aches, he can barely breathe and the world swims before his eyes. His brain feels foggy, clouded by the poison. Through the fog, he can only think of one thing. A name, that he clings to like a lifeline.
And it should be Sophie's name. It should be Sophie's name. He's usually perfect enough to keep control of his thoughts, make sure he wants the right thing and doesn't spend too much time ever longing for the wrong thing.
In his poisoned state, that sort of control is gone, and all he can think of is what he actually wants.
The name echoes in his mind, over and over. When he feels himself only at his last point of consciousness, Keefe's name is still repeating, but he doesn't remember what it means.
Who's Keefe? he thinks.
A memory tickles at the back of his mind. Keefe... he... I... I think I'm in love with him.
He gives into the poison, consciousness gone.
When he wakes up, his head still feels foggy and slow. Keefe's name is still there, and it doesn't take long for the rest of Fitz's memories to come slotting into place. I think I'm in love with him.
Where the fuck had that thought come from?
Fitz isn't in love with Keefe. He can't be. He isn't. Fitz is the perfect Vacker, the golden boy. He's going to marry someone on his match list that his father approves of, and then he's going to further the Vacker family name and not dishonor generations of Vackers before him. He'll continue being perfect, something that can't happen if he loves Keefe. Because Keefe is so far from perfect, nothing like anyone those generations of Vackers want him to marry. He's chaotic and disobedient and, well, a boy.
If Fitz is to be perfect, he can't like Keefe.
And he will be perfect.
No, he is.
His friends come in, full of concerns and well wishes. Keefe comes in carrying Mr. Snuggles, and thought he's laughing at Fitz, all Fitz can think about is how cute his laugh is, how Keefe hasn't smiled in so long and he's so happy that Keefe is happy. Keefe lights up Fitz's world, and after a bug-induced realization, Fitz notices that Keefe is... well, really hot.
Don't think about that.
Eventually, the rest of his friends leave, and Livvy gives him various elixirs. Della and Biana stay behind, but eventually, Livvy and Della have to talk about something, and he's left alone with Biana.
Biana smirks. "Does Fitzy have a crush?"
His face burns. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Please," she scoffs. "You've been making heart eyes ever since our friends came in. Spill."
"I don't- I'm not-"
"Fitz, you're a terrible liar. Come on, just admit you like Sophie."
Sophie. Yes, he likes Sophie. Sophie is the Moonlark, the most powerful elf; just who the perfect Vacker boy should like. She's pretty, and she's a girl, and she's just as perfect as he is. They're meant to be together.
"Yes," he lies. "Fine. I like Sophie. I realized it after almost dying. Happy now?"
"But don't... don't tell her." Fitz knows that Sophie has a crush on him; no matter how hard she tries to keep it a secret, it's fairly obvious. He doesn't want her thinking that he likes her, though, because then they'd have to date, and he wouldn't like her. Well, he likes her a lot, but not like that. He likes her enough to not lead her on like that.
Biana gives him a strange look. "You know she likes you, right?"
Shit. Now he has to think of a lie, and as Biana pointed out, he's not good at lying. "I'm... I don't really want a relationship right now. While we're dealing with the Neverseen and all that. I kind of just want to wait, and I'm worried Sophie will take that as I don't like her."
He feels Biana's eyes on him for a long time, but she finally nods. "Makes sense. I'm gonna go... get some sleep, Fitz."
When she leaves, he feels like he can finally exhale. He was nearly caught with a crush on Keefe Sencen, of all people. He managed to lie and divert the attention to Sophie... but that was fucking hard.
It shouldn't be hard. He should forget all about Keefe right now, before he falls in deeper, and like Sophie instead. That's what he has to do, to be perfect again.
And yet... he can't shake the feeling that, if he wasn't a Vacker, if he wasn't stuck in the cage of perfection... he would love to be with Keefe.
That didn't matter. Whether he likes it or not, Fitz is in his cage of perfection, so he can't want Keefe.
He can't. Because he's perfect.
As the world continues on, with a mess of Neverseen attacks and near death experiences and drama with their friends, Keefe Sencen never fucking leaves Fitz's head. His stupid smirk and stupid Hair and stupid, stupidly imperfect beauty. He's so stupidly funny and caring and brilliant, and oh, Fitz is so stupidly in love.
It's infuriating.
And yes, he's well aware it's kind of an asshole move, but ever since he recovered from the bug stabbing incident and the feelings for Keefe didn't go away, he's been avoiding him. Every second he spends with Keefe makes him fall even deeper in love. And as he falls deeper in love, he comes closer and closer to falling off his throne.
He can't risk that.
Even strained conversations are difficult. Fitz feels something he can't name, a combination of fury and frustration and love bubbling up in his chest, and he sometimes thinks he'll explode if he doesn't scream it. I'm in love with Keefe. I'm in love with Keefe.
But he can't scream it. So he'll just have to stay away.
Keefe thinks he's jealous, that he and Sophie have something going on, because he thinks Fitz likes Sophie. Fitz is jealous whenever Keefe and Sophie are together, it's true. He wishes he were jealous of Keefe. It's safer to have him believe that. Safer to stay away.
It kills him.
But he can't have both Keefe and perfection, and he's chosen perfection.
The perfection he wants (this isn't what he wants, he wants Keefe, he's never wanted this) comes in the form of Sophie Elizabeth Foster and a walk through Everglen. They're discussing matchmaking, dangerous territory- and then the danger becomes real, tipping Fitz into the deep end of a conversation he'd rather avoid.
Sophie starts crying. He's not an idiot; he knows why.
Because she thinks he'll never like her.
(And she's right. He can't like her. He can't like girls.)
Before he can think it through, the words are out of his mouth: "I want it to be you," he blurts. "I want it to be you. On my match list." It's not a lie. He wants her on his match list, and him to be on hers, so they can be matched, and together... and, well, married, as horrifying as that thought is. Married to Sophie. Together for eternity.
(That sounds like a nightmare. He loves her, but not like that. The mere thought of spending eternity together feels like he's already trapped. Caged within perfection.)
He wants to want Sophie like that. And that means he wants her, right?
(He wants Keefe.)
This is what he wants, he reminds himself, as he leans towards her, ready to kiss. He'd never admit it to anyone, but when they're interrupted by Silveny, he's overwhelmingly relieved.
No he isn't.
This is what he wants.
He's relieved again when he and Sophie break up. And terrified. She was his safety net, and now, when he falls for Keefe, nothing is going to catch him. Then, he regrets feeling any bit of relief- what kind of boyfriend does that make him?
A gay one.
That's what he is, isn't he? He's not perfect. He's gay. And he thought it would go away. It hasn't. It isn't going to. He's gay, he's gay for Keefe Sencen, and he'll never be perfect. Never be fucking perfect. Unless he pushes the feelings down until he forgets about them. Unless he never tells anyone. Unless he bites his tongue and marries a woman and does everything exactly right. Never slips up. Convinces himself, and everyone else, that he's... normal.
Not just normal.
Fucking perfect.
His plans to repress all Keefe-related emotions fails horribly within a few days. Keefe, the fucking idiot, manages to get himself in a coma, and now Fitz doesn't know whether he'll wake up, and dammit, even ignoring Keefe was better than this. 
He just wants Keefe back, even if it'll be harder to be perfect.
The universe rewards him, the time he spends by Keefe's bedside whispering I'll stay away from him, I won't fall in love, I'll forget all about him, if he can stay alive works, or maybe it was just luck. Either way, Keefe is awake.
At first, he has no idea what to feel. Overwhelmingly happy, for one. It's hard to push that down.
He's your best friend. It's normal to feel happy about your best friend not dying. It's fine. This is fine. You're fine.
You're still perfect.
Then, everything spirals very quickly, and it turns out Keefe's mother- shit, Fitz hates her- has managed to ruin everything once again. Fantastic. Now Keefe is scared of himself, and if Fitz is being honest, he's a little scared... but then again, he was always scared of Keefe, wasn't he? Scared of how his laugh made Fitz feel like he'd won a million lusters and how he could be so imperfect yet so wonderful and how sometimes, Fitz thought maybe, it'd be worth it to not be perfect, as long as they could be together.
And scared of how he can't stop thinking about Keefe, so he buys flowers- fucking flowers- and goes to visit him at Elwin's house.
Elwin opens the door. He glances at Fitz, then the flowers, then Fitz again, and smiles knowingly. Fitz wants to shrink into a hole, knowing that Elwin knows- or even suspects- his secret, that he's so far from perfect. Elwin doesn't think of it as a bad thing, though. It's still terrifying. "Keefe is in his room," he says. Fitz nods, not trusting his voice, and walks up the stairs.
Keefe opens the door. "Elwin, I said I'd- you're not Elwin."
"Not unless something very confusing just happened, no," Fitz agrees.
"What are you doing here?"
Fitz swallows. "I came to check on you," he says. Then he holds out the flowers. "And to give you these." Keefe stares at the flowers for a long time, long enough to make Fitz extremely uneasy. Oh why did I do this, this was so stupid, Keefe thinks it's stupid, it obviously is, and now Elwin knows, or at least suspects, and maybe Keefe suspects too, and why am I such a fucking idiot? But Keefe takes the flowers eventually.
The word is clipped, not particularly grateful, but Fitz lets his eyes meet Keefe's and he seems sincere. "No problem." Awkwardly, he shuffles his feet. "How are you?"
"I'm... I'm alright, I guess."
"You guess?"
"I don't really want to talk about it, if that's okay." When Fitz nods, Keefe gives a small smile. "How about you? I heard you and Foster broke up."
Truth be told, Fitz had nearly forgotten about that, which didn't bode well for his whole Yes, I definitely like girls act he was trying to do. "I'm... I think it was the right decision for us. Can I tell you a secret?" he blurts, the last sentence not planned. He hopes Keefe will say no, but of course he says yes, so Fitz swallows. "I don't think I ever liked her, really. I mean, I like her a lot. But not like that. Never like that. I've never liked a girl like that."
Instantly, Fitz regrets specifying a girl, but that was the only way to keep it truthful. Despite that, he regrets not lying as he watches Keefe connect the dots. "You like me, don't you?" Before Fitz can say anything, really even register the question, Keefe continues "It's not bad if you do. In fact, it's good, because I... I like you. A lot. Like that. So it's okay to tell me if you like me. And I promise I won't tell anyone unless you're alright with it."
Fitz nods. Almost in a whisper, he answers "I like you. I... I really like you, so much, so much it physically aches, but Keefe, I can't. You know I can't."
A look Fitz can't quite decipher comes over Keefe, a mixture of pain and anger and joy and... determination. "Tell me if you want me to stop," he whispers, before cupping Fitz's face. Even before their lips touch, Fitz knows it's so unlike the times he and Sophie almost kissed. This time, it feels exactly right.
It feels perfect.
That word, that fucking word, draws Fitz back abruptly away. "I can't," he repeats, taking a step back towards the door. Twists the doorknob. "I can't. I'm sorry, Keefe, but I can't."
Keefe nods. "I know. You have to be perfect." He doesn't sound angry; just resigned.
"I have to be perfect," Fitz agrees, and he leaves.
Once again, the world continues on. Keefe slowly begins trusting himself around other people again. Fitz still doesn't trust himself around Keefe. If they're too close for too long, he thinks he might just disregard everything and kiss him again. He thought it was hard before, but after he knows who fucking wonderful it is to kiss Keefe, it's nearly impossible. Keefe is like a drug, and Fitz has to do everything he can not to relapse.
So he stays away.
They fight the Neverseen a few more times. Nearly die once or twice. Elwin basically adopts Keefe. He and Sophie work to rebuild their trust as cognates, but it's hard, because now he's keeping such a big secret.
I never liked you.
I don't like girls.
I'm gay.
I like Keefe.
I kissed Keefe once.
He can't tell her any of that. Can't tell anyone. Keefe is the only person who knows, and even that is far too many people. He has to trust that Keefe won't tell anyone- though Keefe doesn't have as much to lose from it, it can't be good for him either. And Sophie... she's a really good friend, but he still... he can't. He just can't.
Even as their friendship repairs itself, they never date again. He's glad.
And disappointed.
Because he really needs a safety net, now more than ever.
Alden convinces him to get a match list, one without Sophie on it. One with a hundred girls, each one of them someone he can never love. Maybe he'll find one he likes well enough. And he can pretend to love her until he's convinced everyone, including himself. A new safety net.
A new mask of perfection.
He throws a Winnowing Gala then, mostly for the food. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to just eat the whole time. He has to dance with people, talk to them, hope to find some sort of spark. It never comes, of course. When he first met Keefe first, he knew that boy would be bad for him, but he couldn't stay away. Every moment talking to him felt like electricity. This is just... dull.
It's nearly torture.
Also, it's what the rest of his life is going to be like.
Fitz already knew perfection was a cage. He chose the cage instead of Keefe. Now he's living with the consequences. This was his choice, and he made his choice, but it's still... so hard. It feels like he's suffocating.
"I need some fresh air," he chokes out to the girl he's dancing with now. He can't even remember her name. She's nice, but nothing like Keefe. All of these girls blend together, because none of them are Keefe, and he's too focused on surviving the next few hours to concentrate on any of them.
Without waiting to here her response, he stumbles outside.
"Fitz?" a voice asks. He groans. Keefe. Why did it have to be Keefe?
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"It's nice to see you too. I came to pine as you chose a girl to marry, of course. Didn't expect you to come outside."
Fitz groans, burying his head in his hands. "Sorry to snap at you. I just..."
"You hate this. You hate this so much."
"How do you know?"
"Empath. Also, I know you," Keefe says. Fitz sighs. They fall silent for a long time, but finally, Keefe speaks again. "I still... I can't stop thinking about the kiss. It feels like forever ago, and I still sometimes feel your lips on mine like some sort of phantom. All I can do is think about kissing you again. I really want to kiss you again. I... I really want you." He takes a breath, then resumes, cutting off whatever Fitz was about to say. "But I know. You can't. I understand."
"I... it doesn't feel like I can. At all. But..." Fitz took a deep breath, gesturing at Everglen. "I can't do this either. I can't keep doing this, pretending to be perfect."
Keefe tilted his head to the side. "Fitz?"
"I'm done pretending," Fitz said, and he kissed Keefe once again.
When they finally separate, Keefe's ice blue eyes are wide, pupils dilated. "That was... incredible." He touches his fingers to his lips, never taking his eyes off Fitz. Fitz can't see himself, but he's sure he looks just as lovestruck. He's wanted this for years, and finally, finally...
"I want to tell people," Fitz says, his own voice sounding foreign to his ears. He didn't plan to say that, but repeats it. "I want to tell people about... about us."
"You know there's no going back after that," Keefe says, the beautiful smile on his face widening anyway.
Fitz nods. "I know. I don't want to go back. I told you, I'm done pretending."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." He pauses. "Unless you don't want to?"
After a quick kiss that makes little fireworks go off in Fitz's head, he smiles again and says "No, I want to. Do you know what you're going to say?" Fitz shakes his head. "Just making it up as you go along. That works. Honestly, the best way to do things. Can I come in with you?" In response, Fitz takes Keefe's hand in his and squeezes it. "Great. Let's go."
With every step Fitz takes, he knows his time being perfect is running out. He's never been happier.
"I want to thank you all for coming tonight," Fitz says, waiting for the room to fall silent from the talking and laughing and music. While he waits, his eyes meet Keefe's. His boyfriend's. Keefe smiles, and he gives a tentative smile in return. His stomach flips with anxiety, and doubts of Do I really want to do this? start to creep back in. He briefly closes his eyes and lets the memory of the kiss wash over him, and it's the only thing to get them to go away.
Distantly, he hears a girl whisper-scream "Is he about to propose to someone?"
He clears his throat and continues. "I've really enjoyed getting to speak of all of you and get to know you. Unfortunately..." he swallows. "None of you... my perfect match. There's nothing wrong with any of you, and if I could be attracted to any of you, I would have some good options to choose from. But... I'm not attracted to girls. Any girls. At all."
Behind him, he hears his father hissing "Fitz, what are you doing?"
"Let him finish," his mom murmurs, voice low.
After letting his eyes drift back to Keefe, he takes a deep breath and blurts it out to the entire room. It's been bubbling up in him for so long, with no one knowing, and by tomorrow, everyone in the Lost Cities will know. That's terrifying. But strangely liberating. No more pretending. "I'm gay."
"Fitzroy," his father snaps, instantly. "Stop talking at once."
"Fitzroy Avery Vacker-"
"No," Fitz repeats, meeting Alden's eyes and ignoring every voice of wisdom telling him to look away. "No. I'm done pretending. And I'm done being perfect. I'm gay, and I'm in love with Keefe, and you're just going to have to fucking deal with that."
Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks over to Keefe, collapsing into a hug. "I'm proud of you," he hears in a whisper.
"That was terrifying," he breathes.
"I know. But it's going to be okay."
Fitz tangles his hands in Keefe's stupidly beautiful hair and meets their lips in another earth shattering kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too, Wonderboy."
Things won't ever be perfect again. Alden and Della divorce, and though neither of them says it, Fitz knows it's his fault. Keefe's father is furious, which he knows upsets Keefe even though he lives with Elwin now. Some elves are supportive, and some even come out after Fitz- including Sophie and Biana, who have apparently been dating for months- but other elves whisper about the gay Vacker boy, and how unfortunate it is for the family. The Council has been arguing for months about whether or not Fitz should be allowed to be matched with Keefe. Fighting the Neverseen is still a necessity, and they keep getting hurt.
Things won't ever be perfect again. Fitz won't be "perfect" again.
But it doesn't matter whether he's perfect. He's happy.
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