#flipino film
kalakian · 4 years
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Mahirap maging Pilipina, ngunit masarap sa pakiramdam na sa panahon ni Rizal, itinuring n’yang kapantay ng kalalakihan ang kababaihan. Malinaw ito sa kanyang sulat para sa kababaihan ng Malolos.
To the Young Women of Malolos
by José Rizal
When I wrote Noli Me Tangere, I asked myself whether bravery was a common thing in the young women of our people.  I brought back to my recollection and reviewed those I had known since my infancy, but there were only few who seem to come up to my ideal.  There was, it is true, an abundance of girls with agreeable manners, beautiful ways, and modest demeanor, but there was in all an admixture of servitude and deference to the words or whims of their so-called "spiritual fathers" (as if the spirit or soul had any father other than God), due to excessive kindness, modesty, or perhaps ignorance.  They seemed faced plants sown and reared in darkness, having flowers without perfume and fruits without sap.
However, when the news of what happened at Malolos reached us, I saw my error, and great was my rejoicing.  After all, who is to blame me?  I did not know Malolos nor its young women, except one called Emila [Emilia Tiongson, whom Rizal met in 1887], and her I knew by name only.
Now that you have responded to our first appeal in the interest of the welfare of the people; now that you have set an example to those who, like you, long to have their eyes opened and be delivered from servitude, new hopes are awakened in us and we now even dare to face adversity, because we have you for our allies and are confident of victory.  No longer does the Filipina stand with her head bowed nor does she spend her time on her knees, because she is quickened by hope in the future; no longer will the mother contribute to keeping her daughter in darkness and bring her up in contempt and moral annihilation.  And no longer will the science of all sciences consist in blind submission to any unjust order, or in extreme complacency, nor will a courteous smile be deemed the only weapon against insult or humble tears the ineffable panacea for all tribulations.  You know that the will of God is different from that of the priest; that religiousness does not consist of long periods spent on your knees, nor in endless prayers, big rosarios, and grimy scapularies [religious garment showing devotion], but in a spotless conduct, firm intention and upright judgment.  You also know that prudence does not consist in blindly obeying any whim of the little tin god, but in obeying only that which is reasonable and just, because blind obedience is itself the cause and origin of those whims, and those guilty of it are really to be blamed.  The official or friar can no longer assert that they alone are responsible for their unjust orders, because God gave each individual reason and a will of his or her own to distinguish the just from the unjust; all were born without shackles and free, and nobody has a right to subjugate the will and the spirit of another your thoughts. And, why should you submit to another your thoughts, seeing that thought is noble and free?
It is cowardice and erroneous to believe that saintliness consists in blind obedience and that prudence and the habit of thinking are presumptuous.  Ignorance has ever been ignorance, and never prudence and honor. God, the primal source of all wisdom, does not demand that man, created in his image and likeness, allow himself to be deceived and hoodwinked, but wants us to use and let shine the light of reason with which He has so mercifully endowed us.  He may be compared to the father who gave each of his sons a torch to light their way in the darkness bidding them keep its light bright and take care of it, and not put it out and trust to the light of the others, but to help and advise each other to fiind the right path.  They would be madman were they to follow the light of another, only to come to a fall, and the father could unbraid them and say to them: "Did I not give each of you his own torch," but he cold not say so if the fall were due to the light of the torch of him who fell, as the light might have been dim and the road very bad.
The deceiver is fond of using the saying that "It is presumptuous to rely on one's own judgment," but, in my opinion, it is more presumptuous for a person to put his judgment above that of the others and try to make it prevail over theirs.  It is more presumptuous for a man to constitute himself into an idol and pretend to be in communication of thought with God; and it is more than presumptuous and even blasphemous for a person to attribute every movement of his lips to God, to represent every whim of his as the will of God, and to brand his own enemy as an enemy of God.  Of course, we should not consult our own judgment alone, but hear the opinion of others before doing what may seem most reasonable to us.  The wild man from the hills, if clad in a priest's robe, remains a hillman and can only deceive the weak and ignorant.  And, to make my argument more conclusive, just buy a priest's robe as the Franciscans wear it and put it on a carabao [domestic water buffalo], and you will be lucky if the carabao does not become lazy on account of the robe.  But I will leave this subject to speak of something else.
Youth is a flower-bed that is to bear rich fruit and must accumulate wealth for its descendants.  What offspring will be that of a woman whose kindness of character is expressed by mumbled prayers; who knows nothing by heart but awits [hymns], novenas, and the alleged miracles; whose amusement consists in playing panguingue [a card game] or in the frequent confession of the same sins?  What sons will she have but acolytes, priest's servants, or cock fighters?  It is the mothers who are responsible for the present servitude of our compatriots, owing to the unlimited trustfulness of their loving hearts, to their ardent desire to elevate their sons  Maturity is the fruit of infancy and the infant is formed on the lap of its mother.  The mother who can only teach her child how to kneel and kiss hands must not expect sons with blood other than that of vile slaves.  A tree that grows in the mud is unsubstantial and good only for firewood.  If her son should have a bold mind, his boldness will be deceitful and will be like the bat that cannot show itself until the ringing of vespers.  They say that prudence is sanctity.  But, what sanctity have they shown us?  To pray and kneel a lot, kiss the hand of the priests, throw money away on churches, and believe all the friar sees fit to tell us; gossip, callous rubbing of noses. . . .
As to the mites and gifts of God, is there anything in the world that does not belong to God?  What would you say of a servant making his master a present of a cloth borrowed from that very master?  Who is so vain, so insane that he will give alms to God and believe that the miserable thing he has given will serve to clothe the Creator of all things?  Blessed be they who succor their fellow men, aid the poor and feed the hungry; but cursed be they who turn a dead ear to supplications of the poor, who only give to him who has plenty and spend their money lavishly on silver altar hangings for the thanksgiving, or in serenades and fireworks.  The money ground out of the poor is bequeathed to the master so that he can provide for chains to subjugate, and hire thugs and executioners.  Oh, what blindness, what lack of understanding.
Saintliness consists in the first place in obeying the dictates of reason, happen what may.  "It is acts and not words that I want of you," said Christ.  "Not everyone that sayeth unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven."  Saintliness does not consist in abjectness, nor is the successor of Christ to be recognized by the fact that he gives his hand to be kissed.  Christ did not give the kiss of peace to the Pharisees and never gave his hand to be kissed.  He did not cater to the rich and vain; He did not mention scapularies, nor did He make rosaries, or solicit offerings for the sacrifice of the Mass or exact payments for His prayers.  Saint John did not demand a fee on the River Jordan, nor did Christ teach for gain.  Why, then, do the friars now refuse to stir a foot unless paid in advance?  And, as if they were starving, they sell scapularies, rosaries, bits, and other things which are nothing but schemes for making money and a detriment to the soul; because even if all the rags on earth were converted into scapularies and all the trees in the forest into rosaries, and if the skins of all the beasts were made into belts, and if all the priests of the earth mumbled prayers over all this and sprinkled oceans of holy water over it, this would not purify a rogue or condone sin where there is no repentance.  Thus, also, through cupidity and love of money, they will, for a price, revoke the numerous prohibitions such as those against eating meat, marrying close relatives, etc.  You can do almost anything if you but grease their palms.  Why that?  Can God be bribed and bought off, and blinded by money, nothing more nor less than a friar?  The brigand who has obtained a bull of compromise can live calmly on the proceeds of his robbery, because he will be forgiven.  God, then, will sit at a table where theft provides the viands?  Has the Omnipotent become a pauper that He must assume the role of the excise man or gendarme?  If that is the God whom the friar adores, then I turn my back upon that God.
Let us be reasonable and open our eyes, especially you women, because you are the first to influence the consciousness of man.  Remember that a good mother does not resemble the mother that the friar has created; she must bring up her child to be the image of the true God, not of a blackmailing, a grasping God, but of a God who is the father of us all, who is just; who does not suck the life-blood of the poor like a vampire, nor scoffs at the agony of the sorely beset, nor makes a crooked path of the path of justice.  Awaken and prepare the will of our children towards all that is honorable, judged by proper standards, to all that is sincere and firm of purpose, clear judgment, clear procedure, honesty in act and deed, love for the fellowman and respect for God; this is what you must teach your children.  And, seeing that life is full of thorns and thistles, you must fortify their minds against any stroke of adversity and accustom them to danger.  The people cannot expect honor nor prosperity so long as  they will educate their children in a wrong way, so long as the woman who guides the child in his steps is slavish and ignorant.  No good water comes from a turbid, bitter spring; no savory fruit comes from acrid seed.
The duties that woman has to perform in order to deliver the people from suffering are of no little importance, but be they as they may, they will not be beyond the strength and stamina of the Filipino people.  The power and good judgment of the women of the Philippines are well known, and it is because of this that she has been hoodwinked, and tied, and rendered pusillanimous, and now her enslavers rest at ease, because so long as they can keep the Filipina mother a slave, so long will they be able to make slaves of her children.  The cause of the backwardness of Asia lies in the fact that there the women are ignorant, are slaves; while Europe and America are powerful because there the women are free and well-educated and endowed with lucid intellect and a strong will.
We know that you lack instructive books; we know that nothing is added to your intellect, day by day, save that which is intended to dim its natural brightness; all this we know, hence our desire to bring you the light that illuminates your equals here in Europe.  If that which I tell you does not provoke your anger, and if you will pay a little attention to it then, however dense the mist may be that befogs our people, I will make the utmost efforts to have it dissipated by the bright rays of the sun, which will give light, thought they be dimmed.  We shall not feel any fatigue if you help us: God, too, will help to scatter the mist, because He is the God of truth: He will restore to its pristine condition the fame of the Filipina in whom we now miss only a criterion of her own, because good qualities she has enough and to spare.  This is our dream; this is the desire we cherish in our hearts; to restore the honor of woman, who is half of our heart, our companion in the joys and tribulations of life.  If she is a maiden, the young man should love her not only because of her beauty and her amiable character, but also on account of her fortitude of mind and loftiness of purpose, which quicken and elevate the feeble and timid and ward off all vain thoughts.  Let the maiden be the pride of her country and command respect, because it is a common practice on the part of Spaniards and friars here who have returned from the Islands to speak of the Filipina as complaisant and ignorant, as if all should be thrown into the same class because of the missteps of a few, and as if women of weak character did not exist in other lands.  As to purity what could the Filipina not hold up to others!
Nevertheless, the returning Spaniards and friars, talkative and fond of gossip, can hardly find time enough to brag and bawl, amidst guffaws and insulting remarks, that a certain woman was thus; that she behaved thus at the convent and conducted herself thus with the Spaniards who on the occasion was her guest, and other things that set your teeth on edge when you think of them which, in the majority of cases, were faults due to candor, excessive kindness, meekness, or perhaps ignorance and were all the work of the defamer himself.  There is a Spaniard now in high office, who has set at our table and enjoyed our hospitality in his wanderings through the Philippines and who, upon his return to Spain, rushed forthwith into print and related that on one occasion in Pampanga he demanded hospitality and ate, and slept at a house and the lady of the house conducted herself in such and such a manner with him; this is how he repaid the lady for her supreme hospitality!  Similar insinuations are made by the friars to the chance visitor from Spain concerning their very obedient confesandas, hand-kissers, etc., accompanied by smiles and very significant winkings of the eye.  In a book published by D. Sinibaldo de Mas and in other friar sketches sins are related of which women accused themselves in the confessional and of which the friars made no secret in talking to their Spanish visitors seasoning them, at the best, with idiotic and shameless tales not worthy of credence.  I cannot repeat here the shameless stories that a friar told Mas and to which Mas attributed no value whatever.  Every time we hear or read anything of this kind, we ask each other: Are the Spanish women all cut after the pattern of the Holy Virgin Mary and the Filipinas all reprobates?  I believe that if we are to balance accounts in this delicate question, perhaps, . . .  But I must drop the subject because I am neither a confessor nor a Spanish traveler and have no business to take away anybody's good name.  I shall let this go and speak of the duties of women instead.
A people that respect women, like the Filipino people, must know the truth of the situation in order to be able to do what is expected of it.  It seems an established fact that when a young student falls in love, he throws everything to the dogs -- knowledge, honor, and money, as if a girl could not do anything but sow misfortune.  The bravest youth becomes a coward when he married, and the born coward becomes shameless, as if he had been waiting to get married in order to show his cowardice.  The son, in order to hide his pusillanimity, remembers his mother, swallows his wrath, suffers his ears to be boxed, obeys the most foolish order, and and becomes an accomplice to his own dishonor.  It should be remembered that where nobody flees there is no pursuer; when there is no little fish, there can not be a big one.  Why does the girl not require of her lover a noble and honored name, a manly heart offering protection to her weakness, and a high spirit incapable of being satisfied with engendering slaves?  Let her discard all fear, let her behave nobly and not deliver her youth to the weak and faint-hearted.  When she is married, she must aid her husband, inspire him with courage, share his perils, refrain from causing him worry and sweeten his moments of affection, always remembering that there is no grief that a brave heart can not bear and there is no bitterer inheritance than that of infamy and slavery.  Open your children's eyes so that they may jealously guard their honor, love their fellowmen and their native land, and do their duty.  Always impress upon them they must prefer dying with honor to living in dishonor.  The women of Sparta should serve you as an example should serve you as an example in this; I shall give some of their characteristics.
When a mother handed the shield to her son as he was marching to battle, she said nothing to him but this: "Return with it, or on it," which mean, come back victorious or dead, because it was customary with the routed warrior to throw away his shield, while the dead warrior was carried home on his shield.  A mother received word that her son had been killed in battle and the army routed.  She did not say a word, but expressed her thankfulness that her son had been saved from disgrace.  However, when her son returned alive, the mother put on mourning.  One of the mothers who went out to meet the warriors returning from battle was told by one that her three sons had fallen.  I do not ask you that, said the mother, but whether we have been victorious or not.  We have been victorious -- answered the warrior.  If that is so, then let us thank God, and she went to the temple.
Once upon a time a king of theirs, who had been defeated, hid in the temple, because he feared their popular wrath.  The Spartans resolved to shut him up there and starve him to death.  When they were blocking the door, the mother was the first to bring stones.  These things were in accordance with the custom there, and all Greece admired the Spartan woman.  Of all women -- a woman said jestingly -- only your Spartans have power over the men.  Quite natural -- they replied -- of all women only we give birth to men.  Man, the Spartan women said, was not born to life for himself alone but for his native land.  So long as this way of thinking prevailed and they had that kind of women in Sparta, no enemy was able to put his foot upon her soil, nor was there a woman in Sparta who ever saw a hostile army.
I do not expect to be believed simply because it is I who am saying this; there are many people who do not listen to reason, but will listen only to those who wear the cassock or have gray hair or no teeth; but while it is true that the aged should be venerated, because of their travails and experience, yet the life I have lived, consecrated to the happiness of the people, adds some years, though not many of my age.  I do not pretend to be looked upon as an idol or fetish and to be believed and listened to with the eyes closed, the head bowed, and the arms crossed over the breast; what I ask of all is to reflect on what I tell him, think it over and shift it carefully through the sieve of reasons.
First of all.  That the tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part of others.
Second.  What makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and abject fear of him who holds one in contempt.
Third.  Ignorance is servitude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not think for himself and allowed himself to be guided by the thought of another is like the beast led by a halter.
Fourth.  He who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman, because he who refuses protection to others will find himself without it; the isolated rib in the buri is easily broken, but not so the broom made of the ribs of the palm bound together.
Fifth.  If the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more children, let her merely give birth to them.  She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray husband, child, native land, and all.
Sixth.  All men are born equal, naked, without bonds.  God did not create man to be a slave; nor did he endow him with intelligence to have him hoodwinked, or adorn him with reason to have him deceived by others.  It is not fatuous to refuse to worship one's equal, to cultivate one's intellect, and to make use of reason in all things.  Fatuous is he who makes a god of him, who makes brutes of others, and who strives to submit to his whims all that is reasonable and just.
Seventh.  Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you.  See whether it is the will of God or according to the teachings of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated.  Consider what they preaching to you, the object of the sermon, what is behind the masses, novenas, rosaries, scapularies, images, miracles, candles, belts, etc. etc; which they daily keep before your minds; ears and eyes; jostling, shouting, and coaxing; investigate whence they came and whiter they go and then compare that religion with the pure religion of Christ and see whether the pretended observance of the life of Christ does not remind you of the fat milch cow or the fattened pig, which is encouraged to grow fat nor through love of the animal, but for grossly mercenary motives.
Let us, therefore, reflect; let us consider our situation and see how we stand.  May these poorly written lines aid you in your good purpose and help you to pursue the plan you have initiated.  "May your profit be greater than the capital invested;" and I shall gladly accept the usual reward of all who dare tell your people the truth.  May your desire to educate yourself be crowned with success; may you in the garden of learning gather not bitter, but choice fruit, looking well before you eat because on the surface of the globe all is deceit, and the enemy sows weeds in your seedling plot.
All this is the ardent desire of your compatriot.
Ang mga larawan ay kuha sa pelikulang Dahling Nick.
Ang buong kopya ng To the Young Women of Malolos ay nakuha sa https://kwentongebabuhayrizal.blogspot.com/
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hobeymakar · 4 years
Best Part | E. Pettersson Imagine
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This one is dedicated to my girl @petterssonsdoncic
A/N: This was based off the song Best Part by H.E.R. & Daniel Caesar (aka my future wedding song). This also takes place in a universe where COVID-19 never happened and I used the 2019-2020 schedule in this
Word Count: 1,766
Warnings: Explicit language and brief sexual content
You don’t know babe. When you hold me. And kiss me slowly. It’s the sweetest thing. And it don’t change. If I had it my way. You would know that you are
Gabbie wakes up to Elias sleeping peacefully beside her. The team is in the middle of a 6 game home stand, so she’s taking advantage of much needed time with Elias before he leaves for another road trip. Tomorrow is Valentine’s day and she’s excited for her 3rd Valentine’s day with Elias. Knowing him, he’s gonna surprise her with something extravagant like he has the last two years and she’s mentally preparing herself for that.
She goes to the kitchen and starts making breakfast, knowing that the smell will get him out of bed.
"Good morning, min kärlek. Did you sleep well?" he asks, kissing her forehead.
"I always sleep better when you’re home," she smiles.
"Good thing I'm here for another week then.Tomorrow I’m taking you out all day. I gotta make this Valentine’s Day better than last year’s," he informs her.
"Do I get at least a hint as to what we're doing?" she asks.
"No, not at all, babe," he replies.
"Asshole," she groans teasingly.
He smacks her ass hard, causing her to screech, "Elias!"
He laughs before running to their bedroom.
You’re the coffee that I need in the morning. You’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring. Won’t you give yourself to me. Give it all, oh
Gabbie wakes up the next morning to see Elias gone. She knows that he doesn’t have practice today. She starts her daily routine and goes out to the kitchen to make breakfast. After a while, she notices he hasn't come back home and texts him.
To: Elias Bear 🥰
Baby, where are you?
From: Elias Bear 🥰
Get ready for your special surprise. The girls are coming to get you
To: Elias Bear 🥰
Oh, idk what you’re planning but I still love you
From: Elias Bear 🥰
I love you more
She gets ready and before she knows it the girls arrive at the condo with a message on a card that reads, “they say love at first sight exists, but I never knew it did until I laid eyes on you. Stop by the place we first met and you’ll get your next clue”.
“Seriously? A scavenger hunt?” she scoffs.
“Just follow along. He spent a lot of time and effort on it,” Holl urges her.
“Alright let’s go!” she sighs, shaking her head.
I just wanna see. I just wanna see how beautiful you are. You know that I see it. I know you’re a star. Where you go I’ll follow. No matter how far. If life is a movie. Oh you;re the best part, oh. Then you’re the best part, ooh. Best part
It’s been a few hours and Gabbie is growing restless. She’s been going all over Vancouver and she’s tired. She wishes the girls would just tell her where Eias is so she can get to the surprise already. Eventually, they arrive at the spot where Elias asked her to move in with him. They arrive at the Jericho Beach boardwalk, even though it’s freezing in early February.
She sees Bo Horvat and Gus, Bo and Holl’s dog. Gus walks over with an envelope in his mouth. She takes the envelope into her hands and opens it. She reads it and turns around. She sees Elias down on one knee.
“Gabbie Cortez, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so glad I met you at the BC Lions game. Will you make me the happiest guy on the planet and marry me?” he asks.
Gabbie has her hands over her mouth in shock and keeps gasping “oh my god!” and nodding.
“So is it a yes?” he asks nervously.
“Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” she cries out, nodding and smiling.
She hears cheers all around them as Elias slides the ring on her finger. He then gets up and kisses her passionately. After a few passionate kisses, the couple breaks apart and she notices that the whole team, the WAGs, and her immediate family are there. She lifts her hand up and shows off the diamond ring, making everyone cheer again.
It’s this sunrise and those brown eyes, yes. You’re the one that I desire. When we wake up. And then we make love (Make love). It makes me feel so nice
Gabbie and Elias wake up early to Elias’ alarm going off for his 2pm matinee game against Anaheim. He notices the sunrise and looks into her brown eyes and thinks he couldn’t be more in love. 
“Babe, look at the sunrise,” he points out, kissing her forehead.
She turns her attention to the sun rising through her open window. They watch the sun rise peacefully before she straddles his waist.
“I’m not usually awake this early,” she informs him.
“I know you’re not. You’re only awake this early when you have 8am class, which you don’t anymore,” he teases, referring to her being a 3rd year film student at UBC.
He tries to get out of bed but she refuses to let her grip on him go.
“Babe, I’m gonna be late to the game and Green is gonna bench me,” his hand on her thighs gently.
“You’re not going anywhere without a kiss,” she teases.
He kisses her and she kisses back easily, not caring about morning breath. The kisses quickly become heated and the thought of being late quickly gets pushed to the back of his mind.
It’s not until after he comes down from his post-orgasm haze, that he realizes he’s gonna be late if he doesn’t leave the condo in less than 10 minutes.
He shows up to the locker room with a minute to spare before being late and mentally fistpumps the air. The guys chirp him for the fresh scratch marks all over his back. He chirps back that at least he’s getting laid unlike some of his loser teammates.
You’re the water when I’m stuck in the desert. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine on my life
Elias catches the flu on game day against Minnesota and is forced to be scratched. He blames Quinn for it somehow and Quinn tells him to fuck off and to get a better immune system. Luckily, Elias has Gabbie who takes care of him and fills him up with some weird Flipino herbal tea that her grandma makes, as well as some Filipino version of chicken noodle soup. She also puts rice on the bottoms of his coup bowl.
He doesn’t question it and just eats it up while thinking it’s the end of the world.
“Babe, I think I’m actually dying. It’s official! I’m dead!” he sighs dramatically.
“Shut up, you big baby. That’s why you have an incredible fiance to take care of you,” she assures him with a kiss to his forehead.
Four days later, Elias is over the flu, unfortunately he manages to give it to Gabbie.
“I’m sorry, babe,” he sighs, as she lays in bed miserably.
“It’s my fault for being all over you. I should’ve slept in the guest room,” she sighs miserably.
If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you?
“Babe, I have a gift for you,” Gabbie informs him, as he comes into the room after practice.
“A gift?” he asks, curiously.
“Yeah, just something I think you would like,” she replies, handing him a box.
He opens the box and sees a stick that looks like a thermometer in there. He shoots her a quizzical look. 
“Just grab it and read the screen, babe,” she sighs, rolling her eyes at how dumb her fiance is.
“What is this? There’s two lines on this? What does that even mean?” he asks in confusion.
“Babe, what do girls take when they’re supposed to get their period and they don’t get it?” she asks in a duh tone.
“Wait is this a pregnancy test?” he asks.
“Yes, babe and on the box, it tells you what the lines mean,” she explains.
“Okay on the box it says two lines means pregnant and it has two lines,” he says, before pausing when he realizes what he just said. “You’re pregnant?”
“Isn’t that what it says?” she asks in an obvious tone.
“Is this fake?” he asks, sniffing the stick.
“Babe, I peed on that. That’s nasty!” she squeals, grabbing the stick from him.
“Wow, I can’t believe this!” he cries out in shock.
“So are you happy? Are you mad?” she asks, dying to know what he feels.
“Of course not babe! I would never get mad at you over something like this! I guess I gotta go call my mom,” he says, getting up.
“Babe, don’t tell anyone yet!” she cries out, stopping him in his tracks.
“Why not?” he asks suspiciously.
“Because I need to see my gyno first to confirm it and because I’m on my period,” she informs him, biting back the urge to laugh.
“Wait what?” he asks in confusion.
“It’s a prank, babe! I’m not actually pregnant. I got my period this morning. I just wanted to know how you would react if I really was pregnant. So congrats you passed the test!” she teases.
“That is not funny! You really scared me! I was actually starting to think about getting a bigger condo and all the shit we’d have to do and buy for a baby,” he groans, slightly ticked off.
“I’m sorry baby. It was just a harmless prank. You still love me right?” she asks, burying her face under his neck. 
“Of course I do babe, but I hope you know I’m getting you back for this,: he informs her.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” she smiles, kissing him.
She doesn’t know how she got so lucky to have Elias Pettersson, but she thanks the Lord for bringing them together at that BC Lions game a few years back.
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carylleladd · 4 years
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Ang industriya ng pelikula sa Pilipinas ay isa sa pinakaabala pagdating sa paggawa ng mga pelikula sa Asya. Itinatayang nakapaglabas ng 350 na pelikula sa isang taon ang Pilipinas na pumapangalawa sa bansang Japan.
Ang dekada 50 ay napakaimportanteng panahon sa industriya ng pelikula sa Pilipinas. Itinuring itong Unang Ginintuang Panahon ng Pelikulang Pilipino dahil sa mataas na artistikong pagpapahalaga na ipinakita.
Sa dekadang ito, apat na naglalakihang production studios ang namuno at ito ay ang LVN Pictures, Sampaguita Pictures, Premiere Productions, at Lebran International.
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Ang dekada 50 ay napakaimportanteng panahon sa industriya ng Pelikula Pilipino sapagkat sa panahon na ito nagawa ang ilan sa mga mahahalagang pelikula sa kasaysayan ng pelikula sa Pilipinas. Mga pelikula na hindi lamang nakilala sa Pilipinas kundi maging sa ibang bansa.
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Ang pelikulang Anak Dalita ay tungkol sa isang sundalo na nakipaglaban sa giyera sa Korea na ginampanan ni Tony Santos at sa isang mang-aaliw sa isang bar na ginampanan naman ni Rosa Rosal. Inilabas ito sa taong 1956 at ginawaran ang pelikula ng 1956 Asian Film Festival Award.
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Ang pelikulang Genghis Khan ay tungkol sa buhay ng isang Mongol ruler na ginampanan ni Manuel Conde. Inilabas ang pelikula sa taong 1950. Ang pelikulang ito ay ang pinakaambisyosong pelikula na ginawa noong panahon ng post war.
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Ang Prinsipe Amante ay inilabas sa taong 1951 at ang pinakaunang full-colour na pelikulang inilabas sa Pilipinas. Inilaban ang pelikula sa Venice International Film Festival.  Ito rin ang nag marka sa pagsisimula ng paglaganap ng pagbagay ng Filipino komiks sa pelikula.
Sa dekadang ito ay nakilala ang mga mahuhusay na aktor at aktress na nagpakita ng kanilang galing sa pagarte. Sila ang isa sa mga rason kung bakit ang mga pelikula ay naging matagumpay. At hanggang ngayon ang mga aktor at aktress ay hinahangaan at ginagalang parin.
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Claire Strauss y Dizon o mas kilala sa pangalang Lilia Dizon ay isang sikat na aktress na bumida sa mga pelikulang Sanda Wong, Bathumal, Kalderong Pilak at iba pa. Tinaguring isa sa pinakamagaling na aktress sa Asya at ang pinakaunang Pilipinong artista na nakamit ang Best Asian Actress Award sa Cambodia Film Festival.
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Regidor de la Rosa ay isa sa pinakapopular na matinee idols sa ika-20th siglo. Sa 1955 ay nanalo siya bilang Pinakamahusay na Aktor sa FAMAS at Southeast Asia's Pinakamahusay na Aktress sa Hong Kong Festival para sa pelikulang "Higit sa Lahat".
Hindi magagawa ang mga pelikula kung wala ang direktor. Kaya ngayon, kilalanin natin ang mga direktor na nagbigay at gumawa ng mga pelikulang pumukaw sa mga puso ng mga Pilipino.
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Si Lamberto Avellana ay isang sikat na direktor sa pelikula at teatro. Tinaguriang Boy Wonder of the Philippine Movies. Siya ang direktor ng pelikulang Kalderong Pilak na pinakunang pelikulang ipinakita sa Cannes International Film Festival at ang. At sa taong 1976 ay iginawad sa kaniya ang Pambansang Alagad ng Sining sa Teatro at Pelikula.
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Si Gerardo de Leon ay isang sikat na direktor, aktor at doktor sa medisina. Ilan sa mga kilalang pelikula na ginawa niya ay ang Sisa (1951), Dyesebel (1953), Pedro Penduko (1954), Noli Me Tangere(1961), at El Filibusterismo (1962). Iginawad sa kaniya ang Pambansang Alagad ng Sining sa Teatro at Pelikula sa taong 1983.
Sa dekada 50 nagsimulang magkaroon ng tagapaggawad-parangal ang Pilipinas at ito ay ang Maria Clara Awards at Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences o FAMAS.
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Ang Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences o FAMAS ay ang pinakamatandang tagapaggawad-parangal kung saan binibigyan ng parangal ang mga artista, direktor at artisan sa kanilang ipinakitang kagalingan sa pelikula.
Ang Maria Clara Awards ay ang pinakaunang tagapaggawad-parangal sa mga natatanging direktor, artista at artisan sa laranagan ng pelikula sa Pilipinas.
Sanda Wong
Biyaya ng Lupa
Walang Kamatayan
Gregorio Fernández
Consuelo Ateng Padilla Osorio
César Gallardo
Armando Garces
Eddie Romero
Ang Dekada 50 ay napakaimportanteng panahon sa industriya ng Pelikula Pilipino. Ito ang dekada kung saan nabuhay ulit ang paggawa ng mga pelikula matapos ang digmaan. Dekada kung saan nagawa ang ilan sa mahahalagang pelikula at nakilala ang ilan sa mahuhusay na artista at direktor sa Pilipinas. Dekada na nagpatunay sa husay ng mga Pilipino pagdating sa larangan ng pelikula.
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phgq · 5 years
15th Israeli Film Festival in the PH opens to public on March
#PHinfo: 15th Israeli Film Festival in the PH opens to public on March
QUEZON CITY, March 5 -- The Embassy of Israel in Manila in partnership with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) will showcase cultural and cinematographic  Israeli films in a 2-day film festival at Cinema 3 of Bonifacio High Street Cinemas, Central Square on March 13-14, 2020.
The following four (4) critically acclaimed Israeli films will be featured:
ABULELE | Rated PG | March 13, 2020 at 4PM
Adam, a ten year-old boy, meets Abulele, a huge, friendly, invisible ancient monster. The two become best friends but when the government Special Forces unit arrives  to capture Abulele, Adam will have to put his own past behind him in order to save his friend learning a long the way that when you love someone, you're not really alone. 
MANPOWER | Rated PG | March 13, 2020 at 7PM
Meir Cohen is a decorated police officer who barely earns a living. His new assignment of deporting African migrant workers from Israel "of their own free will," teaches him foreigners aren't the only ones who have no future in his country. Other plotlines intertwine with Meir's story: an Israeli-Flipino boy fighting for recognition, a taxi driver whose children are migrating to a distant country, and a veteran migrant worker who's forced to decide whether to leave or to hide until trouble passes. 
Filmmaker Noam Kaplan delicately sketches a portrait of four men in crisis. Moving between scathing realism and subtle irony, the film raises questions of belonging and uprooting, exile and emigration, home and family.
SAVING NETA | Rated G | March 14, 2020 at 4PM
Four women with nothing in common each finds her life profoundly altered by an encounter with a mysterious stranger, in the Israeli anthology-drama SAVING NETA. A collection of stories spanning the seasons, each episode introduces a woman “on the verge”: a career police officer unable to cope with the stress of work and her teenage daughter; a lesbian cellist ambivalent about raising a child with her partner; a mother who plans to tell her children she’s getting a divorce; and a businesswoman who goes home for her mother’s funeral and must institutionalize her mentally challenged sister. Impacting each of these fractured lives is Neta (Benny Avni), a drifter struggling with his own personal crisis. 
LACES | Rated G | March 13, 2020 at 7PM
'Laces' tells the story of a complicated relationship between an aging father and his special-needs son, whom he abandoned while he was still a young boy. Reuben's (60) kidney's are failing and his son Gadi (35), wants to donate one of his own kidney's to help save his father's life. However, the transplant committee objects to the procedure claiming that Rueben, acting as Gadi's sole legal guardian, does not have the right to authorize such an invasive procedure. Gadi, who recently lost his mother, is afraid of losing his father as well. He feels he finally has the chance to do something meaningful; to become a man and stand on his own. He's furious with the committee's decision and sets out to fight for his right to save his father's life. Through the film's portrayal of a relationship full of love, rejection and co-dependency, it manages to shed some light and question the importance of human life, human connection and if life is even possible without it either one of them.
Tickets are available via www.sureseats.com and BHS cinema ticket booth for P150 only. To score free tickets, follow the official Facebook page: Israeli in the Philippines for surprise announcements.  (Embassy of the State of Israel)
* Philippine Information Agency. "15th Israeli Film Festival in the PH opens to public on March." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1035773 (accessed March 06, 2020 at 10:14AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "15th Israeli Film Festival in the PH opens to public on March." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1035773 (archived).
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