sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks Epilogue
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks Epilogue
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,097
Warnings: Sappy happiness
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @nobie
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The sunlight was streaming in through the open French doors of the room as a soft ocean breeze fluttered in causing the white gauze curtains to wave in the air. The sound of soft waves crashing onto the sandy shore pulled Jack from his deep satiated slumber. He blinks slowly as his brain starts to wake up and he can hear soft chatter coming from the balcony that’s right outside the French doors. Rolling out to the side of the bed he sits there in his underwear and lets out a large yawn while scratching his stubbled chin. Images of last night flash through his mind and he grins softly, yesterday was his wedding day. 
He remembers the pretty picture Bunny had made in her gorgeous floor length white wedding dress, she had been so worried that her boot would impede her but thankfully it hadn’t. And then Esme had been dressed up in the prettiest floral dress that her and Bunny had scoured the local shops for. The day had just been so filled with love and laughter between the three of them and their guests that Jack still felt dizzy and high from the event.
Standing from the bed he begins to walk to the french doors and can hear the soft chatter begin to grow louder. He spies Bunny and Esme sitting at a small circular table on the balcony in the sun with breakfast laid out on the table. Esme is excitedly retelling the events of last night to Bunny who’s grinning at the girl and resting a hand on her extended stomach. Jack grins fondly at the sight before him and feels his heart stutter in his chest as he watches Bunny rub her hand softly along her round stomach before shifting in her seat.
“Do you think we’ll be able to go down to the beach today? I wanna go in the ocean and swim!” Esme asked excitedly and Bunny chuckled softly before nodding her head.
“I think that’d be a great way to spend our day. And maybe tonight we can convince Dad to go out to the hotel restaurant.” Bunny said with a serene smile on her face.
“No convincing needed.” Jack said as he walked up behind Bunny and leaned to press a soft kiss to her temple. Bunny hummed softly while Esme cheered happily. Jack moved to sit in the open seat between Esme and Bunny while letting his left hand trail down Bunny’s shoulder to tangle with her own hand that was resting on her stomach. “How did you sleep last night? Did our little one let you sleep at all?” he asked fondly before sticking his tongue out at Esme who cackled and repeated the action to him.
“Oh which one are you talking about now? I’ve got two little ones now that you’ve sealed the deal.” Bunny teased and Esme beamed at her happily from her seat as she took a piece of bacon from the serving tray.
“I figured the older little one would sleep through the night but the little one you’re growing might’ve kept you up.” Jack responded as he chuckled while serving himself some of the food.
“Oh yeah, the little one growing kept me up a little but Es also got confused last night and didn’t remember we were on our honeymoon. So she was up for a little bit but I got her back down. I slept alright, and will probably take a nap on the beach when we go.” Bunny said truthfully as she smiled at Esme. Jack nods his head and turns to Esme who looks a little sheepish from waking up but Jack grabs her hand to reassure her.
“Trust me I woke up this morning and didn’t know where I was either.” Jack said fondly and Esme looked at him surprised. Jack and Bunny chuckled while Jack nodded his head at Esme’s surprised look.
“It happens kiddo. It’s not a bad thing, it just stinks that you woke up confused, that's all.” Bunny said reassuringly and Esme nodded her head. The three of them all continued to eat while spending time together talking about their favorite part of the wedding and what they wanted to do while on vacation together. 
Just then Bunny’s cell phone began to ring and Esme popped up from her spot as Bunny picked up her phone. Jack laughed as he saw Jeremy’s video call photo displayed on the screen just as Bunny answered the call.
“Good Morning Daniel’s family!” cheered Jeremy as Esme came and climbed into Jack’s lap as Bunny scooted her chair next to his so that they could all see Jeremy. Esme burst out into laughter as they saw Jeremy was holding Butter up to the phone so that they could all see him.
“Good Morning!” called out Bunny, Jack and Esme causing Butter to start barking happily as he recognized their voices.
“I hope the three of you have so much fun while you’re away. No need to worry about anything Butter is in good hands. I’ll make sure to make him super fat and happy with a lot of treats and steaks.” Jeremy said causing Esme to burst into giggles as Bunny rolled her eyes at him.
“Don’t you dare Jer. If I come home and Butter is fatter than he is I’m going to make you take him on mile long walks.” Bunny threatened, Jeremy and Butter looked at each other after her threat causing everyone to burst into laughter at their antics. Just then Butter began to wiggle and squirm in Jeremy’s arms before he kicked his feet and the phone went flying as Jeremy cried out before the call ended. Jack laughed loudly as Esme shrieked with delight and Bunny just shook her head before rolling her eyes.
“Alright you two. Why don’t we all get dressed in our swimsuits and we’ll head down to the beach for a bit.” Bunny suggested and Esme sprung from Jack’s lap before racing back into the hotel room. Jack smiled softly over at Bunny as he grabbed her hand gently with his. He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed soft kisses to her knuckles causing her to smile and blush at his antics.
“How did I ever get so lucky?” he asked bemusedly and Bunny chuckled at his words.
“The world will never know.” she teased him before getting up quickly from her chair and waddling into the bedroom with Jack hot on her heels jeering at her as she laughed loudly.
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theninjaofcake · 7 years
When I say I cry over this show- I legit was c r y i ng I never lie when i say I cry over this im crying right now dhdidhshd end me
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 27
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 27
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,803
Warnings: Fighting, violence, guns, death
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @pedroispunk
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Jack sits in the back of a nondescript van across the street from a two story building, on the outside it’s a Chinese restaurant on the bottom floor and the top floor is what’s supposed to be a large apartment home with multiple rooms. What it really is, is the headquarters for Kingpin’s operations. Statesman had always had its location and just didn’t have enough backing to be able to infiltrate it and take out Kingpin, but now since he’s kidnapped Esme and Bunny they’ve been given the green light to do what they do best.
Jack feels antsy as he waits with Tequila to hear the final headcount of who’s downstairs and who’s upstairs. The tech surveillance crew had deployed drones with specialized infrared cameras that were able to identify the heat signatures of everyone in the building. Jack was hoping to find out where Esme and Bunny were being held and making sure that they were okay before he moved in on the building.
“Alright looks like there’s at least seven cooks in the kitchen, six waiters, three busboys, one hostess at the front and four tables of couples dining on the first floor with one table full of five larger men, most likely guards. Upstairs we’ve got Kingpin in the main room with ten goons. There’s a smaller room at the back of the building that has one guard and our two hostages. They’ve got normal heat signatures so they should be okay, probably bruised up but nothing seriously wrong with them.” informed the surveillance leader and Jack silently seethed with rage at the injustice that was probably delivered to Esme and Bunny. “Easiest entrance looks like the back door into the kitchen, there’s no guards there. You’ll have the element of surprise on the guards in the restaurant area before being able to move up the stairs at the back of the restaurant to the second floor. We just have to either get all of the customers out somehow or wait until the restaurant closes.”
Jack frowned as he listened to the words of the surveillance leader. He didn’t want to wait until the restaurant closed; he was worried about what the guard was doing to Esme and Bunny. He didn’t know what shape they were in or if the guard had harmed them at all or if Kingpin was planning on harming them either. But he knew that it was the safest option right now for the customers of the restaurant, plus the damage he was needing to do to these men would traumatize anyone if they saw it happening. Jack could feel his rage simmering low in his stomach as he watched the computer screens show all the heat signatures in the restaurant.
“Is there a way to assess any injuries to the two hostages?” Jack asked darkly and Tequila looked at him surprised. Jack knew he was holding in his normal type of reaction but he figured it warranted for this type of situation since it was his daughter who was being held hostage. Tequila’s eyes took him in for a quiet moment before nodding his head slightly and turned back to the surveillance leader.
“We can try to deploy nano drones but that’s a call from up top, we can’t just deploy them.” said the surveillance leader as he looked over at Jack sympathetically. Jack nodded his head before pulling his cell phone out and pressing the number 1 on the screen. He lifted the phone to his ear and heard the line connect almost immediately.
“What do you need?” Champ asked gravely.
“Approval to send out nano drones to get on the injuries of the hostages.” Jack informed him darkly and there was no hesitation in Champ’s answer.
“Put the leader on the line.” he answered and Jack held his cellphone out to the leader who looked wide eyed at him.
“Yes sir.” The leader greeted Champ after taking the phone and raising it to his ear. There were only a few moments where the leader was quiet while he listened to Champ’s instructions. “Yes sir, I understand.” the leader responded while nodding his head and handed the phone back to Jack. Jack took the phone and watched as the leader turned to the surveillance member next to him. “Deploy the nano drone to the second floor where the two heat signatures are in the back of the building.” he instructed the member who nodded quickly and began typing on the keyboard in front of him.
“Thanks Champ.” Jack said with relief as he watched a new video recording screen pop up on the computer with live feed as the drone flew up to the second floor. They were all quiet while they watched the screen and Jack could hear Champ on the phone opening up his own laptop to watch the footage as well.
The drone flew through the air towards the back of the building where it rounded the corner and then climbed higher up into the air where it was able to slip into the building through an open window. The drone was in the stairwell of the building and it quietly moved through the area into a long hallway that had at least four doorways, two on each side. Suddenly one door opened up at the end of the hallway on the left and they all heard a toilet flushing while watching one of the large men from the abduction walk out of the bathroom. The man didn’t see the drone as he passed by it in the hallway and Jack was amazed at how small this drone must be to be missed when it was slow close to the man.
The drone turned so that it could see where the man went and they all watched him enter the first door on the left. When the door opened they could all hear the voice of the Kingpin and his lackeys talking while music played in the background. Jack feels rage seize his body and he stiffens in his stature while Tequila places a hand on his shoulder gently. Jack relaxes slowly before nodding his head to Tequila signaling that he was okay now.
They all watched as the drone turned to the doorway that the man had walked into just as he was closing it and they could see that it was a large gaming room setup with expensive looking card tables. At least five of Kingpin’s goons were at one of the card tables while the others were spaced around the room. They didn’t get a clear view of Kingpin in the room but Jack assumed that he would be sitting at the end of the room either at a large desk or table if it was in the room. But the door shut and they were cut off from their view.
The drone then turned to the first door on the right and lowered down to the floor before slipping under the door and into the room. Jack was amazed as he watched the room come into view as the drone climbed up into the air, his breath left him when his eyes focused on Esme and Bunny tied up to two chairs with their backs to each other. Bunny had her head steadily watching the guard who was slowly pacing the room with a menacing scowl on his face. The drone moved to the nearest corner of the room and Jack was able to see a clear shot of Esme’s face as she looked around the room curiously. Tequila snorted softly from his spot next to Jack and Jack smiled softly as he shook his head at his little girl.
“Leave it to Es to be uncaring that she’s abducted.” Tequila joked softly and Jack chuckled softly before shaking his head. They all watched in amazement as Esme began to kick her legs slightly with as much room as her binds gave her.
“Stay here.” said the guard gruffly before he walked to the door and stepped out of the room while closing the door behind him.
“Like we can go anyway asshole?!” snapped Bunny angrily as she whipped her head towards his retreating form. Tequila burst out in laughter before shaking his head at Bunny’s words.
“Those two are perfect together. Can’t believe you almost fucked that up.” Tequila said softly to Jack and Jack nodded his head quickly in agreement while his eyes stayed glued to the screen. The drone began to move around the room slowly after Jack had detected no marks on Esme. 
“Sorry Es, don’ mean ‘o cuss in fron’ of you.” Bunny said, sounding like she had slurred speech. Jack frowned before he gasped loudly when the drone got a clear view of Bunny. Her face was swollen on her left side, her left eye looked like it might be blackened and her bottom lip was split open too. Jack’s heart breaks as he sees all of her injuries and knows that she was protecting Esme. 
“It’s okay Bunny. Hey did you know that there are sea bunnies in the ocean?” Esme asked. Jack nearly snorted as he watched Bunny flinch backwards and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Shea bunnies?” she asked confused and Esme nodded her head before realizing her mistake.
“Yeah they’re actually sea slugs and their official name is Jorunna parva. They’re itty bitty little things and they look like underwater fluffy bunnies. They’re so cute!” Esme begins to tell her and Jack can see the confusion on Bunny’s face while Tequila laughs quietly next to him.
“You’re ‘rying ‘o dis’rac me aren’ you?” Bunny asked suddenly and soft chuckles rang through the van as Bunny figured out what Esme was trying to do.
“Well yeah. They beat you up pretty good and these chairs aren’t comfy.” Esme said without any candor. Jack gritted his teeth at the confirmation that the goons had beaten up Bunny and he vowed to cause them more pain than they caused her. “You think my Dad’s coming to save us?” Esme asked suddenly and Jack watched as Bunny shifted in her chair listlessly.
“I don’ know. Probably.” Bunny said, sounding almost defeated as she looked around the room once again.
“I think he is. And then when he rescues us he can tell you that he loves you finally!” Esme said excitedly and Bunny chuckled softly at her excitement. Just then the man from earlier that was guarding them came back into the room and the drone flew up to the ceiling before making its way back around the room to the door and slipping back out. 
Jack looked at the large digital clock hung up in the van and saw that they had fifteen minutes until the restaurant closed. He began to gather all his equipment and weapons that he liked to have on him while on mission. Tequila began to get ready as well making sure all of his tech was working and in the right places for him. It only took them minutes to get ready before they were exiting the van and walking along the sidewalk to the restaurant. They cut into the alleyway and headed to the back of the building, peering around the corner. 
“How do you want to do this?” Tequila asked softly from his spot next to Jack along the brick wall of the building. 
“You know we’re never subtle so why bother trying to be subtle now.” Jack said quietly and Tequila chuckled softly before nodding his head. Jack peered around the corner and spotted the back door and saw that it was propped open. Shaking his head at their mistake he signaled to Tequila to follow him.
The restaurant was dimly lit as they both entered the building as they pulled out their firearms of choice, they passed the staircase on their way into the restaurant and could see through the open doorway that one of the five men that worked for Kingpin was ushering everyone out of the restaurant. Jack waited in the shadows watching as the man locked the front door and then turned back to the table where the rest of them were.
“Whiskey, Tequila; you have full authority for kill shots.” Champ’s voice came over the communication devices that both Jack and Tequila had in their ears.
“Copy that.” Jack said softly back to Champ and held his hand up in a fist at the side of his head and Tequila held steady right behind him. Jack then moved into the room swiftly raising his revolvers and began firing off shots. With the element of surprise they made quick work of the room and all their bullets landed on their aim. Within minutes of entering the room all five men who had sat at the table were now on the floor lifeless. 
“Room cleared.” Tequila said loud enough for the communication device he had in his ear to pick up. “We’ll need a clean up crew.” Tequila informed them before turning to Jack who was already walking towards the stairs, he was eager to get this all over with and get his girls back.
The second floor was eerily quiet as they both made their way up the stairs, Jack was in the front with his revolvers raised and Tequila was at the back holding his shotgun pointed at the floor. Jack’s eyes were trained on the long hallway as he came to the top of the stairs, he knew that on one side was Kingpin while on the other side was Esme and Bunny. Each side had someone waiting for Jack to arrive, one side good the other bad. Jack had a decision to make on where to go first and he always knew where he’d go first. He’d always choose to eliminate the bad before relishing in the good in his life, it had always been like that and he wouldn’t change now.
So Jack began walking towards the left side of the hallway and placed his hand on the doorknob. Taking in a deep breath Jack steadied himself as he felt Tequila move close to his back. Then Jack opened the door slowly and nearly lost his breath when his eyes spotted Bunny standing on one side of Kingpin and Esme standing on the other side of him.
Rage immediately filled Jack and he ground his teeth together trying to curb the litany of curse words that wanted to fall out of his mouth. His eyes quickly swept around the room and his rage grew as he spotted Tim McCall standing not too far from Bunny with an arrogant smirk on his face. Jack glared at the man as he stepped closer to Bunny who flinched away from him while keeping her eyes darting between Jack and Esme. From his spot in the middle of the room Jack could feel all eyes were on him and Tequila as they mentally prepared for a fight.
“Good to see you again, Whiskey.” Kingpin said as he raised his head to regard him with disdain filling his eyes.
“Can’t say the same for you Kingpin.” Jack responded through gritted teeth as his eyes darted over to Esme who was watching him steadily with a determined look on her face. Jack was worried that she’d do something that could jeopardize her safety, he knew without a doubt that she was too brave for her own good. Jack shook his head slightly at Esme who widened her eyes in response before she stood still in her spot on Kingpin’s left side.
“Aw, what’s the matter, didn't you miss me? I certainly missed you. Kept thinking about every way I’m going to crush you like a bug under my shoe.” Kingpin said with a wicked grin on his face as he slowly danced his fingers along the large wooden desk he sat behind. Jack watched as his large meaty fingers danced over to Esme’s side and felt his body begin to prepare to pounce, but before he could even move Bunny lunged forward across the desk grabbing onto his hand.
Jack watched as Kingpin grabbed onto the back of Bunny’s neck and slammed her into the desk face first. Esme cried out in surprise and moved away from the desk as Bunny groaned in pain but stayed upright when Kingpin let her go. Jack felt a sense of predatory calm come over him as he watched everyone in the room around him shift to attention, Tequila just watched quietly as his hand slowly shifted down the barrel of his shotgun. Bunny staggered on her feet and Kingpin flicked his hand in a dismissive gesture, Tim moved to grab hold of Bunny and began to drag her back with him as he had a salacious grin on his face. Jack knew they were now in for a fight and he was prepared for the first move.
Suddenly one of the men to the left side of Jack moved and Jack sprung into action whirling on his heel while aiming his revolver at the man’s face and pulling the trigger. Chaos encompassed the room as the men all descended on Jack and Tequila, the two men moving with a grace of able bodied predators striking down their prey easily. Tequila fired his shotgun at each man who approached him and even used the butt of the shotgun to incapacitate a few of them before going in for the kill shot. The fight was stacked higher on Jack and Tequila’s side as they moved so fluidly with their firearms as if they were an extension of themselves. All their shots found their homes and soon the room was emptied of the goons except for Tim and Kingpin.
Kingpin had grabbed Esme and dragged her in front of himself and Jack was seething as he glared at the cowardly man. Tequila slowly stalked around the room to the closer side of Esme who watched them both with wide worried eyes. Bunny was still struggling valiantly against Tim trying to get to Esme to help her.
“It’s alright Es. Look at me.” Jack said calmly in the deathly quiet room. Esme’s eyes focused on him and he nodded his head in praise. “Everything’s going to be okay. Nothing to worry about.” Jack said calmly and Esme nodded her head at his words.
“You think too highly of yourself and your skill.” Kingpin said with a scoff as he repositioned his hold on Esme. “Not to mention I’ve got two of your loved-” Kingpin began to explain when suddenly Jack moved and shot him in the forehead as Esme broke away from him running towards Tequila who easily caught her. Jack exhaled a breath as relief flooded his body as he watched Kingpin’s slump forward onto the desk. He turned his head to Esme and saw that she was glaring angrily at the opposite corner as Tequila held her securely in his arms. 
Jack then turned and saw Tim positioning Bunny in front of him while holding a knife against her neck. Bunny’s face was littered with dark marks and half of it was still swollen from the last hit they laid on her. She had blood trickling down from her nose and both her top and bottom lips were split, there was a wild look in her wide eyes as she tried to stay as still as possible with the knife pressed to her neck.
“Stay back or I’ll slit her throat!” shouted Tim as he watched Jack while keeping Bunny in front of him.
“You’re not gonna do anything of the sort.” Jack said calmly as he gestured his hands out in a faux peaceful move. Tim was still wary of him as he kept Bunny in her place in front of him while trying to side step towards the door. Jack stared into Bunny’s worried eyes and watched as her eyes focused and grew determined as you understood his meaning.
“Who are you to stop me?!” shouted Tim angrily as he grabbed a hold of Bunny’s hair and began to push the knife harder against her neck. Jack reacted instantly as he swung his hand holding his revolver in a large arc and fired one bullet, meanwhile Bunny went limp and fell to the floor as Tim let go of her in surprise. With her movement the bullet penetrated Tim’s shoulder and knocked him backwards with the force, Jack didn’t let him have any time to react as he lunged at the man and began to pummel him with his fists.
Jack was in a completely different world as rage exploded from his body through his fists as each collided with Tim’s body. All the pent up frustration and aggravation that Tim and Cynthia had caused him and Bunny these past few months came out of him with each strike he landed on Tim. Every instance that Bunny told him about Tim putting his hands on her while they were married was all the driving force of Jack’s punches.
“Whiskey! Whiskey stop! He’s dead! He’s dead!” Shouted Tequila as he tried to pull Jack off the unmoving man. Nothing penetrated Jack’s mind as he continued to lay blow after blow on the man. It was only when Bunny’s smaller hand came up to cup his cheek that Jack was jolted back from his rage. He flinched at her touch and swiftly turned his head to her, his wild eyes darting around her bruised and marred face until he understood where he was.
“It’s done Jack. We’re okay.” she said softly to him and Jack instantly wrapped her up in his arms as gently as he could while burying his face in her neck.
“I’m so sorry.” he pleaded with her before throwing one of his arms open as Esme ran into his side. “I’m so sorry you two. I wasn’t able to protect you.” Jack sobbed as Bunny and Esme wrapped their arms around him and hugged him tightly.
“We’re okay, Jack.” Bunny said softly to him as she held him and rested her head on top of his while Esme cuddled in between the two of them. Tequila sighs softly as he stands to the side letting the three of them have their moment together. 
“Status of mission.” came the voice of Champagne over the communications devices and Tequila turned away from the reunited trio before answering.
“Success. The girls are okay, just a little roughed up.” Tequila responds before turning back to see Jack still being engulfed by Esme and Bunny.
“Good now let’s get y’all back to HQ asap.” Champ responded happily and Tequila heard his device go quiet as he watched Esme smile widely while Jack and Bunny hugged her tightly.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 26
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 26
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,208
Warnings: Fighting, Cynthia
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @uuuhshiny
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Jack begins to run as he hears Bunny’s terrified scream. He can see her and Esme being manhandled into a large black dark tinted SUV. Absolute fear is coursing through him as he tries to reach the two of them before the door of the SUV is slammed shut. Jack can hear footsteps behind him running as well but he doesn’t have time to worry about them as he sees Bunny try to fight her way out of the hold of the large thug who had her. A chill races down his spine as he watches the man pull out a large syringe and jab it into her neck as her body falls limp into his arms. He hurriedly shoves her into the back of the SUV and Jack can hear Esme screaming just as the door closes behind the man.
Jack is only seconds late to the SUV as it speeds off from the back parking lot. He stares fixedly at the license plate, he then pulls his phone out and types out the license plate so that he can relay it to Ginger as soon as he can get a moment. He hears the heavy footsteps again and turns to see Jeremy rushing up to him with wide eyes as he turns his head quickly to the disappearing SUV.
“Who the fuck was that? And why are they after Esme and Bunny?” Jeremy asks panting only slightly as he begins to pace in front of Jack.
“I don’t know but they’ve kidnapped both of them.” Jack says just as the Sergeant, who came with the deputies to arrest Tim, rushes up to them. 
“Did you get the plate?” asks the Sergeant and Jack shakes his head with a frown on his face.
“All I could think about was my little girl and girlfriend in that SUV.” Jack said, shaking his head. The Sergeant nods his head as he begins to key up on his radio giving the description of the SUV so that other deputies can be on the lookout for it. Jack can feel Jeremy staring at him, he knows that Jeremy doubts what he’s saying to the Sergeant but he hopes that Jeremy stays quiet so as not to tip off the Sergeant.
“Son, do you have any enemies that would want to kidnap your daughter and girlfriend?” Asked the Sergeant and Jack shook his head and saw as Jeremy turned to watch him with a slight furrow to his brow. With everything that had gone on with Bunny, Jeremy probably knows all of it and has some theories himself but Jack’s hoping that he’ll be able to brush the police to the side and just make a call into Headquarters. “We’ll need you to come down to the station, the two of you to take statements.”
“Of course.” Jack said. Jeremy nodded his head in agreement before looking to Jack for guidance. Just as Jack was going to speak up again a loud shriek was heard and Jack saw Cynthia storming over to him with an angry look on her face.
“Oh boy, here we go.” Jeremy said derisively and Jack nearly snorted at his words while Cynthia still came barging up to them.
“How dare you!” she shouted and Jack looked at her uninterestedly as she came to a final stop in from him stomping her feet. Jack notices the deputies struggling with Tim back at their cruisers and the Sergeant begins to rush over to them to help. “I’m glad your daughter and Bunny got kidnapped! They deserve it! After all the issues they caused me! They deserve to be kidnapped! I hope they never come back and then you’ll finally have to come crawling to me to console you!” Cynthia shouted and ranted in front of Jack.
Jack stared at Cynthia coldly as his brain shut down after listening to her words. He couldn’t believe that she was still stuck on having a relationship with him while he was going through a crisis of his daughter being kidnapped! Jack could see the others from inside the clubhouse all coming out to see what all the screaming was about. They were all lining up along the sidewalk, most staring at Tim struggling with the deputies but there were quite a few watching Cynthia and Jack.
Cynthia moved to grab ahold of his arm and Jack flinched back so visibly that the people on the sidewalk all gasped. Cynthia stared at Jack with bewildered eyes before her lips twisted into an ugly pout and she began screaming again.
“Just let this happen Jack! We are meant to be together! Why don’t you understand that?!” She shouted angrily at him as tears coursed down her face. “You are supposed to be with me, not Bunny!” Jack nearly howled with laughter as he watched Cynthia begin to stomp her feet like a toddler not getting their way. She looked like she had lost her mind with her hair all messed up and sticking up everywhere, her makeup running down her face from all her crying, and her eyes were wide and he could see the whites of them as she screamed in his face. Jack stepped back further and Cynthia shrieked yet again. “You are supposed to be mine!” she screamed loudly.
“I would never be with someone like you, who disrespects her marriage and her husband by cheating. You are a cruel, manipulative, disgusting woman and I wouldn’t give you the time of day if you hadn’t been in the position on the HOA you had been.” Jack said calmly to her and Cynthia seethed as she glared at him. She suddenly screamed loudly and lunged at him but was stopped by the deputies who had come over to guide her back to their police vehicles. Cynthia was a screaming mess as the deputies forcibly dragged her back towards their patrol cars and all the rest of the community watched in shocked silence as she was dragged by the deputies. She was almost too loud for Jack to here anything else.
Just then there was a lot of shouting from behind them and Jack focused his eyes on the deputies back by the patrol cars and Tim to watch as Tim broke free from them and began running in the opposite direction of them all.
“You’ll never find her asshole! Kingpin’s gonna take real good care of her!” shouted Tim over his shoulder as he ran as quickly as he possibly could away from the chasing deputies. 
Jack’s world came instantly crashing down around him. Kingpin had Esme and Bunny. All of Jack’s nightmares were coming true and he was steps behind the mob boss. Whipping out his phone Jack dialed into headquarters and demanded to be connected to Champagne.
“Whiskey what’s going on? Normally when you’re supposed to be laying low you don’t call into headquarters.” Champagne greeted him jovially.
“Kingpin has Esme and Bunny.” Jack said in a rush and silence met him in response.
“How long ago were they taking and which way was the car going?” Champagne asked seriously and Jack instantly felt relief flood him as he knew Kingsman would help him get back both of his girls.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 25
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 25
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,547
Warnings: Kidnapping, Needles, Violence
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @everstarry
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Tonight was the night of the election community meeting, there was a certain buzz in the air as everyone began to gather at the clubhouse, almost an electrifying feeling in the air. Jack walked into the clubhouse with Esme on his arm, he was nervous and excited all at the same time. He knew Bunny was going to get voted onto the HOA board and that she would be perfect for the spot. He had no worries about that, his main worry was being able to talk to Bunny tonight. He had a lot to apologize for and talk out with her and he was eager to do so.
The main room of the clubhouse is alive with everyone’s chatter as they all begin to take their seats. Jack waves at Henry and Sarah before he walks over to them letting Esme take a seat next to Sarah as he takes his own seat next to her. Jack leaned over Esme in his seat to look at Henry.
”Is Bunny here? I didn’t see her when we walked in.” Jack asked curiously as his eyes continued to dart around the room. Jack still hadn’t been able to speak with Bunny after everything that had happened and he was growing more and more anxious to have a talk with her. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was for being an asshole to her the day her ex-husband showed up. He wanted to beg for her forgiveness and hope that she would forgive him. He knew that he had messed up in such a huge way that he had convinced himself that their relationship was completely destroyed. He didn’t think he had any chance of going back to the way things were. If he was Bunny he wouldn’t want to go back to the way things were. 
But there was still that sliver of hope that maybe if all the stars lined up just right, maybe she’d give it another chance with him. Jack even dared to hope that maybe things could be better once he confessed everything to her. The time Jack had spent away from Bunny had convinced him that he needed to tell Bunny everything about his life. Statesmen, Maria, even Kingpin who was always looking for a way to take him out. Jack had realized that keeping things from Bunny wasn’t the right way to have a relationship with her and he needed to rectify that.
”She’s coming with a guest to help state her case for the spot on the board.” Sarah said with a knowing smirk on her face. Jack furrowed his brows at her words wondering what she meant when he heard a commotion at the front of the room. Turning his head he saw Cynthia taking her seat at the front table with the rest of the board members. 
Cynthia was dressed in an expensive looking tight white dress that ended at mid thigh, her hair was laying in a straight curtain down her back and her makeup was very prominent and stood out against her pale skin. It looked as if she was dressed in celebration already which made Jack’s top lip curl up in distaste.
“You’re going to try and clear up your misunderstanding with Bunny right?” Sarah asked softly and Jack turned to look at his friend and neighbor. She was watching him quietly with a concerned look on her face. Jack knew that Sarah and Bunny had been talking to each other about what was going on. Henry had warned him that Sarah was pissed and she wanted Jack to fix things with Bunny.
”Yes, I’m hoping she’ll be up to talking to me tonight.” Jack said while nodding his head. Sarah watched him for a few quiet moments before nodding her head.
”Alright, everyone let’s all settle down!” Called out one of the board members from their seat. “We should start getting this under way.” Suddenly everyone sitting in the audience began calling out that Bunny wasn’t there yet and that they needed to wait. The crowd was starting to get loud and Jack could see the board member starting to grow worried and anxious. Just then Cynthia stands from her chair and smiles sweetly at the audience while slowly moving her hands in an outward motion. He knew immediately that whatever she was going to say he wasn’t going to like it.
“We all knew this was coming right? I mean Bunny puts on a good front of being neighborly but honestly we all know she’s not.” Cynthia said in a sugary sweet tone that made Jack grit his teeth angrily. “Just remember how she acted at the last get together in the park when a new guest was brought around. She acted cold and distant to my guest and then had a meltdown all because I brought him.” Cynthia said as she gestured a hand to the crowd. Jack turned his head and felt his jaw hit the floor. Tim McCall was sitting in the front row of the audience on Cynthia’s side closest to the clubhouse doors.
“What the hell is he doing here?!” Sarah snapped quietly as she glared at both Tim and Cynthia.
“I don’t know but I’m gonna make sure he goes to jail.” Jack said darkly as he watched Tim like a hawk.
“Already on it boss man.” came Jeremy’s voice from behind them and Jack turned to see Jeremy already on his cellphone. Jeremy nodded his head at Jack and Jack nodded back before turning back to watch Tim as he sat back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest and an evil smirk. Jack felt a sick sense of pleasure knowing that the man put himself right into jail all because of his ego and self entitlement to Bunny.
“I mean do we really want someone on the board who can’t control herself around guests?” Cynthia asked in her sugary sweet voice as she looked around the room at the audience expecting an answer.
Just then the doors to the room opened and Bunny walked in with a sharply dressed man on her heels. Jack watches as Bunny looks at everyone owlishly for a minute before smiling brightly while baring her teeth.
“Sorry for running a little late, apparently I was told that the meeting was at six thirty instead of six.” Bunny said in greeting. The board members all murmured to each other and Jack could see Dianne sinking in her chair as Bunny passed her without a glance at her. Cynthia crosses her arms over her chest as she glares at Bunny from where she stands. “Good thing I always come a little early to meetings.” She says as she begins to guide the man with her to a front row seat in the middle of the row. Tim moves to stand from his chair but Bunny doesn’t even acknowledge him as she steps around him as if he was furniture. Jack smirks proudly as he watches Tim stare at Bunny in angered shock.
Bunny moves with the man she brought and lets him sit down before she turns to the board members and addresses them. “Good evening everyone. I hope you’re all doing well tonight.” She begins and Jack settles back in his chair knowing that Bunny is more than capable of standing up for herself. He knows she’s prepared in the short amount of time that she had and that she’ll be victorious is this battle with Cynthia. “Tonight I’ve brought a guest with me to help state my case to the board. This is Mr. Simon Escalante, he’s a real estate appraiser and has worked with many couples in this community as well as the original builders of this community.” Bunny explains as she gestures towards the man who holds a hand up in greeting and nods his head.
“I don’t think this is really needed-” Cynthia begins to say as she slowly sits in her chair with a distasteful look on her face.
“But aren’t you curious how much our homes have increased in value since the very beginning?” Bunny asks as she turns towards Cynthia. “Mr. Escalante has drafted and prepared documentation breaking down all the increases in value to not only our homes but also the community as a whole.” Bunny says to the board of members who are all nodding their heads with interest. “I’ve made copies so that each of you can have a copy and I’ve also posted it on the community’s website for easy access to anyone.”
“Well you’ve certainly done your homework.” Cynthia snipped out as she huffed and pouted in her chair.
“Yes well when I heard that you were leading the initiative to get rid of the playground I knew that it was a mistake.” Bunny said confidently and Cynthia blanched at Bunny’s words. “It’s stated well in Mr. Escalante’s report that the playground in our community actually raises the value of our properties and the community. Not only does it give the children a place close by to play but they also help the children develop crucial physical, social, emotional and imaginative skills necessary to gain self-confidence, improve coordination, and advance critical thinking capabilities. It also makes our properties more attractive when we do decide to move and sell them.” Bunny presented her case and Jack felt pride surge up inside of him as he listened to her.
“You have definitely given the board something very well thought out and presented in an easy to read manner. Our decision will not be made for at least two weeks while we go over this information and consult the board’s lawyers.” said the main board leader as the others nodded their heads along with his words. Bunny sighed softly and her shoulders slumped tiredly. “But tonight we will be putting to a vote for the seat on the board of members.”
“This is ridiculous! I can’t believe you’re actually considering keeping the playground! It is an absolute eyesore and it’s always so busy with kids playing on it!” Cynthia shouted angrily as she leaned forward and slapped a hand on the table.
“That’s the point of a playground!” shouted someone from the crowd and chuckles rang through the air causing Cynthia to snap her mouth shut and glare at the crowd before her with only slightly restrained anger.
“You’re all a bunch of sheep who can’t think for themselves! Absolutely ridiculous! And you!” Cynthia bursts out in anger as she points an accusing finger to the leader of the board. “You’re the worst of them all! All you do is go along with the crowd. You don’t stand up for yourself at all! You’re nothing but an empty-headed figurehead!” Cynthia began ranting loudly and angrily as she seemed to lose herself in her rage. The man stared at Cynthia with a rapidly reddening face as he gritted his teeth at her display of ire.
“That’s enough Cynthia! I motion to remove Cynthia from the board of Home Owner’s Association immediately and fill her seat with Zoe.'' The man boomed loudly and the crowd all held their breath as Cynthia immediately stopped shouting. “All those in favor say aye.”
“Aye!” came the response from the seven other members on the board. The crowd erupted with delight as they all cheered and hollered happily. Jack beamed as Bunny spun on her heels and her eyes sought him out. He whistled loudly for her as he cupped his hands around his mouth. Her eyes instantly found him and she shone from within as her smile broke out on her face. Some of those sitting in the front row clapped Bunny on the shoulder and back as she beamed happily before turning back to the board.
Cynthia screeched loudly in rage and Jack could see her eyes had turned wild as she turned to the leader of the board and angrily seethed as her fists clenched at her sides. The leader of the board stared at Cynthia quietly challenging her to act outwardly towards him. Cynthia growled and screeched again before flinging her chair back from the table. She then marched around the table to get in Bunny’s face and Jack moved quickly as a protective urge consumed him. He reached Bunny just as Cynthia cocked her hand back and slapped Bunny on the cheek.
Quiet fell over the room and everyone stared at Cynthia who was still visibly seething as she stood in front of Bunny with her hand still raised. Jack moved to comfort Bunny and see if she was okay before someone else spoke up.
“Harris County Sheriff’s Office! Timothy McCall, you’re under arrest for violating a restraining order.” came another booming voice and Jack whipped around to see three sheriff deputies standing around a shell shocked Tim McCall who was slowly rising from his chair. Jack shifted closer to Bunny protectively as everyone watched the chaos ensue around them.
“Run Tim!” shouted Cynthia loudly as she screamed loudly. Bunny jolted in surprise at Cynthia’s reaction as Tim turned and took off running away from the deputies. Jack laughed loudly as two deputies took chase and the other sighed loudly before reaching for his radio on his shoulder and asked for more backup. The remaining deputy then walked over to Cynthia and began to turn her so that he was able to secure her wrists in handcuffs. “Why are you arresting me!? What have I done?!” she began shouting loudly.
“Ma’am you're not under arrest. You are being detained as a person of interest in helping Mr. McCall violate his restraining order.” informed the deputy and Jack couldn’t help but shake his head as Cynthia began screeching once more as she was led out of the clubhouse.
“Dianne! Call my husband! Tell him I need our lawyer ASAP!” Cynthia screeched loudly as she was led past where Dianne was sitting in the crowd. Jack began to turn back to Bunny but another deputy came walking in and asked to speak with him.
“Ma’am we will get your statement soon after we get this restraining order situation settled. Please wait here and a deputy will be with you shortly.” He said to Bunny who nodded her head as Jack cupped her elbow. “There’s a Jeremy Brock outside with my deputies who says that you would also make a great witness statement for the violation.” Jack nodded his head before turning back to Bunny.
“I’ll be right back okay?” he said and she nodded while smiling happily up at him. Jack then turned and began to follow the deputy out of the clubhouse.
“BUNNY!” shouted Esme as she rushed over to Bunny who eagerly scooped the little girl into a tight hug.
“Hi there kiddo.” Bunny greeted her kindly and Esme beamed at her.
“You did it! You beat Cynthia!” Esme said happily before furrowing her eyebrows at Bunny. “Is your cheek okay? Cynthia looked like she hit you hard.” Esme said worriedly and Bunny smiled at her as the little girl turned Bunny’s face to the side so she could survey the mark that was left on her cheek.
“I’m okay, I promise.” Bunny said easily and Esme stared at her for a long quiet moment before wrapping her arms around Bunny’s neck causing her to grunt softly at the impact.
“I missed you Bunny. Daddy missed you too.” Esme said softly into Bunny’s ear causing the woman to melt against her.
“I missed you too sweetheart. I’m sorry for disappearing for a little bit. I needed some time to get my emotions and feelings under control after your Dad and I had a fight.” Bunny explained softly to the little girl. “I loved your letter though. It definitely helped me get everything straight in my head.” Esme pulled back to stare into Bunny’s eyes with sparkling eyes of her own.
“It did? Mollie helped me write it. She actually gave me the idea!” Esme said eagerly and Bunny chuckled softly at her excitement.
“Yep, it definitely helped me get everything straight. Now I just gotta wait for your Dad to come back and we can have a long conversation.” Bunny said while nodding her head.
Suddenly, Esme's expression changes. "Bunny, can you come with me to the bathroom really quick?" she asks, urgently as she begins to wriggle in Bunny’s arms.
“Of course sweetheart.” Bunny says as she looks around to see Sarah walking over to them. “We’re gonna head to the bathroom if Jack comes back will you let him know please?” she asked Sarah who quickly nodded and gestured for the two of them to go. Bunny sets Esme down on the ground before holding out her hand for Esme to take while guiding her out of the loud boisterous clubhouse event room and into the quiet hallway towards the bathrooms.
Everything seems a little too quiet to Bunny as she ushers Esme into the bathroom quickly while checking over her shoulder. There was a prickling sensation at the back of her neck and she couldn’t seem to shake it even though she didn’t see anyone around them in the hallway.
Her and Esme use the bathroom while Esme chats about what’s been going on at school while Bunny’s been away. Bunny still has the prickling sensation at the back of her neck and she can feel her paranoia starting to rise up inside of her. Keeping herself on the outer side of Esme she began to lead her out of the bathroom. Just as she was opening the bathroom door she spotted an overly large hulking type of man standing not far from the bathroom. He was leaning against the wall only a few feet away and then she saw the other hulking type of man standing a few feet from the first one.
“Sorry, I don’t remember you guys living in the community. Who are you?” Bunny asked, taking the initiative hoping to catch the men off guard.
“No talking. Come with us.” said the first man she spotted as he stood to his full height menacingly. Bunny moved further in front of Esme shielding her from the men as she gritted her teeth.
“We’re not going anywhere with you.” Bunny said firmly and the man scowled at her softly as if she was an inconvenience. He began to advance on them and Esme screamed loudly causing the man to flinch back slightly. Bunny rushed the man and swung her leg up straight into his groin causing him to collapse almost immediately as he groaned loudly. 
The second man then began to advance and Bunny made sure to keep Esme behind her protectively. Esme was still screaming as the second man grabbed Bunny by the hair and she grunted as pain blossomed along her scalp. She twisted in his hold and felt her hairs being ripped from her head making her hiss in pain while still twisting around to try and kick him in the groin as well. While swinging up her leg the man easily caught it before slamming the hand that had been in her hair into her ankle. Bunny gasped loudly as she felt the pain radiate from her ankle up her leg, she knew immediately that her ankle was rebroken.
“You come with us now before we rearrange your face.” the man who was holding Bunny threatened her. She knew that she had to protect Esme at all costs and couldn’t be incapacitated so she was still conscious to keep an eye on Esme.
“Es, don’t fight them. I don’t want them to hurt you.” Bunny instructed calmly as she gritted her teeth as the man dropped her leg and pain raced up her leg. “Just stay by my side and they won’t hurt you.” Bunny said softly as she gestured for Esme to come to her side. Esme did after she stopped screaming and wrapped an arm around Bunny’s waist.
“This way.” said the man leading them out of the side entrance of the clubhouse. The man who had been knocked down by Bunny angrily stood and grabbed a hold of Esme and began leading her away and in front of Bunny.
“Hey! Let go of her!” Bunny shouted angrily as she hobbled towards him and Esme. Just then Bunny caught sight of the deputies’ patrol cars and Jack was standing over there with Jeremy. Bunny knew she shouldn’t anger these men but she had to let Jack know what was happening. “JACK! HELP US! JACK!” Bunny screamed loudly just as the second man reached her and clapped his large hand over her mouth. Bunny struggled violently with him as she watched with wide eyes as Jack turned to stare at her with wide eyes. He then began racing towards them and the men began to hurry both her and Esme to an awaiting black dark tinted SUV. They shoved Esme into the back seat first and then just as they were getting ready to throw Bunny in the first man produced a large syringe and Bunny bucked and fought wildly. It was no use though as she felt the prick of the needle and then her vision went dark.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 23.5
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 23.5
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,005
Warnings: Cursing, verbal fighting, heartbreak
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @trashcora
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Bunny feels as if she can’t breathe as she blindly rushes out of the park to the sidewalk that will hopefully lead her back home. She’s taking shallow gasps of air into her lungs and it’s not relieving the feeling of choking she’s experiencing. She’s still walking as her eyes dart from left to right in a panicked state when suddenly a hand grabs onto her bicep. Bunny whips around while throwing her hands up effectively getting the person to let her go. Her head snapped up as her eyebrows furrowed worriedly. Finally her eyes focused and she saw Jack standing in front of her with his hands up between the two of them. She could see his mouth was moving but she couldn’t hear him. Slowly taking in a deep breath Bunny began to calm herself down as her hearing came back to her.
“Hey, hey, it’s just me Bunny. It’s me.” he was saying as he still held his hands up in the air between the two of them.
“Don’t touch me please.” Bunny gasped out and Jack nodded his head as the two of them came to a stop on the sidewalk. “I have to go home. I can’t believe he showed up here. He knows better, because the police warned him. What the fuck was he thinking?!” Bunny began to ramble as her hands carded through her hair while her eyes danced along the ground. “I can’t believe he would do this. Fucking asshole!” Bunny snapped as anger began to simmer in the bottom of her stomach.
“Hey, it’s okay. He screwed up, you can report him for violating the restraining order now. He’ll get jail time now.” Jack offered and Bunny whipped her head to stare at him for a moment with narrowed eyes. Jack took a step back at her angry face, he’s never seen her like this and it was a little overwhelming for him to try to calm her down. 
“I’m so humiliated.” Bunny said softly. “I thought I was ready to face him after all these years that we’ve been divorced. But it all came crashing down as soon as I saw him. I-I…” Bunny began to ramble again and Jack watched helplessly as she paced wildly in front of him.
“Hey Bunny, try to calm down sweetheart.” Jack tried to coax her into calming down. His hand reached out to graze her arm and she instantly straightened her posture which made Jack flinch back.
“STOP TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!” she shouted suddenly and Jack stood there stunned. “You don’t know what it’s been like living under that piece of shit’s control! Not at all! How could you?! You’re always in control of your life isn’t that right Agent Whiskey?!” Bunny snapped heatedly at him and Jack narrowed his eyes at her while she seethed in her spot.
“How do you know that name?” he asked sternly and Bunny bared her teeth at him in anger.
“What’s the matter, don't like your secrets not being secrets anymore?” she hissed at him and Jack glared at her for a moment as he felt his peace threatened. “All you had to do was be honest with me. But no, you couldn’t do that. Had to have complete control of everything didn’t you?” she began ranting as she pointed her index finger at him.
Jack knew in the back of his mind that Bunny wasn’t being malicious, she was stressed and had just been thrown for a loop because of her abusive ex-husband. But he couldn’t let this slide, she had found out about his code name and he needed to find out how.
“How do you know that name?” he asked once again and Bunny scoffed at him as she sneered angrily. If they weren’t fighting Jack would’ve laughed at her sneer, it was so off putting to see on her face. He was so used to seeing her smile or hearing her laugh that a sneer and angry scowl were so odd to see, he was slightly surprised to see she could make those facial expressions.
“I overheard a phone call the day we had the talk about lying.” Bunny grumbled out petulantly and Jack felt a sensation of cold water rush down his spine.
“Oh that’s rich.” he said derisively as he folded his arms across his chest while glaring at her. “When we talked about me lying you were lying by omission that you overheard my phone call! Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black!?” he shouted at her as his voice rose in volume. Jack could see Bunny’s eyes growing wide as he shouted at her and he knew this wasn’t helping anything but he couldn’t help his reaction. It was a threat to his and Esme’s peace and protection. Jack could feel himself growing angrier and more threatened that she had overheard his phone conversation.
“Yeah it was wrong to listen in and then not tell you but honestly Jack!? Why wouldn’t I want to learn more about you?! You’ve practically told me nothing about your life!” Bunny snapped angrily and Jack seethed at her audacity. “How are we supposed to be together if we’re not honest with each other?” Bunny asked seriously suddenly and Jack felt like he was hit by a semi-truck. She was absolutely right. How could they be together if they weren’t honest with each other?
“You’re damn right! You’re absolutely right! Maybe we shouldn’t have even tried to be more than neighbors!” he shouted at her as his anger grew to rage that consumed everything within him. He only barely caught the tears welling in Bunny’s eyes before she whirled away from him and rushed down the sidewalk away from him towards their homes. Jack sighed loudly as all of his anger rushed out of him and he was left standing on the sidewalk by himself. “Shit!” Jack hissed as he placed his hands on hips and let out another loud long sigh. He fucked up.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 19
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 19
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,951
Warnings: Smut, Sex, Spanking, Lying
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: And we’re back! It’s been a while and I apologize. Between my diabetes, losing my muse and life I got real behind on this series. But I’m back and I’m slowly chipping away at the chapters. Hope you all enjoy!
Gif Credit: @romanosgirl1978
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Bunny smiled softly as she leaned against the counter of the kitchen island, her chin resting in her palm as she stared at Jack from her spot. Jack moved around her kitchen as if he had grown up in it as he prepared dinner for the two of them. Tonight it was going to just be the two of them, while Esme and Tequila stayed at Jack’s house having a movie marathon with junk food and take out. Bunny was thankful to have another quiet night in with Jack, she made a mental note to spoil Tequila with his favorite baked snacks.
She chuckled softly when she saw Jack flick the dish towel from his back pocket dramatically before wrapping it around the handle of the cast iron pan and placing it into the oven. He grinned over at her cheekily as he swayed his hips back and forth while being bent over the oven. Bunny burst out into happy amused laughter at his antics before rolling her eyes at him.
“Don’t deny it, Bunny. You enjoy the show.” he drawled out to her as he began to make his way around the kitchen island to her after setting the timer for their dinner. Bunny turned on the stool to face him as he came to stand between her bent knees. Grinning widely up at him Bunny could see the mirth sparkling in his eyes as he stared down at her with a soft knowing smile on his face. Slowly Jack leaned down to her upturned face and Bunny could feel her heart begin to hammer in her chest with affection for him. Her hands reached out to settle gently on his hips as she boldly pulled him closer to her.
“I fully enjoy the show.” she confessed to him in a soft simpering tone which made Jack groan softly before crashing his lips to hers. Bunny felt as if she couldn’t catch a breath of air as Jack’s lips moved against hers feverishly. It was as if every time his lips moved they stole the air straight from her lungs. She felt him move in closer as she let her thighs fall open giving him room to crowd her on the stool. Jack groaned once again as his hands came up to cup both sides of her face as his lips slanted across hers in a way to deepen the kiss.
Bunny began to lose herself in the kiss as she pulled Jack flush against her while opening her legs further to give him enough room. Jack took full advantage of the space and crowded her against the kitchen island as he continued to kiss her. His hands slid down her neck to grip at her shoulders as ground his hips into hers making her whimper softly at his actions. Bunny pulled away with a loud gasp and Jack took his time trailing his lips down the skin of her neck as her head fell back on her shoulders.
“Fuck, Bunny.” Jack groaned into her skin as he rutted against her again.
“How much time do we have?” Bunny gasped out as her fingers tightened in the sides of his shirt. Jack’s eyes snapped open and he stared at the timer for a minute trying to get his eyesight to come into focus.
“Just enough time for a quickie.” he intoned darkly, making Bunny shiver. Jack quickly slid Bunny off the stool as his fingers slipped her jean button out of the hole and unzipped her jeans before sliding them down her legs. He helped her step out of them before he tugged her panties down her legs to follow her jeans. “Get back on the stool and straddle it baby.” Jack husked out as he slapped Bunny on the ass. With a squeak Bunny did as she was told and straddled the stool before leaning forward onto the kitchen island allowing her lower half to hang off the stool. “That’s it darling.”
Bunny shivered as she felt Jack’s fingers toy with her dripping folds before smearing her slick around her clit. She hummed loudly at the sensation and leaned forward so as to give him more access to her core. Bunny’s moan was long and loud when Jack slipped two fingers into her before he began a steady rhythm to get her quickly to her first orgasm. Bunny began to feel the familiar heat slowly fill her body as her breath began to pant out of her open mouth. Just then Jack’s fingers crooked against her g spot and Bunny cried out in ecstasy, her orgasm rushing over her body like a tsunami.
As Bunny slowly caught her breath while coming down from her high she was immediately consumed with a hunger for him. She shifted her hips on the stool and jutted them back towards him. Jack’s responding chuckle made Bunny clench around nothing in arousal while she waited for him to fill her. Bunny whimpered softly as she tried to wait patiently when she suddenly heard the sound of his zipper sliding down.
With a soft gasp she felt his cock head notch against her opening before he slipped slowly into her. Bunny moaned loudly as Jack slid all the way in until his hips lay flush against her ass, she clenched around his hungrily and Jack slapped her ass harshly.
“Greedy little thing tonight aren’t ya?” he asked huskily and Bunny whined softly in response. Jack grunted loudly as he began to piston in and out of her at a rapid pace making Bunny whine each time his hips slapped against her ass.
“Oh fuck, please.” she whined softly out to him as he head fell back on her neck. One of Jack’s hands came up and gathered her hair tightly in his palm before tugging it back causing her head to tilt back further and her mouth to fall open as lust swamped her senses. Bunny lost herself as desire and lust consumed her while Jack continued his steady harsh pace driving her farther and faster to her second orgasm.
“That’s it baby. Tell me how badly you need it. C’mon sweet girl. Tell me.” Jack teased Bunny gently while his hips slammed into her in stark contrast to his soft gentle tone. Bunny cried out as her orgasm rushed to the edge of her consciousness.
“Please! I need you! Jack, I need your cock! Please!” she cried out in want and desire as her hips canted back against his. Jack groaned loudly as he gripped her hips harshly and slammed himself deeply into her as both of their orgasms crashed into their bodies. Bunny began to shiver and shake as orgasm swept her up in the high and adrenaline while Jack cooed at her while trailing his fingertips down her spine. When they both came down Bunny gasped softly as Jack swept her up into his arms and proceeded to walk her to the spare bathroom down the hall where he cleaned the two of them up while pressing loving sweet kisses to any part of her that he could reach.
Bunny snuggled into the couch later that night after they had both cleaned up dinner together. She yawned widely as her hand lazily came up to her mouth and Jack chuckled as he walked around the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. When he sat down Bunny curled up into his side and grabbed the remote before flicking through the channels until she found a well loved spy action movie. Jack scoffed softly to himself and looked over at her curiously.
“You like spy movies?” he asked with a soft smile.
“Mmhmm, the intrigue and mystery of spies catches my attention.” Bunny answered while nodding her head at him. Jack grinned widely at her before shaking his head softly at her answer. “We can change it if you want?” she offered and Jack quickly shook his head no.
“No, no, just didn’t think you’d be into spies.” he said teasingly and Bunny didn’t understand the teasing tone but she shrugged at his words. Settling against him Bunny reached out and grabbed a handful of popcorn as they both began to focus on the movie. Just then the movie got to one of Bunny’s favorite parts of the training sequence and she heard Jack scoff out at the scene.
“That wouldn’t happen if it were real.” Jack said softly and almost derisively. His words and tone caught Bunny’s attention and she turned her head to look over at him curiously.
“Why do you say that?” she asked as her eyes darted from Jack to the movie and back. Jack straightened in his seat as he realized his mistake and looked over at a curious looking Bunny as she watched him with wide eyes.
“I just can’t see them pushing their new trainees to pull their chute that low to the ground. It doesn’t seem realistic. It takes at least 300 feet for the chute to open fully if it’s a round canopy chute like those. There’s no way in real life that they’d live at those low altitudes.” Jack tried to explain away. Bunny tilted her head at his words.
“Do you skydive?” she asked curiously while looking at him with an awed look in her eyes.
“Only sometimes for work.” he answered truthfully with a shrug of his shoulders and instantly knew he screwed up again.
“Security personnel have to skydive for work now?” Bunny asked incredulously and Jack grimaced slightly at her question.
“Every once in a while we would have security detail that required us to get on a plane with our clients. We’ve had to train to skydive in case of emergencies.” Jack lied to her with confidence hoping that she wouldn’t be able to see the lie. Bunny stared at him for a long quiet moment before nodding her head accepting his lie. Jack sighed softly as he felt her snuggle into his side once more and they continued to watch the movie together.
Bunny stared at the screen not actually focusing on the movie as she leant against Jack’s side on the couch. She knew he was lying to her but she didn’t understand why. She could tell by the way his eyes darted around her face as if he was checking to see if she believed him. He didn’t do that when he normally talked to her about things that he had knowledge of. She silently wondered why he would lie about skydiving for work to her, it didn’t make any sense to her.
As she laid there on the couch Bunny started to fall down a rabbit hole of what if’s as she began to reevaluate her relationship with Jack. If he would lie to her about skydiving for work, what else would he lie about to her? And why lie about something like this? Her mind began to twist and turn with each insecurity and she felt her breath start to stutter in her chest.
He’s nothing like Tim. This isn’t like your failed marriage. He’s nothing like your ex. 
But Bunny couldn’t seem to shake the thought that Tim lied to her first about little stuff and then it just snowballed from there. What if Jack was going down the same path as Tim had? Sighing softly Bunny knew that she would need a couple of days to come to terms with this if she didn’t want to royally screw up this relationship. Resigning herself to finish out the night with Jack she knew she was going to have to figure out what was going on to cause Jack to lie to her.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 28.5
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 28.5
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,296
Warnings: Injury
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @everstarry
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“Due to the severity of your injury. At best it’s going to be another couple of months for it to heal fully.” the doctor said with a slight frown. “Your x-ray showed that it was a clean break in exactly the same spot as the previous break. So there’s the silver lining but it’s gonna be in a cast for awhile and then a boot again.” the doctor advised and Bunny frowned as she nodded her head.
“Do you think I'll be able to use my old boot from before?” she asked the doctor curiously and he nodded his head.
“Yeah I don’t see why not. It’s fitted to your foot and ankle. We might just have to do some adjusting to it.” the doctor explained and Bunny nodded her head at his words.
“Thanks Doc, I appreciate it.” Bunny said as she lifted her newly casted foot with a grimace. The doctor chuckled and stood from his spot in front of Bunny.
“Not a problem. I’ll give Agent Whiskey your prescriptions so that he can get them filled. If you have any discomfort please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m always available.” the doctor said as he handed Bunny his business card. Bunny nodded her head in acknowledgement before slipping the card into her pocket.
Jack watched the whole interaction play out as he stood to the side of the couch eagerly watching to make sure everything went smoothly. The doctor turned to him and Jack began to walk him and his nurse out of his office.
“So I can send the prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice without a problem and I’ll send you all the details for all of it.” The doctor said as Jack nodded along to his words while guiding him out of the office.
“Thanks Doc, I appreciate it.” Jack responds and the Doctor nods his head before leaving the office. Jack shut the office door and locked it before turning back to Bunny who was staring morosely at her newly casted foot. Jack came to sit next her on the couch and she looked over at him with a soft strained smile on her face. She was still bruised and battered which caused Jack to cringe slightly in guilt that he had caused her injuries. He sighs softly at his hand gently grazing the side of her face that’s swollen from the brutal beating she took in lieu of Esme being harmed. 
“I am truly so sorry that you were hurt because of me.” he lamented softly and Bunny shook her head gently at his words.
“I’d take all the beatings if it meant Esme was never hurt like that.” she said softly and Jack felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He sucked in a harsh breath and felt tears begin to course down his face at the realization that this woman would step in front of a bullet for his little girl. Bunny turned to Jack and cupped his face gently in her scratched and marred hands, tipping his face up to hers as he cried silently. “I’d do the same for you too.” she told him solemnly and Jack sobbed openly to her as she cooed at him softly.
“I never meant for you to get hurt. I swore after Maria that I’d never let that happen to anyone else and here you are beaten up all because you got too close to me.” He cried out to her as the tears continued to fall from his eyes.
“Jack, that's a hazard of your job. And it’s one I’m okay with. As long as I get to be with you and Esme I’m alright with everything else. You and Esme are what matter, nothing else. I’m alright with being cautious if it means you two are in my life.” Bunny said resolutely and Jack felt his turmoil that raged inside him begin to subside. It was as if he was a ship on stormy seas that managed to sail onto smooth waters. He stared at Bunny amazed that she was able to calm him down so effectively. Jack lunged forward and cupped her face in his palms before pressing his lips to hers hungrily, Bunny squeaked in surprise and gripped onto his shoulders to steady herself while Jack leaned her back on the couch.
“I love you. I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re safe. I want you for the rest of my life.” he confessed to her and Bunny smiled dreamily up at him. Jack then glided his hands down to her jaw and tilted her head to the side so that he could deepen the kiss when he met her eager lips. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it and I was such a fool for keeping things from you.” he whispered to her as Bunny hummed and whimpered to him as his lips stole her breath. His lips slanted against hers in a dance that the two were familiar with. Jack felt Bunny’s fingers grip tightly onto his shoulders as she sighed into the kiss. Just as Jack was going to lay his body on top of hers on the couch he heard the tapping at his office door.
“Dad!? Is Bunny with you?!” Esme called through the door and Jack sighed deeply at the interruption.
“Cock blocked by my own daughter.” he groaned lowly and Bunny burst out into laughter which caused Esme to begin knocking in earnest.
“Don’t blame her, you horn dog.” Bunny teased him and Jack smirked at her just as he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before he got off the couch and walked to the door. Bunny sat up on the couch as Jack unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Esme waiting impatiently for him. She hurriedly rushed into the room and plopped down on the couch next to Bunny where she began to fuss over the woman. Jack rolled his eyes good naturedly while a smile graced his lips gently as he watched his little girl continuously ask Bunny if she was alright and if she needed anything.
He walked slowly back over to the couch and took his spot on the opposite end of the couch from Bunny. Esme’s soft fussing and Bunny’s soft reassurances filled his ears making him grow drowsy as he relaxed on the couch. He soon fell into a deep slumber as the two most important women in his life chatted and talked together.
“Geeze, he could fall asleep anywhere.” Esme scoffed out as her and Bunny turned at the sound of Jack’s soft snoring. Bunny laughed softly as turned from gazing at Jack to look at Esme fondly.
“Well he did just save us from the mob.” Bunny told her teasingly.
“That’s his job though.” Esme countered and Bunny sat there shocked for a moment. Esme was right in both senses, it was his career as a spy and now it was also his job as her fiance and father to Esme.
“You’re absolutely right. Doesn’t mean he can’t be tired from it.” Bunny said kindly and Esme sat there for a moment before nodding her head.
“Can we start planning your wedding now?” Esme asked hopefully and Bunny chuckled softly before wrapping the little girl in her arms and leaning back on the couch with her.
“Let’s take a nap first and then we’ll start planning. We can even do a wedding scrapbook for all our ideas.” Bunny compromised with her as Esme let out a big yawn and snuggled into Bunny’s arms. Bunny smiled softly and shifted on the couch getting comfortable as she held Esme in her arms as sleep descended over all of them.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 28
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 28
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,892
Warnings: Injury
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @massivecolorspygiant
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Bunny looked around herself in bewilderment, it had only been about an hour ago that she was being rescued from a mob boss by Jack and Tequila and, she was now on a large farm that held a whiskey distillery in Kentucky with loud boisterous tours going on around her. Tequila stood next to her with his arm wrapped around her waist helping her walk on her injured ankle while Jack and Esme walked ahead of them heading to the main building on the farm. Bunny watched as animated tour groups walked around them in awe of the large distillery that they walked through.
“Tequila, why are we at a whiskey distillery?” Bunny asked confused as she turned her head to look up at him as they continued to follow Jack and Esme into the building.
“When we get into the backroom you’ll understand.” Tequila said cryptically as they entered the building. Bunny shivered as the powerful air conditioning hit her skin and Tequila tugged her closer to his side protectively. 
Jack didn’t stop as he held onto Esme’s hand and guided them all to the elevator at the back of the room. Bunny looked around curiously as Tequila did most of the walking for the two of them, she could see the walls were covered in shelves of whiskey bottles with the brand name Statesman on their labels. The bottles were all different shapes and sizes yet they all looked so pretty with the amber liquid filling them. Bunny could see that all of the guests here were purchasing at least one or two bottles of the whiskey and others were buying large quantities of the whiskey sets that were lining the shelves. All of it was a little overwhelming to take in after her eventful evening.
When they all piled into the elevator Bunny moved to the back of the elevator and leaned against the back wall. Tequila spoke to the elevator to let it know what floor they wanted, he had said something about Champ’s office which she didn’t understand. Jack came to stand next to her at the back of the circular elevator just as the elevator began its ascent to their floor. When Bunny saw the view from the elevator as it climbed she gasped loudly while turning to stare at the open designed floors. There were groups of people walking around in lab coats, business suits, aircraft flight suits, and all types of apparel that made Bunny’s head spin.
“You really are spies.” she whispered to herself and Jack chuckled softly at her as he leaned against her side while facing away from the view she was so entranced by.
“Did you not believe us?” he asked softly and Bunny scoffed softly before nodding her head making Jack chuckle again.
“There was a doubting voice in the back of my head telling me there was no way that you guys are spies. That’s only in the movies.” she confessed and Jack smiled at her as her eyes widened even more as they passed the floor with all the computer screens for the I.T. department. “Wow.” she said softly and Jack nodded his head.
“We’re going to go meet with Champagne, he’s the head of Statesman. But after that we need to talk.” he said softly and Bunny nodded her head as she looked over at him. Jack was leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest as he stared at the doors of the elevator.
Not even minutes later the elevator comes to a stop with a soft ding and Bunny turns on her good foot as Tequila comes back to wrap his arm around her waist. He helps her out of the elevator as Jack and Esme walk ahead of them into a large office decorated with a lot of wooden and leather decor. Bunny’s eyes flit from a large pair of antlers hung on the wall marking the middle of a long conference table before her eyes dart to a tall slender woman and a tall larger man.
“Esmeralda!” boomed the large man and Bunny flinched slightly at his volume and Tequila chuckled at her as he adjusted his arm around her.
“I got you. He’s a little loud, his hearing is going cuz he’s old.” Tequila told her softly and Bunny chuckled softly at his words.
“I heard that Tequila!” the man scolded him as he bent down to catch Esme who charged at him happily.
“Selective hearing old man.” Tequila groused out and Bunny chuckled softly as she was reminded of Mr. Quinten back at home. Tequila came to a stop next to Jack who was smiling as he watched Esme and the man reunite.
“You must be Bunny. I’m Agent Ginger Ale, the technical expert for Statesman. It’s an honor to meet you.” the woman said as she stepped in front of Bunny and Tequila holding her hand out. Bunny smiled at her and shook her hand gladly.
“It’s nice to meet you, Agent Ginger Ale.” Bunny said kindly and the woman smiled warmly at her before turning as she heard Esme shout her name. Just then Jack came to Bunny’s other side as the other man came to stand in front of her.
“Bunny, this is Agent Champagne, he's the head of Statesman. Champ this is Bunny.” Jack introduced the two of them happily. Bunny stuck her hand out and Champ shook his head as he came in for a hug while Tequila removed his arm from around her back.
“Bunny! It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you!” the man boomed as he held her tightly in a bear hug. Bunny exhaled sharply at his tight hold and Champ immediately loosened his grip before holding her steadily in front of him. “Where are you injured?” he asked worriedly as his eyes raked over her face and body. “Well that was a stupid question, looks like everywhere. Jack, why don’ you take Miss Bunny to your office and we’ll have one of our doctors come up and examine her. Get that ankle wrapped up in a sturdier wrap too.” Champ directed and Jack nodded his head as he wrapped his arm around Bunny’s back to support her. “We will take care of Esme while you’re gone and when it’s all said and done we can all meet back up here.” Champ said and Jack nodded his head in agreement. He then turned to Bunny and swept her up into his arms in a bridal hold that had Bunny gasping as Tequila rushed to the door and opened it for them as the others all chuckled at Jack’s antics.
“Bye Bunny! See you later!” called out Esme and Bunny waved to her over Jack’s shoulder.
“You know I can walk.” Bunny said softly and slightly embarrassed as Jack passed through the doorway.
“I know but I’m being selfish and want to hold you.” he said to her as he effortlessly carried her down the hallway to his office. Bunny blushed hotly as she settled further in his arms and rested her head against his shoulder. The walk to his office was slow and rhythmic to the point that it was soothing Bunny into a light doze. When Jack finally got to his office he set Bunny gently down onto her feet before opening his office door and guided her inside.
After Jack sat her down on the long leather couch to the side of his office he walked over to his desk and picked up the desk phone. While he was on the phone Bunny was able to look around his office and take in his private space. The room isn’t as large as Champ’s but it’s still a decent size, the decor is more leather than wood in here and there’s accent pieces of boot spurs, cowboy hats, and lassos. Bunny can see the personality that he only showed half of to her in the little pieces of decor in his office, she can see his past and his way of life all within his office. She’s not surprised by it and it comforts her more than she thought it would, it just seems like an extended version of what he presented to her.
Jack comes to sit next to her on the couch and Bunny turns to look at him quietly. His eyebrows are furrowed and he has a pensive look on his face. With his elbows on his knees he turns his head to look at her for a moment before sighing deeply and turning to her fully.
“I’m so sorry that Kingpin took you and Esme. I never wanted that to happen to you.” he laments softly and Bunny shakes her head slightly.
“You couldn’t have predicted he’d do anything like that. Or that he’d find you and Esme.” Bunny tried to dismiss his worries and sorrow.
“No but by being with me you were a target. I should’ve kept you separate.” he said softly.
“Jack, I wouldn’t have let you keep me separate. Not after being around both you and Es.” Bunny says softly as she looks at him earnestly.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t truthful. I think it did more damage keeping you in the dark about Maria and my career than it did any good.” he said softly and Bunny chuckled softly.
“I’ll never understand why you did it. But it’s done and over with.” Bunny said.
“I did it because after Kingpin had Maria murdered I vowed that I’d never put someone else in danger like that. And I thought I was strong enough to never do that again, but after seeing you with Esme you stole my heart. I fell in love with you so completely and I knew I was done for. I thought by not telling you I was protecting you. I thought that if I kept my spy livelihood a secret that it wouldn’t affect you at all. But I was so wrong and I am so sorry for that.” he said softly and Bunny watched him quietly as she nodded her head.
“Well I’m glad we got that out of the way. Afterall I am now your fiance.” she said with a cheeky grin. “Who would’ve thought that being kidnapped would end with a ring on my finger.” she teased him and Jack chuckled as he shook his head at her. “I love you Jack. And I love your adorable little girl. I would move mountains for the two of you if I could.” Bunny said lovingly to him and Jack smiled as he leaned forward and pressed a soft delicate kiss to her split lip. 
“I will do whatever you need me to to help you get over this. Therapy might do us some good.” he said softly and Bunny nodded her head easily at his words.
“Therapy is a must for all of us. It’ll definitely do us some good.” she tells him just as there is a knock at his office door. Jack stands up and walks over to the door letting in the doctor who walks in with a nurse rolling a cart with supplies into the room. Bunny sits back on the couch and Jack comes back to sit next to her for support, his hand gripping her hand gently.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 27.5
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 27.5
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,149
Warnings: Injury mentioned
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @trashcora
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“Wait a minute you’re SPIES?! Like James Bond?!” Bunny shouts as Tequila slowly walks her down the stairs, her ankle had been reinjured and she was using Tequila like a crutch as she hobbled down the stairs. Esme bursts into delighted giggles as she looks back over her shoulder to the bottom of the stairs where Tequila and Bunny have stopped and the woman is staring up at Tequila in awe. Jack smiles softly as he watches Bunny slowly come to terms with the fact of his career, he can see the wheels in her head turning as she grasps what this means for her. “Is that why your name is Tequila?” she asks accusingly up to Tequila who quickly looks to Jack for help. “Oh don’t look to him for help, he's already in trouble on his own.” Bunny chastised Tequila who slumped dejectedly in front of her causing Jack to chuckle softly. When Bunny whipped her head towards him he instantly snapped his mouth closed as she glared at him angrily.
“Yes, my code name is Agent Tequila.” Tequila responds to her nodding his head.
“And his code name is Agent Whiskey?” she asks him curiously and Tequila nods his head at her question.
“His real name is actually Jack Daniels, his family has ties to the Jack Daniels Whiskey brand.” Tequila supplies and Jack flinches when Bunny whips her head back to him angrily.
“So you lied about your real name being your actual name?” Bunny asked loudly and Jack flinched again at her question.
“It was to protect me and Es.” Jack tried to explain and Bunny frowned at him. He then watched as her eyes widened almost comically and Tequila looked at him for help with what he was supposed to do.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! OH MY GOD!” Bunny began to whisper as she reached out and grabbed onto Tequila's arm. “I’m in love with a spy?!” Bunny asked no one as they all stood there watching her silently. It took Jack a moment to understand her words but thankfully Esme was quick on the uptake as she instantly began excitedly shouting.
“Bunny, you love my Dad?! Oh my gosh does that mean you’re gonna get married and be my mom?!” Esme began bouncing on her toes where she stood next to Jack. Jack looked down at Esme before snapping his head to gaze at Bunny who was just staring at him with wide eyes. “Oh my god! Bunny’s gonna be my mom!” Esme shouted happily as Tequila began laughing.
Jack watched as chaos ensued as Esme raced over to the still shellshocked Bunny and began to bounce around her talking about them all living together and being a family finally. Tequila shook his head as he wrapped an arm around Bunny’s smaller frame and hugged her into his side.
“Welcome to the family, Bun!” Tequila said happily. 
“Well hold on, hold on.” Bun began to softly protest as she held her hands up in the air in front of her. “Es, your Dad and I haven’t even talked about that yet. We were just rescued from being kidnapped. I just found out that your Dad is a spy!” Bunny began to ramble as Jack smiled softly and walked up to the three of them. Bunny looked up at him still a little shell shocked and Jack knew what he was about to do next was going to send her into mental orbit but it was the perfect time for him to do it. He grinned at her just as he came to stop in front of her and then slowly lowered to one knee. Esme and Tequila erupted into excited squeals as they began bouncing on their toes together. “Wha-” Bunny said confused as she stared at Jack with bewildered eyes.
“Zoe Carter, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Zoe Daniels?” Jack asked her gently as he pulled out the small ring box that he had hidden in his blue jean pocket. He slowly opened the ring box but Bunny’s eyes never strayed from his face at all. “I know that we’re currently in limbo with our relationship and I have a lot to be makin’ up for. But darlin’ I am irrevocably in love with you and these past few weeks without you in my life have made me realize that you’re it for me. I want nothing to come between us and separate us ever. I was an absolute fool to not keep you in the loop of who I am and what I do for a living. I thought I was protecting you by not tellin’ you. I now know that I was doin’ the opposite. I’m so sorry for being an ass to you. Will you forgive me and marry me?” Jack spoke to her in a soft tone hoping against hope that she would reciprocate favorably.
He watched as Bunny stared at him with watering eyes before she began nodding her head eagerly with a wide grin on her face. Jack felt instant relief engulf his body as he saw her nodding her head at him. He wrapped his arms around her gently and pulled her close to him while pressing soft kisses to her temple. But Bunny pulled slightly away and cupped his face gently, she leaned forward and pressed a deep kiss to his mouth causing Esme and Tequila to cheer loudly. Jack knew that the four of them needed to get out of the building but he was ecstatic to finally have Bunny in his arms that he didn’t want to move from his spot.
When Bunny pulled away for air she grinned down at him with a happy loving look on her face. She gently grazed her hands along the sides of his face and Jack smiled happily back at her. Jack kneeled there in the dimly lit hallway staring into Bunny’s dazed eyes with a happily smile on his face.
“Of course I’ll marry you. We have some work to do but yes, I want to be your wife.” Bunny said adoringly, causing Esme and Tequila to cheer again. Jack nodded his head and Bunny leaned down to kiss him once more. After they pulled away for the last time Jack slipped the ring onto her finger and Bunny admired it quietly. “It’s so pretty.” she said softly and Jack smiled at her before pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Just like you.” he responded, causing Tequila to gag and Esme to squeal while Bunny chuckled softly at his words. Esme skipped over to Bunny and held onto her hand while Jack had his arm wrapped around her back to help her walk. The trio didn’t see Tequila pulling his cell phone out and snapping a quick picture of the three of them to commemorate the moment.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 23
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks Pt. 23
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,110
Warnings: Cursing, derogatory language about women
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @a-gent-galahad
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Jack sets another covered tray of food into the red wagon right outside his door as Esme locks the front door behind the two of them. She hands the keys back to Jack before she hops down the stairs to the sidewalk.
“C’mon Dad! Bunny’s already at the park! I wanna go and help her with the setup!” Esme calls back as she begins to walk down the sidewalk to the front gate.
“Alright, alright. Geez, hold your horses.” Jack says softly as he shakes his head at his daughter.
“Oh hi Mrs. Mills! Hi Mr. Mills!” Esme greets happily as Sarah grins at her and opens her arms for a big hug. Jack watches fondly as Esme embraces Sarah while he walks towards them all towing the wagon behind him.
“Hi Sarah, hi Henry.” Jack greets the two of them with a wide smile.
“Hiya Jack.” Henry greets him happily as Sarah waves before walking ahead of the two men with Esme’s hand clasped in hers. “You ready for this party in the park?” Henry asks as they begin to walk down the sidewalk behind the ladies. 
“It’s just another get together right?” Jack asks with a furrowed brow as he looks over at Henry.
“Not with the re-election season going on. It’s all anyone is going to be talking about.” Henry says, sounding a little dejected at the thought that it wasn’t going to be a normal get-together. 
“Well we’ll get through it. I mean what’s the worst that could happen?” Jack asked as they all continued on their way to the park.
Jack felt as if he could eat his words that he spoke to Henry on the way over to the park. The man was absolutely right that the re-election season was all anyone could talk about. All the current board members were trying to make sure that they kept their positions while others were talking about Bunny possibly getting the spot that was open. Jack turned his head as he heard Bunny’s laughter ringing through the air and spotted her over with Sarah, Penny and the children. 
He yearned to go over and be around her but there was still that uneasy tension between them. There was a moment where he had caught Bunny staring at him from across the park and she had smiled softly at him before frowning softly and shaking her head at herself. Jack had taken that to mean that there was still something going on between them that they needed work on. He had an inkling that it was because he wasn’t sharing everything about his job with her but they had left on good terms he had thought.
“Are you and Bunny doing okay?” asks Henry and Jack turns to him with a soft scowl on his face.
“Yes, why? Has Bunny said something?” Jack asked quickly with worry lacing his voice.
“No, I’ve just noticed that you aren’t attached to her hip today.” Henry teased him and Jack frowned at the man before chuckling softly. The two of them were so involved in their own relationship that he hadn’t thought about what others would think when they saw them together or apart.
“Yeah, we’re okay. Just not seeing eye to eye on something.” Jack said cryptically, he didn’t want to completely tell Henry everything that was going on between him and Bunny but he figured this would be alright to share.
“Oh those arguments always suck. And they seem never ending. We’ve had plenty of those arguments.” Henry reminisced as he nodded his head.
“Any advice?” Jack asked softly as his eyes darted back over to Bunny who was talking to the kids who were all gathered around her.
“Compromise and then if things turn out the way you thought they would, don’t say I told you so just be there for her.” Henry advised kindly. “It’s not a journey of who’s right, it's a journey together through the ups and downs. The little bumps along the way just make you stronger and more prepared for the next issue that pops up.” Jack looked over at Henry and saw that he was staring across the park at Sarah with a soft loving look on his face. Jack smiled softly and clapped a hand onto Henry’s back.
“Let’s go see our girls.” Jack said softly as he began guiding Henry over to Sarah, Bunny and Esme. There was a commotion sounding from behind Jack and Henry and Jack turned his head to look over his shoulder but saw that Cynthia had arrived with some muscled, tanned man on her arm. Rolling his eyes Jack turned back around and continued forward towards Bunny.
But as they got closer Jack noticed that Bunny was staring with wide scared eyes at the man and Cynthia. Jack came to stand next to her and focused his attention on the man, he was tanned an almost yellow color from being in the tanning salon for too long, had spiked cropped brown hair, and his piercing green eyes seemed to bore right through him. Jack felt Bunny shift closer to him and he instinctively rested a hand on the small of her back.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly as he rubbed her back in reassurance.
“That’s my ex-husband.” she whispered to him as she turned so that she could face him more. Jack frowned as he looked back over to the man who was guiding Cynthia over to them.
“Your restraining order hasn’t lapsed right?” he asked confused as he watched the man smirk cockily at Bunny who seemed to shrink in on herself. Jack felt a protective surge fill him and he gritted his teeth while glaring at Bunny’s ex-husband.
“Yes, I don’t know why he’s here. It doesn’t make any sense Jack.” Bunny said distressed as her hands began to twist and turn with each other. Jack could see Bunny’s happy shining demeanor begin to fade away as her anxiety rose up. He frowned softly while watching her movements shift and change as Cynthia and the ex-husband drew closer. He could see her entire character folding in on itself and he absolutely hated it; he didn't want her to react like this at all to anything in her life, but here she was becoming a shell of herself. Jack moved his hand up her back to wrap around her shoulder and tug her closer to him.
“Don’t worry. I’m here to protect you.” he said softly to her and she looked up at him with shocked eyes that began to well with tears. Jack smiled gently at her and nodded his head before seeing a watery smile break out across her face.
“Thank you.” she whispered to him before taking in a deep breath and turning back to watch Cynthia and her ex-husband finally reach their group that they were standing with.
“Good Afternoon Jack.” Cynthia simpered as she tightened her hold on Bunny’s ex-husband’s arm that she was hanging on. Jack sighed almost inaudibly as he noticed that Cynthia was only focusing on him ignoring everyone else around them, even when she was hanging on the arm of another man. Jack gritted his teeth in annoyance as he nodded his head at her silently before turning back to Bunny to make sure she was okay. “Isn’t it such a lovely day today Tim? The sun is shining beautifully don’t you think?” Cynthia asked in her high pitched tone that grated along Jack’s nerves.
“Yeah it’s a nice day out.” Tim said as he smirked lasciviously at Bunny making Jack straighten his posture in a show of protection as Bunny recoiled from Tim. Jack was grateful for the picnic table that stood between himself and Tim, otherwise he’d be swinging at the cocky man who kept watching Bunny with sinful eyes.
“Oh where are my manners?!” Cynthia chimed out as she gestured towards the man on her arm. “Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Tim McCall. He’s a new friend of mine.” Cynthia said as her eyes darted over to Bunny and a sinister smirk formed on her face.
“Hey everyone.” Tim said in greeting while nodding his head before turning to look directly at Bunny. “Hey Zoe, long time no see.” he said smugly. Bunny flinched back from his greeting and Jack wrapped his arm tighter around her shoulders to comfort her. “Aww don’t be like that.” Tim cajoled Bunny as his eyes turned predatory.
“Jack, would you show me where the dessert table is? I have to drop something off there.” Cynthia simpered as she fluttered her eyelashes at him to lure him to her side. Jack felt Bunny flinch in his arm and he gritted his teeth at Cynthia’s attempt to pull him away from Bunny.
“Dessert table is over there just by the food table. I think I see Dianne over there you won’t miss it.” Jack says dismissively and watches as Cynthia presses her lips together in annoyance as her eyes turn hard as steel.
“Yes but this dessert is so heavy. Would you help me bring it over there?” Cynthia asks through gritted teeth and Jack glares at her heatedly before snapping his eyes to Tim who has moved closer to the picnic table and placed a hand on the table top.
“Ask your date to help you Cynthia.” Jack says angrily while still glaring at Cynthia before turning to Tim. “That’s enough time to back off.” Jack says in a low dangerous tone as he holds a hand out in warning to the man in front of him. He’s already taken a step slightly in front of Bunny who’s still silent as she cowers behind him.
“Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?!” Tim snapped loudly and Sarah let out a sharp gasp as she quickly ushered the children away from the scene and back to their parents. Jack spotted Esme gripping onto Henry’s hand tightly and he knew Henry would protect his little girl for him. “She’s my ex-wife! I have all the right to talk to her!” Shouted Tim and Jack felt Bunny grip onto the back of his shirt.
“Not according to her restraining order, that's still active.” Jack threatened and Tim flinched back in surprise before his eyes filled with hate and darted to Bunny.
“You told him!? You stupid bitch!” Snapped Tim angrily and Bunny flinched back in shock. “I always knew you were a slut and would just move onto the next protector type you found.” Tim said with derision dripping from his words. “What’d she do for you? Open her legs real quick huh? She was always good for that.” Tim sneered at them and Jack clenched his fist at his side.
“That’s enough!” Jack roared out and watched as Tim scowled at him before turning on his heel leaving the group quickly as Cynthia began trotting behind him calling out to get him to slow down. Jack frowned at the two of them leaving before turning to Bunny, his hands coming out to gently cup her elbows. “Are you alright?” he asked worriedly.
Bunny had her head tilted down towards the ground and her body was trembling with what Jack assumed was fear. She was panting as well as if she had been running a moment ago. Ducking his head he tried to get a look at her face but she kept it hidden from him. Rubbing his hands up and down the back of her arms Jack hopes that the movement gives her some comfort enough to ease her undoubtedly racing emotions. It’s a few moments more before Bunny’s head begins to lift and Jack is able to see her wide shocked eyes staring at nothing in particular.
“I have to go.” Bunny says softly and Jack looks at her worriedly. “I-I have to go.” she gasps out once more before she’s rushing away from the group and out of the park back towards her house. Jack’s head whips around to follow her movement and his eyes find Esme. The little girl is watching Bunny with worried wide eyes as her mouth hangs open slightly in surprise. A look of pure sadness then comes over his daughter as she turns and watches Bunny rush away from them. He knows that Bunny needs time to come to grips about what happened but he’s worried about her, especially with how she reacted to her ex-husband. Making up his mind Jack makes his move.
“Bunny! Wait!” Jack calls out before he chases after her hoping to catch her before she gets too far away.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 21
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 21
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,009
Warnings: Harassment, Cynthia
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @a-gent-galahad
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The evening was just starting to creep in on the busy day as Cynthia parked her freshly washed and waxed Aston Martin Vantage convertible in one of the designated spots for the HOA board members. She smirked as she saw all the heads of the younger men in the neighborhood turn to stare at her car. Slowly slipping out of the vehicle elegantly she managed to make her movements as sultry as possible while she smirked knowing that the men weren’t only appreciating the car. She beeped the lock before sauntering up the sidewalk towards the front doors of the clubhouse. 
Her eyes roved around the parking lot idly as she walked trying to see if Jack was anywhere around. She hadn’t seen him in a long time and needed her fix of that delicious man. Opening the doors she spotted a few of the neighbors loitering in the front foyer of the clubhouse outside the main room where meetings and parties were held. She kept her head tilted up as she passed them knowing she didn’t have any spare time for them.
Entering the main room she smirked importantly to herself as she watched Diane come rushing over to her from wherever she had been. Cynthia’s eyes continued to travel around the room looking at all the people who had already gathered for tonight’s meeting. She was surprised by how packed it seemed already but she figured it was due to tonight being the start of the re-election season. Cynthia wasn’t worried about her spot as she was always re-elected but there was going to be an empty spot that she knew a lot of the neighbors would want Bunny to fill. Cynthia was prepared to do everything that she could to prevent the woman from taking that spot. She couldn’t afford to have Bunny on the HOA board if she wanted to get rid of those eyesore playgrounds that littered the community.
Just then Cynthia spotted Jack standing half way across the large room with his back to her, he was talking to someone but Cynthia could care less as she began to saunter over to him with an extra swing in her hips. She focused solely on him as she moved across the room with a purpose, she watched as Jack’s posture straightened as she approached and smiled coyly up at him as her hand fell to his elbow and then traveled up his arm when she came to his side.
“Good evening Jack.” she cooed at him and Cynthia watched as Jack frowned softly at her words, she scowled softly at his reaction before schooling her features back into an enticing look. He turned to her and smiled tightly down at her while nodding his head shortly.
“Evenin’ Cynthia.” he said in greeting without any warmth that Cynthia craved from him. She internal raged at the fact that he was so standoffish with her. He didn’t respond to any of her advances and it drove her absolutely mad. Jack seemed to be the only man that hadn’t reciprocated her attention and it was unheard of to her. Just then Cynthia noticed that his eyes were surveying the room behind her and she tried to draw his attention back to herself as she pressed her elbows under her breasts so that they strained against her dress. Jack suddenly lit up and Cynthia began to flutter her lashes at him while simpering hoping that he was finally giving her the attention she solely deserved. But the bottom of her world fell through when Jack called out to someone behind her. “Bunny! Es! Over here ladies! Excuse me Cynthia.” Jack said dismissively as he side stepped her and walked over to Bunny and his daughter as they entered the room together.
Cynthia turned and watched Jack walk over to the two of them and felt the rage begin to fill her slowly as if it was pouring into her. She gritted her teeth and began to breathe heavily as she watched Jack embrace both of them. Red began to creep into her vision as she watched Jack wrap his arms around Bunny in a warm hug that was reciprocated by Bunny who laughed softly at his antics while he talked animatedly to both of them.
“Cynthia, they’re going to start the meeting soon.” Diane said softly and Cynthia whirled around angrily on her friend before huffing loudly and stalked over to the front table to take her seat. Plopping down in her chair her eyes followed Jack, his daughter and Bunny as they moved to where Jack had been earlier at the opposite side of the room from where Cynthia sat. Crossing her arms over her chest she glared at Bunny heatedly, just then she watched as Bunny looked down at her phone with a frown forming on her face. Understanding dawned on Cynthia and an evil smirk slowly crept across her face as she watched Bunny continue to glance at her phone with a frown.
“I would like to nominate Bunny for the open position on the board.” Penny Rogers spoke up as she stood from her seat. “I feel like she has the whole community’s best interests at heart and would steer the community in the right way that would work well with the residents and the board members. Plus she’s crafty and thrifty so her skills there would be a benefit for the board.” Penny explained eloquently and Bunny smiled softly at her friend as she sat back down in her seat.
“Anyone want to second Bunny’s nomination?” asked one of the board members. Bunny watched as Sarah raised her hand and stood from her seat.
“I would like to second Bunny’s nomination. I agree with all the points that Penny brought up and I’d like to add that Bunny is a key member of our community, she has helped run numerous events that we have held. And she has been in charge of the landscaping of the flowerbeds every year since she moved here. I think it would be remiss of the board to not choose her as a board member.” Sarah explained and Bunny smiled widely up at her before she sat back down on Bunny’s right. Esme squirmed in her seat on Bunny’s right and grabbed Bunny’s hand hurriedly in her excitement.
The audience all murmured their agreement with Sarah’s words and Bunny felt her phone vibrate once more in her pocket. Huffing softly she fished it out and stared down at the phone screen for a moment. Her happy warm moment that Sarah and Penny had formed for her suddenly came crashing down as she saw the words, Zoe it’s Tim. C’mon you can’t keep ignoring me. Bunny felt as if the world had suddenly gone silent and that she was deaf as she realized who had been sending her texts for the better part of today. It had been an unknown number and she hadn’t responded at all to any of the messages thankfully but now that she knew who it was it was almost as if her reality had shattered.
“Bunny!” hissed Sarah and Bunny shook her head as if she was clearing away the visceral image that text message had given her before looking up to the front table where one of the board members was staring at her expectantly.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked with uncertainty and Cynthia scoffed loudly from her chair.
“See! She’s not even paying attention! She shouldn’t be on the board at all.” Cynthia cried indignantly and Bunny frowned softly at the woman.
“Bunny, do you accept these nominations for the board member position?” asked the member again.
“Yes, I do accept them.” Bunny said confidently as she scowled at Cynthia who glared back at her with a slight smirk on her face. She knew that the woman didn’t want her on the board of members because of their rift between each other but she didn’t think that the woman would actively try to block her. Rolling her eyes gently she knew she should’ve realized that Cynthia would do this.
“Then we have our first nomination of Bunny for board member. Do we have any other nominations?” asked the leader of the board as he looked around the room.
“I nominate Diane Wilson.” Cynthia spoke up and nodded her head at her friend who was sitting in the audience in front of her.
“Anyone to second Diane’s nomination?” asked the leader and Bunny watched in shock as no one raised their hand to second Diane’s nomination. She felt a little bad for the woman who looked around the room eagerly before deflating as she saw that no one was going to second her nomination. Bunny moved to raise her hand and was stopped by Sarah’s soft hand as she gently shook her head at Bunny. 
“Cynthia would just make it more difficult for you to win if you seconded Diane’s nomination. Plus Cynthia should get some karma for trying to block you from the board spot.” Sarah said softly as a grimace fell on her face. “It’s sad that she’s going to just throw her friend into this situation but that’s Cynthia’s doing. You don’t need to make it better for Diane at your disadvantage.” Sarah explained softly and Bunny reluctantly agreed with her as she nodded her head gently.
“I’ll second Diane’s nomination.” said one of the other board members at the side of the table with Cynthia. Cynthia was nodding her head at their words as she smirked at Bunny from her seat. Bunny’s phone vibrated again and she looked down to see that Tim had texted her again, sighing softly she quickly opened her phone and muted his text messages not ready to deal with him just yet. She knew it would take an emergency therapy session before she would be able to handle dealing with his text messages let alone responding at all. She would have to pull out her restraining order paperwork and see what the terms were, she wondered if a call to her lawyer would be a good idea too.
“Hey Bunny, you coming?” Jack asked, pulling her from her thoughts. She looked up from her phone to him and saw him watching her with a look of concern on his face. Everyone was leaving the clubhouse since the meeting was over. Bunny nodded her head and stood from her chair before following Esme and Jack out of the clubhouse. “Hey, so I know we need to have a conversation.” Jack said softly as they all began walking down the sidewalk towards their houses, Esme skipping ahead a little bit giving the two of them an ounce of privacy. Bunny’s eyes darted over to him to see that he was rubbing the back of head as he stared down at the ground while they walked next to each other.
“Yeah, we should definitely talk.” Bunny agreed softly as her eyes darted over to Esme to keep an eye on her as they all moved down the sidewalk. Her mind was still buzzing with the text messages from Tim and what she needed to do to handle that. So her mind wasn’t fully on what Jack was talking about. “But it’s going to have to wait, something just came up and I have to focus on that right now. We’re okay, just hit a little snag.” Bunny said reassuringly to him as her mind began to organize everything that she needed to do in regards to her ex-husband.
“Oh, okay. Is everything okay? Anything I can help with?” Jack asked surprised as he turned his head to her.
“No, no. I’ve got it taken care of. Just a little bit of a nuisance.” Bunny said, shaking her head. “But we’ll find time to talk just not right now.” Jack nodded his head at her words before the two of them fell silent as they continued to their houses both lost in their own thoughts.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 19.5
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 19.5
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,294
Warnings: Lying, financial abuse/control/manipulation, emotional abuse/control/manipulation
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes:
Gif Credit: @pedroispunk
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“I’m tellin’ ya Tequila she knows I lied to her the other night!” Jack insisted as he paced around his living room. Bunny had taken Esme out for a walk with Butter so that Jack and Tequila could get some more work done without her bothering them or getting under foot. But while they were supposed to be working Jack was more worried that Bunny had caught onto his lie. He couldn’t pinpoint it or put his finger on it but something felt different already since the other night. Bunny wasn’t cold or super distant but Jack could feel as if a wall was put up between them now. 
Pacing a long quick path once more Jack frowned softly as his mind raced with thoughts that he had messed up the relationship by lying. And it was such a stupid lie too, it wasn’t even anything significant. Sighing loudly Jack took a stance in front of the bay window and placed his hands on his hips staring out at the neighborhood. His relationship with Bunny was special, he knew that and he wanted to protect it as much as he could. He knew Bunny was at the same level of adoration and affection as Maria had been when he was married to her, she was that special to him.
“Would you stop worrying!? It’s starting to mess up my train of thought, and I’m actually working.” Tequila groused out and Jack turned to look at him feeling guilty for distracting Tequila from work.
“Sorry.” Jack said apologetically as he walked over to the dining table willing to try to distract himself with work.
“If it’s that big of a deal to you why don’t you tell Bunny everything? Be up front with her and lay it all out for her to decide if she wants to have a relationship with you?” Tequila asked curiously as he looked up from his paperwork. Jack stared at Tequila quietly for a moment before shaking his head.
“I can’t do that. What if someone comes after her for being with me like they did Maria?” he asked heatedly and Tequila rolled his eyes at Jack.
“So keeping her in the dark is better? What if someone attacks her because she is in a relationship with you right now? She wouldn’t know ahead of time to protect herself or even why they were attacking her. Your logic is skewed.” Tequila argued indignantly and Jack sighed as he shook his head.
“I can’t chase her away like that. She’s too important to me and Esme now.” Jack lamented softly and Tequila scoffed at him, irritated.
“You’re going to chase her away if you don’t tell her the truth. At least this way she can see that you’re being honest with her and she’ll appreciate that more than you lying.” Tequila insisted knowingly and Jack glared at him not liking the advice that Tequila was giving him.
He knew eventually that he would have to tell Bunny about his profession and how dangerous it was. He knew he would have to come to terms with the idea that maybe Bunny couldn’t handle all of that in a relationship. But he didn’t want to tell her, he didn’t want to upset their relationship as it was now. He wanted to stay with her and have everything stay the way it was, he didn’t want anything to change. There was a small nagging thought in the back of his brain that was trying to tell him that things had already changed and were going to keep changing, but he chose to ignore the thought. He sighs again softly as he sits down at the dining table and begins to review the paperwork that Ginger had sent them.
“Bunny, look at me!” cried Esme as she swung along the row of monkey bars on the playground. Bunny looked over at Esme and smiled warmly at the little girl.
“That’s great Esme! You’re doing so well!” Bunny called out and Esme beamed at her praise. Bunny felt guilty as her thoughts turned to Jack and began to darken with uncertainty and insecurity. Jack had lied to her about skydiving for his security job and Bunny couldn’t figure out why he would lie about it. It seemed like such a simple thing for him to lie about and from experience Bunny had a feeling that there was something much bigger that Jack was lying about.
Bunny took in a shaky breath as her mind began to turn down memory lane of her marriage with Tim McCall. He had been handsome, sweet, caring until they walked out of the church on their wedding day. It had seemed like a switch had flicked on as soon as they were married, he became mean and controlling. At first it was little things, he’d go out for drinks with his work buddies and would lie to her about where they’d been drinking. Or he’d understate how much he’d spent for the night, Bunny would only find out he was lying when the credit card bill would come in the mail and she’d see the charges. After uncovering the small lies they normally led to bigger lies, after two years into their marriage she had found out that he had started cheating on her. But even when she knew she shouldn’t stay with a cheater he had already dug his manipulative claws into her by convincing her that she wasn’t pretty enough to be with anyone but him, he had even convinced her that no one would ever want to be someone like her.
Bunny remembered the type of person she had become in her six year marriage with Tim, despondent, no self-esteem, a shell of the person she used to be. Tim had complete emotional control over her and he soon had gained financial control over her, or at least he had thought he had. Bunny’s mom had grown worried of how her daughter had changed ever since she had gotten married, she would have Bunny spend weekends at the family home on the excuse that they had some sort of computer problem that needed her full attention. It was the only way to get Bunny away from Tim. It was then that Bunny confessed to her mom that she was so confused and gave reasons as to why she was confused. Bunny’s mom had immediately recognized the manipulation and had begun helping Bunny to shine the light on her relationship. What Bunny had seen wasn’t pleasant and it took her two whole years to finally divorce Tim and get away from him, all with her family’s help.
Bunny shook her head gently at the memories trying to dislodge them from her brain. She knew Jack wasn’t like Tim at all, she had seen it in his actions not only with her but with Esme and the other neighbors. But there was still that nagging thought in the back of her mind telling her to be cautious, if he was lying about something this small then there was most likely more that he was lying about. 
Sighing softly Bunny felt her shoulders slump in dejection as her eyes trailed on Esme as the little girl ran around the playground. She didn’t want things to change between her, Jack and Esme; that was the last thing she wanted for them. But now that he had lied to her there was always going to be that doubt of what else he was lying about. Bunny lifted her shoulders in an attempt to raise her mood, she would give herself a day or two to come to terms with Jack lying and then she’d try to have a conversation with him about it.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 20
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 20
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Ofc!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,134
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: 
Gif Credit: @interstellarflare
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Jack feels a sense of unease as he walks up Bunny’s front walkway towards her house with Tequila. Tequila nudges him with his shoulder and Jack shakes his head dejectedly and Tequila sighs softly at him. The two of them make it up to the front door and Tequila rings the doorbell before stepping back to wait to be let in. Esme comes running up to the door and swings it open hurriedly as she beams at the two of them.
“You’re going to love dinner Uncle T!” She cries out happily and Jack feels his heart clench in his chest when he hears Bunny’s soft chuckle from inside. 
The house is so familiar to him that it feels as if he’s coming home, and that fact stays with Jack as he moves through the house to the kitchen. The sight of Bunny standing at the stove cooking dinner is a sight that fills him with contentment, joy and unease. He’s become so used to Bunny being in his life ever since they met that he now feels discombobulated since they’ve been keeping their distance from each other. He feels out of place in her kitchen even though the room feels so familiar to him. It’s an odd feeling to have almost like trying to experience two opposite emotions at the same time in tandem. 
Bunny looks over her shoulder and makes eye contact with Jack, she smiles gently at him and then turns back to the stove. Jack feels as if she’s snubbed him in a way but he knows that she’s only trying to protect herself, he was the one who did this. He messed up by lying and she was just trying to protect herself from it. Sighing softly Jack moves to sit at the kitchen island with Tequila who’s animatedly telling Esme about a story when he first met Jack. Jack can see Bunny’s shoulders shaking as she quietly laughs at Tequila’s story.
The atmosphere is lively and warm even though Jack can feel the distance between him and Bunny. He silently praises her for not alluding to their issues around Esme, he’s grateful that Esme doesn’t seem to realize that there’s something wrong between him and Bunny. Esme sets the table without being told and Bunny finishes making dinner for the four of them. Tequila and Jack help serve the food while Esme and Bunny pour drinks. It’s all so cozy and comfortable for Jack as he sits down next to Tequila across from Bunny, he looks across the table at her and watches as she listens to Esme talk about her favorite television show with rapt attention.
Suddenly it hits him like a semi truck, this is what he wants in his home. He wants to come home to these warm family dinners, he wants to come home to a happy lively home with Bunny and Esme waiting for him to talk about their days. Jack sucks in a deep breath through his nose as his thoughts finally solidify in his mind, he wants to make Bunny his wife and partner. He sits there in Bunny’s warm happy kitchen feeling as if his life has just shifted into place and everything has become clear to him. Looking down at his plate Jack furrows his brow for a moment before looking back up at Bunny, she’s watching him with concern written on her face.
“Are you okay Jack?” she asks him worriedly and Jack smiles warmly at her reveling in the fact that she still cares about his well-being to worry about him.
“Yes I’m perfectly alright darling.” he says kindly and Bunny blinks for a moment in surprise before smiling fondly at him.
Jack feels lighter after dinner as he walks out of Bunny’s house with Tequila and Esme following him. He knows that things aren’t repaired to where he wants them to be but there seems to be a truce laid between him and Bunny. For now that will have to suffice until he can have a private conversation with her. But there’s a lingering sense of warm familiarity between them all and Jack is eager to hold onto it. He’s got so much work to do to repair his relationship with Bunny but he knows he can do it. After coming to realize that he wanted her as much more than a casual girlfriend he had to repair the relationship especially if he wanted her in his life fully. 
He turned around to wait for Esme as he exited the house, his eyes darting to Bunny who was walking Esme out of the house as the little girl told her all about her new week at school coming up. Jack smiled fondly at the two of them as Esme animatedly told Bunny about a party that her class was throwing this week coming up. He watched as Esme distractedly walked down the steps of Bunny before turning forward with a wave of her hand.
“Alright I’ll see you later Bunny! Love you lots like Jelly Tots!” Esme called out over her shoulder as she jumped down the steps to the waiting Tequila. Jack sucked in a harsh breath and whipped his head back to Bunny who was standing at the top of the steps with a look of shock on her face and tears beginning to gather in her eyes. He watched as her eyes slowly trailed over to him and he saw the earnest yearning on her face, it made his chest tighten with emotion. He took a step towards her and Bunny shook her head quickly as she gasped softly and beamed brightly at him, it was as if the sun was sliding from behind heavy clouds to shine down on him. 
Jack took a step back to his original position and watched as Bunny gathered herself and quickly swiped at her eyes before smiling brightly at them all. He gave her a moment to gather herself before smiling softly at her. He could see how much Bunny cared for all of them, not only in this moment but in all of her kind gestures and actions she had shown ever since they’d met.
“See you later Esme!” Bunny called out almost in disbelief and Jack saw her smile widen slightly as she looked over at him. “Have a safe trip home Tequila. See you later Jack.” she said happily and Jack felt the warmth from her smile settle into his bones warming him from the inside out. With new determination Jack knew he had to fix their relationship and get it back on track, he knew he would have to confess and tell Bunny about everything. And now after Esme’s little slip of the tongue he was fully ready to have that conversation.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 24.5
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 24.5
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,155
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @getbettercrayon
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Jack sighs softly as he stares into the pan of scrambled eggs he’s making for him and Esme for breakfast. Normally he’d be happy to cook breakfast on the weekend since the two of them would be spending time with Bunny going out and doing things together. But now after the whole fiasco with her ex-husband showing up and the fight between the two of them Jack felt lost. He knew Bunny had become such a key part in his life but now without her in it he truly realized how much of his life involved her. Sighing once more he stirred the eggs so that they scrambled perfectly before he plated them for Esme and himself.
Turning from the stove after shutting it off Jack flinches when he spots Esme sitting at the kitchen island watching him with furrowed eyebrows. He smiles softly at her trying not to let her see how upset he was over his fight with Bunny.
“So where’s Bunny today? She usually eats with us before we go out.” Esme said curiously as she tilted her head to the side. Jack shook his head gently before blowing out a breath gently.
“This weekend is just going to be you and me, peanut.” Jack said, still feeling a little lost. “But I promise I’ll make it fun for you.”
Jack hopes that he can eventually convince Bunny that he made a terrible mistake and that he’s sorry for everything he said to her. He knows things probably won’t go back to the way they were before all of this had happened but he holds onto hope that at least there would be some semblance of the relationship they had before.
Esme huffed softly as she sat on Mollie Roger’s bed trying to enjoy the play date that her Dad had set up with her and Mollie but it was awfully hard when she couldn’t stop thinking about Bunny and her Dad. Mollie looked over at her from where she crouched down in front of her bookcase that held all of her books and board games. Mollie looked over her shoulder as Esme sighed again and flopped back on the bed.
“What’s wrong Es?” Mollie asked as she stood from her spot and walked over to the bed. Esme turned her head to Mollie as she climbed onto the bed and sat near her head on the bed.
“It’s Bunny and my Dad.” Esme said wearily as she sighed once again. “I think they got into a fight and now Bunny’s not hanging out with us anymore. It’s making my Dad really sad.” she explained to Mollie who twisted her lips as she thought of what Esme was telling her.
“Usually when my mom and dad fight, my dad will buy her flowers and apologize to her.” Mollie said thoughtfully and Esme nodded her head hurriedly at her friend’s words.
“My Dad has tried to apologize but Bunny doesn’t want to see or talk to him. I think something else is going on but I don’t know for sure.” Esme said dejectedly in a soft tone.
“Maybe you should write her a letter! My mom is always going on about love letters.” Mollie said excitedly as the idea came to her suddenly.
“But Mollie the love letter shouldn’t come from me.” Esme said confused with a little giggle.
“Oh yeah.” Mollie drew out as her mind came to the same conclusion as Esme did. Esme giggled brightly at Mollie’s mistake before turning onto her side and facing Mollie. “Well what if you wrote Bunny an apology letter for your dad?” Mollie suggested hurriedly as her brain kept churning as she thought about what Esme should do to help her dad. “Maybe she’ll read it and listen to you since you’re the one who’s apologizing. She always makes sure to listen to you when you talk.” Mollie said thoughtfully as she laid out on her bed.
Esme lay there staring up at the ceiling thinking about what Mollie had said, Bunny did always make sure to listen and talk to her when they were together. She also always made sure to see if Esme was okay. She grinned suddenly before squealing and grabbing Mollie into a tight hug, making the little girl laugh out happily at her antics.
“Will you help me write it?” Esme asked on a gasp to Mollie.
“Of course I will! I love Bunny and I want her to be your mom!” Mollie cried out happily before the girls rushed off the bed and grabbed paper and sparkly pens to begin writing the letter to Bunny. 
Bunny yawned as she stepped out of the house in baggy black sweatpants and a large baggy gray sweatshirt with the hoodie up. Her eyes darted left and right as she slipped her hands into the front pockets of the sweatshirt. She was still worried Tim was going to show up in the neighborhood, hence why she was taking Butter out for a walk so early. Butter’s leash jingled next to her as she walked down the steps with the happy dog. 
As Bunny turns down the sidewalk towards the park she quietly surveys the neighborhood in the early hours of the morning. It’s so very quiet and Bunny finds solace in the quietness of the neighborhood as she continues walking with Butter. Her mind has been in such disarray lately ever since her ex had been texting her and now with him showing up at a community event on Cynthia’s arm it caused her slip further into a tailspin. Sighing softly Bunny shakes her head, she doesn’t want to think anymore this walk was supposed to get her mind to calm down.
She looks up from the ground where she had been staring and is shocked to find herself further in the community than she had planned on walking. Looking down at Butter she sees him panting and feels guilty for pushing him so far to walk.
“C’mon Butter, let’s head home.” she says softly and he looks at her gratefully. Just as she’s turning around Bunny’s cellphone begins to ring loudly in the quiet. She quickly slips it out of her pocket and smiles when she sees Sarah’s name lit up on the screen. Quickly swiping her finger onto the answer button she presses the phone to her ear with a smile. “Good morning Sarah. How are you?” Bunny greets her fondly and Sarah’s soft laugh rings in her ear making her smile spread wider.
“Good morning to you too. I knew you’d be up at this time. Are you okay?” Sarah greeted her with a question. “Are you holding up okay? Jeremy said it was rough for the first couple of days.”
“I’m getting better. Still spooked but not as bad as before. It’s still taking me some time to get over Tim showing up.” Bunny admitted quietly as she continued walking home with Butter.
“Which is understandable. Don’t try to rush yourself to get better. You should take all the time you need to be okay with everything.” Sarah said kindly and Bunny felt tears prick her eyes at the warmth she felt just from Sarah’s words.
“Thanks Sarah.” Bunny said softly.
“So Henry said that you’re going to make a report with the police about Tim showing up and that you might need our statements to back it up.” Sarah said sternly and Bunny nodded her head absentmindedly.
“Yeah, so Jeremy’s going to be able to take me to the police station tomorrow night right after work so I was wondering if the two of you would be able to help with witness statements. It shouldn’t take too long to get done and I’d really appreciate it since it would help out my report and restraining order.” Bunny explained softly to her as she began walking along the sidewalk where the houses were, she didn’t want anyone to overhear her while she was talking about this. She knew that if Cynthia got word about what Bunny was doing she’d make her life miserable and she couldn’t have that.
“Of course. I’ll be home this afternoon and we’ll both be able to go down to the police station with you. Just let us know when you’re going and we’ll meet you there.” Sarah said reassuringly and Bunny slowly let out a breath of air that she didn’t realize she had been holding.
“Thank you, I really do appreciate this more than you could ever know. I’ll talk to you later.” Bunny said as her and Butter came up to her mailbox. She tilted her head slightly as she saw a corner of glittery purple paper sticking out of her mailbox and wondered where it had come from.
“Alright I’ll talk to you later.” Sarah replied before Bunny hung up the phone. She slipped her phone into her pocket again and reached out, opening her mailbox. Once the door was open a sparkly purple envelope almost fluttered out of the mailbox making Bunny quickly grab it out of the air. She flipped the envelope over to see her name scrawled in white glitter paint on the front with different colored hearts decorating the envelope. She smiled as she recognized the handwriting knowing it was from Esme.
Bunny walked Butter back into the house and locked the door behind her before taking the leash off Butter. She walked into the kitchen still staring at the envelope before she set it down on the kitchen island and moved to the fridge to pour herself a glass of iced tea. When she was perched on one of the stools at the kitchen island with her glass not far from her she opened up the envelope. Inside were three sheets of notebook paper folded in thirds to fit into the envelope and they held Esme’s writing. She had received a letter from Esme. Opening the letter Bunny began to read what Esme had written.
Dear Bunny, Me and Mollie are writing you this letter because we miss you. We know you and my dad got in a fight and now you’re not talking. Whatever my dad did he’s sorry about it. He walks around the house as if he’s forgot something and he’s always quiet now. He’s not happy. You make him happy and you make me happy too. I want you to come hang out with us again. I love you. So does Mollie. And I think my dad loves you too. He doesn’t get sad like this over anything! Please kiss and make up with my dad! Mollie says you guys should kiss a lot to make up for lost time, whatever that means. Love Esme and Mollie
Bunny laughs delighted at the letter and feels her heart begin to stutter in her chest. Her laughter dies down and she smiles softly down at the paper in her hand before she sniffles softly feeling the tears begin to well in her eyes. She misses both Esme and Jack too but the words that Jack said still sting her heart. Bunny takes in a breath and sighs softly, she doesn’t think Jack meant it but the words still hurt. There was a lot that the two needed to talk about, but at the moment Bunny had other things to worry about like reporting her ex for violating her restraining order on him. That was top most priority at the moment.
Just then Bunny’s cell phone dings with a text message and she pulls it out of her pocket to see who it was from. Frowning softly she spots Penny Rogers name on the screen.
Have you heard what Cynthia’s been trying to do lately? Penny wrote in her message. Bunny sighs as she realizes that of course Cynthia would use this time to make a move in the Home Owner’s Association board. Bunny quickly types out a message asking what Cynthia’s been doing before pressing send. She’s pushing to demolish the playgrounds in the community. Saying that they’re a sight for sore eyes and just wasted space for her dream spa. 
Bunny feels rage instantly consumes her and she grips her cell phone tightly in her hand. Gritting her teeth she quickly types out a text message letting Penny know that she’ll take care of it and make a counter for Cynthia’s proposal on election day. She then scrolls through her contacts list until she finds the number she’s looking for. She presses the contact number and holds the phone to her ear.
“Hey Jenna, long time no talk sweetheart. How are you?” Bunny asks happily. “Listen I need to call in my favor and need your services.” she says with a soft smile as she knows that she’ll be able to stop Cynthia in her tracks. She then begins to explain to Jenna what she needed to get done quickly making plans.
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 24
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 24
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,113
Warnings: Evil plotting, sad times
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @mavixdeniz
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The house is quiet as Bunny wakes after the community event in the park, the whole house feels still and Bunny lays in bed with her curtains drawn creating a dimly lit cocoon as she snuggles back into her comforter. Her eyes dart to the wall across from her and she sighs softly as her mind begins to race with the events of yesterday.
Cynthia had shown up with Tim on her arm and Bunny’s world had been tilted sideways on its axis causing all of her sure footing to slide and she fell into an abyss of darkness. She knew deep down that she couldn’t be like this right now otherwise she’ll wind up falling further into the darkness of her mind, but with the emergency therapy session she was able to get over the phone yesterday her therapist was able to help pull her out of the darkness a little bit.
Just then Bunny hears her phone begin to vibrate. She lays there listening to it recognizing that it’s a phone call coming in, she idly wonders who’s trying to reach her so early in the morning before listening to it stop. She sighs softly as she thinks she’ll be able to relax and rest some more before her cell phone begins to vibrate once again with a phone call. Huffing at the vibrating phone she crawls across her bed before leaning over the phone to see who’s calling her. Jer-Bear. Bunny knows that he won’t stop until she picks up the phone as she reaches to the phone and swipes from the table.
“Yes Jeremy?” she asks him in greeting and hears a loud scoff on the other side of the phone.
“You better not be lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself.” he says warningly over the phone and Bunny frowns tiredly at his words.
“In case you didn’t know but my ex-husband showed up to the event yesterday and I was dumped by my boyfriend.” Bunny groused out sarcastically as she snuggled further down into her comforter. “I’m allowed to lie in bed and feel sorry for myself for a little bit.” she added in a soft voice.
“Oh honey.” Jeremy intoned knowingly. “I know what happened yesterday. Everyone knows what happened yesterday.” He told her softly and Bunny felt as if her world had tilted once again.
“Everyone knows?” Bunny asked softly in a broken tone and Jeremy shushed her softly.
“That doesn’t matter right now. Have you talked to your therapist yet?” he asked quickly after dismissively disregarding the fact that everyone knew what happened yesterday.
“Yeah, I talked with her yesterday after getting home. I can’t believe everyone knows.” Bunny began to ramble and Jeremy quickly cut her off.
“Stop that!” he hissed loudly enough into the phone to catch Bunny’s attention. “Everyone is upset for you and everyone is extremely pissed at Cynthia for her underhanded shit stirring.” he informed her and Bunny sighed softly at the reminder that Cynthia was in the middle of all of this. “I’m coming over so get up, take a hot shower, get into some comfy clothes.”
“Jer, you don’t have to-” Bunny began to say.
“Too late! I’m already halfway there!” Jeremy called out into the phone before hanging up on her. Bunny sighed and rolled out of bed knowing that Jeremy would just use his spare key to get into her house so had to get up and get dressed otherwise he’d pull her out of bed by her ankle.
So trudging over to her bathroom she quickly hops in the shower and turns on the hot water full blast. She lets herself stand underneath the spray for a little bit just letting her body melt and relax under the hot water. She imagines that it’s washing away all the bad that happened yesterday and only leaving her original self. When she’s done washing up she hops out of the shower and wraps herself up in one of her favorite fluffy towels.
Bunny moved back into the bedroom and picked out a long sleeved thin shirt to wear and large baggy comfy sweatpants with fluffy socks. The outfit screamed extreme comfort and Bunny was glad to wear the clothing, it made her feel safe to wrap her fingers in the sleeves of the shirt and pull it further down over her arms while the warmth from the sweatpants eased her worries.
From downstairs she heard the front door open and Butter barking at the intruder. His angry barks quickly turned into barks of excitement as he recognized Jeremy. The two of them quickly rushed up the stairs before barging into Bunny’s bedroom. Butter danced on the hardwood floor of her bedroom happily to show her that Jeremy was here and Bunny laughed while rolling her eyes. She scooped Butter up into her arms and the dog twisted and turned with awkward glee.
“You are the worst guard dog ever.” she groaned out at him and Jeremy chuckled at her words. 
“I’ve already ordered a large cheese pizza, garlic knots, and mozzarella sticks. Should be here in fifteen minutes.” Jeremy said and Bunny frowned at him confused.
“For breakfast?” she asked surprised and Jeremy rolled his eyes at her.
“Bun-Bun it’s already twelve in the afternoon. It’s way past morning.” Jeremy told her and Bunny stared at him in shock. “Yeah sweetheart, you’ve had a good sleep.” 
“I guess I have.” she said as she moved back to her bed and crawled back into it with Butter still in her arms. Jeremy moved to her bed as well before climbing in after taking his shoes off. The two of them leaned back against the headboard and just sat in silence while Bunny turned the television on to some trashy guilty pleasure show that they had been missing out on. The quiet is almost unbearable but Bunny is appreciative of it as she leans into Jeremy’s side and he shifts to gather her in his arms silently. “I’m more upset that I’m still not over what Tim did to me. I still froze up and reacted purely out of fear.” Bunny says softly before burying her face in his neck breathing in his scent as her hands fist in the sides of his soft shirt.
“Bun, it’s only been three years and that man had such a chokehold on you for six years. You’ve only been out of that trauma for half of how long you were in it. It’s not surprising that you still react to him when you see him in the flesh.” Jeremy soothes her as his arms tighten around her and he slides the two of them further down the bed.
“I just want to be okay.” Bunny said softly in a defeated tone and Jeremy cuddled her close to comfort her. They lay like that for a little bit and Bunny fell asleep snoring softly as she rested on his chest. Jeremy lay there still as a statue while darting his eyes between Bunny’s sleeping form and the television playing in the background. Just then the doorbell rang and Jeremy groaned softly as he shifted Bunny onto the bed fully before slipping out of bed and moving downstairs to the front door. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” he called out as the doorbell rang again before getting to the door and opening it widely. He was expecting to see the pizza delivery guy standing in front of him but Jack stood there holding the pizza and food that Jeremy had ordered looking hopeful. “Jack.” Jeremy greeted in shock before shaking his head gently.
“Is she okay?” Jack asked, sounding absolutely wrecked and Jeremy felt a little gratification that Jack sounded so badly.
“No, she’s not.” Jeremy said sternly as he reached out and took the food from Jack’s hands. “She’s not ready to even deal with what happened between you two yet. We’re still wading through her response to her ex.” Jeremy said coldly and Jack flinched at his words before looking up pleadingly at Jeremy. “Maybe once I know for sure that she’s okay and will be fine I’ll bring you up. But right now she needs space and to be able to come to terms with her shitty ex-husband first.”
“Of course. Of course, you’re absolutely right.” Jack said quickly as he nodded his head. “I fucked up. I know I did and I’m so sorry for what I did. I didn’t mean what I said to her.” Jack said imploringly and Jeremy frowned at him before nodding his head once.
“I’ll let her know when she’s ready.” Jeremy said as he took a step back from the door and Jack nodded his head quickly before sighing softly. Jeremy watched quietly as Jack turned from the door and walked down the steps back towards his own house. Silently kicking the door shut he locked it quickly and then turned to head back upstairs to Bunny so he could get some food in her. He quietly wondered if this was going to be the end of his favorite couple in the neighborhood.
Tim nervously walks into the back room of the Chinese restaurant nestled in a strip of businesses on the main road in the city. The big boss had called him in to give him a job to do and he was a little nervous to finally meet him face to face. He’s been eager to meet with the man behind the opposing name but he was still nervous to meet him, especially hearing all the stories about him from the other members. He’d heard that the boss had gone up against the FBI and come out unscathed, he had even kidnapped one of the police chiefs in Kentucky all because the chief looked at his wife sideways. The man was an absolute legend and Tim was nervous.
He looked around the room and saw that the room had been cleared out except for one large circular table sitting in the middle of the dimly lit room. There were large muscled men dressed in black tight t-shirts and gray slacks spaced around the room all with their arms crossed over their chests. A small slender woman with long black hair clad in skimpy lingerie stood at the boss’ side with her hands sensually grazing his shoulders. She looked at Tim with pleading eyes and Tim eyed her hungrily before she turned her face away from him.
“McCall.” said the boss and Tim stood at attention once called on. “I’ve got a job for you out in the next town over. It’s a simple job and if you do it right you’ll be rewarded. What do you say?” 
Tim opened his mouth to answer him when suddenly his phone began to ping with text message after text message. He flinched and quickly began to dig around in his pocket before pulling his phone out and silencing it.
“Sorry about that boss. My new side piece is a little greedy.” Tim apologized while chuckling softly.
“Side piece? I thought you were divorced?” asked the boss as he leaned back in his chair.
“Well I am, but I’m trying to get back with my ex and this chick that I’m banging is her neighbor. So I’m using her as an in with my ex. Chick is smoking hot and she’s good in bed but her voice is annoying.” Tim said truthfully and the boss snapped his fingers before opening his hand.
“Let’s see what she looks like.” the boss said stonily. Tim flinched again and quickly began nodding his head as he hurriedly pulled up Cynthia’s facebook and opened up her pictures before handing the phone over to the boss. Tim waited patiently as the boss swiped through her photo album, he hummed softly to some videos and smirked at others. But it was only when he came across a photo that he stilled and squinted at the phone before enlarging the photo and then grinning evilly. “Well, well, well, look who we have here boys.” the boss said darkly as he showed the phone to one of the closest guards who growled low in his throat. “Can you get us around this guy?” the boss asked Tim before turning the phone back to him for him to see who he was talking about.
“Oh that guy?! That’s the guy who’s been trying to date my ex!” Tim informed the man who nodded his head eagerly as his eyes lit up with an evil light. “Yeah of course I can.” Tim said, liking the idea that the boss would most likely take this guy out.
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