brooklynstrogers · 11 years
[ Gonna bounce from Steve and this fella for a little while, before I start on my master drawing and sketches.]
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// adorable ^_^
//Shhh, no.
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redemptionnnns · 11 years
flameonhero​ said: *gives you ginger ale and crackers*
{ thanks hun <3 }
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"Come here sweetie and let me hug you…hope you can stand the embrace of a goddess"
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My first impression on the Url or their character: Oooh, a Johnny Storm. I haven't seen one around here.
Do I Rp with them?: Yup.
Do I want to Rp with them?: Absolutely.
Do I ever have any gifwars or talk to them?: All the damn time.
My opinion on their character: Love. Both mun and muse, and so does James.
Overall statement: 
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ibrokeheavenarchive · 11 years
I apparently can't count worth crap.
This has been a mun fact.
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arrowsandradiation · 11 years
✆ ✉ ☎ ☏ ⁇ ø
Send ✆ for a morning text
 [text] had to rush, meeting at 9. made coffee.
Send ✉ for a text that wasn’t sent
[text] We should do this ag
Send ☎ for a rushed text
[text] had to go again bbl
Send ☏ for a loving text
[text] I kinda enjoyed the night with you.
Send ⁇ for a drunk text
[text] hey yu know whats funyny? Me
Send ø for a late night text
[text] Fuck, I can't sleep. Wanna come over?
Send ✘ for a hateful text
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Decker was dimly aware of the bagel he held in his hands slipping from his suddenly numb fingers as he gaped at his boyfriend. Blinking, he finally shut his suddenly dry mouth, trying to swallow and get something to come out, like words.
He tried a couple of time before something was finally able to come out. One word that was going to change everything for the two of them and hopefully for the better.
He had no doubt that his poppa Phil was going to be sitting Johnny down and threatening him within in an inch of his life, but that was Decker’s life now. Life with Phil and johnny. He could live with that and quite happily.
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"Sometimes I wonder if this is real. If you’re real.”
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justamaninacan · 11 years
Flaming Whiskey ~ flameonhero ~ Closed
Reed's call had been unexpected, but Tony didn't mind going over to Baxter building to help out an old friend. What with Pepper off on holiday with Natasha, Bruce asleep half the time and Steve and Clint hanging out at SHIELD he didn't have much of anything to do any way. It would be great to see Reed again. Give them a chance to catch up. Although he didn't know if he would be in now. He might as well go over. Arriving about 20 minutes later in his car, he stepped out and entered the huge building, going up to the top floor where he knew Reed's lab was. Looking around with slight fascination, although it was nothing he didn't own, he just enjoyed it. "Hello?" he called
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arrowsandradiation · 11 years
"I need a hug."
Clint held his arms open, looking over at the other. "Well then, come here." 
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"Deck, we ever going on that date?"
"Of course we are! I cleared my schedule for tonight, so go get something fancy on, Johnny."
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