tenderstars · 2 years
for: @flirtofwallstreet​
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as the front door chimed, taylor popped her head out from the back. “hey, welcome in,” she greeted, hopping up from her chair. it had been a slow day, so taylor had been working on inventory for most of the morning. that was probably the worst part of owning a record store. going to sit at the cash register, taylor smiled at the stranger. propping a magazine onto her lap, she steals a few glances of the man that had walked in. she couldn’t put her finger on it, but he reminded her of someone. she just couldn’t think of who. “are you looking for anything in particular?’ she asked, curiously as she lifted her head. 
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thebestorworstofit · 1 year
@flirtofwallstreet heres a lil thing, idk what the thing is but it’s a thing for u <3
she wasn’t exactly supposed to still be there, she was meant to drop off his mail and any important messages that were left while her boss was out of town, but the grand piano that caught the corner of her eye practically pulled her from the foyer and past where it would really be appropriate for her to be. not that she was snooping or anything of the sort, it was just the sort of instrument you see and know it needs to be played - deserves to be, at least. 
he wasn’t meant to be home until the early, early, morning.. how would he really know, and what could it really, really, hurt if she just played a few notes. taking a feather light seat on the bench eloise set her fingers over the keys and started to play. a few minutes had gone by without her noticing, quietly singing along as she played the memorized notes of one of her own songs. 
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unlevshed-archive · 2 years
@flirtofwallstreet like this for a starter !
The steamy text exchange with Alistair was still on her mind, part of her hoping to see him again. Liliana was at some house party with her friends, more enthusiastic on having some fun since her son was with his father for the weekend and she knew the party host who was a former work colleague. Excusing herself from the others, she made her way to the kitchen to refill her cup and probably get a snack to when she saw the familiar face of Alistair, her lips curling up into a wide smile.
❛ What a coincidence to see you again, handsome. ❜ She greeted him, quickly taking a sip from her cup and leaned against the counter. ❛ Do you know the host too? ❜
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closed starter for @flirtofwallstreet / charlotte & your choice !
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"we have to stop doing this," charlotte laughed, trying to find the blouse she'd been wearing before she arrived at his apartment the night before. "one of us is bound to get hurt sooner or later."
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siiinfully · 1 year
Public Sex GIF Prompts 4C (Eve x Nathan) from @flirtofwallstreet
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Their relationship was so cliché. Straight out of a p.orno, definitely, but at least they could say that she was already a senior in college when she first crawled onto his lap after class. And a couple of years later, they were still h.orny for each other, and even a ride to one of his friends’ party was still a chance for her to pleasure him. Eve was choking around him, but she was careful not to leave the front of his pants damp with her spit, just as she was sure to take as much of her former professor in her mouth and down her throat. The wet, sucking noises mixed with the song that was playing on the radio, and she slowed down a little when she felt the car slow down, too.
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New To the spotlight
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The music while loud was not quite to her taste and that made this part of their new lifestyle all the harder.  Kat already hated what she called the puppet act half of the music business. If she could create, play , and be left alone she would have much preferred that. Her brother and band mate seemed to disagree.  Kassadin buzzed as the pair pushed through the crowd of people on their way to the bar at the back of the room that would surly serve as Kats safety raft for the night. “God! “Look at this Kat! Look at how fucking pretty every person in this fucking building is! And the ones who aren't they either have money or connections-- OR both. Would It kill you to look like your happy about actually making it. You have any idea how lucky we are to be on this roster? ”  The redhead couldnt help but snort a laugh at her twins words as she navigated her way to an open stool at the very corner end of the bar. “Gin and Tonic.” she called to the bar tender over the Immersive noise of the party going on around them.  “I am ,Kass. I just- im better at the other part.”  “Well get good.”  He replied flatly gesturing to the people around them.  “Maintaining an image and networking is what's going to keep us in the spotlight. Get hungry. I better see you chatting at least one person up by the end of the night.”   Kass pointed a warning finger at Kat as he backed away from her. She chuckled and saluted him with the glass that had just been sat beside her. 
“Mingle- network. Got it. Let me get drunk first. Then Ill talk.”  As her brother disappeared into the crowed Kat turned her attention to her drink and took a long nerve settling drink from it. 
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marimelwrites · 1 year
Closed Starter: @flirtofwallstreet Plot: Chloe & Alex, time for them to get more serious? Time to take the next step?
It had been a relationship that came about completely by accident. Fate. Or was it a relationship? They'd never talked about becoming a serious couple. Chloe had spent so much time with him, she already felt as though they were going down a path that meant something serious. A part of her worried that they hadn't brought up the conversation because he perhaps didn't like the escort aspect of her life. She'd been closing up her clientele list since she had met Alex. He hadn't asked, but she simply couldn't give her energy to other people when she cared so deeply about him.
She'd been focusing on her education instead, and after saving money from working as an escort, she was fairly certain she could finish up law school with what she had. Chloe found herself heading over to Alex's place, and realizing that out of all places she spent her time, this was where she felt most at home. With a knock at his door, Chloe waited for him to answer the door, impatient to be with him once again.
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ofmarigclds · 2 years
Starter for: @flirtofwallstreet​ Based on: Plot
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Before Harlan even entered the room she could hear the sounds of moans, grunts, and screams over the pounding music. She adjusted her mask, a lacy, red piece that covered the area around her eyes. It went well with her classy little black dress that hugged her curves and was short enough to be pulled up easily. Her eyes scanned the room, unsure what she was supposed to do. She had been invited to the event by a regular from the club she danced at. It piqued her curiosity, since she had never been to such an elite party before. This was beyond the smell of cheap smoke and beer she was used to, it was glitz, glamour, and debauchery. Harlan stepped forward, taking a glass of wine from a server that was making rounds of the room. She took a sip as she wandered, noticing that people were not only having sex but also watching. This was nothing new to what she did on a daily basis, but she still felt out of her league. She found a cushioned bench off to the side of the room, where she sat and sipped her wine. There was a couple nearby in the throes of an orgasm. She tried everything she could not to let her eyes settle on them, but she couldn’t help peeking over her glass.   
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trcubld-a · 2 years
continued from here
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Micaela shook her head lightly at the other and rolled her eyes slightly with a laugh, “Convenient isn’t exactly how I would put it.” She said before looking around the room, “I call complete bullshit. You never once kicked in your sleep the numerous times we slept together.” She said with a laugh. @flirtofwallstreet​
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faithdevotion · 2 years
Trick or treat!
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!
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@flirtofwallstreet you get a graphic promo <3 hope you like it and Happy Halloween dearie!!!
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pageofpenandfables · 1 year
@flirtofwallstreet gets long long overdue filth for some of his fellas (nsfw inspo)
taking a class or two every few semesters was routine for the blonde by now; calista always striving to keep herself sharp and her resume growing as best as she could. sure there were plenty of times where she'd find herself wrapped up in a short term little fling of sorts with someone she'd met on campus, but never once had she gone out of her way to get her roommate out of the house just to fuck her own instructor without the trouble of being asked who he was or how she knew him. her hands were wound tightly against the back edge of the couch in the living room with her legs parted to give nathan all the access to her cunt that he could possibly have wanted as his fingers pulled moan after moan out of her.
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lunarrscribbles · 1 year
You belong to me (Ali to Mads)
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"fuck you," she said, anger dripping from each syllable. or, at least, she hoped it came across as anger, a mask for what she was really feeling: hurt. the four words had, once upon a time, been something that she longed to hear, but now, she hated them. she hated him. "you know what your problem is alistair? you think you're the type of guy that can just walk away and come back and everything's the same, but it's not. you're not the same and i'm not the same." even if the two had fallen into bed together so naturally, everything else wasn't so easy. "i don't belong to anyone. not toby and especially not you. i used to but not anymore."
Send “You belong to me.” to see how my muse reacts
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toxiclittlethoughts · 2 years
starter for @flirtofwallstreet​ bc i cannot find their last thread and i miss them and also just bc i can (:
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She’d been putting off giving him a proper answer for weeks. He wanted her to make a choice, he wanted her to pick him instead of going back to her boyfriend. He’d made it more than clear, and even if Chelsy couldn’t find it in herself to stay away from him since they hooked up again on vacation - she equally hadn’t known how to end her current relationship, or if it was even the right choice given the rocky history she had with Alex. But after finding herself waking up in his bed rather than anywhere else, she knew now more than ever what she had to do - what she wanted to do. 
Turning under the covers Chelsy let her fingertips run over Alex’s arm, then chest, pulling him down to lay flat against the mattress as she curled up into him, not even bothering to let him come close to fully waking up before pressing a kiss to his lips and letting how the words that had kept her up most of the night, “I’m gonna break it off with him today.” She spoke with another array of kisses pressed to his face and neck, the affection almost obnoxious in trying to get him to fully come to. “I want you, so wake up and enjoy this moment with me.”
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blccmngs · 2 years
[ TRAIL ] : Alistair & Flynn
[ TRAIL ] :     sender presses a trail of kisses from receiver’s chin down to their waist
The movie that they had turned on at the beginning of the night had been long forgotten. It had only taken them about fifteen or twenty minutes to become far too distracted to pay attention. To be fair, at least, they had probably known that they would not be genuinely watching the movie as soon as they had decided to ‘settle down’ for the night. Which would explain why they had chosen a movie that neither of them seemed to care that much about. Just a little something to keep up the pretense of an innocent night in. 
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But the blonde found herself letting out a soft huff of laughter at the kisses being pressed to her chin. Her body already rocking up against Alistair’s own, back arching as the kisses continued downward. The shirt that she had been wearing was tossed to the side mere minutes into the initial make-out that had started the whole thing. Her fingers came up to gently rake through brown strands before tightening, gripping at his hair, as she made another noise from the back of her throat. “Fuck,” she murmured toward the ceiling. Her gaze flickered down to where Alistair was kissing down to her waist. The only material blocking him from more skin was the little shorts that she had been wearing throughout the night. “Are you going to keep teasing?” The words were followed by a soft tug to his hair. “Or are you going to strip me?”
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What about Y, A, L, E for Yale?
y |  YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily? | no. yale is only truly protective over her own sister, colette. otherwise she thinks people should be able to defend themselves, especially when it comes to love. she's more protective of victims in stories she covers than she is of various partners.
a | AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection? | yale's a very touchy person, but not an affectionate person, if that makes sense. she's never been a fan of PDA, and she's not one to hold hands or kiss goodbye. but she likes physical touch and will sit on laps or stand near someone if she has an attachment to her.
l | LOVE.   who does your muse love? | herself. her sister colette. that's it. if your muse thinks she loves you, it's usually a con. real relationships / feelings are very hard to come by for her.
e |  EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like? | no. don't touch her unless she invites it.
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valentine’s day alphabet / ask
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exsanguinatc · 2 years
closed starter for @flirtofwallstreet​​
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Ginger’s dream wasn’t to work in music. It was film that she longed for, but the production company that she’d landed an internship with was working on a music video though, and she wasn’t about to say no to any valuable experience. For the most part, her role for the past few days had kept her behind the scenes. She’d been able to catch a few moments of filming here and there, but it wasn’t like her to stop and take a rest, and her bosses weren’t about to let her either. That was all the better for her. She’d never known how to stop working. So, even though her day was supposed to have finished half an hour ago and she was exhausted, she didn’t hesitate when she was tasked with getting a coffee order. Once she’d retrieved it, she was directed to the artist’s manager. Naturally, she hadn’t had any contact with him until that moment, and she froze as she stepped onto the set and caught sight of him for the first time. She’d heard that he was Alistair’s older brother, so it only made sense that he’d be handsome considering what the musician looked like, but there was something darker and more severe about the elder that made her cheeks warm. He was the devastating kind of handsome that reminded her of the leading men in the old movies she’d grown up on, and it took a few more seconds and a deep breath or two for Ginger to approach him. “E-excuse me? Mr. Hawthorne? I, um, I h-” she swallowed hard and held out his coffee, silently cursing herself for being so pathetically shy and easily flustered. “Your coffee. Is there, um- do you- can I get you a-anything else?”
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