#flavio dino
dadsinsuits · 2 months
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Flávio Dino
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Brazil: Marielle Franco's murder closer to being solved
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The 2018 murder of Carioca activist and councilwoman Marielle Franco is closer to being solved, Security Minister Flávio Dino said Monday after one of the two suspects reached a plea agreement and confessed. “New evidence” confirmed the involvement of the two people arrested for the case, ex-cops Ronnie Lessa and Elcio de Queiroz, said Dino, at a press conference in Brasília.
“Because of this evidence collected, we had Elcio's sealed confession. There, he confirms his own participation and the participation of Ronnie Lessa,” said the minister. Accused respectively of firing the shots and driving the car in which they chased the councilwoman out of a work meeting, Lessa and Queiroz were arrested in March 2019 and remained in prison awaiting trial.
Queiroz's confession led the Federal Police to re-arrest former firefighter Maxwell Simoes Correa Monday in Rio de Janeiro. Simoes had already been apprehended for this case in 2020 after being pointed out as the owner of a car used to hide the weapons used in the crime. He was out on probation. Correa had a role in “the surveillance” of Franco and later in the cover-up of the murder, Dino said.
The minister affirmed that the ex-cop's confession closes an initial phase of the investigation related to the execution of the crime and underlined his “hope” that the new elements “will lead to the intellectual authors.”
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Plano de "sequestro de Moro pelo PCC" está muito estranho, assim como fala de Moro e do condutor das investigações, fazendo ambos, a questão de frisar que "independente de partido político" (...).
Bem, Moro já provou não ser confiável mais de uma vez e armou para pôr Lula na cadeia com a ajuda de diversas autoridades. Como é obstinado, exporia até a sua família. Portanto, nenhum erro ou falta de respeito em desconfiar dele.
(E a direita e extrema direita (ligadas ao fascismo e neonazismo, mundialmente, não respeitam ninguém.)
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brasil-e-com-s · 2 years
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tita-ferreira · 8 months
O papel de Joênia Wapichana, presidente da FUNAI, na paralisação das dem...
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ocombatenterondonia · 10 months
Flávio Dino no STF fortalece democracia
“O medíocre discute pessoas. O comum discute fatos. O sábio discute ideias”. Não é sempre verdade que o ensinamento do provérbio chinês se mostra terminativo. A indicação do ministro Flávio Dino de Castro e Costa para a vaga aberta em setembro no Supremo, com a aposentadoria da ministra Rosa Weber, ilustra bem o raciocínio. O elevado teor de acerto e estratégia política na indicação da pessoa.…
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jornale · 1 year
#moro #leiraquelgenofre #sergiomoro #pcc #gilmarmendes #bandnewsfmcuritiba #curitiba #parana #senado #flaviodino #governolula #politics #politica #brasil #jornale
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daikenkki · 1 year
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adilio-mesquita · 1 year
Assista a "🚨🚨Urgente !! Flávio Dino na parede - PARTIRAM PRA CIMA, o bicho pegou #interrogado #encurralado" no YouTube
#flaviodino #quebrapau #ccj #lacrou #Interrogado #depoimento #partirampracima #complexodamare
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tswiftupdatess · 10 months
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Flavio Dino, Minister Of justice and Public security says that water bottles will be allowed for personal use into stadiums from today onwards.
''Starting today, by determination of the Consumer Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice, the entry of personal water bottles, in suitable material, will be allowed at shows. And the production companies of shows with high exposure to heat must provide free drinking water at "hydration islands" with easy access. The measure is valid immediately. The ordinance will be edited in, at most, 1 hour. It will be posted here for knowledge of the details.
The National Consumer Secretariat will take the necessary steps for inspection, with the collaboration of the States and Municipalities, as well as the Police, if necessary.''
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latterview · 22 days
Brazil's Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Elon Musk’s X in Unanimous Decision
In a decisive move, Brazil's Supreme Court has unanimously confirmed the ban on Elon Musk’s social media platform, X. This ruling follows an earlier decision by Justice Alexandre de Moraes, issued last week, due to X's failure to meet a court-imposed deadline to appoint a legal representative in Brazil.
On Monday, the five justices reviewed the case and upheld the suspension. Justices Flavio Dino and Cristiano Zanin underscored that all companies operating within Brazil must comply with local laws, and failure to adhere to court orders threatens the rule of law. Joining them in agreement were Justices Carmen Lucia and Luiz Fux, making the decision unanimous.
The ruling has intensified tensions between Justice de Moraes and Musk’s satellite internet provider, Starlink, which has refused to comply with the court’s directive.
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Before the ruling, Musk criticized the decision, accusing Justice de Moraes of constitutional violations and labeling him a "dictator." Musk also announced plans to use an X account to publish the sealed court decisions he claims demonstrate legal breaches by the justice.
The Supreme Court's decision mandates telecom providers to block access to X, with the suspension remaining in effect until the platform complies with court demands and settles fines exceeding USD 3 million. Justice de Moraes had previously criticized Musk as an "outlaw" who spreads disinformation and undermines democratic norms.
Since acquiring X (formerly Twitter) in 2022, Musk has faced criticism for changes to the platform, including reduced content moderation and controversial posts on his personal feed.
This decision has significant implications for X in Brazil, where the platform has about 40 million users in a country of 215 million. Violating the ban could result in daily fines of up to 50,000 reais (USD 9,000) for using the platform through encrypted connections.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has backed the Supreme Court's decision, emphasizing its role in upholding legal standards and reinforcing the importance of judicial authority.
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dadsinsuits · 4 months
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Flávio Dino
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Brazil's Justice Minister mum on Marielle Franco case
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Outgoing Justice Minister Flávio Dino said on Tuesday he could not confirm or deny press reports about an alleged new plea bargain in the Marielle Franco case.
Ms. Franco, a member of the left-wing Socialism and Freedom Party (Psol), and her driver, Anderson Gomes, were shot dead in Rio de Janeiro on the night of March 14, 2018. The case made international headlines.
In 2023, former police officer Élcio Queiroz confessed to participating as the driver in the double homicide. Ronnie Lessa, also a former police officer, was charged as the drive-by shooter. Unconfirmed press reports on Tuesday claimed he is also negotiating a plea bargain and allegedly pointed to the man who ordered the crime.
Both men have been in custody since 2019, awaiting trial. 
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sixamese-simblr · 10 months
Alien Invasion: Family trees 25 years in
It's been 25 years since the invasion of Pleasantview and Strangetown started. Since Tycho is technically born in-game and he had a baby with Lucy Burb, the first born in-game generation is now complete for my alien invasion hood!
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PT was really busy early on, but his jobs have slowed down lately. The rule was to only summon him when a human man rolled a want for a baby. Among his kids are Tycho, Vidcund Jr., Loki's twins Atom and Ceres and their younger sister Elektra (number 7 in the row), and finally John Burbs 3 alien kids Jane, Joe and Jack. Tycho already has a child of his own, little Joule with Lucy Burb.
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Stella has a relatively modest number of kids at 4. Her eldest, Aster (pictured second), was born from her short-lived marriage to Cassandra Goth, and Deneb (pictured first) was born about a year after, from the affair she had with Darren that ended that marriage. She has two girls from her marriage to Vidcund: Violet and Cundy Sinclair Nova.
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Chloe is happily married to Ripp, and has three children with him: Melanie, Bruno and Flavio. Outside of her marriage, she has three more: Azzura Goth, Alexander's daughter, Junior Oldie, Herb's son, and Rina Singles, the daughter she had with Nina. Only Junior and Rina have any alien DNA, although it remains unexpressed in Junior.
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Lola has only two kids, Sitara and Parveen Loner in a previous marriage to Ajay. Sitara, the younger of the two, possesses recessive alien genes.
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Jill has 3 kids, 2 with her longtime fiancé Buck: Jeff and Jess. Additionally, she has a toddler age son with Beau: Bill Broke. Jess has her grandfather's green skin, and Bill has latent alien DNA.
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Johnny has done one hell of a job, with no fewer than 9 children. From eldest to youngest, we have Gertrude Nigmos, with the late Ophelia, Esmeralda Broke with Dustin, Diana and Dzvezda Smith with Dirk, Beelzebub Pleasant with Lilith, Justina Smith with Dina, twins Arma and Colt Grunt with Tank and finally baby Eric Davis with Johnny's most recent ex-husband Aldric. Of these, Justina is homozygous for alien genes, making her the first full blood alien to be born in the neighborhood.
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Dina has a modest 4 children. Her eldest two are the twins Dino and Regina Goth with Mortimer, followed by her son Michael with her wife Angela. Finally, she had Justina with Johnny, as previously mentioned. Michael has latent alien genes.
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Unfortunately, Nina and her husband Don passed away when a cockroach-borne epidemic swept SimCity. With him, she had two daughters called Jezebel and Carmen Lothario. Outside of her marriage, she had 5 more kids: Laser Grunt with Buzz, Rina Singles with Chloe, Paul Curious with Vidcund, Nino Pleasant with Daniel and Ulysses Beaker with Circe. Of these, Rina and Ulysses have alien skin, and Nino has recessive alien genes.
In total, this means the next generation consists of no fewer than 42 sims. 24 of those have alien skin, with one of them being a full alien. 5 sims have recessive alien genes, and 13 are fully human.
For the upcoming generation, I will be focusing on pairing off the half-alien offspring with each other. Hopefully, by the next generation we will have arrived at the final stage of the alien invasion, and we have at least one fully viable court consisting of a queen and several drones, each fully alien.
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cultml · 2 years
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moviemaniac2020 · 10 months
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LA ORCA, film "maledetto" del 1976, diretto da Eriprando Visconti, nipote del più noto Luchino, ambientato e girato a Pavia, quando la nostra città in quei decenni era una piccola "Hollywood di provincia", che vide grandi attori e registi aggirarsi per le strade del centro storico e paraggi. Fra le tante pellicole, molte di ambientazioni milanesi, MA girate a Pavia, per ricostruire scenografie caratteristiche o storiche, come "L'Albero degli Zoccoli" di Ermanno Olmi, vincitore della Palma d'Oro al Festival di Cannes, anno 1978 (sequenze in corso Cavour e piazza Botta). Non dimentichiamo Dario Argento e il suo "Le Cinque Giornate", né il romantico "Fantasma d'Amore" di Dino Risi con Marcello Mastroianni e Romy Schneider. Tornando a LA ORCA, con tre giovanissimi Michele Placido, Flavio Bucci e Vittorio Mezzogiorno, opera sesta del Visconti Jr., che immortala la città di Pavia in numerose sequenze, riconoscibilissimi la stazione ferroviaria (interno e piazzale esterno), Piazza della Vittoria, Piazza del Duomo, Corso Garibaldi, Borgo Basso e poi l'immancabile scena al Ponte della Becca - vero e proprio "must" cinematografico in quegli anni (come non citare il duello finale fra il commissario Tomas Ravelli (Thomas Milian) e il capo della banda dei marsigliesi (Gastone Moschin) nell'epico duello de "Squadra Volante" di due anni prima?) - LA ORCA riprende quella sordida Pavia degli anni Settanta, la rende ancora più "poliziottesca" e inquietante dei film di Stelvio Massi ("Mark il poliziotto", "Cinque donne per l'assassino"), più intrisa di lotta politica, più impregnata di sangue, violenza e suspence, dove la delinquenza delle cosiddette "batterie" è di casa, anzi di sotto casa, perché appena esci da uno dei tanti palazzi di via San Giovanni in Borgo e sei figlia di una ricca famiglia borghese pavese vieni sequestrata da tre pochi di buono (nefasta anticipazione a quello che succederà poi, negli anni a venire, a un pavese vero e in carne e ossa come Cesare Casella, tanto da fare uno storico esempio di caso mediatico televisivo). In un claustrofobico casolare nelle campagne pavesi si svolge il resto del film: ruoli che si ribaltano, scene disturbanti fra sequestrante e sequestrata, atmosfere claustrofobiche da clima horror, eros onirico e reale, e un finale da pugno nello stomaco. Dopo la sua uscita nei cinematografi italiani fu la pellicola a essere sequestrata dal Tribunale di Roma per scene di stupro estremamente spinte. Soltanto nel 2006 il film fu rimesso in circolazione tramite trasposizione in DVD. Costato appena 40 milioni di lire, il capolavoro di Visconti incassò più di un miliardo al botteghino finché fu libero di circolare. Fu il maggior successo commerciale del regista, tanto che lo spinse un anno più tardi a dirigere un sequel ("Oedipus Orca"), anch'esso in gran parte girato e ambientato a Pavia (con Miguel Bosè e ancora la protagonista del primo, Rena Niehaus, nel ruolo principale). Senza nulla togliere a capisaldi come "Il Cappotto" di Alberto Lattuada, a "I sogni nel cassetto" di Renato Castellani o a "Paura e amore" di Margherethe Von Trotta, opere classiche girate in riva al Ticino, LA ORCA resta ancora oggi un capolavoro della "Cinematografia alla Pavese", una chicca da vedere e rivedere, per capire com'erano le città di provincia, tipo Pavia, durante i difficili e duri anni di piombo. Assolutissimamente consigliato. DVD ordinabile in edicola, film guardabile in streaming su Prime Video. Cult-movie di nicchia, per pochi, ma senza eguali nel suo genere. LA ORCA (Italia, 1976, drammatico/poliziottesco, 90') di Eriprando Visconti. Con Michele Placido, Rena Niehaus, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Flavio Bucci.
(rece: Mirko Confaloniera)
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