#flight cs fanfic
kralmajales · 3 months
Spent the last hour of my flight watching a weird Freud and CS Lewis fanfic movie ? Kinda wish I started it earlier because I was kind of entranced.
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Flight: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 and the Prologue are out! Killian meets Emma and Henry on the flight.
You can find the prologue under the tag flight cs fanfic. I’m trying to add links, but I’m stuck on mobile currently.
Liam is alive, because I love him. I don’t know how a character who is only in two episodes can be my third favourite, but that’s just the way it is.
If anyone is curious what Killian's dog looks like, look at my cover picture!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
Two Months Later
Emma was waiting for her British Airways flight to Manchester. She had researched a little about the city and was impressed with what she heard. There was fierce competition between the two ‘football’ teams. The north west also appeared to like gravy on everything. She also had researched the North and South divide, it appeared there was quite a large difference between those in the North and those in the South. And apparently there wasn’t just one English accent but many. Emma had Henry on her knee who was getting quite restless. Eight hours on a flight with an eight month old was not Emma’s ideal day. She had tried to tire him out as much as possible, but she had to make a lot of last minute checks. She hoped he was not on the verge of a tantrum. That wouldn’t make her very popular on the flight. Henry spat out his dummy onto the floor. “Oh, Henry.” Emma had less patience than usual as she hadn’t slept well the night before and was worried about being completely alone in a new country with a baby. “Please be good for mommy.” An old woman picked up Henry’s dummy and passed it to Emma. “Thank you so much.” She placed it into her bag for cleaning later and found him a new one. “We have a long flight but we just have to be patient. Okay?” She kissed his forehead and snuggled him into her arms. Thankfully he was settling down.
Killian Jones was nervous to say the least. He always hated flying especially at night. So an eight hour flight from New York to Manchester was not his cup of tea. He was finally leaving America for good. He had experienced living abroad and had dealt with his misfortunes, but now it was his job to be where his family needed. Even if his family was very small. He had an aunt with Alzheimer’s, a Navy brother, his wife - the mother of his nephew and niece. He was extremely excited to see them after so long. The queue for boarding the plane was huge. He had his music, his book, and some films on his iPad. He could make it through eight hours of hell. He hoped. He heard a speaker ask for babies and children for priority boarding, seeing the array of toddlers made him miss his niece and nephew more. He couldn’t wait to see them. The youngest he spotted was a young baby with his mum. Though she seemed quite young, and beautiful he noticed. Wavy, blonde hair with a special smile reserved for her son. Where was dad? He wondered. Anything to take his mind off the flight.
Emma had bought two seats for Henry and her, a window and the middle. She hoped someone nice had bought the aisle. She didn’t want some creep sitting next to her, especially as she was still breastfeeding. She had had trouble with it in the past. Rude and inconsiderate people complaining to her that it was rude of her. Rude to feed her baby? She hoped for the best. That elderly woman would be good.
Killian searched for his seat. He had booked an aisle. He didn’t need a window to remind him he was in the air. Where he didn’t want to be. He reached his seat which revealed he was next to the blonde and her baby. Mum was sitting in the middle seat with her baby on her knee and a bag on his seat. “Urm, excuse me, love. I think this is my seat.” He scratched his neck nervously. “Sorry to disturb you.” “Oh, no. I must apologise. Sorry I’ll just move it.” The woman frantically moved her bag and placed it on the window seat. “Babies have so much stuff for something so small.” She smiled looking up at him, something in her faltered. “I’m afraid they do. My nephew and niece have their fair share.” He chuckled to himself. “Thank you for freeing up my seat.” “It was my pleasure. I hope you don’t mind sitting next to an eight month old for eight hours. I’m sorry for any future inconvenience.” She smiled. Killian had decided he very much liked her smile. It was bright but something in her eyes said otherwise. Maybe he was being ridiculous. Maybe he was just trying to see himself in her.
The man who asked for his seat took Emma completely by surprise. He was dark haired, with piercing blue eyes and a light scruff dusted his face. Handsome by all accounts, but Emma didn’t have time for that. She had moved her stuff for him and he placed himself beside her. She smiled brightly for him though she wasn’t sure why. He mentioned his niece and nephew and he seemed to light up himself. He had a family, that was nice. He seemed the type to deserve one. “There’s no need to apologise, love. I know how they can be.” She didn’t usually appreciate pet names but usually because they were of a condescending nature. For him, it seemed natural. Particularly because of his English accent. Was he visiting America and returning home? How she wished she was at home, tucked up in bed reading Henry a story. “Have you been to England before, love?” He asked, keen to break the ice. “No, I haven’t. Never been out of America. I’ve flown a lot though, for work.” She smiled. “So, what makes you head to Manchester instead of London?” “Work, again. It’s all I seem to do. I’m moving here for six months. Have you been on holiday here?” “No, I lived here for three years for a change, but it’s time I went home. Got some people who need me.” “A nephew and niece?” “Aye. James is ten, and Ellie is seven. And a silly Newfoundland dog who I had to leave behind.” “You must be a proud uncle. They sound delightful, as does your dog.” She smiled. Henry looked up at Killian and smiled. “Hello.” He put on a quieter voice and gave Henry his finger. “I’m Killian Jones. It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?” He smiled. Henry made noises at him but nothing understandable. “Henry. I think he means.” Smiled Emma. “Wow! Hello, Henry. That’s a great name. What’s your mummy’s name?” Again more noises, but Henry still had hold of his finger. “I really don’t think your lovely mummy is called Eyaahhhh.” “It’s Emma. Emma Swan.” She had a slight blush on her cheeks. He was certainly quite charming. “Nice to meet you, Swan.” “You too, Jones.” The plane rumbled to a start. Immediately Killian grabbed his arm rests. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Are you okay?” She asked. “Aye, love. Just a bit scared of flying, that’s all. Prefer the sea.” “I fear that would take a while.” Laughed Emma. “Definitely.” A bead of sweat dripped down his face. “I’ll be fine when we get in the air. It’s the take off and landing that gets me most.” As they approached the runway, Killian was extremely quiet. His knuckles were white from gripping the armrests and his breathing was irregular. Emma had no idea how to calm a nervous flier, but Henry was being as good as gold. The plane’s speed was increasing and eventually they had lifted off. As the plane banked round, Killian closed his eyes. “It’s okay.” Smiled Emma, placing her hand on his arm. “They don’t let just anybody fly a plane.” “Thanks.” Not sure if he was more nervous because of Emma’s hand or the flying.
When the plane levelled out the seatbelt sign turned off and people started to pull down their trays and go to the toilet. Killian had calmed down and Henry was looking at him with a big smile. “Hey, little man. You’re much braver than me.” He chuckled. Henry looked at his mum. “M-m-mam-ma.” Emma’s eyes widened. “What did you say? Is that Mama? Can you say it again? Ma-ma?” “M-ma-ma.” “Henry, you’re so clever!” She smiled, lifting him into the air and back down smothering him with kisses. “Your first word.” Killian was grinning beside them. “Wow, clever boy. I bet you’re thrilled, love.” “I am. Wow, his first word. I’m lost for words. Would you mind taking a picture?” Killian smiled and took a picture of the two on her phone. Henry was looking at the camera but Emma was staring in awe at her son. “Beautiful, love.” She blushed.
Two hours into the flight, Henry had started playing up. He decided that if he can’t sleep, than neither could the rest of the plane. He was screaming and crying. “Hey, baby. Shh, shh. Be a good boy.” Henry was having none of it. She noticed Killian rummaging in his bag and he pulled out a dinosaur teddy. “This was for James, but he doesn’t need to know. He has plenty more presents.” Killian put the teddy in front of Henry and started making silly dinosaur noises. Henry immediately quietened down and was watching the teddy. He started giggling and squirming about. “You don’t have to give it him, he has plenty of toys.” “No I want to. Kindness of a stranger.” He passed Henry the toy and he hugged it tight.
For their body clocks it was two o'clock in the morning. Henry was now fast asleep in his mother’s arms and Emma was nodding herself. Killian never slept on planes. He never could. He didn’t fancy not being aware if they plummeted to their deaths. “Swan.” He whispered in her ear so as not to wake Henry. “You look tired. Do you want me to hold your boy? So you can get some proper sleep?” She looked hesitant. “If any issues arise I will tell you straight away.” She nodded and passed him over carefully. It was odd seeing Henry in a man’s arms. None of the men at work were interested and Graham had only held him on his hip. No one had ever held him so tenderly before. Killian seemed transfixed by him, Emma smiled and nodded off.
Henry started to stir in his arms. He stretched his little limbs and his eyes opened. His face turned to confusion when he realised it wasn’t his mum staring down at him. He started babbling. “Looks like you’ve had enough sleep.” He smiled, it was odd. He never thought he would find a stranger’s baby so cute. His own family of course but not a random stranger. Henry had tufts of dark brown hair and brown eyes. He clearly didn’t take after his mother in the looks department. She was all blonde and green eyes. Henry started babbling again and reached up to grab Killian’s face. “Oi,” he laughed. “What you doing, little troublemaker.” Henry laughed with him. The plane started to shake violently. It was only turbulence but Killian didn’t care what it was. “Bloody hell.” He didn’t know what to do. Henry was still in his arms and he couldn’t hold onto anything. He didn’t have the heart to wake Emma. She was clearly an exhausted mum. The plane shook again and the seatbelt sign pinged on. Emma stirred from her sleep. “Oh, dear.” She saw Killian’s panicked face and took Henry from him. “I’m so sorry.” He immediately held the rests. “It’s fine. I didn’t want to wake you.” He smiled, nervously. “Don’t worry about that. He’s my responsibility. I bet you think I’m awful. I don’t usually pawn my child off on strange men. Never. You just seem genuine.” “Love, I can assure you. I don’t think you’re awful, I just think you’re an exhausted mother. Is there anyone to help you?” He asked, not sure if he was prying too much. She just shook her head in response. The silence was quite awkward between them then. Twenty minutes later, Emma blurted out, “He took off. Henry’s father. The minute I told him, he packed a bag and left.” Killian was taken aback. He couldn’t believe it. Who would want to leave such a beautiful little family? “I’m so sorry, he sounds like an idiot.” “I was the idiot.” “Did you know his father well? Or was it a one-night stand sort of thing?” “I knew him well. It’s a long, sad, complicated story. Maybe another time.” Which was ridiculous. There would never be another time. They were just two fliers passing in the night. “I’m accustomed to wanting to keep those stories private, love.” As he was about to ask another question, Henry started whining. “I think he’s hungry. Urm, I’m still breastfeeding.” “Oh.” He stuttered. What did he do with this information? “It’s just… if you’re not comfortable with it I’ll go to the toilet.” “Don’t be absurd. That dingy toilet is no place for a baby. I’ll just, read the flight magazine until you’re finished.” “Are you always a gentleman?” “Only most of the time.” He gave her a suggestive look, which made her laugh. Was he flirting? No, why would a single, handsome man like him be flirting with her a single mother? “I’m weaning him off soon, it’s all getting a bit much.” “I understand, love. My sister-in-law weaned hers at around this age.”
Henry had had his fill and was soon sleepy again. Killian was a gentleman like he said and kept his eyes averted to make Emma feel more comfortable. She had clearly had trouble in the past if she was considering going to that disgusting toilet to feed him. “Is the lad feeling better?” Smiled Killian, placing the magazine back in the seat. “Seems so. Thank you for being so understanding.” “I don’t understand people who don’t understand the most natural thing in the world.” He smiled, it took them a while to stop making eye contact, until Henry moved in Emma’s arms.
“Two hours left.” Smiled Emma, though she felt sad. She would never see this man again. They had discussed movies, music, TV, less personal elements of their lives. Although Emma told him she was in foster care all her life and he told her that his brother was in the Navy but hadn’t seen each other for three years. “Seems a shame.” “What?” “Well, we clearly get on great, yet we will probably never see each other again. We like similar music and films and yet we just happen to be two strangers on a flight.” He also smiled at her, but he clearly felt the same as her. It was sad that they had to part ways. “Why don’t we just treasure these next two hours?” She asked. He nodded in agreement. With an hour left, they chatted and sat in comfortable silence, again until Henry started to stir. He was a bored eight month year old. “Shall I take him for a walk up and down the plane?” Asked Killian. “It might settle him before we land, and me. "Be my guest.” Killian picked up Henry and stood up. Henry lay on his chest and he bounced him up and down. “You’re such a good boy, Henry. Shall we go for a wander?” Emma watched them both walking up and down the aisle. People around her were pointing and whispering ‘aww, isn’t that cute’. Emma wondered what it would be like. His father being in the picture. Would Neal have walked up and down the plane to settle him? That wasn’t worth thinking about. Neal wasn’t here. Killian was.
“Prepare for landing.” Killian brought Henry back with a happy smile. He kept him on his knee for a little while longer until the seatbelt sign came on. “Oh, do you know where the Premier Inn is in Manchester?” “Aye, love. My brother is picking me up, as he’s on leave. Would you like a lift to the hotel, I’m sure Liam won’t mind.” “Oh, I don’t want to intrude.” “You won’t be. Taxis can be so expensive. It would be my honour, to know you and Henry are safe.” He beamed. “Plus, then I get some more time with you.” He smiled, shyly.
They had landed with little trouble and Killian was happy to be coming home. He assisted Emma with getting her luggage off the conveyer belt, just being a gentleman as usual. “Right, let’s go see my brother.” He beamed. He had talked a lot about Liam on the flight, about how their parents died early, so their aunt took them in, but she was a very busy woman at the time. Liam had joined the Navy and climbed the ranks.  They pulled their luggage along, Henry now in a carrier on Emma’s chest and walked to the car park. Liam was leaning on his car, a blue Audi 4x4. When he saw Killian he ran over to him and swept him into a big bear hug. “Killian!” Emma felt awkward watching the embrace, she didn’t want to pry on such a private moment. “I never thought I’d see you again.” Emma noticed that Liam’s accent was softer and tinted with slight other accents, whereas Killian voice was more rough. She noticed Liam also looked like the more gentle man, he was clean shaven with lighter brown, slightly curly hair. They had the same piercing eyes, but Liam seemed to leak authority. He towered above Killian in height and had more muscle in comparison, though he was well built too. “I know, I’m sorry. I should have visited when you were on leave.” He looked ashamed in himself. It was so obvious who the elder brother was, she never imagined Killian to look guilty. “You had things on, Kili. Anyway, you’re being awfully rude. Who is your friend?” He smiled at Emma. The two brothers hadn’t even spoken for years apart from a quick text asking when he wanted picking up, and Liam was already telling him off. “Oh, this is Emma, and Henry.” He smiled at the little boy. She waved shyly and Henry laughed at Liam and stretched out his arm. “Is there a massive part of your life I have missed, brother?” “Oh no! We met on the flight.” Shot Emma. “We’re not together and Henry is just my son.” Liam breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God, I didn’t think he would keep that big surprise.” “Can we take Emma to her hotel?” Asked Killian moving swiftly on. He didn’t want to deal with Liam’s lectures about finding a nice woman and settling down. He tried that, she broke his heart. “Of course, hop in.” He smiled. “I’ll get the bags.” Said Killian, taking Emma’s and his own and hoisting them into the boot. He joined her in the back of the car and gave her a shy smile when they made eye contact.
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code names and call signs | chapter 1. incidental introductions | hangman x reader
jake "hangman" seresin x reader
word count: 4.9K warnings: violence, blood, injury to reader, injury to others, strong language, hangman tries and fails to flirt
cn&cs!masterlist | AO3
(If you follow me for my hetalia fanfic on my other blog and you're seeing this, I swear to god, 'It Will Come Back' chapter 11 is on its way, mind ur business.)
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chapter 1. incidental introductions ----------- Incidental: something that happens as a minor part or result of something else: something that is incidental — usually plural
When you get to San Diego in the morning, you don't waste any time. With your mission files and a perfectly plain-looking sedan given to you by your team, you take to one of your favourite pastimes, people watching. 
Most of your subjects head right for their quarters on base. You watch for Lieutenant Reuben Fitch, a.k.a  Payback, who arrives at his quarters with his WSO, Lieutenant Mickey "Fanboy” Garcia. They chat for a bit inside before heading out to grab some stuff. You decide not to follow them on their grocery run. Next to arrive is Lieutenant Natasha Trace, otherwise known as Phoenix, who quickly meets up with Fanboy and Payback. 
Most of the other recruits named in your mission files aren’t due to arrive for another couple of hours, so you take to keeping tabs on the ones that have as the head off base. After checking in with command, Phoenix, Fanboy, and Payback head towards the Hard Deck, a common watering hole frequented by navy officers, says the brief about the bar included in your notes. 
You follow the trio a respectable two cars behind, and your subjects have no idea they’ve caught a tail. However, the unmarked car tailing you isn’t so lucky. As you turn away down a road, abandoning the three people you’ve been following, you look into your rear view mirror to watch the grey SUV take its 3rd turn after you. You shake your head. 
“And here, I expected better,” you sigh. 
You recognize the men following you as low-level baddies from your last assignment. You’re surprised they were so determined that they followed you back state-side but knew they wouldn’t take long to lose. 
Tightening your grip on the steering wheel, you step on the gas, your new friends following after you. You take sharp, sudden turns, doubling back on yourself, and driving through parking garages. You thank your past self for studying a map of the area on your flight over here because your pursuers can’t seem to keep up. Soon enough, you’ve lost them entirely, turning down a narrow alley on the opposite end of the beach, far from the bar you’re headed to. 
You take an alcohol wipe from your bag and wipe your fingerprints from the controls, steering wheel and other touch points. You ditch the clothes that you’re wearing, throwing them into the back of the car and changing into different ones. 
Then, you grab a bottle of lighter fluid and spray it all over the inside of the car, then take a cigarette from your shirt pocket and light it. Placing the cigarette so it hangs off the side of an ashtray, overtop the lighter fluid, you make a timed incendiary device. When the cigarette burns down, it will tonight the lighter fluid under it, setting the car on fire. 
Rudimentary, but great for lighting a car on fire and giving yourself an alibi.  
You exit the car, slamming the door and locking it but leaving the windows open a crack so the fire doesn’t suffocate before it had the chance to spread to the rest of the car.
You text a number on your phone. 
 The sun beats down on you as you walk down the alleyway and out onto the sidewalk. You keep your head down and walk towards the beach. You plan to walk along the water towards The Hard Deck, hoping that you’ll avoid being spotted by your tail. You reach the sands of the beach and reach down to pull off your sandals before walking down the beach. The sand is soft under your feet, and the salty breeze rustles your hair and clothes. The sun is starting to set over the pacific and it's peaceful. 
When you arrive at The Hard Deck, you see another face from your files. Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchel is standing on the beach, peering in through a window. You approach behind him, and he doesn’t notice you. Maverick is watching Rooster on the piano with a look that is obviously nostalgia mixed with sadness. 
A footnote in your file on the two men said that Maverick was the one that pulled his navy application. It seems they still haven’t smoothed that over. 
“Excuse me,” you say softly to him, pulling Maverick out of his thoughts. He mutters an apology, not really noticing you, and walks away. You slip inside the door and are faced with a rowdy establishment. Rooster continues playing his heart out on the piano, he and the rest of the bar shouting the words to “Great Balls of Fire” with no clue as to the moment that’s taking place outside. The patrons are dancing, some tipsier than others, and the floor vibrates under your feet. 
Everyone assumes that CIA officers are elaborate, suave, and charming when undercover, like James Bond, but really, picking a cover is influenced by what the agent needs out of it. Sometimes, a flashy memorable character is perfect for infiltration and distraction. But right now, you need to be forgettable. 
Your clothes make you look like any tourist. You’re wearing light wash denim and a muted linen shirt. A basic black purse hangs off your shoulder, filled with just enough pocket trash to make it seem like a real person used it. In reality, every card, id, or receipt in it is fake.  The only proof that you exist is the fact that you’re standing there. 
You walk up to the bar, shooting a timid smile to the bartender. She comes over and introduces herself, even though it’s not necessary. You already know who she is. In return, you offer her one of your many fake first names. 
“And what can I get you?” 
“Just a vodka soda.” 
It’s not your favourite drink but you can’t stand the taste of beer and you didn’t come here for drinks. Penny nods and steps away to make your drink, and you scan the bar. All of the TopGun pilots selected for the mission are here. Most are gathered around Rooster at the piano, singing along with him. Some are still left behind at the pool table. As your eyes pass over them, you notice that one pilot, who you recognize from the blond hair and broad shoulders to be Lieutenant Jake Seresin, is staring at you. You don’t let your eyes meet him, hoping that he’ll ignore you, and turn back around.
Penny sets down your drink, throwing another subtle nod at Penny before you head to a table tucked away in the corner, empty and with a perfect view of the whole bar. No one should bother you there. You weave through the crowd and pull yourself onto the stool. You continue to watch the pilots make their way through the bar. You take note of how they interact together between pretending to scroll on your phone. 
You watch Hangman and his friend, Lieutenant Javy "Coyote" Machado talking closely together. They smirk, and look from each other to you and then back, before talking more. Then, Hangman slaps his friend on the shoulder and starts walking. 
So much for going unnoticed by anyone. It seems that Hangman’s ability to pick out women in a crowded bar outperforms your stealth. 
He walks over to you, with that stupid smirk stretched across his stupidly attractive face and you grit your teeth, still pretending to be lost in your phone. You hear his footsteps on the wood floors and the pressure of his presence entering your space.
“No,” you say, looking up. Hangman is staring down at you. His eyes are a shade of light green and they are filled with smug charm.
“I haven’t even said anything yet.”
“That’s because there isn’t anything you could say that I haven’t heard before.”
He still looms over you, his fingers softly tapping on the table in front of you. “Are you a mind reader?”
You scoff. “I might as well be.”
He raises an eyebrow so you indulge him. 
“First you were going to introduce yourself, say that you’re a soldier in the military and that you saw me from across the room, thought I was beautiful and wanted to say hello. Then you’d offer to buy me a drink, try to flirt with me, I’d politely say I wasn’t interested, you would keep trying, and we’d go around in circles until the bartender kicks us out.” 
Hangman smiles even wider, laughing. “Well, you’re wrong about one thing.” 
“And what’s that?”
“I’m not a soldier in the military, I’m a pilot in the navy.” 
You knew that, but you just roll your eyes and let him think that you and a team of CIA operatives haven’t been monitoring every move these guys have been making since they were put on the list to be brought here. 
Hangman continues talking. “What would’ve happened after?” 
“What would’ve happened after Penny kicked us out of the bar?” He leans closer, his eyes darkening ever so slightly. 
Now it was your turn to laugh. “No.”
He raises an eyebrow. “No?”
“You’re not actually interested.” 
“You’re so sure?”
“I am, because I know guys like you. I’m new. I’m a shiny mystery on legs that you can chase. The only reason you are over here is because your friend at the back-“ you give a wave to Coyote who’s doing a terrible job of acting like he hasn’t been watching the two of you like a hawk. “-has bet that you couldn’t be able to get me into your bed. But the fact of the matter is, you couldn’t handle me,” you finish, taking a long sip of your vodka soda. 
Hangman smiles, his eyes flickering down your face and then back up. “The least you could do is tell me your name,” he says softly. 
You lean in so close that he can feel your heat. “Not tonight, blondie.” 
You lean back into your chair, taking another sweep of the bar, and freeze when you see who’s walked through the front door.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Hangman is confused at your sudden change in demeanour. 
“What? What’s going on.”
The three men that were following you earlier in the day were back. As you try to see if you can hide somewhere, you make eye contact with the three men from across the bar. They’ve spotted you, so there's nothing you can do.  “It seems that you’re not the only man that’s come to bother me tonight.”
You look around at what you have at your immediate disposal. You’re right by the jukebox, Rooster’s just finished his impromptu performance. Perfect. 
“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant Seresin, I need to take care of this.” You give him a wink and push yourself off your chair. 
“Wait a minute, I didn’t tell you my-“
You reach down and plug the machine back in and slide in a quarter. You punch in a number as your new friends make their way through the crowd. The familiar first bars of an AC/DC song play and you crank the volume all the way up. 
The music blares through the small bar, startling everyone but you. The blood roars in your ears like an angry crown during a cage fight, your heart pounds like the stomping of feet on a stadium floor. This is it for you. You were made for this. 
“Let’s do this,” you mutter to yourself. “Remember your training. Be fluid, be fluid.” 
You walk through the crowd, meeting your adversary head-on.
“Hey buddy, how’s it going.” You smile, and before he can get over his confusion as to why you’ve decided not to run out the back, it’s too late. Grabbing the beer bottle out of some poor cadet’s hand, you swing hard and smash it over his head. The force of the blow throws him into the bar and then crashing onto the floor. 
The second guy doesn’t stand much of a chance either. He pulls out a serrated hunting knife and points it at you. You roll your eyes. 
“Why don’t you put that away before you hurt yourself.”
He yells as takes a couple of stabs at you. You dodge the first and block the second but can’t stop his head from smashing into you. His forehead connects to your nose with a sicking crack and you stumble and shake the stars from your vision. You throw a punch in the side of his head and send a swift kick to his knee, causing him to cry out. 
“Fuck you,” He growls before lunging at you, trying to stab you again. You grab a wood bar stool to your left and raise it. The blade plunges through the seat and gets stuck in it.
“Fuck me?” You say, before spinning around and slamming the stool into his body, breaking the chair apart and sending him flying. “Fuck you!” You spit out, warm blood dripping down your face. 
A sudden force makes impact with your body. You yell out and are shoved into the pool table, tumbling over it and knocking someone over. 
“Sorry,” you grit out to Payback, pushing yourself off of him.
“Do you need help?” Asks one of the other pilots. They look shocked.
“No thanks, I’m just finishing up.” You say before you jump back over the pool table.
The last man left standing laughs and you sneer. 
“Alright sweetheart, let’s see what you're made of,” He taunts you.
You smirk. “Believe me Handsome, you won’t make it that long.”
You reach back to the pool table behind you and grab the cue ball from its place on the green velvet and catch the eyes of a shocked-looking man with glasses. Bob.
“I need to borrow this,” you say, smiling. Bob nods, more out of fear than an understanding of what you're saying. Probably because, with all the blood that must be covering your teeth, your smile looks like something out of a horror movie. 
Then, as quick as lightning, you hurl the cue ball at your opponent. The heavy white ball collides with his face with a loud ‘crack!’ and he falls back unconscious.
The other two men are still unconscious on the ground as well, which means that you get just a second to process everything. The bar is silent. Someone, Rooster actually, turns down the volume on the Jukebox so that the ending guitar of ‘Back in Black’ continues at an appropriate volume. You hear the soft clink of glasses and your own breath in the air. Everyone in the bar is either looking at you or the massive damages you’ve caused. 
“Well, shit,” you whisper between breaths before you shrug and start walking back to the table you were at. Hangman is still standing where you left him, his mouth hanging open in excited surprise. 
“Who are-“
“Don’t bother asking,” you say, reaching for the drink you left at the table. “Because I won’t tell you the truth.”
You lift the glass to your lips while making eye contact with him. You gulp down the cocktail, the taste of vodka mixing with the taste of the blood that’s dripped onto your lips. You grimace, half from the burn in your throat and from your nose bridge where you were head-butted. You set the glass down on a coaster and nod to Hangman. Then, without a word, you grab your purse and turn away.
You weave through the chaos that your fight left behind and step up to the bar. The brunette bartender, Penny, doesn’t look happy. She looks quite horrified, her mouth is wide open in shock and she looks at you. 
You try to give her a smile, which from the view of her and all the onlookers doesn't look too friendly. You can feel the blood gushing from your nose and dripping from your chin onto the bar. 
Yeah, you don't think your bloody smile will smooth this over. You reach into your bag for your wallet and place a large wad of cash onto the bar.
“For my tab, and everyone’s next round.” 
Penny is shocked, mouth still open as she takes the money, nodding slightly. As you turn to leave, you say, “And some people will come around tomorrow morning to repair the damages I’ve caused, don't worry about paying them. You have a nice night, ma’am.”
You reach the door and the bartender seems to come out of her shock. The sound of Penny ringing her bell and the erupting cheers of drunk soldiers follows you as you close the door behind you. 
You smile and shake your head, gently wiping at the blood that covers your lower face. You slide your shoes off your feet and begin your walk back down the beach towards where you're staying. You turn back towards the Hard Deck, and from the window, illuminated by the inside lights, you see Lieutenant Seresin, with his stupidly handsome smirk, watching you retreat down the beach. 
You give him a mock salute, which he laughs at, and then you turn around to pull out your burner phone. 
“Hey, Vinny! Yea it's me. I’m gonna need a clean-up crew right away... Yea, some friends will be waiting for you here.... And when you fix up The Hard Deck tomorrow, I want you to bug it.”
You hang up and continue your trek down the beach, holding your shoes in one hand and humming a sweet jazz melody as the taste of your own blood lingers on your tongue. 
--- The apartment the CIA gave you is nestled above a shop downtown and your bed has a great view of the sun rising. That night, you sleep well, the fight at the bar working out any stress you were holding in. The next morning, you start your day the way you always love to. You get yourself ready, putting on cloths, makeup and tucking your gun into the back of your waist band, before walking into town. 
You find a mom-and-pop diner with a cheap breakfast and take a seat in one of the dated booths at the back of the restaurant. The diner is perfectly quiet. An older lady comes to take your order and pour you a cup of coffee. 
“Someone had a rough night.” The waitress says. You laugh. While you’ve certainly looked worse, even the poultice your mom had shown you how to make and an ice pack couldn’t keep away all of the bruising. A dark purple bruise covers the bridge of your nose, and the ones under your shirt are pretty uncomfortable. 
“You should’ve seen the other guys.”
You order your food and wait, sipping your coffee and looking out the window.  Your phone buzzes on the table and a text message appears. 
You smile and shake your head as the waitress sets down a plate of French toast and fruit. You eat your breakfast alone and watch the cars go by. When you finish, you wait for a minute to drink the last mouthful of coffee before looking out the window again. 
True to Vinny’s word, a government issue, all-black SUV pulls up in front of the diner. You stand and walk to the counter to pay your bill, wishing your waitress a nice day and leaving a generous tip, before stepping out the door and walking towards the car. You open the back door and are greeted with a familiar face. 
“Ma’am.” You smile. 
Alexandra Cross, your unit chief and longtime friend, gives you a nod and a slight smile. “Agent (L/N).” You slide into the car, smoothing the fabric of your black slacks and silk shirt as you settle into the leather seat. “I trust you found your way back stateside with little issue.” She says.
“For the most part. There was a small hiccup.”
Alexandra is an older Hispanic woman, in her late 40s with medium brown skin and salt and pepper hair. She nods at you, with a knowing glint in her brown eyes. “Mhm, yes. I heard. We have those men in custody right now, heading back to a holding centre. And the bar?” 
“While I didn’t plan on making such a memorable scene, it did allow us access to the building. After Vinny is finished this morning, we’ll be monitoring all chatter taking place inside the establishment.” 
She nods and shares a smug smile, fiddling with the gold band on her left finger. “I do love that man,” she says. 
Your driver comes to a stop at the entrance to the Airbase, where he’s greeted by armed guards. 
“Roll down the back windows please, sir.”
The blacked-out windows come down and you and Alexandra looks out to the soldier. You hand her your credentials. She leans forward, the silver streaks in her dark curly hair catching the sunlight, and hands him the clearance cards. He brings it to the computer and when he scans it, his eyebrows raise in surprise.
“My apologies for the wait ma’am. You’re free to go.” 
 He nods at the two of you before your driver rolls back up the window and drives through the gate. Alexandra turns back to you. 
“When we arrive, we’ll meet with Vice Admiral Simpson and his men. We’ll go over everyone's roles in the mission, and protocol on base. The rest of our team arrived this morning and are waiting for us. I’ve been told specifically that we aren’t authorized to conduct any surveillance of inside the walls of the base.”
“Vincent will be disappointed.” 
“He’ll live with it. We need to be on our best behaviour for this one.”
“You expect there to be difficulties?”
Alex signs. “Our unit is known for being a tad unpredictable and Admiral Simpson is known to be a hard ass, so even though we are both vital to the success of the others’ missions, I’d rather we kept the peace between our organizations.”
“This might be difficult, Alex. Servicemen are often overly cocky, especially pilots.” 
Alex smiles at you over the rim of her shades and says, “Well then I trust you to be your charming self.”
The car rolls to the front of the Air Base and comes to a stop. Alex leans back towards her driver. “Wish us luck, Rick,” she says and the two of you step out of the car. 
The California sun beats down onto you, heating the top of your head and making you squint through your shades. On the pavement stand Hondo and Warlock, who great you and your supervisor. 
“It’s a pleasure,” you say, stepping forward to shake their hands
“We can finish our introductions with the Admiral. the rest of your team is inside.” They say. 
You are led inside, through a hall filled with pictures of TOPGUN alumni. From around the corner, someone appears and walks beside you, then another. 
It’s Nichole Woods and Teresa, your technical engineer and analyst, respectively. 
“Thank god you’re here,” Terri says. 
“How was your flight in, ladies?” 
“A nightmare, you know I hate packing,” Terri says. “TSA is always a nightmare.” 
“You could always pack lighter. You should have seen the shit she brought. ” Nicky says. 
“Everything I brought is vital to my performance on this team! Don’t talk about my babies like that.” 
You turn down another hallway, and stop as a man dressed in a Navy uniform joins you. 
“Admiral Simpson, these are the CIA operatives that we're assigned to.”
Before Cheif Cross can be introduced, she steps forward. 
“Alexandra Cross, with National Clandestine Services. It's a pleasure, sir. I’ve heard much about you and TOPGUN.” She reaches over the desk and they shake hands. 
“There’s another Cross on your team swell. Any relation?” Cyclone looks at your boss with a look the both of you recognize. He already knows the answer to this. 
“You’re referring to our lead technical engineer, Vincent Cross, who is also my husband.” 
“I see,” he says, without much emotion. Alex wasn’t wrong, this guy feels like a stick in the mud. 
 He begins walking with, you talking as you go. “We’re setting you up in one of the classrooms next to the one our pilots will be in. I’ve been told that your analysts have brought a lot of their gear.”
The admiral turns and opens up the doors to show a large room, with rows of chairs and a large screen at the front. 
“I hope this will do.”
Terri looks around the room, checking the outlets on the side of the screen before nodding to Alex. “We’ve made do with much less, Admiral. This will be fine.”
“ Good. Your team comes highly recommended so I’ll be interested to watch your people work .”
“Thank you, sir.” 
“For the rest of us,” you say. “We’d like to know if theirs a shooting range on the base, and a place for us to conduct weapons tests.” 
“I beg your pardon, agent.” 
“Our engineers have experimental equipment that we often test run, and some of these things shouldn’t be tested inside. Is there an area outside that would be suitable for them to use?”
“Near our outdoor gun range would probably be best. I’ll have someone bring you there.”
The door to the classroom opens again and in steps a middle-aged, handsome man who you know to be Pete “Maverick” Mitchel.
“Good morning, sir.” 
“Good morning. Everyone, this is Captain Pete Mitchel…”
“The man who will be instructing the recruits on the mission,” you finish. You introduce yourself to the man and shake hands. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Captain”
“And I’ve heard a lot of you,” Maverick says. “Was it your team that discovered the base?”
“No. An asset in the UN found it and sent it to us to take care of, then we were told to bring the navy on board.” Alex says. “While your priority for this mission is to destroy the enrichment plant, our team is more interested in the Airbase that defends it. We hoped that our analysts would be able to access the base remotely and that we would be able to shut off the SAM Systems before your people begin the assault but there’s a problem” 
Maverick and the rest of the officers find seats as you gesture for Teresa to continue. 
“Normally, servers are connected to the internet when they run complicated software. A server will use the internet to share information across multiple locations and those internet access points allow us to hack a network remotely. However, because of the secret nature of this base and plant, its creators chose not to do this.”
“To hide the plant from prying eyes, they’ve put themselves back into the dark ages. Everything runs offline. The server, computers, surveillance, even the SAMS that defend the valley, are on their closed off, completely isolated network.”
“Meaning any access to those servers and their data needs to happen on location.” Maverick finishes. “Jesus Christ.” 
“Which is why we’re here,” Alex says.
You speak up. “Before your strike team is deployed, I will travel undercover and break into the airbase, retrieve any relevant info from their servers, and then escape the area on foot before the missile strike destroys the airbase.”
“With no backup.” 
“I won’t need it.” 
“If you’re delayed in the slightest, you would be on the ground while an airstrike is taking place up the mountain and tomahawk misses rain down on you.” Cyclone points out. 
“Then it’s good that I’m fast on my feet, sir.” You smirk. 
Alex continues for you. “We’d like to request that this portion of the assignment's details are kept from the recruits. At least until we’ve decided that they need to know them.” 
“Then what should they be told?”
“All they’ll need to know is that we are CIA analysts, here to provide accurate intelligence for the coming assignment.”
“They might believe that story ma’am, but they won’t believe that that one,” Maverick points to you. “Is an analyst. The pilots are still talking about the three men she nearly killed in town last night.”
You chuckle. 
“Whether they believe us or not, that’s the story they will be told.” Chief Cross finishes. “Will that be all gentlemen? Because my team would like time to get set up before we greet the recruits.”
Admiral Simpson nods. “I believe that’s all ma’am. He steps forward and shakes her hand. “I look forward to working with you.” 
“You as well, sir.”
“Captain Mitchel,” you nod. “I look forward to seeing you fly. I’ve heard lots about you.”
“You can just call me Maverick, and I’ve heard quite a few stories about you too.”
You smile. “I hope you haven’t heard too much, ‘cause then I might not be doing my job right.”
You watch as Cyclone, Hondo, Warlock, and Maverick leave, the door clicking as it shuts behind them. 
Alex turns back to you all, the smile dropping from her face. “Alright, let's get to work.” 
Nick is up immediately and out the door. “I’m gonna go get my stuff!” She calls behind her, making Terri chuckle.
“I’m gonna go help her.”
“Before you do,” Alex says. “What’s the status of our asset?’
“They went radio silent, ma’am. I can’t get a hold of them.” She says. 
“Then our job for today, along with appearing at the pilots’ briefing, will be to get that handled.” 
“Speak and it shall be done.” 
author's notes
alright! here it is! If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. I'm really excited for this fanfic.
First off, because I'm writing about the CIA it's important to know that the info about them isn't accurate. One major inaccuracy is that CIA "Agents" aren't a thing. They are called Operatives or Officers, and an "Agent" or "Asset" is a foreign citizen that supplies info to the CIA, like an FBI informant! However I've chosen to ignore that and just refer to the reader and her team as both 'agents' and 'operatives' because I think it sounds better. Another thing to know is that the National Clandestine Services is a Branch of the CIA that does the spy stuff. Just thought that was cool.
Sorry for the inacuracies, but I'm sure no CIA "Operatives" will care that I'm spreading lies, It probably helps them.
So far, this story will have 9 chapters. I don't know how often I'll update, as I'm not a very fast writer. I plan to add this Story to AO3 and when I do, I'll put this link at the top of the chapter!
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, I'd love to answer them, just message me.
Scribe <3
Tag List: @srry-itshockeyszn, @saramaple
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Based on the responses to my post yesterday wanting to know more, here's my guide to
🧑‍💻Code in Hermitcraft (and other SMP) Fanfic🧑‍💻
Note: This is just the interpretation of one Jr Software Engineer. If other developers have a different interpretation, I'd love to hear it in the comments or reblogs!
It's super common in Hermitcraft (and I'm assuming other SMP) fanfiction for the plot to revolve around errors in the game itself and how they affect players. The problem is, as a software engineer, this almost always immediately pulls me out of the story as the ways the game errors are described frequently don't make sense.
This is not a condemnation of writers who use game bugs as parts of their stories, as nobody expects all SMP fanfic writers to have a CS degree. Some even do it well and I adore those stories when I find them! But here are some high-level suggestions to have your glitchy plot points make a little more sense. Usually, it's just a slight change in wording that's required.
Code vs Data
"His code is glitched! He's evil now!"
"They carefully pulled at the strands of her player code, trying to find the bug that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your code is so ancient! You're from Alpha, right?"
These sorts of phrases are probably the most common ones I see that yank me right out if a story. Why? Because they're confusing data and code!
So, what is the difference?
Think of code in this scenario like the laws of physics. It's the rules that guide what can and can't happen in the world. It's what says "if you walk, you move forwards", "if you eat, you'll be less hungry", "if you use a shovel on a dirt block, it will end up in your inventory".
Data is the actual "stuff" in the world that the code changes via its rules. Data is the specific blocks in that building, that item hovering above the ground, the mobs staring at you from under the trees, the player character, the player's health, the player's inventory, the player's skin, and, in the fanfic context, the player's personality and memories.
In other words, if it's an action that can happen, it's probably code. If it's a specific thing, it and everything that makes that particular thing unique is data.
Of course, there can be bugs or glitches in the code which means that data does something it shouldn't, such as "if you put some TNT, some dead coral, and a minecart in this very specific configuration, you can duplicate the TNT." In this case, the act of duplication (ie the rules that let duplication occur) is a glitch in the code (the rules allow something they shouldn't), but the duplicated TNT itself isn't code; it's data. Data that shouldn't exist but does anyway because of that glitch in the code.
So, how could you rework the sample phrases above to make more sense?
"He got too close to a glitch, and his personality data got corrupted. He's evil now!"
"They carefully prodded at her player data, trying to find the broken property that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your data structures are so ancient! You're from Alpha, right? I can't believe you've survived so many updates without compatibility issues!"
Code vs Logs
"Xisuma looked through the code to find the source of the glitch."
This one's a little less clear cut, as there are circumstances where players could look at a version of the code. Some of the Minecraft code is Open Source (ie free to look at), and the rest can be decompiled from the Minecraft .jar (ie turned from machine-readable ones-and-zeroes back into words and stuff, although much less human-readable than what the original code would have been). The super-technical players such as the SciCrafters and I think Doc too will look at the code, which is how they make their super efficient farms and find and exploit glitches to, say, put 8 spawners in one chunk.
But generally, the code is not the first place you go when encountering a glitch. I mean, if it were that obvious from the code alone, it probably would have been caught before being shipped!
When something goes wrong, the first place to look is the logs. The logs of what the players have been doing, the logs of previous commands that have been run, the update changelogs for the game, the version history of the (admin-editable) config files, any warnings or error logs from the server itself. For example, if you have a malicious user such as, say, a Helsmit in your story, the logs would show when they entered the world and where, unless they also did something hacky to cover their tracks.
Personally, I also wouldn't say you'd have to stick to exactly what a server would realistically log if it makes your story more interesting. It's easy enough to hand wave that an admin has a mod in place that surfaces more information if it'd make the story better!
In a multi-server setting, this is also the point where the admin of your world could also reach out to the admins of other worlds and discuss if they've seen the issue before and how they solved it. The in-universe equivalent of looking it up on Stack Overflow or Reddit if you will!
Once the admin has looked at the logs and maybe chatted to others, if they still can't fix the issue via commands or config file changes, then it might make sense for them to try looking into the code if they can. Note that not all server admins are necessarily confident at programming as it's not a core part of their job.
But at the very least, at this point the admin should have a better idea of what part of the code could be bugged. This will make it easier to either a) make a patch for the bug or, more likely, b) understand what circumstances trigger the glitch and avoid those circumstances.
TL;DR: The code is not the first place admins will go when glitches cause issues; the logs are!
And as before, example sentence:
"Xisuma trawled through the logs, trying to find any indication of the source of the problem."
To Conclude
Code is the rules that govern what stuff can do and how stuff interacts. The stuff itself is data. When something goes wrong, that typically results in the data being in a state it shouldn't be in, wether that be because that thing's velocity is much higher than it should be after taking advantage of the ravager flight glitch, or because a player and a mob's data structures got combined on accident to leave them a player-mob hybrid.
Of course, this broken data is likely caused by a bug/glitch in the code. It could also be caused by somebody malicious who's purposefully trying to break things by messing with the memory in another way. It could also be because a cosmic ray hit a piece of RAM and flipped a single bit (this is an actual thing that happens believe it or not).
Either way, when something goes wrong, the admin's first point of exploration is the logs, not the code. The logs will give the admin a better idea of what the cause of the issue is, and talking with other admins could give them a solution without ever touching the codebase. But worst-case scenario, it is indeed possible for an admin to go spelunking through the codebase to find the cause of an issue and create a patch for it.
This just covers the most common code-related plot points that I personally see in Hermitcraft/other SMP fanfiction. If you have any further questions about writing code-related plot points, feel free to ask! And also, just to reiterate, this is all just my interpretation. Others may interpret differently, and if you do, I'd love to hear what your alternative interpretations are!
PS: I was also planning a section on hacking here, but this post is already getting long and that's complicated, and also I'm bad at hacking. But let me know if you have any questions related to that that you'd like to see in a follow-up post!
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Flight: Prologue
Thank you @followbatb for the prompt. I ran away with this fic. I also want to thank @thatwolfbookgirl who has been assisting me and put up with constant questions! Killian and Emma meet on a plane with a baby Henry. Killian is visiting his aunt who has Alzheimers and gets confused thinking Emma is his girlfriend. Killian helps Emma with some personal issues.
I have finished the fic, but it needs editing. Here’s the prologue. I hope you all like it!
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of Once or the characters.
Warning: Suitable for age 12. Some scenes will get a bit heated. More smuff than smut.
I've tagged it under flight cs fanfic so people can find new chapters!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
This was perfect. Just perfect. Not only did Emma have a six month old baby boy and an intense job, but now her work was sending her to England for six months. Emma Swan was a columnist for a small magazine, and talked about her previous experiences, her opinions on new films and books, places she had been, and raising Henry in the busy New York city. She mainly worked from home as it helped with the childcare, but occasionally she ventured out for interviews which Graham got her. Or she went to the office and took Henry with her, everyone delighted over him so she had no worries with that. Henry was the love of her life though she had had doubts about being able to raise him. Adoption was an option, but she’s glad she didn’t give him up in the end. Even if times were tough. However, going to London for six months was a big ask. She pulled out her mobile and dialled Graham’s number. “Hello? Emma? Is everything alright?” “No, Graham. You can’t honestly expect me to go to England, can you? What about Henry?” She stressed. “I understand you’re upset, Em-” “No, you don’t. I have a young baby, I’ve just got settled with him in New York and now I have to relocate. To a different country!” "I thought you would be happy about this. I thought you would want to get away. To forget about Neal and your past. I thought this would be a great opportunity for you, and Henry.” “Don’t mention him to me. What would have been good is asking me first.” “I know, and I’m sorry. This job is really good for you. It’s more money, a fresh start for six months, the hotel is paid for, and we will pay for all of Henry’s childcare.” “When is my flight?” “Two months. I only expect one column a week until you go, get your affairs in order and appreciate the opportunity you have been given.” Graham was trying to make the offer a positive one, but Emma had never even left the country before. “Fine. I will accept the job. How much am I expected to work when I get there?” “I want three columns a week about life in England, their food maybe, sport, music?” “So, I take it I will be living in London?” Emma had to admit that was quite exciting. West End, that amazing accent, and Graham was right. A fresh start. “Actually, no. You will be going to Manchester. We expect you would visit places such as London, maybe try Scotland and Wales. Visit the famous sites. But the hotel is in Manchester.” “Manchester? Oh.” “Is that okay?” “I know nothing about it. Other than the soccer teams.” “Well, you will be living there for six months, so I’m sure you will learn plenty.” “Right, well, I guess I better prepare. See you later.” Emma hung up the phone, slightly irritated. Henry was asleep in his cot and burbling peacefully. She hoped she had made the right choice, for him.
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Flight: Chapter 11
Chapter 11, the final one! The epilogue will be out tomorrow when I get home to England.
I love writing this fic, thanks everyone!
@thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
  A month later is was Henry's first birthday. Killian and Emma had got over their argument, and their relationship was even better now everything about their pasts had been opened. Emma was excited to celebrate Henry's first birthday with Killian. He insisted that everyone come round to celebrate. A simple party but with everyone they love. Emma had agreed.
   Everyone brought presents to the house. Killian had prepared a buffet for people to enjoy. There was music. Everyone was chatting together. Roger was entertaining the children.
  Emma and Killian were in the kitchen telling a funny story about Henry and all the others were laughing. Henry was on Killian's hip and clapping but looked curious at the house being so busy.
  “This is all for you, and you have no idea.” He chuckled, nuzzling the baby's cheek.
  “Keeyee.” He giggled. He then kept stroking Killian's stubble.
  “He's always liked the feel.” He laughed.
  James came over to Emma and Henry when they were on the couch.
  “I made this for Henry in school.” He smiled. He handed her a photo frame which was decorated with drawn tennis balls and in the fanciest hand writing a ten year old could muster was a big ‘Happy Birthday, Henry!’ The picture was a group selfie of them all on the Wimbledon day.
  “James. That is lovely. And it can go proudly on the windowsill where Newfoundland tails can't reach.” She laughed and gave him a hug. She then placed it on the window by the TV. More and more photos had found themselves in Killian's apartment over the last few months.
  It was the evening and all the guests had left. It was just Henry, Emma, and Killian. They were all sat on the floor whilst Henry was playing with some new toys.
  “It's been such a nice day.” She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
  “You did most of the organising.”
  “No, thank you. For being on that flight.” She smiled. He kissed her head and gave her a cuddle.
  “Thank you for being on that flight.” He chuckled.
  They both knew that they couldn't be separated after everything, but they still had to decide who was going to make the sacrifice.
  Killian stood up to go and get Henry another toy.
  “Killian! Oh my God!”
 He turned around and Henry was following him on wobbly legs. He was about to fall but Killian caught him.
 “Henry! You're walking! Well done.” They were both beaming. Henry didn't realise what was so special.
   On January 5th, a few days after New Year, which the family had celebrated in the park with everyone else. Killian and Emma were snuggled up in their bed on a chilly night in their pyjamas and lots of blankets. Henry was asleep, and making them exhausted because he always ran about now he could.
  “This is nice.” He smiled, kissing Emma's hair. “Don’t you think?”
  “Mm, definitely. A bit of peaceful time with my handsome man? What could beat this after a day running around after a toddler.” She snuggled deeper into his chest.
  Ping! It was Graham. Asking Emma a question. She typed a quick reply and then snuggled back.
  “What was that?”
  “Nothing. Now what do you say we warm ourselves up?” She smirked. He agreed and kissed her slowly.
   Christmas holidays were over and Killian was back to work. He arrived home and Emma, Henry and Roger were nowhere to be seen. Emma's laptop was open on the kitchen counter with a piece of paper saying ‘What do ya say?’. He was confused. He woke up her laptop and on the screen was an email from Graham
 Due to the success of your column here at the magazine. I would be delighted to offer you a full time position as our United Kingdom correspondent. It would require you to work eleven months each year in the UK and return every August for work here in New York.
  We scheduled this arrangement around Killian's timetable as a teacher. We planned on July, but I believe your family enjoy Wimbledon too much for you to miss it.
  Flights and accommodation would be provided for when in New York. There also would be no mix up with the hotel, however, I believe our ineptitude did you a favour. :D
  Henry and Killian would also be welcome to join you in New York with all their expenses paid.
  Hope you consider it!
  Many Thanks, much love to the family and a Happy New Year!
  Your favourite Boss
  Emma's response was presented underneath.
  Dear My Favorite Boss. (She still typed American he noticed.)
  Hope you had a good New Year. I’m in, see you August.
  Your favorite Columnist
  Emma had sneaked in behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
  “What do you say? Can you survive a month in New York every year?” She smiled into him.
  “Aye. I think I can manage that.” He turned around and kissed her deeply. “I’m glad we found a way.” Henry pulled on his leg. He hoisted him up and smiled. “Well, things are all going to plan for a change. Are you excited, little man?” Asked Killian.
  “Keeyee! Yes!”
  The family were sat on the couch watching Tangled. Killian brought Emma a glass of wine with his beer.
  “To us and our future.” He toasted.
  “To us and love.” She clinked their glasses and kissed him.
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Flight: Chapter 6
  Chapter Six has arrived! This is very sickly sweet! Lots of fluff, and babysitting!
I’m glad the fic has had such a positive response. Tagging @thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, and @hollyethecurious!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
  Emma woke with strong arms around her, but he felt different, he was holding her tighter. Even though she had woken up like this everyday since their first time, something about him seemed off. Then she realised. He was still fast asleep. Usually he was just dozing, as he always woke up first, but right now he was in the very depths of sleep. She knew he wouldn't be feeling his best later, so she left him to it and closed her eyes again. She turned and snuggled into chest.
  “Ouch.” Said Killian. His comment roused her from sleep. “Oh my head.”
 “Have fun last night?”
 “My eyes are closed but I already know you have a Cheshire Cat grin on your face. Do you like to see me suffer, Swan?” He dreaded opening his eyes and letting the light in.
 “No, of course not. However, I was lacking in entertainment last night, but the wait was worth it. I've never seen you hungover.”
  “It is a rare occurrence. I remember the morning you were hungover. I made you pancakes, where are mine?”
  “I'm no good at pancakes. Maybe I can offer something just as good?” She kissed his lips and he squirmed.
 “Sorry, love. Not in the mood. I feel really sick.”
  “Wow, you really are sick.” She pulled away from him, which he protested against. “I’m just getting something. Shh, go to sleep.” She got up and kissed his forehead.
  Emma found a suitable sick bucket. She took Henry and fed him his breakfast, Killian didn't need a crying baby in the house. She played with him and took him and Roger for a walk. When she returned, he was still in bed snuggled up at 12pm. Definitely not like him. The bucket had been frequented.
  “Lovely.” She disposed of it and cooked him some lunch.
  “Killian. You need to eat something. You’ll feel better.” She heard a massive groan. She placed his toast on the side and sat by him. She stroked his hair and smiled. “Maybe it's a good thing lads nights out aren't often.” He agreed. “Do you feel better at all?” He nodded slightly, then tapped the bed.
  “Come on. I want a cuddle.”
  “I can't. Henry's in the highchair.”
  He frowned. She kissed him and left the room, a few minutes later she returned Henry is tow. She lay down beside him and put Henry between them. Killian's eyes still hadn't opened but he smiled knowing Henry was there.
  “Keeyee.” He giggled.
 “What did he say?” He opened his eyes and winced at the harsh light. ‘Did he say me?”
  “Keeyee.” He laughed and reached for his nose.
 “Emma! He said my name.” His heart swelled, the boy’s third word was him. He was getting better at Mummy and Doggy, and he hadn't really got Killian but it was enough for him.
  “Aww, Killian. That's so cute.”
  He looked ecstatic. Emma couldn't believe he was so excited about it.
  “Wow.” He felt sick still but this meant the world to him. “That's amazing.”
  “Say cheese.” She took a picture of them. Killian’s arms out of the covers holding Henry on his chest, Henry was sat up laughing. “I have my story for the day.”
 “Put the picture in the paper.”
 “You want me to?”
 “Course I do. It's such a big moment.” He was grinning from ear to ear. Emma joined them and snapped a selfie of the three of them all snuggled under the quilt.
 “At least you're feeling better.” She smiled, playing with his hair. She stared into his deep blue eyes, it wasn't hard to drown in them. They looked at her, she knew they were full of love, she knew he wanted to say it, she wanted to say it. But everything was perfect and she didn't want to lose that.
 “What are you thinking about?” He smiled softly.
 “Oh, really?” His smile grew. “And what about me?” He snuggled into her neck trying not to disturb Henry between them.
  “Just you. How amazing you are.” That made him blush.
 “Alas, I am not the amazing one. That's you.”
  “How about both of us are?” She chuckled. He smiled deeply at her. “Stop looking at me like that. Eat your toast. It's cold now, but eat it.” He reached over and picked a slice up. “You’ll get crumbs all over you.” She laughed.
  “At this point, I couldn't care less. I dread to think what the others are like, I’m pretty sure I drunk the least.”
  “I’m sure their women are just as sympathetic.” She had taken Henry from him and was sitting up with her head against the backboard.
  “I doubt Elsa is. If Liam's ill all day he won't be in a very datey mood, it's the first one they have had planned in ages. Regina has no sympathy for hung over Robin. Belle will probably treat Will well. Who knows about the others.” He laughed. “Elsa will probably kill Robin, it was his fault we’re all in this state.”
  “Well, lucky you have me. Finish your toast, shower, and we’ll go somewhere. Always best to get out and clear your head.”
  “I don't want to go out.” He placed his plate on the side. “I want to stay here all day, with you.” He moved over and cuddled her legs. Henry giggled reached for Killian. “The lad agrees.”
  “Come on. If we go out you’ll feel better. How about we go to that farm?”
  “Why don't you go to the farm and me and Henry will stay here, where we both want to be.”
  “Come on. He's not been to a farm before. Wouldn't it be cute seeing him watch the animals.” He was tracing circles on her thigh, hoping to distract her. It wasn't working.
  “Okay, okay. We’ll go. I’ll go and shower.”
  “Henry's getting tired, I’ll put him down for a nap, and maybe if you're lucky… I’ll join you.” She winked. “No promises.”
  They both left the bathroom, wrapped in towels, and went to their own rooms. He sat on the side of his bed and picked up a photo frame which had been recently added of Emma and Henry on the flight. He smiled. Who would have predicted that two strangers on a flight would end up like this? He adored them both, he loved Henry so much. He enjoyed reading to him, watching his eyes light up at new things, watching him and Emma play together, watching Roger and Henry. Roger was the sweetest dog he knew and just lay on his side whilst Henry stroked his big belly.
  He left the room, dressed in dark jeans and a red plaid shirt. He saw Emma with Henry, she had left her hair down with it's natural waves. She wore some black jeans and a grey t-shirt. It was still hot outside, normally it had rained before now.
  “Are we ready?” She smiled. Henry was in his seat carrier still asleep.
 “I hope you're driving.” He was feeling a lot better than before, but he had a slight headache.
  They arrived at the farm. Emma had Henry in his baby carrier on her chest. He had woke up and was as lively as usual. The farm was family friendly and they held birthday parties for children, they wanted to educate children on farming and some of the jobs. Not the gruesome parts. They saw children riding donkeys and pointing at the pigs.
  “Look, Henry. Liam is here.” Pointing at the pigs.
  “I’ll tell him that.”
  “You tell him everything anyway.”
  “I don't tell him everything. I certainly don't tell him what I do to his little brother.”
 “Younger. Younger brother.” He's certain Liam told her that he hated being called ‘little brother’. They were too close.
  “Either way. Is someone jealous?” she Smirked.
  “Of Liam?” He snorted. “No. Never.”
  They walked around and looked at the animals. Henry was terrified of the cows and cried until he was far away from them. He loved the sheep and when they bleated at him, he squealed back. They watched the sheepdogs round up the sheep as a display.
 “Wow, look Henry. Roger wouldn't be able to do that.”
  “Yeah, doggy.” Smiled Killian.
  The trip to the farm had been an exhausting one for Henry. There was silence in the car as they drove back in comfortable silence.
  “He so loved the donkeys more than the sheep, Swan. You can't deny that.” He said, walking through the door. She followed behind with Henry fast asleep in his carrier.
  “No, he didn't. Anyway, his favourite was the dogs.”
  “And why is that?”
  “Well, for a start he knew what they were.” she argued.
  “Cos he knows what a dog is. He doesn't know what a sheep or donkey is. He’s only ten months old. His vocabulary isn't vast yet. Give the lad a chance.”
 “Come on, let's stop arguing. My room is a mess. I’ll tidy it before the kids come over.”
  She felt his arms snake around her and he kissed her neck.
 “Maybe, you could move your stuff into my room.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Well, we could share a bedroom. Henry can have your room. We’ll decorate it for him. Then the other room could be a guest one or something.”
  “We sleep in your room anyway.”
  “I know, but you do everything else in your room. I want you in mine.” She leant back on him. “It’s not that big of a step, love. You're only putting your stuff in… our room.” He smirked. “Come on. Please. Plus it gives Henry a chance to learn to be on his own, he needs a bit of separation. We have the baby monitor. What do you say?”
  “Are we ready for such a commitment?” she giggled. She turned and faced him, his hand still around her waist. “Okay. And who is going to move my wardrobe and stuff?”
  “We will. Teamwork.”
  They spent the rest of the day moving things around and tidying up. Henry was exhausted so they didn't disturb him. The wardrobe wasn't as heavy as they thought it would be and they got the job done by five. Emma washed some clothes and all the bedding whilst Killian went out for a walk with Roger to clear the last of his headache.
  They were sat on the couch with the TV on low. It was some wildlife documentary about bears.
  “An hour until the rascals come.” He smiled. “They don't tire easily Liam's kids. It’ll be all games and noise, I hope you know that. James will mind his own business when he gets bored, but Ellie will want to play all night.” He laughed.
 “Well, best save our energy. I’m just going to do a bit of work before they come.” She picked up her laptop, she was half way through a column she started the week before. She had sent Graham two columns in advance. He was still trying to persuade her to take the hours. So was Killian. However, Killian was hinting to other things. She felt his head on her shoulder.
  She laughed at him. “Hi.” She continued typing. His hand slipped under shirt as he caressed her stomach.
  “You look beautiful. I love your hair like that.”
  “Thank you.” She wasn't giving into him. There was a silence then. “You know I would have to do this more and ignore you more if I take on those hours.”
 “I’m only bored because there's no Henry to look after. Plus, I have a gorgeous woman sitting on my couch, it's hard to resist. She smells really good too. Maybe she's bored of work?” He tickled her ribs and she jolted.
  “Killian, my laptop. Be careful.” She giggled. “I need to work. Leave me alone for a bit.” She kissed his cheek.
  He wandered around the apartment bored. He went to Henry’s room and watched the baby sleep, he looked like he was dreaming. He smiled at him, he couldn’t believe that he had only been in his life for six weeks. He was a perfect little boy. He stroked the baby's soft hair. “I love you, Henry. And your mummy too. But she isn't ready yet, but I think I can tell you. Our little secret.”
  The doorbell rang. Show time. It was six. Killian opened the door and was attacked by hugs.
  “Uncle Killy!” They screamed.
  “Hello! Hello!”
  Elsa and Liam were laughing. They were both dressed up nice and looked extremely happy.
  “Enjoy your night.” Smiled Emma, coming to the door.
  “Try and enjoy yours. If they get too much, tell them. Don't want them disturbing Henry.”
  “Maybe they want payback after all his crying. It was definitely teething, he’s getting better these days.”
  “Now you just have to watch him every second for putting things in his mouth. It's never over.” Laughed Liam.
  “Go and enjoy your night.” Smiled Killian, picking himself up off the floor. “We have everything in hand. No worrying. I’ll ring if there is any trouble.”
  They shut the door and the kids had already disappeared.
  “Ready, love?”
  She nodded.
  Killian spent some time playing football in the garden with James, whilst Ellie played with Roger. Emma was watching from the bench with the baby monitor on the table.
  “I want Emma to play! She's way better than you, Killian.” shouted James. Henry was inside fast asleep. None of the noise had disturbed him. “Come on, Emma! Please play with me.”
  “Okay, pal. I think your uncle should go in goal.” She smirked.
  “You’re on, Swan.” He smiled.
  Emma scored many against him, as did James. Ellie joined in halfway through and Emma showed her how to kick better.
  “Uncle Killy?” Said Ellie, when they were all drinking some juice. She walked up to him with puppy eyes.
  “Yes, princess?”
  “Let me do you hair.” He saw Emma snigger into her drink unexpectedly. “Pleaaaasse. You normally do.”
  Emma couldn't imagine what that would look like. He did have quite thick hair enough to put some hair ties in.
 “No now. I don't want to play football. I want to make you look pretty.”
  “Why don't you make Emma looked pretty?” He suggested.
  “She already is. You aren't.” His niece had always been blunt. Like her father.
  “Well, now I'm upset. You just said I’m not pretty. Maybe I don't want you to do my hair.”
  “No, you are pretty. Just not as pretty as Emma. So you need some more.” She gave him a hug. “I’m sorry, uncle.”
  “It’s okay. Apology accepted. Go on, get your stuff.”
  “Emma, are you playing again?” Asked James. He never seemed to tire of sports.
  “Sure. I’ll go in net.”
  James and Emma kept laughing at Killian, whose hair was being pulled hard by his niece. His hair had been put in lots of hair ties and Ellie was delighted with her work.
  “We have to get a picture of this.” Smiled Emma. James nodded and laughed. They walked over and Emma took a picture, safe to say Killian wasn't happy.
  “That picture best not end up anywhere, Swan. It stays on that phone and that phone only.”
  “Of course.” She smirked. “Ellie, your uncle looks very pretty now. Thank you.”
  “You're welcome.”
  “How long so I have to stay pretty for?” Asked Killian.
  “All night. I think, Ellie.” Admitted James. “Don’t you?”
  “Yaaaay, all night!”
  “James!” said Killian. “You’re too much like your father.”
   Killian started dinner whilst Emma entertained the kids with a jigsaw. Henry was now awake and sat in a toy chair. James went back and forth between the jigsaw and helping Henry put the shapes in the right slot. He was well practised at being a big brother.
  “Well done, Henry. What’s that? A circle!” Emma watched from the corner of her eyes. There was a lot of Liam in the boy, but there was a tenderness that was Killian. “And that one is a star.”
  “Arrr.” He clapped.
  “Close enough.”
  “Ellie!” Called Killian. She looked up and ran to the kitchen. He picked her up and put her on his hip. “How does this sauce taste? Careful. It's hot. Blow on it first.”
  “Great! Food is nearly ready. Are you and James going to set the table?” He asked. She nodded and ran off.
  “Jamie! Jamie! Killy said we have to set the table.” James was still with Henry. “Help me.”
  “Coming. See you soon, Henry.”
  Killian had made spaghetti bolognese with meatballs. They were all sat around the table. Roger sat by Ellie knowing she always sneaked him some food. His slobber strings had attached to the fur on his chest and he was sitting patiently. Emma had fed Henry just before but he was with them on his highchair.
  “This is delicious.” Smiled Emma. “Who taught you to cook?”
  “Auntie Judy. She's great. She struggles with it now though. We still let her do as much as possible but we usually help.”
  “She makes delicious cookies!” Shouted Ellie.
  “Indoor voice, Ellie.” said Killian. Emma tried to hide her smile. He still looked ridiculous with his hair, especially when he was being stern.
  “Sorry, she makes delicious cookies.” She said quieter. Killian smiled and helped Henry with a bottle. He was also amazed at Killian's new look.
  “What's for dessert?” asked James.
  “Chocolate cake and custard?” Suggested Killian.
  “Yaay! My favourite.”
  They had dessert and put the plates in the dishwasher. James was watching Peter Pan with Henry and explaining to him that he was named after Hook. Killian and Liam's favourite character. Even if he was the villain.
  “Emma, Killy? Can we play a game?” asked Ellie. “I don't want to watch Peter Pan.”
  “Of course. What do you want play?” Asked Killian.
  “Emma is a princess and you're a prince.”
  “Emma already is a princess.” Said Killian.
  “I know, and we are just pretending you are a prince. Okay.” Blunt once again.
  “Okay.” He smiled.
  “You have to go hide. Because you need rescuing because you're useless. And princess Emma is going to save you from the castle.”
  “Oo, I like this. Am I a warrior princess?”
 “Yeah! So uncle...” She whispered in his ear of where he needed to hide. He got up and wandered off.
  “And who are you in this game?” asked Emma. “Are you a princess?”
  “No! I’m the Queen who captured him. And Roger is my dragon! You have get past him then you face me.” She ran off and went to where she imagined Killian was too.
  Emma walked to James. “Are you okay watching him?”
  “Of course! I always wanted a little brother. Better than having a sister.”
  “Your sister isn't that bad.” she laughed.
  “You best go find Killian before she kills him. She takes these games very seriously.”
  “Okay, see you in a bit.”
  Emma walked around the house in search of them. They were nowhere to be seen.
  “Prince Killian?” she called. Maybe they were outside. Roger was lay on the grass catching the last rays of sun. She saw Killian sitting on a chair with a skipping rope tied around him. “Oh my! Not to worry, I will save you!” The Queen’s dragon wasn't very fierce but she would humour her. “Oh dear! There's a massive dragon in the way. What shall I do?” She approached Roger who perked his head when she approached. She started tickling his stomach and he rolled onto his back. His back leg started kicking when she scratched his ribs. “I fear the dragon isn't very aggressive.” She saw Killian laughing. Ellie jumped out with a sword.
  “Ah ha! You may have defeated my dragon but you won't defeat me!” Ellie threw down a sword for Emma. They were in fact sticks but she obliged. Emma carefully sparred against her. She ‘cut’ the ropes, Killian had actually untied himself, then pulled him up.
  “I have my prince! We just need to defeat the Queen! Any ideas?”
  Killian picked Ellie up and started tickling her. “She’s just as weak as her dragon, milady!” Ellie gave up.
  “You have to live happily ever after now! You have to get married!” Both of them were shocked. “Inside!”
  They followed her inside, Roger followed. They were sat on the floor. Her teddies were the royal guests and she was the officiator. She got some Haribo rings and Roger was sitting and watching.
 “You have to hold hands!”
 “Alright, bossy.” Said Killian, then he felt Emma grab his hand.
 “Well, we are getting pretend married.” She smiled.
  “Princess Emma, do you want Prince Killian to be your husband?”
  “I do.” She slipped the Haribo ring on his finger.
  “Prince Killian, do you want Princess Emma to be your wife.”
  “I do.” He did the same.
  “You are now husband and wife. You have to kiss the bride.” Clapped Ellie. Killian gave Emma a quick kiss and Ellie cheered.
  “You taking me somewhere nice for my honeymoon? The Caribbean perhaps?” She smiled.
  “Anything for my princess.” He smiled. Ellie had left the game behind and was now playing with Roger.
  “You still look ridiculous.” She giggled. “That look really doesn't suit you.”
  “I’m aware, love. But I have a niece to keep happy.”
  Peter Pan had finished and James was now reading James a book. The pirate one. Ellie was brushing Roger in the corner and Killian was sat at a bar stool watching James. He felt Emma's arms come around his waist and her chin rest on his shoulder.
  “James is really sweet.” She smiled.
  “Aye. He's spitting image of his father.”
  “He reminds me of his uncle.” Giving his cheek a quick kiss. “Similar personality. There's no denying he looks like Liam though.”
  “You think I'm sweet?”
  “Well duh, you're the sweetest guy I know.” He smiled at that. He turned in her arms. “And I think you're really pretty.”
  “Thanks, love.”
  It was half eight. Bath time.
  “Right you little monsters! Time for a bath.” Shouted Killian. Ellie screamed and ran away.
  “I don't want a bath! Because that means bed time!”
  James had also ran away and hid.
  “We’re not playing hide and seek, guys. It's bath time. Come on.” Said Killian. Ellie was hiding behind Roger and James was under Killian's bed.
  “Come on. This isn't funny. We can watch something afterwards.” He said.
  Emma had started running the bath. She still had all that to come, chasing Henry around for a bath. At the moment he couldn't really do much about it.
  After ten minutes they were all successfully in the bath. James was playing with a boat and showing Henry. Ellie demanded that Roger sit by the door as a guard dog. Not that he was much of one, he was snoozing against the radiator.
  Henry was sat in a bath chair and splashing about with James.
  “I’ll go and get some towels.” Said Killian. “You okay watching?”
  “Yeah. Go ahead.”
  “Emma. Where are you from?” asked James.
  “America. I lived in Boston and New York mostly. A bit of Tallahassee. New York was my favourite.”
  “I really want to go to Disneyworld.”
  “I've never been.” She smiled.
  “Maybe we can go together?” He suggested. “All of us. Even Will and stuff.”
  “That would be fun!”
  Killian returned with the towels. They washed the children's hair and then wrapped them up. Emma dried Ellie's hair, whilst Killian changed Henry and sorted James. They all ended up snuggled on the couch watching Robin Hood. James insisted in Disney and they all agreed. Killian had Ellie on his lap and Emma had Henry on hers. James was snuggled between them in the middle with a blanket. Henry was having his last bottle for the night, James was watching her and she smiled.
  “Do you want to try and feed him?” She asked. James looked nervous. “I’ll just put him on your knee. He tries to hold it himself sometimes but he isn't very good at it.” Emma placed him in James' arms. He smiled and gave him the bottle. “That's it.” When Henry had finished she took him back and burped him.
  “That was fun.” He smiled.
  Henry yawned and was falling asleep. “This little man is quite tired. I’m going to put him to bed.” She smiled.
  “Not before goodnight kisses.” Smiled Killian. She handed him over. “Goodnight, Henry. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Henry smiled sleepily at him. He kissed his cheek. Ellie and James did the same.
  “Night, night.” James smiled.
  The film finished and Ellie had fallen asleep. James had asked to read for a bit and Killian had said yes. Emma carried Ellie to the spare room, there was a double bed which was for Ellie and James.
  Killian was reading a separate book on the couch with James.
  “I really like her. Emma. She's cool.”
 Killian looked up from his page.
  “You do?”
  “Yeah, she's better than the others. I know I shouldn't compare them, but she's a lot nicer to me.” He sometimes didn't understand his nephew. He acted really grown up sometimes for his age. He didn't get that from Liam.
  “It’s alright. She's my favourite too.”
  “Do you love her?”
  “I guess. She's just had a bad past. So, we aren't rushing things.”
  “Don't let her get hurt again.” He found it hard to believe a ten year old was saying this.
  “I won't.” James then yawned. “Bed time. Come on.”
  All the kids were asleep when they were sat on the couch together.
  “Peace at last.” Smiled Killian. Emma had her head on his lap.
  “I've enjoyed it. Liam's kids are great.”
  “James was really good with Henry.” Killian said stroking her hair idly. “He's a good brother.”
   “What time are Elsa and Liam picking them up?”
  “Not too early. I’m sure they’ll be enjoying their morning together.” He smiled. “No school run. No kids. A nice night out. I expect we've got them till at least twelve.”
  “Not so bad. I really need to do some work tomorrow. At least I have plenty to write about. Also, you can take your hair out now.” She laughed and sat up. He pulled her onto his knee and she undid them. His hair stayed where it was until she scruffed it up. “Ooo, that looks sexy.” She kissed him, he deepened it. “Easy tiger. Too much company.”
  “You started it. Come on, love. Let's go to bed.”
  In the middle of the night, Killian felt a tug on his arm. He was facing outwards with the quilt mostly on Emma's side. As usual.
  “Uncle Killy.” A small voice whispered. He stirred and saw Ellie standing with tears in her eyes. “I had a bad dream.”
  “Oh dear. Come here.” He picked her up and put her between him and Emma. “Shh. It's okay. Don't cry. I'm here.”
  “I love you.” She whimpered.
  “I love you too, princess.” She fell asleep in his arms.
     When Emma woke up she noticed a small body between her and Killian. It was Ellie. Killian had mentioned she suffered from bad dreams, that's why she was probably there. Ellie was snuggled into her and sucking her thumb, Killian was still fast asleep, the covers down by his waist. His t-shirt hiding his muscular shoulders. He’d had the decency to sleep in pyjamas that night when usually he slept in boxers, knowing he might have to deal with Ellie. The baby monitor was silent, and James was probably still asleep. She pulled the little girl closer and fell asleep again.
  “Killian.” He heard a whisper. He rubbed his eyes. It was James. “Killian. I’m bored. It's ten. You're usually up by now.”
  “I had to look after some brats last night.” He chuckled, pulling James into the bed. “Come on, you can be lazy. Don't have to be sporty all the time.” He tickled the boys ribs and he laughed. “Shh, you’ll wake Emma and your sister.” He put him next to his sister and told him to close his eyes.
  “Every time I wake up, there’s another person in this bed.” Chuckled Emma. James and Killian both looked at each other and laughed. “I doubt I’ll be falling asleep again. What time is?”
  “10:10. Love.”
  “I’m surprised Henry's slept so long.” She smiled. “How about I go make us all some breakfast?” James nodded.
  They were all around the table and Emma had made pancakes with chocolate sauce. Henry was up and Killian fed him. The kids were changed and ready.
  “How is my beautiful boy this morning?” Smiled Emma, walking to Killian who had Henry.
  “Good, thanks.” He smirked. She raised an eyebrow.
 “I wasn't referring to you.” She gave him a kiss.
  “Eww gross.” Said James. “Kids about.”
  “Gross? I've never been so offended.” Said Killian. “Emma isn't gross.” He pretended to kiss her more until she tried to push him off with little real effort.
  “Stop you two! Mum and dad are bad enough.”
  “Enough, Killian.” She laughed.
  The doorbell went.
  “Right rascals. Get your stuff ready.”
  Liam and Elsa accepted an offer for pancakes. They looked a lot more stress free. Elsa told Emma about their date, Liam had took her to a Mexican restaurant, then they had walked through the park like on their first date. Then they went home and enjoyed some wine and peace and quiet.
  “It sounds lovely. You're very lucky, you have two lovely children. Ellie is certainly a character and James is so sweet.”
  “Thank you for looking after them. Maybe we can try again with Henry, and you and Killian can go somewhere.”
  “Maybe. It's not like we're struggling having only been together for a few weeks. It's not like going on your first date in ten years with your husband.” Laughed Emma.
  “True. It was lovely just being us two. I love my kids, don't get me wrong. But having Liam to myself was nice. Like the good old days. Especially when he goes back in the Navy in a few weeks.”
  “I can imagine it being quite difficult.”
  “He comes out next year. Fed up of missing his kids. I know he loves the sea, but he loves the kids more.”
  “That will be nice for you both.” Smiled Emma.
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Flight: Chapter 5
   Hi guys! Hoping to get quite a few chapters out tomorrow. I also have another fic in the planning! Something a little bit different, as much as I’ve enjoyed the fluffiness and sweetness, I have toothache from this fic :D. I loved writing it though, but I fancy myself some dark Hook next.
 This chapter features a lads night and some cockblocking Robin!
Tagging @thatwolfbookgirl, @kmomof4, and @followbatb. Thanks for all the support guys!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
     The week went smoothly. They were babysitting on the Saturday for the night, and Regina had moved into Robin's. Killian had gone back the day after and helped again.
  Emma was sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her, thinking about taking on more hours at work. She wasn't struggling with her workload, but she didn't want to miss more time with Henry because of it. She felt her ponytail moved to the side and a kiss to collar bone, Killian was leaning over the back of the couch.  "What's on your mind?" He whispered. Henry had just nodded off after a spectacular tantrum. His arms came around her and she leaned back. "Me?" She chuckled at him.  "Work."  "You still thinking about the hours?" She nodded. "What's your gut telling you?"  "That I should take them. It's more money, and I'm getting paid more for being overseas. Plus, we can say you're working more. I just don't want to be one of those people who works all the time. I have Henry and you. I don't want to miss out on that."  "You won't. Because you have these moments and then you're immortalising them in this magazine. They're not going away. It's like our own little treasure chest of memories."  "So poetic." She said, sarcastically.  "Maybe I should be the writer." He chuckled.  "What are you doing about teaching?" She asked. He came around the couch and sat next to her.   "I haven't thought about since I started getting paid by Graham. I wasn't going to apply for a job."  "I thought you really wanted to teach."  "I do. But I really want to look after Henry. Who would care for him? Plus, I love seeing him grow everyday, I have all the time in the world for him. I don't want to lose that."  "What about teaching?"  "I can always teach. I can't always watch Henry be a baby. They grow so quickly." He smiled.   "What if you teach part time? Or be a supply teacher? Then you get the best of both worlds."  "Who would look after Henry when I'm working?"  "Me. We'll work around each other. I managed for the first eight months, Killian. On my own. I'm grateful you're here now, but since you came along I was on my own for a long time."
"I know. I forget you had a bad past, I know I don't know a lot of it yet. If I have my way you'll never be on your own again."  "You can't say stuff like that. We've only known each other for six weeks.”
  “Haven't they been the best six weeks ever?” He laughed.
 “You know I think they have. It's just… I was promised the world by one guy and it went wrong.”
 “How wrong?” He asked.
 “I went to prison.” She had kept that fact bottled up inside her for too long. She should have told him sooner. She just didn't want to know how he would react. It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. He looked shocked. That's not what he expected. “Because of him.”
 “What happened?” Shock still on his face. She didn't know if he believed her.
 “I was eighteen. Neal had stole some watches and they were stashed in a locker. I went to get them, so we could have a fresh start, then he left me to take the fall. I came out just before I turned twenty.”
 “But, I thought Neal was Henry's father.”
 “I was on my own until I was twenty four, working as a security guard, quite ironic isn't it and Neal found me again. He apologised, said he was sorry, begged me to forgive him. Told me all his plans, how he wanted me to be a part of them. How much he missed me. I'd been alone so long I fell for it. I got pregnant with Henry at twenty five. I turned twenty six, when he was six months old.”
 “When did he leave?”
 “I told him when I was eight weeks pregnant, he left that night. I had to go through pregnancy on my own, I had awful morning sickness. I landed the job with Graham a year before. Neal was jealous of him, so I always worked from home. I was worried Graham would fire me if he found out I was pregnant, but he sort of took me under his wing. Only as a boss. He didn't help me in any other way. We have a good working relationship.”
 “So you only heard from Neal again when he called you?” She nodded. “He sounds…”
 “Let's not talk about him. I just wanted you to understand that I find it hard to trust people.”
 “Of course I understand. If I have to spend the rest of my life proving I want you, then I will.” A playful smirk appeared on his face and he moved closer. He pinned her under him and kissed her jaw.
 “So cliché.” She laughed.
 “Why don't you ring Graham and get it over with?” He was back to her work, how could he be thinking about that when he was kissing her?
 “Do we have to discuss this now?” She pushed his chest so he looked at her. “Can’t we discuss something else?” She teased.
“No.” He leant back down and kissed her lips. “You need to make a decision. You’ll feel so much better.”
 “I’ll feel better when you stop mixing business with pleasure.” She pushed him over so she was on top of him. “I’ll think about it later.” His hands went to her waist. “You’re too distracting to make any rational decisions.” She laughed.
 “Why don't I show you just how distracting I can be?”
Knock, knock, knock. Killian and Emma were snuggled up on the couch under a blanket. It was six in the evening and couldn't be bothered doing anything. They weren't expecting any visitors either. Emma had been dozing and stirred when she heard the door.
 “You go.” She groaned.
 “I’m afraid, love. I’m not adequately dressed, which was not my fault.”
 “You're a pain.” She threw the blanket off, she had put on some pyjamas because Killian appeared to like a freezing cold apartment.
 Knock, knock, knock.
 She opened the door. It was a man she hadn't met before.
 “Hello? Who are you?”
 “Hi! I’m Robin Locksley. You must be Emma?” He took her hand and kissed it.
 “Robin! I've heard so much about you. Come in.” She smiled. He followed her through to the living room where Killian was lying under a blanket quite obviously shirtless.
 “My, what have you been up to?” Grinned Robin. Killian was shocked to see him standing there. Especially when he himself was nearly nude apart from some boxers.
 “What are you doing here? Go away.” He was embarrassed, Robin didn't need to know anymore about him and Emma.
 “I’ve clearly intruded. I thought I would be welcome.”
 “You are welcome, Robin. Ignore Killian.”
 “How are you already on his side?” He looked offended but jokingly. He sat up with the blanket around his waist. His shoulder feeling tender.
 “I’m just being nice to our guest. Need to make a good impression on your friends. Would you like anything? A beer, tea?”
 “A beer sounds lovely.” He smiled. “Got yourself a keeper here, Killian. She's way too good for you. You can do much better, Emma.” She laughed as she handed him the beer opened.
 “I often feel it’s the other way around.” she smiled.
 Killian walked to his bedroom to throw on some clothes, smiling because of Robin's approval of Emma. He wasn't bothered if he didn't like her but it made life easier that he did.
 “To what do we owe the pleasure?” He asked, returning from his bedroom.
 “If the lady here doesn't mind. I want to steal you for a night.”
 “Robiiin. No one was supposed to know about that.” He teased.
 “You’re such a jerk. I meant for a lads night out.”
 “Ooo, that sounds fun.” Smiled Emma, disappearing to her bedroom.
 “I was going to spend the evening with Emma.” He said.
 “Come on. David and Will even managed to persuade their wives.”
 “Who else?”
 “Jefferson, Liam, Arthur.”
 “He's too busy with Ruby. Come on.”
 Emma returned with Henry in her arms. He’d had a long nap and it was time for his dinner. Killian smiled when he saw him, he knew how he felt for both of them and really wanted to tell her, but he knew she wasn't ready.
 “I know who this is.” Smiled Robin, placing his beer on the counter and walking over. “May I?” Emma passed him over with a smile. “I’ve heard so much about you, Henry. You little cutie. Roland would love to meet you I’m sure.” He looked at Emma. “Roland's my son. He's seven now and growing fast.”
 “Robin was in a similar position to you but under different circumstances. I clearly like picking up the single parents.” They all laughed at the bizarreness of the situation. Killian had befriended Robin when Roland was one and they had been close ever since, until he left for America.
 “What is it? Three now?” Laughed Robin. Killian didn't. Three? What did Robin mean?
 “Oh, sorry. Urm, so Emma. How do you like England?”
 She hadn't missed Killian's serious tone or the fact that Robin said three. She wasn't going to pry. He had his past. She knew. He hadn't forced hers out of her, she wouldn't do the same to him.
 “It’s great. Very welcoming. Thanks to this guy.” She patted Killian's chest and gave him a reassuring look. He smiled and relaxed. “The weather is touchy.”
 “That's Britain. We've had some lovely weather recently.” Robin still had Henry who was pulling at his green scarf. “So, you coming out, Killian?”
 “We were going to watch a film.”
 “Go. We can watch a film anytime. Have fun.” She smiled. She took Henry off Robin and pushed Killian towards the bathroom to shower.
 Whilst Killian was getting ready, Emma and Robin sat on the couch chatting.
 “So, what happened to his mother?” Asked Emma.
 “She died. Unfortunately. A car accident.”
 “I’m so sorry. That’s awful.”
 “What about his father? The same?”
 “No, he took off.”
 “Oh, well, I’m sorry.”
 “Killian's been great though. I don't know how he was single. Good with kids, good cook, easy on the eyes.”
 “He got hurt. It's not my place to tell you. But he got hurt bad and went off the rails a bit.”
 “Yeah, that's why he went to America to clear his head. Don't hurt him, Emma. He wouldn't manage it again. If you don't want to be with him one day, tell him. Don't betray him. For me. Best friend to girlfriend.”
 “I won't. I promise. He's been too good to me to intentionally hurt him.”
 “Thank you. I know I wind him up but I love him like a brother. He really likes you. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone.”
 “Wow, thanks. I guess. So, how did you meet?”
 “We were both working in a bar at Uni. I had a one year old son who I had to bring with me and I really struggled. Killian sort of helped me with that. Gave me some respite. Not only did I have a one year old son, I had lost the love of my life in a car crash.”
 “He likes to take in the strays.” She smiled. They heard his bedroom door open.
 “What are you two gossiping about?” He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some dark jeans.
 “Nothing.” Said Robin.
 “You look handsome.” She smiled as he walked over. He picked Henry up and gave him a cuddle. “Enjoy yourself.”
 “I think mummy wants to be rid of me. What's she hiding? Or does she want you all to herself?” He placed little kisses on Henry's head which made him squeal.
 “She wants you to have a good night out. Don't worry about us.” Emma smiled, kissing him and taking Henry.
 Robin noticed the way Killian looked at her. Not even with Milah had he seen him look like that. He knew his friend was in deep, he just hoped Emma's promise was sincere.
 “Ready?” asked Robin.
 “Aye. Which pub?”
 “Oo good.” Emma followed them to the front door. “See you later, love.”
 “Goodbye. Look after him, Robin. Don't let him do anything you wouldn't do.” She smirked. “Or at least bring him back in one piece.”
 “Two pieces?”
 “Three if you avoid the face.”
 “I’m right here.” They ignored him.
 “He's a big boy. He doesn't need one.”
 “Again. Right here.”
 She laughed and kissed him goodbye. He kissed Henry on the head and him and Robin walked off down the street.
  The lads were a few drinks in. America and London had been discussed as well as jobs and careers. David revealed that Mary Margaret was pregnant with their fourth child. They had a boy, two twin girls and another on their way. Will was still with Belle. Arthur and Gwen were newlyweds. Jefferson had an eight year old daughter. Liam and Robin were satisfied with their lives, it was Killian’s turn for questioning.
 “So, what's this bird of yours like, Killian?” Asked Will. Only Robin, David and Liam had met her out of his friends. And David was only briefly.
 “She’s out of his league.” Said Liam. “Way too good for him. She's funny, intelligent, and beautiful.”
 “May I remind you that you have a wife.” said Killian.
 “Aye, well Emma can't be compared to my stunning wife. But for you, she's too good.”
 “Emma really has a sense of humour. If it wasn't for her, he would have been boring and stayed at home.” said Robin. “Liam's right though. She's a really nice girl.”
 “Great at football.”
 “Or soccer in her case.” Laughed Will, attempting an American accent.
 “Not your usual type.” Said Liam.
 “And what's that?” asked Killian.
 “Curly dark hair, dark eyes. Bit curvy. Quite serious, quite mature.”
 “And what's Emma like?” asked Arthur.
 “Blonde. Quite lean. Physically fit. Wouldn't fight her.” Chuckled Robin.
 “Deep green eyes.” said Killian.
 “Serious when it comes to her son, but more carefree than his previous women. She enjoys herself and lets herself loose. Like she isn't worried to make a fool of herself, whereas some of your previous girlfriends were a bit uptight.”
 “I haven't even had that many. Three main ones aside from Emma.”
 “You look at Emma differently.” Said Liam.
 “And talk about her differently.” Said Arthur. “You always kept quiet about your others. You can't seem to contain yourself about this one whenever I see you.”
 “Could she be the one?” asked Jefferson.
 “Oh yeah.” said Liam.
 “Can I get a word in?” asked Killian. The men obliged. “There was nothing wrong with my previous girlfriends. One cheated. One got bored of me. One had a secret husband and child. Emma is a single mother, who is strong, funny and beautiful. She’s had a bad history, same as me. She's extremely out of my league, but she thinks the opposite which is bonkers. Her son is the most delightful little boy and yes. I do believe in time, she could be the one. She's incredibly caring, flirty, supportive and we get on great as friends. Does this answer all your questions?”
 “When do we get to meet her?” Asked Jefferson. “She sounds perfect for you.”
 “What was her last name?” asked Arthur. He had been listening intently, Killian noticed.
 “Swan.” Said Killian, taking a sip of his beer. “And you meet her when you meet her. I don't want to frighten her away with you lot.
 “Emma Swan. That name sounds so familiar.” Arthur had been the only calm one when interrogating him. “I knew an Emma Swan when I was working as a security guard in America for a few years. She sounds like you describe, one day she disappeared. Never came back. We got on quite well. We worked the night shift together. She told me she went to prison.” The men gasped. “Some arsehole set her up when she was really young. Left her to take his fall.” Killian was pale.
 “Is it her?” asked Will.
 “I… yes. It must be.” Said Killian.
 “Emma was in jail?” asked Liam.
 “She was eighteen. It wasn't her fault. Don't let that change your opinions of her. Please, don't tell everyone. It's private and she's sensitive about her past. She had an awful upbringing, it was a rough part of her life.”
 “Don't worry, Killian. We won't tell anyone. It's a secret between us men. Agreed?” said Will. For once Will was the mature one in the situation but he could relate. “All of us here have had a bad part of our lives. I was in jail like her, Robin and Jefferson have lost their loves, David lost his brother, Arthur you went to a dark place, Liam and Killian you had a tough upbringing, Killian had Milah and a three year stint in America. We should respect Emma. To Emma.” he toasted.
  “To Emma.” All the men repeated. Killian and Will had a rough start in their friendship and found it hard to get on at first. They had come to blows sometimes.They slowly warmed to each but weren't the closest. But right now, he had never respected someone more. Killian patted his shoulder and Will nodded at him.
 The conversations split off and different men spoke to each other.
 “Thank you, Will. You didn't have to do that.”
 “Don't mention it. It was for Emma. I know what it's like. Being locked up.” Will had been locked up twice for thievery. A year each. “I cleaned up my act. I deserved to go. Emma didn't. She doesn't need discriminating against.” Killian smiled and bought him a beer.
 “We didn't have the best start, did we?” he chuckled.
 “I’m surprised I don't have the bruise from the first time you hit me still.”
 “I’m sorry. I was upset.”
 “Well, I should never have insulted Milah. I deserved it. I don't want to make the same mistake with Emma.”
 “Shall we put all that to bed?” He smiled.
 “Go on then.” They clinked their drinks and had a brotherly hug.
 “Killian. I’m sorry about before. I didn't mean to drop Emma in it. I just… I remember her being so lovely and I'd love to see her again.” said Arthur. He looked really guilty.
 “It’s fine. It's the women I don't want shunning her. I knew you lot would okay. I was more worried about if she makes friends with the girls.”
 “You know the girls aren't like that. If it really is the same Emma, you're a lucky man.”
 “Thanks, Arthur. You must come and see her. I'm sure she would love a familiar face.” He smiled.
 “Definitely. Maybe we can arrange something next week?”
 “Of course. I’ll leave it as a surprise. How does that sound?”
 “Thanks, Kil.” he smiled.
  “Oi, oi, lads!” Will walked over with a very large tray of shots. Seven each. “Time for a little brotherly bonding.”
 “Why do you insist on playing this game?”
 “Come on. Seven shots. We each go around saying one thing we’ve done and if one of us can think of something we have all done, they can leave theirs for the next game.” said Will. Will was well known for his party games.
 “Okay, you start. Mr Alcoholic.” said Liam.
 “Okay, drink if you have hit two people in this group.” said Will.
 Killian, Will, and Robin drunk. They had all hit each other but Killian had also hit Liam.
 “Drink if you’ve slept with someone on the first date.” said Robin.
 All but David and Liam drank.
 “You two are such goodies. No wonder you hate this game.” said Arthur.
  “Drink if you’ve been in handcuffs.” said Jefferson.
 They all drunk except Killian.
 “You all have? Liam? Oh… ew. No. No.”
 “What can I say. Elsa likes it.”
 “I can't believe Liam has but Killian hasn't.” said Robin.
  The men all had a laugh. There was a variety of reasons each man had been in handcuffs.
 “Drink if you’ve showered with someone else other than any lover.” said Liam.
  Liam drunk, he said his navy days. Will - prison. Then Robin and Killian looked at each other guiltily, then drunk
 “You two showered together?” asked Liam.
 “It was in uni. It was a dare. We had boxers.”
 “Now they do it on a regular occasion.” Laughed Will.
  “Drink if you know one Bieber song all the way through.”
  Everyone drunk but Will. Most of them claimed it was because of their children. Killian had no excuse. Will didn't drink stating if you knew any of his songs it meant having a higher stab rate.
 “Drink if you’ve ever been caught in the act.”
 Everyone drunk apart from Liam. Most had been caught in uni or by family members.
  “Can Killian break us all?” Smiled Will.
  “Drink if you’re currently in love with a woman.” That did it. All the men drunk.
  “You love her?” asked Liam. “You love Emma?”
  “Aye. Everything about her. I know it's soon. But I do.”
  “She really has got you, hasn't she?”
  “Indeed. I don't know what to do without her. She really has pulled me deep. She's not ready to be told yet. I know that.”
  The men played a few other games and by the end of it they were getting quite drunk. David was the first to get drunk, then Arthur. Robin and Will were trying to out drink each other. They all stumbled back to Will’s apartment. Belle was out, so they had no worries. They continued drinking at his, until they were all jolly.
  David and Liam were singing their hearts out. Killian was watching from the couch. He had a beer in his hand but wasn't drinking much of it, he was tired now. He wanted Emma and his bed. Robin had been sick along with Jefferson who were now feeling sorry for themselves in the corner.
 Arthur sat by Killian, nearly on him he was that far gone.
 “Go-” hiccup. “Home.”
 “I’m fine. Just content actually.”
 “I know, but you look bored and tired.” He burbled.
 “I am tired. I guess. I’ll say goodbye.” He gave Arthur a partial hug and a pat on the back and the same with Will, Jefferson and Robin. David gave him a long speech about wooing Emma. Liam protested about him leaving.
 “This isn't the Killian I know. He would be out all night being the life of the party.”
 “Maybe he grew up. Maybe I have someone I want to get home to.”
 “You mean your twue love?” Teased Liam.
  “I never said that. Now, I’ll see you tomorrow. Elsa won't be happy if you aren't well for your date tomorrow. I’m baby sitting remember.”
  “Damn. Oh well. See you tomorrow, baby bro.” He gave him a hug goodbye.
  Killian walked home. He was fairly drunk. Maybe not as bad as some of the men, but he was still stumbling about and hiccuping. He fumbled with his keys in the door and dropped them.
  “Bloody hell.” He tried again, success. The apartment was dark. It was 3am. Emma wouldn't mind. As long as he was quiet. Or as quiet as a drunk man could be. He walked to the bathroom and washed his face, drunk some water and brushed his teeth. He missed putting his toothbrush in the pot but insisted he would sort it tomorrow. He stumbled to his room. No Emma. He wasn't sleeping on his own. He knew that for sure. He went to Emma's room. Henry was sleeping sweetly in his cot, his night light shining. Probably more for Killian's benefit than Henry's. He pulled the cover up on him, but didn't attempt a goodnight kiss. He wasn't risking headbutting him.
  Emma had left his side of the bed with the covers pulled down, ready for when he returned. He pulled off his shirt and pants and snuggled into bed. She was fast asleep, his drunkenness clearly hadn't disturbed her. She was wearing some shorts and a tank top. Less than she usually did, but then again they usually slept in his room which was freezing. Hers he noticed was quite toasty. He didn't care. He wanted her in his arms. He inched closer and snaked his arms around her, snuggling into her. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.
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Flight: Chapter 7
This chapter has a bit of jealous!Killian. Surprise character is revealed! Anyone guess who?
Some humour as well!
@thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
  Emma and Killian were back in their bedroom with Henry resting on his chest. Safe to say they were exhausted.
 “Kids are far more exhausting than babies.” Sighed Emma. “I’m so tired. How do Liam and Elsa cope?” She snuggled into his side. Henry grabbed her nose and she giggled. “You stay like that forever.”
  “I assume you adjust, beautiful. Maybe we will find out.” He sounded sleepy and was mumbling against her hair.
  “Killian. Will we though? We still haven't discussed what is going to happen after these six months.”
  “Do we have to now? We have four and a half left. I don't want to think about it. You go back in January. It's August.”
  “I know, but if we don't know what's going to happen-”
  “Shh. Another time.”
  “Killian.” She felt his arm move from around her and place Henry between them. He shifted to his side and lay next to her. He looked deep into her eyes.
  “I don't want to be without you, Emma. I really don't, or Henry. You know how much I care for you and Henry. I don't want you to leave.” He put his hand on her cheek and reached to kiss her. “I can't go back to America though. My family is here, I've lost a lot of time with them and I missed my niece and nephew grow up.” She nodded. “How do you feel about me?”
  “You know how I feel.” She closed her eyes. “I don't want to leave. But everything I have is in America. My job.”
  “Is it really? Is everything there? What else apart from your job?”
  “Urm, well, my job is pretty important.”
 “You could get another job here.”
  “I love my job, Killian. I don't want to lose it.” She knew it wasn't nice to talk about but she was glad they were.
  “Okay, different question. What do you have here?” He stared intently. Neither of them knew what the purpose of the conversation was but it needed sorting.
 “Well, Henry's here, you're here, I have this nice apartment, some new friends.”
  “Isn't that better than a job?”
  “That's not fair, Killian. I’m loving living in England, but you can't expect me to give up everything in America for a man I’ve only known for six weeks and dated for three. I know we liked each other since we met, but it's an awful big leap of faith.”
  “You're the one who wanted to talk about this. I didn't because of that reason. I know we haven't known each other long enough to make such drastic decisions, but neither one of us wants to leave our home country. What do you suggest?”
  “I don't know, Killian. I really don't. I have to do what's best for my son.” She looked away from him.
  “Isn't that here? Isn't England what's best for him? The only thing he had in America was you. I know you're all he needs. But you can still give him more. He deserves to have people like James. Yes, you have better weather in America. Agreed. But isn't a few rainy days worth it?”
  “This isn't about the weather, Killian.” She rolled over and faced away. He was silent for a bit. Henry was mooching about in the sheets. She felt a kiss pressed to her cheek and him get up and leave the room. She needed time to think. She knew there was nothing waiting for her in America that everything she had was here. It was the fear of committing to it. To him. The fear of all his promises for him to turn around one day and shatter them. The fear Neal had instilled within her. She knew Killian wasn't Neal, he was sweeter, funnier, great with Henry, he had a loving family and great friends, she couldn't ask him to give that up. He had no job. She did. She had no family. He did. Together they made a whole person, but one of them would have to sacrifice their half if they wanted to be together. Her phone pinged.
  Graham: I need an answer by tomorrow, Emma. Please consider it.
  She swiped it away, that was the last thing she needed to think about. She had changed her phone background to Henry and Killian on a see-saw together. She wanted to be with Killian, she really did. She just feared him breaking her heart. Henry's heart.
  Henry grabbed her from behind, she turned around and picked him up.
 “I’m sorry, baby. I love you. I just have a lot to consider. You're my number one.” She gave him a kiss and closed her eyes.
  Killian was sat on the couch. He had a coffee in his hand and was staring into blank space. Henry was of course Emma's priority, he knew that and work was also important in order to provide for Henry. She refused any financial help from him, apart from the odd treat like ice creams and the onesie he bought. He knew she was doing well and saving. She often treated him when they went out together. So, they were equal in that respect. But he wanted Henry to be surrounded by people who adored him. He adored him, James adored him. The whole Jones family adored him. He wanted Emma to be surrounded by people who loved her. Him. The kids. The men loved the sound of her. He didn't want them to be alone in a New York apartment. He wanted her in his apartment. Why couldn't she see that?
  Emma was in and out of sleep. She didn't hear the door open, but she felt Killian's body press against her and him pulling her into him. He snuggled his nose in her neck and kissed her collarbone.
  “It was unfair. I know you love your job. I’m sorry.”
  “No, I’m sorry. I can't ask you to leave you family. They're too important.”
  “But you deserve to be part of a family. I don't want you and Henry being alone. I couldn't live with myself.”
  “I’m used to being alone.”
  “But you don't have to be anymore. I want you to get so much love from my family that being alone isn't a natural feeling anymore.”
  “Won't that make it harder to leave?” She hugged Henry tight and kissed his head. She felt Killian do the same to her.
  “I don't know what to say, Emma. I can't convince you to stay here, you have to want to stay. You have to want me. You have to trust me. I’m not going to leave you. I’m in this for the long haul.”
  “I do want you. I'm just afraid.”
  “Then let's leave it. Let's carry on being together, our weird little thing us three share. We’ll revisit it.” He pulled her onto her back, Henry in her arms. He kissed her neck and grinned. “It’s too early to think about. Maybe in a few months things will have changed. You might realise I’m never going to leave. We might have exchanged some certain words. Time will tell. For now, let's enjoy the moment.”
  Henry grabbed his hair and giggled.
 “Even the lad agrees.” He picked him up and smiled. “Tell your mummy to stop worrying. It will turn her grey. And we don't want that, not yet.”
  “Like I said, love. Long haul.”
  She smiled and sighed. Time really would tell.
  That night they enjoyed a takeaway and watching another Disney movie with Henry. Tangled this time. Henry was having his bottle and fell asleep long before the film ended. Emma took him to bed half an hour in, but they continued watching the film.
 “I can't believe you've never seen Tangled.” Laughed Killian, he was now cuddling Emma from behind as they lay on the couch.
  “I just never really bothered with Disney films. I haven't seen many. Apart from the Sword in the Stone. I loved that one. I used to have a friend called Arthur, he was really the only friend I had in America, then I went with Neal.”
  “Oh. Was he nice?”
  “Yeah, real sweetheart. I can't remember where he said he was from. I know he was English. I can't imagine where he is now.” She sighed. They had been good work friends and she wanted to explain where she disappeared to.
  “Maybe he moved back here?” He whispered. It was the scene at the tavern when they all started to sing.
  “He did say he meant to. I wonder if he ever did. I guess I’ll never know.”
  Killian kissed her neck. “Shame.” His hand slipped under her shirt. “Maybe I can take your mind off him.” She smiled and leant back to kiss his mouth. “Mmm. You taste like chocolate.”
  “What about the film?”
  “It’s Disney, they live happily ever after.”
  “Who do? Do Flynn and Rapunzel? Do Flynn and Max finally get along? I need answers.” He was now towering over her and had her pinned under him.
  “Ugh. I need you.” He kept kissing her and she obliged but she was interested in the film and kept looking at it. “You know. It's a lot sexier when you're into it.” She laughed at him, he was clearly quite eager. He had pushed up her shirt to reveal her stomach. “Never thought I'd be denied because of a Disney film.”
  “I've never seen this film. I've had you plenty.” She smirked. “Let me watch.”
  “But you can watch this anytime. Come on, Henry's asleep.” His hands went to her waist and dipped beneath her waistband. “I’m desperate for you.”
  “I can tell.” He kissed her more. A sound of loud horns went off a few streets down. She had paused the film and was finally getting into it. His shirt was off. His shoulder was healing nicely she noticed. “You’re shoulder is doing well.” She mumbled into him.
  “Not my priority right now. Part of me feels like you're not as into this as me. Something on your mind?” He was kissing her neck, his hands going lower.
  “I really want to watch that film.” She smirked.  
  “What if we watch afterwards? Why don't you enjoy yourself?” He suggested. “Let me take care of you.”
  “Fine. If you must.” She giggled. She kissed him back and undid his belt.
  “Mm, Emma.” He whispered.
  Knock, knock, knock.
  “Who is knocking at this time?” asked Emma, pushing him up.
  “Just ignore it. It's a Sunday night. Can't be anything important.” He leant back down and kissed her.
  Knock, knock, knock.
  “Who on earth is it?” She pushed him off, and got up. She straightened out her clothes before opening the door. She really questioned why there were so few peep holes in England. She opened the door…
  “Emma! You're here!” A tall, dark haired man with blue eyes smiled brightly at her. He looked worn with a bag thrown over his shoulder. His hair was ruffled, he had bags under his eyes, his stubble was thicker than usual.
  “Swan? Who is it?” Called Killian.
  “August?” She whispered.
  “That must be Killian.” He smiled.
  “How? What? What are you doing here?” She was utterly gobsmacked. She had no idea how he had found her. He was standing on her doorway holding his ribs. She looked him up and down and saw his jeans were ripped and bleeding. He had an old black eye and cuts on his hand.
 “What happened to you?” She went immediately to his side and helped him in. They both saw Killian sitting on the couch shirtless, belt undone and hair messed up. August knew quite well what he was disturbing. Killian looked shocked at the new man in his house. Who was it? How did Emma know some he didn't? Was it Neal? Not how Emma had described him.
 “Oh, I didn't mean to intrude. If I had have known you were busy.” He teased.
 “Shut up. What the hell happened to you?” She laughed but was concerned as well. She walked him to the couch.
  “You really expect me to sit there?” He joked. She forced him down. “Ouch!”
  “You're such a baby.”
  “Speaking of babies. I heard you had one.”
  Not Neal then. Killian was still sitting like a lemon on the opposite side of the couch. He hadn't said a word. He was handsome, this stranger. An ex? Surely not.
  “Yes. I did.”
  “Who's the father? I know it's not this guy.”
  Who did he think he was? Was that an insult to him? Killian's features turned sour. Was he not good enough for this guy?
  “Take a guess.”
  “No, Emma. Not him. Why? How? Jesus, Em.” August looked annoyed. Did he know Neal?
  “It was a mistake.”
  “You're good at those.” He chuckled, then hissed when his ribs hurt.
  “Serves you right.” She hadn't looked at Killian once. “Babe, go and get some warm water and a clean cloth will you? Some of them dressings for your shoulder.” He frowned and walked off.
  “He seems… pleasant. A bit on the prickly side.” Teased August. Emma took his jacket off which was torn to shreds and placed it over the couch.
  “He's usually nicer than that. I’m not sure what's got into him.” She looked confused. August was right. He was acting odd.
  “I know exactly what's wrong with him.” He laughed.
  “You do?”
  “Well, by the way he's dressed, he was clearly about to get something from you. Not only did he get interrupted but his girlfriend brings in a strange, handsome man. Not my finest entrance. Albeit, not my worst.” He winced again.
  “I didn't think about that.” She giggled. “He isn't usually the jealous type.”
  “Any man would be jealous after what you just did.”
  Killian arrived back with the water and cloth. Maybe a bit hotter than necessary. Not too hot to hurt, but a subconscious warning. He stood by the coffee table, watching August suspiciously. Emma introduced them both to each other and they nodded.
  “You can either take your pants off or I can cut your jeans. Your choice.” Was she flirting? His mood went lower.
  “Well, you've practised one tonight. Cut them.” Emma cut the jeans at the knee.
 “What happened anyway?”
 “I got hit by a car. Driver didn't look where they were going, knocked me right off my bike.” Oh, of course he rode a motorbike. It wasn't Neal, but he certainly hadn't been mentioned to Killian.
  “Oh God, are you okay? Did you get the plate or anything?”
  “No, they sped off too quickly. I’m not too bad. A little bruised.” She bathed his knee and cleaned all the dirt out.
  “Right, Booth. Shirt off.” Emma looked at August, August looked at Killian, Killian looked at Emma, August could see the shock on his face and smiled internally. He always loved wiping the smiles off of her boyfriends faces. Particularly Neal. That Walsh guy too. Killian seemed decent enough, but he still enjoyed it.
  August pulled his shirt off. He was toned and tanned. Clearly worked out. He just had bruising, no cuts.
 “Looks good to me.” Smiled Emma. “Go and chuck his shirt in the wash.”
  “It’s practically ruined.” Said Killian.
  “He speaks!” said August.
  “Leave him alone. Killian, just go and put it in the washer for tomorrow.” He nodded and sulked off to the washing machine.
 “Where did you find that one? The ocean? He's salty enough.”
  “On the flight. To here. He took me in sort of.”
   “Doesn't seem the kind to like strangers.”
  “Well, maybe I was a rare exception. Plus he's great with Henry.”
  “Ah, so that's his name. Good name. After our Henry I take it?” She nodded.
  “Don’t wind Killian up. He gets enough of it from everyone else, he doesn't need a total stranger to do it as well.”
  Killian returned back from the kitchen and sat on the couch with a beer.
  “What happened to your shoulder?” Asked August.
  “Rusty nail.” He said quietly. August knew it wouldn't be as bad as a motorbike crash. Was this guy trying to one up him in front of Emma?
  “Sounds painful.’
  “Hardly. I was just helping a friend with a couch. Got caught.” He took a swig from his bottle and turned on the TV.
  “Tangled? You don't watch Disney, Emma.”
  “Killian suggested it. For Henry.” What was this guy's problem? Now he was criticising his film choice.
  “Killian, turn it down.”
 He did, he switched over to a channel. Pirates of the Caribbean was on, he sat back and watched.
  “You should shower.” Said Emma. “It will make you feel better. Killian, will you find a towel and some clothes? You're similar height and build.”
  “What sort of clothes?”
  “Just a t-shirt and some pyjama bottoms will do.”
  “I had them in my bike, but that's down the road. I’ll fetch them in the morning.”
  “Oh, and sort the guest bedroom out, will you, babe?” She was checking August over for any other lumps or bruises.
 “Shall I give him my dog too?” He said under his breath.
 “What?” asked Emma.
 “Nothing.” He walked off.
  August gave Emma a look and raised his eyebrows.
 “Be quiet.”
  August had showered and was now in Killian's fresh clothes. Emma had dressed his knee and Killian was still sorting the guest bedroom out. Probably taking more time than needed. He did have to tidy up some of the kids toys from the night before.
 “So, are you going to give me some answers?” Asked Emma.
  “What do you want to know?” Asked August.
  “Where did you get your black eye and bruised knuckles from?”
  “I saw Neal in a bar in New Jersey. I was a bit drunk and started a fight. I had no idea you had a kid with him though. I heard him gloating to some men about some chick he had ditched for jail and how she still came running back to him. So, I gave him what he deserved.”
  Emma was shocked. August wasn't the fighting sort.
  “Anyway, that's all that is. I got kicked out then.”
  “Okay, so why are you in England?”
  “I wanted to find you. I went to your magazine and found your boss. After some persuasion that I wasn't Neal, because he knows your history. He told me your address. I read your columns that night and on the flight. Said you were living with some really nice guy and were dating. His family seemed nice and you sounded happy. I thought I'd come and check up on you. Make sure this Killian is a good chap. I must say, he isn't exactly impressing so far.”
  “He's just tired. He’ll be better in the morning. Wait till you see him with Henry, they're so sweet.” She lit up as she talked about him.
  “You really do like him.”
  “Yeah, I mean. Of course I do. What's not to like?”
  “I’m glad you found someone. After all this time.”
  “We haven't been together long. I’m still expecting him to do a Neal.” she sighed.
  “Em, this guy isn't him. Don't let Neal get in your way of what could be really great with this guy.”
  “I thought you didn't like him.”
  “I didn't say that. I said he's prickly.” He smiled.
  Roger came over and sat by Emma.
 “He's handsome.”
 “This is Roger. After Federer and the Jolly Roger in Peter Pan.”
  Killian walked over and sat on the couch arm by Emma. He now had a shirt on and some pyjama pants himself.
  “Did you know Nana from Peter Pan was-” started August.
  “A newfoundland. Yes. I did.” August had a newfound respect for him. He read. August was a writer. August raised an eyebrow and Emma smirked at him. That will teach August from being so cocky. “I studied English at university. I’m not the imbecile you think I am. I’m going to bed, love. Unless you need something else.” She shook her head and he kissed her temple. “Goodnight.”
  “Goodnight, handsome.” She smiled.
 “Night, mate.” He said to August.
 “Goodnight, Killian.”
  Emma and August chatted for ages. At one in the morning they finally decided it was time to go to sleep. August limped to his room, whilst Emma tidied up the front room before bed and let Roger out for a wee. She quietly checked on Henry, he was fast asleep. Then she opened the door to Killian and her room. He was fast asleep, or pretending to be. He was facing outward on his side of the bed, wrapped in the covers. She climbed in next to him. He didn't move, but he was too tense to be asleep.
  “I know you're awake.” She whispered. He didn't say anything. He was sulking. “Killian, what's wrong?” Her hands snuck beneath the waistband of his pants.
 “I’m not in the mood, Emma. Not now.”
 “You're not jealous, are you?” She smirked, happy he couldn't see. He didn't say anything. “There's no need to be. He's just a friend.”
 “A friend with dark hair, stubble, and blue eyes. Doesn't sound familiar at all.” Her hand was now at his stomach. He too was nice and toned, but more due to the nature of his life rather than him going to the gym.
  “August is different. We met when we were really young. We were in a home together, a guy called Henry took us in. Hence, the name. They were the best years of my life until now. Anyway, we got separated but life always had a funny way of bringing us back together, at one point we were living on the streets together. He's like a brother to me. Nothing more. We lost contact again when I went back to Neal. I knew he would never forgive me if I told him.”
  “I’m sorry. I should never have been so rude. He just seemed cocky and trying to get one over on me.” She rubbed circles on his stomach and then went to tickle his ribs. He jerked. “Emma, don't.” But she knew he was smiling. She did it again.
  “Swan. I’m warning you.” She felt in a silly mood. She pulled him over and got both sides of him. He started laughing. “Please. Stop. Emma, Emma. Stop. Stop it hurts.” He was writhing next to her.
  “Not until you're happy.”
  “I am happy.” She was not convinced. She started again. “Love. Please, I can't take it. I’m too ticklish.” He was smiling at her and moved closer and she got him. “Emma. Enough.” He was still chuckling and she stopped.
  “That's the Killian I want.” His breathing was heavy next to her. She felt his lips against hers. His arms came around her and he tickled her ribs back. “Hey! No
fair.” She was the one squirming now. “Killian, stop it. I don't like being tickled.”
  “Neither do I.”
  “You were being grumpy and jealous. Not my fault.” He stopped tickling her and went back to kissing her.
  “You promise August is just a friend?”
  “I promise.”
  His kisses went back to being tender and soft. He placed little ones on her jaw and her collar. His hands went up her shirt and his came off.
  “Shall we finish what was rudely interrupted?” Asked Emma. His eyebrow darted up.
  “What about August?”
  “He's not going to stop me appreciating my boyfriend.” She switched them over so she was on him. “Anyway, let's not talk about him. Where were we?” She smirked.
   Killian woke up with Emma in his arms. They were both nude, but she was fast asleep. She was cuddled into his side with her arms wrapped around him. She was breathing lightly and the morning sun was hitting her perfectly. The covers were at her waist. He was lucky. He knew that. He also knew he had to apologise to August. He was tired and frustrated last night, his behaviour was uncalled for. He looked at the baby monitor, all was silent. He checked her phone for the time. 8am. 3 new messages. One from Graham, one from Liam, one from Robin.
 Why was his friends texting her? He didn't pry but he was certainly curious.
 She stirred. “What time is it?”
 “Eight, beautiful. Shh, go back to sleep.”
 “Why are you awake?” she sighed. “What's wrong.”
  “Nothing. Just appreciating the views.” His fingers danced lightly along her side.
  “I need to get up. I'm falling behind on work.”
  “Have a lie in. With me.”
  “You and I both know that's not what you're suggesting.” He waggled him eyebrows. “No. Not this morning. I really have to work.”
  She picked up her phone and turned onto her side, he spooned behind her. She saw her messages. Liam had sent her James the night before opening a surprise present. James was in love with tennis and played high up for under tens. They had surprised him with a signed headband from Federer himself. Liam sent a video of it to her.
  “That is adorable. I really want to see him play tennis one day.” She smiled.
 She checked Robin's message.
 Hey, Emma. There's a mixed seven a side football match next weekend. We need two girls in the team. You up for it? Liam says you're good. Robin.
 “I haven't been asked.” Moaned Killian. “How is that fair?”
  “I dunno. It sounds fun though.” She replied with a yes and mentioned Killian was upset.
  Next was Graham's.
  Emma really need to know by the end of tomorrow. Hope you take it.
 “Is that about the job?”
 “Yeah. I need to have a good think. Let me up.” Emma got out of bed and he lay back.
  “Yum.” She threw a teddy of Henry's at him then she threw on his black dressing gown.
  “I’m having a shower.” She raised her eyebrows with a suggestive look and left the room. He was up in a flash but he had no dressing gown. She had took his. It was pink and fluffy or naked. What would be more embarrassing if August caught him? Naked. Definitely naked. He threw on Emma's dressing gown and ran to the bathroom. He locked the door and hung her dressing gown on the door. She was already in the shower. He hopped in with her and she laughed.
  “Pink suits you.”
  They finished in the shower, Emma dried off first and took his gown again. She left the bathroom and went to their bedroom, locking the door.
  “Emma! Let me in!”
  “Wow. Pink suits you.” Came a voice. August.
  “I'm confident enough in my sexuality to wear pink.”
  “But a fluffy pink dressing gown. I'd say Emma's tricked you there.”
  “She likes to have her fun.”
  “I can see that.”
  “Swan! Let me in! You've embarrassed me enough. Come on.” She unlocked the door and laughed. He walked in and shut it hearing August's laugh from behind.
  “That's it. Come ‘ere.” He chased her around the room and pulled her onto the bed. “You have to pay for that.” He pulled her dressing gown off and kissed her. Then the baby monitor went off. He was crying.
  “He certainly has impeccable timing.” Sighed Killian.
  “Let me get changed, I’ll get him.”
  Emma went to Henry who had calmed down a little.
  “What's up, baby? Are you lonely?” She kissed him. “Or hungry?”
  “Hungry. Let's get you breakfast? Then maybe you can meet August.” She carried him to the kitchen, fed Roger and got Henry's bottle. As she was feeding him August came out of the bathroom. Still in his borrowed clothes.
  “Is this the famous little guy?” Asked August. Emma smiled and nodded. He walked over to them both. “Hello. I've read a lot about you. You're adorable.” He wasn't paying August any attention, too focused on his bottle. “No wonder Killian fell in love.”
  “Killian's not in love with us.”
  “Emma. That's mean. You can deny your own feelings for him, but it's unfair to take away his. He's not got the issue, you have. At least be strong enough to admit that.” Confronted August.
  “I don't want to talk about this.”
  “You never do want to talk about feelings. It's what makes you Emma.”
  She snapped around. “It is not what makes me Emma. Being a good mother, being independent, being able to rely on myself is what makes me Emma.”
  “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. I just don't think you should let Neal get in the way of what could be a pretty good life. He's already ruined it enough. Don't let him ruin Killian.”
  “I don't want him to.”
  Their conversation was cut short when the man himself walked into the kitchen.
  “Keeyee!” Screamed Henry.
  “Morning.” He smiled. They both replied but were quiet. “Have I missed something?”
“We were just talking about… old times.” Smiled Emma, giving him a kiss. “Funny times weren't they?”
  “If you class sleeping on the streets funny. Then sure.” Smiled August.
  “I need to apologise August. I was rude last night, I wasn't expecting you and I was a bit grumpy.” He scratched his neck and smiled awkwardly.
  “Don't mention it. I was a bit of a shock surprise.”
  Emma smiled at them both. “Two of my faves getting on. Now, I really must do some work. There's been too many distractions recently.”
   Killian took Henry from Emma and kissed him. “Good morning, cheeky. Did you sleep well? Urm, if you need to borrow any clothes August just ask Emma to get you some. Then maybe we can try and sort your bike out later.”
  “Thanks. I really appreciate it. I’ll join you and do some work, Em.”
  “I’ll go and take Henry and Roger out, love. Do we need anything from the shops?”
  “Oh, I made a list.”
  Killian had been gone awhile. Emma and August were working away and chatting in between. August was an author and was working on a sequel to his book.
  Graham: Any decision yet?
 “My boss keeps pestering me to take on another column.” She sighed.
  “What's wrong with that?”
  “I'm already writing four a week. Five seems a bit much. I already feel busy enough, I don't know how long left I have with Killian. Seems a shame to throw it all away on work.”
  “When do you leave?”
  “Middle of January. I go back to New York.”
  “Is Killian going with you?” he asked.
  “No. He doesn't want to leave his family anymore. He lived in America for three years and he's just come back. He went off the rails I've heard, I still don't know why. A girl I think?” She shrugged and carried on working.
  “Can’t you stay here?”
  “I have thought about it. But America is my home.”
  “Do you miss it? America?”
  “Well, no.”
  “Then it's not home. Remember what Neal said to you.”
  “Home is the place when you leave, you just miss it. The only good thing he taught me.” She laughed. “I know. But I’m worried about work. I can't leave my job. Killian is getting paid by Graham too as my childcare, so neither of us would have a wage if I left. Then what would happen?”
  “Surely Killian can find a job easy enough with a degree.”
  “He's a qualified teacher too. I'm trying to convince him to apply part time. He's not having it though. He loves caring for Henry.”
  “Does he want you to take on the extra column?”
  “Yeah, plus then he gets more for caring for Henry.” She sighed deeply.
  “Why don't you make a compromise. You take on the hours if he does part time. He can still get paid by Graham for the hours he babysits. You’ll just have to get your work done whilst Killian is at home.”
  “We’ll see.”
  They day went as normal. August's bike was salvageable and they spent the day moving him into the apartment he had rented for a few months. He had wanted a change of scenery, and decided England was the place to go.
  Killian went to meet Liam for a bit for a chat, whilst Emma was editing a column and Henry was asleep. Out of curiosity, she searched teaching jobs and noticed the local sixth form was offering a part time English lecturer. Three days a week. That would be perfect for them. Emma could easily work around his time table with that. She printed it out and left it on the counter for him to see.
  Graham: Emma, I need to know. Now. Please answer asap.
  Emma picked up her phone and sent her reply.
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Flight: Chapter 2
  I really enjoyed writing this fic! As I say, it is finished but needs editing. I hope people don’t mind the chapters being posted so close together. I’m on holiday in Tenerife with little to do.
  The majority of the fic is fluff with some slight angst to come. I hope you enjoy! This is quite a long chapter, so apologies. Bit of family bonding time for the crew.
  Killian’s pet peeve is actually might pet peeve about Nana in Peter Pan. Disney got it wrong, and as a Newfoundland owner. I refuse to get over it. :D
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
   They arrived at her hotel and he walked her to reception. The hotel was nice, there was a large open lobby and the staff all looked smart.    “Well, this is it.” He scratched his neck. “It’s been a pleasure, Swan.”    “It has.” She smiled, they both took an awkward pause. She made the next move and gave him a hug, as best as she could with a baby strapped to her. “Thank you, for everything. You made this transition so much easier.”   “Just being a-”   “Gentleman.” She released him and he said goodbye to Henry who was shaking the dinosaur toy.   “Enjoy the toy, mate.” He smiled, giving his hair a ruffle. He stood up straight and smiled.   “Goodbye, Emma.”   “Goodbye, Killian.”    She watched him walk out of the hotel. He looked back partially then turned away shyly when he knew she was watching.
   Killian walked to his brother’s car and joined him in the front. Liam didn’t start the car.   “What are you doing? Let’s go.” Asked Killian.   “You like her.” Liam’s teasing grin made Killian roll his eyes and tut.   “What? Don’t be absurd.”   “I haven’t seen you smile at a woman like that in years.”   “You haven’t seen me in years.” Pointed out. Liam ignored his comment.   “Go and ask her on a date.”   “She wouldn’t say yes, she has Henry. I’m sure a man is the last thing she wants. Plus she’s beautiful and way out of my league.”   “True. But just go and ask her. Or we aren’t going home.”
  “What do you mean you don’t have my booking?!” Stressed Emma.
  “There are no rooms available, miss.” The receptionist answered.   "What am I supposed to do? I have an eight month old!” Just that second she saw Killian approaching her. “Thank God, Killian! My room isn’t booked. I don’t know what to do.”   “Oh. That’s not good. Have you tried ringing work?”   “Graham isn’t picking up. Stupid job.” She was panicking he noticed. This was a highly stressful time for her and she didn’t have a clue about Manchester. At that moment Henry started crying. “No, not now Henry. Please.” She had dialled Graham again, still no answer.   “Here,” said Killian, offering to take Henry. She nodded in appreciation and went to the window trying to get through to Graham. He bounced him gently up and down. “Hey, cheeky man. Shhh, be a good boy. Mummy is just a bit stressed.” He rocked him back and forth. “Yes, that’s better. Oo, look, it’s your dinosaur.” Henry giggled. “Yay! That’s better. Happy Henry.”   Emma returned. No luck. It would be late in New York, but she had nowhere to go. She spotted Killian and Henry laughing. He was such a natural with him.   “No luck. I don’t know what to do.” She sighed.   “This might be odd. But, urm. Well, I have a spare room, in my apartment. Maybe…”   “Oh… Killian, we barely know each other. And I’ve accepted enough charity off you. I can’t burden you like that. I bet all you want to do is see the back of me.” He scratched his neck with his free hand. Emma noticed it was a nervous tick.    “Well, actually, I came back in to ask you on a date.” He looked at Henry to avoid her gaze.   “Oh.”   “It was stupid asking. Liam made me. Well, I wanted to, but I know you have more important things to think about.”   “No, urm. Well, of course I do, but I mean… a date might not be dreadful.”   “My dates are usually quite dreadful, I mean, not my plans. Just, Elsa sets me up with her work friends and they just don’t get me.”   “Well, I obviously need to get settled first. But maybe one day, we can go on a date.” She smiled.   “Great! So, you’ll take my spare room?”   “Best offer I have.”
  They arrived home. They joked in the car how Killian was suppose to ask for a date, not for her to move in, the pair just laughed and said they were doing things the unconventional way. Killian and his family lived in a quiet area outside of Manchester which had nice big houses, that were newly built. Killian had explained on the flight that they had moved up to Manchester from Kensington for his aunt because she was too stressed in London, and was suffering of Alzheimer’s.   Elsa was waiting for Liam and Killian in the front room with her children. As soon as they saw Killian they leapt onto him. Emma stood nervously at the door.   “Uncle Killy!” They cheered. James dived on his back and Ellie hugged his neck. “We missed you.” They beamed.   Judy, Killian’s aunt smiled from her armchair and beckoned him over.   “Hello, Liam! I missed you an awful lot.”   “It’s Killian, auntie.” He smiled, Liam had warned him about her condition.   “I know what I meant. You boys look so alike.”   Liam came into the room, escorting Emma with the bags. “I don’t look anything like him, he’s ugly.” Said Liam, placing down the suitcases.   “Wow, she looks like a princess.” Smiled Ellie, shyly from behind a blanket.   “I forgot you got married Killian, really is my Alzheimer’s kicking in. Ellie, she’s not a princess. It’s Killian’s wife.” Said his aunt.   “Oh, no. Auntie, no. This is Emma. Not my wife.” He laughed. Emma was shocked, they were such a lovely little family.   “Be quiet, Killian. I remember your wedding day.” That struck Emma. Had he been married and divorced? “You had a lovely blue theme like the sea.”   “Urm, aunt. That was my wedding.” Said Liam, showing her his ring. “See, Killian has no ring.”   “Oh? That’s not Elsa. Where is she?”   “I’m right here.”   “In my defense. You two look quite similar.” Everyone in the room looked from Emma to Elsa, bar Henry who was looking at the ceiling.   “She has a point.” Said Liam.   “Emma has green eyes.” Said Killian.   “Are you my uncle’s girlfriend? Because that would make my uncle a prince.” She beamed.  “Ahh, of course she is. I remember now.” Smiled Judy.  “No, Emma is a friend.” Said Killian. “And, little miss. Your uncle isn’t a prince. He’s a pirate.” He smiled, lifting her into the air. She screamed and laughed. “It’s your daddy who is the prince. He’s a good man.”   “So are you.”   “Your daddy is better than me. Have you missed me, princess?” She nodded and hugged his neck. “Sorry I’ve been away so long.”   “It’s okay. Did you miss me?”   “Every day. But we got to Skype. I’m glad I’m here now.” He kissed his niece on her cheek and put her down.  Emma was standing awkwardly in the corner, Henry in her arms. “Everybody, this is Emma.” He brought her more into room. “We met on the plane, and her hotel messed up, so I offered her to come here. This is Henry her son.” He smiled. Elsa offered her a drink and a sit down. Killian sat next to her on the couch with Henry between them.   “Do you all live here?” Asked Emma.   “No, I live down the street. My apartment has three bedrooms unlike this massive house with five.”  “Maybe you would if you had gone in the Navy, instead of going to University. Where has that English degree got you?” He laughed.   “I don’t have anyone to share a five bedroom house with.”   “Yet.” Smirked Liam.   “I bet you three are exhausted. Plus your body clocks will all be wrong.” Said Elsa.   “Aye. I think we should get this little one to sleep, but first I need to see my baby boy.” He smiled.   Emma was shocked at his use of ‘we’ and 'baby boy’ who was he referring to? “He’s in the garden.”
   The group followed him to the garden and a big black and white dog was bathing in the sun. "Roger.” He called. The dog’s ear pricked and as soon as he noticed Killian he bounded over in three strides. He was took down by a massive ball of fur. “Hey, boy! I missed you too. I’m back for good now and I’m never leaving you again.” He hugged the dog’s giant head.
  “This is home.” He smiled, placing their bags down. They had walked from Liam’s and felt better for the fresh air, Roger padded quietly at their sides. He gave Emma a tour of the house and showed her to her room. It was plain. The walls were white and there was a double bed in the middle with two bedside tables at each side. There were no photos, but why would there be? It was a guest bedroom after all.   “You’re quite welcome to use both of the spare bedrooms, if you want to.” He smiled. “I’ll get Liam to bring an old cot round, so you can both sleep better.” His smile was infectious even when she was so tired.   “You’re too kind. Have you got some towels? I was going to have a shower and bathe him.”   “Of course, love.”
  All three had washed and changed. Henry had enjoyed his bath with some toy boats Killian brought him from his babysitting times. The two of them were now sitting in their pyjamas even if it was eleven o'clock in the morning, Roger was in the garden soaking up the morning son. They hadn’t yet had a proper sleep. Henry was asleep in Emma’s room and they had the TV on. Killian had lay down on his couch and his eyes were soon drifting until he had fallen asleep. She couldn’t find any blankets to cover him with. Was it acceptable to go into a man’s room who she had only know for roughly twelve hours? She did it anyway and picked up his quilt. His room was bare aside from a photo on his cabinet of the family who had been in the previous house and one with him and Roger as a puppy. She took one of his pillows and walked to the front room. She placed his quilt over him and gently lifted his head to place his pillow underneath. He snuggled into it and smiled. He was handsome she thought, returning to her own bedroom for some sleep.   Emma woke and Henry was just stirring.   “Hey, baby. Are we all better now?” She smiled. The clock told her it was just past three in the afternoon. She walked to the living room and Killian was still snuggled into his couch. “He’s a sleepy head.” Smiled Emma, bouncing Henry. He was giggling and squirming, she placed him on the carpet with some toys. He was starting to bum-shuffle and crawl but not walking yet. Emma could only see Killian’s thick mop of hair as he had buried himself in his covers. Something about it made her laugh, he was like a child who had come back from a long activity weekend. Henry gave a particularly loud shriek and Killian awoke.   “I’m so sorry, I’ll take him somewhere else.”   “Don’t apologise, love. I need to wake up anyway or I won’t sleep tonight.” He smiled sleepily. It was a good look on him. His voice was thick with sleep and his hair was dishevelled.   “I’ll make us some coffee.” She smiled.   As she did so, Henry crawled over to him and he picked the boy up and placed him on his chest as he was still lying down. “Hello, you.” He smiled. “Shall we see what’s on TV?” He asked. Henry squealed 'eyaahh’. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He used the remote and flicked through the channels.        “All a bit rubbish. I know a better game.” He smirked. He lifted the quilt to hide his face. “Where’s Henry gone?” Then popped his head back. “There he is!” Henry laughed loudly. “Where’s Henry gone?… There he is!” Henry gripped the quilt and tried to pull it up. “You’re so clever.” He grinned.   Emma was watching the exchange from the kitchen as he had an open plan apartment. It made her heart melt someone being so good with her son, and not just because they wanted her. She had had jerks like that. No one had been as tender with him. Killian’s affections were real enough.   “He seems to enjoy that.” She smiled, placing his coffee on the table.   “Works with them all, darling.” He chuckled, sitting up and placing Henry next to him on the couch between him and Emma. He took a swig of coffee and sat back.   “Is there anywhere you would like to go? I feel we would all be better for a day out. Help us sleep tonight. What do you say I ask Elsa and Liam. Maybe we could go to a park?”   “That sounds lovely.”
  The entire family came along. Elsa holding James and Ellie’s hands, Liam supporting Judy, Killian with Roger and Emma with Henry. She felt out of the mix slightly. She felt like she was intruding on a happy reunion, that she shouldn’t be there. She should have her own people to do this with, yet she didn’t have these sorts of people.   “Everything alright, love?” He smiled softly and gently bumped her shoulder.   “I just didn’t expect all this.” She replied.   “We’re not a massive family, we have room for two more.” He chuckled. Family? They had only known each other half a day. How could he consider her as part of the family?   Elsa had made a picnic for them all they lay out on a blanket. “What sandwich would you like, Judy?” Asked Elsa, handing out juice cartons to her children.   “Cheese, please, dear.”   “Uncle Killy! Do rocket with me!” Shouted James.   “Rocket? You’re ten. You’re nearly as tall as your dad now, mate. How am I supposed to do that?”   “Pleeeeaaassse. Please, Uncle Killy. For me.” He gave up.   “Fine.” Killian hoisted the boy over his shoulder and started running. “Oooh, prepare for take off! Ready? We have lift off!” Killian raised the boy above his head and made rocket noises. James was crying with laughter.   “That’s all I can manage now, lad.” He placed him down and shuffled up to Emma. “Houston, we have a problem. My back has gone.” He laughed.   “My turn! My turn!” Screamed Ellie.   “It’s only fair.” Laughed Emma.   “I’m glad Henry isn’t old enough yet.” He chuckled.   'Yet’? Thought Emma, she highly doubted Killian would know her by then. He did the same for his niece. When he had finished he lay down beside Emma who had her back against the tree. “I saved you a ham sandwich, and a Sprite.”   “Thanks, love. But I think I need another sleep.” He grinned. His head rested by her thigh, Henry tried to reach for him. “What do you want, little man? You’re too young for Rocket. Your mummy wouldn’t approve.”   “No, she wouldn’t. Maybe a game of peek a boo will make him happy.” She smirked.   “Oh, well if the little man insists.” He hid behind his hands. “Where’s Henry? There he is!” He was squealing in delight. He repeated the game and Henry never tired. Roger was playing fetch with Ellie and James.   “You don’t mind having a dog in the house, do you?” He asked. “It’s just, Elsa and Liam can continue looking after him for now.”   “Not at all. He’s your dog. Plus he’s a big sweetheart.” As they spoke of him he padded over and lay down by Killian’s side.   “M-ma-ma!” He pointed at Roger.   “Noo, doggy.” She smiled. “That’s a doggy.”   “Ogg-y.”   “Nearly! Good boy.”   “May I?” Asked Killian, holding his hands out for Henry. “Roger is quite safe and great with children, especially babies. Newfies are known for their kind nature. Did you know Nana from Peter Pan was actually a Newfoundland?”   “I did not.” She smiled, handing Henry over.   “Always been a pet peeve of mine seeing St Bernards in the films.” He sat Henry on his knee and lightly picked up Henry’s hand to stroke him. “Yay! Isn’t he soft?” Henry giggled in reply.   “How old is he?” Asked Emma.   “Five now. Had him since he was a pup. I saw one when I was in Canada and I knew I had to have one. They use them as lifeguards around the world. Brilliant swimmers.” He smiled, watching Henry continue feeling his fur. Roger’s tail kept wagging idly and hitting Henry but he didn’t seem to mind. He kept trying to grab it but he wasn’t fast enough.   “Dad! Uncle Killy! Come play football.”   “Can I play?” Shouted Ellie.   “No!”   “Let your sister play. Don’t be mean.” Said Elsa.   “No, she’s rubbish.”   “I won’t play without her.” Said Killian. “What do you say we have a little game. Three on three? Emma and Elsa can join.” He smiled.   “Yay! Come on, mummy!” Beamed Ellie.   “Give Henry to Judy, she’s perfectly safe. Just gets names mixed up occasionally.” Reassured Elsa. Emma nodded.   “Dad and Killy can be captains! Let’s pick teams.” Shouted James. James was a really sporty boy, his favourite was tennis and he was a high ranking ten year old.   “Okay. Me first. I’m the older brother.” Gloated Liam. “I pick Emma.” Everyone was shocked by his choice.   “I haven’t played soccer in ages.”   “What’s soccer?” Asked Ellie.   “It’s American for football.” Said Liam.   “Sorry, football.”   “Don’t apologise, Emma.” Smiled Liam kindly.   “My turn. I pick Ellie.” Pointed Killian.   “Come on, son.”   “Come on, sis.”   “My own husband doesn’t even pick me. Here’s a tip, Emma, never marry them.” She laughed.   “I didn’t want to pick favourites. Plus you’re rubbish at football.” He laughed back.   “I wanted you on my team, El. We’ll beat those losers.” He stuck out his tongue at Liam.   “Mature.”
  “Go on, Emma! Score!” Shouted James. “Quickly! Killian’s behind you!” Before she knew it, Killian had tried to tackle her but she wasn’t having it. She kicked the ball into the makeshift goal of jackets.   “Yaaaay!” Cheered Liam. “Well done.” He pulled James and Emma into a group hug. “We��re winning!”   “He’s so competitive.” Laughed Elsa. Killian put an arm around her.   “I had to grow up with it. He would throw the board if we played Monopoly.”   “He still does.”    Emma was going for another goal but Killian was in defense, he decided to play dirty and lift her up when she ran to him. “Quick, Ellie! Get the ball.” Emma was struggling in his grasp. Ellie ran over and kicked the ball, she got near the goal which Liam was keeping and kicked it. Liam let it go in purposely, which James had something to say about.   “Now it’s two-one.” He moaned.   Killian still had Emma who was giggling in his arms. “You’ve played this before.” He laughed.   “I may have in a foster home where the boys weren’t allowed to play American football. Too violent. That was quite a strict home.” “Sneaky. I think your team is cheating. For having distracting players.” He smirked, placing her down, but not letting go. “Too beautiful.” He whispered. Now that was flirting. Emma felt good, she hadn’t ran around worry free for ages. She was shocked at his remark but decided to give back what he gave. “I agree. Your team is quite handsome. Shame the captain ruins it.” She laughed into his chest. “Is that so?”
  The group had enough of the park so all went to the pub instead. They were sitting outside on the benches. Kids were climbing all over a climbing frame with a slide.   “Shall we give him a go?” Smiled Emma, picking him up and carrying him over. Killian followed suit. Emma walked to the top of the slide and Killian waited at the bottom.   “Come on, Henry! I’ll catch you.” He grinned. Emma let him go, the slide was small so he didn’t go far. Killian caught him and lifted him into the air. “Wooooo!”
   Elsa and Liam were watching from the bench. “He really likes her.” Said Elsa. “He’s so smitten. I haven’t seen him like that with anyone… even her.” “I know, but I worry for him. I don’t want another woman to break his heart. Emma seems lovely, but is Killian ready to take on so much?” “You know how good he is with kids. This child lacks a father, maybe he can fill that void.” Said Elsa. “Emma’s clearly grateful for the help. I know a stressed mother when I see one. I bet it’s been great for her to let her hair down, and she did flirt back with him.”
It was eight o'clock by the time they arrived back at Killian’s house. Roger went straight to the window and fell asleep and Henry had fallen asleep in a pram that Elsa had given her along with a highchair and some old toys of James and Ellie. “Tiring day, love. To believe we were on a plane this morning.” He chuckled with a yawn. “I’ll feed Henry then get him to bed. Maybe I could make us some hot cocoa?” She smiled. “Let me. You sort out your boy.” Half an hour later, Henry was tucked up in bed and Killian and Emma were sat on the couch with hot chocolate and cream with cinnamon which Emma insisted on him trying. “So, tell me Killian Jones. Why have you been so good to me? Do you do this for all the single mothers you meet?” She chuckled, their legs were resting on each other as they were lying on opposite ends of the couch under a blanket. “No. I don’t.” He chuckled. “I just saw something in you… that reminded me of myself. Kindred spirit sort of thing. Perhaps? You just looked so brilliant and strong, then we got chatting and I guess we have a lot in common.” “That’s nice.” She yawned. “Time for bed?” He asked. She nodded. They both got up and took their cups to the sink. “Well, goodnight, Swan.” He smiled. “Goodnight.” She replied, leaning up and kissing his cheek. He moved his head so his lips were on hers. Not greedily, but in a soft tender way. It only last a few seconds. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I apologise for my rudeness. It was unacceptable. Unfair. I just desperately wanted to.” He stuttered, his face was full of guilt but not regret. “I haven’t liked anyone in such a long time.” He tried to explain. “Shh, Killian. It’s fine.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. It was nice.” She pressed a small kiss to his lips again. “I do like you. I really do, but I can’t go head first into this. I have a son and he is my main priority.” “I understand.” “Good. I’m happy to take things slowly, but I can’t just throw myself into a relationship with a man I’ve barely known. Henry is my world and I’m not going to let another man hurt him.” “I would never hurt him, or you. You can trust me on that.” He smiled softly, playing with a loose strand of her hair. “But I understand your concern and would be worried if you did throw yourself into it. Goodnight, Emma.” Giving her a little hug. “Goodnight, Killian.”
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Flight: Chapter 10
Chapter 10 and 11 out today! Chapter 11 is the final chapter, but I also have an epilogue which I think people will really like!! Very cute!!! The epilogue will be out tomorrow, my wifi runs out today and I’m on the flight tomorrow! Back to England! Hope you’ve all enjoyed this story as much as me.
  There will be links through my blog for all the chapters!
Thanks very much everyone!
@thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
  A month passed and they were now in October and all was going smoothly between the two. They often exchanged I love yous. Killian was enjoying working at the sixth form and he appreciated his time even more with Emma and Henry. Emma was working between Henry's naps and when Killian was home, but they saved time for all of them and still visited places.
  Emma had gone to a few more girls nights and was enjoying them more now she got to know them. They realised she was really good for Killian, so stopped giving her a hard time.
  One day in October, Emma was sorting out the clothes. Washing, ironing, and putting away. Killian was doing some marking and entertaining Henry. She was in Killian's wardrobe, sorting the array of plaid shirts and t-shirts. As she was putting his jeans in his drawer it came off it's rails and fell on the floor.
  “Damn.” She sighed. His jeans fell out onto the floor and a box tumbled out of the drawer.
  “Swan? Is everything alright?” She heard him call.
  “Yeah! Don't worry!”
  She picked up the drawer and put his jeans back and then she noticed the box. She opened it and inside was a gold, ruby ring. What the hell was this? Was he planning on proposing. They'd only known each other four months.
  “What?” She whispered. Then she got annoyed. How could he do that? How could he propose knowing she hadn't even made up her mind about leaving? They hadn't even discussed marriage, or anything that comes with it. She had never even considered marrying him.
  Killian was half way through an essay when Emma slammed something hard in the table.
  “What the hell is this, Killian?” She demanded.
  His eyes widened when he realised what she had found.
   “W-where did you get that?” He sounded nervous.
  “In your drawer. It fell out on me, along with this.” She was angry he could tell.
  “Emma, let me explain.” He cast aside the essay and stood up.
  “You best explain. How could you be so selfish to even consider proposing before I made up my mind? I mean what were you-”
  “It’s not for you!” He shouted. Henry started to cry. “Now look what we've done.” He walked over and picked up the crying baby. “Shh. Shh. No need to cry. I'm sorry we’re shouting.”
  “What do you mean it isn't for me?” All this time. Had he been lying to her. Was he with someone else? All her fears hit the roof and her walls went up. “Is there someone else?” She shouted.
  “Stop shouting!” He stressed. Henry was still crying and he was trying to calm him.
  “Not until you explain what's going on.” She was mad. Her blood boiled and she didn't know what to do. She loved Killian and hadn't loved any man more. Was this all about to be over for them because she wasn’t ready?
  “There isn't anyone else, Emma-”
  “Then why do you have a ring-”
  “Shut up and let me explain, will you?” He snapped. She did. “There isn't anyone else, Emma. Only you. I only want you, Emma. But there was someone else, a long time ago. Before I knew you.” He looked as if he didn't want to talk about it. But it was time.
  “She was called Milah. She was quite a bit older than me, though that never bothered me. I was in love. Young, stupid, reckless love. I was crazy about her. I wanted to spend all my time with her. She was smart, attractive, funny, how could I not like her? Anyway, we were together for about two years and even though I was young, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. So, I bought an engagement ring. On the night I was going to propose, I found her crying. Then she explained to me that she had ten year old boy and a husband. I didn't know what to do. I told her to get out of my sight.”
  “Killian… I am so sorry. I don't know what to say. What happened?”
  “She went back to her husband. She never told him about me. A few months later she died in a car accident.” He looked as though he were about to burst into tears. He sat down, Henry still in his arms. Henry looked at his in a confused manner. “The last thing I told her was to go away, and she did. And she never ever came back. The last thing she saw of me was anger and hate. I couldn't go to her funeral. I never ever saw her again. She would never take pictures. I don't have one. Sometimes I lose her face and that destroys me even more.” He was crying now. She went over to him and wrapped him in her arms. “None of the lads know she died. Only Liam.” He was sniffling and holding Henry close.
  “Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry you had to tell me this way. I shouldn't have been so forward.” She felt really guilty. She had reduced him to tears as well as Henry.
  “It’s not your fault.”
  They sat cuddling in silence after that. None of them knew what to do, so she just let him cry. He calmed down after a while.
  “I never knew you would be so offended at a proposal.” She heard him laugh weakly. “So against marrying me.”
  “It’s not the proposal, and it's not because I don't want to marry you. It was because I thought you weren't letting me choose what I wanted fairly. Pressure to marry you would make me stay.” His head was tucked under hers. “It’s not that I don't want to marry you. I mean, I don't want to marry you… at least not yet. I need to decide what is best for Henry. I do want a future with you, Killian. I really do. I just have to decide how to go about it.”
  “I know. I just don't want to be without you, and if it means coming to America. I will.” He muttered.
  “You can't. Your family is here.”
  “I want you to be part of my family. You already are. We all love you, but I’m not losing a second chance on a good life with someone.”
  “We’ll see.”
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Flight: Chapter 4
  A date and we get to meet Robin! Other surprise characters will make an appearance!
  Hope everyone is liking it! The entire fic is now in drafts, just waiting to edit still. Thank you for all the support people have given me, and I’m glad people are enjoying it. It’s been a blast to write.
  Thanks @followbatb for the request again! Thanks @thatwolfbookgirl for putting up with me, love ya bestie! @kmomof4 thanks for the kind words!
  I don’t really know what’s going on with the layout, that’s Tumblr not me :D
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
 Emma had dropped Henry off at Elsa’s and prepared for her date. All she knew was it was a fancy restaurant, he pulled out all the stops, he had claimed. At seven he knocked on her bedroom door. 
“Swan? You ready?” She came to the door, she was dressed in a very light pink dress which went just below her knee. Her blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail. He was completely taken by surprise. “You look beautiful.” He himself was dressed in a three piece blue suit and black tie. He had put a bit of gel in his hair, but knew she liked it a bit scruffy. He offered her a rose.
“Wow, thank you. You look very handsome indeed.” She smiled, taking the rose. 
“I know.” He smirked. “Now, just so you know I don’t put out until the third date. I’m not like you and go for the night before I’m even asked.” “You cheeky sod.” She hit him playfully. “Come on, I thought you were meant to be showing me a great night.” She took his hand and led him out the door.
  They walked to a Greek restaurant, hand in hand. Everyone inside was well dressed, the waiter showed them to their table with a bucket of champagne already on the table. Their waiter poured them their drinks and gave them a menu. “A toast.” He smiled. “To us, and Henry.” “I love it.” They had had their starters and were waiting for their mains. They were chatting about her work and the day’s events, James had won a race and was proud of his medal. Emma’s phone started to ring. Elsa. “Hello?” “Emma, I really didn’t want to ruin your date, but I can’t get Henry to calm down. He’s not warm or anything, he’s healthy. Just screaming. It’s been an hour. I’ve tried feeding him, playing with him, everything.” “Oh, I’ll come and get him. See you soon.” She hung up and sighed. Killian held her hand and rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. “What is it, love?” He smiled with a worried expression. “Henry won’t stop crying. He hasn’t settled down for an hour. I’ll have to go pick him up. He hasn’t been away from me this long. I’m so sorry, I know you planned a perfect evening.” “It’s okay. Henry is our priority, let’s go and pick him up. Let me just get our waiter.” Killian paid the bill and met Emma outside. He took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders, she smiled gratefully at him, he held her hand as they walked to Liam’s house. They heard him crying from outside, they knocked and Liam came to the door. “Sorry, we really didn’t want to call.” Said Elsa. “No, don’t worry. He’s been crying a lot recently. I think it’s teething.” She took the baby and thanked them for calling her. They walked home with him still crying. Nothing could comfort him. At the apartment, Emma was in her room trying to get him to sleep, whilst Killian ordered a kebab for them both. Henry finally settled and she walked to the couch. She had changed into some plaid pyjamas. She had still enjoyed the evening she had, even if it was cut short. Killian had rolled his sleeves up and took his tie off but left the waistcoat on. Emma thought he looked even better, especially because he had undone two of his shirt buttons. He handed her a beer and sat beside her, dinner was on the coffee table. “Not exactly the dinner I wanted you to have.” He smiled, clinking their beers together. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t apologise. It’s fine. This is just as good. I just looked forward to a few things.” He smiled. She raised an eyebrow. “Like a goodnight kiss.” “Well, that can be arranged.” She moved closer and put her arms around his neck. She initiated the kiss which started tenderly, then soon got heated. She pushed him back onto the couch and unbuttoned his waistcoat and pushed it off his shoulders. She started on his shirt. He pulled away. “Emma.” She sighed. He only said her name when he was being serious. “Are you sure?” She nodded and kissed him again, along his jaw and neck, then down to his shoulder. “Relax, handsome. I want this. I want you.” “Not here.” He sat up and smirk, he took her hand and led her to his bedroom. “This needs to be done properly.”
Emma woke up, she wasn’t in her room. Or her bed. She had muscular arms enveloped around her, then she remembered and smiled. It had been like a dream. Not what she expected from him, which had made it even better. It was early, she could tell by the early sun just peeping through the curtains, she sighed peacefully and turned around. Killian was fast asleep, his features were even more handsome in the morning sun. She could get used to this. Henry would still be asleep, she hoped he had a few more hours yet. She started placing lazy kisses to Killian’s neck, he didn’t wake, she started tickling his ribs. “Stop.” He smiled lazily. “So you are awake?” She kissed his jaw. “I think we have a few hours before Henry wakes, if you know what I mean?” He opened an eye. “Now I have your attention.” Killian rolled lazily on top of her and kissed her neck. “Mmm. A few hours you say?”
The next time she woke there was no Killian. She rolled over to his side and snuggled into his pillow. He had no clock in his room, she had no idea of the time, his phone was resting on the side. She picked it up and checked the time. 09:30. Is that it? Where was he? She noticed behind his notifications his lock screen was a picture of the three of them and Roger. Henry was sat on the dog, whilst Emma supported him and Killian was laughing whilst looking at her. Liam had snapped the photo on his phone, she found it cute, he really did enjoy their company. One of the notifications was from a man called Robin: What’s this about you having a new girlfriend? About time.    Emma laughed, she had heard a lot about Robin and his quest to set Killian up. That was the job of a lot of his friends. She didn’t know anything about any previous girlfriends, he never seemed to want to talk about it. She got up and found a t-shirt and walked to the kitchen. She found Killian bouncing about the kitchen with Henry, he was lifting him in the air and both were laughing. He was cooking pancakes, she noticed. He wore dark blue jeans with a white t- shirt and a red plaid shirt. He always wore too many layers. He had Henry on his hip and frying pan in hand. “Ready, lad?” He flipped the pancake and Henry giggled. He noticed Emma and screamed. “Mama!” He reached for her. “Hey, buddy.” She walked over and took him from Killian. “Mr Date Ruiner.” She laughed, kissing his cheek. Killian strolled over and gave her a kiss. “I don’t think it ended too badly.” He smirked. “Pancakes, love?” “Sounds delicious. Why are you up so early?” “It’s a Monday, no time for sleeping in.” He said, placing pancakes with apple sauce on her plate. “My pancakes are the best, I rarely make them, but first dates are a special occasion.” “Our jobs are hardly routine. We can afford a lie in.” She smiled, delving into his pancakes. “Oh my God, Killian. These are delicious!” She moaned. “Wow.” “Calm down, love. Small ears are about. No need to repeat last night.” He smirked. Henry was sitting on the high chair paying no attention. “I gave him a bottle this morning. Maybe we could go for a walk when you’ve done some work.” He poured himself a coffee and sat opposite her. “Have you thought any more about the offer?” “Well, I was a bit distracted last night. So no.” She saw him smirk in his coffee. “Apologies. I don’t want to take your mind off the important things.” “Well,” she interlocked their fingers. “You’re pretty important to me.” He smiled at her brightly, “Now, how about you get some work done? I’ll distract, Henry.”    Emma was typing away, she spotted Killian reading to Henry in the corner. It was a pop up book about pirates. He heard him make all the noises and voices. She picked up her phone and took a sneaky picture. Henry was pointing at the book and Killian was gasping as if he hadn’t already read him the book twenty times. It was weird to think how different her life was, would Neal have made the same noises if he had stuck around? Would he have took him for walks? Neal always made the excuse he was busy whenever they were dating. Killian never made excuses for anything. “My God, Swan. Your son certainly has a powerful smell.” He carried him over. “You don’t pay me enough for this.” He chuckled. “Here let me.” “No, no. You work. Oh, love. I forgot. At two I need to go meet a friend.” He kissed her temple. “I said I’d help him move some stuff about. Do you mind walking Roger later?” “Not at all.” “I’ll tire the cheeky monster out before I go. So you can do some more work when he’s asleep.” “How long will you be gone?” “Who knows? Robin’s girlfriend is moving in. I said I would help.” “Speaking of Robin, when do I get to meet the famous man? Everyone talks about him, yet I’ve never met him.” “He’s been down in London, but is coming back today. And as much as he is my best friend, I’m going to keep you apart as long as possible.” She giggled, “and why is that?” “Well, you get on with Liam better than I ever imagined. Always making jokes about me together. I fear you and Robin would get on too well.” He laughed. “We should invite him round this weekend.” She smiled. “We’ll see.”
   Killian had put Henry to sleep and left Emma with a kiss whilst she was working hard, to keep on top of her work she wrote a few days ahead in case something else came up. She would write columns in advance so she could send them off when Graham wanted them. It was a hot July day. He was excited to see Robin again, they spoke a lot but hadn't seen each other for a year. And that was only because Robin visited America.
   "Well, look at what the tide dragged in." He heard a voice behind him and grinned. He turned around and gave Robin a big hug. "I've missed you, mate." He slapped him on the back. 
  "You too. Where's this girlfriend I've never met?" Asked Killian. "She imaginary after all?" 
  "Shut up. She's with Roland. What about this chick you're apparently with? You didn't reply to my text." 
 "I elected to ignore it." Robin handed him a beer and they put two chairs in the sun and sat down. 
 "Is she your girlfriend then?" 
 "We haven't really put a title on it, but-"
 "But! She is!" 
 "No, she's not. I mean, I like her and I want to be with her. She has other priorities, like a son. He's so sweet and clever and cute. Honestly, he's adorable, Rob."
 "Have you slept with her yet?" Robin asked bluntly taking a swig from his bottle.
   "Robin! Honestly. That doesn't mean anything." Though he couldn't hide his smile. 
 "You have! You dog." 
 "Only recently. She's been living with me for a month, I mean I wanted to. Of course, but it wouldn't have bothered me if we hadn't yet." 
 "So she wanted you?" He smirked. 
 "I mean, we wanted each other. She initiated though, I mean maybe under different circumstances I would have took the lead." 
 "Have you been on a date?"
 "Our first last night. It got interrupted by her son, so we just went home and had a kebab." 
 "Classy. Wait, so last night was the night?" He couldn't contain his amusement. "No wonder you seem so easy going today." 
 "Can we move away from this topic?" 
 "Fine. So, she's not your girlfriend?" 
 "So she's just a friend. That you sleep with?" He was trying to rile him on purpose. "A friend with benefits?" 
 "No! She isn't that. We don't have a title. I like her a lot, that's it." He was scratching his neck again. Robin really wouldn’t shut up.
 "Tell me. Did you kiss her goodbye when you left?" He nodded. "And what is your phone background?" "Me, Emma, Henry and Roger." 
 "She's your girlfriend, face the fact. You’re a grown boy in a grown relationship now." They finished their beers and chatted about other things such as America and London. They got started on the house, the trucks had arrived and Regina was out with Roland to keep him out of the way. The sun was shining as they were moving things to the garden, Robin had taken his shirt off and Killian took off his plaid shirt. 
  "Left. Left. Left! Jesus, Robin. That's your right!" They were carrying a couch to the front room. "Ouch!" Killian dropped his side of the couch. 
 "What are you doing?" 
 "There's a nail sticking out! It's cut my shoulder." It had ripped his T-Shirt and cut a deep wound into the back of his shoulder. It was bleeding a little. 
"Bloody hell, what are you like?" 
 "Me? It was you!" 
 "Take your shirt off. I'll stick a plaster on it." At the moment that Robin was sorting his shoulder Liam walked in.
 "What are you two doing?"
 "I'm giving him a massage." 
 "Shut up! I caught my shoulder on a nail." 
 "You might need a jab. Rusty nails can have all sorts on them." 
 "I'll be fine."
 "Don't be stubborn. Come on, it won't take long. Let's get it sorted." They returned from the doctors. Killian wasn't happy. A cut shoulder and an injection was not his plan of a good day, especially when all Robin did was take the mick.   They finished and Killian just wanted to go for a shower. He blasted some music, Queen, his favourite. The hot water felt good on his achy muscles, and got rid of the day's sweat. His cut stung but he felt refreshed at least. He would need Emma to put a fresh dressing on it for him when it dried. Emma unlocked the door, she pushed the pram through and Roger followed lazily behind. Henry had fallen asleep on the way back. Killian was unaware of Emma’s return.
   What was that? 
   "Each morning I get up I die a little, can barely stand on my feeet. Take a look in the mirror and cry." Was it Killian? "Somebody. Somebody. Can anybody find meeee, somebody to love?" 
   Killian turned into Freddie Mercury in the shower. That was new. She never pegged him as a Queen fan. She heard him mimic the guitar and laughed. She heard the shower turn off and Bohemian Rhapsody play. He walked out of the bathroom rubbing his head with a separate towel. 
   "Hey, Freddie." She smiled. He practically jumped out of his skin then turned bright red. "I didn't think you'd be back yet."
  "I just came back from my walk. Carry on singing." She walked over and smiled. "You sound good. Maybe I can answer your song." 
 "What do you mean?" 
 "Maybe I can be your somebody." She smiled, playing with his hand. She wasn't looking at him. 
  "Are you saying?" 
   "Not yet... but maybe. One day." She was being all shy with him. Not like her. "I really like you and I want to be with you. I'm happy being with you, I just can't say those words. Not yet." 
 "I understand. Take your time." She looked at him then. "So, are we official?" 
 "What do you mean?" 
  "Can I call you my girlfriend?" He felt like a teenage boy, all nervous and excited, he was looking down at the floor. 
   "That does sound nice." She reached her hands around his neck. His chest was still wet along with his hair. He bent his head to kiss her. "Maybe our next date will be more successful." She grinned.
 "Next date? Have you one planned?" 
 "Chinese and a film? I don't know if Elsa would want to babysit again." She laughed. 
 "She will. Last night was just a shame. I think he just missed mummy. I can't blame him, he isn't used to sharing you." He chuckled. "Maybe if we return the favour? Liam and Elsa haven't been out alone for years, maybe we could babysit for them. 
 "That sounds lovely." Her hand felt his cut and he winced.
  "Ow!" He grimaced.
  "What's that?" 
 "A rusty nail. Cut my shirt open and scratched me, I got dragged to the doctors by Liam." She turned him around. It was quite deep and long. 
 "Poor, baby. Do you not like the doctors?" She teased, placing kisses around it. 
"Not when they inject me. Your treatment is much nicer." He turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her. "Maybe if you're lucky, there will be more of that to come." She winked. He smirked and went to her neck. "Not now. Later." She smiled. He was still peppering kisses up her neck. 
 "Mmm okay."
8 notes · View notes
Flight: Chapter 3
   Hey! It’s Chapter 3! It was Wimbledon when I wrote this, and I love watching tennis. Especially Federer, so I was extremely happy he won the tournament. 
   These first few chapters are just a warm up, I’m pretty new to writing fic. Hopefully it gets better along the way.
  Some slight angst in this chapter.
If anyone has any other prompts they want me to try out, just send me a quick message! I have till October to do things, waiting for Uni is both good and bad.
  Liam is being all big brothery and persuading Killian to ask Emma on a date! Enjoy!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
  It was 7am on a Sunday. Killian could never sleep in no matter what the day. He had slept well through the night but Emma had been on his mind before and after he fell asleep. He was drinking some apple juice whilst sat on a chair near the kitchen island wondering if she really did like him. She hadn’t stopped his kiss after all. He never thought of Henry as an issue, the boy was clever and happy, he enjoyed his company as much as Emma’s. She was right though, she couldn’t dive head first into this, and neither could he. He had been hurt before and that sent him to America for three years. Roger sat beside him and rested his head on his knee. Breakfast was wanted. He stroked the dog’s floppy ears and got up to feed him. He went to the bathroom for a shower and to decide a plan for the day.
  Emma woke up. Her clock flashes 07:30. Too early. Henry was fast asleep still, the journey had clearly took it out of him. She left him to sleep and ventured to see if Killian was up. He was. He was coming from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, his hair was ruffled with the water. She noticed he was well toned. He hadn’t noticed her until she made a startled sound at the sight of him. He turned to her in surprise. “Oh my, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think you would be up yet, love. I’m an early riser.” His towel had slipped slightly revealing his hips. “I just forgot to take my clothes into the bathroom.” “It’s fine, Killian.” She attempted to avert her eyes, but he had his head down so she couldn’t look into his. Was he embarrassed? “Urm, well… I’ll go and shower.” “I’ll make us some breakfast.” He scratched his neck. When she had gone to the bathroom he breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I couldn’t have made that more awkward.” Killian had changed and he heard Henry crying, Emma couldn’t hear over the shower. He went into the room and picked up the crying baby. “Hey, you. No need for all that, shh.” He bounced the baby on his hip and took him to the kitchen. “Shall we make mummy some breakfast?” “M-ma-ma!” He giggled. “Aye. Now, what does she like? Toast?” Henry laughed in agreement. “Toast it is.” Emma came to the kitchen to see Henry being lifted into the air by Killian and some toast and a hot chocolate on the side. She smiled and sat down by the counter. Roger lay by her feet and she smiled. She really did find that massive dog cute. Her bare feet felt his fur which was as soft as Killian had said. “Hey, you two.” She smiled. He hadn’t noticed her arrive. “Looks like someone is having fun.” “Aye, we are. I heard him stirring so I thought he would want to help me cook breakfast.” He smiled. “Speaking of breakfast, I think he’s hungry. Alas, that is one job I cannot do.” He smirked. “I’ll feed him in a minute. I need to thank your brother and Elsa for all the stuff. It really was too kind.” She finished the last piece of her toast. “I can’t thank you all enough.” “Don’t worry, love. It’s our pleasure. I was wondering what you wanted to do today?” “I need to get some work done actually. You know, the reason I’m actually here.” She chuckled. “Of course.” “So, what is your job? I never actually asked.” She took Henry from Killian and started to breastfeed him. “I worked by the docks in New York, to clear my head, before that I was a teacher here. I got my degree in English and then went onto my PGCE. So, I’m going to apply to the local sixth form.” He tried not to look, but everything felt so natural. Her being in his apartment, it felt as though he had his own family. “Wow, a teacher. No wonder you’re good with kids.” She smiled. “I’m going to settle down again first. I have some savings. What do you write about?” Asked Killian. “Life. I’m a columnist, so a range. I have to write about life in England.” “Rainy.” He laughed. “I meant like events and celebrations.” She chuckled. “We have Wimbledon coming up. I don’t know how much of a tennis fan you are, but that’s a pretty big event in the Jones household.” “I watch a few sports. Mainly baseball. I do like the tennis if it’s on.” She smiled. “Maybe we could go to London together.” “I would love that.”
  Two weeks had passed and they went to all sort of places together. The park to feed ducks, swimming, out for dinner with all the family. Emma sent her first few columns to Graham about her eventful time settling to England. Graham couldn’t apologise enough. She always added humour to her writing and spoke of the disastrous hotel complication. Emma was sitting at the kitchen island looking at apartments in a newspaper. “What’s that?” Asked Killian, coming behind her sipping his coffee. “You’re leaving?” He couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice, even though he tried. “I can’t continue living here on your charity.” She answered, circling apartments. Henry was sitting on the floor entertaining himself with some paint Killian had got out. He had laid out a large roll of paper for him, he was dipping his hands in paint and hitting them on the paper. “It’s not fair on you. Having to pay all my bills.” “Then rent out my room. Stay here, just pay me.” He smiled hopefully. “I really like living with you.” He looked at the floor. “Don’t you like living with me?” “Look at me.” He didn’t. She stood up and lifted his head and smiled sweetly. “Of course I like living with you. I just didn’t think forcing you to live with a baby was fair.” He picked Henry up from the floor. “Don’t be silly, he enjoys living here. Don’t you?” Henry covered Killian’s face in paint and got it in his hair. “Yes, you do.” He smiled and blew a raspberry on his neck. He giggled loudly and wiped paint on his forehead. “He got paint all over you.” She chuckled. “Where else would I get that? Please don’t leave. For me.” He gave her puppy eyes which she found hard to resist. “Plus I can help look after Henry.” “I have an idea. Work said they will pay for all my childcare, maybe if I hire you as a babysitter. We can make a bit of money.” She laughed. “You know how to work the system.” He chuckled. “So, you’ll stay?” “Go on then.” He smiled brightly at her and gave her a hug with Henry. “Thank you, love.”
  Three weeks had passed. Emma was becoming part of the family more and more. She got on particularly well with Liam as they had some similar interests. Killian was babysitting Henry when Emma needed it, but they mostly did things together such as visit parks or going out with his nephew and niece. Emma’s work was going really well, Graham said the reception to her column was great and that people loved the stories of Henry and Killian, particularly the ones with Roger. He had asked if she could write four a week. She agreed. The more money the better. She and Killian agreed on £150 a week for rent and bills as well as her chipping in for the weekly shop. Killian was getting quite a bit of money from Graham which helped. On some days, they didn’t bother going out. Emma would work, whilst Killian amused Henry. Today was one of those days. Emma was sat on the couch with her laptop typing away, she started to add small pictures with her columns which also got published. In her columns she never mentioned Henry’s name for his safety from Neal. Everyone else was fine but she referred to him as ‘my little boy’ or other pet names. She was writing about the build up to Wimbledon in the Jones house. They all went to the park for a game of tennis and the competitiveness of the Jones brothers. Her phone started to ring and she took the call into the bedroom. “Hello?” “What the hell, Emma. Who do you think you are? Taking off to another country!” “Neal?” “Why haven’t you told me? Hmm.” “What? I don’t even know how you got hold of me. Why should I tell you what I am doing?” “Because you took my son away!” “Your son? You don’t have the right to call him that. You don’t even know his name! You’re not on the birth certificate, you left me. Alone. With a baby, I was terrified.” “I’m going to get him, one way or another. I’m coming for what is mine.” The phone went blank. Emma didn’t know what to do, tears started to fill her eyes. She just wanted to be rid of Neal, and he kept coming back and ruining her life. “Emma?” Killian walked into her room to ask a question, Henry on his hip. “Get out!” She screamed. “What?” “Get lost, Neal! I mean… Killian.” “Uh, sorry.” He shut the door wondering what the hell had just happened? He took Henry with him and sat on the couch. He was slightly out of it, he had never seen Emma like that before. Henry started to cry. “Hey, shhh. Something upset mummy that’s all.” He bounced him gently. “Come on, Henry. That’s a good boy.” He wiped the tears from his eyes. He was starting to calm down and Killian gave him a cuddle. He soon wanted to play with his toys on the floor so Killian let him crawl over. Half an hour passed and Killian was still sat on the couch, Henry was amusing himself with some blocks. He heard Emma’s door open but didn’t look her way. “Hey.” She sounded weak. She had clearly only just stopped crying. Killian didn’t look at her, he was upset himself and looking at her would make him worse. “Killian. I’m really sorry.” She sat next to him on the couch. “I should never have shouted at you.” He swallowed deeply and his jaw trembled. “I was just upset.” He looked at her then, his deep blue eyes pierced through her. “What happened?” “Neal.” Her voice wavered. Over the last month she had told him more about Neal, how at eighteen she had took the fall and went to jail for him. He found her again and promised her everything, she had fallen for him again, she had gotten pregnant and he left her. She couldn’t hate someone more if she tried. “He threatened to take Henry away.” The tears started again. “I can’t lose him, Killian.” He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “Shh, don’t be silly. You’re not going to lose him. Neal doesn’t have any right to him.” He stroked her hair as she wept into him. “I promise.” “Why does he even want to know?” He felt her tears come through his t-shirt, she couldn’t control herself and he knew not much phased Emma Swan. But threatening her child was clearly the line. “He’s just being a possessive douchebag. Clearly has nothing better to do.” She gripped a handful of his shirt and tried to steady her breathing. “That’s a good girl. Shh. I won’t let anything happen to either of you.” Henry crawled over. “I think he’s jealous, love.” “I’m so sorry, baby.” She pushed herself off Killian and picked him up. “Mummy was angry that’s all. I love you more than anything. I do. I do.” She kissed him all over and hugged him. “I need to finish my work.” “Have a break, let’s take Roger for a walk, clear your head.” He smiled. “But-” “Ah, ah. Come on. Work can wait.” He stood up and offered his hand. She took it and he pulled her up. He took Henry from her. “Go and wash your face, love. Freshen up and we’ll go.” He pulled her in with one arm and kissed her on her forehead. “Nothing bad will happen.”
That evening, Emma put Henry to bed, and Liam and Elsa came round for a while. Emma had weaned Henry off breast milk and he was now on formula and some solids. They were all discussing the Wimbledon final and their plans. The local park broadcasted it and many went to watch and celebrate. It was Federer and Cilic in the final, which made the Jones household very happy. They were long time fans of him, hence Killian’s dog being named Roger. “Shall we have a bet, little brother?” Asked Liam, who had drunk too much wine. “You never win bets, Liam.” “I want to bet you that Federer will win Wimbledon without dropping a set.” “You’re on. What we betting on?” “Fifty quid… and” He whispered something in his ear. “Fine. You’re on.” “What was that?” Asked Emma. He just smiled and leant back onto the kitchen surface she was also leaning on, his arm relaxed behind her waist. “Nothing.” He smirked. She raised an eyebrow. “Nothing at all, love.” She pointed a finger at his chest. “I don’t believe you.” He took hold of her hand and squeezed it. “Maybe you should trust me more.” He flirted. Both had big smiles for each other. Elsa nudged Liam, and gave him a signal for them to leave. “Well, we best be off. Don’t want auntie getting fed up of the kids.” Smiled Liam. The two were startled by Liam’s comment. “Oh, so soon?” Asked Killian. “We’ll see you tomorrow.” Smiled Elsa, kissing Emma on the cheek. “I’ll make us a picnic.” “Sounds lovely. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Liam hugged her and Killian goodbye. They followed them out and waved them goodbye down the street. “Another drink, love?” He smiled, shutting the door. They walked to the front room and she sat on the couch. She heard Killian fumbling around in the kitchen, then some music came on. He walked over two glasses of wine in hand. “Just thought some music would be nice.” He smiled, handing her a glass. Oasis, a famous band from Manchester, Emma had learned played in the background whilst they chatted about tomorrow and times to come. “So, what did Liam whisper?” She asked, playing idly with his hand. “I really want to know.” “I can’t tell you, it’s a secret.” He grinned. “I keep my secrets to myself.” Her casual attitude to holding his hand took him by surprise. “For me. Come on.” That second Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran came on. “Oh, I love this song!” She beamed, she placed her glass down and got up. “What are you doing?” He smiled. The wine had made her relax, she hadn’t drunk in a long time and he was glad she could let her hair down. “Dance with me.” She smirked. She grabbed his hands and pulled him up. “I don’t dance.” He pulled away from her, or tried to. “Swan.” “Come here, I’ll teach you. Put your hand around my waist, good. Now, hold this hand.” She swayed them back and forth, she never imagined she would be dancing with someone to her favourite song. “Yay, you’re dancing.” Killian couldn’t believe he was so close to Emma, she had pulled him in so close, he could smell her perfume and the fresh air on her hair, the wine on her lips. He was so close, he didn’t want the night to end. She rested her head on his shoulder and hummed into him. “This is perfect, Emma.” She looked up at him and smiled. “These last few weeks have been perfect.” She stared into his eyes and smiled. Her eyes glanced quickly to his lips. That was his cue. He reached down towards her and kissed her softly, not sure how she would react. She didn’t pull away but deepened the kiss. He could taste the wine on her lips and felt her smiling against him. He wouldn’t be the one to stop. The moment was too magical. Though she wasn’t giving up either. “Mmm,” he laughed. His hands slid to her waist to steady himself. “You’re beautiful.” Right on cue, Henry started crying. He felt Emma sigh deeply. She pulled away and they rested their foreheads on each other. She was as much as a mess as him, he was glad to know. “I’ll go.” “Let me.” Smiled Killian. He dropped her a quick peck and went to Henry. He was crying in his cot, he picked him up and rocked him gently. “Hey, you. You’re ruining my chances.” He laughed. “You get me and your mum all day. Sleepy time.” He whispered, softly. Emma entered the room. She saw Killian comforting Henry and her heart melted. She wanted to hug them both, she walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. “He suits you. Or you suit holding a baby.” He felt her smile on his back and her hands started to feel his stomach, and go under his shirt, suggesting she wasn’t finished. “You’ve had too much to drink.” He smiled, removing her arms. Though it wasn’t easy with a baby in one hand and Emma’s death grip. Why was she so strong? He placed Henry back in his cot who was now asleep. “Come on, Killian. It’s been ages. I thought you were a gentleman?” “Exactly. I would never take advantage of you like.” She had started peppering kisses on his neck. “Swan, please. Don’t.” He tried to push her away. “Emma. I’m serious.” “Don’t you want me?” “That’s not fair. Come on, sleep.” He lay her down and put the covers at the edge of the bed. “Stay.” “No, love. Not tonight.” “Please, stay.” “If I stayed, we both know what would happen.” “Until I fall asleep?” She smirked, pulling him down. He gave up and lay next to her. “No funny business.” He was lay on his back on top with his arms behind his head. “As soon as there is I’m going.” She nodded and moved up to him. “Can I have a cuddle?” She gave him sad eyes. He sighed and lifted his arm up. She smiled gratefully and snuggled her head into his shoulder and put her arm across his stomach. They lay in comfortable silence for a short while and Killian began to play with her hair idly. She inched closer, her nose snuggling into his neck. He felt her place soft kisses to his jaw. “Emma.” He warned. She stopped with an audible sigh. She soon fell asleep after that, when he was sure, he carefully removed himself from her and pulled the covers over her. Henry was sleeping peacefully, he gave the baby a kiss on the head and went to his room. He wanted Emma so much, and she clearly wanted him, but it wouldn’t have been right. She would already wake up hung over, she didn’t need regret either.
Emma woke up. She was alone. Her head hurt as she remembered the events from last night. Had she tried to hit on Killian? She had. Henry was asleep next to her, she got up and went to the kitchen for coffee. The apartment was empty. No Roger or Killian. Was he upset? She had been quite drunk. How embarrassing. She had some breakfast and did some work, she never finished yesterday. She heard keys in the door. Time to face the music. Roger padded into the kitchen for some water and Killian had shopping bags. He placed them on the counter and smiled. Smirked? He looked proud of himself. “How are you feeling?” He chuckled. “Headache?” “You could say that.” He was pottering around the kitchen but she focused on her coffee. “Where have you been?” “Shopping, love. After all I haven’t been in ages.” He was suddenly right behind her whispering into her ear. He was paying her back and he sounded downright sinful. “You know how that feels?” “Was I that bad?” She closed her eyes. “Certainly took a lot of willpower to resist you, love.” He was still right behind her. “You pretty much begged me.” He said slowly, she could hear the filth in his voice. It wasn’t helping her. She still wanted him, she was just more in control sober. “Stop. I’ve embarrassed myself enough.” She stood up and went to the bedroom to check on Henry, he followed closely. “He isn’t awake yet.” Killian hugged Emma from behind and buried his face in her neck. “Maybe, we can occupy ourselves.” He laughed into her. It was all teasing. But he knew what he was doing. “Don’t, I don’t need reminding.” He let her go and let out a hearty laugh. “You’re so easy to tease, darling. It’s cute. Speaking of cute.” He smiled, pacing back to the kitchen. “Look what I bought Henry.” He held up a baby onesie with a ship on the front and lots of little anchors and wheels. “Killian, that’s adorable. I love it.” She smiled. “I thought you would like it. Maybe he can sleep in it tonight?” “I’d love that. Hey, what time are we meeting them at the park?” She asked, trying to return back to normal conversation. She wanted to forget about the previous night. “Just before two.” “I’ll do some work before hand. Do you mind watching Henry?” She smiled. “Not at all. Is he still sleeping?” She nodded and got to work. Her phone rang and she answered. It was Graham. “Five days? That’s an awful lot. I’m only meant to be part time.” “Emma, the reception we have had is great. People love hearing your stories. Please, Emma. It’s more money for you and for your baby sitter.” She smirked at that. Killian would have looked after him anyway. Bonus he was getting paid. “You seem to be really enjoying yourself. I told you this would be good for you.” “Can I think about it for a few days?” She asked. “I have to get this column done before two, we’re going out. I’ll send it over quickly. Why aren’t you asleep?” “You know me, sleep is for the dead.” He laughed down the phone. “You can have two weeks to think about it. Speak to you soon.” “Thanks, Graham.” She smiled, and placed the phone down. “What was that, love?” Asked Killian, reading a magazine. “I’ve been offered another day to write, which means more money and more money for you. Plus more of my writing getting published.” “That’s great, Emma!” He walked over. “Are you taking it?” “I don’t know. I like the balance I have right now. Is one more day just a bit too much? It means I’m full time.” “You could see how it is, then tell your boss it isn’t working out.” “I know but I want to spend time with you. We both haven’t acknowledge that one day, I have to go back to America. I’ve already been here for a month nearly.” “Shh. Don’t talk about that.” He really didn’t want to think about a life without the two in it. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” “I’m just being realistic.” “Let’s not be realistic. Let’s imagine you’re going to be here a very long time. It makes it easier.” He closed his eyes to stop any emotion escaping. “Hey, okay. We won’t think about it.” She gave him a hug. “I need to work. We’ll forget about me leaving… for now.” He nodded.
  They arrived at the park. The whole family along with Roger in tow. The Newfoundland’s tongue dangled at the side of his mouth whilst he trotted along. Emma had sent her column off, writing about the competitiveness of the Jones Brothers and the lead up to Wimbledon and the bet placed between them. Families had all gathered around, there were carnival games, food being served, and children running about and playing. After the match, dance troupes performed and karaoke came on. There were games for the children such as fun races. It was an annual event watching the tennis in the park. Elsa had laid out a lovely picnic, Killian and Liam played a few games of tennis with each other. Emma took Roger and Henry for a walk and the two children were playing a card game with Judy. When the match started on the large projector, Killian sat by Emma eating a sandwich. “Does our deal still stand?” Asked Liam. “Indeed. Fifty quid. Straight sets. He has to drop at least one. How can he not?” “Well, we shall see little bro.” He smirked.
  Federer was up two sets and hadn’t dropped one. Killian wasn’t happy to be losing fifty quid as Cilic was suffering. He wanted Federer to win, just not so well. Emma was engrossed in the sport and was cheering a lot, the family tradition was something she could get used to. Henry clapped with her and Killian was watching her. She looked really good these days, she looked less tired and stressed, her smile was always bright, he knew she had a bad past but he wanted to knock her walls down, she deserved to be happy. He saw Liam whisper something in her ear and she threw her head back laughing. Liam was good at making her laugh like that, he never knew what he said to her, but he wished he could do the same. He certainly made her laugh, but not the way Liam could. It was coming up to the point of the last game. Everyone was leant forward. Federer got his point and the crowd erupted. Everyone stood up and clapped, Killian gave Emma a big hug. They watched Federer celebrate and everyone was laughing with each other. “You owe me fifty quid… and you need to fulfil your other half of our deal.” Smirked Liam, who glanced at Emma who was holding Henry and cheering. “Fine.” He walked up to Emma and pulled her to the side, handing Henry to Elsa. “May I have a word?” He asked, nervously. “Sure.” She smiled, slightly confused. “What’s up?” “Well, as you know, I had another part of a bet with Liam.” “And what was that?” She laughed. He scratched his neck. “Killian?” “Will you do me the honour of going on a date with me? Tonight?” He smiled. Hope filled his eyes. “Really?” “Come on, Swan. We both know it’s what we want.” He smiled. “Of course I will.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. The Jones family clapped and Emma laughed. “What if Federer had dropped a set?” “Maybe I knew he wouldn’t. Maybe it was fate.” “So, where are you taking me?” She smiled. “That’s a surprise. Elsa will babysit for us. We can have a nice night out, just me and you. How does that sound?” “Amazing.”
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Flight: Chapter 9
Cuteness, job interviews, and girls night! Check, check, check!
Thanks for all the support guys!!
I’m sorry I don’t have any of the fanfiction sites guys, I’m looking into it. I’ve put links on a separate page on my Tumblr, it’s under Fanfictions!
@thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious 
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
   On the Monday, Killian had heard from the sixth form. He had an interview that Wednesday. His leg was still pretty bad, but if he explained why he was limping so badly. They would understand. He hated the crutches and only used them when he left the house. He was annoyed he couldn't shower, he had to bath all the time with his leg over it. Emma was helping him, but he missed being able to walk the dog properly and run about with the kids.
  He was sat on the couch preparing himself for his interview. He only had two and a half years teaching experience in England, albeit at a rough school in London. But he hadn't taught A Level before. He taught only six months in America as he couldn't be bothered with it. He preferred the docks in New York. His leg was propped on the table and Roger was resting his head near on the couch. Emma had gone for a run which she had started again recently, so he was watching Henry in his playpen. He was playing with some crayons, he tipped them all out and kept putting them back in the pot. He kept doing it repeatedly. Whatever kept the lad happy.
   Emma came through the door, her music blaring through her headphones. She was wearing some running pants and a grey t-shirt. She had quite a sweat on and went straight for a drink. She came behind him and kissed his cheek.
  “Emma, you stink.” He chuckled. “Good workout?”
  “Not as fit as I used to be. I didn't have chance when it was just me.” She looked at his laptop. Pacman was open. “That's not going to get you a job now, is it?” She giggled. “Here, it's time to do your leg.”
  She bathed it gently. The skin was healing nicely, but it was delicate, it would definitely leave a nasty scar. The bruising had come out on his ankle, but he was having less trouble with it, he was wearing shorts which made her job easier, it also allowed more air get to it. She wrapped it up and kissed his knee.
  “I’m going grabbing a shower.” He pulled her onto him and held her like a baby. “Get off me. I stink.” She giggled.
   “Not that badly.” He nuzzled her.
  “Stop. I feel gross. I need a shower. I don't want to cover you in sweat.”
   “It’s not like I haven't made you sweat before.” He laughed.
   “Mama.” Called Henry.
   “I’m needed.” She walked over to him. “What's up, bud?” He tipped all the crayons and showed her him putting them all back. “Wow. Well done.”
  “He's been doing that for an hour.” Chuckled Killian.
  “He's impressed with himself.” She picked him up and kissed him. “Are you going to give Killian lots of kisses. Help him feel better?” She plonked him down on Killian's knee. He picked him up and kissed his cheek lots of little times. He squealed and laughed.
  “I feel a lot better. Thank you, Henry.” He smiled. He sat him on his knee and played with his hand. “Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear. One step, two step. A tickle under there.” Killian tickled Henry's stomach and he kicked about and laughed.
   “You're too adorable. Give me ten minutes.”
  Emma returned from the bedroom. She was freshly showered and wearing some skinny jeans and a white jumper. She'd dried her hair which was now in a ponytail.
  “What are you doing for the rest of the day, love? It's only two.”
  “I have a bit more work to do. I have some free time though.” She sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. They watched TV and he traced idle circles on her thigh. They ended up lying on the couch, snuggled up.
  “Henry's fallen asleep.” She whispered. “I’m going to put him to bed. Then maybe we can have a nap of our own.” She smiled.
  “A nap?” He kissed her neck. “Or a nap?” He chuckled.
  “Why don't you go to our bedroom and maybe you’ll find out.” She smirked.
  She put Henry down for a nap and walked to her bedroom. Though Killian wasn't in the bed, or the room. She felt him come behind her.
  “I believe this is for you.” He smiled, handing her a rose.
  “Where did you get that from?” He giggled.
  “I never reveal my secrets. Now,” He pushed her back until her knees hit the bed. “What kind of nap are you offering me?” She fell back and he leant over her. He kissed her neck and she giggled.
  “I just want a cuddle.”
  “Mm. What about what I want?”
  “Well, what do you want?” She smirked. His hands slid up her shirt.
  “I think that's pretty obvious, don't you? I want to get every moment I can with you.” He pressed into her, then winced as he caught his leg.
  “Oh, be careful.” They stopped and she pulled him up to their pillows. “Maybe we should save it, until you're better.”
  “I don't want to save it.” A small smirk appeared again. “I want you now. Don't you want me, Swan?” He was back on top of her, she was giggling.
 “I just don't want you to get hurt.”
 “Well, you're currently breaking my heart. So, I am getting hurt. Come on, love. Relax.” He lifted her jumper off her. He kissed her lips and she smiled, but then deepened it.
  “Killian.” She moaned, she grabbed his shirt and ripped it from him. “Slow down.” He did try. He trailed kisses to her neck down to her collar. She ran her fingers through his hair. His hands went to the button of her jeans.
  “Do you still want me to rest?” He asked, looking up at her. She shook her head. “Are you sure? We could just have a cuddle.” She pulled him up and flipped them over. Her mouth went to his neck, then up to his jaw.
  “I mean if you insist on wanting a cuddle.” She teased, her hands went to his waistband. “I think you would prefer this though.”
  “You’re right, Emma, don't stop.” She didn't.
  Killian cuddled Emma from behind and intertwined their fingers. She was in and out of sleep and he kept placing little kisses on her neck. They had the quilt right up to their necks with more blankets to keep them snug. Her hair smelled fresh after her shower, and her skin had the scent of coconut. He would stay here forever with her, given the choice. She sighed deeply and pushed herself into him more.
  “What time is it?”
  “Three, love. I reckon Henry will sleep for another hour yet, if you want round two.” He chuckled. “If you can handle it, that is.”
  “I know I can, you can't. That isn't a challenge. I’m just content. Just keep cuddling me.”
  She heard him start humming into her and closed her eyes.
   It was Wednesday. Time for his interview. Emma had put fresh bandages on his leg and dosed him up on plenty of painkillers. He was dressed in a blue suit with his hair neater than usual. Emma drove him to the sixth form and parked up in the car park. She got out of the car with him. It was summer holidays so the sixth form was really quiet. Only a few teachers were about, but no students.
  “Right, so you have your mock lesson?”
  “You have your CV?”
  “Your certificates?”
  “Your confidence?”
  “A big smile?”
  He forced an awkward smile on his face and showed her his teeth.
  “A sense of humour. Check.” She giggled. “Now just one more thing.” She took his face in her hands and leaned up to kiss him. “Good luck.”
  “Thank you. I… I appreciate it.” He smiled, nervously.
  He turned around and she tapped his backside. “Go get ‘em.”
  “Oh, Emma. Naughty girl.” He looked back and blew her a kiss.
  She watched him limp up the steps and now time would tell.
  Forty five minutes later he returned. She watched him limp over to the car, he had his head down. Two girls giggled at him as he walked past. Was it his limp? Or his good looks? She knew what school girls were like. He opened the passenger door and got in.
  “How did it go, Jones?”
  “My interview went well, and the mock lesson went well. The students were nice enough. There were a concerns from the students about my leg, but I explained to them about the match. All the girls seemed a bit red.” He said, his eyebrows knitting together.
  “It’s because you're handsome. Especially with that suit on you. Why don't we get you home and out of it. I think it would also look good on our floor.”
  “I like the sound of that plan. They said they would tell me by the end of the week if I got the job.”
   It was Saturday night. Emma was sitting on her bed in her underwear, planning on what to wear for the girls night. She was a bit reluctant about going, she didn't know them that well, apart from Elsa. She was in the bedroom looking at different outfits. What would make a good impression? They were all going to Belle’s house whilst Will was away. She was the only one without a child in her house.
  Killian came in with Henry, he could walk a lot better for short distances, but the bandages were still on and he couldn't shower yet. He was still stuck to bathing everyday. “You’re mummy's going having some fun tonight. So it's just me and you.” He smiled, kissing the boys neck. “Are you going to miss her? I am.” Henry just hugged Killian's neck.
  “I can pull out. If you need me here.” She reached up and kissed him. “I don't mind.” She was praying for him to ask her not to leave.
  “Don't be ridiculous. Go and have some fun. You know I’m in safe hands with this little one looking after me. You’ve walked Roger, cooked dinner, done some work. Go and enjoy yourself. I’ll give Henry a bath, we’ll read a book, watch a film. Then I’ll be waiting for you. Don't come home too early though, just enjoy.”
  “I don't even know what to wear. I hardly know them.”
  “Wear this.” He handed her a plaid shirt.
  “Killian, that's your shirt I picked up off the floor earlier.” She wasn't impressed.
  “Oh, so it is. Why don't you go like that?” He suggested. “I know the lads would be impressed… hopefully jealous.” He smirked into her neck but she didn't give him the satisfaction of laughing. How she wanted to stay here and be with him.
  “You’re wasting my time. Get lost.”
  Emma arrived at Belle’s house. She took a bottle of wine over and some chocolate for Mary Margaret, it was only fair. They welcomed her in.
  “Emma, you look lovely.” Smiled Elsa. “How is everything?”
  They all sat around a table and chatted about everything and anything. Sometimes the men, and their ridiculousness. They also chatted about work and the latest films.
  “So, Emma. What made you fall for Mr Tight Pants?” asked Regina. “Not just what we've heard. But what do you like about him?”
  She felt uncomfortable with them all looking at her, ready to spill the gossip.
  “Urm. I guess his sense of humour is something I really like. He's just genuine.”
  “So, not the looks?”
  “I mean, he's obviously very handsome. But I would say that is just a bonus of him. Plus, his family are lovely.” She smiled at Elsa.
  “Have you said you love him yet?” Asked Mary Margaret. That was just like her. All fairytales.
  “Urm. No. I haven't.”
  “But you do love him, right?” She questioned.
  “I’m not sure. I don't rush into it.”
  “You must know.” She smiled.
  “M&M.” Said Elsa. It was a warning for her to calm down. “Not everyone has had a fairytale marriage like you.”
  “I’m sorry. It's just, I really want Killian to be happy. He's been through a lot.”
  “We haven't spoke much about it. He’ll tell me eventually. Maybe.” He hadn't told her much, if anything about his time in America. She knew about his childhood, but that was it.
  “When do your work commitments finish here?” Asked Belle.
  “You mean you're leaving?” Asked Regina. “Is Killian leaving?”
  “No. He isn't. I’m still thinking about it. Whatever is best for Henry.”
  “We should move on. It's a girls night, not an interview.” Said Elsa. Emma looked at her appreciatively and Elsa nodded at her.
  “I have a question for people. What is the one thing you would change on your man if you had the choice?” Asked Regina. It was clear she liked a gossip and to get to the root of people.
  They all refused and said nothing but she knew they were lying.
  “Fine. I’ll go first. I would change Robin’s love for watching any sport he can find on TV. I don't mind football or tennis, but he watches like weird foreign sports if he can't find anything else.” She admitted. The girls seemed to get into it.
  “Will’s ability to unlock the bathroom door. He always sneaks in. It's nice some of the time, but it's all the time. I never get a rest.” She laughed.
  “David always leaves his shoes where I don't see them and I trip all the time. He's got better now I’m pregnant again, but I’m more cautious too.” The women laughed. Emma was surprised. They had all been with their men for so long, she had only been with Killian for five weeks.
  “Liam always seems to be really competitive. I'd certainly tone that down.”
 “Emma?” Asked Regina.
 “I haven't known Killian long enough for me to notice anything like that. He whines a bit when he isn't well, but we all do.”
  “So, he doesn't have any annoying habits? Not even in bed.”
  “Regina. You can't just ask that. You don't even know if they've slept together yet.” Said Belle.
  “Of course they have. We've all seen Killian.” Said Mary Margaret.
  “Mary Margaret!” Stressed Elsa.
  “I’m sorry. It's all the hormones.”
  “It's fine. I know what that's like.” Laughed Emma. As did Elsa. “I tried chatting up a New York policeman when I was pregnant with Henry. He laughed and took it in his stride.”
  “I remember having a really big crush on the guy who mows next door’s lawn. He's like sixty with a moustache.” Laughed Mary Margaret.
  “I went off Liam completely. It was so odd. I couldn't bare to look at him. Both times. I mean I was thankful he was away with the Navy. He came on leave and started flirting and I nearly hit him.”
  “I’ve heard women do that.” Laughed Belle.
  “Any children for you in the future, you two?” Asked Elsa.
  “Me and Robin haven't discussed it yet. Though I’m perfectly fine with Roland.”
  “Will says he wants them, but I don't know how serious we are yet.”
  “What about you Emma? A brother or sister for Henry?” Asked Regina.
  “Definitely not yet. I hardly meant to have Henry, until I know what my plan is I can't even consider another child. Henry is the love of my life, I don't know if I want more.”
  They chatted more. They talked individually. They were getting a bit tipsy and Elsa had made Emma feel more at ease. They played a game of Never Have I Ever. The story of Emma and prison came out, but the girls were hardly fussed. Each agreeing that Neal was a total jerk, and Mary Margaret had to be convinced not to go and hunt him down. Emma started to feel the buzz of the alcohol and let loose a bit more. She shared a laugh with all the women and Gwen and Ruby turned up later in the night. Ruby became the life of the party and was really interested in Emma. They ended up exchanging numbers and then Emma decided she missed her two men. Three if Roger was included.
  She walked home to clear her head. She was feeling a bit giggly and silly, she walked into the apartment. Roger was lay next to the back door, it was cooler for him there. She stroked him and then went to the bedroom. Killian was tucked up in bed, snoring lightly. She took off her simple dress and climbed in next to him. His bare flesh against hers made her feel good, she put her arm around him and he moved and held her hand. Though it seemed subconscious. He was still sleeping, his features were stress free and she was happy. She had no worries. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. If ever. She was feeling cheeky but didn't want to disturb him.
  “I want a future with you, Killian. I want you in my life for good.” It was much easier to say stuff like that when he was asleep. It might have been the alcohol talking but she did want him. She kissed him goodnight and fell asleep.
   Killian rolled over. He was cold. He hadn't heard Emma come in, she was lay with her back to him with all the covers on her, he tried to take some for himself, but she was unnaturally strong. He couldn't even lie close because she had cocooned herself in them.
  “Emma. Wake up, beautiful.” He whispered softly. She stirred awake.
  “Ugh. What is it, Jones?”
  “I’m freezing. You have been a little madam and taken all the covers.” He was still whispering.
  “So, I think you should share.”
  “I don't wanna.”
  “Don't make me do something I will regret.” He chuckled.
  “Go ahead, you baby.”
  The next thing she knew she was being tossed over a shoulder, covers and all. He threw her gently on the couch and she unwrapped from the quilt. He put it over his shoulders and stomped back to the bedroom. She chased him and jumped on his back, which had them toppling over onto the bed.
 “Woah.” He chuckled. The covers were between them, but he let her in and they cocooned themselves together. It wasn't soon before he started tickling her ribs.
  “No. Stop. Stop. Killian, I love you. Please stop.” He did. He was tense and so was she. Their bodies were trapped together in the covers and neither of them knew what to do.
  “You… you love me?” he asked.
  “No. I mean, urm… sort of. Yes. Maybe?” She didn't know what to say. Neither did he.
  “You love me.” He said, more assured. “Like, you. Emma Swan. You love me?” His smile was getting wider and wider.
  “I didn't mean to say it. It slipped out.” She felt him relax on top of her. He was smiling and then kissed her.
  “I love you too.”
  She smiled. She had always been so afraid of saying it to him. She never imagined what it would sound like back. What it would sound like coming from him. It was pure and soft and full of promises. Nothing like Neal’s.
  “I love you.” She tried it again. The words sounded foreign apart from to Henry, but she liked it. She liked watching Killian's face light up and she said it. She loved that his deep blue eyes seemed to intensify when he was thinking the same.
  “I still love you too.” He kissed her. “I love everything about you. I love Henry too.”
   “He loves you too.” She smiled. Maybe she really didn't want to leave him. Not now she had said the words she had feared for so long.
   It was Sunday evening, Killian was making a roast dinner, whilst Emma was bathing Henry. He was humming happily in the kitchen, after all Emma Swan loved him. How could he not be happy? He stirred the gravy and checked on the mash.
  After Henry had eaten and been put to bed, they sat down and enjoyed their dinner together. The day had been quite busy, Emma was working for most of it and Henry was restless, so Killian had been entertaining him all day. His leg was improving and he managed a short walk with Roger around the streets.
  “Was that mine or yours?” Asked Killian. Their phones were side by side on the coffee table in the front room. They never brought their phones to dinner, that was a Jones family rule.
  “It could be that job.”
  “At this time?”
  He looked confused as well. It was quite later but they did say the end of the week.
  “I'm too curious.” He chuckled and went to retrieve his phone. It was his that had pinged.
   “Swan! I got it! I got the job!” He cheered. She got up and gave him a hug.
  “Killian, that's great! Well done.” She smiled. She kissed him and hugged him tight. “I knew you could do it.”
  “That means I start in a few weeks.” He smiled. He was excited to do a bit more with himself, but he was going to miss Emma and Henry when he was working. “I’ll miss you.”
  “You’ll be too busy to miss us.”
  “I love you.” He smirked and kissed her neck.
   “And I love you too. Come on, dinner’s going cold.”
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Flight : Chapter 8
  Chapter 8 and 9 out today! Arthur and Emma get their reunion, and we get some injured Killian, thanks to playing football (soccer).
  Loving all the comic con stuffs!! Hope everyone is just as excited as me!
Prologue : Chapter One : Chapter Two : Chapter Three : Chapter Four : Chapter Five : Chapter Six : Chapter Seven : Chapter Eight : Chapter Nine : Chapter Ten : Chapter Eleven : Epilogue
@thatwolfbookgirl, @followbatb, @kmomof4, @hollyethecurious
   Killian unlocked the door, he spotted Emma on the couch working away, and walked to the counter. He threw his keys on the top and placed a bag of stuff on it. He spotted the advert and read it. Emma's doing. She wanted him to get into teaching. Even he had to admit he could do more. He loved Henry and caring for him but they were managing perfectly and he did want a bit more job satisfaction.
“Emma. What's this?” He came behind her on the couch and put his arms around her showing her the ad. “What have you been up to?”
  “Come on, handsome. It's perfect. It will give you more of a purpose.” She leant back.
  “I know, but-”
  “It pays better.”
  “I know-”
   “And I know you get bored when he's asleep and I’m working.”
   “And I took the extra column.”
   “Em-” He was shocked. “You did?! Swan that's great. Good for you.” He placed sloppy kisses to her cheek.
  “Ew, stop it.” She giggled. “At least apply for the job. For me.”
  “Fine. I will.”
 A few days later, Killian arranged for Emma to meet Arthur.
  “Hey, beautiful. I need you to come somewhere with me?” He smiled, taking her hand. She was just watching TV with Henry on her knee.
  “It’s a surprise. Put Henry in his pram and we’ll go.” She was having a lazy morning and was still in pyjamas. He had been out already that morning for a jog with Roger. She had stayed in bed until he returned. “You in a lazy mood?” He snuggled her neck.
  “Yeah, do we have to go out?”
  “It’ll be worth it. I promise. Go and have a shower and change. I’ll look after Henry.”
  They were walking through the park, Killian pushing the pram, holding Emma's hand. They chatted about his application, but he hadn't heard anything yet. Then the surprise was unveiled.
  Arthur was sitting on a bench with his wife. Emma couldn't believe her eyes, neither could he.
  “Emma!” He got up and ran over to hug her. “It's really you!”
  “Oh my God! Arthur! What are you doing here?”
  “I moved back here a few years ago. Killian talked about you at the lads night and we wanted to surprise you.” They were holding each other's arms.
  “How are you?” She beamed. “I can't believe it.”
  They walked off together, discussing the events of their lives since they last met. Killian and Gwen took Henry to the park knowing they would be gone a while.
 “I have never seen Arthur so excited. They must have been close.” Smiled Gwen.
  “Aye, I think they were. Emma didn't really have many friends in New York. Arthur and August were the rare exception.”
  “She seems to have a type.” Laughed Gwen. “You all look similar.”
  “I don't think her and Arthur ever-”
  “I know. I didn't mean it like that. I meant she just seems to befriend that type.” She laughed.
  “I’m glad she's making friends. It might give her more reason to stay. Especially now August and Arthur are here.”
  It turned out August and Arthur had met previously and were also reunited, as August had gone for a walk himself.
  That day Emma was carefree. She seemed more open with Killian and flirty, she seemed to appreciate England more and more. He hoped she would stay, but he knew it was a long shot.
  The week went quite normally. Emma was now writing five columns, but she was still quite ahead of her work. Killian had applied for the teacher's job and was waiting for his interview day. Which he was nervous for. There was lots of talk about the local seven aside match which was a new local event. The team had to consist of at least two women, and a child under twelve. Robin had been selected to go in goal. Elsa and Emma were the women with Regina as a sub, James was the child, and Will, Arthur and Liam were the rest. Killian was a sub for them, but August claimed he was good at football. His injuries prevented him from getting Killian's spot. Jefferson and David were on a different team.
  They were all at the local five a side club which had a number of pitches. Killian was looking after Henry at the sidelines. The first match went well. Emma was playing great as was James. Robin was saving loads of goals and the atmosphere was full of laughter. They won the first of five matches 3-1. Their second match was just as successful with Emma scoring 2 goals, and the result being 4-0. They were against a team of lesser quality than themselves, and of less competitiveness.
  Their third match they played against Jefferson and David's team. They drew 2-2.
  At lunch they all sat on the grass eating sandwiches.
  “Dad, did you see Emma's goal? It was amazing!” Grinned James. “She’s better than all of you.”
  Emma was flattered. “Not as good as yours. Scoring against Jefferson.”
   Will was looking tired. He offered for Killian to take his place which he accepted. Regina was watching with Roland and Ellie and agreed to watch Henry.
  It was time for their next match. The other team was tiring, which they used to their advantage, especially with Killian's fresh legs.
  “Emma! Pass!” He shouted. She crossed it over to him and he scored.
  “Yes!” Cheered James. “Good one, uncle!
  “Not bad after all, am I?” He teased Liam.
  The match went on, and they won 4-1. Liam had scored, as had Elsa. Killian had scored his second.
  It was their last match and they were against a good team. They would have to work hard to win this one.
  “Right. Robin, save the goals. That big guy kicks them hard and I've seen him play dirty. James stay out of his way. I don't want a flat son, or for you to get injured before your big game.” He nodded.
 “Emma stay up front, Killian in the middle. Let's do this.” Said Liam. They ran onto the pitch. The whistle blew.
  It started well for them. Liam got in an early goal. Robin nearly lost his head from a shot, but it missed. Emma got a goal in and they were 2-0 up. The big guy on the other team was getting annoyed. An over competitive dad for sure, with an even worse son. His son hit James. The ref blew his whistle.
  “Hey! What do you think you're doing?” Shouted Liam to the boy. His dad squared up to Liam.
  “Leave my kid alone.”
  “Not when he punches my kid.” James was claiming he was fine and to get on with it. The ref sent the other boy off for poor sportsmanship.
  The game continued on and James scored a goal. The other team got one in against Robin.
  Killian was on the run for a goal, he slipped past the defenders until he felt an almighty force hit his calf and his ankle buckled under him. He went down in pain.
  “Killian!” Shouted Emma.
  The ref's whistle went again.
  “Get off!” He shouted. Killian had been kicked in the leg by the dad. “You’re an awful example to the kids.”
  Killian was screaming in pain. Emma ran over to him, he told her to stay away. He was holding his leg and shouting.
  “Don't touch me!”
  The medical crew came on. It wasn't a bone injury but a flesh wound. The dad's studs had taken a chunk of his flesh away.
  “He's sprained his ankle too.” Said one of the medics.
  “I’m fine. Stop touching me.” He cried.
  Everyone was crowded around him. Emma was next to him supporting his head.
  “Shhh. They're doing their job.” She told him. He was sweating in pain. “You’ll be fine. Stop being a baby.” she stroked his forehead.
  They took him into an ambulance and took him to A&E. He went for an X-ray. Nothing was broken. They wrapped up his leg and sent him home.
  The rest had stayed to carry on. Will was back playing. He'd told them to carry on, as they had a good chance of winning.
  They had. They had all received a medal and Emma took Killian's on his behalf. They won the gold and had a picture taken as a group, without Killian.
  Emma picked him up from the hospital, whilst Elsa and Liam babysat. He had to have crutches for a week though he insisted he was fine. His leg was bandaged up which was revealed by his shorts.
  “Hey, you.” Smiled Emma, kissing him. “We won.” She gave him a hug. “Anything serious?”
  “No, just these for a week. I can feel it now though.” He smiled weakly. He looked tired. “I have a pretty nasty wound which is probably going to scar they told me.”
  “Not the end of the world. Come on, let's get you home. Henry misses you.” She helped him into the car and kissed his head.
  Emma realised pretty quickly that injured Killian, was annoying Killian. He refused to let her do anything for him and kept limping about on his leg, without his crutches.
  “You’re supposed to use them for a reason.” She put his arm around her and took him to the couch. She sat him down and lifted his leg up. “Just rest.”
  She walked to the kitchen to make him a drink and he was back next to her. She sighed at him. He insisted on making his own drink and took the juice off her.
  “I’m not an invalid.” He moaned. “I can make myself a drink.” He was also grumpy with the pain.
  “Just let me look after you.” She took the juice back off him. “Go and sit down.”
  “Emma. I'm not a child.” He moaned.
  “I know. But you're injured.” She took hold of him again and walked him back to the couch. “Sit there.” She put his leg back up and sat him back. He pulled her onto his knee.
  “Why don't I show you just how well I am?” He whispered against her hair. His mood was all over the place. “Come on, Emma. For being so brave.”
  “No.” She tried to pull herself up but he had hold of her waist. “Let me go.”
  “But I really want you. If you want to do something for me, do this.” He smirked.
  “No, you need to rest.” She removed his hands and got up.
  “Emmmmma.” He whined. He pouted at her.
  “You’re worse than Henry. Sit down and shut up. What do you want for dinner?”
  “It’s my turn to cook tonight.”
  “This is an exception. What do you want?” She put her hands on her hips.
  His voice went low. “You look good I must say. All authoritative with a commanding voice. Chills.” He was being pathetic.
  “Killian. Stop being....”
  “Nothing.” She walked away from him and started dinner. Henry was asleep, exhausted with all the excitement.
  She was halfway through dinner when she felt Killian press himself into her and his arms hugged tight.
  “I’m sorry.” He kissed her collarbone. “I've been annoying. Forgive me.” She tried not to smile, but he was too adorable.
  “How can I? You're still walking around on your leg.” She didn't react to him.
  “I don't like being useless.”
  “You're not. You're just hurt. You need to recover. Go and sit on the couch, I’ll bring dinner over and then we’ll watch a film. Okay? If you want to do something feed Henry.” She felt him nod. She watched him move to the couch over the counter, feeling sorry for himself. He looked like a kicked puppy. Henry was sitting in his play pen near window and Roger was watching him. Killian picked Henry up who screamed, he was in the middle of throwing some blocks and wasn't happy to be disturbed. He refused to drink the bottle and kept crying.
  “Hey, come on. It's just milk.” Henry pushed it away. “What's up with you?” He bounced him up and down. He still kept crying.
  “I think he was enjoying playing.” Laughed Emma, walking over with the plates. “Maybe he isn't hungry yet.” She took him and put him back in his play pen where he calmed down and grabbed his block.
  “No one seems to want me.” He put his plate on a cushion and pushed around his peas.
  “Killian. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” She turned on the TV and they watched a film on BBC1. She had cleared away the plates and fed the dog and Henry. Killian was sulking on the couch, his leg causing him quite a lot of pain. Emma was bathing Henry and putting him to bed.
  “Killian, the water's still warm! I've topped it up for you. Don't get your leg wet!” He heard Emma call. Killian sighed and got up. He used his crutches to get to the bathroom, the bath was full of toys Henry had played with. He took them out and added some extra bubbles and got in with his leg dangling out. He sighed and rested his head back.
  “Room for one more?” He heard her ask. He opened an eye and nodded. She carefully climbed in avoiding to wet his leg. She leant back on him and smiled. “This is the life, hmm?” She tried to make little conversation. He was down in the dumps, Henry hadn't wanted him. Emma had been busy.
  “It’s not for long, babe.” She took his hand and squeezed it. He'd stayed quiet the rest of the time.
  They went to bed early. He had been quite quiet, clearly in a lot of pain. Emma spooned him until he fell asleep then rolled over to her side. She hoped his mood would improve slightly by the morning, but understood his frustration.
  When she woke he was fast asleep. It was 08:30, she heard Henry making noises down the monitor, he was awake and bored. Killian was facing away from her and tucked under the quilt, all she could see was his thick black hair just above the covers. She cuddled into him and kissed his shoulder. She was careful not to hit his leg, which she would also have to change the bandage on and clean. She dozed for ten minutes and heard Henry getting more impatient. She got him from the bedroom and fed him and the dog. She read Henry a book, and he was giggling. “Keeyee.”
  “You want Killian? I know, he's better at this than me.” She laughed. She walked to the bedroom, he was still fast asleep. She placed Henry by his side and he pulled himself up using Killian's shoulder. “Keeyee.” He giggled. He tapped him on the head. Killian stirred and smiled when he saw the little boy holding into him.
  “Hello, you.” He turned carefully and pulled the boy onto his chest. “Speaking to me today, are we?” He picked him up and blew a raspberry on his stomach. Henry's laughed filled the room. He did it again.
  “How's your leg?” Asked Emma, lying on top of the covers.
  “I need to sort it for you. Clean it up a bit. What about your ankle?” She was leant above him and playing with his hair.
  “Also achy.” Henry stood on his chest and supported himself on Killian's face. “He's liking standing now, isn't he?” He smiled. His eyes were full of love for him, and pride.
  “Yeah, I guess he is. Won't be soon before he's running about and talking.” She smiled.
  “I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I experience that.” It was a slight dig. She knew. But she wasn't getting into that.
  They heard Roger sit by the door.
  “He must want a walk, I’ll take him. You stay here with Henry.” She smiled, kissing them both. “I’ll take him for a short one and then maybe later we can give you some fresh air.”
  On her walk she bumped into David and Mary Margaret. They had only met once or twice, but Mary Margaret was extremely welcoming.
  “Hey, Emma. We have a girls night soon, would you like to come?”
  “If Killian's well enough, it would be nice.” She smiled.
  “Oh. I heard about his accident. Is he okay?”
  “A bit grumpy last night, but yeah he's getting better.”
  “Well, it's on Saturday. No kids allowed, apart from this one.” She smiled. She wasn't showing yet.
  “Sounds delightful. I’ll make sure Killian will babysit.”
   Emma returned, she let Roger outside who went and sat in his pool. The days were still quite warm but Autumn would soon arrive. She went to their room and found Henry and Killian asleep cuddled up together. She took a quick photo and smiled. It was a good time to do some work whilst neither of them were mithering.
  She got a lot of work done as they fell asleep for another two hours. That made her feel better about the new workload. Graham told her everyone was still loving the columns, especially her combination of stories about the different people now in her life. The one about her being reunited with Arthur had been released.
  “Emma!” He called. Her peaceful time was over. She went to the bedroom, he was sitting up with Henry. “Love, I’m afraid I can't carry him with my crutches.” She smiled and picked the baby up. She passed his crutches to him and they went to the kitchen table. It was eleven, he checked his phone for any emails about an interview. Nothing. It was a Sunday though. He started flicking through a newspaper.
  “Coffee and toast?” Offered Emma. He nodded and smiled. He noticed a red circle on a job advertisement. A job advertisement for writers. “Swan? What's this?” He asked.
  “I… I was just looking. You know, in case there was something I fancied. It's not a promise though. I still haven't decided if I want to permanently move here.” She sat opposite him with her own breakfast. “It just caught my eye.”
  “A columnist for the newspaper?”
  “It doesn't pay as well though and it's less hours. It's only two a week.”
  “There will be other jobs.” He was trying to hide his smile. It wasn't a definite that she was staying, but it was certainly a step in the right direction.
  “Don't look too happy. I’m just thinking about it.” She sipped her coffee, but she knew he was staring at her.
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