breitzbachbea · 1 year
I just wanted to make a real stupid meme and now i am sitting here, trying to figure out flektion in the danish language
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zootycutieart · 5 years
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Back to getting some new fantribes started up, going back with some of the adopts that I never used up!
Obsessed with appearance, the Meerorrs reflect on things a lot, both figuratively and literally! While they might be a bit superficial and vain, they're also out to prove that beauty isn't just skin deep, not just for them, but their other Mixel friends! Glamirr is great at letting people see how beautiful they truly are. Having a mirror for a face, she's ready to give any Mixel a great pep-up on their appearance, or help make them over. Ironically, she's unable to see her own true beauty thanks to this. That is, unless you don't mind her getting dizzy from being forced to look through "infinite mirrors". Mirrobelle is an enigma in her creation. Half mirror and half bell, she portrays a serene and stoic appearance, hardly reacting to anything. However, rumor has it if that a Nixel could seriously damage and capture her, they'd get everything beyond their wildest dreams. Unfortunately for Nixels, she has such constrained power that she's able to block off any attack towards her, without even opening her eye. Flektion made a huge mistake. Fooling around with mirrors, he found one wrong reflection, who attempted to swipe him up and change places with him. However, he acted fast with his mistake, and pulled himself out when he was halfway through the mirror, only to accidentally pull out half of his reflection and replace his half with it. Now, he's stuck with an entirely innocent side and another side loaded with pure mischief, so chaos is bound to ensue! Their habitat is a mirror store. Their Max is a large mirror-like creature.
Tucked away in a regal kingdom of a checkerboard floor, the Chessmates are a royal tribe of games, with specific rules of wherever everyone goes, and how they play. Despite this strict regime, they are able to quickly take over invading Nixels, who are more prone to illegal moves. The leader of the tribe is the high Queen Aniwai. She's able to move however she pleases, and has the biggest strength amount thanks to this. She is super strong, but she can critically be taken down briefly in dangerous moments. Rumor has it her husband hides in the castle for his own safety, but it might be because he's just really weak in reality! Pawnmow might not seem the most special. There's tons of Mixels that look just like her in the tribe, all with their own spears and "first in line" abilities. However, she was granted a special power: she's able to mimic nearly any member of her tribe in tight times, giving a brief sense of confusion to any invaders. How did she get this ability? She just walked up and asked, the first one to do so. Clershop is both the cleric and messenger of the tribe. If he's not giving a decree given by the rulers, he's zipping back and forth through Mixopolis to give a message. He's ridiculously speedy, but also a bit frantic thanks to this. He always runs diagonally, of course. Their habitat is their castle. Their Max is a giant chess amalgamate.
Bright like the Glowkies, the Neolites live for flashy night life and lighting up the dark. Unfortunately for them, they're unable to shut off their light, so they're an easy target, but it's tricky to get up close to them without protection, a good tactic against Nixels. Fawksfire is the zippy leader of the tribe. He'd rather not stay still, running off whenever he can. He runs at such speeds, that he turns into a glowing blur, leaving a bright trail behind him. Unfortunately for him, he speeds too fast, losing energy very quickly and forcing him to recover for a while. He never learns, though, and he'll be back to speeding up again. Baytra prefers to swim in the dark waters of the piers than hang out with other members of his tribe. Although he's a bit of a loner, he puts on quite a spectacle under the deep waters, letting him discover things unknown to others. Tubrite is loopy, in both her build and her personality. A huge goof, she's lightweight and loves to play around, with her light body letting her move around much easier than others of her tribe. She's also able to pump extra glow into her body, letting her shine the brightest out of all other members of her tribe. Their habitat is a lit-up street. Their Max is a fox-like creature.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Deutsche Grammatik - einfach, kompakt und übersichtlich - Heike Pahlow
Deutsche Grammatik - einfach, kompakt und übersichtlich Heike Pahlow Genre: Education Price: $7.99 Publish Date: May 30, 2012 Publisher: Lingo4you Seller: Lingo4you GbR Dieses Nachschlagewerk zur deutschen Grammatik ist sowohl für Muttersprachler als auch für Deutsch als Fremdsprache geeignet. Die deutsche Grammatik ist kurz und übersichtlich erklärt, ohne jedoch auf wichtige Details zu verzichten. Mit Illustrationen versehene Beispiele lockern den Lernstoff auf und helfen beim Einprägen der Regeln. In den interaktiven Übungen zu den einzelnen Themen kann das Gelernte außerdem noch einmal überprüft und vertieft werden. Verschiedene Themen sind zusätzlich in Übersichten zusammengefasst. So gibt es zum Beispiel eine Übersicht mit den wichtigsten Punkten zu allen Zeitformen bzw. Fällen. Auch wenn die Grammatik in diesem Werk einfach erklärt ist, auf Fachbezeichnungen für grammatische Ausdrücke kann man in einem Grammatikbuch leider nicht verzichten. Alle Fachausdrücke sind jedoch in einem Glossar erklärt, das auch ältere bzw. andere deutsche Bezeichnungen enthält. Dies dürfte vor allem Eltern nützen, die mit anderen Bezeichnungen als den heute in der Schule verwendeten Fachausdrücken vertraut sind. Inhalt Verben: Zeitformen: Präsens • Perfekt • Präteritum • Plusquamperfekt • Futur I • Futur II; Modalverben • Reflexive Verben • Trennbare und nicht trennbare Verben • Passiv: Aktiv oder Passiv; Imperativ • Konjunktiv I • Konjunktiv II Nomen und Artikel: Genus • Artikel • Plural • Deklination: Nominativ • Genitiv • Dativ • Akkusativ Pronomen: Personalpronomen • Possessivpronomen • Reflexivpronomen • Relativpronomen • Interrogativpronomen • Demonstrativpronomen • Indefinitpronomen • Deklination: Nominativ • Genitiv • Dativ • Akkusativ Adjektive: Bildung von Adjektiven • Deklination/Flektion • Steigerungsformen Adverbien: Typen von Adverbien • Steigerung von Adverbien • Stellung von Adverbien Präpositionen: Präpositionen und Fälle Satzbau: Hauptsätze • Fragen • Sätze mit Konjunktionen • Nebensätze: Adverbialsätze • Attributsätze • Objektsätze • Subjektsätze • Infinitivsätze • Indirekte Fragen • Konjunktionalsätze • Partizipialsätze • Relativsätze • Konditionalsätze; Indirekte Rede Übersichten: Zeitformen • Starke und gemischte Verben • Deklination: Artikel • Personalpronomen • Possessivartikel/-pronomen • Artikel, Nomen und Adjektive • Adjektivendungen • Genitiv, Dativ oder Akkusativ http://dlvr.it/R36Qxb
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
One thing about Sumerian I am only slowly getting drilled into my thick head is that the signs don't just work as words. Yes, nouns and verbs and the handful of adjectives are represented by certain signs. But anything Flektion is made with syllables. The correct order/mix of which can be constructed with a whole number of signs strung together.
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