audvidis · 10 months
no its so fucking crazy that cait corrain at like 27 saw the trauma of a girl having to publically go on stage with a mask bc ppl were threatening to attack her to prove that she wasn't aimhacking, breaking down in tears at one point and was like Mmmm but what if it was a meet cute for rey and kylo! and kylo was one of the accusers (same ones that in rl threatened to KILL geguri btw). and then almost managed to get a YA debut. she was shopping that fucking fic around we could've had that release into barnes and noble if none of this happened
edit: i made this while angry so i didnt realize how unclear i was lol, this is NOT about her debut but a previous reylo fic she was trying to get published. her debut was another reylo fic about greek mythos. My Apologies Team.
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eulchu · 1 year
Tell us your thoughts
none pure fucking static up here.
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
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ludwiganselm · 2 months
Be soft like that with your kid and the first thing you know is that she'll grow up to be gay and think the world is pink
The only pink thing here are MY NAILS chosen by my 4 YEARS OLD DAUGHTER
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Yes she did paint the flmaes herself now I am sorry I need to go put on my PINK DRESS for my DAUGHTER'S TEA PARTY.
And if she grows up to be gay as long as she is safe I am happy
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russilton · 11 months
Maybe the sky exploding outside my window isn’t actually bombfire night, but Brackley going up in flmaes from shame
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 8 months
The Ancestral Witches
Belladonna, Liliss and Tharmathey are the first evil witches in existence, born in oblivion. They are the mother of all witches as they whisper into the mind of magic users, turning them greedy/evil/mischievous and granting them powers that can be passed on. 
They haven't been actively creating witches for a long time, but right before they were defeated by the company of light, they each chose their most loyal apprentice and bestowed their darkest powers to their future child and told them of the destiny their children were to fulfil, who turn out to be the trix.
obtaining the dragon flame was never their true goal as witches, just to spread chaos and tip the balance of good and evil.
however when Darkar approached them for help, they first refused. but darkar unleashed the power of the shadow phoenix and cursed them, and magically bound the witches to assist in his quest to be the strongest being in the Magical Universe. Thus the witches were forced to work to find and aquire the dragon flame. Their search lasted for 3000years total, and they only finally pinpointed its location 16 years before the events of the story. (2000 years after they started they also created Valtor from a spark of the dragon flame that Darkar had and trusted them with)
the reason they took so long to find it was because the dragon flame itself didnt want to be found. it was hidden away in an "anti-magic" room so that its magic couldnt be sensed. the witches spend the 3000 years torturing Domino and its inhabitats (to the point where the people of domino became experienced fighters, every child having to go thorugh a mandatory education to learn how to block all types of attacks, especially psychic attacks.) for the exact location of the dragon flame. they only finally learned of where the flame was hidden when torturing one of the guards of the castle, almost his family in front of him just to fully heal them to do it again. the guard was new and young and gave up the location just to save his family, but they died of ther injuries anyway.
The Dragon flame is hidden on the opposite side of Domino from the castle, protected by an elite group of guards, hidden in a cave with a secret entrance from an unassuming valley, which also has an anti magic spell around it so its power cannot be tracked or sensed.
Daphne overhears the torture while in search of the guard, and before even hearing the conclusion, she goes to the cave to extract the flame to inbed it into her baby sister and send her away to earth. and because the earth is being extingushed of magic because of the black circle witches, Daphne knew that would be the best place to hide her sister and the flame, as its power wont be sensed and found.
once the witches found the location, they sped over there to grab the flame, but the cave was empty. so they went to the castle to look for the flame, sensing its power. they see daphne and curse her sirenix, before they confronted her so that when she used her powers she would become a spirit without a body. before they could get the flmae, daphne's portal to earth closed. and the flame was thought to be lost. the witches proceeded to destroy the entire planet while fighting with the Company of Light, and with their last spells, Belladonna covered the whole planet in ice, and Liliss and Tharma drag Orion and Marion with them into Oblivion.
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gloomyronin · 8 months
*pops into existence partially in front of you - my lower body missing - eyes drastically dilated by the amount of catnip in my system*
*stares at you with a sudden frightening intensity*
If life is unfair to everyone… that means life is fair.
*goes silent, slowly floating up towards the ceiling with the movements like a feather floating - though my eyes are wide and unblinking with the weight of my apparent revelation*
HI KITTY KITTY~... Hm, I guess if life is unfair to everyone, then it is fair, but the thing is, it's not unfair to everyone. Some people live normal, healthy lives with loving families, who don't struggle with money or discrimination... and then there are Tumblr users.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
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I'm burning your askbox to the ground
Ah, ypu shoudl be more carwleful with open flmaes my child. It si only fire magix for domesitc purposses rhat is safe to play wirht in thijs manner . You woudld not wish to. "get burnt", woudl you?
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undeserved-halo · 1 year
almost done with bruning flmae 2
oh god
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vampirepoolboy · 2 years
ChHEER lEADAER DREsS???/?/? FlMAE THroWEHER?>?>?>??? DeSsOlaTIOmMN RoW?//>>????/ //?
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stofzuigertje · 1 year
feeling like a monk when i block someone whos oding big discourse rn rather than adding to the flmaes
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themundanemudperson · 1 month
Akaina Wrecker is a magnet for ceratopsian zords. they do not know why, but they are.
lmaooooooo i love that
the zords flock to them like moths to a flmae. or perhaps ducklings
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wormchaser · 1 year
sure ville valo the flmaes are heavenly or whatever. you always be wauting man.
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
"Accidental" kiss with Michael >:3c
5. "Accidental" kiss ft. my besties texts that inspired it <3
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Letting out a yawn, Ci walked the dusty archive floors with no intention of hurrying back. Between Jon being moody, Martin being scarce, and the absence of Daisy and Bassira, everything already seemed to be off to a bad start.(For fuck sake it's only 7am) She had excused herself to the break room, offering to steal Jon a cup of coffee while she gathered up a snack for herself.
She turns down a few different hallways with plain, withering wallpaper before finding herself right where she wanted to be; the break room. The room wasn't much to look at in comparison to the other rooms of the archives. Same wilting wallpaper, same dusty corners and same old uninvited guests in the form of far too many spiders for her liking if she were awake enough to really think on it, but it would do the job when it came down to it. Ci wipes at the corners of her eyes momentarily, yawning again as she walked towards the metallic tea pot sitting neatly on a slightly used stove top. Blinking away the last spells of haze, she reaches out to grab a box of tea flavors, pulls out the first one on the top, and places it aside to pick up the pot.
As the water's surface begins to stir, she remembers that "hey, I wanted a treat too" and turns her head upwards. "Now let's see," she reaches upwards, right hand grasping the handle of a small, yellow door. "last time I checked the-mmphf??" Her cheeks lit up in a flash of flmaes as she realized who's eyes were looking back into, who's chapped, all too wide lips were pressed up against her own.
"M-M-Micheal??" She stood frozen in place for a moment as Micheal pulled away and giggled.
"Good morning my little rabbit!~ Just wanted to come by for a morning snack~"
"W-Wait you're leaving already?" She snapped out of her daze to reach a hand out, frowning like a puppy.
"Just for a little while, I promise." It smiled and "locked fingers" with her as best it could. Naturally that always ended up being an awkward tangle of human flesh and leather stalks but it pleased them all the same.
She chuckled lightly, grinning into it's glowing, wide-eyed stare. "Okay Spy, I'll wait." The two share a chuckle before waving one another off with wide grins.
A few minutes later....
Cheeks still flushed pink and eyes wide open, Ci lingers in the doorway before knocking and walking in with Jon's tea and her biscuits. Jon chuckles, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Have an unexpected encounter of sorts?"
"S-something like that."
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poke-cove · 1 year
🕷️ Not even Pokémon are safe from fears. Tell us your fear :)
Losinh mu wingd. Noy beign abel yo fly. I ned tuose as muvg az i neer to breeth and as much as i neef the flmae in my tail burning
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taeminsupremacist · 1 year
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