theothin · 7 months
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Nppbeqvat gb nyy xabja ynjf bs nivngvba, gurer vf ab jnl n orr fubhyq or noyr gb syl. Vgf jvatf ner gbb fznyy gb trg vgf sng yvggyr obql bss gur tebhaq. Gur orr, bs pbhefr, syvrf naljnl orpnhfr orrf qba’g pner jung uhznaf guvax vf vzcbffvoyr. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Bbu, oynpx naq lryybj! Yrg’f funxr vg hc n yvggyr. Oneel! Oernxsnfg vf ernql! Pbzvat! Unat ba n frpbaq. Uryyb? Oneel? Nqnz? Pna lbh oryvrir guvf vf unccravat? V pna’g. V’yy cvpx lbh hc. Ybbxvat funec. Hfr gur fgnvef, Lbhe sngure cnvq tbbq zbarl sbe gubfr. Fbeel. V’z rkpvgrq. Urer’f gur tenqhngr. Jr’er irel cebhq bs lbh, fba. N cresrpg ercbeg pneq, nyy O’f. Irel cebhq. Zn! V tbg n guvat tbvat urer. Lbh tbg yvag ba lbhe shmm. Bj! Gung’f zr! Jnir gb hf! Jr’yy or va ebj 118,000. Olr! Oneel, V gbyq lbh, fgbc sylvat va gur ubhfr! Url, Nqnz. Url, Oneel. Vf gung shmm try? N yvggyr. Fcrpvny qnl, tenqhngvba. Arire gubhtug V’q znxr vg. Guerr qnlf tenqr fpubby, guerr qnlf uvtu fpubby. Gubfr jrer njxjneq. Guerr qnlf pbyyrtr. V’z tynq V gbbx n qnl naq uvgpuuvxrq nebhaq Gur Uvir. Lbh qvq pbzr onpx qvssrerag. Uv, Oneel. Negvr, tebjvat n zhfgnpur? Ybbxf tbbq. Urne nobhg Senaxvr? Lrnu. Lbh tbvat gb gur shareny? Ab, V’z abg tbvat. Rirelobql xabjf, fgvat fbzrbar, lbh qvr. Qba’g jnfgr vg ba n fdhveery. Fhpu n ubgurnq. V thrff ur pbhyq unir whfg tbggra bhg bs gur jnl. V ybir guvf vapbecbengvat na nzhfrzrag cnex vagb bhe qnl. Gung’f jul jr qba’g arrq inpngvbaf. Obl, dhvgr n ovg bs cbzc haqre gur pvephzfgnaprf. Jryy, Nqnz, gbqnl jr ner zra. Jr ner! Orr-zra. Nzra! Unyyryhwnu! Fghqragf, snphygl, qvfgvathvfurq orrf, cyrnfr jrypbzr Qrna Ohmmjryy. Jrypbzr, Arj Uvir Pvgl tenqhngvat pynff bs 9:15. Gung pbapyhqrf bhe prerzbavrf Naq ortvaf lbhe pnerre ng Ubark Vaqhfgevrf! Jvyy jr cvpx bhe wbo gbqnl? V urneq vg’f whfg bevragngvba. Urnqf hc! Urer jr tb. Xrrc lbhe unaqf naq nagraanf vafvqr gur genz ng nyy gvzrf. Jbaqre jung vg’yy or yvxr? N yvggyr fpnel. Jrypbzr gb Ubark, n qvivfvba bs Ubarfpb naq n cneg bs gur Urkntba Tebhc. Guvf vf vg! Jbj. Jbj. Jr xabj gung lbh, nf n orr, unir jbexrq lbhe jubyr yvsr gb trg gb gur cbvag jurer lbh pna jbex sbe lbhe jubyr yvsr. Ubarl ortvaf jura bhe inyvnag Cbyyra Wbpxf oevat gur arpgne gb Gur Uvir. Bhe gbc-frperg sbezhyn vf nhgbzngvpnyyl pbybe-pbeerpgrq, fprag-nqwhfgrq naq ohooyr-pbagbherq vagb guvf fbbguvat fjrrg flehc jvgu vgf qvfgvapgvir tbyqra tybj lbh xabj nf… Ubarl!
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nightpool · 4 years
strategist group chat: Woe gets a package
alianorasEpilogue: hey so how do people like, open boxes
alianorasEpilogue: normally speaking
impenitentShipper: hands are a favourite of mine
impenitentShipper: for that and other reasons
impenitentShipper: scissors if that doesn't work out for you
alianorasEpilogue: **takes notes**
wayfaringStranger: I enjoy an X-Acto knife
alianorasEpilogue: So how would people recommend uh. opening boxes without hands.
alianorasEpilogue: say uh, you were busy.
impenitentShipper: get some hands, duh
fraternitasFlore: get someone else to do it?
impenitentShipper: yeah that. is definitely what i meant by that
alianorasEpilogue: hmm......
wayfaringStranger: Depends on the box. If you don't care about the contents, fire usually works
alianorasEpilogue: Thank you all!
[ae goes offline]
autosotericAnticryptid: Getting someone else to do it usually works for me.
impenitentShipper: so what's the over/under on them just. not having hands
alianorasEpilogue: I figured it out guys!
alianorasEpilogue: Also if you see anyone talking about Angles Anonymous, that's completely coincidental.
alianorasEpilogue: Absolutely no connection whatever.
autosotericAnticryptid: I. Just thought you needed a hand.
autosotericAnticryptid: ...that's not even supposed to be a pun.
impenitentShipper: They did, in fact, mention a lack thereof
alianorasEpilogue: i didn't mention anything of the sort!!!!
impenitentShipper: i'm not sure it was meant to be literal
alianorasEpilogue: you all were the ones that jumped to conclusions!!
alianorasEpilogue: I can take care of myself, thank you!
autosotericAnticryptid: Do you actually have hands
alianorasEpilogue: whether i have hands or not is entirely besides the point here, @autosotericAnticryptid!
[even later]
impenitentShipper: I don't think we can handle it.
impenitentShipper: Your body's too bootylicious.
alianorasEpilogue: anyway i would appreciate if people stopped discussing my hands thanks!!!!
alianorasEpilogue: they're completely normal hands and that's all there is to say about that.
wayfaringStranger: Okay, I'm done.
alianorasEpilogue: they've got thumbs, four fingers, nails, everything!
alianorasEpilogue: knuckles
alianorasEpilogue: a palm!
autosotericAnticryptid: skin
alianorasEpilogue: skin!
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hollyhockash · 5 years
The “Gamers Against Weed” group from SCP are a set of Glitch PCs.
So. There's this group/fiction collection/shared subuniverse of SCP that's called Gamers Against Weed, which is an online chatroom with an ironic name whose membership includes several "anomalous individuals". This is not particularly unusual as SCP groups go. Only, when I read it, I keep finding bits and pieces that extremely remind me of Jenna Moran's Glitch, a tabletop RPG about trying to live with a world that is incorrect. (Well, technically, Glitch takes place in the world of Nobilis, but Nobilis 3e is unavailable on the internet anymore and 2e is from like, two decades ago.)
The trick here is that the SCP Foundation wants to contain "anomalies", which happen to include several of the members of this group; this results in a larger social context broadly similar to the status of Glitch's Chancery organization - theoretically, they're not part of any world-destroying schemes anymore, but if they draw attention, they're still going to get locked up just as fast as any other anomaly is. In the meantime, they have a chat group on the Internet, and their way of coping with absurdity, meaninglessness, gender dysphoria, and the general suckiness of the world is to try to lighten the tone of the world with pranks - pranks they try very hard to keep from causing any actual harm. (See also this tumblr thread about millenial neodada.)
So here's some examples: there's the Cool And Awesome Ways To Say No To Weed series (part 1, part 2, part 3), where the characters do such things as breaking the space inside a Denny's to get away from the consequences of accidentally spending cloned bills, finding someone by following the "coincidences" that are not coincidences that surround them, finding an Anchor and dragging her handler out through the phone line, and enacting the Cliffhanger Rite to seemingly die but actually escape. There's also the one member who is probably a world-killing superweapon who decided to stop after discovering Homestuck, and the one who left a group of "artists" because their performance art had become lethal. And the project where they're trying to make what is basically a Chancel: a safe untraceable place for people who have nowhere else to go.
...Which is to say that this is perfect enough that I'm currently reskinning it, so keep an eye out for if/when I start talking about writing and/or running a Glitch game called The Finding Lord Entropy Hot Club.
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souqoman2016 · 6 years
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سحر الليالي لجلب الإيدي العامله لدينا عاملات منازل ومربيات أطفال وطباخات من سيرلانكا الفلبين واوغندا كما يوجد لدينا عاملات مسترجعات من الجنسية السيرلانكيه الضمان 6 اشهر يشمل الهروب الموقع : المعبيله الجنوبيه -المرحلة السابعه مقابل الصناعية أرقام الهواتف والوتس آب 97427719 94423000 94650088 الايميل [email protected] أوقات العمل : من السبت إلى الخميس الفترة الصباحية من الساعه 9 إلى 1 الفتره المسائية من الساعه 5 إلى 9 المصداقيه شعارنا في التعامل #عاملات#شغالات https://www.instagram.com/p/BuQCk-flEhC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gnlpe0bva85e
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